Brownish mucous discharge during pregnancy. When is it safe? Video "What discharge should alert a woman?"

information In more rare cases, a woman may experience inflammation of the internal genital organs. Surgical treatment - cleaning the uterine cavity.

In the second trimester

preterm birth

dangerously Starting from the 20th week of gestation, a premature onset is possible.

Most often occurs due to infections in the mother and fetus, frequent comorbidities in women, etc. Brown discharge may occur when the cervix opens and precedes the appearance of red spotting and.

Also, this condition is accompanied by severe cramping pains in the abdomen, pulling pains in the sacrum. Requires immediate medical care, hospitalization in an obstetric hospital and delivery. In an extremely rare case, with an immediate response of a pregnant woman, it is possible to stop and extend the gestation of the fetus as much as possible until it is more ready for independent life. Regardless of the gestational age

On any of them, the development or exacerbation of an existing pathology in a woman is possible, which are also often accompanied by brown discharge.

Cervical erosion

information It is a fairly common pathology in modern women and in almost all of its cases occurs even at a young (even adolescence) age.

It is a violation of the structure of epithelial cells, ulceration on the mucous membrane. Brown, scanty, slightly spotting discharge during pregnancy occurs after contact of the damaged area with a foreign object (gynecological examination, sexual intercourse). Most often, they are not accompanied by any additional symptoms, disappear after 1 day and do not require medical intervention during the period of bearing a child.

Inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital tract

Any sexually transmitted infections (both venereal and common bacterial) can cause brown spotting at any gestational age. A woman could become infected many years before conception and be a carrier of the infection, and against the background of hormonal changes and a slightly reduced immunity, these bacteria became more active, their numbers increased and a disease clinic arose.

A man, who became a source of infection in a woman, could get the disease not only through sexual contact, but also with the disease:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate);
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), etc.

In addition to brown discharge, a woman may be disturbed by:

  • the unpleasant odor of these secretions;
  • viscous consistency;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

information The most common treatment is antibiotics in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, or oral tablets, with minimal impact on the fetus.

Injuries of the vagina and cervix

This condition can occur with domestic or violent damage. In the case when the injury is small, the violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane is insignificant, the discharge may be brown or brown-red, accompanied by discomfort in the wound area, itching. Examination by a gynecologist in the mirrors also causes discomfort and increased bleeding. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage, from disinfectant solutions to surgery.

Polyps in the vagina and on the cervix

Benign small ones can be in a future mother both before pregnancy and manifest themselves at any of the terms of bearing a child. At the slightest touch to the polyp (sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist, etc.), it begins to bleed. This is manifested by spotting brown discharge and is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Treatment during pregnancy is mainly not carried out, however, after delivery, these neoplasms should be delete, because over time, the process of degeneration of cells into malignant ones can begin.

When a woman is expecting a baby, her body can behave absolutely unpredictably. Often, the nature of the secretion secreted by the vagina changes in the expectant mother, and brown mucus appears in the early stages, which is not always the norm.

What are the discharge during early pregnancy

Brown discharge during pregnancy can be the norm, because after fertilization (7-12 days), the egg is implanted, which accompanies a creamy, odorless daub. Light brown discharge during early pregnancy is the norm, but if they last no more than two days. If the vaginal secret is secreted longer, then a doctor's consultation is needed.

When an abundant liquid with a clear smell of blood is released from the vagina, an urgent need to contact a gynecologist. Mucous dark brown discharge during early pregnancy is a very alarming signal, as it may indicate pathological processes developing in the uterus. Timely diagnosis, treatment and pastel regimen will help to avoid miscarriage (spontaneous abortion).

What discharge is considered the norm

Sometimes brown discharge appears in early pregnancy on the days of menstruation (estimated). This is considered normal if it occurs in the first weeks after fertilization. Yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy can also occur when a girl is unaware of conception, perceiving them as a normal early process before menstruation. A dark beige or pale brown liquid discharge in the last trimester is considered the norm, because this is a clear sign of placental abruption before childbirth.

Many women note that after conception, the amount of fluid released from the uterus has increased. Under normal conditions, vaginal secretion should be as follows:

  • transparent or slightly yellow, odorless;
  • moderate white or with a yellowish tint;
  • scanty mucosa with a pink tint.

