An easy way to get a splinter out. How to pull a splinter out of your finger: the most effective ways

A splinter is a sharp foreign body that is embedded under the skin or under the nail. Any objects can be a splinter - fragments from chips, wood, plant thorns, grass thorns, small metal parts - shavings, parts of metal objects. In medicine, splinters in the finger are most often associated with a disease such as acute inflammation of the tissues of the finger.


Symptoms of a splinter can be easily noticed almost immediately. However, not all splinters are introduced painfully. Most of them are so small that they painlessly penetrate the skin, and a person notices them after the splinter has festered. In the place where the splinter has penetrated, after a while, redness occurs, the touch is unpleasant, and a sharp stabbing pain is felt. The finger swells, swells. Sometimes, if the splinter is dark in color and is not deep from the surface of the skin, it can be seen with the naked eye.

If the splinter is not pulled out, then suppuration around the splinter will be added to these symptoms, which is expressed in the appearance of purulent contents at the injection site. Most often, along with a splinter, a mass of microbes penetrates, which cause a response in the body. Especially dangerous is suppuration under the nail plate, from where it is difficult to pull out a splinter. In addition, under the nail plate, the skin is thinner and more delicate, capillaries are closer in it, so suppuration will pass faster.

How to remove a shallow splinter

It should be noted right away that few of the patients go to a medical institution with a splinter. Most people try to cope with a splinter on their own, so if it is shallow, then there is nothing to worry about here - it is important to follow all the rules that relate to removing foreign bodies from the body and everything will be fine.

There are several ways in which you can get rid of a splinter. Some of them are far from medical care, since household scrap materials are used, but, nevertheless, they will also help to achieve the goal.

Let's start with a few rules that are relevant for all methods of removing a splinter:

  1. the place of suppuration should be treated with an antiseptic;
  2. any splinter is removed only with a clean, alcohol-treated object;
  3. before removing a wooden splinter, it is better not to steam your hand in warm water, hoping that it will come out better - this splinter will become softer and it will be more difficult to pull it out;
  4. in no case should you try to squeeze out a splinter - this can drive it deeper or break it;
  5. after removing the splinter, the affected area is also treated with an antiseptic.

Such targeted attention to the cleanliness of the procedure is not accidental, since a festering splinter can bring much more problems than we think.

  1. Ichthyol ointment. With the help of this not very pleasant smelling ointment, you can remove the splinter the very next day. It is enough just to apply a small pea of ​​ointment to the puncture site and seal it with adhesive tape. The next day after removing the adhesive plaster, you need to carefully consider its reverse side - if the splinter has come out, then it will be noticeable on the adhesive plaster.
  2. Baking soda. If you make a paste of ordinary baking soda and put it on your finger for a while, this will cause the skin to swell and push out the splinter. This method is good for small splinters located close to the surface. If the splinter is deep, then other methods must be used.
  3. adhesive tape. This method is also suitable for small splinters, the tip of which is visible on the surface. For the procedure, the finger must be dry so that the adhesive tape can adhere well to the surface. It is better if it is a very sticky adhesive plaster. First you need to examine the finger and find out in which direction the splinter stuck. Next, a tape is glued to this place and removed in the opposite direction from how the splinter entered.
  4. Tweezers. This method is also well suited for protruding splinters. Tweezers and a place with a splinter are treated with an antiseptic. Easily picking up a splinter by the edge, you need to try to pull it out in the opposite direction from the line of entry into the skin. If the splinter is not pulled out, it is better not to use force. Also, do not pinch the tweezers too much, so as not to break the splinter at the very base - then it will be much more difficult to pull it out.
  5. Needle. If the splinter is completely under the skin, but it is visible to the naked eye, then a needle can be an excellent method. Only you need to use not a sewing needle, but a needle from a syringe, of course, a new one. Such a needle has sharper edges and can be used to pull out a splinter almost painlessly. After sterilization, the needle is carefully inserted over the splinter in the direction of its advancement, the skin rises slightly and is cut off with the sharp edge of the needle. As a result of these manipulations, the splinter will be exposed, it can be picked up and easily pulled out.
  6. Adhesive. In this way, you can pull out a splinter sticking out on the surface. A drop of glue (for example, PVA) or nail polish is dripped onto the place where the splinter enters. After the adhesive mass has hardened, it will be very easy to separate it from the surface of the skin by slightly picking up the edges with a fingernail. In most cases, the splinter comes out with the glue, but it needs to be seen in order to fully assert that the splinter has come out. If in doubt, it is better to use another method.

