Baby menu 9 months. Sample menu for the day and week. Recipes for babies

Nine months - this age can be called the stage of development of mobility and, in general, motor activity of the child. The baby is aware of physical independence, moving independently from one place to another and exploring previously inaccessible corners. Today we will talk about the developmental norms for children of this age and what is necessary for mastering and improving the further skills of the baby.

Growth and development of a child at 9 months

In the ninth month of life, the baby gains 500 g of weight, the growth rate increases by 1.5 cm. Calculations of the circumference of the head and chest, on average, increase by 0.5-1 cm.

Each child develops according to an individual schedule - both parents and pediatricians know this. But it is still necessary to focus on the average data of physical indicators of children of the same age, because this is how you can find out if the baby has growth errors and what is the rate of development of the child as a whole.

The table below shows the main parameters of the physical development of 9-month-old children.

Basic skills: what a 9-month-old baby can do

A child in the ninth month of life stands confidently, leaning on the side of the crib, a wall or an adult's hand. If the baby feels enough support, then he takes a few steps. The baby does not yet practice independent walking and prefers to get to the right place by crawling. By this age, a child masters the crawling skill “with a bang” - it can be difficult to keep up with the crumbs.

Important! At 9 months, a period of attraction to objects at a height begins, so parents should be especially vigilant and remove dangerous things that are slightly higher than the baby’s height.

So, what should a child be able to do at 9 months:

  • Sit independently from any position. While sitting, a child can spend 10-15 minutes without difficulty, while reaching for objects and attracting the right toy to himself.
  • The little fidget is trying to climb onto low surfaces - sofas, chairs, armchairs, etc.
  • Being near the support, he gets up on his own and takes small steps. He crouches in baby walkers, tries to jump up and down, moves tirelessly in them for up to 10 minutes.
  • Actively uses the "plucked" grip in games. Tries to pick up small objects from the floor with two fingers.
  • The physical development of the child also undergoes changes, the first milk teeth begin to appear in the crumbs (or continue to grow), sometimes several teeth erupt at once.
  • There is an active development of speech. The kid pronounces the cherished syllables "ma", "pa", "ba". Gradually, new sounds and even short words ("on", "where", etc.) enter the child's speech.
  • He holds objects in his hands firmly and confidently, but it is still difficult for a baby at 9 months to unclench his fingers - he is fully aware of the whole "mechanism" of the process. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to take away the object that he grabbed from the baby.

Differences in the development of boys and girls

Despite the fact that the development of children of both sexes is almost the same, you can notice some features in the perception of the world, games, behavior in girls and boys, even at such an early age.

  • Girls, regardless of temperament, show more interest in communication and emotions than boys. From infancy, the stronger sex is more interested in inanimate objects than people.
  • Boys are often indifferent to sounds and voices than girls. That is why the vocabulary of the female replenishes faster, which favors the early development of speech.
  • It is better for male babies to examine objects, actively play and develop spatial vision. Girls have more developed peripheral vision, and they prefer attention and affection to toys.

Neuro-psychomotor development at the ninth month of life

The intellectual and motor development of a child at 9 months also gives parents many pleasant reasons to be proud of their baby. What is new in this period?

  • The baby has already managed to remember his name, and if he hears it, he reacts to it with a smile, turns towards the adult, and shows interest.
  • The baby is able to express his emotions more vividly - when he is happy, he rejoices and laughs; when angry, he shows resentment and even anger.
  • He constantly points with his finger at different objects: at those that he would like to touch (please get something), and at those where he would like to climb (please raise to a high shelf, locker).
  • Learns simple “yes” and “no” gestures. Responds to the requests of adults - "go to your mother", "raise the ball", etc.
  • He makes attempts to help his mother when dressing - stretches out her arms, tries to put her legs into the trouser leg. He pulls off his headgear on his own.
  • He plays “hide and seek” with an adult, while by voice or steps he can understand where the hiding parent is.
Speech The baby trains daily in the pronunciation of entire chains of syllables. Many of them resemble the familiar words "mother", "woman". The child seeks to imitate the adult, repeating those syllables that have already appeared in his babbling - “pa-pa-pa”, “ma-ma-ma”, etc.
Hearing With the help of auditory memory, he remembers and fulfills requests and verbal “instructions” - “kiss dad”, “show mom the pen”, etc. Under the sound melody can depict dance movements.
Vision Observes what is happening around, pays attention to facial expressions and gestures of adults. Reacts to a smile, understands when mom is angry.
Emotions He reacts violently (joyfully) to the appearance of his mother in the room. Communicates with adults using simple gestures, pointing to a thing of interest or showing dissatisfaction (shaking his head).
Motor skills Actively crawls, alternately moving the right and left pair of limbs. At the support, he tries to immediately take a vertical position, standing on his legs. Stands confidently along the support and moves, holding with one hand. Small objects in the game the child tries to capture with two or three fingers.
A game The kid is happy to play with several toys (objects) at the same time. During the game, he taps one cube against another. Prefers toys with musical accompaniment. If an adult hides a thing, the child will make attempts to find it.

