The difference between perfume and eau de toilette. What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfume water

What is better eau de toilette or perfumed?

How not to get lost in aromas when choosing women's perfume? What's the difference? Intricate perfume bottles always attract curious ladies. But however, about how to choose the right perfume is not for everyone. After all, some perfumes (very rarely) can contain up to 300 aromatic components. In modern perfumery, perfumes contain no more than 80 components. Perfumes are usually derived from scented plant oils and also use synthetic ingredients. More often women's perfume are a mixture of these two species. Synthetic additives do not harm the quality of perfumes, on the contrary, thanks to a wide range of combinations, the perfumer gives a new sound to familiar aromas. Even Coco Chanel herself said about this that it is primitive and boring to smell just violet or rose.

Today, ladies with the help of fragrances are trying to create their own image, unique and delightful. They create it with the help of spirits, or eau de toilette or perfumed water. All fragrances are divided into 14 families:

  • Oriental (soft, floral, oriental)
  • Woody (chypre, dry woody, woody)
  • Freshness (citrus, water, aromatic)
  • Floral (floral, fruity)

Each woman chooses for herself the notes that she likes best and is acceptable to her image: woody, oriental, fresh or floral notes.

Young ones prefer light floral notes and fresh notes - citrus, caramel and fruity aromas. Older ladies admire more saturated aromas (heavier) oriental, giving them a mystery, zest.

The power of aromas. Women's perfume - power!

It's no secret that smells literally own our emotions. So, sometimes a familiar smell from childhood or adolescence pulls deep-lying memories to the surface. Depending on the smell, our imagination draws an image of a particular person. However, the same smell does not always evoke the same feelings in people. For example, some odors popular in the West (lavender) may seem “household” to Russians like the smell of moth plates, and vice versa. This happens because smells are very closely tied in our minds to some events in our lives. Although experts in the field of perfumery have long noticed that some fragrances can still act in the same way on many people. These properties of smells are used to manipulate masses of people. For example, the smell of tangerines improves mood, invigorates and there is a desire to somehow cheer yourself up, treat yourself, buy something. And this method is used in supermarkets. But to increase efficiency, the aromas of mint and, of course, lily of the valley are suitable.

Many ladies have a question, what better toilet water or perfumed, and is there a difference? But there is a difference. Eau de Parfum contains much more fragrant oils, so it is more resistant. In toilet water, the percentage of oils is less, more than other synthetic additives. Here is a table of fragrance durations.

Rules for choosing women's perfume

  • Wear perfume on your wrist (your).
  • Do not inhale perfume from the bottle, you will not feel anything but the volatile evaporation of alcohol.
  • Splashing a sampler on your wrist or a tester, wait for the aroma to open. During the first minutes, volatile substances evaporate. Perfume is interesting in that in the first 10 minutes you get one impression of the aroma (this is the top of the perfume), and in the next 2-3 hours, when the top evaporates, the core of the aroma of these perfumes will open to you. It is this smell that will determine the character of the perfume.
  • Do not buy women's perfume momentarily, but choose a few testers you like to take home and continue tasting an hour later. And then go shopping.

In the article you will learn about the differences between eau de parfum and toilet water.

Many people use perfume, but only a few really understand and distinguish "fragrant liquids". Any perfumes consist of a concentrate with special aromatic properties, but depending on their concentration, the name of the resulting product also varies.

  • Perfume - the most expensive and "strongly smelling" product. The perfume has a pronounced, rich and strong aromatic properties. That is why perfume is best used in the evening or in the cool season (under the influence of sunlight or high temperatures, the fragrance can become stuffy).
  • Perfumed water - this product is often called "toilet" water. They differ in a lower concentration of "aromatic" substances. It is recommended to use it during the daytime and throughout the day, as it is weaker and its "loop" notes are not so strong, they last no more than 6 hours.
  • Eau de Toilette - it is a "light" perfume that most strongly expresses only its first (initial) notes. This product can be used throughout the day as it is not as saturated and fades quickly. Eau de toilette is recommended to use in the hot and summer seasons, when playing sports and after a shower.
  • Cologne - this is a type of toilet water (most often male) with a minimum concentration of aromatic substance. It is recommended to use cologne throughout the day.
  • Eau de parfum - a product that has not only aromatic, but also hygienic properties. Eau de Parfum should be used after taking a bath or shower.

