Themes of projects on labor education dhow. Themes of activities for labor education in schools and kindergartens. Forms of project implementation

Duration of the project: short-term (November).

Project type: cognitive and informational

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, educators, parents, music director, speech therapist

Children's age: 6-7 years old

Problem- we are faced with the fact that children, even in the preparatory group, do not all know the name of the parents' professions, the characteristic features of this specialty

Objectives of the project: to expand children's understanding of the role of work in people's lives, of the diversity of professions

Project objectives

For children

- To enrich children's ideas about the diversity of the world of professions in society;

- To expand the knowledge and understanding of the professions of their parents in children (the place of work of the parents, the significance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);

- Expand ideas about different types of labor, about the structure of the labor process (goal, motive, material, tools, set of labor actions, result);

- To develop the ability to correlate the results of labor and a set of labor processes with the names of professions;

- To foster a conscious attitude towards the value of adult labor;

- Arouse curiosity and interest in the activities of adults;

- To enrich the vocabulary of children at the expense of special terms characteristic of a particular profession;

- Show the relationship between different types of labor;

- To teach to display ideas about the work processes of adults in role-playing games, conveying in the game the attitude of adults to work;

- To develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, coordinating your own game plan with the plans of your peers, imagining yourself in different social roles;

- To develop understanding and ability to evaluate the actions of people;

- Develop the ability to use proof speech to substantiate your judgments;

- Encourage children to think about choosing a future profession.

For teachers

- Create an information base: creating presentations about various professions, making a book of children's stories about professions;

- Selection of works of art on the theme of the project;

- Recording a video clip "What do I want to become?" (followed by showing at the final event);

- Selection of didictic and board-printed games, illustrations on the theme of the project;

- Create conditions for active, independent and, together with an adult, creative, playful activity of preschool children through role-playing games;

- To enrich the subject-development environment on the topic of the project;

- Ensure the implementation of educational, developmental and teaching tasks through the development of educational areas by children;

- Continue to develop coherent speech of preschoolers;

Develop interest in children and parents in project activities.

For parents

- To be involved in joint activities with children when creating products of project activities;

Stimulate the creative and cognitive activity of children;

- Conduct a conversation - a story about your profession;

- Conduct a master class for children (parents' hobby).

Organizational stage

1. Creation of a problematic situation for children, which will be addressed by the project, using the model of three questions:

- Why do you need to work? Who do the parents work, what do you know about their professions? What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do we need to do to find out?

Where can we find out? How can we tell everyone what we are learning?

2. Joint discussion with children of the stages of work on the project

Health and physical development

  • Acquaintance with professions related to sports;
  • Daily thematic rhythmic exercises;
  • Sports leisure "At the track and field stadium"
  • Themed physical education
  • P / and "Firefighters in the exercise", "Cosmonauts", relay games
  • Compliance with the work schedule (work and rest)


  • "How to prepare for the Saturday cleanup?" - discussion
  • Safety rules for household work
  • People of different professions have their own safety rules


  • Presentations "All works are good", "The master's work is afraid", "Professions"
  • Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the topic "Profession"
  • A series of conversations: "Who works in kindergarten", "Items and tools needed for people of various professions", "The world of professions"
  • Conversations about the professions of parents and relatives, their places of work
  • Didactic games: "Tell me a word", "Guess who is this?", "Toy store", "Who will tell more about the profession!", "Guess what I am doing?" buy it? ”,“ Name the profession ”,“ What to whom ”,“ Guess the profession ”,“ Who can’t do without them ”,“ People's professions ”,“ Who does what? "," Names of professions from A to Z "," What happened if I hadn't worked ... "," What do they do with this subject "," What will the subject tell. "
  • Simulation of the work process
  • Using logic games
  • Use of TRIZ elements in solving problem situations
  • Drawing up a diagram for drawing up a story about professions
  • Round table "Professions that have appeared recently", "Let's tell the Clever about the changes in the work of people of some professions" (at the choice of children: driver, baker, doctor, etc.), "How it was before, but how is it now"


Interaction with parents:

Meeting an interesting person:

  • Karina's dad is a police officer "Our service is both dangerous and difficult ..."
  • Timur's dad - traumatologist, problem situation "What happened to the monkey"
  • Alice's grandmother is a former kindergarten teacher
  • master class of mother Vasilisa - "In the pottery workshop" (clay modeling and baking in a muffle oven)

