Chicken foot coat. How to wear a houndstooth print

Houndstooth print looks extraordinarily good, fresh and delightful when matched with great taste. A goose foot dress is liked by many beautiful ladies. It is thanks to this pattern that the female body visually appears slimmer and more attractive.

A wise lady knows how important it is for female beauty not only to have an attractive appearance, but also to be able to hide flaws, while emphasizing advantages in an advantageous and effective manner, in order to look as advantageous as possible and be on horseback in her eyes, first of all, and the public. The “goose foot” print can also be referred to as “cock's step” and even “dog's tooth”. Many stars and celebrities wear houndstooth dresses.

"Houndstooth" - fashionable print on dresses

See how beautiful houndstooth dresses look in this photo. It is not for nothing that many ladies have just such an elegant dress in their wardrobe. These dresses come in different styles and models. As a rule, they are made in black and white style.

Fortunately, fashion designers do not eat their labor bread in vain and come up with an increasing number of fashion collections, which sometimes you look at with colossal surprise and bewilderment, where is it and when it can be worn. Under what conditions, except perhaps for a masquerade party. 🙂

Perhaps in this way they demonstrate their own exclusivity, uniqueness and originality. Of course, there are different fashion collections: office style, evening dresses, cocktail and casual.

Fortunately, the choice is large and every beautiful lady will be able to choose for herself exactly what she likes and goes better in accordance with her type of appearance and financial capabilities Fashion trends offered fashionable beauties stylish dresses made of goose foot fabric, in turn, does not lag behind from a fellow and offers other variations of this elegant dress. are constantly going forward.

You yourself can choose which dress you choose: long, short or medium length. It's great to have a choice. Freedom of choice is not given to a person in vain! Freedom is a great power! For the sake of freedom they died, fought and performed great deeds. What a blessing that those old times have passed when the old ladies on the benches condemningly squeezed their narrow little lips and hissed angrily after: "Oh, how oversized!" 🙂

As the respected Vladimir Vysotsky sang: "Grandmothers, grandmothers, we respect you, but how to understand you, we, alas, do not know!" Indeed, the wise man sang right. But now there is freedom of morals, fashion trends and words. Is it always for the best, who knows, rather, it's not up to us to decide, time will tell. Now, at least dress up as Conchita and walk down the street! 🙂

However, a beautiful lady will prefer to look not an inadequate Conchita with a beard, but a fashionable, stylish and luxurious lady. Please, fashion gives this choice! Of course, the financial situation interferes with this or helps in creating the image you need, it is generally easier to live with money, but now there are many shops and markets where you can choose a fashionable dress for a cost in an economy format, and this is great. Houndstooth print requires a special approach. Check out also the article:

Even young female students can afford to look fashionable and stylish. Like flowers blossomed young beauties. They walk around the city, chirp. Many people like the goose foot print, including young beauties.

Most men love to admire a lady who is dressed in a stylish dress with a houndstooth print and high heels. Men celebrate beautiful, well-groomed ladies, which they happily use.

Check out beautiful pictures of trendy, stylish houndstooth dresses.

Stylish black and white wool dress with trendy houndstooth pattern from the latest luxury collection Alexander McQueen looks really English, but not even prim ...The pencil silhouette and great rectangular peplum valves create a sense of severity, while the raglan half sleeves and drapery on the chest give a light, playful flirtation.

It is good to work in the office in such a warm dress. Office style looks dignified and noble. You will be like an English lady. Do you know what Chicago dresses look like? See:. Love yourself and choose beautiful, stylish dresses for your person. Dress with a houndstooth pattern is perfect for a variety of occasions.

This print is found almost everywhere! Girls like to wear it even on their swimsuits! How do you like this option?

"Houndstooth" on a warm autumn scarf.

On the bow again we meet the notorious paw 🙂

And even a luxurious manicure pleases the eye with this print!

What is fashionable in the fall photo of a goose foot sundress?

Don't want to change your favorite classic style, but look bright and fashionable? The print "houndstooth" will help in this, which, like a well-forgotten old, came into fashion with new inspiration. For the first time this print appeared in the 30th decade, but over time its relevance has lost.