How to pull a deep splinter out of your finger

If a splinter near the surface of the skin is visible, then it is almost impossible to see a splinter deep in the skin. The fact that it exists can only be guessed from the painful sensations that accompany pressing the finger.

To pull out a deep splinter, it is necessary to assess the situation and then make a decision. If the splinter has already festered and the abscess that has formed near it is clearly visible, then it would be best to apply it to the affected area Vishnevsky ointment.

Despite the fact that recently in medical circles Vishnevsky's ointment has become skeptical, nevertheless, with limited formed purulent cavities close to the surface of the skin, the ointment contributes to their aggravation and further breakthrough on the surface. That is why, after Vishnevsky's ointment, the skin and its edges seem to turn outwards.

If you apply the ointment at night and wait until the abscess breaks through and the pus comes out, then you can “drive out” the splinter along with it.

Another way to get a splinter is to soar your finger in a solution of soda and iodine. For one glass, you need to add one tablespoon of soda and a few drops of iodine so that the water is slightly colored. Boiling water is poured into the glass, and after the hot water can be kept, a finger is dipped into the glass for ten to fifteen minutes so that the skin is as softened and swollen from the water as possible.

Usually, after such a procedure, splinters themselves rise to the surface and can be easily pulled out using the methods described above.

How to remove a splinter from under the nail

If a splinter has entered under the nail, then most often a person immediately feels a sharp pain, because there are many nerve endings under the nail and the splinter that has stuck in will immediately make itself felt.

First of all, you need to wash your hands, nail plates well and check if there is dirt under the nails. Most often, when gardening and gardening, it is under the nails that earth and other dirt accumulate. It must be removed. You also need to wash off the varnish to see how deep the splinter has entered and in which place.

Before you start pulling out the splinter, the nail should be cut as much as possible in order to have better access to the splinter. If the splinter is visible, then you can try to pick it up with tweezers or a needle and stretch it to the edge of the nail, and then gently pull it out by the tip. If the splinter is not visible and is deep, then the finger must be steamed with a soda-iodine solution. Then you can repeat the procedure and try to pull out the splinter.

If it is not possible to remove a splinter from under the nail, then you can contact a medical institution where doctors will professionally treat the surface of the nail and remove the splinter. You may need to remove the nail plate and part of it. This manipulation is possible only in a medical institution and it is performed under local anesthesia. Of course, for some time you will have to walk around with a bandage and not quite an aesthetic appearance, but this is better than suppuration under the nail plate. In any case, an unremoved splinter under the nail will lead to a doctor.

What to do after removing a splinter

So, if the splinter is successfully removed, then you need to properly treat the surface. By the way, when removing a splinter, it is better to achieve the first drop of blood - this will wash the wound and wash possible dirt, microbes, etc. to the surface. Next, the place of the splinter must be disinfected. Ideally, if alcohol is at hand, but if it is not, you can wash the affected area with any improvised means - vodka, cologne, iodine or brilliant green. After the wound has been treated, levomekol cannot be applied to it. If the wound is small, then it can simply be disinfected - the skin at the puncture site will shrink very quickly and integrity will be restored.

After removing the splinter, you need to look at the wound from time to time and notice if there is suppuration. Perhaps, at the point of penetration of the splinter, a small piece of it, a fragment, could remain, which will suppurate and create problems. In this case, the procedure will need to be carried out again to completely get rid of the splinter.

When not to remove splinters

Despite the fact that there are many tips for removing a splinter, however, not in all cases it can be removed independently. So, a splinter cannot be removed if:

  • the splinter is located close to the eye;
  • the splinter has entered so deeply that it is not visible and it is not possible to pull it out on your own;
  • the splinter split into two parts, broke off deep inside;
  • glass or metal has been introduced into the skin as a splinter;
  • the place of introduction of the splinter quickly turned red, swollen, began to bleed.

If a child got a splinter

Do not panic - you can safely pull out a splinter if the baby is not scared and gives you the opportunity to work with your finger. The surrounding people need to calm the child and carry out all the above described manipulations. If the baby is afraid of needles and tweezers, then you can try to pull out the splinter with adhesive tape or adhesive tape, so as not to injure the psyche because of such a trifle. If the baby is brave, then it would be best to lift the splinter with a needle and pull it out with tweezers in the opposite direction and at the same angle. It is very good if the child is busy with something (watching a cartoon, solving riddles), so that the whole procedure goes less noticeably.

Some parents successfully pull out splinters from children in a dream, but this is only possible if the baby is fast asleep, and the splinter is clearly visible and can be easily removed.

