What is he, happy age? "Happy age"

To enroll in the acting school in 69 years and in 79 to conquer Hollywood. Bulk from excess weight and lead yourself to an ideal physical form in 58. Start a financial broker in 75 and earn a million. I will start a successful sports career in 60.The The book contains amazing stories of women who have proven in their own example that their cops are possible at any age. And still this book is not only for those who are today in fifty. History of people who have found their happiness aged in 60 or 70 years They are involuntarily forced to remember those who are unhappy in 30, 40 or 20.The, after fifty, the most vivid and happiest period of our life occurs. But I would still like those who have not yet achieved this amazing life time. After reading this book, they said: "If this is possible in 60, it means that it is possible in 30!"

Vladimir Yakovlev - wanted and could read online

Vladimir Yakovlev

Wanted and be able to

7 brightest heroines bestseller "age of happiness"

and 24 completely new stories

Age when dreams come true

Start a model career in 60 years and succeed. To establish a company in 51 years and make it a legend of the industry. In 60 years finish in the most exhausting physical contest in the world. In 58, dancing on the pole and find your calling about it. These are not insane dreams, but real stories that have occurred with ordinary women aged "for 50".

For several years, I travel around the world and collect the stories of people who, having survived the 50-year-old frontier, refused to follow the standard - and rather dreary! - ideas about life at this age. Instead, they continue to live in their pleasure, often - better than in youth! Interestingly, most of those who have been able to fulfill their dreams after 50 are women.

Communicating with them, I understood one important thing. The monstrous mistake of many modern women is that they are not at all planning to enjoy life after 50 years. Many are confident that the life of a woman will noticeably deteriorate to 30, and by 50 years old completely ends and the remaining time (and this is decades!) It is just necessary to live quietly.

In fact, this is a perfect absurdity, and after 50 you can safely implement your dreams, whatever they are. This book contains stories about how to do it.

For example, there is a story about the successful sculptor for Metal Rochelle Ford. She first took into the hands of the tools when she was 58. She just wanted to "mess with glands." Or the story of Evgenia Stepanova, who began a sports career in 60 years.

And now she is a multiple world champion and Europe by jumping in water. Not an easy sport, dangerous, but Stepanova Madly likes. It does not matter how unusual it seems to have a lesson leading to the implementation of the dream. For example, Silvia Wainstock worked all his life with a school teacher and began the cake oven only 51 years old. Today it is - without any exaggerations - one of the most famous and highly paid confectioners in the world. Yes, for this she had to hardly work more than 30 years in a row. But she is satisfied with the result and very happy.

Whatever you dreamed about - to find your calling, to establish a personal life, to figure it out at last with money, get rid of excess weight, start a new career, - all this is absolutely possible, no matter how many years it is. As one of the heroines of this book, Patricia Torg, who performed his dream of 61 years old, "Do you like. There will be people who will say that you are crazy. Nothing terrible, these people just envy you. "

This book is not only for those who are in fifty.

When you read the stories of women who managed to find their happiness at the age of 60 or 70 years, unwittingly remember those who are unhappy in 30, 40 or even 20.

Of course, after fifty, the most vivid and happiest period of our lives occurs. But I still would like those who have not yet reached this amazing time in life by reading this book, they said:

"If it is possible in 60, it means that it is possible in 30!"

Vladimir Yakovlev

Lyudmila Voronova,

which is made of iron

Text: Tatyana Khrylova

Photo: provided by Lyudmila Voronova

City: Novosibirsk, Russia

Age: 61.

What wanted: finish in triathlon ironman

Four kilometers climb, then 180 by bike and 42 run - in a row, without stopping. This is Ironman, one of the most complex types of triathlon. Lyudmila Voronov from Novosibirsk at 61 overcame this distance without special problems. "When for the first time I was invited to speak on Ironman, I first thought that this was a joke. A very incredible distance! " - she says.

In fact, the offer to participate in Ironman should seem like a joke to any normal person. Any normal person, let's say straight, can not even complete a similar distance, not what to fight for a high result.

Voronov in this sense a man is completely abnormal. She prepared for his first competition in just three months. And she liked. She began to regularly perform and defeat. Won on Ironman in Korea, won in Austria, and in 2012, in Sweden, won the Ironman for the third time and received a very prestigious invitation to the head championship Ironman in the world - competitions in the Hawaiian Islands. But the trip to Hawaii is a very expensive event. Lyudmila Voronova works as a physical education teacher in Novosibirsk College.