Skills and abilities of a child at 9 months (video):

Daily routine of a nine-month-old baby

  • The average daily need for sleep in nine-month-old children is about 14 hours. The number of periods of daytime sleep should not be less than two, while daytime sleep (in general) is 4-4.5 hours, and night sleep is 9-10 hours a day.
  • Breastfed babies may also continue to wake up during the night and demand the breast. But this need in babies is not due to hunger, but to the need to be close to their mother.
  • Often babies at this age have trouble sleeping. The reason for this is overwork during the day, a failure in the established mode. Teach your child to get up and go to bed at the same time, and the baby will begin to sleep peacefully and gain strength at night.

In a 9-month-old infant, the daily regimen is not much different from the content of the regimen of the last month of life. Small changes can be observed in the table below, which presents a variant of the rational regimen of the day for a nine-month-old baby.

Time (in hours) Mode element
7.00 Awakening a child, hygiene procedures, gymnastics
7.30 Breakfast
8.00 Wakefulness, active games
9.00 Educational activities, reading with mom, listening to music
11.00 Snack
12.00 Walk in the fresh air, the first day dream
14.30 Dinner
15.00 Wakefulness, games, developmental activities, massage
16.00 Outdoor walk, second nap
18.30 Snack
19.00 Wakefulness, reading with mom, quiet games
20.00 Dinner
21.30 Evening bath, getting ready for bed
22.00 Snack, bedtime

Baby care at 9 months

For a nine-month-old baby, care is based on the same techniques that were carried out by adults in all previous months, starting from the moment of birth. These are the three main components:

  1. hygiene procedures (washing, washing, evening bathing);
  2. light gymnastics;
  3. massage.

On a note! Carrying out all manipulations for care should, if possible, be carried out at the same hours - this is how the child can be gradually accustomed to the daily routine and adjust his regimen.

Bathing a 9 month old baby

The procedure for taking a bath at this age is usually already established by the parents, and the baby enjoys spending time in the water. If the child loves to swim, then you can let him “splash” for 20-30 minutes, getting the baby interested in water fun: soap bubbles, boats, balls, rubber animals with sprinklers and cups for pouring liquid.

Advice! Babies are usually well seated by nine months, so you can purchase a special high chair or bath circle. Such items will provide a stable position and prevent accidental falls..

Massage at 9 months

Muscle strengthening at this stage of development is simply necessary - thanks to massage procedures, the baby improves the crawling skill and prepares to master walking. Massage can be done by the mother herself. It is enough just to remember a few basic points and techniques:

  • The first massage sessions last no more than 10 minutes. The child should be calm, in a good mood. For relaxation, you can turn on calm melodic music;
  • you need to start the procedure with soft stroking with the palms of the baby's body parts - arms, legs, back and tummy. Hands are massaged from the palm to the shoulder, legs are also massaged from the feet to the hips;
  • the tummy is massaged clockwise with light movements. When massaging the back, it is worth remembering that the spine does not need to be affected by massage. The back of the baby is massaged up / down along it, as well as towards the sides;
  • it is especially important to devote time to the palms and feet of the crumbs, massaging each finger separately, this favors the development of fine motor skills;
  • The massage ends with gentle, almost weightless pats.

Gymnastics at 9 months

Charging for a nine-month-old baby is an integral part of morning routines. It is performed before breakfast, in the first 10 minutes after waking up and is of a general strengthening character for the health of the child.