How to protect your child from splinters

Of course, than removing splinters from a baby, it is easier to protect a child from them. To do this, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • keep the house clean so that no chips, etc., come across anywhere;
  • remove broken glass in time;
  • do not allow to play with untreated wooden objects;
  • examine the child's hands after playing in the sand, staying in the village.

What do doctors do

If it was not possible to pull out the splinter on your own, then you need to contact the nearest medical institution for professional help. After the initial examination, the doctor will disinfect the surface, anesthetize the place with the splinter, and remove the splinter through a small incision.

It's amazing how such a small "thing" as a splinter can bring such big problems and inconvenience. No wonder, because with its penetration under the skin, numerous bacteria enter, which in the future lead to problems. Therefore, if correct and consistent actions are not taken in time to remove it, this can lead to serious complications. So how do you get a splinter out of your finger?

Possible consequences

To begin with, let's figure out what the untimely removal of a splinter can threaten. Quite often, faced with such a problem as the penetration of a piece of wood, glass or metal under the skin, most people ignore it, arguing that the body itself will get rid of the unwanted "guest". But such actions often lead to serious problems, including blood poisoning.

It should be remembered that if an infected splinter penetrated under the skin, and there was no timely visit to the doctor, this could threaten sepsis, which would lead to urgent amputation of the damaged part of the leg or arm.


If a piece of glass has penetrated under the skin, its presence is quite easy to determine by throbbing pain, this is due to the fact that the foreign body with a sharp end presses on the nerve endings. If such a problem is ignored, inflammation can develop, which will lead to swelling and subsequent suppuration. The infection will spread rapidly through the bloodstream, possibly leading to blood poisoning.

If the foreign body that penetrated the skin turned out to be uninfected, and the area around it did not turn red, in this case you can remove it yourself. So how to pull a splinter out of your finger correctly and quickly?

Basic rules for the removal of a splinter

As a rule, the smaller the chip that has penetrated, the more pain and problems it brings, so below we will look at how to pull a splinter out of a toe or hand if it is “settled” shallowly.

If the scenario has become more complex, for example, a splinter or a splinter is deeply stuck under the skin, in this case it is better to use the help of doctors, they already know exactly how to pull a splinter out of a finger without consequences.

Steps to take before visiting a doctor

  1. Treat the chip penetration site with iodine as often as possible.
  2. Take a small container, pour boiling water into it (the water should be as hot as you can handle), add a few teaspoons of salt. Place your injured finger there and hold until the water cools.
  3. Take a piece of bread. Sprinkle generously with salt and chew until mushy. Apply the crumb to the adhesive tape and apply to the damaged area. The holding time of the compress should be at least 6 hours.

Folk remedies

Oddly enough, but folk methods for the removal of splinter are quite effective. Therefore, below we will offer several effective traditional medicine. So, how to pull a splinter out of a finger with folk remedies?

Ichthyol ointment

This method is effective if you are interested in the question of how to pull a splinter out of your finger without pain. This ointment is sold without a prescription. Apply a small amount of "ichthyolka" to the damaged area and keep at least a day. Seal the smeared area with adhesive tape. The splinter will come out on its own. The disadvantage of the ointment is a very unpleasant odor and a rather oily consistency.

How to pull a splinter out of a child's finger?

In this case, all of the above methods apply. The only important nuance is keeping calm. Do not shout or be nervous, otherwise the problem will worsen even more. If the baby is not given in any way, try to persuade him, tell him how strong and brave he is, how mom and dad will be proud of him if he suffers a little. If this method does not work, occupy it with something, and during the game, try to pull out a foreign object from a small finger. Remember that your hands and the hands of the baby must be clean at this moment, otherwise you can get an infection. These rules apply only to a slightly stuck splinter, but if a splinter or a splinter has penetrated deep under the skin, do not expect miracles, consult a doctor, he knows exactly how to pull a splinter out of a child’s finger without consequences.

If the child is very small, what to do in this case?

If the problem has touched a very small crumb, then you should act with extreme caution. First, disinfect the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide or a conventional antiseptic. After that, call a doctor. In the meantime, the doctor is driving, place the baby's finger in warm water with salt and soda. If the splinter does not come out, try attaching an aloe leaf or a crumb of bread to your finger (these methods are described above).

Smile at the child so that he feels your support, distract him with something. If the splinter has entered shallowly, try to remove it yourself, but only if the baby is calm or sleeping. Otherwise, wait for the doctor.

