Trolling over friends in real life. Secrets of communication: how to cheer a friend. Ways to infringe a friend - We are looking for weak points

The Internet gave us an amazing opportunity to crawl the enemy at a distance, to answer the soul-patient history of "Dura's herself," to enter into a dispute in the spirit of "Who lives well in Russia."

But the most important thing is that it gives us the Internet in the field of discussion - trolling. They are doing everything, we can say that trolling is a good tone.

Here you have a few tips from the dude Alexander Amzin, who may help you in the business of the Internet.

Rule 1. Never give up. If you feel that the enemy is stronger, as soon as possible to surrender to him.

Rule 2. If you have nothing to answer the opponent, answer "for God's sake, continue" to all he writes to you. Let it look like a fool.

Rule 3. During the battle on the forum, write to your interlocutor: "I also knew. You did not take into account the political situation. "

Rule 4. Never drink mothers in relation to the opponent. Favoring loses in the eyes of the crowd.

Rule 5. Write an opponent: "This schedule clearly shows that you are wrong." Attach any schedule, sole signatures to the axes.

Rule 6. Occasionally respond by phrase: "We do not argue. I just explain to you what's what. "

Rule 7. In response to any story from life, it should be declared: "This is not related to the topic of conversation. But thanks for sharing. "

Rule 8. To the question "Are you the smartest?" Answer: "Yes."

Rule 9. Press the enemy by intelligence, quoting excerpts from the essays of the Yandex.Ruxerate service

Rule 10. Provocate the phrase: "It's hard to me, Barina, to communicate with you."

Rule 11. Doubt any sources of opponent - from Wikipedia to Memoirov Zhukov.

Rule 12. As soon as possible, put on the enemy that does not suit him the label. Take advantage of the experience of opponents Martina Iden, called that socialist. Eden, the individualist to the brain of the bones, went like a small one.

Rule 13. Mouse over your opponent. Despicitiously throwing several remarks, they achieve his phrase: "You probably also have a" Spartak ". Previously make sure that he is really a fan of Spartak.

Rule 14. Try to joke without putting emoticons. The effect usually exceeds all sorts of expectations, and the opponent in the crowd's eyes becomes a chubban without a sense of humor.

Rule 15. Leave all the posts on Facebook to which you will reach, comment: "It would seem, what's the Pussy Riot?" Enjoy the effect.

Rule 16. Barn and launch all your posts.

Rule 17. Never go to "you" with unfamiliar people. As can be softer, point out the enemy to the fact that you did not drink with him on Brudershaft. "I am not a dream with you on one field" is not considered a mild expression.

Rule 18. Blame the enemy in a desire not to argue, but "to arrange a PR." Never let's understand that you do not know the meaning of the word "PR". They also do not know.

Rule 19. The series of irrefutable arguments should be called a dotted with an opponent.

Rule 20. Constantly reread the immortal labor of Karel Chapeca "twelve receptions of literary controversy or newspaper debate."

Rule 21. Considerably agree with several secondary participants of the dispute. In no case are not attempting alone to fight with all the world around.

Rule 22. Arrange occasionally performances. For example, come up with a stereotypical phrase and respond to all comments.

Rule 23. When you have nothing to say, laugh. "Hahahahaha" or ":)))))))))))))))))))))))))" In response to a crushing speech, all the opponent's arguments to zero are reduced.

Rule 25. Announce that the last comment inflicted your personal insult. Give the observers to understand that your opponent is a smelly reptile, which is not bend to use the most grades. This technique requires training: react follows the most innocuous remarks, those that the enemy accurately did without any evil intent.

Also, do not forget, bro, as a fatality add something about anal sex, helps better than mentioning about mom.

Not everything is so simple in the world of men. They live with us, love us, but played by their rules. And we, girls, you need these rules to know to understand what game to lead and how to win. The more competently, you will show yourself in relationships with the lover, the more points earn in the eyes of the chosen as his girl, a wife and mother of future children.

