Questions to the girl, complete the phrases. What questions can you ask a girl and what to talk about with her on a date

Sometimes in the process of communicating with a girl, an awkward pause hangs or a guy asks too frank questions, which scares away his interlocutor. Psychologists have identified a number of communication laws that allow you to win over the fair sex. One of them is the right questions, which not only help to keep the conversation going, but also allow you to learn more about your chosen one.

Girls love it when someone asks their opinion - just remember the school "questionnaires" that went between all the girls. Having matured, young ladies regularly look into various psychological tests - they are actually interested in it, so there is no need to laugh. It is better to just stir up the interest of your interlocutor, acting as a charming and pleasant interlocutor.

Of course, you also need to ask questions according to certain rules, so having good ideas alone will not give the expected result. Communication should be organic, interesting, natural, and not be like a forensic interrogation . That is why do not rush to throw out all your blanks to the girl - after the question is asked, you need to carefully listen to her answer, then, if you wish, delve into the topic, touching on its different sides.

For example, a banal question about choosing a profession can lead to childhood memories and a discussion of plans for the future. At the same time, the young lady herself will gladly share the details of her life - the right question gives amazing results.

Perhaps the main rule is to avoid closed questions. , to which the girl will be able to answer positively or negatively, after which there will be a pause again. This is especially important in the first days and weeks of acquaintance, when there is a certain tension between people. By arousing the desire to be frank, you can achieve excellent results and go far in interacting with each other.

If you really liked the girl and you plan to build a more serious relationship with her, you can and should ask questions, as this will make it possible to better understand the feelings and preferences of the chosen one, find out her past and plans for the future. It is possible that you want to travel and generally live abroad , and the girl is interested in having children as soon as possible or is going to graduate from another university. It may happen that such differences in plans and dreams will make a relationship practically impossible. If a match is found, this means that people can eventually become family to each other.

List of sample questions:

  1. Where do you want to be in 5 years? What are you going to do? Who will be by your side?
  2. What will you spend your big lottery winnings on?
  3. Would you choose to have a happy full family or a successful career?
  4. Is there something you really miss in your life?
  5. Do you have complexes related to appearance? Where did they come from?
  6. Have you ever tried to woo a guy?
  7. How do you spend your free time?
  8. Do you like clubs or do you prefer quiet leisure?
  9. What extreme sport would you like to try?
  10. How do you react to those who come to meet you on the street?
  11. What movie do you remember the most and why?
  12. Do you have a "signature dish"?
  13. Would you rather spend your leisure time with friends or in the company of a guy?
  14. Are you heavily dependent on the Internet and social networks?
  15. Could you drop everything and go to another country?
  16. Would you like to spend a few days away from civilization?
  17. What type of recreation is closer to you - civilized or "savage"?
  18. Do you have a dream country? Why is she?
  19. Do you believe in predestination or do you think that a person builds his own destiny?
  20. Have you ever kept a diary?
  21. How do you feel about sexual minorities? Do you have such acquaintances?
  22. What is the most important thing in a man's character for you?
  23. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  24. Do you like alcohol? How does your behavior change after drinking?
  25. Are you afraid of public speaking? Did you have this fear before?
  26. Do you think cheating can be forgiven?
  27. If you had a pet, who would it be?
  28. When would you ideally want to have a baby? Why?
  29. How do you imagine the ideal relationship, family?
  30. Tell me about your dream? Have you done anything to make it happen?
  31. What's the most interesting surprise you've had?
  32. Do you have real friends? Who are they?
  33. What do you like to spend money on the most?
  34. What financial position would you ideally like to achieve?
  35. What will you choose - movies or books? Why?
  36. What five things would you take to a desert island?
  37. What is your relationship with your parents? Can they be improved?
  38. How many of your friends have already met their love?
  39. Do you share with your friends the intricacies of your relationship with a guy? Why do you think most girls do this?
  40. What character trait do you consider your most successful/winning? What did she give you?
  41. What would you like to change/improve in our relationship?
  42. For what purpose are you traveling (would you travel)?
  43. How do you feel about charity, would you do it?
  44. What is the most important thing for you in a relationship?
  45. Would you like to fly to another planet when it becomes possible?

When choosing questions, you need to focus on those that arouse genuine interest in you.. Any person feels when he is asked about something out of politeness, not particularly interested in the answer. Maintaining positive sincere communication is possible only when each of the couple is interested in each other's opinion. Most likely, the interlocutor will also want to ask a response question - this is how any communication is built.

When your relationship becomes closer, there will be an underlying reason for new questions and discussions, however, you need to be careful with a stranger so far, trying not to touch too sensitive topics . Such behavior will secure your reputation as a charming and understanding young man who may arouse the interest of the girl.