Why are there brown discharges

If light brown discharge appeared in the early stages of pregnancy, then this signals a hormonal change. The cervical canal, which is expelled by epithelial cells, connects the vagina and the uterine cavity. Normally, it is filled with a mucous membrane that has secretory activity. In the first phase of the monthly cycle, under the influence of estrogens, it creates a transparent substance for better penetration of spermatozoa.

After fertilization, during the period of egg attachment, the uterine transparent substance may slightly stain in light colors. If the secreted mucus takes on a darker shade, especially when the process is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, then this is an alarming notification for a woman requiring immediate consultation with a gynecologist.

In what cases it is necessary to see a doctor

When a woman has brown brown discharge in early pregnancy accompanied by back pain, severe dizziness and vomiting, this means a threat of miscarriage. This deviation develops due to an increase in male or lack of female hormones. Serious genetic disorders can provoke pathology, after which fetal death occurs in any month. The cause of dark uterine mucus and spontaneous abortion can be:

  1. Infection. All infectious diseases increase the risk of losing a child.
  2. Hormonal preparations. Inadequate treatment sometimes leads to abnormal fetal development.
  3. Bad habits. Smoking, regular stress, drinking alcohol or overwork are a threat to the health of the baby.

Brownish mucus is often a sign of ectopic insemination. When the fetal egg does not enter the uterus, but into another organ due to adhesions, tortuous fallopian tubes or other indications, then rejection of the fetus is inevitable. After attachment, the embryo grows and stretches the fallopian tube or ovary, which are not adapted for such changes, so the organs can tear.

A woman may not be aware of the pathology at all, because, as with normal fertilization, her hCG level rises and the menstrual cycle is delayed. With ectopic insemination, dark brown mucus is observed in 80% of cases due to rejection of the endometrium, so an appeal to a specialist should occur urgently.

Video: brown discharge during pregnancy - what to do

Brown discharge during pregnancy inevitably causes anxiety in the expectant mother. The reason for such anxiety is easy to understand, because the brownish color of such secretions is given by blotches of blood. And every woman knows about the danger of bleeding during pregnancy.

Indeed, brown spotting during pregnancy very often indicates various abnormalities and pathologies of the course of pregnancy. However, this does not mean that brown discharge is always an alarming symptom. In some cases, they are, if not the norm, then absolutely safe, that's for sure.

Of course, this does not mean that when a pregnant woman finds brown spotting on the linen, she may not worry - a lot depends on the accompanying symptoms, the duration of pregnancy, and so on. In any case, the first thing a woman needs to see a doctor. She still cannot make a diagnosis on her own, and the risk is absolutely not justified.

There are a lot of reasons that cause brown discharge during pregnancy. Some of them directly depend on the gestational age, the rest are not tied to it in any way. And, of course, it makes sense for a woman to know at least the most common of them and understand the mechanism for the appearance of secretions.

The first trimester is especially rich in the causes of brown discharge during pregnancy. In addition, it is in the early stages that the most chances are that the discharge is safe.

When brown discharge during pregnancy is the norm

In the early stages: 1-2 weeks after conception, implantation of the ovum occurs in the uterine mucosa. During this process, small blood vessels can be damaged, the blood from which is mixed with natural vaginal discharge.

In this case, there will be light brown, perhaps even beige or pink discharge during pregnancy, the consistency of the discharge is creamy. In addition, they will be singular. Another distinctive feature of the discharge associated with the implantation period is that they do not cause any additional inconvenience to the woman: they have a neutral odor, do not cause itching, and are not accompanied by pain.

Another important point: at the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, the woman most likely does not yet know about her pregnancy, and often writes off the smearing brown discharge as a failure in the menstrual cycle. This is about taking care of your body. If you pay attention to an unusual phenomenon in time, you can assume that you are pregnant at a very early date, when other signs have not yet appeared.

One of the reasons why spotting can occur during pregnancy is minor disruptions in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Such failures can provoke discharge around the time when menstruation was theoretically supposed to begin. Such a phenomenon does not pose a danger to the mother or child, does not cause discomfort.

