The right time to have a baby. How to calculate the best time to conceive according to the calendar. Conception in summer. Conception in June, July and August

Pregnancy begins with the fusion of male and female sex cells. The probability of conceiving a child depends entirely on whether the meeting of the egg and sperm occurs in the right place and at the right time. For the implementation of sexual intercourse in order to conceive a child, it is necessary to determine the most favorable period for conceiving a child.

The most suitable moment for conception is the time of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary). Female sex cells (eggs) are in an active state for a fairly short period of time during which fertilization must occur in order to conceive a child. The most favorable period for conception is when ovulation is about to begin. If you correctly calculate on which day ovulation occurs, then the chances of a woman becoming pregnant increase significantly.

To determine the most favorable period for conception, various methods are used, which, however, cannot give a 100% guarantee of fertilization. Indeed, for conception, a favorable coincidence of various circumstances is necessary, and, in most cases, a healthy married couple needs from six months to a year to conceive.

Calendar method for determining ovulation

Using this method, the couple has sexual intercourse during the part of the menstrual cycle when the woman is most likely to conceive, ie. when in her body there is an egg capable of fertilization. However, unlike menstruation, ovulation has no obvious signs, and its definition is rather arbitrary.

With regular menstruation

It is known that the egg matures approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and, therefore, ovulation directly depends on its duration. With a cycle duration of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on the 14-15th day of the cycle, but can occur on any day from the 13th to the 17th day - this gives a period of 5 days, when the opportunity to become pregnant is especially high. Since spermatozoa can live for 3-4 days, 4 days before this period is also favorable for conceiving a child. And since the egg also has a certain period of viability (approximately within a day) after ovulation, one more day is added to the 5-day period. The result is 10 days (from the 9th to the 18th day of the cycle inclusive), during which the probability of becoming pregnant is maximum. If the menstrual cycle is shorter (21-24 days), then ovulation occurs earlier - by 10-12 days, if the cycle is long (32-35 days), then ovulation usually occurs on the 16-18th day from the start of menstruation. Cycle length is not important if menstruation occurs regularly. In any case, the favorable time for conception is 10 days, counting 20 days before the next menstruation.

For irregular menstruation

But in most cases the cycle is not strictly constant; the difference in its duration is 3-7 days, and this shifts the maturation of the egg (changes the date of ovulation).

In this case, the woman should carefully record the duration of each cycle and determine the shortest and longest cycle from the previous year's records. The following calculations are made:

A) 19 is subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle;

B) 10 is subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle.

The number (A) means the first day of those when conception can occur, counting from the beginning of the last menstruation. The number (B) gives the last day for conception. So, if the shortest cycle lasted 25 days, and the longest - 29, we get:

A) 25-19=6 and B) 29-10=19.

Thus, the days from the 6th to the 19th day inclusive from the beginning of the last menstruation should be considered favorable for fertilization. However, 15% of women have such an irregular menstrual cycle that the calendar method cannot be used.

And even with an impeccably rhythmic cycle, ovulation does not always occur in the middle of the cycle, depending on various, difficult to take into account reasons. There is an assumption that under the influence of sexual intimacy, taking a number of drugs, especially hormonal drugs, on any day of the menstrual cycle, additional ovulation may occur or there is a change in the moment of its onset. Finally, spermatozoa can remain fertile for more than 4 days, so even if intercourse occurs 4 days before ovulation, in rare cases, the egg is still fertilized. That is why the calendar method, based only on the calculation of dates, is not very effective.

Temperature method for determining ovulation

More precisely, compared to the calendar method, ovulation can be determined using the temperature method. Usually, a woman's temperature on the day of ovulation rises sharply - by 0.6 ° C (due to an increase in the content of the hormone - progesterone). This jump in temperature is easy to fix with a thermometer and records of the results of temperature measurements preceding ovulation.

Right at the time of the temperature increase, the period of probable fertilization has most likely already come to an end (in addition, the increased level of progesterone, which causes an increase in temperature, makes the cervical mucosa unfavorable for sperm penetration). This makes it possible to determine the days unfavorable for conception in the period after ovulation - from the moment the temperature rises until the next menstruation, inclusive. However, after the next menstruation, it is impossible to determine favorable days, since it is not known when the next ovulation will occur.

