What changes during pregnancy. Effect of pregnancy on woman's body. Positive effect of pregnancy

Of course, most women during pregnancy are waiting for a rapidly growing abdomen and increased breasts, but you may not know what the structure of your skin changes and that the teeth, arms and legs can also be changed.

Many physical changes that you will experience during pregnancy will be positive: Soft body circuit breakers, blooming look and thick shiny hair, which will give you feel more sexually attractive than ever. However, be prepared for the fact that some changes do not add attractiveness: inflated ankles, varicose veins and peeling skin, which is common in pregnancy.

More chest

One of the very first and most amazing changes in your body will happen to the breast. As soon as you find that you are pregnant, you will not have to notice that the chest become more and more sensitive. Around the 16th week of the Nipples and Areolas (dark areas, surrounding nipples) will be much darker. Nipples will begin to perform more, and the glands on the aroles, known as Montgomery tubercles, will increase, forming "goose skin".

The mentioned changes are caused by the appearance in the body during pregnancy a large number of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones lead to the development of an extensive system of ducts in the chest in the process of preparing for the production of milk and breastfeeding after the birth of a child.

With the development of pregnancy, the veins on the chest become clearer, providing blood flow. Nipples from time to time can be released a transparent or golden liquid, known as colostrum. It is his first to consume a child before it becomes produced by real milk. Good breast care during pregnancy will help prepare her to breastfeeding and remove discomfort, which you may experience.

Hair growth and nails

During pregnancy, the nails on their hands and legs are likely to become stronger than before, and will grow with an incredible speed. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation due to pregnancy hormones. About how to care for nails.

Pregnancy also accelerates hair growth on the head, which begin to look thick. However, the hair may appear where they were not before, for example on her belly or face. The best way to remove them is accumulating or applying wax. It is possible to better avoid the use of creams for epilation or bleaching, as the skin can be discharged poorly to the chemicals that are contained in them.

Healthy weight gain

Ideally, you should start a pregnancy with a normal weight and gradually chose it, which will help you to stay healthy. What weight you get, depends on several factors, including how many children you wear.

Your body mass indexMark your weight to pregnancy on the vertical scale of the table, and the growth is horizontal. The lines intersection point will show the body mass index (BMI). The cream color area reflects the perfect range of BMI with which a woman should be taken into a pregnancy.

♦ If your BMI is 19 and below, then you have a lack of weight.

♦ If your BMI is between 19 and 26, you have a healthy weight.

♦ If BMI is equal to 27-30, then you have an excess weight.

♦ If NM is above 30, you suffer obesity.

Weight gain.The table above shows the recommended increase in weight for body mass index. However, remember that it concerns pregnancy with one child. The speed with which you will gain weight can change from the week to the week. And, unfortunately, little is known about the best time for grade weight during pregnancy. In some studies, it is assumed that a slight increase in weight at an early stage, when you may suffer from morning nausea, has a smaller impact on the growth of the embryo than weak weight growth in the second or third trimester. Some women are gaining weight unevenly - first a lot, and later significantly less that is not considered abnormal.

Also remember that the given numbers are just a landmark, since women gaining less or more medium, can have healthy children. But if you have a lack of weight or big

excess, you may advise you to contact a nutrition specialist or a nutritionist for advice regardinghow much and what you need. In ch. 4 in detail the principles of healthy diet during pregnancy.

It is important not to overdo it with respect to your weight. In the UK, doctors stopped weighing women coming on prenatal examinations every time, since the development of the child is more effectively determined by the fetus size.

The above figures belong to the total weight gain throughout the pregnancy, so until the date of delivery you will not know whether your goal has reached. Recommendations are designed for women awaiting one child. If you have a twin or triple, you can gain much greater weight. The average weight gain, which is 15.5-20.5 kg for twins and 20.5-23 kg for triple, probably depends on the duration of pregnancy.

Skin changes

In general, you may find that the skin has become softer because of the ability it is better to hold moisture and that you have characteristic of pregnancy "Rushenets", which is partially caused by an elevated level of hormones. However, you can notice other changes in your skin. Many of them will disappear in the first six months after the birth of the child, but some may remain forever.