"In addition to salaries, I get a pension," she explains. - I live on the salary, and I postpone my pension to participate in Triathlon.

But the Hawaii pensions are missing. I consulted with my family, I decided that in the extreme case I will take a loan. But here the guys are triathletes and collected me money for the trip through the Internet. "

As a result, despite the difficulties, Lyudmila Voronov was still in Hawaii and went to the start. In the first discipline, disappointment was waiting for it: Voronov overcame 3.8 kilometers in 1 hour 40 minutes and was very upset: her rivals overcame the same distance per hour with a little. "Time, straight to say, I killed me. They say that the wave was strong, prevented. I did not bother me, I just just a bad swimmer! " - she admits.

Woronova decided to fill in the cycle and rushed to catch up with rivals. When the legs began to reduce cramps, she massaged them alternately, on the go. At the final stage, a run by 42 kilometers - before Voronova stood, according to her, "a simple task" - gradually increase the speed and bypassing everyone who is possible. As a result, Lyudmila Voronov in his 61 passed the entire distance of Ironman in 14 hours of 25 minutes. That is, fourteen hours in a row, she sailed, fled or drove on a bike. Without interruptions and stops.

The thirty-year-old world champion Leanda Cave finished with a result of 9 hours 16 minutes.

In the coming years, Voronova has big plans. She is going to take part in several contests.

"I keep recordings of my results, depending on them corrective training," she explains.

Lyudmila Voronova says:

It is believed that with age, people lose sightseeing. And on the contrary - I am typing.

Kay d'Arcy,

which works as a killer

Text: Tatyana Khrylova

City: Los Angeles, United States

Age: 79.

What wanted: get a major role in movies

Nurse Kay D'Arssi dreamed all his life to be actress and filmed in Hollywood films. In 69, she decided to finally implement her dream and went to conquer Hollywood.

In 69, Kay D'Arci left London to conquer Los Angeles. To the future Hollywood triumph, she reacted with all the responsibility: he was recorded in the school of film acters, walked around the castings, played in episodes. Large roles did not come across, but Kay was still happy: she had many new acquaintances, she was a favorite thing and led a life that could only dream of. She felt a real Hollywood actress! This condition, regardless of the result, brought her joy and filled the life with a new meaning. It does not matter that the star did not work. D'Arci constantly improved his skills. Even began to study martial arts - mastered Thai and Filipino struggle on sticks.

Waiting for the lead role, she spent ten years. She assures that these were wonderful years: "The best time of my life has come. I enthusiastically studied and engaged in my favorite thing, not paying attention to prejudice and public stereotypes. This is in itself great happiness. "

In ten years it happened what every beginner actress dreams about. Kay D'Arci unexpectedly invited to play Agent-88, "the most dangerous killer in the world", in the Hollywood TV series of the same name. During casting, the producers were amazed to turn from a fragile lady in the ruthless killer, and she easily passed the samples. Her heroine is a woman who is fatal for his enemies by combat techniques. "According to the story agent-88, allegedly suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but in reality it is the real warrior," she assures. All tricks in the series D'Arci (which turned 80 recently) performs itself.

Kay D'Arci believes that she looks like her heroine, because they have both better lifetimes after seventy. The actress hopes that the series "Agent 88" (his premiere took place in 2013) will become a source of inspiration for all people of its age and will show that everyone has the opportunity to embody the dreams, regardless of the years. It is only necessary to fight and not give up, despite the failures.

"Everyone can fulfill his dream, the main thing is to decide," she is sure.

Her six children and 11 grandchildren who stayed in London still can not believe it.

Kay d'Arcy says:

It is important to believe in yourself and trust your inner sensations. It is impossible to allow public stereotypes to limit your life. Everything's possible. I really did not understand this up to 70 years.

Barbara Rose Broker,

which fights prejudice

Text: Tatyana Khrylova

City: Los Angeles, United States

Imagine the series "Sex in the Big City", all the main characters of which are more than 65. They walk on dates, seek men of their dreams, are engaged in a career, and in their free time they are discussing funny details of their intimate life with girlfriends. Do not imagine? In vain. It is such a story that Darren Star on the HBO TV channel is launched into the production of producer "Sex in the Big City". The new series is removed on the autobiographical novel Viagra Diarias ("Viagra Diaries"), which wrote 75-year-old Barbara Rose Broker.

