What women choose men. Inner harmony and beauty of a woman. How and why exactly our men choose

Women in choosing a satellite of life a much selective men. Someone looking in the partner of the Father's feathers, prospects are important for someone, and some find their second half by smell.

On father

It is very common that women prefer men resembling a father. Even if in childhood the relationship with the father did not make up, as a result, the girl would still give preference to a man, like her parent. Is it true and what is due to a similar choice?

According to Doctor of Psychological Sciences from Ottersbein University (Colombia) - all the case in the so-called "syndrome of familiarities". Simply put, people begin to love what they see around themselves every day, then they are accustomed to. Since the father is usually the first man with whom the child is found and which is located next to him since childhood, he is subconsciously erected into the standard. It is familiar with him, and therefore comfortable. Therefore, when a woman chooses a man similar to her father, she is looking for comfort and reliability, which is accustomed to even at an early age. This rule applies to seconds who lived side by side with a child from childhood.

There is another scientific explanation for this phenomenon. According to Dr. Linda Batrojd, similar people are more suitable for each other in the genetic plan. Such couples are more productive, and their children's gene pool are better than their peers. However, we are talking only about the relationship of similar people, but in no case, not about relatives.

On masculinity

Recent studies have shown that women have a taste for men during life. Moreover, it depends not so much from life experience or age as from a hormonal background. According to the psychologist Christina Durant from the University of Texas, in the period of ovulation, women prefer more courageous men, muscular macho, sales and hooligans. And, on the contrary, men with softer face features are in the center of attention. According to the study conducted by scientists from the schools of natural sciences in Stirling (United Kingdom), the latter show great care in relation to the child than men with courageous features. The higher the testosterone level of a man, the less time he spends with the child, and the less the desire to do it.

According to evolutionary theory

Those who believe that the appearance for women is absolutely not important in the root. At the heart of the choice of women lies its subconscious perception of the partner as a potential father of her child. Therefore, when it comes to the physical attractiveness or a healthy body, women can be more demanding than the most arrogant men. After all, the better the candidate, the greater the benefits of his desistely.

On ambitions and potential

And yet in modern society, the social place of a person, his aspirations and achievements are of greater importance than appearance. According to the results of research conducted by scientists from the University of Concordia (Canada), the potential of a partner and even his ambition in the eyes of a woman gives him more advantages than just a beautiful figure or a person who are, by the way, the main criteria for selection in the case of men.

The value of social status is so great that many women prefer a fervent romantic relationship life in good luck with the secured and held, but often by the elderly partner. Such behavior is usually perceived by the society negatively, the woman is accused of greed and mercantility. But in this calculating choice, it did not cost again without care for future children. A woman is looking for not wealth, but a worthy support, who is able to provide her and her children with the living conditions of life. Therefore, the status, mind, prospects and ambitions are for most women the most important criteria in the search for their second half.

By smell

Sometimes, contrary to all the above factors, women simply "chant" their partner, and the selection of sweat becomes the selection criterion. Scientists from the University of Stirling (United Kingdom) came to the conclusion that women instinctively determine the quality of the genes of the man's immune system and choose partners with other genotype, which ensures their children a genetic advantage. They conducted an experiment, during which men-volunteers were prescribed to walk in the same T-shirt for a couple of days, without using deodorants, lotions or fragrant soap. After this time, 63 women were asked to assess the smell of T-shirts on a scale from 1 to 7 (where 1 is completely unpleasant, and 7 is very nice) and say how they could smell their long-term partner. A few months later, the experiment was repeated with the same participants. It turned out that all women appreciated the smells of men in the same way as the first time. The most "pleasant smelling" T-shirt scored 5.5 out of 7, and the least pleasant smell was estimated at 2.33 points.

What is primarily interested in a man in a woman? We will tell why wives are so similar to mothers, where the blondes came from and how important the golden section is in a woman.


"Movement or older?" - Every age has its answer to this question. As the "Evolutionary Psychology" professor of the University of California, David Bass (David Buss) writes in his work: Men at 23-27 years old prefer women for a year or two years, 30-year-olds for 5-10 years, and in 40-50 years Looking for a girlfriend of life aged 20 to 40 years.

As for adolescents and young people to 23, they are more likely to become an older girl. David Bass explains the age preferences, first of all, the reproductiveness of a woman. Men are looking for a woman with higher attitude towards childbearing than their peers.


