The most tattooed person in the world. "Blue disease" or why people get tattoos

The tattoo has firmly entered the life of modern society and can be seen on almost every fifth. But you will recognize these comrades from afar. There is literally no living space on them, because almost the entire surface of their skin is clogged with tattoos and other modifications.

Maria Jose Cristerna

This woman has an extremely unusual appearance, the acquisition history of which is no less interesting than Maria herself.

That was the tattoo lover in 1998.

Today she is a mother of four children and a happy wife. Maria lives in Mexico, she is a lawyer by training, and for a long period of time was an assistant judge. Now she has her own tattoo parlor and incredible popularity.

She loves to sing, star in various television shows, and also give clients tattoos with her own hands. In the photo below, Maria is shown with her husband David Pena, waiting outside a school in Guadalajara for their children.

Becomes a woman - Maria became a vampire in her first marriage. Her husband often humiliated her and beat her, even provoked premature birth in the unfortunate woman. Changing the body has become a kind of psychological defense.

Tom Leppard

For almost 28 years, the Englishman Tom served in the British army, but at some point, when it was time to end his service, he realized that the society of civilians was not close to him, and he simply could not live in their environment.

Deciding to flee civilization, he got himself tattoos for $ 10,000 and moved from the benefits of civilization to the Isle of Skye. The tattoo covered almost all of his body, "living space" remained only on the inner surface of the ears and between the toes.

At one time, Tom was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person in the world, but soon his record was broken. The man turned into a leopard, even inserted fangs for himself the same as that of this animal. Of his clothes, he always wore only a loincloth.

Tommy Wills

This great-grandfather is the most tattooed person in the UK. For more than half a century, this person regularly covers his body with a wide variety of drawings.

As a result, by the age of 70, not a single millimeter of loose skin remained on Tommy's body, he was completely "tattooed".

He got his last tattoo after his wife died. These were the words: "Tommy, I will always love you." In fact, a woman who has lived her entire life with such a strange man is worthy of love.

Etienne Dumont

This man is none other than a newspaper art critic who lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland. For what reasons this young successful man decided to turn into a monster is not known.

It is likely that he was not so successful before he covered his body with drawings, got horns thanks to silicone implants and inserted huge circles into his ears, nose and lower lip, or maybe it's all about banal shocking.

Stylish glasses always round off the look so that writers line up to receive a review from a fashion critic.

Gregory Paul McLaren

Gregory got his first tattoo in London at the age of 17 after meeting a prostitute. This tattoo, according to the man himself, who has performed in the circus since childhood, gave him incredible self-confidence.

Since then, he travels the world and gets tattoos for himself. He underwent this procedure on 4 continents, in 17 countries and in 45 cities. Moreover, 136 masters worked with his body. In total, he sat under the needle for almost 48 days for 1150 hours.

The man gained great popularity under the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich, and he also became famous for breaking Tom Leppard's record for tattoed body volume.

Rick Genest (Zombie Boy)

This 28-year-old is a famous Canadian model. However, in wide circles, few people knew him until he painted his body with tattoos in the form of a skeleton, and turned his head into a drawing of a skull. The young man made his first tattoo at the age of 16 after he received a serious injury, as a result of which a thick scar began to flaunt on his right hand. He filled in the drawing in order to hide the scar.

The procedure for painting the whole body cost Rick 4,000 Canadian dollars, but at the same time, he earned a much larger amount from his new image. In 2010, Rick, having got his tattoos, posted a photo of them on his Facebook page. Over a short period of time, more than 1.5 million users have subscribed to his page. It was then that the director of Lady Gaga drew attention to him.

Subsequently, he starred in the music video for the singer "Born this way", in which Lady Gaga's face is painted to match Rick's tattoos, and also took part in a very interesting advertisement for Dermablend foundation. Today he travels around the world, he is a regular guest or participant in fashion shows, and sometimes even works as a DJ in nightclubs. It remains only to act in a movie.

Michelle "Bomb" McGee

Michelle is a very popular personality, and, apparently, has become a collective image of all the vices that exist in the world.

Most of the girl's body is covered with drawings of extremely dubious content, however, in this way she earns her living, like the hero of the previous paragraph. But if Rick is definitely a bright hero, then Michelle is a manifestation of the dark side of life.