Pigmented during the pregnancy period White belly line

You can notice a dark line running from the pubic bone to the navel. Called "Linea Nigra", it is usually more common in women with darker skin.

The skin around the cheeks, nose and eye can also darken. These yellow pigment stains on the face are called chloasm, or "maternity mask", they are dark in the free-skinned women and blonde in dark-skinned. Chloat arises due to hormonal influence on pigment cells of the skin.

Staying in the Sun can entail a darkening of stains.

Spider-like hemangioma

Tiny red specks, called spider-shaped (star) hemangioma or spider-like nonsense, can suddenly appear anywhere in the body. These specks, which acquire white color, are a cluster of blood vessels resulting from a high level of estrogen in the body.

Some women suffering from acne find out that during pregnancy the condition of their skin improves. In others, it worsens, and in women who usually did not have, acne and stains may appear. You can control the appearance of spots by reducing the consumption of fats and regularly perform exercise. Before taking drugs for treating acne, be sure to consult with the attending physician, as they may contain chemicals that can affect the child. Acne and stains usually disappear in the second trimester.

Itching hands and legs

Palm, and sometimes the soles of the legs can redden and get item. Such a phenomenon is called palm erythema, its cause is an elevated level of estrogen. If itching the skin is intolerable, consult your doctor, as it can be a symptom of cholestasis.

Solid Skin Loskut.

Warts on the skin often arise in places of large friction, although it is not entirely clear, because of which they appear. Hurry to the dermatologist to remove them, - the thought is not too good.

Stretch marks occur when the tissue of skin protein collagen is broken due to the rapid stretching of the skin or hormonal changes or the destruction of tissues. Stretch marks appear in three of five pregnant women. Most likely they will be on the stomach, on the sides of the breasts and on the hips, that is, in those places where fat is usually postponed. First, stretching look like pinkish-red stripes that fill up to silver-gray or white for several months after the child's birth. There is a high probability of their appearance if you have already had children if you have gained overweight during pregnancy or have a genetic predisposition to them.

There is no certain path to prevent their appearance. It is better to avoid an excessive weight gain and regularly engage in physical exercises to support muscle tone, which will soften the pressure of the uterus on the skin around it.

Pregnancy causes significant changes in your body. Many of these changes are caused by hormones.

Human gonadotropin, we have already spoken about, is allocated to the growing pocent and ensures that women's ovaries produce ethane and progesterone - hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Esthenage contributes to the thickening of the uterus mucosa and the improvement of its blood supply, as well as the development of Milky ducts. Progesterone not only relaxes the uterus without giving it to excessively shrinking, but also distinguishes relaxing - a substance that softens the bundles, cartilage and cervix, allowing them to stretch during childbirth.

In addition to hormonal changes, others are observed. All your body is rebuilt, mobilizing all the forces that you can make a light healthy and strong kid.

Some changes are observed in the genitals of a pregnant woman - large and small sexual lips of pregnant women acquire a bluish shade. Secretion from the vagina may appear, sometimes abundant. The biggest changes occur with the uterus, in which for 9 months it develops and your baby is growing.

Before the start of pregnancy, the uterus weighs about 40-50 g and has a length of 7-8 cm. By the end of the pregnancy, its weight average is 1 kg, and the length of the neck to the bottom is 40-50 cm.

A growing uterus gradually comes out of the area of \u200b\u200ba small pelvis and pushes other organs. This explains the majority of ailments - such as digestive disorders, constipation, varicose veins, shortness of breath.

Preparation for breastfeeding should be started not after delivery, but immediately after you have learned about your pregnancy

Large changes occur with your breast, but it is not wonderful, because it is for several months, and the whole year will be assigned the main function - feeding the baby. The breast increases significantly in size, the near-block circles (the aroles) become dark brown. The blood supply to the nipples is strengthened - you may notice that when contacting with something, they protrude faster. Around the third month of pregnancy from the chest, you can squeeze several drops of future milk - yellow colostrum. Now the most appropriate time to prepare nipples to breastfeeding, as often mother is forced to translate kids to artificial food due to the fact that they did not take care of it on time. And how many kids are devoid of the most important and useful nutrition - milk milk! What measures should be taken so that you can feed the baby breasts, read below.