In this case, the discharge is also scarce, but it can last a couple of days. Moreover, in some cases, this phenomenon may recur within 2-3 months after the onset of pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

Unfortunately, this is where the norm ends, and complex and dangerous diagnoses begin. In the vast majority of cases, bleeding during pregnancy indicates a threatened miscarriage. Most often, the threat arises in connection with the exfoliation of the fetal egg. Damaged vessels remain in the place of detachment.

The cause of detachment of the fetal egg is usually a lack of progesterone, a female hormone whose main function is to prepare the uterine mucosa - the endometrium - for the introduction of the fetal egg and maintaining pregnancy until the placenta is formed. If there is little progesterone in a woman's body or if it is not produced at all, the endometrium rejects the fetal egg.

Allocations with a threat of miscarriage can be both meager and moderate. As a rule, they also have mucus patches. There are other symptoms: pulling pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, in some cases, vomiting.

This condition requires immediate medical attention. Therefore, having discovered brown discharge in herself, the expectant mother should immediately call an ambulance, and then lie down and try to calm down. Any physical activity, and even more excitement, can only aggravate the situation.

Fortunately, with timely seeking help, in most cases, the pregnancy can be saved. A woman with symptoms of a threatened miscarriage is likely to be admitted to the hospital and further investigations will be carried out. In addition, measures will be taken immediately to preserve the pregnancy.

Women with a detached ovum are usually prescribed drugs containing progesterone, such as utrogestan, and are prescribed complete bed rest until symptoms resolve.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark discharge during early pregnancy can also indicate a more unpleasant diagnosis: an ectopic pregnancy. As the name implies, we are talking about cases where a fertilized egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube.

The danger of such a situation is obvious: as the fetus grows, it can simply rupture the fallopian tube, which will lead to internal bleeding. And this is a threat to the life of the mother. In addition, it will no longer be possible to restore the tube after this, so an ectopic pregnancy can also lead to a deterioration in reproductive function.

Like most pathologies, an ectopic pregnancy causes other symptoms besides bleeding. In particular, a nagging pain in the abdomen. Usually from the side of the tube where the fertilized egg is fixed.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, it is no less important to start treatment on time than with a threatened miscarriage, although the treatment will be radically different. Unfortunately, in this case, there is no question of preserving the pregnancy, it is removed surgically.

bubble skid

Another, extremely unpleasant, pathology is called cystic drift. The causes of this complication are not fully understood, however, it is noted that the fetus in this case always has deviations in the chromosome set. As a result, a theory arose that this pathology occurs when an egg is fertilized simultaneously by 2 spermatozoa, or by one, but having a double set of chromosomes. As a result, the fetus either has a triple set of chromosomes: 23 from the mother and 46 from the father, or the number of chromosomes turns out to be regular, but they are all paternal.

Since it is the paternal cells that are responsible for the development of the placenta and the amniotic sac, they are mainly affected by this pathology. Instead of forming a full-fledged placenta, a benign tumor forms on the walls of the uterus: multiple cysts, consisting of vesicles with fluid of various sizes.

Such a pathology can develop in different ways. Sometimes only part of the placental tissue is pathological. In this case, one speaks of a partial hydatidiform mole. Most often, the fetus in this case dies in the second trimester, but there is a possibility of the birth of a normal child.

Complete cystic drift is characterized by a change in all tissues of the placenta. In this case, the embryo dies in the early stages. Moreover, occasionally the affected tissue penetrates into the muscle tissue of the uterus. In this case, tumor vesicles can enter the bloodstream and metastasize. Usually in the vagina and lungs.

Bubble drift manifests itself as spotting, sometimes bubbles come across in them. In addition, the woman experiences nausea, sometimes vomiting. Less commonly, women suffer from headaches and high blood pressure. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound and a blood test for hCG are performed.

Ultrasound will show the structure of the placenta, the condition of the fetus, the absence of a heartbeat. In addition, the level of hCG in patients with hydatidiform mole jumps several times.

If this pathology is detected in a woman, then the fetus and pathological tissue are removed, and in some cases the uterus also has to be removed. If the drift can be removed, then after that it must be examined. The fact is that some women develop cancer on the basis of this pathology.

After removal of the cystic drift, the woman is under the supervision of a doctor for some time. If everything goes well, then in 1-2 years the woman will be able to give birth again. Fortunately, cystic drift is extremely rare, no more than 1 time per thousand pregnant women.