Barbara Rose Brucker was engaged in literature most of his life, but he could not think that the real success would come to her only at 75 years.

"When I turned 60, I realized that our society was full of monstrous prejudices associated with age, she recalls. "It was very angry with me."

Brucker decided to write a novel, destroying age stereotypes. His main heroine - Ann Eplbaum, 70-year-old journalist. She has already lived in a divorce for 30 years, and therefore in every way trying to establish a personal life and get literary recognition.

"Ann Eplbaum is a ninety percent of me," she explains. - Almost all of the situation described in the book are taken either from my experience, or from the experience of my acquaintances. I do not write about what I do not know. "

From the personal experience of Barbara Rose Brucker it follows that men and women are difficult to achieve mutual understanding at any age.

"Do you believe in real love?" - asks the heroine.

Her companion frowns: "I believe in Viagra."

The heroes of the book are acquainted, fall in love, trying to make an impression on each other, fall into awkward situations - in one word, lead in all respects active and full life, despite the fact that everyone is far from 60.

The first publisher, to whom Bruker came with his book, refused to even read the manuscript. "Roman about a 70-year-old woman who has sex and makes a career? It's just disgusting, "he said. In more or less sharp expressions, all other publishers also answered.

Brucker did not believe the skeptics and published a book at his own expense. And I did it right. The first circulation, 10,000 copies, walked perfectly, literary critics responded about the novel enthusiastically, Brooker began to invite to television shows. The "diaries of Viagra" became interested in the major American publishing house "Simon and Schuster" - it acquired the rights to the second edition of the novel. In addition, Barbara Rose Broker sold a manuscript with several European publishing houses, and now the book is transferred immediately into several languages, including Russian.

And then the most interesting thing happened. "Diaries" attracted the attention of Darren Stara, the producer "Sex in the Big City", "Beverly Hills 90 210" and other successful serials. Star decided to remove the new series for the novel for the HBO TV channel.

After the "diaries of Viagra" Barbara Rose Brucker wrote two more books: "Love, sometimes" and "Do I need to sleep in the bed of his late wife." These novels are now preparing for printing.

Himself, his heroines and all women older than 60 who have retained interest in life, Brukerman calls Boomer Hotties - this can be translated into Russian as "pretty age."

"A modern society believes that love, dating, sex and career is not for us.

In fact, all this we need and does not matter how old we are, "she says.

Barbara Rose Brucker is confident:

Prejudice regarding ages that exist in modern society is as incorrect and unfair as homophobia and racism.

Heidemary Schvermer

which does not need money

Text: Alexander Murashev

Photo: Martin Bruckmanns, Daniel Mazza

City: Dortmund, Germany

Age: 70.

What wanted: live without money

Heidemary Schvermer 70 years old. She lives in the last seventeen of them, fundamentally without using money - in general, never under what conditions. She is happy and perfectly feels! How does it get it?

Once in the morning, Hydemary Schvermer called the owner of the apartment, which he shot, and happily reported that he would no longer pay for rent. Refusing an apartment (although she was absolutely no place to live), Hydemari distributed all her belongings and furniture to the neighbors. She left only a small suitcase with the most necessary.

My galina sister is dedicated

Chapter I. Birth of a person. Events with the eyes of a six-year-old eyewitness

1. Rivne half a century ago it was
I got in the house in Kiev with my mother.
In sunny childhood autumn sometimes
With my brother, we were engaged in the game.

2. Books I am colorful remembering the cover,
Wolf from the fairy tale was afraid a little bit,
Tears lily over the fate of piglets,
Fifty years have passed since that time.

3. In the bedroom, we draw together with Sasha
My eyes fall in the door suddenly the opening -
There is my aunt, high growth,
Everybody reports in valid and simple:

4. Think only, they say
I swallowed the seven goats!
I'm in horror I see a huge belly
"Goat swallowed!" - second and here

5. From my tears - the whole sea,
"What goat is now grief!"
Me: "Silent,
Aunt will have a baby! "

6. How these adults are hard to understand
If you are with no big only five!

7. And finally, our Lyalya was born,
Mom said: "Call of Her Galya."

8. And here I am going to sister:
I put in the pup bag
And from candy candy.
And on the top knit to me
Large handsome bow.