She: - deprived the popular actress Sandra Bullock of an equally famous husband; - a white racist; - greets people "in Hitler's way", because she is a convinced neo-Nazi; - a famous porn actress;

She is also the star of female fistfights.

Julia Gnas

Some time ago, the girl was diagnosed with a disease called porphyria. One of the manifestations of this disease is an increased sensitivity to the sun (photodermatitis). There is treatment, but in most cases it is accompanied by a side effect in the form of loss of vision.

The woman began to develop blisters and burns in large numbers, which naturally left behind scars. Julia chose to cover her body with tattoos to hide the terrible scars, and now 95 percent of the young woman's skin is covered with drawings.

Incredible facts

Tattoo, which was previously considered something unique to bikers, punks and others like them, today it is a very fashionable accessory, which can be found as often as an earring in the ear.

"Today is a completely different world than the one I entered 10 years ago," says tattoo artist Megan Massacre.

In this article, we'll take a look at the history of body art, what ink is made of, and what really is behind the tattoo craze.

Tattoo Facts

Fact # 1: Tattoos have been around for as long as humans.

The oldest tattoo belongs to the 5300-year-old human ice mummy Oetzi, which is the oldest mummy ever discovered.

Ancient tribes used tattoos to represent many important life events, such as the transformation of a boy into a man, marriage, punishment, faith, love, etc. According to many researchers, Ötzi's tattoo was more therapeutic.

Each society had its own characteristics and ways of modifying the body, but, as a rule, the ink consisted of plant or animal tissue. One interesting ink recipe consisted of so-called black smoke (derived from wood or oil) mixed with a woman's breast milk.

While the Eskimos used ink-soaked threads to draw designs on their skin, the Maori people of New Zealand used tools for sawing wood.

In virtually all societies, the tattoo artist has spent his entire life teaching the dirty, painful process. Sharpened sticks, needles, stones and other tools were used to cut the skin to prepare the skin for receiving ink.

"In ancient times, without the proper equipment, tattoos were much more painful and took a very long time to apply," says Massacre.

Fact # 2: Master tattooing is a very difficult job that is not easy to get.

The constant, ritual modifications of the human body are years of learning. As studies by specialists from the University of Michigan have shown, in ancient times it was a sacred profession.

Today modern masters - tattooists they also undergo training courses lasting several years."As with other jobs, all craftsmen start out as apprentices, doing all sorts of ancillary work," Megan explains.

In fact, in the first year of practice, no one lets a newbie near the client. Instead, he learns to properly clean equipment, learns how to protect himself and the patient from blood pathogens, and learns all the necessary medical conditions within which he must work.

Fact # 3: Tattoo artists are not always educated.

If once it was the field of activities of vagabond criminals and other dubious figures, then today everything has changed. However, before the widespread occurrence of this "phenomenon" in the 1960s, many craftsmen did not follow the safety requirements and did not follow the proper standards.

Such tattooists, as a rule, never had the necessary knowledge, and probably never even trained in the craft, but due to the lack of real regulation in this area, anyone who made good money could afford to get a tattoo.

In the second half of the 20th century, when tattoos regained their former popularity, artists, entrepreneurs, managers, accountants, teachers and many others began to become masters.

"At one time it was not considered art, but now it is an artistic profession, because so many artists have a design or art education."

Fact # 4: Skin is very difficult to paint on.


"The tattoo doesn't really go all the way through the skin. It goes through 4-5 layers." Craftsmen learn their craft without really seeing what they are doing because of blood, ink, and equipment.

In addition, leather, unlike paper or canvas, is not uniform in color, texture, and thickness. A good craftsman learns for a long time to create a single picture, avoiding scars, irregularities and spots.

Fact # 5: Many people are allergic to red tattoo ink.

Does your skin change color when you wear jewelry? You may be allergic to nickel. Nickel allergy is the most common form of allergic contact dermatitis (a rash caused by contact with the skin of a harmless substance).

However, when ink is injected under the skin, things are a little different. The ink can cause mild inflammation, which can take longer for the skin to heal. Some people have severe allergic reactions to tattoos.

The results can be very dire in some cases, so double check if you are allergic to red ink before getting a tattoo.