What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfume or perfumed water in terms of composition?

The composition of "aromatic" waters and their differences:

  • Perfume - as part of an aromatic concentrate in quantities from 20 to 30%.
  • Eau de Toilette - in the composition of the aromatic concentrate ranges from 7 to 10%.
  • Eau de parfum - in the composition of the aromatic concentrate fluctuates in the amount of 1%.
  • Perfumed water - as part of aromatic concentrate ranges from 10 to 20%.
  • Cologne - the aromatic substance ranges from 3 to 7%.

What is more stable, stronger and lasts longer: perfume or toilet water?


  • Perfume - the most fragrant product that has a strong richness and concentration. The aroma of perfume is so powerful and long lasting that it is not recommended to use it in the heat and during the day. It is best to apply a small amount of perfume at an event, evening walk or date. In winter, perfumes are less noticeable than in summer.
  • Perfumed water - less fragrant than perfume. It is recommended to use this tool both during the day and in the evening. The difference between eau de parfum and perfume is that it is less resistant and stays on the body and hair for no more than 5-6 hours.
  • Eau de Toilette - It is intended only to be used on a clean body after taking a shower or bath. It gives the body a pleasant aroma.
  • Cologne - they should be used after hygiene procedures and for refreshment during the day.
  • Eau de parfum - hygienic product with a pronounced aroma.

Which is better: eau de toilette or perfume?

It is impossible to say with confidence which of the “fragrant” products is better. If we talk about the degree of aroma and durability, then perfume water is still inferior to toilet water, as it quickly disappears. Eau de toilette is a little more persistent and is able to hold the fragrance on the body for about 2-3 hours.

When is it better to use toilet and perfume water?

Eau de parfum is an alcohol-based or oil-based hygiene product (or liquid) with fragrant properties. The persistence of perfumes is negligible and lasts only about half an hour (maximum - 1 hour).

Eau de toilette is more concentrated and the smell of this product lingers on the body for up to 2 hours (especially if it is clean, just after a bath). Eau de toilette is often paired with soap or shower gel to enhance the scent.

What is the designation on the packaging of perfumery and toilet water?


  • EDT - eau de toilette
  • EDP ​​- eau de parfum
  • EDC - cologne
  • Parfum - perfume
  • oz - fluid ounce
  • 1 fl.oz - 30 ml
  • 1.6 Fl.oz - 50 ml
  • 2.5 fl.oz - 75 ml

Video: Perfume or toilet water? Differences

Summer, sunshine, warm wind, bare shoulders, special smells. Summer smells in its own way - tan, ice cream, mosquito repellent, stars and night. But often a pleasant picture of summer smells is spoiled by women who do not understand perfume at all. The topic of this article is perfume and toilet water. How are they different and which one is better.

Perfumed and toilet water - what's the difference

Going into any cosmetics and perfumery store, it is very easy to get lost. Hundreds of different colors and sizes, with different contents and purposes. How to understand all this perfume splendor?

Perfume differs not only in aroma and volume. There is also such a thing as the concentration of aromatic substances. It is because of this factor that the division into:

  • toilet water;
  • perfumed water.

The first option is a light odor, the durability of which lasts about 3 hours. To create this type, only 5-10% of oils are used, of the total volume of the liquid. Most of the toilet water is water. Which explains its lightness and fast weathering. In this format, subtle, simple smells “look good”. The top and heart notes are well felt, the base notes are practically not felt. That is why summer fragrances are usually released in the format of eau de toilette - freshness, citrus, chewing gum, candy, vanilla, etc. Eau de toilette is used more as a personal hygiene product. Perfume is for aesthetic reasons.

Eau de parfum is closer to perfume, its durability can reach up to 10 hours. This format uses a high concentration of essential oils, approximately 15-20%. This type is well suited for basic, more complex and heavy notes. Eau de toilette is the most budget option for perfumery. Perfume, on the other hand, is the most expensive. Perfume is a reasonable combination of price and quality. If the toilette gives off fragrance when it comes close to a person, then the perfume tends to envelop the owner, leave a trail and an aftertaste.