Games and conversations

  • Role-playing games: "Shop", "Garage", "Library", "Builders", "Hospital", "Hairdresser", "Beauty Salon", "Television"
  • Simulation games: "Mom's Helpers", "Cooking Dinner for the Whole Family", "We're Making a Movie"
  • Game situation: "What will I become?"
  • Conversation about the qualities that must be possessed by a person who wants to get a particular profession "This profession suits me"
  • Discussion game "I am in the past, present and future" (work is the main occupation of an adult)


  • Composing stories about the profession of parents
  • Learning poems about various professions
  • Enriching children's vocabulary with new terms
  • Guessing crosswords, puzzles on the topic "Profession"
  • Children's stories from personal experience "At the doctor's appointment"
  • Making vocational vocabulary
  • Proverbs and sayings about labor
  • Discussion of phraseological units about labor
  • Computer game for the development of verbal and logical thinking "Such different professions"


  • Household work in a group
  • participation in subbotnik (labor in nature)
  • manual labor


Proverbs and sayings about labor
Poems and riddles about professions
Reading poetry and stories about professions

V. Mayakovsky “Who to be? ",
M. Poznanskaya "Let's go to work",
D. Rodari "What the Crafts Smell About",
S. Marshak "Where did the table come from", "We are military",
S. Mikhalkov “What do you have? "," Uncle Styopa "," Uncle Styopa is a policeman ".
In Lifshits "And we will work."
B. Zhitkov "Railway",

M. Ilyin "Cars on our street"
N. Naydenova "Olga Pavlovna".
S. Baruzdin "Who Built a New House",

L. Voronkova "We build, build, build",


  • Music game "If you have fun, do it"
  • Song of the Masters (Yu. Kim, A. Rybnikov)
  • Conversation about creative professions related to art (pianist, conductor, composer, singer, ballerina, artist)

Artistic and creative activity

Exhibition of drawings "Who will I be"
Making attributes for games: "Mail", "Shop", "Pharmacy", "Television"
Coloring pages - professions
Drawing tools and equipment, using stencils in your work
Modeling - vegetables and fruits, confectionery
Creation of the layout "City of Masters"

Play activity

  • Board games - "Professions", "Who to be?", "Associations", "Who needs what to work?", "We know all professions", Puzzles "Professions", "Couples" (by topic), "Associations" , dominoes, cut pictures
  • Didactic games "Tell me a word", "Guess who is this?" , "Name the profession", "What to whom", "Guess the profession", "Who cannot do without them", "Professions of people", "Who does what?" ”,“ Who needs what ”,“ Names of professions from A to Z ”,“ What happened if I didn’t work ... ”,“ What they do with this object ”,“ What the subject will tell ”.
  • Games "Where we were, we won't say what we did, we will show", "If you have fun, do so"

Working with parents

  • consultations for parents "The responsibilities of children at home"
  • placement of materials in parent corners
  • design of a photo newspaper together with parents "Mom at Work"
  • consultations for parents on conducting master classes and conversations with children

Final stage

Holiday "City of Masters"

Project results:

  • Teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project
  • Collected and systematized all the material on the topic of the project
  • Preschoolers have developed an interest in this topic;
  • A holistic view of the work activity of adults has been formed
  • Children know and name a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about labor, tools of labor, they can compose a descriptive story about the profession.
  • All professions are important

    I tell everyone I know

    Rhyme games

    Who do you want to become




    Authors: Ptitsyna Marina Anatolyevna, educator;
    Abramenko Lyudmila Ivanovna, educator;
    Borisova Maria Alexandrovna, speech therapist;
    Bykova Svetlana Valerievna, musical director;
    GADOU "Kindergarten No. 125 of the combined type of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg".

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Seyakhinskaya boarding school"