Share with your husband with your thoughts and experiences, and it will help you cope with this transition period. Remember that he is a father's father, and just like you, is experiencing for your baby.

Together with physical changes in the first months of pregnancy, psychic are often observed. You notice that you have tears on your eyes at the slightest occasion. You want to laugh, then cry. These changes in behavior cannot be confused, and sometimes - we will be honest with themselves - annoy your husband. Often, our men do not represent the fact that in our body there is a whole revolution, and attribute to all the usual female whim. Feel free to try to explain your husband your condition. And be sure to tell me that soon it will end. Time will come, and you both will laugh, remembering what inconvenience caused you the first weeks of pregnancy.

In the first three or four months most pregnant women are nausea and vomiting. In order to facilitate its condition, consulting with the doctor, you can take the following infancy on herbs:

2 h. Spoons of mint, 1 tsp. Valerian root, 2 h. Spoons of dried flowers of the nogot, 1 h. Spoon of yarrow grass, 2 h. Spoons of daisy flowers, 2 h. Spoons of a shepherous bag. All components (the absence of one or two is quite permissible) pour a half cups of steep boiling water and insist for half an hour. After that, the infusion is strain and take on the 4 cup 6 times a day. After 25 days, take a break for 10-15 days, after which renew the treatment.

2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed rosehip fruits, 2 h. Spoons of the Hypericum, 1 h. Spoon of crushed fruits of hawthorn, 1 tbsp. A spoon of herbal grass, 1 h. Spoon of birch kidney, 1 tbsp. Spoon of Taspberry leaves, fruits and strawberry leaves Fill two with half glasses of boiling water, put a minute and a half on fire, then insist for 20 minutes, strain.

Infusion you need to take hot on a half pack three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Many women feel so bad that sometimes they begin to regret what the child is worn. Do not be dressed, nausea will be held in a couple of months, and you will feel normal in the remaining time. The main thing during this period is to avoid the places of the large cluster of people, because the protective forces of your body are significantly weakened. In the event that you have triggered during pregnancy, remember that the influenza virus itself does not affect the baby, but the disease is terrible primarily by the fact that it is accompanied by a high temperature and toxic selection and can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Teeth in pregnant women are most susceptible to caries, so they must be taken to carefully carefully - not only twice a day to clean, but also to rinse the mouth every time after eating or drinks, especially sweet.

Large changes occur in the oral cavity, where the digestion process begins. During this period, the salivary glands are more intensively separated by saliva. Its chemical composition also changes, and this can lead to the destruction of dental enamel.

The most significant changes occur in the field of small pelvis - the joints of the bones of the pelvis and the spine become more elastic and flexible, thus facilitating the process of childbirth.

In the second trimester, your pregnancy becomes noticeable for your friends and acquaintances. In the future, your belly is the subject of your pride - even more increases due to the uterus, which seems to be pulling you forward, and this leads to the fact that the center of gravity moves. Watching the pregnant woman, everyone notice that she unwittingly deviates back, as if she was having a heavy in her hands. This is exactly what is called "predominant posture of pregnant women."

Remember that in the second half of pregnancy, the muscles of the abdominal wall are strongly stretched. If pregnancy follows one after another, the muscles will remain stretched. Some women are due to the fact that the skin is strongly stretched, they appear bluish-reddish stripes on the skin of the abdomen, chest and hips. After childbirth, these strips will noticeably brighten, leaving sometimes barely noticeable traces, and sometimes - scars.

Together with the darkening of the nipples, as we have already spoken above, some women have pigmentation of all skin - dark freckles appear, the genitals, hands and legs darken. This pigmentation is called chloasm - stains of pregnancy. Quite often on the skin, a dark strip appears from the pubis to the sternum through the navel - it is a joke called the "path of the track".