In the fashion of the year, it is presented by world designers.

"Houndstooth" finds its place in every star wardrobe, kind of clothes or stylish accessories. Clothes with this print will help their owners to look elegant, hiding problem areas. But you need to apply this drawing very carefully, you should not oversaturate your image with several things. Choose only one with a print like crow's feet. You cannot decorate yourself with a dress or a jacket with a "crow's feet" pattern, feel free to add a scarf or a handbag to your usual ensemble.

"Houndstooth" in the Coach fall-winter collection:

Even the stars are wearing an outfit with a famous pattern! Celebrities in the photo: Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Victoria Bonya, Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga.

Victoria Bonya, as always, is inimitable! Bravo, Bonya!
Now you can find out how best to wear a goose foot!

"Crow's feet": how to wear

Looking to create a retoro style? This pattern will help you! You will look stylish and elegant. Classic fit, dense fabric. The most common option is black and white, which looks decent with different juicy colors, as well as with white and black.

Do you want to impress a dear, gorgeous woman to you? Please, all your hands!

Take yourself a short but warm one jacket with a houndstooth pattern, and a pencil skirt to it, it is preferable to dark tones (black for example), do not forget also about stylish leather gloves and classic shoes. Feel like a queen in a truly royal style!

If you like juicy colors, and this image came out "gray" and faded, then you can safely make up your sensual lips with red lipstick and pick up a varnish to match her. Add a brooch or beads in an inviting color.

And now you have a retro look! Romantic and mysterious!

It's best not to overload your look with a variety of prints.

Avoid wearing multiple items of clothing with such a capricious houndstooth pattern, take one. For example: a dress or a blouse or skirt.

Remember that geometric patterns in fashionable clothes "Goose foot" visually improves the figure. You will look slimmer in it.

With this print, you can easily and simply recreate classic images.For example, wearing a beautiful coat with a flirty houndstooth pattern, graceful trousers with a high waist and a little cropped, and a blouse, maybe even with a bold neckline, will give your image a bit of urban chic.

It is interesting that if you use only one thing with a houndstooth print in the whole image, it will add restraint and severity to it, but if you dress (like Lady Gaga once) in everything with this pattern and even pick up an accessory, then you will become a kind of shocking and an extravagant person who attracts the attention of everyone around you, and even shocks some! Now let's look at the photo with what fashion bloggers wear houndstooth.

How to choose a stole for a coat of crow's feet?

In the 30s of the 20th century, the “goose foot” pattern came into fashion and to this day does not give up its positions, being a manifestation of excellent taste. The traditional version of the crow's feet pattern is a small pattern on clothing, and a large pattern did not appear until the end of the 20th century. Black and white is considered a classic color, so many ladies opt for a coat in black and white.

In order to look stylish in such a coat, you need to choose a suitable stole. For example, a classic black stole, which will not weigh down the image, and you will avoid the risk of looking tasteless. Also, a plain gray tippet is perfect, which will fit into the crow's feet coat due to the peculiarity of the pattern, which seems light gray in the distance. The stole of a noble dark blue color will look exquisite, both in combination with "skinny" jeans, and with a business-cut skirt.

What jewelry to wear under a dress with a houndstooth print

Houndstooth - a pattern consisting of two contrasting colors. The print can be slightly changed in shape and size.

Young women liked him after watching the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's", where Audrey Hepburn appeared in a jacket with this print from Chanel.

The houndstooth dress looks very elegant.

The image can always be changed. You can create a more formal, romantic or extravagant look by complementing it with accessories and, of course, jewelry.

Each woman has her own tastes and preferences. Someone likes to dress modestly and strictly, while others prefer to stand out among the crowd. Often, dresses with a houndstooth print are black and white, which greatly expands the choice of jewelry.

Variety of jewelry

For an image with a dress, a goose foot will suit many different types of jewelry. Some of them:

1. Solid, not flashy jewelry is perfect for creating style. Colors can be varied, as black, gray and red, yellow. The main thing is to select everything in one color. The emphasis will remain on the silhouette and, accordingly, on the dress. Perfect for office work, study and business meetings.