Doctor of Psychology Michael Kenningham claims - men prefer girlfriends with signs of "nesting" - a phenomenon in which physiological children's traits remain in adults. If you introduce such a woman, it will remind the famous "Batty BOP" - a fictional heroine of Studio Warner Brothers: a big head, round, widely planted eyes and a small nose. In general, everything is like a 11-14-year-old child.
According to Kenningham,

"Neous Venus" are especially popular in countries in Southern Europe and Asia.

In Japan, for example, children's beauty in fashion, and the features of a mature woman are perceived by senile and ugly. The same with Italy, where, according to the researcher, almost all the winners of the beauty contest with uneven features.
By the way, the human unexpected is a natural anomaly. In addition to us, it is inherent in plants, amphibian and arthropod, but there are no animals. According to the Anthropologist Douglas Jones (University of Cornwell), this ability has been developed because of the "sample by age" mentioned above. Men give more preference to young people, which means that mature women who are still capable of childbearing are needed their trumps in unequal competition.

Golden cross section

The figure of a woman, in the representation of a man, should not be thin or complete. It must correspond to the "golden section".
In this case, we are talking about the ratio of the volume of the waist for the thighs. It is calculated by dividing the first indicator on the last. Waist, let's say, 25 cm, is divided into the volume of hips - 38 cm. It turns out, approximately 0.65. At the owner of the Golden section, this indicator will be 0.7. According to the researchers of the University of North Carolina, women with an indicator up to 0.7 and above 0.8 will not be particularly highlighted by the figure on the background of others. But those who are lucky to fit the Golden Middle, may not worry about their attractiveness.
It's not just in beauty. According to scientists, women with an indicator from 0.7 to 0.8 have better health.

At the owner of the golden section figure, an increased level of extra and reduced the danger of such serious diseases as diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, ovarian cancer.

In addition, the "Waist-Hunga" indicator reflects the reproductive abilities of a woman. According to statistical data, a woman with a ratio of 0.7-0.6 becomes pregnant much easier than with any other indicator.


The owner of light hair, according to some scientists, appeared as a result of the struggle for male attention. In 1859, this hypothesis began to develop another Darwin in the "origin of species", but not finding evidence, threw a study.
Today in science there are many versions on the origin of the light-colored hair.

Most researchers converge in the fact that for the first time the blond appeared in the north.

First, there is no hardest protection against ultraviolet rays, as in the south, and therefore, the skin and hair do not need so much pigment. Secondly, competition. According to anthropologists, in the north, where the meat was the main diet, the need for hunting increases. But not everyone returned from it. As a result, men were in the minority, and women among numerous rivals. With the presence of a choice, preference was given to individuals with outdoor appearance. By the way, in favor of this theory, the fact that blonde hair is more common in women than in men.


The appearance and figure for a man - priority criteria in choosing their second half. But not the only ones. According to Dr. Marcel Centner (DR Marcel Zentner) from the University of York, in the West, where the rights of the floors are equalized, men prefer clever women, and appearance goes to the background.
The reason, according to the researcher, is to change social and gender roles. In many countries of Western Europe, women work along with a man. This is considered not only the norm, but also duty. In a society where the man and a woman, a smart and promising partner will be looking for representatives of both sexes in society.

Similar to Mother

The statement that men prefer women similar to mothers, as truthfully, as the fact that a person for breathing is needed oxygen. Only the reason for this choice is still not clear. According to one version, it is explained by the fact that the mother is the first woman in the life of a man, the most reliable and most loving, regardless of its qualities, is a bad character and bad habits. According to another opinion, men choose a woman like a mother like a mother for the same reason why women are looking for a father's features in a young man: people unconsciously stretch to familiar and habitual. Regardless of which there were relations in the family, these were the first relationships that the child is experiencing, and therefore a priori, comfortable. Therefore, an attempt to find a companion or companion of life similar to one of the parents is just an attempt to return to the comfortable, familiar state.

Social compliance

Despite the fact that the problem of different social status went into the past along with the advent of a wide middle class, social compatibility still plays an important role when choosing a partner. Only the case is now not at a notable pedigree and richly attached, but in the ability to integrate into a circle of communication.
Man is a biosocial being. It is always surrounded by a certain community of people: family, colleagues, friends. Each has its own rules, its own hierarchy, their customs. And since the modern society is not a matrocal (husband after the conclusion of the Union lives on the territory of his wife), it is the woman to integrate on Wednesday of his partner. According to the psychologist, Dr. Seta Maurs, the thought is simple: "To live long and happily with a man, a woman must match his surroundings."