Neither step back, or the rule is the first

All people are mistaken, but men never. Statistics "School of Hunting" (sampling of five thousand men) joyfully reports that the likelihood of recognizing a man of his mistake is striving for zero. This is especially true if the rights turned out to be a woman. A man, of course, can apologize, but with what pleasure he will dump everything in circumstances. Said that they were forced: "I did not want, but it happened." The most amazing thing is, most likely he tells the truth, and the most difficult thing is to look at this truth with male eyes. I warn you immediately, guilty in his story will be: colleagues, bosses, situation, but not he himself.

The only intention that he pursues at that moment is a desperate desire to stay for you a good guy. After all, when the man did not meet your expectations, he is most afraid of being bad. He himself perfectly understands what is to blame. When a woman constantly points out a man on his blunders and recalls old sins, he will sooner or later begin to fit the worst expectations.

As soon as the man was mistaken, and you were right, you inevitably get up to choose: to be right and defend your point of view or be happy and look at the situation with the eyes of a man. And you choose the second, if you value with your relationship. While you take it the truth, while looking at him with faith and admiration in the view - he will strive to meet his reflection in the eyes of his beloved woman.

Step forward, two steps ago, or the rule is second

Male acquaintance Not seeking serious relationship. It is quite enough "regular frivolous". Remember how often it sounds: "I want to marry!", But about the fact that "marrying you want", hear hardly.

Any attempt to enter the name of a young man in a marriage testimony is perceived by him as an aggressive encroachment on his freedom. And to your personal space, a man treats very zealously. Only some time after some time, realizing it deeper, as far as he is good with this girl, a man begins to let her in his personal space.

But it is necessary to "master the" male territory as if you are a cat, slowly and gently moving forward on soft paws. It is worth showing the claws or declare that you have the right to his space as a man will immediately make a step back or aside, recalling that you are only a guest in his house, even if desired.

If you want to marry the chosen one - act! Siege, ambush and caution - here are your trumps on the way to female happiness. Storm this fortress is not taken.

Dust in the eyes, or the third rule

All men boasted, but everyone does it in their own way: someone is a beautiful wife, someone's new car, and someone read books.

When a woman admires a man, he feels special. And at this moment there is a miracle: a simple guy suddenly grow wings behind his back. Now he is superman and ready to kill the villain, in the sense, cope with any problem.

Therefore, admiration is what is subconsciously waiting for and what every representative is dreaming of a strong half of humanity. Thirst and the need for admiration manifests itself in rivalry with friends, in the desire to put dust into the eyes of women. He boasts himself and subconsciously waiting for approval from the side. As in childhood. After all, if he is "wow, what's wonderful - it must be noted.

When you hear any revelations from a man, do not stop it, do not try to dispel it with the illusion of omnipotence. Fantasy, even if it is far from reality, can become a reality if you solve yourself to believe it.

Brevity - sister of talent, or fourth rule

Communication plays a different role in the life of a man and a woman. For girls, the process of communication in itself is pleasure. For guys - just the way to get information. And all that they hear, perceive as it is. Vitievo built phrases and indirect requests do not find a response in the male soul. The easier the proposal is built, the greater the likelihood that you will be correctly understood.

A girl who is in a relationship with a young man sincerely believes that a loved one should read her thoughts or at least guess about her desires. But the stronger the request, the more hints, the more difficult the man can guess what they want from him. In this interponing, the reason for female disappointment lies. And a man has a counter-reaction - irritation. He feels that they are unhappy, but can not understand what does not do and why it is impossible to just say what is required of him?

It so happened that the man is a logical and pretty creature, but he is used to speak short and clearly, receiving specific answers to his questions and is simply not able to do. The most accessible explaining its needs, you facilitate the task and get what you need: new iPhone, campaign in a movie or affectionate SMS for the night.

"Iron Mask", or Rule Fifth

In the harsh world, men are not taken to show emotions. The real hero is always in a mask: no one should see his faces. The ability to "keep the brand" and hide the experiences is a distinctive feature of the strongest half of humanity. A man who has trouble at work is the most closed, a few and sullen creature in the world. All he wants, when he has a difficult period in life, so that the households, coupled with his beloved woman left him alone.