The essence of the method is to measure the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature). The temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after sleep, at the same time, without getting out of bed, with a thermometer inserted 5 cm into the rectum; measurement time 10 minutes. With daily measurement, a basal temperature graph is obtained, in which, before ovulation, the temperature is less than 37.0 ° C (usually 36.5-36.7 ° C), and after - above 37.0 ° C (37.0-37.2 ° C). C), the day before the temperature rise is the time of ovulation. If measurements are taken within 3 months, then the day of ovulation can be determined in advance with a fairly high accuracy. A few days (5-7) before the jump in temperature are the most favorable for conception.

Cervical mucus analysis method

Another method based on the menstrual cycle involves the analysis of the mucous membrane of the cervix. This method, in combination with the calendar method, can help determine the days between menstruation and ovulation that are not fertile for conception.

During the menstrual cycle, changes occur in the composition of mucus on the cervix and its quantity. A sample of mucus is taken with a finger or a mirror inserted into the vagina. Approximately three days after the end of menstruation, mucus is usually absent. These days, the chances of getting pregnant are negligible. The mucus is thick and white when it appears, then it becomes clearer and thinner and stays that way for two days (peak). The most favorable for conception are the days from the first appearance of mucus to the 4-day period after the peak. You should consult your doctor about using this method.

Combined method for determining fertile days

All the above methods for determining ovulation do not give an accurate result. Especially if a woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs irregularly or additionally. Therefore, it is preferable to use several methods for determining ovulation at once in order to obtain a more reliable and accurate picture.

Method based on saliva crystallization

This method of determining ovulation is based on the fact that after menstruation, the concentration of such specific female sex hormones as estrogens gradually begins to increase. Their concentration gradually increases during the first half of the menstrual cycle and reaches its highest value at the time of ovulation.

An increase in estrogen levels leads to the fact that in saliva 2-3 days before ovulation, the content of chlorides (NaCl, KCl, CaCl, MgCl) increases. The increased concentration of salts in saliva leads to its crystallization during drying.

It is necessary to observe the ongoing changes within a few (5-6) days before the expected date of ovulation. Consistent and systematic analysis allows us to observe the changes that occur in the structure of saliva during drying, depending on the approach to the day of release of the egg. The higher the salt concentration, the more clearly the crystal structure is observed, resembling a fern leaf in appearance. Therefore, when examining dried saliva through a microscope on the day of ovulation, you can see drawings similar to fern leaves.

This method is quite reliable and economical, provided you have a good microscope. The reliability of the saliva crystallization test for determining the day of ovulation is quite high. Currently, even special mini-microscopes are available for sale to calculate the day of ovulation by changes in saliva.

Ovulation tests (available at pharmacies)

Tests for determining ovulation according to the principle of action are similar to tests for diagnosing pregnancy. They are small strips with two indicators. Which, upon contact with urine or saliva, change their color depending on the concentration of the hormone. With the approach of the moment of ovulation in the body of a woman, there is a sharp increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone, which in turn leads to the release of an egg from the follicle - ovulation. An increase in the level of this hormone in urine or saliva underlies these tests. Tests must be carried out daily, starting 5-6 days before the expected ovulation, strictly following the instructions. Ovulation occurs within a day after receiving the first positive result. Since ovulation is determined over several days, five tests are sold in one kit at once. Two lines of the indicator, colored equally intensely, indicate the peak of the hormone concentration and the imminent onset of ovulation. This means that the next 2-3 days is the most optimal time for conceiving a child. However, this method, like pregnancy tests, does not exclude errors, therefore it is recommended to combine this method with others, for example, temperature.

Ultrasound Monitoring

The most accurate method for determining the approach of ovulation and the fact that it has occurred is ultrasound monitoring. This method allows you to monitor the development and growth of the follicle and, based on this data, predict the date or even see the release of the egg - ovulation. Ultrasound monitoring is done by a doctor in a hospital. Approximately 6-7 days after menstruation, using the vaginal probe of the ultrasound machine, monitoring begins to see if the follicles are maturing and in which ovary. During the following days, periodic examinations are carried out to obtain data on the growth of follicles, it is determined whether there is a dominant follicle (which will ovulate) and other indicators that make it possible to predict with a high degree of probability the approximate date of ovulation. This method is reliable, but not very convenient for a woman, because it is necessary to constantly undergo frequent examinations in the hospital, but on the other hand, with the help of ultrasound, malfunctions in the process of ovulation can be detected.

Thus, many methods, or rather their combination, in our time allows a woman to determine the date of ovulation with high accuracy. That allows you to determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child.