It is believed that the most quickly weathered smell is freshness. It is followed by citrus, herbal and colored. Oriental and chypre are rightfully considered the most persistent fragrances. Although in practice it all depends on the quality of the raw materials used by the manufacturer.

Which is better: perfume or toilet water

The selection of a personal fragrance must be approached very seriously. Your scent is your calling card. Having caught the very aroma that is associated specifically with you, a man will look for you everywhere. Therefore, your special fragrance should suit you 200%, be appropriate and original. It's no secret that the same scents smell different on different people. Therefore, it will not be possible to focus on the taste of a friend in this matter.

After you have decided on the fragrance itself, the question may arise - in what format is it better to purchase it?

The answer is simple: both. Eau de toilette is suitable for the warm season or office space, when strong odors are inappropriate and even suffocating. And perfumed will be the best solution for winter and autumn. Or some kind of ceremony. By the way, for a party or disco it is better to use a toilet. You can always renew the fragrance without being afraid to overdo it and feel fresh.

Choosing a perfume is a complex process. It is important to decide not only on the aroma and brand, but to solve a completely different dilemma - in what concentration should you buy it? Perfume, eau de parfum (toilet perfume), eau de toilette, cologne differ precisely in this parameter. Such a difference, of course, affects the price.

All these types of perfumery mainly consist of an aromatic concentrate, water and alcohol, and differ only in the ratio of these three components. As part of perfumery, a small amount of antioxidants and dyes are allowed, which do not affect the aroma of perfume in any way. The concentrations of aromatic substances for different types of perfumery in different countries differ, but always fluctuate within certain limits.

First of all, women are interested in how perfume differs from toilet water.

Perfume - Parfum or Perfume

Durability: 6 or more hours on leather, more than a day on fabrics and paper.

Perfume (Parfum (French) or Perfume (English)) is the most expensive, concentrated and most persistent type of perfume, recommended for use in the evening and during the cold seasons. Perfumes have strongly pronounced final notes, which are called loop notes. In the morning hours and in the heat, which enhances spicy and heavy aromas, it is better not to apply perfume on the skin. The content of aromatic substances in perfumes ranges from 20 to 30% with an average of 23% in 90% alcohol.

Perfumes contain the largest amount of essential oils, so they smell stronger and last longer on skin, fabrics and other items. They have three distinct phases of aroma development. That is, in the first minutes of application, such a perfume smells in one way, then the notes of the composition change, and the smell becomes different. The last, third phase lasts the longest, when the perfume is expressed only by a light trail of aroma.

Eau de parfum or toilet perfume - Eau De Parfum (abbreviated as EDP)

Persistence: 4 or more hours on the skin, on fabrics and paper, the fragrance usually lasts for about a day.

Perfumed water (Eau de Parfum) is also used the term "toilet perfume" - the concentration of aromatic substances is between perfume and toilet water 11-20% of aromatic substances in alcohol 90%. Eau de parfum is also called daytime perfume. They can be used throughout the day. Eau de parfum differs from perfumes in that the "heart" of the fragrance is more pronounced in it, and the final notes are much weaker - plume notes. Well keep aroma within 4-6 hours. Excessive use of toilet perfume in the morning will not help to keep the fragrance for the whole day, but only makes it too harsh and flashy in the first hours.

Toilet water - Eau De Toilette (abbreviated as EDT)

Eau de Toilette is a light type of perfumery, in which the top and middle notes sound the brightest, but the plume notes are felt very little. The concentration of aromatic substances is 7-10% in 80-85% alcohol. Eau de toilette can be used several times a day and is suitable for all-day use, outdoor activities, hot climates and sports. Currently, eau de toilette is the most common type of perfume.

Cologne - Eau De Cologne (abbreviated as EDC)

Persistence: 2 hours on skin, on fabrics and paper, the fragrance usually lasts less than a day.

Cologne (Eau de Cologne) is the lightest type of perfumery. Cologne is used mostly by men. The purpose of cologne is the same as that of toilet water. The concentration of aromatic substances is only - 3-6% in 70-80% alcohol.