Here is what a set of gymnastic exercises for "beginners" looks like:

  1. we stretch the muscles of the arms, forearms: the child lies on his back, the adult bends and unbends the baby's arms in the elbow joints, alternates with crossing, then makes circular movements;
  2. we stretch the muscles of the legs: the adult alternately bends the child's legs at the knees, imitating cycling, then bends and unbends the legs at the same time;
  3. turns are performed in both directions from the back to the tummy and vice versa;
  4. sitting down and lifting the child's body by straightened arms;
  5. crawling for an object / toy;
  6. swaying movements on the fitball in different positions of the body - lying on the stomach and lying on the back.

Sample menu for a 9 month old baby

By nine months, the child's digestive system is already quite strong. The first complementary foods are behind, the baby has grown to the moment when it is time to appreciate the variety of new tastes and their combinations in food products. The volume and quantity of enzymes produced for the breakdown of food increase with each week of life, and with them the mechanisms of the immune defense of the body work better.

Here is what an approximate menu of a child looks like in the ninth month of life:

meal What do we eat
Breakfast90 g porridge, 60 g crushed fruit, 100-120 ml breast milk/formula
Snack100-150 ml fruit juice, 50 g boiled vegetable puree or diced cheese
Dinner60-90 g meat puree, or yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g vegetable puree, 100-150 ml breast milk / mixture
Snack100 g finely chopped fruit or baby yogurt, 1 baby biscuit
Dinner60-70 g mashed boiled meat, 60 g vegetable puree or rice, half chopped fruit, 100-150 ml breast milk/formula
Snack (before bed)150-200 ml of kefir or breast milk / mixture

Important! The number of "milk" feedings is gradually reduced. In the 9th month of life, breastfed babies receive mother's milk 3-4 times a day, and 2-3 portions of the mixture per day become enough for artificial babies.

What are we eating?

The table lists the main foods that make up the diet of a child in a given period of life.

Product Serving Size
Kefir, baby yogurt, milk (for cooking cereals)150-200 ml per day
Meat purees (beef, pork, turkey, rabbit)up to 50 g per day
Fish (cod, hake, haddock, salmon, pollock, trout)We start giving with 1 tsp, for 2-3 meals we bring it up to a serving of 50 g / day. Up to a year, give fish no more than 1-2 times a week.
Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin) and cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn, wheat, barley)up to 180 ml per day
Fruit juices and purees (apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum)80-90 ml per day
Low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 3%)no more than 40 g per day
Yolk20-30 g per day
Baby biscuits, croutons5 g

Delicious and healthy recipes for kids

The diet of a nine-month-old child provides for up to 5-6 feedings per day, including snacks. Try to diversify your child's daily menu. Remember that properly prepared complementary foods are a source of nutrition for young children. Don't know what to cook for a tiny gourmet? We offer you several recipes for a complete children's meal.

Potato-zucchini salad

Wash and peel 2 medium potatoes. Cut the vegetable into small cubes, place in a small saucepan and pour half the volume of water into it. Peel half of the zucchini, cut into pieces and add to the potatoes. Place the saucepan over medium heat, bring to a boil. After 5-7 minutes of boiling, drain the water, mash the vegetables and cool to room temperature. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil)

Cod fillet with rice

Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan. Add 1.5 tbsp to boiling water. rice and a small part (no more than 4-5 cm) of peeled leeks. Cook over low heat. After 15 minutes, add 30 g of chilled cod fillet to the pan. Cook for another 7 minutes, then remove from heat and pour the broth into a separate container. Mix rice with leeks and cod, add 2-3 tbsp. broth and season the dish with a couple of drops of olive oil.

Oatmeal with milk and peach

Wash 1 ripe peach, peel and chop with a coarse grater. Boil 100 ml of milk (no more than 2.5% fat). Pour 1 tbsp into the boiled milk in a thin stream. oatmeal for cooking. Add grated peach. Simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then remove from heat and cool until comfortable (porridge should be served warm).

Helping 9 month old baby grow

Babies at nine months spend a lot of time in their mother's arms. It is not easy to wear a baby for many hours a day, but before walking, the child needs to be “tame” - oddly enough, this is one of the stages of proper mental development.