Modern science considers that the reproductive age of a woman lasts from 18 to 45 years. Now young girls are in a hurry to give birth before 27, because then, according to doctors, their health will not allow them to carry the fetus. However, in pursuit of a woman's health, few people think about when a mentally and physically healthy child is born.

Gynecologists have determined the optimal age for bearing the first child - this is from 20 to 25 years, but even during this period, women can have childbirth complicated by miscarriages and placenta previa, since the reproductive system may not yet be ready for bearing. Younger pregnant women often experience preeclampsia (these are edema, increased pressure, kidney problems) and weak labor activity. It is also dangerous to give birth after 45 years, when the female body begins to rebuild and prepare for menopause.

The head of the research group (New York, USA) Larry Merston believes that after 30 years, the reproductive functions of a woman reach their maximum levels. At this age, the hormonal background is completely stabilized, and the immune system provides absolute protection, both for the woman in labor and for the gestating fetus.
Studying the medical records of more than 3 thousand women with at least one child, Professor John Mirowski and his team (University of Texas, USA) found that from the age of 22, health problems become less and less. From the lowest level, this figure reaches 34 years, in other words, health improves by this age, but then, over time, problems begin to appear again.
“A woman who has given birth to her first child at age 34,” says John Mirowski, “is 14 years younger in terms of health than the one who gave birth to a child at 18.”

Of course, his thesis does not convince everyone. Cecilia Payner, an associate professor of gynecology at the University of Oxford, points out that after the age of 35, women become less fertile. “A woman who has had her first child at 34 will not be able to have a second child until she is 37 or 38, which is the most difficult age to maintain a pregnancy,” she says. - In my opinion, you can wait until the age of 30 and then give birth to a child, but it is better not to wait until problems appear, and you will have to resort to artificial insemination.
To this statement, I would like to say that in order to restore psychological and physical health, a woman needs at least a year, or even two or three years. Why? Because while breastfeeding the baby, the mother transfers her life force to the baby, and after giving birth, all the organs must return to their former strength.
Melanie Avery, spokesperson for the Royal College for Modwifery, suggests that women who delay childbearing have better financial and social conditions, and therefore may have an advantage."
The Mirror listened to the opinion of the “typical mom”, Kate Cambridge, who gave birth to a beautiful boy at 34: “Physically, everything went well, because I approached my pregnancy very seriously. From a psychological point of view, everything was fine. My friends who gave birth at the age of 20 still remember how hard it was to refuse to go for a walk in the evening, drink, smoke, have fun. I didn't have to sacrifice anything."

Previously, scientists came to the conclusion that childbirth at a later age also has its purely positive aspects. In the case of childbirth after 35-40 years, the female brain receives additional strength at the very period when the memory improvement characteristic of adulthood usually begins, thus prolonging the woman's mental health. In addition, childbirth has a positive effect on the general physical condition of a woman. Despite the fact that health weakens over time, and the physiological load can be more difficult to endure than at a young age, during childbirth after 40 years, the hidden reserves of the body turn on - because now a woman needs to have time to raise a child. Therefore, according to
English scientists, mature mothers have every chance to live to be 100 years old.

After reading a lot of opinions, the reader may ask: "What if the health is already leaving, and the kids need to start?". There is only one answer to this question: mandatory physical activity. Barbells, dumbbells, blocks, benches were invented not only for men. The more we put into the body, the stronger it becomes. Now you can often find such a situation: "I'm pregnant, I can't lift weights." As a result, the press, back, legs are weak, and the woman cannot give birth herself. Every second one falls under a caesarean section, stimulation and the child cannot pass his first obstacle, the difficulty that will determine his further desire to fight in life. Any woman can easily lift half her weight with good training. How much does a woman's weight increase during pregnancy? For 10-15 kg, no more, so what? And the fact that this is not even half the weight. So do not be surprised at the time when women went to work pregnant, gave birth in the field, and only in the evening, having worked out their norm, returned home with a child in their arms. And no doctors around her did not run.
The reader may object that now the environment is bad, a woman is forced to spend a lot of time, she has no time to take care of herself, etc. Then the question arises: why then was a woman created? What is its purpose? And the answer is simple: for the birth and upbringing of the rise of a new generation of spiritually and physically developed children. Who, if not a mother, should give her child all the best? After all, it is she who gives her children spiritual values, an emotional background. Can a young 18-year-old girl, who herself is still a child at heart, educate the future generation? No. Of course, a woman always grows up much faster than a man, but understanding the processes taking place in the world, the concept of one’s “I”, one’s position in society, one’s destiny does not come earlier than at the age of 25. And it’s good if grandparents help a young mother. After all, each generation should be better and stronger than the parents themselves. otherwise, society will not develop and evolve, but only fall and turn into a monkey, but, unfortunately, not everyone understands this.