Causes in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, there are reasons for spotting. Unfortunately, all of them are deviations from the norm, which means that they threaten the condition of the mother and child. And, of course, they need treatment.

Placental abruption

One of the causes of brown discharge in the second trimester is placental abruption. This phenomenon is dangerous for both mother and child. Firstly, the exfoliated placenta is not able to adequately supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the mother may experience severe bleeding due to placental abruption.

Most often, this problem is faced by women with high blood pressure and women who smoke. Scars on the uterus from abortions or caesarean sections, abdominal trauma during pregnancy, or too short an umbilical cord can provoke this pathology.

Detachment is manifested by bleeding of varying severity: from spotting to heavy bleeding, as well as pulling pain in the uterus and tension in the lower abdomen. Most often, detachment of a small part of the placenta occurs, although in rare cases, complete detachment can occur.

Detachment of the placenta is not treatable, so we are usually talking about a caesarean section. In mild cases, they try to postpone it until the period of 30-36 weeks, when there is a chance to save the child. If the situation requires immediate intervention, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

placenta previa

Placenta previa is diagnosed when the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix. In this case, the growing fetus puts more and more pressure on the placenta and can damage the vessels located on it, which provokes bleeding. Due to increased pressure, placental abruption can also occur, but in most cases such complications can be avoided.

Naturally, the offer of a placenta makes natural delivery impossible. The only thing left is a caesarean section. In addition, this position of the placenta makes it necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the fetus, as it can pass on important vessels, which will provoke oxygen starvation.

Causes in the third trimester

In addition to the fact that brown discharge can occur in the third trimester for the reasons listed in the previous section, in the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience bloody mucous discharge during pregnancy. Most likely, there is nothing to be afraid of in this case.

It is possible that this is just a mucous plug that closes the cervix and protects the child from infections and other influences from the external environment. Usually the mucus plug comes off a few hours before delivery, although in some cases it happens much earlier.

Causes of brown discharge, not dependent on the term

Of course, not all causes of vaginal bleeding are, one way or another, tied to the gestational age. Some of them can make themselves felt at any time. They can be associated with various diseases, structural features of the uterus, and so on.

Cervical erosion

In particular, cervical erosion can be the cause of smearing brown discharge in pregnant women. This problem is familiar to many women, both pregnant and giving birth, and those who have yet to do so. However, during pregnancy, the delicate epithelium of the cervix is ​​especially easy to damage. That is why for the first time women often face this problem during pregnancy.

Usually, erosion is asymptomatic, but after violent sex or examination on a genealogical chair, a pregnant woman develops scanty, spotting spotting. This happens due to the fact that the foreign body disturbs the damaged epithelium.

Erosion of the cervix in our time is most often treated with cauterization. However, this is not recommended during pregnancy, as a burn can make it difficult to give birth naturally. Therefore, during pregnancy, drug treatment is preferred.

Many women have a question: is it necessary to treat erosion during pregnancy at all? It is better to cure it, as it increases the risk of developing oncology.

Infections and inflammatory processes

Some infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and inflammatory conditions also cause vaginal bleeding. In this case, the discharge may be accompanied by various symptoms.

Including unpleasant or specific pain sensations and the like can take place.

It is not at all necessary that a woman has become infected already during pregnancy. Often, the microorganisms that live in the microflora of the vagina do not make themselves felt until favorable conditions for reproduction arise. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases, which provokes the development of the disease. In addition, old, poorly healed infections can make themselves felt.

In this case, it makes sense to recall that at the stage of pregnancy planning it is desirable to undergo a complete examination and treat all your illnesses. However, if you are reading this article, then most likely it is too late to talk about it.

Any infection during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother's body, but also for her unborn child, so treatment must be started urgently.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to select drugs for pregnant women, since some of them, together with the mother's blood, penetrate through the placenta to the fetus. Modern pharmaceuticals have taken a step forward in this regard, creating new drugs that are safer, with more accurate dosage.

This makes the work of doctors somewhat easier. Many women worry about this, however, in any case, it is better to be cured than to risk your health and the health of your baby.

Unfortunately, in most cases, brown spotting during pregnancy indicates a variety of pathologies, abnormalities and diseases. It is very undesirable to try to figure out what exactly is happening on your own. It is much wiser to meet with your doctor at the first alarming symptoms and find out the exact cause of the discharge.