A woman at this moment is climbing various bad thoughts, and she begins to think about them. After passing the worst options for the development of relationships, the girl is offended and goes into herself, and then a young man becomes more in one headache. Either begins to interrogate a loved one with the addiction that he plunged him into world grief. A man to cope with something - to survive betrayal, offense or solve a difficult task - it is necessary to digest it in yourself.

And we - to suffer. After all, after a man decides his problems in his head, we will receive a well-deserved award: he will return in the wonderful arrangement of the Spirit and ready for communication.

Standing instinct, or the sixth rule

Herd instinct is not a relic of the past, it still drives modern representatives of the strongest half of humanity and manifests itself in a male desire to unite in the company. Symptoms for which men are combined into groups, three.

First - by age. People of one age have something to remember, because their childhood has passed at one time and the culture of this period will always be close.

The second is in interest. The direction of male interests can lie in any area.

Third - according to the availability of a common enemy. In these groups, the highest level of adrenaline and testosterone and the most intolerable attitude to life, multiplied most often on the aggravated sense of justice.

In each male group, there are topics to which our boys show the most reverent interest. Sex, Sport and / or politics - that's what the worn men's minds occupy when we are not near.

If you do not satisfy you that the young man spends too much time in the company, you can either enter his environment and become part of the group, or take frequent letters with friends as a personal space and quietly do your affairs. Log in to the nearest environment of a beloved, by taking the following settings:

  • The first - your man has a cool company.
  • Second - you like the place where they are going.
  • The third - we are talking about the desire to meet and chat with his friends. If you get a failure, we return to the three item after a couple of days or weeks.
  • The fourth is his friends - your friends!

"Dying swan", or seventh rule

There is no more defenseless and eager to be the attention of the creature than a sick man. After all, in conscious infancy (three or more years) of your boy taught to the fact that if he is sick - he is the center of the universe. Now you can not do a lot, everyone goes on tiptoe and talk to a whisper. And so nice when they care for you, and the disease gives it a complete card-blanche.

So at this moment you will have a perspective to show yourself from the best side. It is possible to cook chicken broth with your handles so useful in his "death" state, feed the blanket from the spoon, and put his favorite films on DVD. And if you want to maximize the life in your "dying swan", you can do it all in a nurse's dressing galaxy from sex shops.

Men and women have a different psychology, and this can cause disagreement in relations. But all in your hands: Write the scenario of your life yourself, become a director and the main character of the history of your own happiness.

How to cheer a friend?

Recently, the Internet is actively gaining popularity of such a phenomenon like trolling. This statement in a virtual network of provocative messages aimed in order to make some definite person to make a certain person, bring it to negative emotions. Trolling may be just comic and harmless. For example, you can come up with a joke for a friend and "hard" play it. How to praying a friend and not to humiliate and not offend him? Consider several ways.

Basics of trolling

Write a casual few comments of relative clothes, the manners of communication or the appearance of a person. Cook can be for any element of clothing. For example, if your friend is dressed as Goth - in all black, wears sneakers or shoes on a huge platform, wears long hair, then you can hint that in this form it is easy to confuse with a girl.

Deciding a peculle of a friend, do not forget that the most important goal is a manifestation of negative emotions. What should you get in the end? The feeling of awkwardness and confusion at the opponent. It is caused by all this should not be insults, but by your logic and witty handles. This is the art of Troll.

How to cheer a friend in VK

  • "Picker" of a person "VKontakte" is easy. You can start with his avatar. Please note that it is most surprising and act. In the same way, you can cling to nickname.
  • You can easily affect anyone in personal correspondence. How to tie a conversation? Contact your interlocutor with some not quite a decent request. When he refuses, write him - "Well, well, okay, and it seemed to me that you would not refuse decent money." After that, the conversation will surely start, and you can actively ask the interlocutor provocative questions and make fun on it. So that your trolling object does not throw a dialogue, you can tell him that you put all the correspondence in some public place. After that, a new round for further trolling is provided to you!