Fact # 6: When you leave a tattoo artist, this does not mean that the procedure is over.

You yourself can influence your tattoo, even though it is under the skin. Sunburn is the worst enemy of a tattoo. Laser tattoo removal uses ultraviolet light, which is the same as tanning, only in more concentrated amounts.

Since the tattoo penetrates only 4-5 layers of the skin, the melanin, thanks to which our skin tans, is located at the very "top" of the pattern. Over time, white, yellow, and orange ink colors fade and oxidize.

Over time, even black ink oxidizes and takes on a bluish tint. If you can't hide from the sun, cover it with sunscreen or wear open clothing outside to preserve your tattoo for a longer period of time.

Fact # 7: The tattoo can glow, vibrate and can be applied to any part of the body.

Vibrating tattoos were known a few months ago, when Nokia patented magnetic vibrating tattoos - designs that inform you about the "activity" of your phone.

Tattoos can glow in the dark and even react to black light. Nevertheless, there is no such thing as an "invisible tattoo". Even completely transparent ink appears when human skin changes color due to the sun, emotion, or the season.

It is not news that people get tattoos on all parts of the body. This is the inner surface of the lips, and the heels, and other more sensitive areas. Megan talks about a man who got a tattoo on the white of his eye.

It is not uncommon for a tattoo on the penis, however, in this case, for obvious reasons, heterosexual men prefer to contact a female master.

Fact # 8: Taking alcohol before getting a tattoo is a bad idea.

A good master will not undertake to tattoo a drunk client. The key word in the previous sentence was "good". So many craftsmen will just take your money, do their job, and send you home to deal with hangovers and ink reactions.

Alcohol can make you less sensitive to pain, but it will thin your blood and cause more bleeding during the process. In turn, in addition to harm to the client, a large loss of blood will complicate the work of the foreman and greatly prolong the process.

Thus, do not drink alcohol either before or after the procedure, let the wound heal first. If you are looking for a remedy that will help numb the pain, then there are special products on sale, however, they are not designed to work during the entire procedure, so be prepared for pain.

What should you look for in a tattoo parlor?

The most important thing is, of course, the sterilization of the equipment. Look around and see how clean it is around, if there is dust in the corners, if there are any foreign odors. This is the main thing that must be absolutely normal, the rest is at your discretion.

The most unusual tattoos in the world and the people behind them

Body tattoos

Man - tattoo

10.Maria Jose Cristerna

This woman has an extremely unusual appearance, the acquisition history of which is no less interesting than Maria herself.

That was the tattoo lover in 1998.

Today she is a mother of four children and a happy wife. Maria lives in Mexico, she is a lawyer by training, and for a long period of time was an assistant judge. Now she has her own tattoo parlor and incredible popularity.

She loves to sing, star in various television shows, and also give clients tattoos with her own hands. In the photo below, Maria is shown with her husband David Pena, waiting outside a school in Guadalajara for their children.

Becomes a woman - Maria became a vampire in her first marriage. Her husband often humiliated her and beat her, even provoked premature birth in the unfortunate woman. Changing the body has become a kind of psychological defense.

She has been married a second time for a long time, and is happily married, but she still cannot stop, constantly making herself more and more scary. Probably, the subconscious is to blame, which is still afraid of violence and hides behind an ugly appearance.

Fancy tattoos

9. Tom Leppard

For almost 28 years, the Englishman Tom served in the British army, but at some point, when it was time to end his service, he realized that the society of civilians was not close to him, and he simply could not live in their environment.

Deciding to flee civilization, he got himself tattoos for $ 10,000 and moved from the benefits of civilization to the Isle of Skye. The tattoo covered almost all of his body, "living space" remained only on the inner surface of the ears and between the toes.

At one time, Tom was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person in the world, but soon his record was broken.

The man turned into a leopard, even inserted fangs for himself the same as that of this animal. Of his clothes, he always wore only a loincloth.

Once a week, Tom came to a town near the island to buy food and collect his pension. Now, an almost 80-year-old pensioner lives in a small house on the same island, because he can no longer lead the old way of life due to his age.

Face tattoos

8. Tommy Wells

This great-grandfather is the most tattooed person in the UK. For more than half a century, this person regularly covers his body with a wide variety of drawings.