Even if it turns out that nothing terrible is happening to you, no one will blame you for your anxiety. It is always better to know exactly what is happening than, being afraid of the lines, disturb the doctor once, then disentangle the consequences of a rash act.

Unfortunately, now many women are looking for an answer on thematic forums. You should not do this, since the body of each woman is individual. Therefore, the same external manifestations in different women may indicate different diseases.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by an experienced physician, and then after additional research. Please note that the more accurately you describe your feelings to the gynecologist, the easier it will be for him to make a diagnosis.

Article review: Ilona Ganshina,
practicing gynecologist

Expecting a baby is a joyful, but also exciting time. Moreover, the latter can be caused by both objective reasons and far-fetched ones. The expectant mother will always find a reason to be nervous. One of the worrisome circumstances is brown discharge in early pregnancy. It is this time that is very difficult and can become decisive for the very existence of the fetus.

Read in this article

Should I be worried about spotting?

Inexperienced women are sure that any vaginal discharge will stop before the end of the pregnancy, and when they realize that they were wrong, they begin to panic. The excitement is much more dangerous than the mucus itself, because its origin is completely natural. In order not to expose yourself and the unborn child to unnecessary risk for a trifling matter, but also not to miss a likely threat, it is worth determining why brown discharge in early pregnancy can occur in principle. In their assessment, not only the fact of appearance is important, but also the nature, sensations that accompany them, time and frequency.

Initial symptoms of pregnancy

Often, among the newly discovered features of the body, there are those that are considered as signs of early pregnancy, brown discharge is one of many among them. They have a light shade, are quite plentiful, painless. They can appear before the fact of the conception has been established, they are a derivative of the strengthening of the secretory functions of the reproductive organs and the increase in the level of hormones.

This pale brown discharge in early pregnancy should not be smelly or uncomfortable. And they also disappear quite quickly, as soon as the body adapts to the existence of an embryo in it.

Pregnancy and menstruation

No matter how ridiculous this phrase may look, such a phrase, although rare, occurs. Conception occurs only at a certain stage in the development of the female germ cell, that is, when it is mature. It happens around the middle between periods. And the next critical days after fertilization at the usual time are impossible.

But this is if the egg was the only one. And when two female gametes mature at the same time, one connects with the spermatozoon, the second cannot disappear without a trace. In a few days, an unfertilized egg degrades, disintegrates, forming. This set of tissues creates a slightly altered hormonal background, which provokes brown discharge in early pregnancy. They contain a small volume of blood, as well as cervical mucus, tissues of the inner lining. All this is similar to the harbingers of normal menstruation, but ends much faster.

Embryo implantation

After the embryo penetrates into the main female organ, it needs to gain a foothold there. After all, this place will become his abode until the very birth, as well as a means for development and a source of nutrition. The still tiny fetal egg is screwed into the uterine mucosa, which by this time takes the form of a porous, loose web. The endometrium is full of blood vessels, their number and size grow to provide acceptable living conditions for the embryo. Getting a fetal egg into its thickness is impossible without damaging some of them. It causes early pregnancy. They last ten hours, a maximum of two days. During implantation of the fetal egg, there is no noticeable pain, in the worst case, pulling sensations are noted.

If you were planning to conceive, then when smearing brown discharge appears, limit yourself to sudden movements, as well as having sex, do not take a hot bath and do not douche! Give the egg time to properly settle inside.

Slime plug

The entire reproductive system begins to work for the safety of the fetus. It does the same, which at this stage increases the volume of mucus. It is required to block the cervical canal, that is, access to the uterine cavity for unwanted microorganisms, as well as to maintain the vaginal flora. Mucus is also a sign of an increase in progesterone in the blood. Separation of some cells from the cork and provokes light brown discharge in early pregnancy. They pass painlessly, do not bring any other discomfort. And it's not blood that gives them a brownish tint, it's a natural color for some types of cervical mucus.

"Memory" of the reproductive system

The beginning of pregnancy entails changes in hormonal balance. The predominant value belongs to. But for the development of the process without problems, especially at its beginning, the hormone is not always enough. Its slight deficiency entails periodic brown discharge in early pregnancy. They are fixed in the period when the onset of critical days was expected. It is not dangerous if you follow the regimen, be especially careful during this period. In some women, similar discharges are also observed at the end of the early period, which does not prevent them from enduring and giving birth normally.