Many young people are embarrassed to meet girls because they don't know what to talk about with them. to interest her?

A conversation with a girl should start with natural and very simple questions. They can be different and on almost any topic. The main thing is that you keep yourself natural and believe in what you say.

In no case should you allow an abundant series of questions, otherwise the girl will find you intrusive. Questions should be asked at intervals and only if there is a well-established dialogue. The ideal communication option is if the question being asked is followed by an answer, as well as some explanation or story on the topic. To interest a girl, express your opinion, first argue, and then give in and agree with her.

Insert your phrases into the story so that the girl understands: you are not just listening to her, but you are interested in everything she says.

Try to listen to the girl’s story, react more often to her statements, bring in the conversation, use the phrases: “Yes, I had that too”, “Very interesting”, “This is cool!” and the like. And also try to pick up any thought and statement, and then develop them.

Do not let the conversation die out, try to support it with new statements that can interest the girl. Tell something new, argue about something and give different examples from your own life. If the girl does not respond to the proposed topic, then try to develop a new one. Ask a cool question to a girl that will make her think. For example: “For what act were you most ashamed of?” Always remember that you are able to find an approach to any representative of the fair sex.

What question to ask a girl about vacation:

What places in the city do you like the most?

Do you have true friends? How often do you see them?

Do you love animals? How often do you visit the zoo?

Do you love nature? How often do you go out of town?

What question to ask a girl on the topic: "Relationships"

Are you a loving person?

Do you love romance?

How do you perceive relationships that are built on money?

Have you ever met in the moonlight?

Do you allow competition?

Do you like receiving or giving compliments more?

What compliments do you consider worthy of yourself?

Do you have good memories of your first love?

What question to ask a girl to support any conversation:

Do you collect any things or objects?

Have you ever been to the sea?

Do you have a pet? What did you name him?

What weather do you dislike the most?

What kind of music do you like to dance to? What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Do you often visit nightclubs?

What dish do you cook best?

Do you love needlework?

What question to ask a girl to make her laugh and cheer her up? Think about it yourself. Just remember that it is important not to overstep the line and not slide into vulgarity.

Find out if you have common interests, then it will become much easier to find. Always remember: not only you should ask questions, let the girl arrange an "interrogation" for you.

If on the first date you ask a girl if she has a piercing on…. (well, you understand), most likely she will send you away, and you are unlikely to shine. Even an innocent question, what is her favorite color, can cost you the desired second meeting. Why? You may seem superficial to her. She has enough life experience, she can tell a lot, and you are only able to ask her a meaningless question!

Women have strange logic. Therefore, we have come up with 50 questions for you that will help you not to disrupt the date and get to know your girlfriend inside and out. Of course, you should not ask all these questions at once on one date, choose a few and dilute the conversation with them.

1. What would you never repeat in your life?

2. What would you choose: to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

3. For what reason did you cry for the last time?

4. In what situation did you feel the most nervous?

5. What fact about you might surprise your parents?

6. What is your worst habit?

7. What superpower would you like to have for one day?

8. What superhero do you think is the most attractive man?

9. What's the weirdest thing your pet does?

10. Where would you live if you could choose any place on Earth?

11. Who knows you best?

12. What clubs did you go to at school?

13. Finish the sentence: “Probably best of all I…”

14. What was the last book you really liked?

15. The best show of all time?

16. At what age did you like to live the most?

17. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

18. Finish the sentence: “Most of all dawn, I would be upset if I never…”

19. Apologize or ask permission?

20. Endless love or money?

21. If you knew you were going to die in a week, what would you do?

22. What song have you listened to most times?

23. Lie down on the beach or wander around Europe with excursions?

24. If you were a child prodigy, what would you do?

25. What is the first thing you will do if you win the lottery?

26. Which celebrity would you trade places with?

27. If you were a musician, what would you name your first album?

28. What life story do your friends remind you from time to time?

29. If there was only one seasoning left in the world, what would you choose?

30. Ideal number of people for a Friday party?

31. The most unpleasant age for you?

33. What fictional character reminds you of yourself?

35. What program did you love to watch as a child?

37. In any game where you choose a category of questions, what would you choose first?

38. In what things are you superstitious?

39. Tell me about the worst thing in your life.

40. Which non-political person would you support in an election? Or whose election race would you be interested in watching?

42. Which dead person would you like to have lunch with if it were possible?

43. Do you think it's important to follow the news?

44. What is the best present you have ever received?

45. Would you agree to sacrifice one of your fingers if in return you got free Wi-Fi everywhere you go?

46. ​​What would be the first thing you would do if you turned into a man for one day?