We propose to pay attention to several important tips that will help develop a nine-month-old baby in a playful way.

Develop speech

In order for the baby to accumulate a passive vocabulary, it is necessary to talk with him every day and a lot. Don't know what to talk about with your little one? You can start by commenting on what is happening. “Mashenka will now get dressed and go for a walk with her mother”, “today Masha will eat porridge”, etc. Read to your child books with nursery rhymes, memorable fairy tales, poems in which words are repeated.

Teach your baby to crawl

There are babies who, for one reason or another, do not show a desire to crawl, although they are completely healthy. Parents should make every effort to teach their child to crawl, this is an important step towards the subsequent development of walking. When trying to crawl, create alternate support for his legs - so the baby will learn the technique of “cross” crawling with your help.

Stimulate fine motor skills

Do finger exercises daily. Let the child crumple and tear the paper, show how you can crumple it. Get a sensory box with pieces of objects of different textures and materials (as long as they are safe!). Let the baby get acquainted with new tactile sensations (a sponge is soft, a bottle cap is hard, etc.).

Encourage physical activity

Does your child like to crawl and explore everything around? Do not put him in the arena for a long time. An excellent solution could be a folding house with a tunnel. The kid will be happy to crawl into the house through the tunnel and back. You can bring such entertainment to life without spending extra money by making a little house out of cardboard boxes.

Educational activities for a child of 9 months:

Choosing toys for baby 9 months

At nine months, the baby begins to consciously enjoy the first games, express his emotions and master communication skills. Properly selected toys will help develop dexterity and motor skills for a child. So, what is desirable to have in the "arsenal" of a nine-month-old baby?


A child at the age of nine months absorbs everything like a sponge, so it is important to surround him with useful and necessary items. Buy figurines of domestic and wild animals. In the game, name the animal, and briefly mention what sounds it makes, how it differs from other animals. Let there be several dolls in your toy world that you can change clothes, put to bed, bathe them. Constantly pronouncing the simplest actions in the game, the baby will remember them and will soon begin to reproduce himself.


Every day, the baby, leaning on a support, takes steps and improves in walking. It's time to get a toy wheelchair, with the ability to lean on it. Children at this age are happy to lean on such an object that allows them to move around the room. Rest assured, your little one will be delighted with this toy!

Toy books

Editions with diverse game elements develop the child's vision, hearing, thinking and tactile sensations. The kid learns to master many actions with such a book - open and close it, pull and pull the inserts, touch different textures, rustle, ring, etc.

There are plenty to choose from, game books are presented in several categories at once, for example, cardboard (with voluminous figures, eyes, toys), rubber (waterproof, with squeakers - bath splashers), textile (pages with different stuffing, shiny and sound inserts).

Development Center

This item is aimed at involving all the senses of the baby in the game. Such a center will allow parents to notice what the baby can do at a particular moment and what he has learned a week later. With stretching - dropping out elements, coordination of movements is trained, fine motor skills of the hands develop. When buying, stop at development centers with several types of activities (at least 5) that allow you to twist objects, crush, pull, knock, change color. Such a toy will require mental and physical efforts from the child in the game, which will positively affect his development.

By 9 months, the baby already knows what vegetable, meat and fruit purees, cereals, juices, bread and crackers are. But the taste of fermented milk products remains a mystery to him. The task of parents is to properly diversify the feeding of a child at 9 months with cottage cheese and kefir, to give it in an amount that will benefit and not harm the growing body.

It is no secret that a few years ago, cottage cheese diluted with kefir was recommended to be introduced to children as complementary foods from 6 months. Today, the opinions of pediatricians on this matter differ greatly. So, some argue that at the age of six months, the baby's body is ready to consume cottage cheese. Others say that an excess of protein in a healthy baby’s body is not needed at all, because later it can affect blood pressure and metabolic failures. There is a group of doctors who prohibit giving this fermented milk product to children under the age of 12 months. However, according to the majority, feeding at 9 months can and should be supplemented with cottage cheese. As for kefir, it is also allowed to give it to the baby from 9 months. If you start this process earlier, then an increased amount of kefir can lead to detrimental consequences, up to anemia.