In most pregnant women who fixed them at home, when measuring the concentration of hormones, an increase in testosterone was found. This requires adequate treatment, in some cases in a hospital department. If you are worried about the nature of the appearance of discharge, it will not be superfluous to go to the gynecologist and establish the cause of their appearance.

When to Be Careful

The causes of brown discharge in early pregnancy are by no means in every case of a natural nature. There are many pathological circumstances that can interfere with normal gestation if they are not corrected. Some doom the fetus to unconditional death, being afraid. But a woman can be saved in almost all negative situations without depriving her of the chances for a happy pregnancy in the future.

The cervix is ​​covered with a very delicate layer of epithelium, which is easily damaged or changes its structure. are formed on the organ. Pregnancy due to the hormonal explosion carried by the reproductive system contributes to this. But often erosion appears even before it, but it will be necessary to get rid of the disease after childbirth.

The damaged epithelium is not a hindrance to the situation, but it can be the culprit that a woman will see small brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. More often they are contact, that is, when erosion comes into contact with the instrument during examination or the genitals during sex. If the mucus did not come out immediately after that, the blood has time to oxidize and give them that color. To avoid contact secretions, the doctor may recommend that you give up sex for a couple of weeks, and in the future be more careful with physical intimacy.

Features of attachment of the fetal egg

It is no longer about the process itself, which will take little time, but about the localization of the fetal egg. Sometimes it chooses a point that is too close to the cervix. And since the embryo is attached with the help of the villi of the shell, in this case they will touch this part of the organ. In the future, the volume of tissues around it will increase, which will cause mucous brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy.

Detachment of the ovum

Due to a lack of progesterone or other hormonal deficiency, the villi that hold the embryo to the tissues of the uterus can weaken and slowly separate. At the same time, brown-pink discharge will be observed in the early stages of pregnancy. This condition is already threatening for the fetal egg. The detachment of the embryo is accompanied by damage to the vessels, which makes the color of the mucus varied (from bright red to brown). Its consistency is also different. If pain is also present, the risk of interruption is increased.

Fetal fading

The development of the embryo for various reasons sometimes stops. How to deal with this, medicine has not yet come up with. And it can be quite difficult to calculate a frozen pregnancy up to 5 weeks. The heartbeat of the embryo is not yet fixed, so the woman has to focus only on her feelings. It is possible to suspect its stop in development if:

  • scanty brown discharge appeared in early pregnancy;
  • passed toxicosis;
  • the mammary glands became soft and decreased to the previous volume;
  • passed characteristic of the first trimester.

It is unrealistic to return the embryo to its normal state, but the woman needs to spend and then recover. Leaving decaying fetal tissues in the uterus means a high risk of an inflammatory process.

leads to the inevitability that this pregnancy will not end in childbirth. It is fixed in the fallopian tube or cervix, which does not give a chance for normal development and threatens not only gynecological health, but also life. If dark brown discharge is noticed in the early stages of pregnancy, there is increasing pain in the abdomen, which is localized in the lateral part, it makes sense for an additional examination to locate the embryo.

Early establishment of this gives a chance to save the fallopian tube and subsequent successful conception and gestation. The embryo can be retrieved without removing the organ. With a different development of events, when a woman suffers to the point of unbearable for superstitious or other reasons, the fallopian tube may burst. The fetus grows, its walls stretch and do not withstand, already causing blood from the vagina, unbearable pain and the threat of death.

bubble skid

With this diagnosis, there is no one to save, except for the woman herself. Fortunately, it is rare, once in a thousand successful pregnancies. With a complete form of malaise, the uterus contains a set of cells that are similar in chromosomes to the paternal ones and without any hint of the maternal ones. No miracle of medicine will make a healthy child out of them. And if liquid brown discharge is noticed in the early stages of pregnancy, we can talk about treating a woman. She may need to scrape.

Doctors call other manifestations of a complete cystic drift:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • quickly bringing the shade of discharge to bloody.

The disease also exists in an incomplete form, when the structure of the placenta site changes. In this case, the fetus has a chance to survive if the woman receives help in time with the correct diagnosis.