In order not to often think about how to pull a splinter out of a finger in a small child, think about what you can do to stop this situation in the future. To do this, exclude from the field of view and access of the crumbs objects that may pose a danger to him. Be careful, because a fragile children's body is quite hard going through such situations.

A splinter in the skin is a situation familiar to the vast majority of adults and children. Mostly we sting the skin on the hands, and the next most popular area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage is the feet. As a rule, splinters of this localization are much more difficult to extract, which leads to suppuration and various complications of this process. Particularly serious consequences of a splinter in the foot can be for the elderly, diabetics, as well as those with immunoglobulin A deficiency or systemic immunodeficiency.

Features of a splinter in the foot

The skin on the feet is designed for coarsening, so a splinter in the heel is an unusual condition for the body.

The skin on the feet of most people is quite dense, and anatomically designed for coarsening, which does not allow splinters at all.

Since we practically do not walk barefoot on the ground, and we fiercely struggle with attempts at hormonal keratinization of the skin, our body is faced with a situation that, in principle, should not be.

The entire mass of an upright primate falls when walking on the foot, and not all at once - on the heel or on the toe. As a result, the splinter pierces deeply, the dense skin fixes the foreign body, and the base breaks off under pressure almost immediately.

Standard methods for extracting splinters do not work here; special skill and preparation are required.

Preparing to remove a splinter from the foot

A splinter will not come out of the foot

We must remember one simple fact - a splinter will not come out of the foot on its own.

On the other hand, the density of the surrounding tissues and the anatomy of the foot prevent the rapid development of inflammation and pus. You have 6 hours to calmly prepare the skin and remove the foreign body. After this period, the process should take place with the participation of a general surgeon.

You can remove a splinter only by first softening the surrounding tissues. To do this, there are a lot of lotions, including traditional medicine.

Recipes for lotions, pastes and ointments to soften the skin

A foot bath with salt or soda softens the skin well

The easiest way is to prepare a hot solution of table salt - put 1 tablespoon in half a liter of water, and soak the affected foot in it for 20-30 minutes until the skin begins to fold. After that, as a rule, the tip of the splinter is shown from the skin, i.e. you can carry out one or another manipulation to extract it.

If, for example, you cannot use a bath, for example, when a splinter is combined with a penetrating wound or with a fungal infection of the foot, you can use soda paste. Baking soda is diluted to a paste, then the resulting slurry is applied to the splinter area. Half an hour after this, the paste can be washed off and the splinter removed.

Ointment Vishnevsky - an excellent emollient

An excellent softening agent with an antiseptic and anti-purulent effect is tar and its derivative, Vishnevsky's ointment. These remedies can not only soften the skin, but also draw pus out of the wound.

If the splinter is deep, and for some reason there is no access to the surgeon, the following method can be used: Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the cleansed skin surface and fixed with a swab and plaster. In 30-40 minutes you will get the tip of the splinter (or the whole thing), and all the pus that has formed by this time.

Thermal baths are effective in the softening process

Thermal bath: pour boiling water with salt (100 g of salt per 400 ml of water) and quickly immerse and remove the foot from the solution (better - only the affected area) all the while the brine cools down. After steaming, you can apply Vishnevsky ointment.

Sometimes a good effect is achieved by baths of a solution of baby soap - 100 g of soap per 400 ml of water, soak for 30 minutes.

Folk methods for softening the skin before removing a splinter

Folk methods can also include swab applications with aloe juice, banana skins or bread crumbs.

It should be borne in mind that many folk methods aim only at stopping the local inflammatory process, and they will not help to extract the splinter itself.

Photo gallery: folk remedies softening

Comfrey paste. The root of the comfrey grass is crushed, which must be poured with a small amount of boiling water until a thick paste is formed. A hot remedy is placed on the affected area with a gauze swab and fixed with a bandage. We change the bandage every 4 hours until a splinter appears. After removing the splinter, treat the surface of the skin with alcohol and grease with calendula.

Onion bowl. The wiped fresh onion is fixed with a swab and fixed with a bandage, the bandage is changed after 4 hours.

Technique for removing a splinter from the foot

For the procedure, you will need tweezers, a magnifying glass, a needle, medical alcohol. If you don’t have any of the things described, don’t start the manipulation to remove the splinter (it’s better to send someone to the store and pharmacy than to infect the wound).

With the help of a magnifying glass, we carefully study the puncture area, trying to find the tip of the splinter (with a splinter of the foot, this can be impossible).

Photo Gallery: Extraction Tools

Even if the tip of the splinter is visible, it is impossible to pull out the splinter without softening the skin, since the high density of the surrounding tissues (with a splinter of the foot) will lead to a break in the rod of the foreign body - then it will be much more difficult to get it out.