The introduction of fermented milk products into the baby's daily menu is directly affected by the type of feeding of the child at 9 months. If he is breastfed, then complementary foods may have the following scheme: vegetable puree, meat, cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, etc. The diet of an artificial baby will have some differences: vegetable puree, cereals, meat, cottage cheese, etc.

Feeding at 9 months. Lure with cottage cheese

All fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, should be introduced into the feeding of a 9-month-old child no more than once a day. It is best to start your baby's acquaintance with cottage cheese in the evening (approximately at 18 o'clock). In this case, the proposed amount should not exceed half a teaspoon. Slowly, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of cottage cheese to 20 g, then to 35 g and 50 g.

Paying attention to the fact that the child is small, one should not forget the main rule of proper nutrition - feeding at 9 months should be based on the best food. In this case, you need to think about purchasing a special children's cottage cheese (it is best to purchase it in a children's dairy kitchen). However, it is not difficult to prepare healthy, nutritious and tasty cottage cheese at home, which can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

To date, two recipes for the preparation of children's cottage cheese are known: based on kefir or using a special solution purchased at a pharmacy. For the second cooking option, you need to buy a solution of calcium chloride in advance and add 300 ml of milk to it. Milk should first be brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. After that, the resulting mass is thoroughly stirred, poured into an enamel pan and boiled. Remove from fire and let cool. Cottage cheese is formed on top of the pan, which must be folded onto cheesecloth, squeezed out and transferred to a small plate.

To prepare cottage cheese based on kefir, you should take the usual one percent kefir or special children's kefir. It should be poured into a glass jar and placed in a pot of water. A metal lid or a small piece of cotton fabric will help to avoid cracking the jar. The container is put on fire and waiting for the water to boil in it. After waiting 5 minutes, it will be visually seen how the kefir will begin to curl up, forming a curdled mass. The cottage cheese obtained in this way is thrown back onto gauze and given to the baby. To get 50 g of this fermented milk product, you will need no more than 100 ml of kefir.

Feeding a child at 9 months cannot do without cottage cheese, so the task of parents is to decide on their own what kind of cottage cheese they will feed their baby with.

Lure with kefir

Feeding at 9 months is also enriched with kefir. The first time it should be given in a volume of not more than 30 g in the evening. The maximum allowable amount of this product over time should not exceed 200 ml. Try to immediately teach your baby to drink this fermented milk product from a small cup. If the child refuses this method of feeding, give him kefir from a spoon. You should not buy adult yogurt for a 9-month-old child. It is best to order it in a children's dairy kitchen or purchase it in special packages marked "from 9 months". It is also not forbidden to give vitamin-fortified infant formula, which will indicate the age from 6 months to a year. Your goal is not to force a child to take cottage cheese or kefir, but to instill in him a love for these healthy fermented milk products.

First option:

  • Porridge (150 ml) + 0.5 yolks, mixture (50 ml) or mother's milk - 10.00;
  • Vegetable puree (150 g), vegetable broth (20 ml), meat puree (40 g), mother's milk - 14.00;
  • Kefir (170-180 ml) or fermented milk mixture + cottage cheese (20-30 g) - 18.00;
  • Milk formula (200 ml) or mother's milk - 22.00;

Second option:

  • Mother's milk or mixture (200 ml) - 6.00;
  • Porridge (150 ml) + 0.5 yolk, fruit puree (30 g), juice, mother's milk - 10.00;
  • Vegetable puree (150 g), vegetable broth (20 ml), meat puree (40 g), juice or mother's milk (60 ml) - 14.00;
  • Kefir (170-180 ml) or fermented milk mixture + cottage cheese (20-30 g), fruit puree or mother's milk (50 ml) - 18.00;
  • Milk formula (200 ml) or mother's milk - 22.00.

We should not forget that feeding a child at 9 months cannot do without breast milk, so it should be offered to the baby after each meal.

Bread and other products

Feeding a child at 9 months old can be supplemented with a piece of bread or cookies, which can be given along with kefir. Using soft baby biscuits that dissolve quickly in the mouth, the baby will never choke. With his 4-5 teeth, the baby should chew no more than 15 g of cookies per day. You also need to consider that the bread in the diet should be exclusively white.

After completing the full introduction of cottage cheese and kefir, make sure that the child tolerates these products well. In the case of a normal reaction of his body, do not be afraid to diversify the baby's menu even more, remembering that no more than one new product can be given per day. It is at this time that you can think about stopping breastfeeding.

