Clay face mask. Which one to choose and what properties does it have? Indications and contraindications. Where to buy high-quality cosmetic clay

Hello dear readers!

Today I want to talk to you about such a product as cosmetic clay. With it, you can take care of the face and body, make various masks and body wraps, apply both in pure form with water, and with the addition of oils and herbal decoctions.
Cosmetic clay is distinguished by colors: blue, green, white, black, pink, etc. Each of them has its own unique properties aimed at cleansing, toning, narrowing pores and prolonging the beauty of our skin.
Below I'll tell you how I use different types of clay, what results I get, and what recipes for making masks for face, hair and body are my favorites.

Cosmetic clay can be found both in stores and pharmacies. It is very cheap and affordable for everyone.
For each type of skin, it is better to choose the color of the clay, which depends on its mineral composition, which in turn depends on the place of origin of the clay.
Personally, for me, homemade clay masks work many times better than purchased ready-made masks based on the same clay.
In general, clay masks are aimed at cleansing our skin with you. Cosmetic clay cleanses pores, removes toxins, impurities, excess sebum and all sorts of different substances that have accumulated on the surface of the skin.
It also helps to fight peeling, redness and inflammation.

Cosmetic clay is useful for both oily and dry skin.

The use of cosmetic clay by no means ends there. Clay is used to prepare hair and body masks, perform anti-cellulite wraps and even take relaxing healing baths with the addition of clay.

White clay

This is the most versatile type of clay. It is suitable for any type of skin, cleanses it, stimulates the production of collagen. After applying white clay masks, the skin becomes elastic, elastic and toned.
But most of all I love white clay because it visibly tightens enlarged pores. I have not noticed such a strong effect with any other clay. White clay also brightens the skin and evens out the complexion.

I mix a tablespoon of clay with water until the consistency of sour cream. If desired, I can add a few drops of tea tree or ylang-ylang essential oil. I apply to cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Blue clay

It was from her that my acquaintance with clay-based masks began. Blue clay is best suited for oily skin. I use this clay mask most often in the summer when my skin is more oily. Blue clay perfectly dries pimples, relieves the skin of excess sebum and normalizes the sebaceous glands.
In addition to water, clay can be mixed with various herbal decoctions. For example, I really like to combine clay with chamomile decoction.
Chamomile soothes the skin and has a beneficial effect on redness and skin rashes.

I also actively use blue clay to make homemade hair masks. It slightly dries my oily hair, normalizes the production of sebum and removes all impurities from the surface of the skin.
For hair, I also mix clay with water in a one-to-one ratio, apply the mixture to the hair roots with rubbing movements, put on a shower cap and walk like this for 20-30 minutes.

black clay

Very good for anti-cellulite wraps. The black clay mask can be distributed on the thighs, wrapped with cling film and wait 15-20 minutes. Perfectly tightens the skin, tightens pores and removes toxins.
There is an opinion that black clay is not desirable to apply on the face. Actually, I didn't risk it.

red clay

It is used for fading and aging skin. In addition to the main general properties of cosmetic clays, it improves blood circulation, saturates skin cells with oxygen. Relieves irritation, itching and redness.
Suitable for skin prone to allergic reactions.

pink clay

Pink clay is not found in nature. This is a mixture of red and white clay.
She is very soft and delicate. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. After applying masks based on this clay, I feel my skin is elastic, toned and velvety.
I love making face masks based on pink clay, especially during the cold season.

yellow clay

Suitable for oily and combination skin. Removes toxins, copes with acne.
Enriches skin cells with oxygen and useful substances.
I use yellow clay masks when the skin becomes dull and tired for one reason or another.
When using masks, we also do not forget about the décolleté area. This area of ​​the skin requires care no less than the face.

green clay

It is a disinfectant. If there are rashes on the face, green clay will not allow them to spread all over the face. Removes redness immediately after the first application. The result, as they say, on the face. Restores the hydrobalance of the skin.
More suitable for oily and combination.

Clay is used not only as an external, but also an internal remedy. It removes toxins from the body and kills pathogenic bacteria. But I haven't tested it myself, so I can't say.

When choosing clay read the ingredients carefully. For example, some manufacturers add parsley extract to gray clay and sell it as green clay. Careful study of the composition has not harmed anyone.

And now general rules for using clay:

1) The clay should not dry out on the skin.