9. In the imagination I see,
That Galya is my peers,
We play it in Zhmurki
And feed milk kittens
Pour cat Murki.

10. And in the yard one stands
Some sad brother.
And he has a saddeal
He is not happy yet.

11. I tell him: "Hurray!
We have a sister now! "
He takes me by the hand,
To the bed little leads.

12. And there - a lump, without hands, without legs,
In diapers hidden a tag-sister,
Just like my pupse
And we waited for a friend.

13. Do not hang, do not play
In the shade of a dense garden
And look adults laughing
As if very happy.

14. And then the sister, opened his mouth,
Screaming, not clever,
And Sanka whispers me:
"Look - ya is harmless!

15. Toy in hand does not take,
And mom is not ending calling,
Yes crying without silent,
Why is such a sister?! -

And shouted so ringing:

16. Thread Nadia Gali let him take
And with her her diaper!
And Zoya with us let him live,
She is my little sister. "

Chapter II. Early childhood

17. Then we did not know with Sasha we,
That in the world everything flows
Changes us time - alas,
And man grows.

18. Stroller has a porch,
In shirt from flannels
Girl whims without end,
In the hands of caramel.

19. I want to stretch your hand
To the head of blonde,
Sister's ear is tread
Picking up frowning.

20. Does not want, apparently, be friends
Then her crust face -
It is impossible to be so boring
After all, I hurt too!

With Sasha we disciples,
We teach us addition.
"To four add three" -
There is no solution.

22. Galya with dolls plays
On the carpet on the side
MUK teaching does not know
Good little sister!

23. Aunt is angry with us -
Ended patience
Because in front
Waiting for a poem.

24. "What do you, children do not understand,
After all, it is known to all ...
Tick \u200b\u200bsuddenly opened the mouth
And said: "Seven!"

25. And yet it came to -
We were waiting with you game,
Threesome played in Zhmurki,
Then we fed kittens
All the same cat Murki.

26. You grew and studied
On the joy of dad with mom,
With Natashai friend
With a girlfriend best.

Chapter III. Youth

27. And here I get married -
Well, older sister.
And you for wedding cutlets
Grilled stuffing in the morning.

28. Simple Satza Sarafan
Your stan fits
Hiding charms secret
What do you give to you.

29. And the Fadik walks the courtyard,
Murcha simple motif,
And suddenly, stumbled upon her sister,
He is numb, frozen.

30. For a wedding came to the girl,
But she is not happy now
With my cousin
All day does not reduce.

And after a year he leads to the registry office
Sister my beauty
And for the creation of a family
We drink actively vodka!

Chapter IV. What life it is

32. Then ... Then there was a lot of trouble,
There is no life life,
But all this, my friends,
In the distant past it was.

33. And everything settled in fate,
My sister is Galinka,
Once he met
Significant other.

34. Floored the ship on the waves,
Swam under sails
And who in the composition of the ship -
Witnesses you yourself.

35. Worked, Son raised,
Studied at the Institute
Approximate in the whole wife
And happy, essentially.

36. Light nephews
I decided to find -
After all, it is necessary to guys
Native roots to know.

37. And you always tried
Combine the family
And even managed
Vitaly to marry.

38 for the fact that in this world
You live, you all loving
Mother Teresoy
We called you.

39. As of the soul
Our jubilee is a romantic,
Here you are to visit the Hurry -
Write a kettle quickly.

40. Meld and strong in a glass,
And the meeting so we note
Eating a big cauldron -
In the conversation we will not note.

40. In the cozy house of slags
We love very much.
And, dropping the cargo of worldly skills,
Chat until the night.

But in this life, that's the trouble,
Not everything was so smooth -
Rotina ringed water
And the house almost washed away.

Oh how much excitement
In Kubanka - flood!

42. I go to you, everywhere trash,
Through the heaps make their way
And terribly me, I will not hide
I look - no sadness in faces,
Here are the slags - the heroes!

43. You did not fall in spirit
Kept well done
And the house was defended
And they were not given on the layer.

44. And both of you glow
Some clear light,
"Glavnya - Study of Zhenya", -
Everything was answered!

45. But behind the studies
And those unfortunate days,
And here are both -
These are beautiful!

46. \u200b\u200bTake a look at Galina -
Slim, eyes burn,
And I don't understand something:
Who is 50?!

47. 50 - Happy age,
Here is his signs:
On perfectly you went

Wisdom glows in the eyes
Remember how it happened
Life exam on the smell
Personally took.

As a caring mother
Life suddenly sternly,
And it will hide whip,
As if it would be pounded.

In the ocean of everyday troubles
Will quit without insurance
To instill immunity
Teach skill.