Stopping breastfeeding

When the child is 9 months old, the mother can safely transfer him to a two-time attachment to the breast. By sucking out less breast milk, the baby thereby provokes less of its production. At the age of 12 months, in the morning or in the evening, formula milk, kefir or fermented milk formula can be given instead of mother's milk. It is better not to give cow's milk to a child under 2 years of age. By gradually accustoming the baby to complementary foods, you accustom him to adult food and make the process of stopping breastfeeding very simple not only for the child, but also for yourself.

The older the child becomes, the more varied his diet should be. It is very important to properly organize complementary foods at 9 months. During this period, you can gradually wean the baby from pureed food, moving on to coarser. Complementary foods well tolerated by a 9-month-old baby can already constitute a full-fledged feeding.

Cottage cheese and kefir, contrary to popular belief, it is not very easy for a child's body to digest, so such products should not be given to the baby in large quantities.

New foods in the child's diet

By 9 months, other foods are usually present in the diet of babies in addition to breast milk or formula. A child at this age is familiar with cereals, vegetables (vegetable soups), fruits (juice), meat puree. Mother's milk or formula remains the main food for the baby. However, for the proper growth and development of the child's body, the baby's diet should be gradually replenished. What foods should be included in the menu of a 9-month-old baby?

  1. Cottage cheese. This product is very useful for a growing baby: the elements in its composition are responsible for the formation of immune bodies, improve the condition of the nervous system, digestive tract and blood vessels. However, early introduction of cottage cheese, according to pediatricians, can lead to high blood pressure and metabolic disorders in the future. Offer your child cottage cheese in the evening feeding, 30 g of this product is enough for a 9-month-old baby.
  2. Kefir. Its introduction also requires caution. Studies have shown that the early appearance of kefir in the child's menu, as well as its excessive consumption (400 ml per day) can lead to intestinal hemorrhage. Offer the baby 20 ml of kefir for dinner, gradually bringing its volume to 150 ml.
  3. Egg. This product is allergenic, so the baby's acquaintance with the egg should be started very carefully. In the diet of a child up to a year should not be protein. For the first time, it is enough to feed the baby with 1/8 of the yolk. With good tolerance, its volume can be increased to ¼. For feeding babies, it is better to choose quail eggs: they are less allergenic, better tolerated by the child's body, and also reduce the risk of salmonellosis infection.
  4. Bread and cookies. A child whose front teeth have already grown can be given a piece of white bread for lunch. Offer the baby along with kefir a special children's cookie that quickly dissolves when it enters the mouth. Do not forget that the child should eat bread products only in the presence of adults.
  5. Meat products. If the kid has already got acquainted with meat, offer him a new kind: turkey, beef, chicken, rabbit. Chicken or beef liver can be introduced into the child's diet, best of all as part of a dish. It is convenient to feed a 9-month-old baby with meatballs and meatballs.

All products for you need to give from a spoon and do not stop trying to pick it up yourself

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

To ensure that new products bring only benefits to the children's body, use the following recommendations:

  • Do not offer your baby a new product if he is sick, and also before and after vaccination.
  • Always start complementary foods with a small portion (0.5 teaspoon). If the child's reaction is positive, bring the product to the desired volume within a week or two.
  • Do not try to grind food to a smooth puree, leave small pieces so that the baby learns to chew.
  • Offer your child a new dish from a spoon that only he uses.
  • If your baby is prone to allergies, keep a food diary. Write down the name of the product, its amount and the reaction of the baby's body. The most convenient form of keeping such a diary is a diagram or a table.
  • Don't force-feed new foods. If your baby refuses solid foods, offer him the usual mixture or breast.
  • Don't stop breastfeeding. Continue breastfeeding your baby on demand.