You can try to prevent the appearance of scars on the skin with moisturizing creams and lotions. In the pharmacy, you can purchase a special lotion to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. However, I want to warn that there is no evidence of the effectiveness of these funds yet. Approximately half of women, they still appear, regardless of whether they used creams or not. But you can still try. Annotation is usually attached to each similar means.

To combat stretch marks, in no case should be used by children's creams and oils - they will bring the opposite effect, since it is designed to fight with different skin rashes and dry the skin.

To the ninth month of pregnancy, you or your child's father will begin to experience certain concerns about their health or health of their baby. It is quite natural. You may have oppressive thoughts that your life threatens serious danger - and this is also normal, since both pregnancy and childbirth are conjugate with certain difficulties and hazards that decrease with carefully to their health and with timely prenatal care. Those times when the girlfriends were dying, have already passed. Statistical data say that the mortality of the fencers is currently almost equal to zero, and the mortality of newborn is constantly decreasing. Do not forget that you will produce your child under the supervision of qualified specialists, in a well-equipped maternity hospital, where you and your baby will have, if you need timely help. In addition, in all hospitals there are resuscitation devices for newborns, so all your concerns are groundless.

It is difficult not to notice that the woman's waiting for the appearance of the heirs is changing. But these changes are not only external. What happens inside the body? How do individual organs and systems of women react to the birth of a new life? Is the load not too great? Talk about it now.

"Test for strength" and an increase in body weight

From the first days, the fruit needs oxygen and nutrients. The maternal organism itself begins to gradually prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding baby. New tasks affect almost the entire body of the mother: the structure of organs during pregnancy changes somewhat, their functionality is expanding. These changes are programmed by nature, but they do not become less tangible. The load on the human body increases significantly, become a kind of "dough for strength." Those bodies that previously worked on the verge of norm may fail. In time, supporting the body of the mother, we obtain a certain margin of strength and for the fetus.

Not only the location of the organs during pregnancy, but also the weight of the body, the norm is considered to be the increase of 10-12 kg for all 9 months. But the initial indicators should be taken into account, first of all, the BMI index is a body mass index, that is, a harmonious weight ratio and growth.

Chest and genitals during pregnancy

The most pronounced changes are noted in the system of genital organs of the future mother. The genital organs during pregnancy are transformed according to the growth of the embryo. First of all, this is noticeable on the example of the uterus, which not only is constantly increasing in size, but also changes the form with the pear-shaped in the first weeks on the round, and then the ovoid. In the cervical cervix accumulates mucus, and it is not by chance: afterwards it will help to easily promote the child in the generic paths. The vascular system of the uterus also undergoes changes, it is updated with new large blood vessels, which significantly improves the process of supplying placenta with nutrients and oxygen. The ovarian position increases and change.

Changes in lactic glands become the answer to the need to prepare for future lactation. They occur in parallel with the hormonal perestroika leading to the increase in the production of such significant hormones as prozterone, prolactin, estrogen. By the end of the period, the milk iron begins to produce colosure.

Skeleton and muscular system

Not only internal organs during pregnancy are rebuilt. The bone pregnancy system is experiencing an increase in the concentration in the blood of relaxin and progesterone, and these hormones, in turn, contribute to the process of leaching calcium. From the skeleton of the mother, this trace element is not just closed, calcium is going on the formation of bone fetus tissue. At the same time, another physiological response occurs: the bones of the pelvis and their articulations become more elastic, which contributes to non-massive promotion of the child by generic paths. The danger represents the washout of calcium from the spine and the bones of the foot. To avoid flatfoot, it is important to choose the proper shoes: on a low heel, with a supinator. And the spine will help wearing a bandage and special gymnastics.

The cardiovascular system

During the battery, the blood volume in the vessels of the woman significantly grows significantly: by half a liter. Accordingly, the intensity of the cardiovascular system is also increasing. The pulse becomes more often, the reduction of the heart is forced to throw more blood into the aorta. The venous system of the most random in this period. A frequent complication becomes varicose veins, and not only due to the increasing weight load on the lower limbs.