Go out strong like flint
You are from the clubs,
Only the heart will be gentle
You really believe me.

On the temple of your white snow
Rajlets, Sypt, slowly,
But spring chime
Soothing your soul.

The happiness will shine eyes
You are stronger, agile,
50 - happy age
This is indisputable!

48. Be happy, sister,
And they swim in joy,
It's time and grandchildren nurse,
And you, son, try!

49. And how much can you listen
My verse that in general is simple
It's time for Gulla
Raise, friends, to us!

Is it possible to explore happiness? Think by yourself how it is tempting - to determine what happiness is to give an accurate assessment of a happy person and find out - at what age a person feels the happiest.

It seems unreal. But there were people who tried to penetrate the depths of our "I". Meet Hilke Brockmann, explorer of happiness, professor of sociology of the University of Jacobs University in Bremen. It explores the causes and consequences of demographic aging and subjective well-being. This is how the scientific concepts sound, which we characterize short words - "misfortune" and "happiness".

The new Book of Mrs. Brockmann "Human Happiness and The Pursuit of Maximization. Is ALWAYS more Better? " gives answers to many questions. Labor relies on modern surveys in the field of psychology, philosophy, neurobiology and sociology.

Hilka Brockmann, Explorer of happiness, Professor of Sociology University of Jacobs University in Bremen

Happiness of youth

Young man, age - twenty years. He is full of strength and plans. If he thinks about old age, he imagines her distant and necessarily happy. Serious obligations at this age are usually no. Uncertainty and disappointments - too. A man feels free, he is completely free, nothing "gives". Only own emotions and the choice of suitable. In front of him extending ample opportunities to create a good career.

Conclusion - In twenty years, the overwhelming majority of people live with a feeling of happiness and are confidently looking into the future.

How long does the stable state last

But then happiness takes U-shaped move. At first, the person moves continuously on the way to the so-called middle-aged crisis, which represents nothing more than the understanding of the path traveled and summing up.

In the middle of this road, according to international studies, the picture of his life is very stable. This is due to the fact that the main important decisions have already been adopted by this period, basic values \u200b\u200bwere identified, the foundation of individual well-being was created.

A person acquired a certain status - took the false place on the career ladder, found an optimal companion (s) of life for him, perhaps already has children. But, perhaps, successful work and a successful partnership no longer "shade", as before. Yes, and by this time too many commitments have accumulated.

A person becomes difficult to solve the accumulated problems that, besides, are constantly added. This leads to disappointment and the so-called middle-aged crisis, which more often overtakes men than women. Women are also not alien to summarizing the lifestyle. However, if men measure their lives of achievements at work, then weak gender - success or in personal and family life.

Middle age crisis. What is he really

Middle-aged crisis more often overtakes men, because they associate their achievements primarily with work.

Studies indicate that the feeling of happiness goes out of regret of the missed opportunities, personal disappointments, the cargo of fatigue, the inevitability of solving complex tasks that cannot be postponed. The discontent will be copied back and in some cases the bowl turns out to be crowded. Aparatia can develop, depression, lack of motivation.

Meanwhile, the long life path is still ahead! How many other things will be on the way! This brings not just psychological problems, but also begins to affect the general well-being of a person. Meanwhile, there is a way out of the crisis of middle age - this is the formulation of new tasks and aspiration to new goals.

A woman has a middle-aged crisis more often associated with understanding that another year or two - and she will not be able to take off the offspring. It was at this age that women desperately want a child (or one more) and are ready to pay for it any price.

Misfortune as a global change engine

There is nothing terrible, and even more so tragic in the feeling of misfortune, he considers Brokenn's Hilke. Misfortune is a global change engine in life. Yes Yes exactly!

The person is obliged to realize that the periods feel not "in his plate" - this is completely normal. Pay attention, because today popular literature often leaves the impression that we are all just obliged to be constantly happy, always, everywhere and constantly. But this is unnatural. And if you look at the problem at a different angle?

✔ Do you feel bad? And this stretches for quite a long time? So what's the deal? Use your misfortune as the step up.

✔ Revise your life, perhaps it should be made fundamental changes.

✔ Talk to your partner - Why are your feelings begin to fade? Think together - what can be done in order to improve relationships.

✔ You may need to go into order and regarding your profession. Change activity or raise it to a new, higher level. Or, on the contrary, slow down turnover, take a break from the eternal race, most importantly - so that it suits only you.