In the end, I would like to tell you about one more discovery. Scientists from the Emory Research University (USA, Georgia) came to the conclusion that human behavior is determined by the events that happened to his ancestors. In other words, if the great-grandmother was once afraid of something, then this will cause a change in DNA and, accordingly, will affect the actions of future children and grandchildren. The corresponding experiments, as usual, were carried out on mice. Scientists have trained mice to avoid a certain smell, reminiscent of cherry blossoms. And the disgust for this smell was successfully passed on to mouse children and even grandchildren.

And now I want to ask the reader what is the first thing children see when they are born? That's right - a bright light from the lamps in the hospital. Their first emotion is fear. The fear that arises immediately after overcoming one's first successfully passed test. Therefore, one should not be surprised that our children are afraid of difficulties in life, overcoming them, they experience constant stress. Immerse yourself in the virtual world, because it seems to them safer there than in reality. A huge number of patients with autism, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hyperactivity, inattention, etc., arise due to their inheritance. Therefore, every girl should remember that she, the future mother, is fully responsible for choosing the father of her children and for the development of the future generation.

Marina Shkolnikova.

The best time to conceive a child is the period 4-5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. Making love after and more than five days before it may not bring the desired pregnancy. There are several methods that can be used to accurately determine the time of ovulation. The period and its output are different for each woman. Ovulation usually occurs once every two weeks from the start of the last menstrual period, but it can occur on any other

day. - from about 12 to 16 days of the cycle, if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle (28-32 days). Another method that will help determine the onset of ovulation is to measure it in the morning without getting out of bed. If the temperature has crept up, know that ovulation has begun, and this is the best time to conceive a child.

Many parents want the sex of the child to be known before birth, or even before conception. Some want a girl, while others want a boy. Since ancient times, people have tried to predict the gender of the unborn child, based on a variety of methods: numerology, consumed foods, and so on. These methods are still popular today.

Special diets have been developed for young parents, there are many ways to calculate the days of ovulation, in which the probability of conceiving a son or daughter is highest. Determining the sex of a child by the date of conception is also possible using many online calculators, where you need to enter the date of the first day of the last menstruation or the estimated time of conception of the baby. Some wealthy people also use the method of replanting an already fertilized egg with a certain set of chromosomes. But all parents agree on one thing: no matter what gender the baby is born, the main thing is that he is healthy! Therefore, the best time for is when both parents are thoroughly prepared physically and mentally.

But sometimes, despite all attempts, pregnancy does not occur. There are a lot of reasons here, but before you despair and go to the doctors, you can try a way to conceive a baby in a certain position. Sometimes the reason for the failure may lie in the fact that it will be difficult for the sperm to reach the egg.

The best position for conceiving a child in this case is the “man behind” position. A woman can either lie on her stomach or be in a knee-elbow position. If there are no problems in the structure of the reproductive organs, use “traditional” positions for conception, in which the seminal fluid reaches the “destination”.

Sometimes parents want their baby to be born at a certain time of the year or even a certain month. You need to prepare for this in advance, carefully choosing the best time to conceive a child. In this case, special calendars and tables can help, of which there are enough on the Internet, and careful monitoring of your body during menstruation and ovulation can significantly bring a significant event closer.

Many people ask themselves the question - What time of year is best for having a baby?? Often the child himself chooses the day of his birth, and only in the first years of his life the advantages of the season matter. However, it is important for a mother who appreciates every minute to plan a pregnancy. Each season has its pros and cons, it is up to parents to make a choice according to personal preferences.


The warm season is good for any baby - walks can be started immediately after discharge from the hospital. A crumb that gets enough vitamin D does not face rickets. It does not have to be wrapped in several layers of clothing, and the linen will dry quickly under the spring sun. By the beginning of feeding, fresh local vegetables will appear on the table. The final stage of pregnancy will take place in cold weather - a large belly and swollen legs can be hidden under outerwear.

However, all the useful resources of the mother's body accumulated in the summer will be exhausted by the time of childbirth. Pregnant women walk less on the street in the winter cold, receiving less oxygen. A lack of iron in the mother can negatively affect the well-being of the crumbs. It is important to think about school: for a child to go to grade 1 at the age of more than 6.5 years, his birthday must fall in February. Otherwise, you will have to become a schoolboy later.