Three phases of cologne opening merge into one, as a rule, by smell, closest to the third stage in perfumes. At the same time, the shade of alcohol is strongly pronounced. The fragrance of cologne lasts much less than perfume or eau de parfum. It is noteworthy that in Russia and the CIS countries, cologne is often called the male version of any perfume, and not its separate form, as is customary in Western Europe and the United States.

Perfumed deodorant or Deo Parfu

Perfumed deodorant (Deo Parfum) is a perfume product that combines a personal care product and the properties of perfumery. The concentration of odorous substances in perfumed deodorants can vary from 3 to 10%.

Perfumed body care products

You can use perfumed body care products in order to keep the smell of your favorite fragrance as long as possible (body milk, shower gels, hair sprays, and others). The components contained in them slightly fix the aroma, preventing it from quickly evaporating.

Perfumed body care products are cosmetic products (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing) that use the base scent of a perfume. The content of this component in care products is usually low, sometimes their concentration is less than 1%. The layering effect, which is obtained by using all the products in the line in sequence, significantly increases the persistence of the scent. For example, perfumed body milk retains the scent with an emphasis on heart notes for 2-3 hours.

* Essential oil is an odorous mixture of liquid volatile substances isolated from various materials of plant origin (fruits, conifers, flowers, and others). The smell of any oil is not revealed clearly.

Do you want to know what is the difference between perfume, eau de toilette and eau de parfum? Read the article.

Many modern ladies do not know what is the difference between real perfumes, eau de toilette and eau de parfum. The difference lies in the stability of the aroma and other features. Let's take a closer look in this article.

Why is perfume called eau de toilette?

Real perfumes in women are associated with something expensive and French. Any woman knows about famous French perfumes with a unique aroma from Chanel. Why is perfume called eau de toilette?

This happens out of ignorance. People do not know what is the difference and what is better, and they think that they all refer to the same type of perfume. These are different "odorous" means. The differences are in the composition, the stability of the aroma and the time of use.

What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfumery water from perfumes in composition?

If a woman has real perfumes, then she will never call them eau de toilette or perfume water. This would be ignorance and even blasphemy. Differences toilet and perfume liquid from perfume are in the composition:

  • Perfume are made from different essential compositions, which are combined into one complex bouquet. They contain up to 22% of aromatic substances that dissolve in a 90% alcohol solution. Real perfumes should have an intense and concentrated aroma. This is an expensive type of “smelling” product, since natural flower extracts and oils are included in the composition. Usually perfumes are evening fragrances with persistent incense.
  • Perfumed water (Eau de Parfum)- a fragrant solution, in composition, close to a real perfume. But in its aroma composition there is only 12% of concentrated "odorous" raw materials dissolved in 90% alcohol. The main note in the composition is muted, the middle is pronounced. Perfume-water is used throughout the day. It is often referred to as daytime perfumes.
  • Toilet water (Eau de Toilette) has a lower concentration of aromatic substance - up to 10% in 85% alcohol. The main notes are reduced, the lines of high notes are strengthened. Such a light perfume water can be used several times during the day, as its fragrance is not too long lasting. It is good to use it in the summer when it is hot. The scent is not strong but refreshing.

On a bottle of aromatic liquid, you can often find the inscription: Eau de Cologne- This is a fragrance for men, implying eau de toilette, but the concentration of the perfume composition is reduced to 5% in 70% alcohol.

Deo Parfum is an eau de toilette with a refreshing aroma and hygienic properties. After shave- perfumed liquid used after shaving. In it, the amount of aromatic substances is reduced to 2%, but there are many substances that soften and moisturize the skin.

What is more stable, stronger and lasts longer: perfume and eau de toilette or perfume?

Every woman has a dozen bottles of fragrant liquids. But not everyone understands the purpose of these fragrances, and what is more stable, stronger and lasts longer. Every specialist in the field of aromatic substances knows which fragrance will be felt on the body for more than a day, and which one needs to be applied to the body again after a couple of hours.

  • The most persistent composition with a high content of aromatic substances.
  • You will feel the aroma of real perfume on your body for up to 2 days.
  • They need to be applied pointwise in a meager amount, otherwise the smell will turn out cloying.
  • Better to use in the evening. Perfume is applied only to the body.