Before manipulation, the needle and tweezers are treated with an antiseptic. It is best to manipulate with gloves (at least you need to wash your hands).

When a body splinter enters at a right (or close to a right) angle, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • using a magnifying glass, determine exactly at what angle you need to pull the tip of a foreign body;
  • using tweezers, pull the splinter along the penetration;
  • examine the wound after extraction so that part of the splinter does not go unnoticed;
  • treat the wound with alcohol, you can apply a medical plaster.

If the splinter has entered parallel to the skin, then it is removed with a needle. To do this, gently pierce the softened skin under the splinter, and with a sharp tip squeeze the splinter to the puncture hole, and then intercept and pull it out with tweezers.

Be prepared to seek professional help

If there is any doubt whether the entire splinter has come out, then it is necessary to apply Vishnevsky ointment after manipulation - this will help get rid of the remnants of the foreign body.

If the place where the splinter was begins to blush, hurt and throb - this means that the purulent process could not be prevented. In this case, you must immediately contact the surgeon for assistance.

The abscess is opened, washed, local, and in severe cases, systemic antibacterial drugs can be prescribed.

Removing a splinter from the foot, subject to the above principles, is quite simple. Stick to the rules of antiseptics, take your time and you can emerge victorious, even from a collision with the most unpleasant splinters.

Video: how to remove a splinter

A splinter is a nuisance that can happen to every person, adult and child. A splinter brings a lot of inconvenience, it is not visible, it hurts and pricks. A splinter can be small and penetrate deep, get into the feet or under the nails. How to pull out a splinter quickly and painlessly? There are proven and effective ways.

Splinter in the finger - how to pull it out

Human hands are the most important instrument, performing many different actions and movements. Often you need to pull a splinter out of your finger. It is important to know that the sooner a problem is detected, the easier and faster you will get rid of it.

Advice! Before you start pulling out a splinter, you need to steam the skin with a hot bath or compress so that it becomes loose and soft. Then the splinter will come out of the skin more easily.

Using tweezers or a needle to remove a splinter suggests that the tip is clearly visible. Otherwise, it will not work to hook and pull the splinter. It is also necessary to prepare a disinfectant solution - alcohol or brilliant green. To better see what is happening, it is recommended to operate in bright light and use a magnifying glass.

Procedure at home:

  1. The skin is pre-steamed so that the tissues disperse, and the splinter becomes better visible and comes out faster.
  2. Tweezers or a needle (large sewing or medical from a syringe) should be treated with an alcohol solution.
  3. It should be disinfected with alcohol and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin in which the splinter is located.
  4. If tweezers are used, you need to hook the edge of the splinter and try to slowly pull it out.
  5. If a needle is used, it is necessary to pry the splinter with a sharp end and try to pull it out of the skin layers.
  6. The resulting small wound should be treated with a healing ointment, for example, Bepanthen or Boro Plus: then it will heal quickly and without complications.

Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky will allow you to remove a splinter from a finger without a needle. To do this, thickly smear the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where the splinter is located, and wait 15-20 minutes. Ointment Vishnevsky and ichthyol contribute to a good softening of tissues, and also have a pulling effect, which will help the splinter to slip out of the skin layers in which it lies. However, you will have to apply pressure to the skin around the splinter so that it comes to the surface. To less injure soft tissues, as soon as the tip appears, pick it up with tweezers and pull out the splinter completely.

Advice! If the house has a drawing pen with a thin nose, it will completely replace the tweezers and will be even more convenient.

A gruel of a small amount of water and soda will facilitate the extraction of a splinter from the surface layers of the skin. To do this, you need to briefly leave the mass on the affected area, then try to squeeze out or remove the foreign body with tweezers or a needle. It is important to be careful that the splinter does not go even deeper, otherwise it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

How to pull out a deep splinter

A splinter gets deep if it is sharp and small or brought under the nails. How to pull out a splinter if it is deep in the foot, heel or nail? The nail is less sensitive to splinters than the skin, most likely it will come out on its own after a while.

Advice! If the splinter is deep under the nail, causes severe pain or is not visible, then it is better to consult a specialist. A surgeon or traumatologist will easily and quickly relieve you of discomfort.

If the tip is visible, it will be possible to pull the splinter out from under the nail with a needle. Preliminary disinfection of the instrument and the affected area will eliminate possible complications. Under a magnifying glass and in good light, the splinter will become better visible, which will speed up the result. It is necessary to try to pry the splinter and bring it closer to the edge of the nail plate.