Women in choosing a satellite of life a much selective men. Someone looking in the partner of the Father's feathers, prospects are important for someone, and some find their second half by smell.

On father

It is very common that women prefer men resembling a father. Even if in childhood the relationship with the father did not make up, as a result, the girl would still give preference to a man, like her parent. Is it true and what is due to a similar choice?

According to Doctor of Psychological Sciences from Ottersbein University (Colombia) - all the case in the so-called "syndrome of familiarities". Simply put, people begin to love what they see around themselves every day, then they are accustomed to. Since the father is usually the first man with whom the child is found and which is located next to him since childhood, he is subconsciously erected into the standard. It is familiar with him, and therefore comfortable. Therefore, when a woman chooses a man similar to her father, she is looking for comfort and reliability, which is accustomed to even at an early age. This rule applies to seconds who lived side by side with a child from childhood.
There is another scientific explanation for this phenomenon. According to Dr. Linda Batrojd, similar people are more suitable for each other in the genetic plan. Such couples are more productive, and their children's gene pool are better than their peers. However, we are talking only about the relationship of similar people, but in no case, not about relatives.

On masculinity

Recent studies have shown that women have a taste for men during life. Moreover, it depends not so much from life experience or age as from a hormonal background. According to the psychologist Christina Durant from the University of Texas, in the period of ovulation, women prefer more courageous men, muscular macho, sales and hooligans. And, on the contrary, men with softer face features are in the center of attention. According to the study conducted by scientists from the schools of natural sciences in Stirling (United Kingdom), the latter show great care in relation to the child than men with courageous features. The higher the testosterone level of a man, the less time he spends with the child, and the less the desire to do it.

According to evolutionary theory

Those who believe that the appearance for women is absolutely not important in the root. At the heart of the choice of women lies its subconscious perception of the partner as a potential father of her child. Therefore, when it comes to the physical attractiveness or a healthy body, women can be more demanding than the most arrogant men. After all, the better the candidate, the greater the benefits of his desistely.

On ambitions and potential

And yet in modern society, the social place of a person, his aspirations and achievements are of greater importance than appearance. According to the results of research conducted by scientists from the University of Concordia (Canada), the potential of a partner and even his ambition in the eyes of a woman gives him more advantages than just a beautiful figure or a person who are, by the way, the main criteria for selection in the case of men.

The value of social status is so great that many women prefer a fervent romantic relationship life in good luck with the secured and held, but often by the elderly partner. Such behavior is usually perceived by the society negatively, the woman is accused of greed and mercantility. But in this calculating choice, it did not cost again without care for future children. A woman is looking for not wealth, but a worthy support, who is able to provide her and her children with the living conditions of life. Therefore, the status, mind, prospects and ambitions are for most women the most important criteria in the search for their second half.

By smell

Sometimes, contrary to all the above factors, women simply "chant" their partner, and the selection of sweat becomes the selection criterion. Scientists from the University of Stirling (United Kingdom) came to the conclusion that women instinctively determine the quality of the genes of the man's immune system and choose partners with other genotype, which ensures their children a genetic advantage. They conducted an experiment, during which men-volunteers were prescribed to walk in the same T-shirt for a couple of days, without using deodorants, lotions or fragrant soap. After this time, 63 women were asked to assess the smell of T-shirts on a scale from 1 to 7 (where 1 is completely unpleasant, and 7 is very nice) and say how they could smell their long-term partner. A few months later, the experiment was repeated with the same participants. It turned out that all women appreciated the smells of men in the same way as the first time. The most "pleasant smelling" T-shirt scored 5.5 out of 7, and the least pleasant smell was estimated at 2.33 points.

Source Miniatures: Getty Images

We even slightly embarrassed and find it difficult to understand why a similar question could be interested. If you are a man - maybe very young and strive for anything to avoid mistakes in the sphere of personal relationship. And if you are a woman - then your interest is more or less explained. But we will have to disappoint you a little at the very beginning. Men, although they behave often quite typical, still very different. And the goals of the search for women also can also differ much, not to mention the personal experience and taste. Therefore, for our part, we will, of course, try to satisfy your need for information as fully as possible. But, before proceeding with the reading of the Soviets and Recommendations, try a little narrow the search for a search, and mentally "trying on our tips on a man on a man, make a discount on the features of its character, life circumstances and unique individuality.