S. Seyakha 2016
Project information card
The name of the project "Work and patience turn into skills"
Authors and project leader Group educators, senior educator Yaptik Alexandra Anikhasovna
The purpose of the project Formation of a positive attitude to work, a conscious need to work.
The objectives of the project are the formation of a positive attitude to work among pupils, high social motives of labor activity;
- the development of a cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice;
- education of industriousness, duty and responsibility, efficiency and honesty;
- equipping pupils with various labor skills and abilities, forming the foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor.
Dates January - March 2016
Location Seyakhinskaya boarding school
Total number of participants
(including children) 45 children
Terms of participation in the project Voluntariness, mutual understanding.
Relevance of the project.
Labor is a conscious, purposeful, creative activity of a person aimed at satisfying his material and spiritual needs, developing his physical and spiritual essential forces, as well as moral qualities.
Every work activity has its own motive. Different motives of labor also determine different attitudes towards it. A person who understands the social significance of work, enjoys a job well done, experiences happiness in work, and actively brings creativity to work. With such incentives, work becomes a means of all-round personal development. And vice versa, labor only for the sake of accumulating material wealth impoverishes a person, forms negative personality traits.
Therefore, it is necessary:
- the formation of social motives of labor activity among pupils as the most valuable and significant, stable beliefs in the need for work for the benefit of society; - the formation of a labor culture, skills and abilities of individual and collective labor in the younger generation. Each person can work for the benefit of society only when he has mastered the culture of work: he knows how to determine the goal of work, plan the most rational way to achieve it in order to get a result;
- the formation of respect for work, a careful attitude towards its results of public and personal property, the fostering of respect for people who create material and spiritual values;
- development of interest in the younger generation in different types of work in order to identify the abilities and inclinations of each for a conscious choice of profession. Modern types of work require a wide range of knowledge, technical readiness, and special abilities. Labor education of children in a boarding school is an integral part of a holistic pedagogical process, which includes the transfer of labor skills and abilities to pupils, the development of their creative practical thinking, labor consciousness and activity that would help them in their future adult life after leaving the boarding school.
Teaching pupils some work techniques does not mean that we have achieved some results, it is necessary to develop and consolidate the implementation of the acquired skills and abilities systematically. And for this, in my opinion, it is necessary to use a variety of forms and methods of teaching based on specific material taken from the surrounding life and nature, on the direct experience and observation of pupils.
We propose the project "Labor and Patience Turn into Skills" as one of the forms of introducing pupils to work, the desire to create themselves and to reveal their labor potential. This project provides for a close relationship between labor education and spiritual and moral education. The project pays great attention to labor education, environmental education, and leisure activities. Labor is a toolkit for the universal development of the individual, the main source of material and spiritual wealth of society, the main criterion for a person's prestige and his duty.
Within the framework of this project, it is envisaged:
- preparatory stage: collecting information about the need for landscaping the group, improving the territory of the boarding school. Coordination with the boarding school management.
Questioning of children;
- action "Clean village" - pupils collect garbage around the boarding school and school;
- the action "We keep our books and notebooks in order" - pupils repair books, textbooks, make book covers.
-searching activity, within which students are given an independent opportunity to search for information about indoor plants, about caring for plants;
- the action "Help the birds in winter": within the framework of this action, the pupils, under the guidance of the teacher, make bird feeders from improvised means;
- competition "Gift with your own hands" - within the framework of this competition will be considered handicrafts as a gift to teachers and educators by March 8.
Period and stages of implementation:
Stage I - collecting information, preparing interviews with pupils (January);
Stage II - conducting interviews and presentations (February);
Stage III - the action "We keep our books and notebooks in order" - (February).
Stage IV - search activity, within which pupils are given an independent opportunity to search for information about indoor plants, about caring for them (March)
Labor objects
List of works Objects Content of activity Terms
Land improvement Territory adjoining the boarding school. Garbage collection around the boarding school Once a week - Sunday
Promotion "We keep our books and notebooks in order" Playroom of the group, educational Production of covers for books, textbooks January
Landscaping of group 3 of the boarding school Planting flowers and seedlings
Weeding the plants
Watering plants. March
Creative workshop Group playroom Making crafts from paper, fabric, beads by March 8 March
Action "Help the birds in winter" Playroom 3 buildings Making feeders from scrap materials March
Mechanisms for project implementation.
The presented design work is implemented in the following forms:
- collection and analysis of information;
- presentations, meetings, conversations;
- competition for the best craft for a gift;
- stock.
The following tools are used within the framework of the project:
- use of Internet resources; - digital means (projector, PC);
- material for repairing books and making covers;
- material for planting indoor plants (pots, soil);
- material for making crafts.
Expected results:
A positive attitude to work for the benefit of your boarding school.
A positive attitude towards the environment, responsibility for the ecological situation of their "small homeland".
Development in children of leadership qualities, communication skills and teamwork, the desire for creative growth and self-management.
Material and technical resources:
Interactive and sound-reproducing equipment.
Garden tools (buckets, watering cans, shovels, garbage bags, gloves, etc.)
Materials for creativity (paper, paints, pencils, etc.)
Legal support of the project.
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
2.Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012. "On education in the Russian Federation"
3.Federal law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ "On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 17.12.2009 No. 326-FZ) 4. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
5. Charter of the boarding school.
1. Voronov V.V. Education technology. M., 2000
2. Humanistic educational systems yesterday and today. Ed. N.L. Selivanova. M., 1998.
3. Dzhurinsky A.N. Development of education in the modern world. M., 1999
4. Krivshenko L. P. Pedagogy. M., 2004.
5. Polyakov S.D. Education technologies. M., 2002
6. Pidkasisty P.I. Pedagogy. M., 2002
7. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. General pedagogy. At 2 o'clock M., 2002
8. Sociology of youth / Otv. Ed. Lisovskiy V.T. St. Petersburg. 1996
9. Smirnov M.I .. The problem of labor communication of schoolchildren.M., 2004
Questionnaire for schoolchildren
1. Do you enjoy doing your homework?
2. Do you have an ongoing responsibility in your family? Which?
3. Do you willingly do it?
4. What do you dislike doing around the house?
5. Do your parents punish you if you do not carry out the assigned work?
6. Do you often do any work with your parents?
7. Do you like working with your parents? Why?
8. Do you help grandparents?
9. Do you think household chores are hard work?
10. Which of your recent homework assignments was new and unusual for you?
11. Which of your parents would you like to master in the future?