2. Bright jewelry will emphasize the diversity of a woman, her individuality and courage. Attention will be focused on jewelry. It can be multi-colored large earrings, bracelets. Also, jewelry in the shape of a flower, which has a colorful and beautiful shade, will look great. This image can be created for corporate events, holidays or parties.

3. A wonderful combination is a black and white dress and red jewelry. The elegance, femininity and uniqueness of the girl are emphasized.

4. Massive monochromatic jewelry will add confidence and consistency to your look. Suitable for women who are not afraid to show themselves and emphasize their dignity. However, do not get carried away too much, so as not to create the opposite effect.

5. Ball-shaped earrings, necklaces and bracelets, like pearls, will look gorgeous in combination with a dress. It is preferable to choose white and cream color.

Houndstooth print was, is and will be one of the most fashionable trends.

Changing images with jewelry and accessories, you can always look stylish, fashionable and attractive. Thanks to the variety of decorations, the “in the paw” dress can be used for all occasions and never look boring.

The interweaving of black and white colors is awarded by fashion designers with loud epithets: the embodiment of classics, a symbol of elegance and good taste. This fall, the goose foot is gaining special relevance, since this ornament is the fashion trend of the season.

It so happened historically in Russia that the goose foot ornament has several names, it is easy to confuse it with a chicken's foot, with a rooster's foot and even with the Prince of Wales ornament. It's easy to get confused, isn't it?

They are all similar, but different in the size of their rapport in the ornament. It must also be said that Paul Poiret began with the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century he wore a tie with such an ornament, and then the great Coco Chanel raised this ornament, and it became insanely popular already in the 1920s.

And yet, the real explosion of fashion interest in such a weave of fabric is, of course, the times of Christian Dior - a chicken foot, in its classic small or slightly larger incarnation, is usually associated with his work. However, we must pay tribute to the fact that both in the 60s and in the 80s, the modification of the "pied-de-bul" cell gave quite interesting graphic solutions. If we see the classic very small cell "pied-de-bul", we understand what period of time it relates to - this is the era of golden couture, the era of new bows. As soon as this cell begins to be very contrasting, most likely black and white or color, it means that, in the first case, we are talking about the 60s, and in the second case, about the 80s. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the 80s do not go out of the head of the fashion maestro of our time - these years are associated with their stormy, explosive and reckless youth!

    A sports jumper is literally the bread and butter of today's everyday wear, and the fact that it is adorned with an older pied-de-bullet cage suggests that this cage is really in vogue and relevant to the daily wear of young people.

    A slightly larger check will look good on a sleeveless jacket. At one time, an image maker came to the heroine Joan Collins from the movie "Dynasty" in one of the episodes and told her that from now on, when she started running for a high state office, she needed to forget about the combination of red, black and white. “But how,” said the heroine, “these are my favorite colors!” There is nothing to be done, they had to be sacrificed to the desired position, within the framework of which it is no longer worth frightening the people with such bright contrasting combinations.

    Mustard skirt and short plaid jacket. It looks very much in the spirit of the 80s, and we must pay tribute: these shades of mustard color together with the right accessories are very reminiscent of the days when Debbie Harry just started her way in the Blondie group.

    The green sleeveless jacket is designed for an elegant age, combined with a short white dress from the 20s, it looks quite original. Kits like these remind us of the style that took shape at the turn of the 80s and 90s.

The houndstooth pattern, similar to broken cells, is made of two threads of a contrasting shade. The fabric with such a pattern has a voluminous and dense texture, a dress with a houndstooth print is always stylish and elegant. Many of us associate such a pattern with the name of the famous Coco Chanel. But the inventors of such a marvelous design were not at all she, but the amazing Audrey Hepburn, who preferred to wear jackets “in her paw”.

In Russia, such a pattern is called "goose" or "chicken foot". In Germany, however, dresses made of fabric are called a “cock's foot”, and the inhabitants of Great Britain are called “teeth of a hound”. The French even came up with a rather extravagant name - pepita. But whatever you call such clothes, it will still be an indicator of excellent taste and a symbol of femininity!