47. If you could give a gift to anyone for any amount, what would you give and to whom?

48. A large comfortable house in a residential area or a tiny house with a great view?

49. What is the nicest thing others can say about you?

Guy questions. What questions can you ask a guy? To avoid mistakes, you need to get to know the guy better. What to ask him? What questions should these be?

Dating is fun, but at some point, you may want to consider a longer term relationship. And you're thinking about how to really get to know your partner... And there are some topics you definitely need to cover. What questions can you ask a guy? What to ask him?

Dating is always fun and exciting, but when it comes to relationships, everything can change.

To avoid mistakes, you need to get to know your partner better. And, of course, you have to ask some questions.

There are some basic points that you should definitely talk about before starting a relationship. For each question and answer is certainly individual. But it is not always possible to form them immediately. So this list might come in handy for you.

Also, guys, if you're reading this! Definitely, when you answer these questions in writing and provide them to your girlfriend's father, he will allow you to date her! 😉

This list does not include easier questions, but they are also written at the end of the article.

Questions are collected in random order, combined into groups. Some may seem stupid, choose for yourself what suits whom ...

What questions can you ask a guy to get to know him better? 100 possible options.

General questions for a guy

  1. How do you see your future? What will you be doing in 5 years? After 10 years?
  2. What is your most important goal in life?
  3. Yours? Or favorite author?
  4. How would you describe yourself in three words?
  5. What are your 3 biggest weaknesses?
  6. Do you have an experience that has influenced your life? If yes, what was the experience like?
  7. Have you had to make difficult decisions that would have made your life worse?
  8. Are there people you don't like? Are there people who don't like you?
  9. Do you have set goals for the future?
  10. How do you understand the phrase - there is no smoke without fire?
  11. Do you have an idol or a person that you respect a lot? Who is he?
  12. What's the most?
  13. What question would you like to ask me?
  14. How do you feel about politics?
  15. What is your favorite movie?
  16. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
  17. What is your favorite song? What music brings joy to your heart?
  18. What are you into? Do you have a hobby or favorite activity?
  19. What do you like more watching movies or reading books?
  20. Do you like to dance? Have you ever attended dance lessons?
  21. What famous person (celebrity) would you like to meet in person?
  22. If you could time travel, who would you meet and what would you do?

Boy and girl

What questions can you ask a guy: about relationships

  1. What is the most romantic place for a couple?
  2. Can you remember any awkward moment in a relationship?
  3. Have you ever been bored in a relationship?
  4. What kind of vacation do you prefer? Do you like spending time with your family?
  5. Do you mind if I have some feelings for my exes? (If you really have them...)
  6. How do you imagine emotional intimacy?
  7. What would you do to impress someone on a first date?
  8. Do you think it's embarrassing to be a virgin? Or does it deserve respect?
  9. What was your best intimate experience? What was in the foreground emotions, feelings or physical contact?
  10. Do you think it is possible to enjoy a relationship without sex? What role do emotions play for you?
  11. Do you have feelings for your ex?
  12. How long was your last relationship?
  13. Do you regret this relationship?
  14. How do you feel about non-traditional sexual orientation?
  15. Can the past affect relationships?
  16. Have you been in a one night stand? If yes, do you regret it?
  17. What do you think about infidelity and cheating in relationships?
  18. Do you believe love at first sight?
  19. What are you looking for in a relationship?
  20. Have you ever had a long term relationship experience?
  21. What caused the breakup in your previous relationship? (if they were)
  22. Do you keep in touch with your exes?
  23. What's the craziest thing you've done with someone?
  24. Tell me about your first kiss. What was he like?

What questions can you ask a guy: about faith

  1. Are you a believer? What do you believe in?
  2. What event in life was the most emotional for you?
  3. What do you listen to more? To the voice of reason or heart?
  4. Do you often make decisions based solely on your intuition?
  5. Do you think that there is a higher power that controls the cosmos?
  6. How do you feel about other religions?
  7. Do you believe in kindred spirits?

Difficult questions for a guy

  1. Have you ever used drugs?
  2. What is the strangest thing about you?
  3. Have you ever been so angry in your life that you wanted to literally kill someone?