As a result, by the age of 70, not a single millimeter of loose skin remained on Tommy's body, he was completely "tattooed".

He got his last tattoo after his wife died. These were the words: "Tommy, I will always love you." In fact, a woman who has lived her entire life with such a strange man is worthy of love.

7. Etienne Dumont

This man is none other than a newspaper art critic who lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland.

For what reasons this young successful man decided to turn into a monster is not known.

It is likely that he was not so successful before he covered his body with drawings, got horns thanks to silicone implants and inserted huge circles into his ears, nose and lower lip, or maybe it's all about banal shocking.

Stylish glasses always round off the look so that writers line up to receive a review from a fashion critic.

6. Gregory Paul Mclaren

Gregory got his first tattoo in London at the age of 17 after meeting a prostitute. This tattoo, according to the man himself, who has performed in the circus since childhood, gave him incredible self-confidence.

Since then, he travels the world and gets tattoos for himself. He underwent this procedure on 4 continents, in 17 countries and in 45 cities. Moreover, 136 masters worked with his body. In total, he sat under the needle for almost 48 days for 1150 hours.

The man gained great popularity under the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich, and he also became famous for breaking Tom Leppard's record for tattoed body volume.

Skull Tattoos

5. Rick Genest

This 28-year-old is a famous Canadian model. However, in wide circles, few people knew him until he painted his body with tattoos in the form of a skeleton, and turned his head into a drawing of a skull.

The young man made his first tattoo at the age of 16 after he received a serious injury, as a result of which a thick scar began to flaunt on his right hand. He filled in the drawing in order to hide the scar.

The procedure for painting the whole body cost Rick 4,000 Canadian dollars, but at the same time, he earned a much larger amount from his new image.

In 2010, Rick, having got his tattoos, posted a photo of them on his Facebook page. Over a short period of time, more than 1.5 million users have subscribed to his page. It was then that the director of Lady Gaga drew attention to him.

Subsequently, he starred in the singer's video "Born this way", in which Lady Gaga's face is painted to match Rick's tattoos, and also took part in a very interesting advertising foundation from Dermablend.

Today he travels around the world, he is a regular guest or participant in fashion shows, and sometimes even works as a DJ in nightclubs. It remains only to act in a movie.

4. Michelle McGee

Michelle is a very popular personality, and, apparently, has become a collective image of all the vices that exist in the world.

Most of the girl's body is covered with drawings of extremely dubious content, however, in this way she earns her living, like the hero of the previous paragraph. But if Rick is definitely a bright hero, then Michelle is a manifestation of the dark side of life.

Deprived the popular actress Sandra Bullock of an equally famous husband;

White racist;

Greets people "in Hitler's way", because he is a convinced neo-Nazi;

Famous pornographic actress;

Star of female fist fights.

Scar tattoos

3. Julia Gnuse

Julia is a little different from all the people on this list, because she got her tattoos in the first place not in order to earn money or get any pleasure, it's all about her health.

Some time ago, the girl was diagnosed with a disease called porphyria. One of the manifestations of this disease is an increased sensitivity to the sun (photodermatitis). There is treatment, but in most cases it is accompanied by a side effect in the form of loss of vision.

The woman began to develop blisters and burns in large numbers, which naturally left behind scars. Julia chose to cover her body with tattoos to hide the terrible scars, and now 95 percent of the young woman's skin is covered with drawings.

On her body you will not find anything. These are heroes of popular cartoons, and Hollywood stars, and unusual flowers with plants, as well as beautiful landscapes of the jungle and forests.

In the Guinness Book of Records, she appears as the woman with the most drawings on her body.

Strange tattoos

2. Denis Avner

This man, better known as "the cat man", is perhaps the most unpleasant character on the list. Before he started transforming into the tiger he always wanted to be, Denis served in the navy.

Gradually, he began to realize his dream. First, he painted his body with tattoos in the form of stripes, then implanted a mustache into the reshaped face. This seemed to him not enough, and Denis inserted artificial fangs into his mouth, while sharpening his own teeth.

He also had a real tail, climbed trees and ate raw meat every day. Nevertheless, his life ended sadly. On November 5, 2012, Denis committed suicide, it is said that the reason for this was a prolonged depression. The cat man was 54 years old.