A significant role is played by the deformation of the lower hollow vein responsible for collecting blood from the uterus, pelvic organs and legs. This vessel is located to the right of the spine, and when a woman sleeps on his back, it is squeezed. The greater the body mass, the stronger the circulatory disorder in the organs listed above. That is why future mothers and do not recommend sleep in the back position, but the use of the pads down under the legs contributes to more free blood flow. In addition, the rise of the erythrocyte mass is somewhat lagging behind the overall increase in blood volume, while the blood viscosity decreases. To improve blood composition, mammies are prescribed iron preparations.

Respiratory, digestive and other systems

The development of the fetus requires increasing oxygen, so the amount of inhaled air has increased. Breathing is expensive, but for the mother's body it is not critical, since progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the walls of the bronchi, which is why the breathing tracks are becoming wider.

The location of the organs changes somewhat during pregnancy due to the pressure of the fruit for the abdominal cavity. But this is not the only reason for what is happening. A serious influence on the digestive organs is progesterone, which reduces the level of intestinal peristals. Parallel glands begin to extract more saliva, and the concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases. It manifests itself in the appearance of heartburn and the inclination towards constipation. Some failures are comprehended and the functionality of the gall and bladder, kidneys, but they are temporary.

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During pregnancy in the body of a woman, significant physiological changes occur, which ensure the proper development of the fetus, prepare the body to the upcoming birth and feeding. In this difficult period, the load on all organs and systems of the body of the body is significantly increasing, which can lead to the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of complications. That is why it should be registered as soon as possible in women's consultation, pass all the necessary specialists and pass the tests. This will allow adequate preventive measures and prepare for childbirth.

A heart

The cardiovascular system during pregnancy performs more intense work, since an additional placental circle of blood circulation appears in the body. Here the blood flow is so great that every minute via the placenta takes 500 ml of blood. Heart of a healthy woman during pregnancy easily adapts to additional loads: the mass of the heart muscle and the heart discharge of blood increase. To ensure the increasing needs of the fetus in nutrients, oxygen and building materials in the mother's body, the volume of blood begins to increase, reaching a maximum of 7 months of pregnancy. Instead of 4000 ml of blood, there are now in the body circulates 5300-5500 ml. In pregnant women with heart disease, this load may cause the development of complications; That is why on the period of 27-28 weeks it is recommended to be hospitalized in spacialized maternity hospitals.

Arterial pressure

Arterial pressure with normally flowing pregnancy is practically not changed. On the contrary, in women who have its rise to or in early pregnancy, in the middle of pregnancy, it usually stabilizes and is in the range of 100 / 60-130 / 85 mm.rt. This is due to a decrease in the tone of peripheral blood vessels under the influence of progesterone hormone.

However, in the last trimension of pregnancy, arterial pressure can increase by achieving very high values. High blood pressure (140/90 mm.rt. and above) is one of the signs of late toxicosis of pregnant women. This state is very dangerous and may require emergency delivery.


Due to the increase in the need of a woman in oxygen during pregnancy, the activities of the lungs are enhanced. Despite the fact that as the pregnancy develops the diaphragm rises up and limits the respiratory movements of the lungs, their capacity increases. This is due to the expansion of the chest, as well as due to the expansion of the bronchi. Increasing the volume of inhaled air during pregnancy makes it easier to eliminate the used oxygen with the fruit through the placenta. The respiratory frequency does not change, it remains 16-18 times a minute, slightly increasing towards the end of pregnancy. Therefore, with the appearance of shortness of breath or other respiratory disorders, pregnant must consult a doctor.


The kidneys during pregnancy are functioning with a large voltage, as they derive from the body the products of the exchange of the most pregnant and its growing fetus. The amount of urine released varies depending on the volume of drilled liquid. A healthy pregnant woman highlights an average of 1200-1600 ml of urine, while 950-1200 ml of urine stands out in the daytime, the rest of the portion is at night.