Attached files

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 21" Thumbelina "in the city of Safonovo, Smolensk region.


in the preparatory group

"Learning to work"

Prepared by: Bazyleva I.A.

2016 year


Project theme: “Learning to work”.

Explanatory note.

The main goal of the labor education of children is the formation of their moral guidelines, hard work, awareness of the usefulness of labor. The project is ultimately focused on solving the main problem - the formation of ideas about work in preschoolers, its significance in human life, the accumulation of practical experience, the formation of skills and abilities.

Relevance of the project.

At preschool age, the child is actively mastering the basics of work. In work, his moral qualities, a sense of collectivism, and respect for people are formed.

Timely mastering of labor activity enables the child to assert himself, to feel independent and skillful. It is important that the child experiences positive emotions during the performance of work processes, a sense of joy from the results achieved, strives for recognition of his independence, self-affirmation, and gaining the approval of adults for skill.

The main task of adults is to help a child expand the circle of communication with other people, master ways of behavior, and realize the importance of adult labor activity.

The involvement of a preschooler in labor activity, constant guidance from an adult is an indispensable condition for the all-round development of the child's mental processes.

That is why the development of the “Learning to work” project becomes relevant.

Objective of the project: Creation of conditions for the formation of a positive attitude to work in older preschool children. Formation of knowledge about labor and its meaning.

Tasks: 1. To form in children a value attitude to work, the work of other people and its results.

2. Formation in children of the ability to work in a team, to come to the rescue.

3. Formation of the ability to plan the sequence of their work.

4. Learn to independently perform the necessary labor actions.

5. to educate accuracy, diligence, responsibility for the assigned work, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of the labor plan.

Project type: short-term, collective, practical.

Target audience of the project:

Administration of the preschool educational institution - organizes and coordinates the work on the project, provides resource support for the project, scientific and methodological equipment;

Group teachers - interact with parents and children;

Parents - provide assistance in the implementation of the project, receive advice from teachers for the labor education of children;

Children - carry out work assignments, participate in collective work, communicate with adults and children.

Project implementation period: 2 weeks

Stages of project implementation:

Istage - preparatory.

IIthe stage is practical.

IIIstage - final (summarizing-productive).

Expected results of the project:

    The children have formed a value attitude to work.

    Children have developed the ability to work in a team.

    Children have the ability to plan the sequence of their work.

    Mastering the ability to independently perform labor actions.

    Children have developed accuracy, diligence, responsibility for the assigned work. Children feel satisfied with the implementation of their work plan.

Ways to implement the project.

I stage. Preparatory.

1. Setting goals, objectives, forecasting results.

2. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project.

3. Study of the problem on this issue through the methodological literature. Preparation of consultations, recommendations for parents.

4. Making a card index of games, selection of fiction on this topic, didactic and role-playing games in accordance with the age of the children.

II stage. Practical.

Schedule of events.

    Conversations: "To work is always useful", "Machines are helpers", "Each thing has its own place."

    Reading fiction:

N. Smirnova "How fabrics are weaved and threads are spun";

E. Permyak "Mom's Work", "Hasty Knife";

V. Kataev "The Girl and the Jug";

L. Slutskaya "The Earth Works";

I. Dalutite "Hands of a Man";

L. Voronkova "Sunny Day".

3. Role-playing games:

"Kindergarten", "Cleaning up", "We are waiting for guests", "Shop", "Cafe".