1 Erik Sprague

This eccentric is already over 40, and more than 10 years ago, he began to gradually turn himself into a lizard. First, he tattooed his body under the scales of this reptile, which took over 700 hours. Then Eric took hold of his face. Above each eyebrow of the man, five implants have taken root, which imitate the growths of a lizard. Sprague's lips are dark green.

Moreover, this person is considered the parent of body modding, because he was the first to sharpen his teeth under the sharp teeth of his beloved reptile.

Later, Eric also changed the shape of the tongue, cutting it into two parts, and stylized his nails as claws. Now he only lacks a tail, but Eric refrains from this operation, because it is impossible to implant a real one, and he does not agree to something else.

Unsurprisingly, a person makes his living by his appearance traveling as part of the Jim Rose Circus, in which he has his own show.

Moreover, eyewitnesses to the show talk about him as something enchanting, because a man does a huge number of tricks, jokes cheerfully and shows his bright intellect. Eric is married, with a couple in their house there are other favorites of the family, in addition to lizards - ferrets.

Tattooing is always of interest. How symbolic is the applied drawing, why was it made? The theme can be different - plants, animals, mysterious signs ... As a rule, people apply such a pattern to the visible part of the body - the wrist, forearm, ankle. But in the world there are true fans of tattoos, and their whole body is completely covered with indelible patterns. Who are the most tattooed people in the world?


Canadian Rick Genest, born in 1985, opens the rating. From the age of 16 he worked as a model, but he could not boast of much success. Then the resourceful guy decided to somehow stand out and originally painted his body with tattoos in the style of "decomposing corpse", spending 17 thousand dollars on "beauty". USA. After he posted his photos on FB, more than 1.5 million users have subscribed to his page! Also, a designer who worked with Lady Gaga drew attention to the "zombie".

Rick Genest, although not the most tattooed person in the world, got his own benefit: he starred in several clips, advertisements, participated in photo shoots and fashion shows.

The most tattooed resident of the UK

Almost the entire body of 69-year-old Tommy Wills, a resident of Great Britain, is covered with tattoos, there are already more than 1000 of them! He became interested in this business at the age of 17 and since then he has not been able to stop. In an interview, Tommy said that for him it is like a drug. The passion for tattoos was passed on to his children and even grandchildren, but they are still far from the record of their father and grandfather!

The oldest tattooed woman in the world

Briton Isobel Varley got her first bird tattoo at the age of 51. After that, for 20 years she visited tattoo parlors, decorating her body with all new drawings. As a result, 93% of her body was covered with tattoos. Her name is included in the Guinness Book of Records in the "Oldest Tattooed Woman in the World" section. The pensioner was also fond of piercing.

Isobel took part in talk shows and posed with great pleasure in front of photographers, often in rather candid poses. She passed away in 2015 at the age of 77. Her fans expressed their deep regret over the sad event.

The 64-year-old Swiss has painted his entire body with colored drawings. The idea came to him in 1980, when he got his first tattoo in Lausanne. The procedure captured the man, and after a few years there was almost no clean spot on his body. In addition, he made horns for himself, made tunnels in his ears, and inserted plexiglass into his lower lip.

Despite the exotic appearance, Etienne Dumont is working. He is a renowned art critic, art critic and journalist for the most popular Swiss newspaper "La Tribune de Geneve".

Creeping cat

Dennis Avner was born in 1958 in the United States. His parents were real Indians and called the child "a cat sneaking for prey". This nickname sunk into the soul of the little boy.

He grew up, got a profession of a programmer, served as a locator adjuster in the American military. And in 1985, Dennis decided to become a cat. The young man began to apply tattoos on his body, do piercings.

He underwent several costly operations to modify his appearance, during which special implants were inserted into his nasolabial folds, as well as grinded teeth and inserted fangs. Living in the image, Dennis began to climb trees and eat raw meat.

They began to invite him to various talk shows, do photo shoots, and interview. People on the street asked for a joint photo and autograph as a keepsake. But after a few years, interest in the "creeping cat" faded away. It is known that at the end of his life, the shocking man-cat lived very poorly, he even turned to those who had previously exploited his image for help, but to no avail.