Under the influence of the progesterone hormone, the bladder tone is reduced, which can lead to stagnation of urine. Under these conditions, infection is facilitated in the urinary tract, so pregnant women often have an aggravation of pyelonephritis. The infections of the urinary tract testifies to the appearance of leukocyte urine analysis - more than 10-12 in the field of view.

In addition, a pregnant uterus, slightly turning to the right, can cause a difficulty of urine outflow from the right kidney. In this case, the risk of hydronephrosis increases, that is, the expansion of lochanks and cups due to excessive accumulation of urine in them.

Digestive organs

For many women in the first 3 months of pregnancy, there are changes in the digestive organs: nausea appears and often vomiting in the mornings (signs of early toxicosis), taste sensations are changing, there is a bittenness to unusual substances (clay, chalk). As a rule, these phenomena pass to 3-4 months of pregnancy, sometimes in a later date. Under the influence of the hormones, the placenta decreases the intestinal tone, which often leads to constipation. The intestine is postponed by a pregnant ultimate up, the stomach also shifts up and squeezed, while some of its contents can throw in the esophagus and cause heartburn (especially in the second half of pregnancy). In such cases, antacid drugs are recommended (for example, Maalox, Renni), eating 2 hours before sleep and position in bed with a raised head end.

The liver during pregnancy works with a larger load, as it is neutralizing the products of the sharing of the woman itself and the fetus.


During pregnancy, women appear some breakdown in the joints. Essentials of the pelvis are especially moving, which facilitates the passage of the fetus through it during childbirth. Sometimes the softening of pelvic joints is so pronounced that there is a slight discrepancy between the wicked bones. Then the pregnant woman appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, "duck" gait. This is necessary to inform the doctor and obtain the relevant recommendations.

Mammary gland

During pregnancy, the mammary glands are prepared for upcoming feeding. They increase the number of cases, adipose tissue, the blood supply is improved. Milk glands increase in size, nipples heat.

Sender organs

The greatest changes during pregnancy occur in the genitals and relate to the main uterus. The pregnant uterus is constantly increasing in size, by the end of the pregnancy it is height reaches 35 cm instead of 7-8 cm outside of pregnancy, the mass increases to 1000-1200 g (without the fetus) instead of 50-100 g. The volume of the uterine cavity by the end of the pregnancy increases approximately 500 time. The change in the size of the uterus occurs due to an increase in the size of muscle fibers under the influence of placenta hormones. Blood vessels are expanding, the number increases them, they like the uterus soak. Irregular cuts in the uterus are observed, which by the end of pregnancy become more active and felt as "compression". These so-called brackets-hicks, which are noted normally from the 30th week of pregnancy, are treated as training before real fights in childbirth.

The region of the uterus changes according to its size. By the end of the 3 month of pregnancy, it goes beyond the pelvis, and the hypochondrian reaches the birth. The uterus is held in the right position with ligaments, which thicken and stretch during pregnancy. Pains arising from the sides of the abdomen, especially during the change of body position, are often caused by tension of ligaments. The blood supply to the outdoor genital organs is enhanced, varicose extended veins may appear in the vagina and on the genital lips (the same varicose veins may also appear on the lower limbs and in the rectum).

Increase body weight

The growth of the fetus and physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman affect its body weight. At a healthy woman by the end of pregnancy, the body mass increases on average by 12 kg with fluctuations from 8 to 18 kg. Usually in the first half of pregnancy, it increases by 4 kg, in the second half - 2 times more. The weekly body weight gain up to 20 weeks is approximately 300 + 30 g, from 21 to 30 weeks - 330 + 40 g and after 30 weeks before delivery - 340 + 30 g. In women with a body weight deficit before pregnancy, weekly weight gains can still be more.

Psychology of women

In addition to physiological changes in the body, a pregnant woman changes a mental state.

The attitude of a woman to pregnancy and childbirth is influenced by various factors, including social, moral and ethical, economic, etc., as well as the features of the person of the most pregnant.