Adhesive tape (adhesive tape, plaster or electrical tape) will help get rid of fragile and small splinters on the feet and palms, for example, from fiberglass, metal shavings, and some varieties of plants. Before manipulation, you should wash your hands and the affected area with splinters, dry the skin thoroughly with a towel, but do not rub! Next, you should prepare the necessary piece of adhesive tape and stick it to the area affected by the splinter or splinters. Having peeled off the tape, you need to carefully examine it - a splinter should remain on the sticky part.

Using glue, you can pull a deep splinter out of your finger. For this, ordinary glue for paper and cardboard or PVA is suitable. The substance is applied to the area with a splinter, then you should wait about half an hour until the glue dries a little, and pull the hardened part slowly so that the splinter comes out with the substance. Next, you need to remove the remaining glue and make sure that there are no splinters in the skin. Otherwise, repeat the procedure.

Important! Do not use superglue to remove splinters!

A hypertonic solution will help get rid of a splinter that is deep and poorly visible. The product is highly salted hot water. For cooking, take 2-3 tablespoons of salt and dilute in half or a whole glass of boiling water. When the solution has cooled, so that the skin can endure, you need to immerse the area with a splinter in the product or make a hot compress. Next, you should apply a loose bandage and wait until the splinter becomes better visible - then it can be removed with tweezers or a needle.

Helpful Information: A hot and concentrated saline solution, medically called hypertonic saline, relieves swelling and inflammation, disinfects the skin, and reduces pain.

After the splinter has successfully come out, you should wait until the bleeding stops and treat the remaining wound with medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. If the scratch is superficial, it will heal quickly and easily. A bactericidal substance - ointment or powder should be applied to a deep wound. If the trace of the splinter is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folds, then it is recommended to apply a bandage.

When Doctor's Help Is Needed

At home, it is better to remove only those splinters that have not penetrated deep into the skin. If a foreign body is located in the face or neck, litter has entered the eyes or respiratory tract, then urgent medical attention is needed. Emergency hospitalization is required if a splinter gets into a nerve or muscle, which causes a person severe pain and limits movement.

Situations where medical attention is needed:

  • with repeated and unsuccessful attempts to independently pull out a splinter;
  • getting a splinter in the eye or in the eye area;
  • if the wound with a splinter is deep and contaminated;
  • a splinter is applied to animals, obtained from meat or fish;
  • tetanus vaccination has been done for a long time and there is a possibility of infection.

Advice! Wood and organic splinters - chips, thorns, dry grass, as well as splinters of animal origin - scales, claws, bones, and so on - contribute to the development of infection. Splinters from inorganic materials - plastic, glass, metal - are painful in themselves, but they do not provoke an infection in the skin.

If the splinter is not completely removed, then suppuration is very likely. Among the main signs of infection are swelling, discharge and severe pain, redness, local or general fever. With these symptoms you can not fight on your own, here you need to consult a doctor.

Without treatment, a small splinter can bring a lot of trouble. It needs to be disposed of quickly. If you cannot do it yourself, you should contact a specialist. A splinter extracted in time is the prevention of infection and complications, the key to well-being and maintaining health.

Every person has encountered a splinter at least once in their life. Working in the country, in the garden, at work, repairing the house - during all these activities, it is very easy to accidentally stick a small foreign body into your hand or foot. If it is only partially stuck into the skin, then it can be easily pulled out by grabbing the tip sticking out from the outside, but it is much more difficult to deal with a deep-seated or chronic splinter. This can lead to an abscess and other unpleasant consequences, so it will be interesting for everyone to know how to solve such a problem.

What is a splinter and where does it come from

A splinter is considered to be a foreign sharp object that accidentally got under the skin or mucous membrane due to mechanical damage to the latter. A large foreign body causes severe pain to the victim; a small splinter can sometimes not be noticed right away, but it will later declare itself as a complication. After all, as a rule, objects that get under the skin are dirty. Together with them, pathogenic microbes can penetrate into the wound. Most often, people inadvertently injure their palms and fingers; in second place are the feet. Rarely, a sliver, small fragment or shavings can pierce the face or eye, in which case medical attention is indispensable.

A splinter is a small sharp object stuck in the skin

The role of a splinter can be:

  • wood chips or sawdust;
  • plant thorns;
  • spines of cacti;
  • metal shavings;
  • glass crumbs.

A small splinter often comes out of the wound on its own and hardly bothers the person. However, if it causes significant discomfort, then you need to get rid of the foreign object as soon as possible.