All the benefits for a "summer baby" come from warm weather, sunshine and plenty of fresh air. As in spring, in summer you can immediately start walking with a little one and linger on the street for a long time; dry baby clothes quickly; Feed your baby fresh vegetables and fruits. During this season, the mother's body receives a complex of essential vitamins and minerals - in the summer the diet expands significantly.

Meanwhile, the heat for a woman in demolition is a huge test! A child in such weather is uncomfortable in diapers. If parents are going to send their offspring to kindergarten at the age of 3, these plans will not come true - groups are formed in early autumn. The school issue is also relevant for “summer children”, because those born in July and September can enter the same class. It is difficult to predict whether first-graders will be ready to receive the same amount of knowledge. Meanwhile, this problem can be solved - the beginning of studies for each is determined individually.


The main arguments for childbirth in autumn– the ability to organize a menu for a nursing mother containing plenty of vitamin-rich foods. In autumn there are many pleasant warm days for long walks. For some, it will be a plus that the future first-grader will become one of the oldest in his stream.

Meanwhile, the cloudy season gives little sunlight, which cannot bring positive emotions to the baby. Mom will have to carry the baby in the hottest period. Diapers will dry for a long time, because the weather can fail, and heating will have to wait. Batteries will get warmer - there will be a problem of dry air. In autumn, you need to stock up on artificial vitamins, since the season will not please you with sunny days.


Many scares the birth of a baby in the cold, but the season is fraught with many advantages. Transferring pregnancy in the summer is not so difficult, and the baby will be born during heating. On warm batteries, you can dry your clothes and at the same time humidify the air in the room. And by the summer the little one will grow up, it will be possible to seat him on a high chair, walk without diapers with a supply of clothes.

The main disadvantage of winter is the lack of fresh air, because not every frost can take a baby for a walk. And yet, the difficulties - heat and swollen legs during a summer pregnancy, the onset of cold and long-drying underwear - will be quickly forgotten. The most important thing that will remain with you is your beloved baby..

Maria Sokolova is the pregnancy expert for Coldy magazine. Mom of three children, an obstetrician by education, a writer by vocation.

Reading time: 8 minutes


Planning the birth of your child is almost impossible. It does not depend on the desire of the parents, no matter how strong it would be. While some are trying, for some dads and moms, having a baby at a certain time of the year (or even a day) is a matter of principle. Of course, there is no ideal season for the birth of a baby - each season has its own, both disadvantages and advantages.

baby born in spring

Of course, if we are to choose when to give birth to a baby, then in warm weather it is best. Although the opinions of specialists and mothers on this issue are divided. It is necessary to take into account all the factors and nuances, from the number of clothes for the expectant mother for the winter to safe walks for the baby.


  • More opportunities for long walks . You can spend a maximum of time outdoors, which will undoubtedly be useful for the child.
  • Long walks on the street, which are possible only in the warm season, are indispensable "lullabies" for stubborn little ones who prefer to sleep exclusively on the street and in a stroller.
  • Sunny weather is, as you know, getting the right and important vitamin D necessary for the prevention of rickets and other diseases.
  • In the spring, you do not need to wrap the child in a pile of clothes and blankets - enough (envelope). Accordingly, time is saved on dressing the baby, and it is much easier to carry him in your arms during visits to the clinic, etc.
  • There is an opinion that the amount of sun received by a baby in the first six months of life is proportional to its further calmness and cheerfulness.
  • A young mother who gave birth to a child at the very beginning of spring is much it is easier to restore attractiveness to your figure for the summer season.


  • The final trimester of pregnancy takes place for the expectant mother in the winter, with all the ensuing features (sleet, frost, etc.)
  • The first months after the birth of a baby is a time of serious outbreaks of various viral diseases.
  • The mother's body is tired during the winter season, having exhausted all its resources of nutrients accumulated over the summer. It is with this that the weakening of the female body and the "spring" anemia of expectant mothers are associated.
  • Allergy season.
  • The age of the baby will not allow you to take him on a trip with you by the summer - you will have to postpone the trip.

baby born in summer

The summer season is the time of holidays, good rest and outdoor activities, which provides a special psychological mood for the expectant mother and the restoration of her vitality.