It should be applied either in a thick layer, or constantly moisten the drying mask with water.
Otherwise, the opposite effect will go on and the clay will begin to draw water out of the skin, which will lead to dehydration.
And we don't need it.

2) Clay does not tolerate iron spoons. Therefore, mix the mixture only with a wooden spoon. Personally, I mix everything with a soft brush, which I then apply the mask with.

3) The darker the color of the clay, the better it will remove fat and more effectively fight rashes.

I try to make clay masks 1-2 times a week. Sometimes I throw this business, but then I come back again.
What I like most about clay masks is that the result is noticeable after the first application. If tomorrow morning there is an important event, then tonight you can make a mask and be calm.

Of course, making homemade masks from cosmetic clay is more troublesome than applying a ready-made mask from a jar. But for some reason I trust such masks more.

Do you use clay for cosmetic purposes? Which clay made the biggest impression on you? If you have your own clay mask recipe, please share it in the comments!

Thank you for your attention)))

Cosmetic clay is famous as a healing agent with unique properties that gives the skin all the necessary components. On its basis, various means are made at home. Before buying this unique product, you need to decide on its type, which depends on the color. The shade of clay is affected by the content of substances in it that give it different properties and act differently on the skin. In addition, it is also used for nails and hair.

White clay

This product, also known as "kaolin", is often included in masks designed for various skin types. It performs drying, tightening and cleansing. Able to rejuvenate the skin. Also, cosmetic white clay perfectly eliminates excess fat and significantly narrows pores.

Kaolin has bleaching properties. The product evens out the skin tone and tightens the oval of the face. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, as it is an antiseptic. Therefore, this type of clay is used for redness, skin irritation and for the healing of small wounds.

Koalin without the addition of other substances can be applied to oily and combination skin. In the case of normal and dry epidermis, it must be mixed with moisturizing ingredients. Otherwise, the skin will be very dry.

If you are interested in cosmetic white clay, it can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. The cost of the product (for 60 g) averages 18.75 rubles.

Blue clay

It is this product that has the greatest popularity among other types of cosmetic clays. Blue cosmetic clay contains a variety of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the skin. It is famous for its anti-inflammatory qualities. Due to them, its use helps to quickly heal wounds on the skin and fight the appearance of acne.

That is why the mask is very much in demand from it. Blue clay is very effective in getting rid of mimic wrinkles and lightens age spots and freckles. It has a rejuvenating effect, making the skin more elastic. Blue clay, like white clay, is great for oily skin.

From this variety, an effective foot mask is obtained. After all, it reduces heaviness and swelling, fights sweating and unpleasant odors. In folk medicine, blue cosmetic clay is widely used against baldness.

Its cost in a pharmacy (per 100 g) is 36.11 rubles.

Blue Clay Mask Recipes

How to apply such a product? It is worth familiarizing yourself with common recipes for masks, which include blue clay. It is used alone or in combination with white.

  1. Mask against skin irritation. You will need ½ teaspoon of blue clay. Add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to it. The mixture is diluted with a small volume of water and brought to a state of liquid porridge. The mask is left on the face for 10 minutes and washed with cool water. As a result, the pores on the skin tighten, and after 20-30 minutes, the inflamed areas decrease.
  2. Moisturizing mask. Take ½ tablespoon of blue clay. To it add the same amount of sour cream (with a small% fat content), the pulp of watermelon and grapes, taken one teaspoon each. Instead of pulp, a drop of grape and lemon oil will do. The prepared thick composition is kept for 10-15 minutes on the face, and then washed off.

green clay

The product owes its special properties to the high content of silver. A characteristic shade gives iron oxide. After using green clay, the skin becomes very tender and soft to the touch. Youth and beauty of the epidermis are prolonged. Also, such cosmetic clay narrows pores, tones, makes hair and nails stronger. Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieving the skin of oily sheen.

By its nature of impact, green clay is very similar to blue or white. The product normalizes the water balance of the skin, and also preserves its beauty and youth for a long time.

You can buy it at a pharmacy at a price of 25.90 rubles per 100 g.

Effective masks

This product is not widely used. However, the properties of cosmetic clay allow you to create the following healing masks.