But there is an excellent news - after 45, everything will go uphill again!

The second half of life. We are happy again

Interestingly, but shortly before retirement we achieve the feelings of 20-year-old young people! The first and main reason - by the majority of the most reassessment of values. For example, a person is not so strong to compete in choosing a better partner, younger and attractive outwardly. Or in the struggle for the position he was heard, because the mad competition is worth it! And all this makes him unhappy.

Errors and lesions will be normal and without particular consequences adopted by him if it grows an understanding of what and how to reorient in the worldview.

Another example. The career will reach the ceiling, it is already impossible to strive for more. Then your potential can be successfully investing in some other areas. It can be traveling, hobbies, meetings with like-minded people. All this together takes into life the feeling of calm, stability, confidence in the future, that is, ultimately, to what everyone strives - fortunately.

At the same time, a person understands that life ahead is still long, and it creates a feeling of lightness and limitless opportunities even in later years. Nevertheless, the data provided is statistical averaged information. For example, if I am a mom, then discharge the stress of the Middle Years falls later.

Do children give happiness

Parents do not enjoy their baby. Feelings are changing when children grow up.

Many studies show that childless couples and families with children can be equally happy. New and more accurate studies in some cases indicate that people often feel happy only for the reason that they have small children. However, when these children become older, the situation changes. In any case, largestness reduces the feeling of well-being. This is especially true of low income families.

But these conclusions are very relative, because to measure the "children's effect" against a universal recipe for happiness is not possible. There may be many errors and omissions.

Career and happiness. How is this related

Stepping on the men's battlefield - a business, a woman begins to think and as a man, and as a woman.

Statistics suggests that women are less worried about their status and career, they pay attention to such things much less often. Of course, a traditional look at a woman as a keeper of a homely hearth played here.

Women are bothering their right not with work and social status, but with a personal life, family bings, strong friendship, love, confidence. All this makes a woman happy and career on this list does not take first positions.

For a man, a career is an important criterion for his personal happiness. But, of course, there are exceptions here from the rules, as there are husbands that are incredibly appreciated their wives, family and are ready to endlessly help their beloved in everything and share all the interests of the family.

And even more women appear, which step on the men's battlefield - business, thereby automatically complementing its essence by male values, goals and rating criteria. In this case, it can experience middle-aged crisis and as a woman (in terms of success in personal life), and as a man who measures his life with finance and posts.

Is there a universal recipe for happiness? After all, so many books about it ...

It is clear that in any way to achieve happiness, which would be suitable for absolutely everyone and everyone, does not go. It is always a huge number of diverse aspects that cause a full-fledged happy life of a particular individual. Social integration also involves social recognition, as well as sufficient sleep and regular exercise.

However, the feeling is very important - I can help my life myself. In the books you can read many good tips, but should be taken into account - for each person a recipe for your happiness.

Interestingly, the feeling of an overly large amount of happiness is also dangerous, because a person can emotionally tangle. This is how to visit the American Amusement Park and in a short period to try everything in it!

Happy people have their own, special qualities?

In psychology, a long time dominated the genetic approach in this matter. Are there people predisposed to happiness, or not?

A person with certain possibilities will really be happier.

✔ Extrants are people who are usually happy more often. We take with them an example.

✔ A man who is less thinking about possible misfortunes, catastrophes, diseases, and so on. Of course, he feels happier!

✔ Happy makes laughter. Laughter is an elixir of happiness, accessible to everyone!

✔ The ability to enjoy friendly gestures that make contact with others - also universal quality, such a simple and very effective recipe. A radiant sincere smile and friendly attitude to the surrounding opens up very many doors! Such ability distinguishes a happy person from the unfortunate. After all, the social sphere is an important component in the feeling of happiness.

✔ Those who happily attract other people are happier, this is a fact. Do not communicate, conflict and lonely people are more often unhappy. The trouble, however, makes many lonely. And it is also worth considering.

There are things that will certainly make unhappy?

Interestingly, it is unlikely to become a happier person who bathes in luxury. In the society of abundance and desire for enrichment, many consumer goods make a person even more unhappy. And, for example, unemployment brings a feeling of unhappiness, and this will not remove the benefits, even completely demolished.

Retirement, reduction and unemployment almost always affects a deep mental wound, because the fact of dismissal implies its exclusion as a personality from a significant social sphere. And after many years after this event, the shrome remains in the soul.