What questions can you ask a guy: about work, habits, life

  1. Do you have good or bad habits? How do you think ?
  2. What do you think it should consist of?
  3. What do you think ideal parents should be?
  4. Do you like pets? Do you have pets at home? Wouldn't you like to have one?
  5. If your parents don't like me, will that be a good reason to end the relationship?
  6. What is your dream job?
  7. Do you like your current job?
  8. Have you been in trouble with the law?
  9. If work is bad for relationships, what will you do?
  10. What do you regret in your life?
  11. Describe your ideal weekend
  12. If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  13. What personal qualities are you proud of?
  14. What is the most courageous thing you have done in your life?
  15. If you could change something in your life, what would it be?
  16. What is the most amazing discovery you have made in your life?
  17. What is your life credo? Who would you risk your life for?

romance, love

Other questions to ask a guy...

  1. Do you have a favorite fictional character? If yes, then who is he?
  2. At what earliest age do you remember yourself? What are these memories?
  3. What do you like most about yourself? And in me?
  4. How will your friends feel about us spending more time with you?
  5. If you could choose your super ability? What was that?
  6. Was there a person in your life who would have a very strong influence on you? If yes, then who is it? How have you changed?
  7. Is there a movie that you can watch an infinite number of times?
  8. What would you like to change in yourself? Physically? Or change character?
  9. What is the best advice you have received in your life?
  10. Do you want to have children?
  11. What qualities do you especially aim for in women?
  12. If you could go somewhere now, where would you go?
  13. What is the best thing about family relationships?
  14. Tell us your favorite memory related to your family?
  15. Name three qualities you like about me?
  16. What do you expect from me in our relationship? Would you like me to change?
  17. What should I do to make you think I'm a bad person?
  18. What will you do if there is a power outage throughout the city for three days?
  19. Do you like shopping?
  20. Where do you like to go on dates?
  21. How long can you go without communication?
  22. How do you feel about open relationships? For or against?
  23. Have you ever thought about adopting a child?
  24. What is more important to you, money or relationships? What would you choose if you had the opportunity to make money but lose love?
  25. What are you passionate about? What are you very passionate about?
  26. Can long distance relationships exist?
  27. What do you think about spending the rest of your life with one partner?

Here we come to the end of the list of 100 questions. This list, I think, could go on and on. If you also know interesting questions, leave them in the comments, and they will be added for sure =)

One hundred questions turned out to be not very simple, below is another list of questions, but a little simpler ...

12 extra questions to ask a guy!

  1. How did you spend yesterday or today?
  2. How were you feeling? Or how are you feeling today?
  3. Do you have plans for tomorrow? (suggest something)
  4. What time do you usually wake up?
  5. Where do you usually spend your evenings? Who are you playing with? What are you doing?
  6. How would you spend a million dollars if you suddenly got an inheritance?
  7. What can make you cry? Have you ever cried?
  8. Do you believe in horoscopes? And in divination? Who's your sign?
  9. Do you like traveling?
  10. How do you feel about parties?
  11. Do you fall in love often? Is it possible to love two people at once? Has this happened to you?
  12. Do you dream often? What do you dream about?

Video about our planet:

In this article, you will learn what questions you can ask a girl.

In addition, you should consider the level of trust that exists between you and the girl, and do not ask too personal questions if you are at the very early stage of dating.