Many of them are hormonal in nature and often deprive a woman of the chance to become pregnant. But if she succeeds, the course of the process needs special control for a successful outcome. Red-brown discharge in early pregnancy can occur with uterine fibroids, polyps, or endometriosis. These are completely different diseases, but each is characterized by an increase in the volume of mucus excreted from the vagina and before conception. Pregnancy in women with the listed diagnoses has the following features:

  • with myoma, discharge occurs on “red” days, that is, the schedule of menstruation;
  • with endometriosis, mucus appears arbitrarily, but if the tone of the uterus does not increase, there is no harm to the embryo;
  • a polyp can cause brown, foul-smelling discharge in early pregnancy, especially when it grows in the area of ​​​​the cervical canal. This also puts the expectant mother at an increased risk of miscarriage. But when following the recommendations of a gynecologist and observing a good specialist, everything usually ends well.

Ingestion of bacteria that provoke PPIs is possible during pregnancy. Of course, many still take all the tests when planning or at the very beginning of the process. But since the sexual life is not forbidden in the normal course, the chance of getting infected does not disappear. Many partner-borne infections will be evidenced by yellow-brown discharge during early pregnancy. They not only have a frighteningly strange appearance, but also:

  • cause discomfort in the form of itching, burning of the genital mucosa;
  • spread bad, possibly putrid.

The threat of miscarriage with such an infection increases many times over. There is a lot of negativity for the very development of the embryo. Therefore, the appearance of a doctor should be as soon as possible for quick diagnosis and the same getting rid of the disease.


Not every pregnancy ends in childbirth, especially if the woman was not careful, or there are circumstances that can interfere with the normal course of the process. Interruption often occurs at its initial stage, when the embryo is most defenseless. If abundant brown discharge comes in the early stages of pregnancy, this may be the main indicator of the onset of a miscarriage. They pass with grasping pains, daubing, and then the color becomes bloody.

At an early stage in the development of pregnancy, it more often happens when the embryo slips out of the uterus, but amniotic fragments remain inside. They must be removed by cleaning the cavity, otherwise the woman risks bleeding.

A miscarriage can last up to 3 days, and in its first two stages there is a chance to save the fetus if you get help in a timely manner.

How to behave with discharge

When a woman has brown discharge in early pregnancy, and she cannot determine their nature, emergency help should be called. This is all the more necessary to do if pain or other painful symptoms are felt. Until medical help arrives, she should lie down with her feet on a slight rise. The posture should be comfortable. For pain, you can take an antispasmodic.

If the discharge does not cause anything but excitement, you need to go for an examination to the doctor. Let a specialist dispel all doubts than to suffer in the unknown and wait for a real threat to pregnancy. Moreover, you can not drink medicines on your own. It is impossible to choose the right one at random, and the excess will harm the fetus and can provoke a real threat.

Brown discharge, noticed in the early stages of pregnancy, cannot be interpreted unambiguously. And therefore it is worth leaving this duty to your doctor. And the woman herself should do everything possible for successful bearing, which cannot be entrusted to anyone: observe the regimen, drink, do not refuse hospitalization. Now there is every chance for the birth of a healthy child, even under very problematic initial conditions.

The color and amount of discharge is one of the issues of interest to gynecologists when examining a pregnant woman, since a change in their characteristics may indicate a pathology. And if brown discharge or blood appears, this is always an alarming symptom.

Colorless or white, mucous discharge is considered normal for a woman during pregnancy. The appearance of blood streaks in the mucus, as well as its brown color, indicate the presence of bleeding from the uterine cavity or genital tract.

Moreover, it is not necessary that the intensity of the color and the amount of blood released to the outside will directly correlate with the severity of the condition: even very meager, spotting pale brown discharge can occur with a serious pathology - for example, against the background of a threatened miscarriage. Therefore, with any impurities of blood and a brown tint of vaginal mucus, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Light brown discharge

The light brown color of the mucus indicates only an admixture of blood, that is, bleeding in such cases is small. As a rule, light and scanty brown discharge in the absence of other symptoms is not dangerous and quickly passes on its own. However, a doctor's examination when they occur will not be superfluous.