What does happiness look like on the outcome of the years

On the slope of the years and the one who appreciates and loves life like it is.

This is a transition to a completely new level in understanding and sensation of happiness. When the life phase comes, which is filled very well, then new "old" features are found. And people often feel happier than twenty or thirty years.

It is clear what happens and vice versa. A person is aware that the years leave, and the doors are already closed. Therefore, it is not surprising that many suffer from loneliness and meaninglessness of existence.

But it's never too late to start something new! And it pleases. So everything is in our hands!

Irina Lazur, especially for Lady Chief

On the top photo: Picture of Yuri Macik

Someone old age is afraid, someone takes as inevitable, and for someone it is a wonderful time when you can exercise your any dreams and do what you want.

Vladimir Yakovlev, the Russian journalist and businessman, recognized that age 50 years in his youth perceived as the frontier, after which he could no longer be in life.

When he spacked 50 himself, he decided to find out if a person could feel happy, be happy and feel complete than even in his youth.

Biography Vladimir Yakovlev

Vladimir Yakovlev was born in Moscow on March 8, 1959. Behind his shoulders learning in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism and work in such newspapers, as a "interlocutor", "Soviet Russia", and in the journal "Worker".

In 1987, Yakovlev became its own correspondent of the magazine "Sponak". From 1988 to 1990, he organizes the information cooperative "Fact" (1988) and the Post Factum Agency (1989-1990). Vladimir Egorovich Yakovlev - editor of the "Kommersant" (1989-1992), founder of the Publishing House "Kommersant" (1994), one of the founders of NSN, in 1999, selling their shares, leaving in the United States.

Since 2007, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of such companies as "Stream Content" and "Mass Media System". In 2008, Vladimir Yakovlev became one of the founders of the media group "Live" and the chief editor of the "Snob" magazine.

Since 2012, Vladimir organizes a project about the possibilities of people in the title "Age of Happiness". It is carried out both in Russian and English and covers the lives of people, the age frontier of which passed over half a century and even a century.

Happy age

Vladimir Yakovlev, whose age switched over the fifty-year-old trace, began to be interested in what people are doing after and why they categorically do not want to grow old and live their age near the TV.

In the post-Soviet space of people of the retirement age, they are called old men and often consider the suspended generation, which one road remained - in the cemetery. The pensioners themselves call themselves old men, respectively behave in Starikovski - grindish, they sick, complain and dying early.

The book "Age of Happiness" (Vladimir Yakovlev) destroys the representation of people about old age. It turns out that for many people in different countries it is exactly the period of life when you can devote my time to yourself entirely, because the children grew up, work remained behind, and unfulfilled dreams of youth are still waiting for their implementation.

The book not only reveals the history of the people of the older generation, but also transmits their appearance through the author's photos. Vladimir Egorovich Yakovlev is a wonderful master of the word, but also a very talented photographer who transmits both events or images and emotions that accompany them.

Heroes of the book "Age of Happiness"

Heroes of Vladimir Yakovlev are absolutely different people not only by age, but also in social, financial and professional status.

Among them are very successful and secured people, and there are those who "pull" from pension to pension, or live on the allowance.

The goal that determined the project Vladimir Yakovleva and all of his research is the search for "Elixira" of youth and happiness for people who are far over 50, 60 and even 100 years. But as reality shows, this topic turned out to be important for people of different ages, since too many young "old people", which are not interested in the house, work and televisions in life.

Here are some conclusions from which you can understand that it is not an elixir of happiness at any age:

  • First, the amount of money is completely not proportional to the volume of happiness. It is often quite the opposite - there is money, there is no happiness.
  • Secondly, not the opinion of others creates a person. The dependence of a person from what others will be thought of or think about, gives him the right to life imprisonment in the slavery of foreign ideas about him.
  • Thirdly, spending time on actions or work that do not bring pleasure and drive, shortens life.

Anray Chirkov

Example of Andrei Chirkova, Hero of the book by Vladimir Yakovlev "Age of happiness," one of the most understandable and demonstrative for residents of the post-Soviet space. He was 52 years old when drinking with American colleagues and not quite understanding what he did, promised one of them to run together by the Moscow Marathon.

Since the promise, albeit Spy, was given, and Andrei Chirkov decided to fulfill him. In a time hundred days, he went out on the morning jogging, thinking that this would help him overcome the distance of 42 km. Although the American friend could not come to the marathon, the hero of the book was still a distance, at the end of which he was restored ambulance.