In November 2012, Dennis Avner was found dead in his apartment. The cause of death is suicide. He was only 54 years old. The few who spoke to him said that Dennis was deeply depressed due to a life spent aimlessly.

Lizard man

Eric Sprague was born in 1972 in the United States, Kentucky. Successfully graduated from the University of Albany with a Bachelor of Arts and Philosophy. But then he became interested in music, was the vocalist of the Lizard Skynard group. He came up with various tricks to shock the audience and attract them to concerts. Then the group broke up, and Eric created his own project: he decided to become a lizard. To do this, he covered the whole body with tattoos in the form of scales, sharpened his teeth, inserted special implants into the eyebrows, stylized his nails, and most importantly, he performed an operation to bifurcate his tongue. Now only Eric complains that he lacks a tail. He earns his living in his own way, touring the world with shows, and also writes books on body modification.

Puzzle man

Another tattoo lover is Paul Lawrence, who took the pseudonym Enigma. Was born in the USA, Washington state. He is an actor, musician, circus performer. Since 1992, he began to cover his body with tattoos in the form of puzzles. In addition to his spectacular appearance, during his performances he shocks the audience with numbers - he puts a working drill or a corkscrew in his nose, cuts an apple in his mouth with a chainsaw, and swallows porcelain. They even wrote a book about his tricks.

Leopard man

Tom Leppard was born in 1934 in the UK, Suffolk. After 28 years of service in the army, Tom was transferred to the reserve. What to do in civilian life? The man decided to change his image and make money on it. He went to a tattoo parlor, where 98% of his body (except for the gums, the gaps between the fingers and the ears) was painted like a leopard skin. It cost Tom £ 5,500 and was awarded the title of "Most Tattooed Man in the World."

The media showed some interest in the leopard man, but Tom did not succeed in making money on the new image. Disappointed, he began to live as an ascetic hermit. He even broke off communication with his family (three brothers and nephews). In 2008 he moved to a nursing home, where he died in June 2016.

Vampire woman

Girls love tattoos too! This photo is proof of this. This is not makeup, but the real appearance of the Mexican Maria Jose Cristern, a happy wife and mother of four children. She fell in love with hairpieces and piercings in 1998. Then Maria was depressed due to disagreements with her first husband, who greatly offended her. In order to somehow distract herself, the girl began to experiment with her appearance and could no longer stop.

Maria painted 90% of her body with tattoos, decorated her face with piercings, inserted new teeth, made tunnels in her ears, implanted Teflon implants in her head, chest and arms and turned into a vampire woman.

Tattoos instead of scars

Julia Gnuse was born in 1959 in the USA, Michigan, in the Great Lakes region. At the age of 30, an American woman was diagnosed with porphyria. This is a very rare genetic disease in which the skin becomes overly sensitive and traumatized all the time, even ordinary sunlight leaves blisters, erosion, and deep cracks on it. Such wounds heal slowly, leaving very noticeable scars on the skin.

Julia decided on the first tattoo to disguise the ugly scar on her face, then she made another one, and later there was excitement. For 20 years in a row, she has been covering her body with tattoos. These are heroes of films and cartoons, landscapes, patterns, even a self-portrait. As a result, 95% of her body is hidden under tattoos. She is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world. She is called The Illustrated Lady or The Illustrated Lady. Julia is full of creative plans, after all, as much as 5% of the body is clean! This natural canvas awaits the attention of tattoo artists.

She is a lawyer by education and until 1998 worked as an assistant to a judge, but today Maria has her own tattoo parlor, often appears on television and is very popular among classmates of her children. I wonder how Mary goes to parent-teacher meetings?

"Black brilliant"

The Top "The Most Tattooed Man in the World" is completed by Lucky Diamond Rich, or Lucky Diamond Rich (translated as "black diamond"). His entire body is 100% covered in tattoos. He is officially recognized as the most tattooed person in the world.

The story of Lucky (in the world Gregory Paul McLaren, was born in New Zealand) began in 1988, when a 17-year-old boy had his first sex with a prostitute. After that, he pricked a mace on his thigh. The choice of drawing was influenced by Gregory's profession - a circus juggler. Since then, the young man could no longer stop, and by the age of 35 his entire body, even his ears, eyelids, gums and genitals, were painted. In total, Lucky Diamond Rich has visited 256 tattoo parlors around the world, and 136 tattoo artists have contributed to his current image.