Most women know or pretend that they know about their strengths in the eyes of men. But they would be very surprised if they found out how they actually look at them representatives of a strong sex, and what they think. Probably, each girl would give a lot for the opportunity to read the thoughts of the interested young man. Unfortunately, modern science has not yet reached the level of development that would allow this. But here to make certain conclusions on the basis of observations of the opposite sex behavior, we will help you without special technical devices, guided by only common sense. So call him to help - and go ahead, for invaluable knowledge about how a man chooses a woman to himself, and what needs to be done to choose for you.

How a man chooses his mistress
When you first get acquainted and even on the first date, most of us, both men, and women, can certainly know how relations with a new, unfamiliar man will develop. And only over time, characteristics of character, interests, coincidences in them become known, and the place that you can potentially take each other in my life. But, no matter how insulting it may be for most representatives of the beautiful floor, few men are initially configured to serious relationships. Most often, they willingly come to contact with the goal of becoming more likely to meet, have a good time and satisfy the need for communication.

For the sake of justice, we note that many girls do not claim more, and they themselves are not against the lungs, a harsh relationship with a man. Good or bad - everyone and every decides for yourself. But this form of communication is quite common, and if you want to get closer with a new acquaintance without long and serious plans, then consider such parameters of women's appearance and character who will probably become interested in and enable to invite coffee / glass of wine:

  1. Face. Expressive, open, whose features are skillfully emphasized by makeup, will not remain unnoticed by a man. Many women seek to strengthen this effect, resorting to the help of cosmetic procedures: enhance eyelashes, increase the lips and pluck their eyebrows. But they need to know that most of these tricks cause men from men only an ironic smirk and rarely really decorate their owner. Therefore, try in everyday life when you can encounter your nose at any time with an interesting man, do not remake with makeup. You will still have such an opportunity on an evening date, where bright lips and smoky eyes will be more appropriate.
  2. FigureOf course, it is considered the main tool of seduction. The legendary "90/60/90" is always working, but still other versions of bodily proportions are quite admissible and are not less successful in men. One like thinness, others - more skidy ladies. But the main thing is that your body is well maintained, the skin is smooth, and the posture is smooth. Thin waist, long legs and rounded ass will not leave any man indifferent. As for breast size and presses cubes, it is rather pleasant, but not mandatory bonuses to an attractive appearance. Every man will be happy to them, but at the same time hesifies the report that far from every girl has such outstanding advantages. But if you feel about the number of "close" to the image of Barbie, you may not doubt that all his male friends are already jealous.
  3. Manner dress Must meet the situation and your goals. The girl in the mini-skirt or tight short dress, in the shoes on a high stud and blouse with the causing decollete will receive several invitations to the dance and offers to spend home. This is one of the most simple non-verbal signals that women use and perceive men. With it, you can vary the impression of your own availability / inaccessibility, readiness / reluctance to get acquainted. Do not neglect them if you want a man to choose you. But do not be surprised if he shifts excessive perseverance, because it is inversely proportional to the length of your hen.
  4. Age Women for men are important, as a rule, just as much as it reflects on its external appeal. And many women know how to file themselves and care for themselves, which looks younger than the years specified in the passport. If you feel about them, then the difference in age is unlikely to become an obstacle between you and the man. In addition, many of them, especially very young, willingly go to contact with women older than themselves, not evenly considering them more experienced and liberated in communication. Confirmation is a lot of celebrity pairs. So, women's years are not so often affected by the choice of a man. Although he himself, with age, increasingly draws attention to the girls much younger than himself.
  5. Behavior Women allows a man to make an idea of \u200b\u200bher before dating, during observation by the part. He will pay attention to her environment, to hold on, voice and reaction. And will make your own plan of how to behave with it. Therefore, do not forget that at any moment you can observe a potential fan. Watch yourself as you wish to be in his eyes. A little flirt does not hurt, but generally try to stay by yourself: a cheerful, smiling, sociable and friendly girl. It is most often men who choose men.
  6. Health - This is the basic value for each person and its loved ones. As long as you are only superficially familiar, you are unlikely to concern in conversation similar topics. Of course, a man chooses a woman, healthy externally, without visible flaws. The same applies to the health of the skin, teeth, hair. When moving to closest relationships, it will not honest to honestly discuss the presence of certain pathologies. This is in the interests of both sides: both men and women.
  7. - This is, for which a man chooses a woman to get acquainted, and this should be taken as a given. A man chooses the woman to whom his entails, who attracts him and mastering his thoughts and desires. And for this you need a certain proportion of mystery, and grace, and softness, and easy call. In the end, the man will choose the woman who will give him to understand that he is also not against acquaintance with him. Especially when it comes to the first impression and new acquaintances.
  8. Errudition and Sophistication - This is what is already manifested in a conversation, but largely affects the choice of a man and his desire to communicate with a woman in the future. A beautiful doll may interest when looking from the side, but this impression should not be spoiled by her speech and statements. Even on the first date, it is necessary to talk about something, and indeed it will not hurt to learn a person who are planning to spend alone with some time. Therefore, choosing between two women, equally attractive outwardly, the man will rather choose the one with which he will talk about. But in no case, not the one that is clever, without silence demonstrates his knowledge and intellectual superiority.
  9. Economic skills Do not manifest at the first meeting, except that the woman herself will not inform immediately that the cakes loves the stove and grow violets. But the girl, in the first morning spent with a man who prepared for breakfast appetizing pancakes, will definitely "earn" several points in their favor. Although men are found, which themselves willingly wake up early and serve coffee / juice / breakfast in bed. For them, it is important how a girl will take this gesture and how he behaves in response.
  10. Independence - This is a set of certain almost elusive qualities, thanks to which people are comfortable next to each other. They are not always amenable to objective assessment and therefore it is difficult to calculate them in advance. For example, a woman formally corresponding to all of the parameters listed above may not hook a man anyway. It just does not lie to her and does not pull, there is no feeling of community and ordinary human sympathy. And without them there is no point in choosing one that cannot give it all.
How a man chooses his wife
How the steamers are accompanied - not at all like the train. As a man chooses a life companion - not at all like a girlfriend for a couple of evenings. Understand this should every woman, which is aware of whether she needs to pay for men. And if you are seriously aimed in search of a partner for long-term relationships, many tips from the previous section must be revised and adjusted with regard to the specifics of the relationship. Many women have this process naturally, when they rethink themselves and their relationship with men, they become softer and calmer. To all the rest, let us advise to contact such prompts:
  1. Face Future wife Many men represent themselves in advance, even before the acquaintance with her. Often it is due to the childhood memories of the mother, but in most cases a man chooses a woman in his wife with the right and cute, slightly rounded features of the face that are associated with softness. As for cosmetics, overhead eyelashes, tattooing and increasing lips, then all this will rather pushing a man interested in family relationships. Makeup should be natural and nonsense, eyelashes - naturally fluffy, and look open. On the lips - a tender smile and bright lip balm.
  2. Figure Women change with age and change in lifestyle. And a loving man understands it. At first he chooses a slim girl, with a thin waist and long legs, but is ready for the fact that with the birth of a child's contours of her body will be a little (exactly a little!) Other. In addition, a woman too thin can cause doubts about his ability to give birth to a healthy child. And overly guarding their own harmony may even refuse to spoil the figure with pregnancy. Therefore, so that the male choice fell on you, be tightened, but do not apply the bones with a man with bones.
  3. Manner dress Very important for a girl with which a man is planning a long relationship. It must combine the mounted attractiveness and modest chastity. Say, it is impossible? But if you want to become his companion, you will have to get out. Alone with a man can afford more: short skirts, neckline, stockings. But in the presence of other men to remain elegant, but inaccessible. The rule will help: when the top is open, the legs should be hidden, and vice versa. This will preserve the balance between attractiveness and restraint.
  4. Age Future wife is important for a man. Small differences in one or two years are not critical, but in married couples a woman is much less likely there are older men. As a rule, a man chooses a life companion at least a little younger than he. Well complement each other and peers. But the ideal difference at the age of spouses is the one at which a man older than 3-5 years old. This is a checked rule, and many men feel it subconsciously, choosing women suitable for such a third category.
  5. Behavior The future wife should not force a man to blush in front of others. If you plan to become the mother of his children, then hold on to the appropriate: worthy, modestly, moderately friendly with unauthorized and friendly with his friends. When choosing a life companion for a man, it is very important which relationship with her family will be collapsed. There are quite a few cases when confrontation with potential mother-in-law crouched all the plans of a woman for a happy life with a beloved. Therefore, a man will rather choose the woman in his wife who gets his parents, brothers, sisters and a dog.
  6. Health - The priority factor for a man when choosing a future wife. After all, it should live for a long time, be cheerful, give birth and raise his children. A man chooses a woman healthy and outwardly, and internally. And this applies not only to physiology, but also psyche. And do not try to hide some kind of health problems from the future husband. Loving people can overcome such problems together, but there are some men to forgive lies in a sense.
  7. Feminine and seductivity The future wife should be at the height and, desirable, not to decrease over the years. Just over time, they are transformed into a slightly different forms, and instead of a seductive dance, a man will wait in the evenings of the massage the cervical and collar zone, tired per day at work. Otherwise, only the woman who remains feminine under any circumstances is capable of holding and make a happy man with any circumstances, especially alone with him.
  8. Errudition and Sophistication It is necessary for a person with whom to live all his life. Intellectually developed woman will be able to educate children well, entertain guests, it will not be bored with winter evenings and on long journeys. "Favorite, yes you and the interlocutor!" "This is not just funny alone, but also sincere joy of any smart man about the mental abilities of his woman." Moreover, the majority of men will not only never be chosen to his wife, but also do not consider Slissek at all as serious candidates for relations.
  9. Economic skills: The ability to create comfort in the house, maintain cleanliness, prepare delicious food, care for things ... whether it is necessary to continue this list of women's advantages to which every man is counting. He chooses a woman who will go into his life and fill it with everyday comfort, cleanliness and delicious aromas from the kitchen. And although the outdated truth about the running path to the male heart through the stomach is already repeatedly ridiculed by feminists and hipsters, no man will refuse his woman to be an excellent hostess.
  10. Independence - An indispensable resource that reduces people together holding them among each other and providing psychological comfort in a pair. If the temporary girlfriends can limit the bright appearance and causing outresses while the man experiments in relations, then the life companion must be internally close, intuitive and cordially native people. If there is a feeling between you - then almost certainly a man will choose (and what is there - already chose!) It is you.
Blind followed by even the wisest advice can play a joke with you. First, because no man, and in general, no one will be happy that it is born under one comb with the rest. Especially if he is a bright and distinctive person, and is rightly proud of it. Secondly, all men are really different. And the utilitarian approach you deprive first of all the opportunity to enjoy and receive bonuses from the life associated with the personal qualities of your chosen one. Therefore, love yourself, appreciate your own individuality and allow the events to develop their own to do. After all, only a voluntary choice can make people truly happy together.