Dark brown discharge

Dark brown discharge is also noted when bleeding from the uterus and genital tract of a pregnant woman, but most often the source of bleeding is located deep, and the released blood has time to clot and change color from scarlet to brown. Dark brown color indicates a fairly high concentration of blood in the vaginal mucus, that is, heavy bleeding is possible. Therefore, a consultation with a gynecologist should be obtained immediately, especially if other symptoms are present.

Causes of brown discharge

So, the brown color of the discharge is always due to the admixture of blood. But what causes bleeding in early pregnancy and how dangerous are they?

It should be noted that brown discharge - both light and dark - never appears normally. With the physiological course of pregnancy in a healthy woman, even the slightest impurities of blood in the discharge should not be. However, bleeding does not necessarily indicate dangerous disorders - some of the causes of its occurrence are completely harmless, they are classified as borderline conditions, that is, on the verge between the norm and pathology.

The main causes of brown discharge:

  1. Non-dangerous or low-dangerous for a pregnant woman and an unborn child: associated with pregnancy (implantation, breakthrough, due to increased blood supply and vulnerability of the mucous membranes of the genital tract); unrelated to pregnancy (gynecological diseases).
  2. Dangerous causes: related to pregnancy (threatened miscarriage and miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, spontaneous reduction of one of the embryos in multiple pregnancies); unrelated to pregnancy (taking toxic drugs, severe infections, diseases of the blood coagulation system).

Non-dangerous and low-dangerous causes

  1. Implantation bleeding - occurs when a microvessel is damaged by a fetal egg penetrating into the wall of the uterus. A woman in the first month of pregnancy in a period approximately corresponding to the time of waiting for the next menstruation, there are mild smearing brown discharge for 1-2 days. They go away on their own and do not require treatment.
  2. Breakthrough bleeding that occurs cyclically throughout the first trimester and resembles menstruation. Their appearance is due to hormonal changes, as a rule - it is not dangerous and does not need any treatment.
  3. Bleeding due to increased blood supply and increased vulnerability of the mucous membranes of the genital tract - brownish discharge occurs after a mild injury (inaccurate insertion of vaginal suppositories or tablets, medical examination, sexual intercourse). Allocations pass on their own in a few hours or days. To prevent infection of microtraumas, the doctor may recommend washing with decoctions of herbal antiseptics (calendula, chamomile), or no treatment is required at all. But in order to avoid complications, traumatic situations should be avoided in the future (for several weeks, give up sexual activity).
  4. Bleeding not associated with pregnancy - most often due to gynecological diseases that existed before conception - fibroids, cervical erosion, polyps, cysts, etc. Their treatment is usually delayed for 1–2 years (until delivery and completion of feeding).

Dangerous reasons

  1. The threat of interruption and miscarriage (begun or completed) is the most common cause of brown discharge in the early stages. With the threat of interruption for quite a long time (several days or even weeks), a woman may be disturbed only by slight brown discharge. With a miscarriage that has begun and has taken place, the picture is more serious: bleeding is usually profuse, with severe pain in the abdomen. Treatment - only in a hospital (in case of a threat, a day hospital is enough).
  2. Frozen pregnancy - the death of the embryo for various reasons (most often - its non-viability). It is accompanied by brown discharge and the disappearance of pregnancy symptoms (nausea, breast engorgement pass). Treatment - curettage of the uterine cavity.
  3. An ectopic pregnancy that occurs when a fetal egg is implanted outside the uterus (in the fallopian tube, cervix). A growing and growing fetal egg injures the walls of the organ holding it, and brown discharge may act as the first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. Treatment - only in a hospital (emergency operation).
  4. Spontaneous reduction (death) of one of the embryos during multiple pregnancy - the dead embryo is rejected and excreted along with mucus and blood. The remaining embryo may develop normally, or there is a threat of miscarriage. The tactics of treatment is determined by the doctor.
  5. Serious pathologies unrelated to pregnancy (bleeding with hemophilia, due to treatment with heparin, aspirin, severe infection, etc.) - a woman is usually aware of these conditions herself, since they existed with her before. Pregnant women with similar health problems are treated in a hospital setting.


In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that only a doctor should identify the cause of bleeding. Do not reassure yourself that small brown discharge is not dangerous and will pass on its own - be sure to consult a gynecologist.