Splinter symptoms

If the splinter was received recently, then redness and soreness appear at the site of its introduction. Above the surface of the skin, the tip of a foreign object is visible or, if the splinter has penetrated deeply, just a small wound. After a few hours, if the extraneous inclusion has not been removed, this place swells and becomes inflamed.

An inflammatory reaction immediately begins at the site of the introduction of the splinter

The appearance of throbbing pain in the wound, blue around it means that an abscess has begun to develop under the skin. If measures are not taken at this stage to remove a foreign object, then over time, a deep-seated splinter is covered with a dense capsule, inside which pus and ichor accumulate (yellowish liquid flowing along with blood, as well as purulent bloody fluid flowing from abscesses, ulcers ). The external opening of the wound is tightened, and the foreign body remains in a closed space under the skin, causing pain during movement and even at the slightest touch. Above the splinter on the skin, a dense growth similar to can form. With such symptoms, the victim should consult a doctor for surgical opening, sanitation and antibacterial treatment.

How to pull out a small foreign body without pain

The first thing a person who discovers a splinter thinks about is how to quickly and painlessly pull it out. There are several ways to independently remove small and sharp fragments of objects from under the skin.

Preparing to remove a splinter

Before attempting to remove a splinter, prepare a disinfectant (such as rubbing alcohol, vodka, cologne, or hydrogen peroxide) and do a few preparatory steps:

  1. Thoroughly clean from dirt, wash with warm water and soap the place of introduction of foreign debris.
  2. Gently pat your skin dry with a tissue. In no case should you put pressure on the splinter or rub it, from this it can move even further into the body or break. Then you have to take out the item piece by piece, which will greatly complicate the manipulation.
  3. Carefully inspect the problem area, determine the material of the foreign object, the angle and depth of penetration of the latter. The best way to do this is with a magnifying glass.
  4. Wipe the splinter entry site with a disinfectant.

Ways to get rid of a splinter at home

If none of the methods below is effective, then you should consult a doctor to remove a small object. Before mechanical removal of a splinter all tools used must be wiped with alcohol.

Self-surgery with tweezers, blades and needles

The easiest way to remove a foreign body is if its tip remains outside, which can be grabbed with small tweezers. If the splinter is located parallel or at an acute angle to the surface of the skin and its inner part shines through it, then you can gently tear the skin over the object with a thin sharp instrument to such an extent that it becomes possible to extract or push it to the exit. It is best to take a needle from a new 2 ml syringe.

Extraction of a splinter with tweezers: 1 - disinfection of the tweezers; 2, 3 - extraction of a splinter; 4 - wound treatment

If a long sliver is stuck in the rough skin of the heel, then cut the epidermis over the object with a sharp blade and push it to the exit with a needle, after which the foreign body can be easily removed with tweezers.

With very severe pain, before the “surgical” removal of the fragment, you can treat the affected area with a cotton swab moistened with novocaine solution. Ampoules with this anesthetic are sold by the piece in a pharmacy. Any cooling aerosol or ointment is also useful for "anesthesia".

Photo gallery: home splinter removal supplies

Any small tweezers will do to remove the splinter. Alcohol or other disinfectant is the first choice for surgical removal of a foreign body To pry the skin over the splinter, it is most convenient to use a needle from a sterile syringe. Sterile cotton wool will be needed to wipe the instruments and the sore spot A magnifying glass will be a good helper for those who can't see well.
The blade should only be used when a splinter in the heel is parallel to the skin.

Pulling ointments and medicines

If the splinter is deep and it is difficult to grab it by the tip, then to bring it out, you can use pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs, which usually help to draw pus from a wound or abscess:

  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky;
  • ointment Levomekol;
  • powder or gel from badyagi (medicinal algae).

The pulling gel and powder are made from medicinal algae - badyagi

Apply any of these products to the damaged area, cover with a bandage folded four times and fix loosely with adhesive tape. Remove the bandage after 6-7 hours. The splinter should come out with pus.

A wooden splinter can be "burned" with ordinary iodine. If you lubricate the sore spot every 2 hours, the sliver or chips will “burn out” and come out on their own after a while.


Also contributes to the release of splinter loosening the skin with soda slurry:

  1. A teaspoon of baking soda should be mixed with the same amount of water.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin with a splinter.
  3. Secure with adhesive tape. After 4-5 hours, the skin will soften, loosen and squeeze out the chip itself.

The method is suitable for small splinters.