  1. Mask against skin aging. A leaf of white cabbage is placed in an enamel bowl, where the remedy will be prepared in the future. Pour ¼ cup of milk. Boil the ingredients. After softening the leaf, it is well rubbed with milk to a state of a homogeneous slurry. Then it is mixed with a tablespoon of green clay and one protein. The product is left on the face for 10-15 minutes and thoroughly washed with cool water.
  2. Nourishing mask. This remedy is used for combination and normal skin. Thanks to the content of clay, the skin will get rid of freckles and age spots. And the oil will provide it with useful trace elements and vitamins. Take one teaspoon of green and white clay, mix well. Add a teaspoon of peach oil to this mixture. If desired, you can replace the same amount of grape seed oil. The mass is diluted with mineral water until a thick slurry is obtained. The finished product is applied to the face, left for 10 minutes and washed. After the procedure, the skin will be smooth and toned.

red clay

What are the advantages of this product? The shade of red clay is due to the presence of copper with iron oxide in it. Means from it relieve the skin of the face from irritation and redness, contribute to normal blood supply and saturate the skin with oxygen. Cosmetic clay is applicable for dry skin, as it fights dehydration very well.

The price of the product in the pharmacy is 23.00 rubles for a package of 100 grams.

Effective red clay face recipes

The product is appreciated by cosmetologists. This allows the clay to be widely used for many recipes. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Mask against dryness and irritation on the skin. Mix ½ tablespoon of red cosmetic clay with cream, preferably fatty. Bring the composition to a thick consistency. Add 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice to the mixture. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse well.
  2. Mask for dry skin. To two teaspoons of red clay add cream and vegetable oil in the same amount. Stir, achieving a homogeneous mass, and add a few drops of orange oil.
  3. Mask for sensitive skin. Boiled water is added to the red clay until the mixture reaches the state of sour cream. The product is kept on the face for 10 minutes. Then you need to wash with warm water.

black clay

The product is effective because it contains calcium, iron, quartz, strontium and magnesium. Clay black cosmetic is used for mud therapy, various body wraps, to reduce body volume and get rid of cellulite. Thanks to it, metabolism and blood flow are normalized. Protective and regenerative processes are activated in the body.

Clay cosmetic masks fight skin aging and heal its damaged areas.

Using it for the face, you need to consider that it affects different types differently. For some, this clay will seem drying, while for others it will be a soft and nourishing remedy. Therefore, it is advisable to mix a small amount of clay with water, treat a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with it and wash it off after 7 minutes. Then you need to see if there are any differences between the skin in this area and the rest of the face.

Such cosmetic clay will cost inexpensively. The price of the product (100 g) extracted from the Dead Sea is 36.23 rubles.

Mask Recipes

Products from this type of clay are recommended for combination skin. Especially in combination with infusions of medicinal herbs. With dry skin, it is advisable to add cottage cheese, milk or yolk to black clay. For a fatty structure, the product is mixed with egg white, lemon or other juice.

  1. Mask for oily and combination skin types. To 1 tablespoon of black clay add a tablespoon of mint infusion and 2 tablespoons of string infusion. The mask has a tonic effect, and also refreshes the skin and eliminates inflammation on the face. If necessary, mint infusion can be replaced with essential oil and a tablespoon of water.
  2. Purifying mask. Take an infusion of chamomile, which is prepared from a tablespoon of chamomile flowers and half a glass of boiling water. The infusion is cooled and filtered. Then mixed with it with black clay until a homogeneous thick consistency is obtained. The prepared mask is applied to the face and washed after 10-15 minutes.
  3. Scrub mask. When using black clay, black spots can be completely eliminated after several sessions by massaging the skin of the face. To do this, the product is diluted with water and applied to the skin. You must wait until the mask is completely dry. After it dries, moisten the fingertips with water and lightly massage the skin so that the clay rolls off. This is done over the entire surface of the face, after which the remaining clay is washed off. After such a massage, peeling or an oatmeal mask will be useful.

pink clay

Such a product is obtained by mixing. For its manufacture, red and white clay is used. Accordingly, the properties of the resulting product combine all the characteristics of the ingredients. The mask can be used for any skin. Pink cosmetic clay copes with fine wrinkles, rejuvenates and softens the skin of the face. It also adds elasticity to the epidermis due to its cleansing and nourishing properties.

It is easy to make a face mask from pink clay, just like from any other. It is diluted with boiled water and kept on the face for 10-15 minutes.