Most famous people in Hollywood and not only prefer dresses in this pattern. Just look at the photos of celebrities: Dita von Teese, Jacquette Wheeler, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Hudson, Angelina Jolie and others love to flaunt in such outfits. The image of a girl in such an outfit is universal: it refines, gives femininity and originality. In addition, an outfit with a "chicken foot" flawlessly hides figure flaws if it is correctly selected. This is an ideal solution for overweight girls, as the dress visually slims and makes the appearance more attractive. You can always be irresistible and look the most advantageous against the background of the public!

Read also: How to wear a stole - creating a feminine look

The print is becoming more and more relevant. And today, it is dresses and other things with such a pattern that prevail among fashion designers. Various shapes and styles of goose foot dresses are offered:

  • Festive.
  • Cocktail.
  • Evening.
  • Office (classic).
  • Everyday.

Any girl or adult lady will be able to choose a suitable outfit for herself, depending on the characteristics of the figure, financial capabilities and taste preferences.

These dresses are so different

Fashion trends include a large selection of dresses with a houndstooth pattern. Office style, in which a dress with a houndstooth pattern is very appropriate, will sparkle with new colors. In such clothes, you will look like an English lady. The option is suitable not only for the office, but also for everyday wear. By adding stylish accessories of the same color to the dress, you will look very fashionable.

Consider a few popular branded dresses. The woolen dress in black and white "houndstooth" in the Alexander McQueen fashion series looks amazing, emphasizing the English style, but remaining not very strict. Stylish peplum and tight-fitting silhouette make this model business-like, while embellishments in the idea of \u200b\u200bdrapery and raglan-shaped half sleeves highlight the playfulness and elegance of the image.

A Zara dress with a foot pattern will suit tall girls with a rectangle figure. A lock on the back and a combination of various volumes of the pattern give some flirtatiousness alongside. It is suitable both for everyday wear and for office trips.

Read also: Vintage style in clothes - a modern look at the past

In a series of fashionable designer Gucci, fashionistas liked the models embodied not only in black and white, but also in chocolate, blue, terracotta, burgundy shades. An unusual dress with a houndstooth pattern attracts attention in the collection, in which the pattern stands out not with the help of contrasting shades, but thanks to the combination of glossy and matte “legs”. The "goose" skirt of the dress with a belt effectively adjoins the glossy snake skin.

This print looks even more expressive in the collections of the house of Christian Dior. The designer chose a classic version: a black and white combination. Sheath dress with this pattern stands out due to the addition of pink and white lace. The next dress is made in a deep red color, while decorations in the form of scarlet gloves emphasize the passion and temperament of the girl's nature.

What can I wear with houndstooth dresses?

If you want to create an elegant and solid look, feel free to combine dresses with this print with accessories and shoes of the same color. It is better to choose black or white pumps for black and white. Loosely combine the crow's feet with soft shoes. Long black gloves will look no less impressive in such a tandem. Adding red lipstick and a red brooch to your look will give it a retro look.

Not sure what to wear with a colored paw print dress? Dilute the rather bright composition with beige, pink and powdery shades. The houndstooth pattern is self-sufficient in itself, so you should not buy shoes, a scarf and other things in the same shade. Since the pattern perfectly stretches the figure, with its help you will successfully hide imperfections by wearing high-heeled shoes.

A knitted dress looks great in combination with dark glasses, a black handbag and a belt of the same shade. In this style, you will look austere and feminine at the same time.

Today, products with a “houndstooth” pattern, which resembles a broken cage and a pattern made of two threads of contrasting shades, have not lost their popularity. Coco Chanel is considered the inventor of such an amazing design, in whose jacket the famous film actress Audrey Hepburn starred in the film Breakfast at Tiffany's. However, the history of the appearance of the pattern goes back more than one century. Archaeologists have discovered such matter in Scotland, which existed during the reign of the Roman Empire. In the 19th century, the priority among politicians and prominent people was clothing with a houndstooth pattern - a dress with a houndstooth print, a jacket, a skirt, and so on (other names are hound's teeth, pied-de-bullet print). The Prince of Wales became an admirer of this style, but for a long time the fabric did not enjoy success outside the country.