The final touch - Lucky removed his own teeth and inserted silver ones with a diamond coating. Now he thinks he has achieved bodily perfection.

When we see a tattoo on the skin of a person, it always arouses interest. As a rule, a small pattern is applied to the visible part of the body. The topics are very different - birds, flowers, butterflies, vines, wolves, tigers, scorpions, ships, hieroglyphs ... The list is endless. But there are true fans of tattoos. Their whole body is covered with a variety of color and black-and-white designs. Who is he, the most tattooed person in the world? This article is about this.

What is a tattoo

In the physical sense, it is an indelible, "eternal" pattern on the body, applied with a special tool by injecting a coloring pigment under the skin. the spiritual meaning of a tattoo can range from a simple piece of jewelry made to suit the mood to a real piece of art. Drawing a tattoo on the body may not carry any semantic meaning, but it may be encrypted information, a sign of belonging or a talisman. It can be applied to anyone, even intimate. Everything depends only on human will.

The most tattooed man in the world

The vain desire to be cooler than others, the desire to become famous in modern world provokes scandalous defiant behavior. One of these shocking personalities is the Englishman Gregory Paul McLaren. At the age of 17, he made himself his first in the form of a juggling club. The choice of drawing, apparently, was associated with the profession of the young man. He was a circus performer. Since then, Gregory has been constantly tattooing. Today he is a completely tattooed person in the world, 100%!

Not only the visible parts of the body, but also the gums, eyelids, ears, and even intimate parts of the now 35-year-old man are decorated by specialists. A total of 136 artists worked on the body of the record holder in more than 250 tattoo parlors in 45 different cities in 17 countries on 4 continents of the Earth! Deciding that he had achieved bodily perfection, Gregory took the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich.

In addition, his mouth is full of diamond-coated silver teeth. This combination really amazes others. Lucky Diamond Rich is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person in the world. He ousted the previous record holders in tattoos - Horace Ryder and Tom Leppard from the podium.

The most tattooed woman in the world

The American in 2011 was also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person. She is called the "illustrated lady". Julia's body is 95% covered with tattoos.

For the first time, she decided to get a tattoo on her body to mask the scar. The fact is that after 30 years, an American woman fell ill with a rare disease in which the skin under the influence of sunlight becomes covered with sores and blisters. As they healed, they left scars on the body. But if at first the purpose of applying a tattoo was a desire to disguise flaws, later there was excitement. And for more than 20 years, Julia has been covering not only damaged skin, but also healthy areas of the body with various tattoos. These are cartoon characters, movies, landscapes, patterns, even their own portrait has found its place on the body of the most tattooed woman in the world.

Today she is over 50 years old, but she is full of creative plans. Another 5% of the body - natural canvas - awaits the attention of tattoo artists.

TOP of the most tattooed people in the world

1. Lucky Diamond Rich or (in the world Gregory Paul McLaren) - an Englishman born in 1971, a circus performer by profession. His entire body is covered with tattoos. Even the eyelids, gums and genitals. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person in the world.

2. Zombie Boy or Zombie Boy (born 1985 in Canada. Works as a model in Montreal. His entire body from head to toe is covered with a tattoo in the form of a human skeleton.

3. Cat Man or Cat Man (his parents named him - American born in 1958, in real life a programmer, he calls himself "Crouching Cat". The record holder for the number of modifications of his own body. His life tragically ended in 2012.

4. The Illustrated Lady or Illustrated Lady (according to the passport of Julia Gnuse) - American, was born in 1959. Suffering from a rare disease - porphyria syndrome. To hide the numerous scars - the consequences of the disease, she covered 95% of her body with tattoos.

5. The Leopard Man or Leopard Man (real name - Tom Leppard)
was born in 1934 in Great Britain. He served in the army for 28 years. After his dismissal, he could not come to terms with civilian life and, having covered 99% of his body with tattoos in the form of leopard spots, he began to live as a hermit. At one time he was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person in the world. His record was broken by Lucky Diamond Rich.