If the skin is characterized by dryness and lifelessness, then water can be replaced with cottage cheese, cream, egg yolk or milk. In the case of a fatty type, pink clay is mixed with kefir, protein, yogurt or yogurt.

yellow clay

This product contains iron and potassium. It is used for dull skin. Yellow clay removes toxins from the skin, fighting acne and other inflammations. It enriches the skin with oxygen, allows you to improve the tone of the face and perfectly tones.

Basic Recipes

Masks are made from yellow clay depending on the type of skin problem.

Mask against skin aging. Mix one tablespoon of egg yolk and milk. Yellow clay is added there until a mass with a thick homogeneous consistency is obtained. To the resulting mixture, you need to add a few drops of oil or chopped mint leaves. After mixing, the mask is applied to the face. Keep it for 10-15 minutes.

Mask for oily skin. Yellow clay (2 teaspoons) is diluted with honey, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice taken in a teaspoon. Water is added to the mixture. The composition should take on a look reminiscent of the state of sour cream. The mask is left on the skin for 10-15 minutes and washed.

gray clay

This cosmetic product effectively smoothes wrinkles, and is also involved in moisturizing and toning the skin. Gray clay perfectly copes with dryness and dehydration of the dermis. Due to its wound healing and softening qualities, it is able to eliminate the roughness of the skin on the elbows and feet.

blue clay

The product contains more minerals than many vegetables and fruits. Blue clay provides the skin with elasticity and fights the aging process. It is characterized by bleaching, bactericidal and antiseptic properties. From this type of clay, masks and baths are prepared for cosmetic use.

Probably there is no longer a person on earth who would not know about the healing properties of clay. It is literally like a panacea for all ailments: it is suitable for whatever type of skin you want, and it will cope with many skin problems.

Yes, there are various groups of clays and each type is aimed at solving specific problems, but in general, clay deserves the most eloquent praise. Moreover, it is simply unacceptable to refuse the gifts of nature.

Useful properties of cosmetic clay

In ancient times, clay was used by healers. It was a healing substance, it was used orally to improve peristalsis, etc. Clay was also used in construction, to preserve certain products, the Egyptians used it during embalming.

Cosmetic clay for the face will help:

  • avoid irritation,
  • eliminates the exfoliation of the upper layers,
  • smoothes skin color
  • bleach it,
  • make the skin elastic.

But the main thing that clay does is it helps to dry the skin. If you have oily skin, unpleasant greasy acne constantly appears on your face, the skin is often shiny, then you definitely need clay.

It will help draw out toxic elements and dirt from the skin, cleanse clogged ones, have an antibacterial effect and even anti-inflammatory.

Cosmetic clay masks enrich the skin with magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur and other beneficial substances. Today, clay is very common in cosmetology: it is added to the composition of various creams, shampoos, masks.

Types of cosmetic clay

There are a large number of types of this healing substance in the world, it all depends on the composition of the clay and its place of origin. And these species differ in color:

- yellow- for aging skin;

- blue— for normal skin;

- black- for problem skin;

- green- for oily skin;

– pink- for dry skin;

– white- for normal and oily;

- red- for irritated skin;

Clay white cosmetic considered the most common. It is chosen for any, oily skin, mixed type, for skin that has problems.

This type perfectly dries oily areas, brightens the skin a little, cleanses large pores, and draws out toxins. White clay fights acne, rashes, it is chosen by people suffering from acne.

Clay cosmetic blue improves the appearance of the skin, prevents wrinkles from appearing, makes it smooth. Blue clay allows the skin to absorb nutrients, makes it fresh, soothes. Choose blue clay for oily skin, it will help to cope with.

Clay black cosmetic the best in the fight against oily skin or combination skin. It draws out dirt from the pores, helps to even out the color, give the skin elasticity.

Black clay is often chosen for the procedure, mud therapy. This type of clay quite successfully fights against, activates blood flow. Black clay invigorates the skin.

Clay green cosmetic. This type of clay is very versatile, because it is used in face care, hairline, and body in general. Green clay perfectly nourishes the skin, tones, heals.

Green clay has a very interesting effect: suppose you have a dry skin type, then the clay will moisturize it, but if it is, then the clay will take care of removing greasy plaque. By the way, green clay goes well in the fight against cellulite.