Only after the release of the movie with Audrey Hepburn's participation, the female audience happily accepted outfits with such an unusual pattern. At the beginning of this century, the collections of fashion houses Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Emporio Armani saw the light, which presented amazing clothes with this print. Since then, this pattern has remained very popular and has found many fans.

A dress with this print occupies a special place in the fashion world. This swatch is available in classic black and white or color. The fabric usually has a bulky and dense texture. A dress with such an unusual pattern can become a stunning accent of style if you choose the right shape, model and color.

Houndstooth dress colors

The classic version of the print is black and white compositions. However, models with a colored pattern are no less popular. Moreover, the dress can consist of elements with different sizes of a broken cell. For example, a sleeve, peplum, ruffle, collar, or cuffs can be made from a smaller pattern. Products made of several fabrics with a certain cell pattern look extraordinary.

Fashion designers use not only thick fabrics for sewing, but also fur, brocade and even silk. In his collection, Gucci conveyed the mystery and uniqueness of the pattern with the help of silk and synthetic fabrics in dark colors. Restrained colors - burgundy, brown, blue, black prevail in clothes, and the print seems to be applied with paint on the silky surface of the fabric. A knitted dress looks beautiful, which as if envelops the figure, adds naturalness and naturalness to the image. A woolen or knitted product will perfectly emphasize the femininity and attractiveness of the silhouette.

Christian Dior presented a sheath dress and a skirt with this print in black and white. The ensemble was complemented by shoes with a pied-de-bullet pattern, which added a special charm to the feminine image. A special solution - a dress with a houndstooth print in bright red from Oscar de la Renta. Such products will adorn absolutely everyone, but most of all are suitable for slender brown-haired women and brunettes. Inimitable products were offered by Tom Brown. In his interpretation, the print consists of two colors - light gray and white, and accessories with red poppies serve as an addition to the ensemble. The Michael Kors series captivated the audience with an extraordinary fur cape with a large houndstooth print.

Models and styles

Stylish and effective girls prefer to have original dresses made of goose foot fabric in their wardrobe. This is a tribute to fashion, an opportunity to emphasize individuality and your own style. Such things add elegance and rigor, therefore they are indispensable for business meetings and work.

The variety of shapes and styles allows you to choose the perfect model that will hide figure flaws and decorate the silhouette. You can buy products of medium length, above the knee or to the floor. Available in case, A - silhouette, fitted, loose models with and without sleeves. In the photo you can see models with a round, square and V-neck.

Samples that include long guipure sleeves, lace or mesh, look very sophisticated and elegant. Sleeveless dresses with a deep neckline resemble sundresses and are suitable for slender girls. A dress with leather sleeves looks extraordinary. A harmonious combination - black and white print and black leather sleeves. Products with an unusual pattern accentuate the style, so it is important to make the right ensemble.

You can pick up samples for obese women. An ideal option is a trapezoidal dress with a peplum of medium length or a long loose garment like a tunic. In order to hide the excess volume of the abdomen, Greek-style products with a high waist are suitable. Stylists recommend using long-sleeved or three-quarter sleeves, since curvy women are not adorned with lantern sleeves. Smooth or asymmetrical hem of dresses will suit everyone, regardless of the features of the figure.

An outfit with a detachable waist is suitable for girls with an ideal figure. It is better to use patterns with a belt, which will emphasize the thinness of the waist and the slimness of the silhouette. Graceful women will be adorned with a dress - a sheath, with a low waist, as well as products with a multilayer skirt or a sun skirt. Long dresses will add growth to women of fashion, and short products will emphasize the slenderness of the legs. Some design tricks help to correct the figure. For example, you can accentuate your lush breasts with a wrap dress or neckline, and ruffles and ruffles will add volume to your breasts.

What to wear with?

A bright dress with a houndstooth pattern allows you to create an extravagant ensemble and create an original look. It all depends on the use of certain items of clothing and accessories. It is believed that the crow's feet pattern is bright, so do not use multi-colored garments. Along with a black and white pattern, black shoes, ankle boots, oxfords, boots are the best fit. Equally attractive is the combination with shoes made in the same style - with a houndstooth pattern. A short jacket, bolero, and a cropped cape in black or white are harmoniously combined with the dress. Ensembles look extraordinary, including products with black and white or gray and white prints and accessories in red tones.