The most common tattoo myths

The plots of modern tattoos are extremely variable and varied. Someone prefers to decorate their body with symbolic ornamental images, while others are more attracted by realistic drawings of animals, birds, and plants. And some people like the human body.

Man tattoo meanings

Tattoos depicting the human body have appeared relatively recently, but have already become quite popular among both men and women. They have a huge number of options. Sometimes the meaning of a tattoo is associated with the psychology of character.

Did you know? Psychologists can identify basic personality traits by how an individual draws a person. So, the image of a head that is too large indicates high requirements for one's own intellectual development, and large eyes indicate anxiety and dependence on the opinions of others.

A tattoo of a man (see photo below) must be distinguished from its subspecies - a portrait tattoo. In general, tattoos that fit the definition of a person are divided into three types:

  1. figure / silhouette;
  2. part of the body;
  3. portrait.

The first type of tattoos are divided into three main categories:

  • the running Man: associated with haste, chaos, self-doubt;
  • peacefully walking man: symbolizes calmness, purposefulness, restraint;
  • figure of a standing man: indicates balance, firmness, inner harmony.

The meaning of a tattoo with a figure or silhouette is influenced not only by the person's posture, but also by the color scheme of the drawing, and additional details, which will be discussed below.

Images of body parts speaks about certain character traits of the owner of the tattoo. There are the following types of similar images:

  • eye drawing symbolizes the inner world (after all, the eyes are called the mirror of the soul) and at the same time they give out in the wearer of the tattoo a nervous person, prone to thinking and worrying. Closed eyes are associated with withdrawal and social anxiety;
  • mouth drawing talks about hidden aggression and at the same time - about the need for society, about loneliness. The half-open female mouth traditionally symbolizes seduction, sexuality. A mouth sewn up with seams indicates anxiety, dissatisfaction with one's place in society, a sense of guilt;
  • images of limbs (arms and legs) speaks about the desire of a person to achieve everything with his mind, about self-confidence and the desire to dominate others.

In the portrait, the main role is played by the personality of the depicted person, as well as the connection of this person with the tattoo wearer.

Advice. When choosing a tattoo for a person, be sure to analyze the psychological subtext of the sketch you like. It is possible that its meaning will not seem very original to you (especially when it comes to a tattoo depicting a part of the body).

Some options for tattoo man

In addition to the sketches described above, some individual variants of tattoos depicting a person or a humanoid creature representing a certain type can be distinguished:

  1. Warrior. Such an image is associated with courage, nobility, the desire to serve lofty ideals.
  2. Samurai. Such a tattoo symbolizes mental strength, will, readiness for self-sacrifice.
  3. Clown, joker. Images like these suggest that the tattoo wearer is risk averse and capable of deceit and deception. At the same time, a clown tattoo can be perceived as a symbol of hidden sadness (clowns, as you know, are sad people), unwillingness to show others their true intentions and thoughts.
  4. Witches, Valkyries. Tattoos depicting mythological evil female creatures symbolize feminism, belief in the influence of external forces on human life, interest in everything unknown and secret.
  5. Pirate. The drawing of an unnamed pirate should be taken as a symbol of rebellion, unlimited freedom, adventurism and love of travel.
  6. Indians. This fairly common image is associated with the spirit of freedom, faith in nature and the desire to defend your home from enemies.
  7. Geisha, fairy. Such tattoos are associated with female attractiveness, the ability to seduce, external and internal harmony.

Sometimes you can find a man-tree tattoo, where branches and roots seem to sprout from the arms and legs of the figure. Such an image symbolizes the harmony of nature, the unity of the internal and the external, the interdependence of the explicit and the hidden.

The color scheme of the tattoo man

A tattoo of a man, the meaning of which is described below, can be done in black or in different colors. If you prefer to decorate your body with a colored image, there are some factors to consider:

  1. Combination of contrasting colors (blue and red, green and red) visually emphasizes the details of the drawing, but makes the image expressive and catchy. For example, a tattoo depicting a clown, made using a gamut of green and red, accentuates the symbolism of the image: sarcasm, disobedience to the system, protest and irony.
  2. Warm colors (orange, red, yellow) in combination with green shades are suitable for images of magical creatures: fairies,