Clay pink cosmetic is also ready to deal with the flaws of any type of skin, even better copes with the problems of dry skin. Pink clay is achieved by mixing red and white clays.

Therefore, it combines the properties of these two types of clay. This type of clay miraculously relieves inflammation, disinfects the affected areas. Also, the skin, under the influence of this clay, begins to smooth out, regeneration processes are activated.

Application of cosmetic clay

Clay is used to improve the skin throughout the body, masks, wraps, compresses are used. For example, the correct use cosmetic clay for hair will help get rid of dandruff, give hair splendor, make them silky, elastic, strong. The main thing is to choose the right type of clay and apply it correctly:

- you need to dilute the clay powder with warm water;

- clay is applied to the washed head, in a small layer, slightly rubbing, but without undue effort;

- you can put a plastic bag on your head so that the effect is better fixed, but do not overdo the mask;

- wash off the appropriate mask with running water, without using shampoo;

– you can reproduce procedures with clay 1-2 times in 7 days.

Such masks for the head will allow you to cure hair, strengthen it, improve and accelerate growth, give it a healthy look. Very often clay is added to the bath.

For example, black clay is wonderful for this. It will soothe the skin, relax the body. You will need about 400 g of this very clay, which will need to be stirred in two liters of water, preferably warm.

Then pour the homogeneous liquid into the bath and take it for about half an hour. Already after the first dose you will feel a charge of vivacity and a feeling of lightness.

To improve the condition of the epidermis, they often take a mask using one type of clay. But you already know the properties of each of the species. Therefore, feel free to experiment with several types of clays.

For example, to nourish the skin, take green clay and white clay one teaspoon each, add a spoonful of peach oil, a little mineral water and mix everything well. Apply the composition to the skin for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Is your skin irritated? Take blue clay, add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to it and a little mineral water. Mix everything well and you can safely apply on your face. For the procedure, literally ten minutes is enough, then rinse with water.

Do you have dry skin? And for her came up with a recipe for combinations. Mix red clay with cream, sunflower oil and a couple of drops of orange essential oil. You can add everything by eye, so that you get a homogeneous mass. Apply it on your face and leave for 20 minutes.

For too oily skin, choose a recipe that includes yellow clay. It is mixed with one spoonful of apple cider vinegar, one spoonful of honey and drops of lemon juice. All ingredients must be mixed, add a little boiled water and apply on the skin in the same way, hold for 15 minutes.

Every woman has heard about the benefits of cosmetic clay. It occupies one of the worthy places among skin care products. Most cosmetic companies use it to make creams, masks, shower gels and body wrap solutions. Clay is also suitable for home use. Based on it, you can create many simple, but at the same time effective tools.

Before purchasing this product, you need to understand its types, which are distinguished by colors. The shade indicates the presence of substances that give it different properties and have a different effect on the skin.

Properties of white clay

One of the widely used types is white, which is often called kaolin. It is included in the composition of many cosmetic skin care products, even for children, and is often used in dermatology and solving hair problems.

The main properties of white clay are whitening and deep cleansing. It eliminates skin impurities, absorbs excess fat and sweat, dries, tightens pores, has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect, and with regular use normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. All this makes kaolin clay ideal for oily and problematic skin.

White clay will help:

  • heal the skin;
  • even out complexion;
  • relieve irritation and redness;
  • saturate the epidermis with sodium, potassium, zinc and silicon;
  • quickly heal microwounds;
  • make skin firmer and more elastic
  • rejuvenate the skin.

In its pure form, white clay can be used for combination and oily skin, for dry and normal skin, it must be combined with moisturizing and emollient components, otherwise the skin can dry out.

Properties of blue clay

Blue or Cambrian clay has a rich mineral composition. It can be used as an independent remedy and as one of the components of masks, peels and cosmetic preparations. The properties of blue clay make it an excellent treatment for problematic, oily and aging skin. It restores the skin, renews the cells of the dermis, cleanses, refreshes and has a lasting tightening effect. More blue clay has the following effect:

Green clay has the following effect:

  • strengthens nails, epithelium and hair;
  • slows down the aging of the skin;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis;
  • narrows pores;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Properties of black clay

The peculiarity of black clay is that it contains biologically active substances that normalize fat metabolism in cells. The use of this type of clay for wraps and mud therapy allows you to reduce the volume of the body, relieves, normalizes metabolism, improves blood flow, activates regenerative and protective processes in the body.