How and with what to wear clothes with a houndstooth pattern, your own intuition and taste preferences will tell you. When creating an ensemble, it is important to consider the purpose of the dress. Festive designs look beautiful with elegant shoes. Cocktail items are paired with bright red mesh gloves. Evening dresses will be adorned with plain hats, lace capes, transparent stockings and silver clutches.

Office dresses are perfectly combined with classic shoes with high or medium heels, jackets, black leather bags. Everyday products can be supplemented with any accessories - watches, glasses, neckerchief, scarf, the main thing is that these details do not stand out and are not too catchy. A dress with a houndstooth pattern is extravagant and bright, therefore, when creating an ensemble, elements and details of restrained colors should be used.

The aristocrats of Britain began to wear the goose foot print, who fell in love with this pattern when they saw it on the Scots. The costumes of the Queen of Great Britain are still decorated with “crow's feet” in different color combinations. Chanel's hip-check jackets became widely known after the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was released. Today, things with such a print are made from noble and expensive fabrics, and the styles are distinguished by elegance and grace - there are historical reasons for this.

A skirt, trousers, dress or suit made of fabric in crow's feet look equally good. Coats and cardigans in a houndstooth, as well as scarves and stoles look advantageous and bright. They love this pattern for its ability to stretch the silhouette and slim, visually improving the proportions.

So, houndstooth trousers appeared in your wardrobe: what to wear with?

Pants with this pattern can be straight, flared, cropped, capri pants, etc. Consider the basic options for fashionable trousers with a houndstooth print:

  • A monochrome trouser suit is a great option for a business meeting, interview, office negotiations. Combined with a black or white blouse and high-heeled shoes - a win-win. Want to add some flavor? Dilute monochrome with red shoes and a thin red belt to match;
  • Another thing is a trouser suit in a colored houndstooth. White-blue or white-pink combinations have almost become classic. They add a touch of romanticism and add femininity. A white blouse or shirt and light high-heeled shoes are perfect for a set;
  • Monochrome skinny trousers with houndstooth print go well with chunky platform boots or high heels. Add a bright oversized sweater or a long oversized cardigan for a look for walking on cool days. The print enlivens any image, makes it interesting and draws attention to your feet;
  • Loose cropped houndstooth trousers are easy to wear for a street-style look. Complement them with white sneakers or sneakers, a black turtleneck, a voluminous black coat, a scarf and a backpack. Bright houndstooth trousers will not let you get lost in the gray mass of people rushing about their business;
  • You can even wear a goose foot print to a party. Tight trousers, bright high-heeled shoes, and as a top - a top that is bright in color, style or performance. You will definitely not go unnoticed!;
  • But if you prefer defiant style and severity not for you - feel free to combine a black and white houndstooth and rough boots. Throw a black leather jacket over the top, complete the look with metal accessories - chains, bracelets, buttons. You will look like a rebellious aristocratic child;
  • Do you want more shocking? We break the taboos of stylists and put on all the best at once. Pants or skirt, jacket and top in large crow's feet. We complement the image with a hat with the same pattern, glasses and boots. We repeat the well-known exit of the queen of outrageous - Lady Gaga.

But we must remember that crow's feet are insidious. If they are located diagonally, then they visually slim the figure, and if they are located in a straight line, they will expand it.

As a general rule, the slimmer the figure, the larger the drawing you can afford. The fuller the figure, the finer the drawing you need to choose.

By itself, the crow's feet pattern is considered dominant, especially if each cell is large. Therefore, the ensemble should only have one element with a pattern, or it should be a suit made of the same fabric with a solid top. If you don't want a solid top and you are confident in your sense of style, choose melange fabrics or paisley.

It is not recommended to choose shoes with a broken cage for trousers or a suit with the same pattern. But a bow with crow's feet on black shoes would be quite appropriate.

The broken cage attracts the eye, so you should always try on trousers before buying and see if the seams are twisted, if the proportions of the figure are deformed, if the size is chosen correctly.

You can wear a goose foot print with any type of figure, carefully considering the set and occasion.