Wet soda should cover the place of the splinter and, fixing it with a band-aid, leave it for several hours (4-5)

Sticky tapes and glue

If you injured your hand or foot with many small objects while camping or fishing where medical tools and supplies are not available, then try to remove the stuck objects using adhesive tape, tape or duct tape. Stick a piece of adhesive tape to the affected area of ​​the skin, then carefully tear it off. Most likely, most foreign bodies will remain on the tool at hand. Repeat this action several times until all splinters come out. Just do not stick the tape to the skin with great force - this can cause small objects to stick even deeper!

Exactly the same help can be provided by ordinary PVA glue. Apply liberally to the splintered area and let dry completely. After that, the glue is separated in a thick layer - a foreign object, having stuck to it, is removed from the body.

PVA glue will help get rid of a splinter

The last method is especially useful for extracting a splinter in children: a rare child will calmly let an adult in with a metal tool or iodine in his hand.


Salt hot water softens the skin and helps to remove the splinter. Procedure:

  1. Fill a bowl or pot with as hot water as you can tolerate.
  2. Add coarse salt there at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of water.
  3. Place your hand or foot with the splinter in this solution and steam for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the limb, wipe it dry and try to squeeze the thorn out by gently squeezing the skin around it.

Hot soap and soda baths will also help soften the sore spot. The method of removing a splinter by steaming is only suitable for those victims who have a fresh splinter.

Hot baths loosen the skin, which helps the splinter to come out.

Removing an old splinter with clay

To combat a long-standing splinter, accompanied by an abscess of soft tissues, prepare an ointment from cosmetic clay:

  1. Clay powder in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Add to the composition ½ tsp. vinegar.
  3. Apply the product to the skin with a splinter.
  4. When the composition dries, rinse it off and again smear the problem area with fresh.

Repeat the last step several times until the splinter comes out to the surface of the skin.

Any cosmetic clay is used to remove old splinters.

Folk remedies for the speedy exit of a small foreign object

Often, people use a variety of folk methods to remove foreign fragments from the skin. They help someone, some don’t, but if all other attempts to pull out a splinter have been unsuccessful, then you can try applying any of the following to the wound at night:

  • grated raw potatoes;
  • a piece of fresh fat;
  • banana peel (apply the fruit side to the skin);
  • aloe leaf (cut to the wound);
  • olive or sunflower oil;
  • heated resin of a coniferous tree;
  • Birch tar;
  • soaked crumb of rye bread;
  • cottage cheese (considered effective for suppuration and swelling);
  • gruel from grated laundry soap and finely chopped onion.

All these agents have a softening and loosening effect on the skin, which makes the splinter much easier to remove.

It is believed that the peel of a banana, applied at night to a place affected by a splinter, is able to pull out a foreign body.

Video: how to remove a splinter

wound care

After you have pulled out the splinter, lightly squeeze the edges of the wound with your fingers. Following the foreign object, the ichor will come out along with the remnants of dirt and pus, if it has had time to form.

The final and very important stage of the manipulation is the antiseptic treatment of the site of the introduction of the former splinter. Any disinfectant will do: iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of boric acid, etc. If the splinter was large and left behind a deep bleeding wound, then you can apply a sterile gauze bandage to this area or stick a bactericidal adhesive plaster.

After removing the splinter, do not forget to treat the wound with brilliant green or other disinfectant

Over the next few days, keep an eye on the wound. If there is a sharp pain, redness or swelling, you should contact the surgeon. Most likely, an infection got into the wound and a purulent-inflammatory process began.

When is a trip to the doctor inevitable?

In some situations, you should not waste time on ineffective measures, but it is better to immediately seek medical help. For example, if a splinter stuck into the eyeball or into the region of the nasolabial triangle. The latter is fraught with the penetration of pus into the cranial cavity and further into the brain.

Do not try to remove a piece of glass from under the skin yourself. Thus, you can crumble it, which will greatly complicate the task. The help of a doctor will be needed if the splinter has entered at a right angle very deep into the body or consists of several pieces, and if necessary, remove the splinter stuck under the nail.

It is also better to entrust the removal of a deep-seated splinter in a small child to a specialist. A pediatric surgeon or traumatologist will pull out the stuck object quickly and painlessly, and will also properly treat the damaged area.

Possible consequences

Despite the fact that the splinter is small, damage to her skin can have complications. The most common of them is finger panaritium (purulent inflammation). Especially often it begins with a splinter that is deep under the nail for a long time. A little less often, paronychia develops - a lesion of the periungual roller.

Natalia Sytnik

The topic of anatomy, physiology and human health is interesting, loved and well studied by me since childhood. In my work I use information from the medical literature written by professors. I have my own extensive experience in the treatment and care of patients.