The use of black clay for the face slows down skin aging and quickly heals damaged areas of the dermis.

Properties of yellow clay

This type of clay is endowed with the properties of a sorbent - it removes toxins from the dermis and enriches it with oxygen. It has an excellent effect on flabby and aging skin.

Properties of pink clay

There is a lot of silicon in this type of clay, however, it has a balanced mineral composition. Such properties of pink clay make it possible to use it for all. It gently cares for the dermis, relieves irritation and inflammation, has a mild smoothing effect and nourishes the skin. Pink clay is an excellent treatment for brittle hair and nails.

Clay is an ancient cosmetic product. Its different types differ not only in color, but also in properties. The composition of this product includes minerals that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Clay for the face is very popular, because it deeply cleanses, moisturizes, restores the structure of the dermis, and smoothes wrinkles. In order for its best properties to be fully manifested, it is necessary to choose the right variety and combine it with other components.

Varieties of clay

To know exactly which clay to choose, you need to have information about its mineral composition. Visually, the powders differ in color, this is due to their origin.

Types of cosmetic clay:

  1. White (kaolin). Composition: kaolinite, silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium. This is the most popular variety, it perfectly cleanses and whitens. Gently acts, does not scratch the skin, so the powder is often added to children's cosmetics. Kaolin is taken as a basis in the manufacture of masks for cleansing, whitening, drying and nourishing the skin. Medicinal ointments and pastes are created from it, it is added to dry deodorants and powders.
  2. Blue. The main components are cobalt, cadmium. Also, the powder is rich in silicon, calcium, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium, potassium. Hydrogen index - 7.2. The main purpose in cosmetology: cleansing, disinfection, stimulation of local blood flow.

    disinfection, stimulation of blood flow
    bleaching and drying
    cleansing, normalization of metabolic processes
    cleansing and whitening

  3. Green (glauconite). The main component is iron oxide. In addition, the powder is rich in silver, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper phosphorus, molybdenum and cobalt. Properties: cleansing, normalization of metabolic processes.
  4. Gray. This is a very rare variety that has a unique mineral composition. The main functions are cleansing and whitening.
  5. Black. This clay contains a lot of magnesium, iron, strontium, potassium. The main purpose is to establish fat metabolism, cleansing.
  6. Red. This variety is rich in iron oxide and copper. Gently acts, relieves irritation, restores.
  7. Pink. The main substance is silicon. Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, disinfects.
  8. Yellow (bentonite). Composition - iron oxide, potassium, magnesium, etc. Tones, evens out the color.

    fat metabolism, cleansing
    tones, evens out color
    relieves irritation, restores
    moisturizes, disinfects

Indications and contraindications

Cosmetic clay has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves its appearance. Clay treatment, problems and varieties of minerals used:

  • Acne (kaolin, blue, yellow).
  • Pigment spots (blue).
  • Oily skin, wide pores (kaolin, blue).
  • Dry skin (glauconite, gray, red).
  • Sensitive type (red).
  • Mimic and deep wrinkles (kaolin, blue, glauconite or red clay).

blackheads: blue or yellow clay
enlarged pores, oily skin: blue
dry skin: red or gray
wrinkles: green or red

In order for the product to have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, select clay based on the type of skin and the problems present.

Clay is a natural, natural substance that does not in itself cause an allergic reaction. Contraindications, rather, refer to additional components that are part of the cosmetic product. And therefore, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the powder, and if there are components that cause allergies, do not use the product. Perform a sensitivity test before use.

Useful properties of clay

To determine which clay is best for the face, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties. Minerals affect the epidermis in different ways, it depends on their composition.

Kaolin (white powder) has the following properties:

The blue powder is rich in mineral salts and valuable elements, due to which it:

So, if the question arises, which clay is suitable for oily skin, it is better to opt for blue.

Properties of green mineral powder:

  • restores the hydrobalance of dry and tight skin;
  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • softens, smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves local blood flow;
  • evens out the color of the epidermis.