The child should eat bakery products and cookies only in the presence of adults

Recipes for babies

  1. banana curd
    Pour 100 g of one percent kefir into an enamel mug, place it in a pot of water. When the water boils, hold the bowl with kefir in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. During this time, a curd mass forms in the mug, which must be folded onto a strainer or clean gauze. Grate a third of a ripe banana or mash well with a fork. Mix the resulting puree with the cooled cottage cheese. Banana curd for the baby is ready!
  2. Soup puree with liver
    Rinse and peel vegetables thoroughly: carrots, cauliflower, young zucchini, onions. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts: about 50 g each. Pour 1 liter of purified water into a saucepan and place pieces of liver (chicken or beef), chopped carrots and an onion cut in half. When the water boils, add the diced potatoes to the pot. After 10 minutes, dip the chopped zucchini and cauliflower into the soup. Continue cooking over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Cool the soup a little and grind it in a blender. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a day.
  3. Meatballs with pumpkin
    Prepare 500 g of minced meat by scrolling beef and a medium onion through a meat grinder. Boil small pieces of pumpkin (200 g) in water for 10 minutes, cool and grind into puree. Boil half a cup of round rice until tender, cool. Mix minced meat, pumpkin, rice. Form small meatballs and steam them (in a double boiler or in a water bath). Serve meatballs with a side dish your child loves.

The gradual introduction of new products will help the child's body develop quickly and fully. Remember that proper nutrition is the key to the health of the baby. Don't rush the feeding process. Adaptation of the child's gastrointestinal tract to the new food can take up to 3 years.

Recipes for a 9-month-old baby usually do not differ in extravagance, because the main thing in them is the simplicity of the components and the benefits for a small organism. Nevertheless, sometimes you really want to pamper the baby and cook something unusual and very tasty for him. In this article, we will talk about what to cook for a nine-month-old baby: we will give unusual recipes for soups and cereals.

Many parents feed their children canned purees and boxed cereals. And there is nothing wrong with that: specialized baby food is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has also passed the necessary quality control of the ingredients. In addition, it is very convenient and fast, and the assortment of such dishes in children's stores is simply incredible. Nevertheless, there are also supporters of self-cooking for children under one year old. Moreover, some fussy people simply refuse canned food, demanding their mother's culinary delights.

What can you cook for a child at 9 months so that it is healthy and tasty? Stewed various vegetables with olive oil and tender veal or turkey cutlets. Mashed potatoes with fish balls. Homemade cottage cheese with fruits or berries. Basically, children's dishes do not require special ingenuity and special training. The requirements for them are the same: preferably steaming or stewing, a minimum of salt and sugar (or better without them at all), the absence of spices, mayonnaise, ketchup and similar harmful ingredients. In more detail, we will focus on recipes for soups and cereals as fundamental dishes. At first glance, it seems that nothing special can be invented. However, even one additional ingredient can completely change the taste of a dish.

Soup for a 9 month old baby: recipes

The first dish should already be present in the baby's diet. At the same time, you need to know how to cook soup for a 9-month-old baby. You need to do this only in vegetable broth. Meat broth is very difficult for the child's digestive system, it can cause allergies due to the contained extractives. Accordingly, we cook meat and fish separately from the soup and add chopped ones to it before serving.

Vegetable soup for a nine-month-old baby may include the following components: potatoes, carrots, onions, white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, peas. All vegetables are laid gradually in groups: for example, first cabbage, a few minutes later carrots, then potatoes. Soups should be salted a few minutes before turning off. Children under one year are advised not to salt the first courses at all.

So, what can be a delicious soup for a nine-month-old baby interesting recipes:

  1. Vegetable soup puree with liver. Ingredients: small zucchini squash, small onion, half a carrot, a few cauliflower florets, potatoes, chicken liver. Preparation: Prepare the vegetables by washing, peeling and cutting them into pieces. Put the liver, onions and carrots in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add the potatoes. After 10 minutes, put the zucchini and cabbage into the pan and cook for another 7 minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly and grind with a blender. In the finished soup, add butter and, if desired, dill.
  2. Soup with rice and cauliflower. Ingredients: pinch of rice, cauliflower, carrots, vegetable broth, 5g cream (or milk/mixture). Preparation: Cook the rice and vegetables separately until tender. While hot, wipe them through a sieve, dilute with vegetable broth and boil. Before turning off, add cream, regular or mother's milk, or formula.
  3. Pumpkin soup. Ingredients: 150 g pumpkin, half a carrot, 1 potato, olive oil. Peel vegetables, cut potatoes and pumpkin into small cubes, grate carrots. Send all the ingredients to boiling water and cook until tender. Grind them with a blender, adding the broth to the desired consistency, and add the oil before serving.