On time, the drip saved Andrei from the heart attack, but he did not stop running. Today he is 72 years old, and behind the shoulders not only participation in a variety of marathon occasions, but also 2 published books about running, many stories and participation in the television show.

Thanks to the run Andrei Chirkov acquired a lot of new friends of his age, which, as he, drastically changed his life after 60 years or even later.

Faudge Singh

An elderly Hindu, who moved from a distant Indian village to London to his son, also became the hero of the book "Age of Happiness". Vladimir Yakovlev drew attention to age when an elderly Hindu was carried away by running and became a marathonger - 82 years.

A person who accustomed to work on Earth all his life took the only right decision, which clearly extended his life - if not to move, you can get sick and fall into depression. So he began to run.

In 89, he took part in the London Marathon and overcame it for almost 7 hours. This was a record for him, which he could easily beat 4 years later, when he ran a marathon distance less than in 6 hours. This time he became a record holder for the whole world in the category of those over 90 years.

Today he is 104 years old, and behind the back is not only 8 marathons, on which he earned money for charity organizations, but also participating in Adidas commercial. As the hero himself says, apparently God wanted him to become the oldest marathonger on the planet and admits that only when he began to run, for him the real life began.

Lynn Ruth Miller

Not so often there are women aged 77 years who could light up a huge hall with their jokes, participate in the television show, along with young competing in the talent show, and even go to the final.

She became the heroine of the book "Age of Happiness" Vladimir Yakovlev. The fact that she has a comic talent, Lynn understood at 70, and engaged in a striptease of 77 years. And it makes it with glitter, with a "light" in the eyes, gambling and clearly getting pleasure from the process itself.

As the heroine itself says, it is pleased with the aging. It was the old age that freed it from stereotypes about old age, filled with energy and allowed to do only what he wants.

PET and Alicia

Vladimir Yakovlev, whose books "Age of Happiness", "Rules of Happiness", "wanted and was able to" are devoted to amazing people, could not not pay attention to an elderly couple, which most of their time are traveling and in parachute jumps.

Path Murhad 81 years old, and his wife Alicia 66, together for 27 years devote to his beloved business - travel and height.

The difference between the traveler from the tourist is that the first one never goes to the specified route. Pat and Alicia are on trips more than 200 days a year, and when they return to their homeland, then they do not sit at home. Pat teaches lessons with parachute jumps and leads the club, and for those for 60 years, he is the main assistant in the development of this sport.

Being people are poor, they are forced to fly the cheapest airlines, live in low-cost hotels, but nevertheless they have already visited 180 countries. At the same time, they met with a huge number of people and fell into a variety of "grinds" - from street scuffle, to the uprisings.

As the heroes of the book themselves say, maybe later, when they make up, they will sit at home and write their memoirs.

Tao Pulp Lynch

Another bright heroine Vladimir Yakovlev is Tao, which, thanks to strong snowfall, dance in 84 years.

The yoga coach, she did not think that he would dance every day, but when he did not come to her, nor to teachers of ballroom dance dances, they decided to dance tango, which became the beginning of her hobbies.

Today Tao 95 years old, it still gives yoga lessons 3 hours a day, as well as 2 hours a day she dances with their young dance partners.

When a couple of years ago, she had a fracture of his hip and wrists, the doctor said that she would never be able to make a rack on her hands, since she was inserted pins. It did not stop Tao, and a few months later, she again performed all asans, as before.

Tao believes that he feels young thanks to the energy she gets, doing a favorite thing.

Formula of happiness

As Vladimir Yakovlev found out, the formula of happiness really exists, and the age for her is not a hindrance. As part of the elixir, such ingredients:

  • Daily physical exertion support muscles in tone and give energy for the whole day.
  • Studying a new, thinking, writing - all this helps the brain remain young.
  • Charged positive, smile not only other, but also yourself.
  • Getting pleasure from the process without reference to a specific result.
  • Taking yourself and the world as it is.
  • Be fun and active.

But the most important product of this elixir is fullness of life, getting pleasure from what you do and joy every day.

Other works of the author

Among other books, which brought the same glory to Vladimir, as well as the "age of happiness," "wanted and could", "the rules of happiness", "healthier will be" and "another matter."

All his books are devoted to the issues of happiness, health and realization of human life. Heroes of his works are real living people who change not just their lives, and the worldview has many people. Their examples inspire and help take the first step towards happiness.