Green clay can be mixed with blue. In addition, they can be interchanged, as their properties are very similar.

green clay
for dry skin
and complexion alignment

Red powder is indispensable for owners of sensitive skin types:

  • relieves inflammation when the skin flakes, reddens and itches;
  • softens, tones;
  • saturates with useful substances;
  • regulates hydrobalance;
  • smoothes, tightens;
  • removes excess fluid from the intercellular space;
  • improves blood circulation and cell metabolism;
  • the contour of the face becomes clearer.

if the skin is flaky
and blushes

Properties of pink mineral powder:

  • smoothes, rejuvenates, tightens;
  • softens, nourishes;
  • moisturizes.

Yellow clay is the best option for combination or oily dermis:

  • removes toxic substances from the intercellular space;
  • deeply cleanses;
  • eliminates inflammation (acne);
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • tones, refreshes;
  • rejuvenates.

moisturizes the skin
with acne

Functions of black clay:

  • absorbs toxic substances, pollution;
  • reduces pores;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • eliminates acne.

Black - nourishes dry skin, dries oily.

If the skin is dry, then gray clay should be preferred. Its main properties are moisturizing, enrichment, nutrition.

Terms of use

If you have oily, normal or sensitive skin, then repeat the procedure every 7 days, and if dry - 1 time in 2 weeks.

Application of kaolin

Often this white mineral is used for oily type epidermis.

  • To prepare a classic mask, take 20 g of clay and boiled water, stir the powder until sour cream is thick. If the pores are wide, then use tomato juice instead of water.
  • To remove acne, use aloe juice and mineral water (in half) as a liquid component.
  • For skin whitening, dilute 20 g of clay in cucumber or parsley juice. The mask can be enriched with lemon juice.
  • If you have an oily type of epidermis, take 20 g of clay, 50 ml of yogurt, a couple of parsley sprigs, 5 ml of lemon juice. Grind the parsley, mix the ingredients until the consistency of sour cream, apply to the skin. Make sure the layer is loose.

    20 g white clay
    50 ml curdled milk

    a couple of sprigs of parsley
    5 ml lemon juice

  • For acne, dilute 20 g of kaolin in 30 ml of vodka and 5 ml of aloe extract.
  • Mask for dry skin: take 20 g of clay, the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, 45 ml of milk. Mix ingredients until creamy.
  • Lifting mask: dilute 20 g of powder in milk, add 5 g of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly, treat the skin.
  • To nourish and moisturize the normal type of epidermis, you need to prepare the following mixture. Ingredients: 120 g of banana puree, 20 g of clay, a little sour cream and any vegetable oil. Mix until thick sour cream, if the mass is too thick, add a little water.

    20 g clay
    20 g banana puree

Blue Clay Recipes

Uses of green mineral powder

  • Rejuvenating mask. Mix 5 g of clay, 40 g of starch, yolk, 20 ml of sour cream, 10 ml of olive or almond oil, 5 drops of vitamin A. Treat the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Red Clay Recipes

  • You can soothe and soften the skin with the following mask. Dilute clay in milk until creamy, add 5 ml of aloe juice.

    5 ml aloe juice

  • You can whiten the skin with clay and strawberries. Mash a couple of medium berries, add 40 g of clay and 5 ml of sour cream. Mix thoroughly, apply on face.
  • Vitamin mixture will help eliminate rashes, brighten and tighten the skin, make it more radiant. Mash a handful of berries, add 20 g of clay and a little sour cream. The proportions can be slightly adjusted so that the mass has the consistency of sour cream.
  • Apricot mask softens, tones, smoothes the skin. Peel, chop a couple of apricots, add clay. Work on your face.
  • An exfoliating mask. Mix 20 g of clay with the same amount of flour, dilute the dry ingredients with milk. Apply to the face with massage movements, continue massaging for 3-5 minutes.
  • Nutrition, whitening, rejuvenation is possible with the following mask. Dilute 20 g of clay in cold carrot juice, add 17 g of cottage cheese, 5 ml of honey. Mix thoroughly, treat the skin.

    red clay, 20 g

    cottage cheese, 17 g
    honey, 5 ml

  • Very effective tomato and red clay for acne face. Take one medium tomato, peel it, grind it in a blender, add clay to make a creamy mixture. The mask can be enriched with sour cream. Apply a thick layer on the face.

Application of pink clay

Recipes from yellow clay

Black clay in home cosmetology

Application of gray mineral powder

Now you know what properties different cosmetic clay has depending on, and you can choose a product for your skin type. Follow the rules for preparing masks, and your skin will be attractive, healthy and well-groomed!