Eau de parfum

  • It is equated to spirits, but in it the concentration of fragrant substances is slightly less.
  • Can be used every day during the day. This is a great replacement for evening perfume - the scent is lighter and not as intense.
  • It is also necessary to spray pointwise, but you can expand the application range. Don't overdo it so you don't smell like a flower bed.
  • It is not recommended to spray on clothes - this is a body perfume. Mixed with fabric can create an incomprehensible smell, and people who understand perfumes will definitely notice this.

Eau de Toilette

  • It contains little aroma substances in its composition, compared to other "odorous" liquids.
  • Its smell is not so stable, and you can use such liquids several times a day: after a shower, before going to work, walking, and so on.
  • If a drop of fragrance gets on clothes, then it's okay, the fragrance quickly disappears.

Now you understand what perfume, eau de toilette or eau de parfum is. A real lady should have all three of these fragrances for all occasions - expensive perfume for a shocking evening fragrance, quality and branded eau de parfum for daytime use, and good eau de toilette to smell nice after a shower and whenever perfume is inappropriate.

Which is better: eau de toilette and perfume or perfume?

Perfume, eau de toilette and eau de parfum with the same aromatic substance can smell differently. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: what is better - toilet and perfumery water or perfume?

  • It's a matter of taste and personal preference., as well as suitability to the specific situation.
  • The general impression of the image and image is formed by a complex of factors, among which the fragrant composition emanating from a person is in a special place. Smells are perceived by the human brain on the subconscious. Therefore, any aromatic liquid will be good if it is of high quality, is the original, and complements the overall image of a person. A fake can spoil the impression of the image.
  • Eau de toilette should be in harmony with style. Perfumery water will create an aroma cloud around a person, perfume will leave a fragrant trail for a long time.

Choose fragrances from well-known brands, then you will be able to smell with unique and chic smells, leaving a trace of exorbitant tenderness and sensuality.

When is it better to use toilet and perfumery water, and when perfume?

As mentioned above, it is better to use toilet water after a shower, before a gym or a walk. Perfume water should be used during the day when you go to work or on other business, and use perfume if you go on a date in the evening, a romantic dinner.

What is the designation on the packaging of perfumery, toilet water and perfume?

Perfumes in general are distinguished by a similar composition: alcohol, water, dyes and a fragrant composition. But each product differs in the composition of fragrant substances and their concentration. What designation is indicated on the packaging of perfumery, toilet water and perfume? On the bottles with these aromatic products you will find the following notes:

  • Perfume - Parfum, Perfume or Extrait.
  • Eau de Parfum - EDP, Parfum De Toilette, Eau De Parfum and Esprit De Parfum.
  • Toilet water - EDT, Eau De Toilette.

Now you know how this or that aroma is designated. But remember that a fake may say "Parfum" (perfume), but in fact it is a low-quality liquid that cannot be called a fragrance. Therefore, buy perfumes and other scented products from trusted sellers.

How to distinguish perfume from perfumed and toilet water?

If you have never noticed the difference between perfume, perfume and toilet water before, then it's time to learn this. After all, a true lady should see this difference, and understand what and on what occasion to use. How to distinguish perfume from perfumed and toilet water? Here are the tips:

  • Pay attention to the labels on the bottles. They must correspond to each type of aroma, as described above in the text.
  • The durability of the fragrant composition of perfumes is twice as much than eau de parfum and several times more than eau de toilette.
  • The volume of liquid in the vial. Perfumes are more concentrated, so their bottle will be small compared to other "odorous" products.
  • The price of original perfumes is several times higher than Eau De Toilette. Perfume-water is slightly cheaper than real perfume.
  • Eau de toilette has a light and not concentrated smell. and the smell of alcohol can be traced in its notes, since the concentration of fragrant substances in such a product is low. In perfumes, on the contrary, you will feel only the aromatic composition.

Treat yourself to new flavors. Choose a fragrant composition that matches your image, style and image. Only in this way you will be on top and will differ from others in the originality and uniqueness of the finished image.

Video: Perfume or toilet water? Differences