Strong and smart male, since it is such a man who will give good, viable offspring. Men primarily pay attention to the hips and women's breasts for the same reason. Of course, a woman does not think about the offspring, looking at every unfamiliar man, but in the depths of her mind there is exactly such an assessment.

High, moderately slender, with a narrow pelvis and a wide, strong torso, a man is the best manufacturer. The combination of physiological signs determines the sexual attractiveness of a man, the more correct it is complicated, the most attracting it.

According to statistics, more than 70% of women prefer high brunettes with long legs, hairiness and with a small abdomen. From a physiological point of view - the version of the male. Too pumped men, thin or, on the contrary, too fasten - deviations from the norm, which at the initial stage are perceived with the caution.

By the way, the father is the very first and most important man in the life of a woman, and often the girl perceives the Father as the most faithful model of the opposite sex. Often, women marry men resembling them outwardly and / or by the nature of fathers.

After the woman (let him not always be conscious), assessed a man as a potential father of her future children, she constitutes his psychological portrait. Too romantic, unnecessarily soft man is not very attractive for most women. A strong spirit and mind that is able to conversate a man - a welcome option. Most women do not need too smart man, but a person who is not able to clearly express his thoughts (the presence of which is extremely welcomed), it is unlikely to bring it for a long time.

Material security and potential of a man are estimated by the majority of women in the last place, but this does not detract from their significance. A man should provide not only a woman, but also future children, which in the modern world is not so easy. Therefore, it is impossible to consider the woman unnecessarily prudent or mercenary, it only cares about the well-being of the future offspring (although some ladies think more about their own well-being, but this is a personal matter of each).

The notorious compatibility, which today is written so much and says, is just as important for building strong long-term relationships. A woman, evaluating a man, always picks up in the mind, as far as he is similar to it in nature, how much of their desire and interests coincide. Although it is impossible not to notice that often absolutely incompatible people constitute a very successful tandem of two opposites that complement each other.

But do not think that it is not certainly doomed for loneliness. Look around - are there many women get married to the limit of their dreams? Any man can attract a woman, everyone has their own charm, each Adam is somewhere waiting for his desired Eva.