Questions to a girl

1. What do you do best?

2. What was your favorite childhood toy?

3. What was the best gift you ever gave?

4. What is the funniest thing that happened to you at school?

5. What would you save first from a burning house?

6. Where on the planet would you like to go?

7. What did you want to be as a child?

8. If you get stuck in an elevator and you only have to listen to one piece of music, which one will you choose?

9. What was the best advice you have ever been given in your life?

10. If you could live anywhere, which place would you choose?

11. What chance encounter changed your life forever?

12. What achievement were you proud of, but others did not appreciate it?

13. What would be your survival strategy after the apocalypse?

14. At what moments do you feel that time goes faster, and at what moments it seems to go slower?

15. What movie or book heroine do you most resemble?

16. What fact or event surprised you the most?

17. What memory most often pops up in your memory?

18. What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

19. What is a special tradition in your family?

20. Who is your favorite actor or actress?

21. What's the craziest, most spontaneous, or most unusual thing she's ever done?

22. What is your favorite place in this city?

23. If you could bring back one day from the past, what would it be?

24. What talent would you like to have?

25. If you could choose only one of two options: owning a house or traveling around the world, which would you choose?

26. What do you like to do when you are alone?

27. What song do you most often order in karaoke?

29. If you could take only one book, one piece of clothing and one dish to a desert island, what would you choose?

30. What was the last thing you were so worried about that you couldn't sleep well?

31. If you could invite any three historical figures to your place for dinner, who would it be and why?

32. If you could go back 5-10 years in the past and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

33. What was the best gift you ever received?

49. What is your relationship with your parents?

50. If you had all the money in the world, what would you spend it on first?

51. What do you like most about your job?

52. What are you most grateful for in life?

53. How often do you watch the news?

54. What is your greatest achievement?

55. What foreign languages ​​do you know? Say a couple of sentences to them.

56. What book did you like the most when you read it?

57. Where were you born?

58. Would you rather live in a small house with a great view or in a huge mansion in an elite area with a high fence?

59. Would you like to be famous? In what area?

60. Before you call someone, do you mentally say what you say?

61. What has recently been able to inspire and?

62. What is your favorite day of the week?

63. What movie role would you like to play?

64. How do you usually spend your free time?

65. How do you feel about yourself?

66. How do you see your life in 10 years?

67. What confused you the most in life?

68. What type of people do you dislike?

70. What decision did you make that most affected your entire life?

71. What place do you consider one of the most romantic?

72. What is your hobby?

73. Tell me about your three weaknesses.

74. Would you break the law to save someone close to you?

75. If your girlfriend cheated on you, would you take revenge on her or just stop talking to her?

76. What is your favorite childhood movie?

77. Do you have siblings, sisters? What are your relationships?

78. What is the fastest way to make you smile?

79. What is your favorite color?

80. Are you an owl or a lark?

81. Do you have a closer relationship with your mom or dad now?

82. What was your last adventure like?

83. Do you like it more when everything is planned or happens spontaneously?

85. What is one thing you would like to change in this world?

86. What is your favorite quote from successful people?

88. Who is your favorite writer?

89. What TV series did you like the most?

90. Name any 5 things you hate and explain why.

91. How do you usually spend the new year?

92. What is a happy life for you?

93. Describe your ideal vacation.

94. How long was your longest relationship with a guy?

95. Are you into any sport?

96. What do you like most about yourself?

97. Do you like to dance?

264. Who was the most spoiled person you have ever met?

265. What was your worst nightmare?

266. What is the stupid song that you sometimes sing to?

267. On what purchase did you spend the largest amount of money?

268. What were you most afraid of as a child?

269. Where do you like to walk?

270. What is the most dramatic, shocking or positive text message you can write so that when you read it awake, the dream was taken away?

272. What has your point of view completely changed over the years?

273. Who is the happiest person you know?

274. If you found a bag with one million dollars inside, what would you do?

275. Do you give names to your things?

276. What is the biggest stupidity you have done in the last 24 hours?

277. If you had to choose your future husband based on one question you asked, what would you ask?

278. What do you think: is the current generation better or worse than the previous one?

279. What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship between a guy and a girl?

280. What do you do when no one is looking at you?

281. Have you ever wondered how many people are born and die on the planet while you are thinking about it?

282. Do you think cats consider people masters or their slaves?

283. Would you like Santa Claus to be real?

284. Do you think aliens exist?

285. Do you believe in life after death?

286. Describe your dream home.

287. Do you like to receive compliments?

288. Are you afraid of the dark?

289. Can you keep secrets?

290. Do you sometimes have wild fantasies?

291. Have you ever shoplifted?

292. At what age did you first try alcohol?

293. Do you often envy other people?

294. Would you like to visit space?

295. What do you think: what is the opposite of the opposite?

296. What would you like to be in your next life?

297. What would you do if you became invisible for one day?

298. Could you manage without a phone during the day?

299. Would you like to change the color of your hair?

300. Tell me honestly, have you ever made virtual love on the intercom?

301. Which is better: a warm bubble bath or an invigorating shower?

302. How many children do you want to have?

303. Do you believe in astrology?

304. In honor of whom were you given your name?

305. Have you ever talked to another person on the phone all night long?

306. What was the most inconvenient thing for yourself that you did out of politeness?

307. What kind of window view would you like to have the most?

308. Have you ever been jealous of your girlfriend?

309. What do you feel when you think about clowns?

310. Imagine the following situation: you are at the gate leading to paradise, and God asks “Why should I let you in?” What will you answer him?

311. What do you think is the best film of all time?

312. Do you like being massaged?

313. How did your parents meet?

314. Have you ever had coffee in bed?

315. Do you like being in nature?

316. Do you like kissing in public?

317. Do you think I would look good walking down the street in pajamas and sweatshirt?

318. Have you ever winked at yourself while looking in the mirror?

319. What is the strangest question you have ever been asked?

320. If you were a waitress and a customer treated you rudely, would you spit on his plate?

321. Have you ever played an invisible guitar?

322. How would you react if a girl offered to buy you a drink?

323. What are the most hurtful words you said to another person?

324. What would you choose: a month without a bath or a month without the Internet?

325. According to your opinion, why do women love men?