  • Firstly, the same advantages as for spring birth - maximum vitamin D (prevention of rickets) and the time that can be spent with the child on the street.
  • Minimum . Yes, and the mother herself, who is tired of feeling like a clumsy nesting doll and dreams of lightness.
  • Children born in the summer, according to experts, have more pronounced leadership rudiments and creativity.
  • summer female body recovers faster after the cold.
  • An abundance of fruits, berries and vegetables to compensate for vitamin deficiencies and strengthen immunity.
  • Minimal risk of catching the flu, SARS, acute respiratory infections.
  • After washing, baby clothes can be dried directly in the sun, which ensures their quick drying and useful “treatment” with ultraviolet light.
  • Less risk for the child to get rickets, etc.
  • Vacations most often fall precisely in the summer, thanks to which the father will be able to help with the baby and morally support the mother who is tired of pregnancy.


  • The traumatic time of the year falls exactly in the middle of pregnancy. And, given that the expectant mother at this time is already very awkward in movements, you should move very carefully on the street.
  • The heat that the baby gets into after birth is quite difficult to endure. Moreover, both the baby and the mother.
  • Pampers that a baby wears in the heat lead to prickly heat and other allergic reactions.

Autumn for the birth of a child


  • Maternal body over the summer supplied with beneficial vitamins .
  • Minimal risk of injury and falls on the street in the last trimester.
  • No heat .


  • The last trimester falls during a time of intense heat, which is very, very difficult for expectant mothers to endure.
  • A smaller amount of vitamin D received by an autumn baby.
  • Autumn in our country is the season of rains and unpredictable weather. Any walk can end as soon as it starts.
  • Clothes and baby dry for a long time.
  • The air is either dry or too humid.
  • Vitamins come in smaller quantities.

The birth of a baby in winter


  • Natural immunization of the expectant mother in the last trimester.
  • Possibility for hardening the baby (air baths, etc.)
  • The middle of pregnancy falls in the summer-autumn, making it easier to tolerate the heat.
  • Maternity leave in winter is an opportunity to avoid the risks of falling on the street and spend the last months before giving birth in a comfortable home environment.


  • Increased risk of contracting a viral disease. Influenza outbreaks require the utmost caution from an expectant mother.
  • Strong humidity in the house requires the inclusion of all heating devices at full power. On the one hand, this allows you to quickly dry the diapers, on the other hand, the “useful” air is eaten up by heating.
  • In cold weather, long walks on the street are almost impossible.
  • Difficult recovery after childbirth against the background of the existing one.

Of course, it is rare when conception and birth depend on our desires. But whenever a baby is born, it is an undoubted joy for parents who will cope with all the difficulties and find the pros in any cons .

What time of year was your child born?

Our son was born in April. They played all summer long. With a stroller. I slept constantly in the fresh air. And, by the way, they even rolled into the sea, although he was a little over four months old. In principle, it is good to give birth in the spring. I would note one minus - dragging around with a huge belly on winter ice is terrible. Like a cow on ice

- I think that the end of May is the best time for childbirth. Not hot yet, and at the same time not cold. Summer ahead. Things minimum. Vitamins - a whole bunch. She gave birth, sat on some vegetables and fruits, immediately lost the extra weight gained during pregnancy. Of course, there was no way to go anywhere in the summer, but the next season they came off in full.))

- Of course, in the summer! She gave birth to her first at the end of September - very uncomfortable. And it was already cold, and then winter was ahead - no human walk, nothing. A bunch of clothes, a wadded blanket - it is unrealistic to drag around with such an impressive bag in your arms around the clinic. And in the summer he put on a bodysuit for a baby, a diaper - that's all. And at home without diapers at all. Purely a diaper, so that nothing is spoiled. And everything dries instantly - I threw it on the balcony, five minutes, and you're done. Definitely in summer. The most pluses.

- What's the difference? If only the baby was born healthy. Whether it's summer or winter, it doesn't matter. It’s rather inconvenience for mom during pregnancy: it’s dangerous in winter - ice, in summer - heat, it’s hard to move around with a belly. But during pregnancy, we capture several seasons at once, so there are still no special advantages.))

- We planned. They tried very hard to guess that the baby was born in September. At the beginning of the month. And so it happened.)) Just beauty. It was comfortable to give birth, no heat. Although I had to suffer a little in the summer, my husband took me to the village - it was fresh there. In the city, of course, it is difficult to walk with a big belly in the heat. And fruits in the fall - the sea. The most squeak.

We were planning to have a baby in the spring. The conception went according to plan. Everything is fine. Pregnancy, too. But my son was born earlier - he decided not to coordinate his birth with us. At the very end of winter appeared. In principle, I can not say that it was very difficult. Unless for me - I wanted summer, the sea and a good rest.))