Porridge for a child of 9 months: recipes

Porridge should be present in the diet of every child as a breakfast. At 9 months, rice, corn, buckwheat, wheat, oat and barley porridge are allowed. It is advisable to cook them in water without sugar until tender, and just before turning off, add a little milk or a mixture, as well as butter. To diversify the taste of porridge, add fruit puree or pieces of fruit to it if the baby has enough teeth.

Before you learn how to cook semolina for a nine-month-old baby, consider whether you need it. Semolina contains a lot of gluten and phytin, a substance that prevents the absorption of calcium in the body. Currently, pediatricians do not recommend introducing it into the diet of children under one year old.

But oatmeal for a 9-month-old baby will be healthy and tasty if you add additional ingredients to it:

  1. Oatmeal with fruits. Ingredients: oatmeal - ¼ cup, milk / mixture / water - half a glass, butter, fruits to taste (banana, apple, plum). Preparation: Add oatmeal to boiling milk/water mixture and simmer until tender (7-10 minutes). Remove the porridge from the heat and leave covered. Mash a banana or plum, grate an apple on a fine grater and add the fruit to the porridge. If necessary, add butter and more milk for a thinner consistency.
  2. Rice porridge with pumpkin. Ingredients: 150 g pumpkin, 50 g rice, milk, water, butter. Preparation: Peel the pumpkin and cut it into cubes. Boil in water for 15 minutes, then add milk and rice. Boil for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Put oil into the prepared porridge.
  3. Wheat porridge with carrots. Ingredients: ½ cup wheat groats, water, milk, half a carrot, butter. Preparation: peel the carrots, cut them into pieces and simmer in a small amount of water until half cooked. Add more water and milk (1 cm above the ingredients), butter, cereals and cook the porridge for 15 minutes.

May include a variety of dishes. However, this does not mean that the usual mode needs to be adjusted. As before, the 4-hour frequency of feedings is maintained, snacks are excluded (if you do not want to spoil the baby's appetite by the time of the main feeding). It is allowed to give only fruit juice as a snack, of course, we are talking about a completely natural juice adapted for baby food.

Nuances of nutrition at 9 months

Adhere to the following daily routine and nutrition of the child at 9 months by the hour.

Feeding table by the hour

The table will tell in detail about the diet of a child at 9 months. It is designed for healthy, breastfed and formula-fed babies.

feeding Products Volume
  • Breast milk (mixture). An artificial man can be offered children's yogurt
  • up to 200 g
  • Milk porridge with butter
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (slightly less than a teaspoon)
  • Vegetable puree with vegetable oil
  • Meat mousse or meatballs
  • Fish puree or fish meatballs
  • Fruit juice (it is allowed to give it to the crumbs between feedings) or compote
  • 180 g + 5 g (about a teaspoon)
  • 50 ml
  • Piece weighing 5 g
  • Cottage cheese for children
  • Fruit juice (puree)
  • Children's cookies (biscuit or drying)
  • Breast milk, formula or baby kefir
  • 2 pcs.
  • 120 g
  • Breast milk, formula. Children's kefir can be offered to both babies and artificial babies
  • 200 g

Dairy products

Many mothers, when the baby is 9 months old, begin to actively feed him with dairy and sour-milk products. After all, now you can! However, pediatricians warn against excessive activity. The fact is that whole cow's milk is still a heavy product for a child's body. It contains a large amount of protein and calcium, which in such quantities does more harm than good, overloading the kidneys. Therefore, the allowable intake of cow's milk at this age is 150 ml. And it is better not to give the baby milk to drink, but to use it to make cereals.

Video tutorial on how to introduce milk porridge into the diet.

Cottage cheese is also offered in limited quantities. Enough daily use of 50 grams. Carefully consider the choice of kefir. On some packages, manufacturers indicate "children's" or "baby" kefir. It doesn't suit you yet! It is made using ordinary kefir fungi, the product of which is not adapted to the needs of the baby's body. Buy only the yogurt, where it is indicated that it is suitable for feeding children from 8 months. In such kefir, acidophilus bacillus and bifidobacteria are used, which adapt the product to the needs of the child's body.