In the first half of pregnancy, most women are more concerned about their own health, and in the second half, especially after the emergence of fetal movements, all thoughts and concerns of the future mother are aimed at the well-being of the fetus. A woman can turn to a child with affectionate words, she fantasies, hanging his individual features. Along with this, many women deliberately refuse some attachments and habits in favor of the upcoming motherhood.

Also in pregnant women can occur various fears and fears. During this period, a woman can be concerned about changes in appearance, loss of attractiveness, relationship with her husband. Close relatives (especially the husband) should become a reliable pregnant support and try to provide a woman psychological comfort. With a pronounced alarm, a depressive state of pregnant is recommended to apply for advice to a specialist.

For 40 weeks of tooling a child with a body of a woman, there are many changes: not always visible to the eye, but quite a distinctly tangible future mother.

Most sensations that accompany pregnancy are quite normal. But at the same time, if not to be prepared to them, they can cause serious concern.

To make clarity, what to wait for a woman who is waiting for a child, we talked with a pregnancy specialist, director of the perinatal center in Valencia Dr. Vicente Serra. His tips are based on the most frequent issues that women who got pregnant in the first time.

Month first. Early signs

The period of pregnancy is determined by the so-called "gestational age." In a good way, it should be called the time that has passed since the conception, but since the accurate moment of conception is rarely known, the gestational age is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstrual cycle. Many women decide to take advantage of pregnancy test after the delay of menstruation. By the time the fruit can develop for several weeks. So, in the body there are noticeable hormonal changes: the placenta and the germ grows, everything works so as to ensure the needs of the fetus in oxygen and nutrients.

But in addition to the delay there are other signs: the morning of nausea, which everyone knows, an increased sensitivity of smell and taste. And the toilet wants more often than usual.

And also changing the chest. The blood supply is intensified here, the nipples can darken, become more gentle and sensitive. Feelings as before menstruation - breast swells, hurts. And by the end of pregnancy, milk will begin to produce.

Months of the second and third. There are more changes

On the second month, the mother body changes even stronger. And embryo too. By the end of the second month, his heart is already being formed, the fighters of the face and limbs appear, it becomes possible to determine the floor of the future kid.

By the middle of the third month, about the 10th week, the bones of the fetus begin to fit, the genitals are formed, and the face begins to acquire their features, Mimic appears - the embryo becomes fruit to this period, it is already possible to call it a baby.

As for the sensations of the future mother, then the toxicosis is fully manifested. There is such a phenomenon as "the fatigue of the first trimester". So enhanced fatigue is normal.

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Months fourth and fifth. Surprises of the second trimester

At this time, the fruit continues to develop, increasing in size to about 15 cm, the nervous system begins to function, and it is already possible to hear his heartbeat if you have an ultrasound with Doppler.

By the fifth month, the leather of the future kid is covered with a raw lubricant (Vernix Caseosa) - gray-whitish fat, viscous, cotton mass, which can be seen on the skin of the child at birth. It protects the skin of the fetus from damage to the oily water (at this stage, a bag with an accumulating liquid is formed) and facilitates its passage through the generic canal during childbirth.

At about this time, the unpleasant sensations like nausea, which the future mother experienced in the early stages of pregnancy, begin to disappear. However, hormonal changes continue, and others can be replaced by one unpleasant phenomena - for example, heartburn or constipation, as well as dizziness, bleeding from the nose and gums. All because the increase in the sizes of the uterus presses on the blood vessels.

The chest during this period is not enough that will be sensitive, but also will increase in size.

Month of the sixth. Swelling is normal

The fetus continues to grow quickly and develop: by the end of this month, the baby appears fingers and marks, the skin becomes pink.

And at the future mommy at this time, it is often beginning to shoot your arms and legs. It is due to the fact that the body begins to hold the fluid to supply it the fruit. So the phenomenon is even unpleasant, but also normal.

In addition, pregnant women often discover that the appetite turned into wolf. All because the fetus develops internal organs, and for their normal formation you need a "construction" material.

And finally, you can already feel how the fruit is moving. This usually occurs between the 16th and 25th weeks of pregnancy. But if the first pregnancy is, with a greater probability it will happen closer to the 25th week.