Ways to infringe a friend - We are looking for weak points

This trolling method is more difficult than the previous one. He assumes that you can figure out the real flaws from your interlocutor who really worry. Someone suffers from excessive use of obscene words, others cannot write any sentences without spelling mistake, third is distinguished by excessive greed, and so on. If a person is lying in everything and even in trifles, you and sarcasm can start him asking how and who he is lying. How many times a day he deceives people and what benefits he brings even the smallest lies. Cutting a long dialogue, you can easily catch a lie on a lie, because those who regularly deceive, do not remember all that they said before. Watch carefully for such a person, and then remind him of the original version that he voiced earlier.

How to pray for a friend with words?

Our article presents less than 10 ways to affect a friend, but other ideas on the same topic you can read in the article. You can also find on this page videos from which you can find out how to affect a friend.

If you do not know what "trolling" is, what do you do in the Internet? Such a phrase can hear only an inexperienced World Wide Web. Trolling as firmly settled in our and it is impossible to hide and hide from people who want to bring to emotions to emphasize the shortcomings, humiliate. Although sometimes such virtual residents with humor indicate problems, and a person emerges something to change something. Let's figure out how to affect a friend, what is the purpose and ways of this action. But first things first.


Probably it is clear that the main purpose of the Internet Trolling is to get emotions from the so-called victim. But it should be noted that a professional of this difficult affair will not humiliate a person, otherwise the opponent will quickly understand its tactics and stop dialogue.

Fun or art?

Or maybe something else? There are three opinions on this topic: someone believes that trolling is fun for non-evil people, others think that this is an art, the ability to be developed, and others are confident that only evil people are busy

We offer to consider these points of view in more detail so that anyone can determine its attitude towards this ambiguous occupation.

  1. Part of the Internet users are confident that this is an art, for him you need a talent and the ability to notice the details. They believe that it is necessary to troll without insults, but with pressure, to force an opponent to speak on a specific topic and, of course, clearly understand what you need it. It is necessary to do everything carefully to make an impression that you are calmly talking, and your interlocutor exhibits aggression, and unjustified.
  2. Trolling is not art, because it does not lead to a useful result. His goal is to push to change, make it seem to think, and not destroy and destroy the calm and mental health of the "victim". "Unlaigned trolls" mock all. There is no constructive value in their actions, and their result is suffering and depression.
  3. This point of view reflects the following opinion: people are trolly, but with huge complexes. They treasure their pride, self-affirmation. Such a normal person is unlikely to come to mind.

Trolling rules

Nevertheless, no matter how distinguished the opinions of users on how to affect a friend, it is one of the popular search queries. Therefore, we will tell a little about the segless rules of trolling.

During the whole communication, the troll makes several comments from which the interlocutor feels uncomfortable. According to the experienced network users, it is important to constantly keep the interlocutor in tension, but do not cross the face. It is necessary to observe the situation all the time and emphasize the funny moments in his reports, and the comic provisions are much. Real trolls can "clutch" to literacy, nickname, photos on avatar, appearance, nationality and even phrase in the sentence. The main thing is not to be sad and not to use an abnormative vocabulary is unfulbitating. Everyone has a measure.

Adhering to these tips, you will be able to make sure of a friend or even an unfamiliar person, without bringing it to a breakdown.

How to pray for a friend with words

You can independently come up with a lot of similar spoiled phrases, so we give an example only a few.

  • Who came to us! Is it really released from the zoo now?
  • You are a walking confirmation that a person can live without a brain.
  • Are you always such a fool or just pretend?
  • Do you like nature? And this after what she did with you?

Now you know how to affect a friend in "Vkontakte".

Instructions for action

Want to go beyond the scope of the Internet, but do not know how to affect a friend? Then we will help you and tell you about one interesting way, which was repeatedly tried.

To do this, you will need a friend of a friend and a couple of minutes. We create a shortcut on the desktop and in the window that opens, type: shutdown.exe-s-t00. Next, call him the name of the browser who enjoys your comrade, and put the desired picture. Now the computer will turn off at each click on the icon.

Now you know everything about how to affect a friend. Finally, I want to give a small advice: remember the edge that you should not go!