4.Productive activity:

Drawing "My Mom's Profession", "Talking Instruments".

    Manual work: "Let's fix clothes for dolls."

    Design of visual material for children: schemes "Washing hands", "Watching the canteen", "How to dress correctly."

    Labor activity:

- "Labor landing" - assistance in cleaning the area;

Washing toys in a group;

Duty in the dining room, classes and in the corner of nature.

IIIstage. Final.

    Open screening "Let's Make Cookies".

    Making an album with proverbs and sayings about work and hard work.

    Exhibition of children's drawings "What I want to become when I grow up."

« Household chores for children. Without a reminder and with pleasure »;

"Labor education of preschoolers in the family";

"Labor is a natural form of child's activity."


"Conversations with preschoolers about professions", T.V. Potakova, M .: "Creative Center", 2003.

"Preschool education" No. 1.2006.

Educators Tatarenkova Lyudmila Nikolaevna and Puchkova Inna Nikolaevna

Project type: socio-pedagogical,aimed at interacting with the family, mid-term

Year of development: 2013-2014

Description of the project:


Most parents do not involve the child in their feasible joint work.

They do not give the opportunity to act independently, do for him what he can do himself.

A child who, in principle, has mastered the necessary skill, does not follow the instructions of an adult.

Researching the problem: Questioning parents.

Objective of the project:

Timely develop a sense of the joy of work and a positive attitude towards work in younger preschoolers, the desire to be independent.

Project objectives:

  1. To foster independence, initiative, the desire to be skillful, the ability to cope with emerging difficulties, to help others

  2. Promote the active participation of each child in various types of work, expanding his opportunities.
  3. Strengthen the cultural and hygienic skills available to children.
  4. Promote the organization of interaction between children and parents in joint practical activities, creating conditions at home to increase the motivation of children to work.

Project implementation plan:

  1. Identifying problems on the topic of the project.
  2. Research of problems: questioning of parents on the topic "Labor education in the family".
  3. Setting goals and objectives.
  4. Homemade creative task making a layout"I help as much as I can"
  5. Selection of materials for counseling parents on the topic "Labor education of younger preschoolers."
  6. Conducting a parent meeting using the presentation "Labor education of younger preschoolers".
  7. Designing a newsletter for parents "What we can do and what we learn"
  8. Educational activities with children during regime moments:
  • daily cleaning of toys in a playful way with the participation of a game character and encouragement of children: badges, stickers;
  • daily accompaniment of the washing process by reading nursery rhymes and short rhymes on this topic, using the model "Wash";
  • daily listening to musicwhile dressing and undressing children, using the "Dress" layout;
  • collective work on a walk: "Removing snow from the path", "Feeding the birds";
  • productive activity during the walk: "Building snow figures";
  • daily errands for children.

Introducing children to the work of adults: observation, reading, role-playing games, conversations and speech games using collages.

10. GCD with children inclusion of children in various types of work:

  • HBT: wiping the modules, clear snow from the paths.
  • Manual labor: Applique, modeling with the use of natural materials, snow constructions for a walk.
  • Labor in nature: caring for indoor plants, feeding birds.
  • Daily assignments for various types of labor.

11. Drawing up stories based on the collage "I help as much as I can".

12. Repeated questioning of parents.

Project implementation:

An important condition in labor education is knowledge of the characteristics family education. thereforeat the first stageIdentification and research of problems was carried out: We organized observation of the process of dressing children when they were taken by their parents and an oral questioning “what the child does at home himself, and what is together”.

We conducted a questionnaire for parents on the topic of “labor education in the family”.

The results of such diagnostics initially showed that children spend most of their time passively, they are not involved in work activities at home - even feasible. (cleaning your toys, folding things).

Parents do most of the things themselves for the child, without involving them in joint affairs.

Therefore, we paid special attention to working with parents in this direction. It is very important to involve children in the process of adult labor in the family.

It is important for parents to interest the child in what they are doing, to give the child the opportunity to try to do it himself, to support, and praise. Then initiative will be formed in the child. In order to activate the parents, we proposed a joint creative task - drawing up a collage "I help as much as I can." tell it.

Then we held a parenting meeting, where we showed the parents a multimedia presentation on the labor education of children in the family! “Look, this is us!”, Talked about the importance of developing work skills in the family. They offered to provide the simplest help in adult matters.

While counseling parents, we advised parents to allow their children to dress and undress on their own when they come to kindergarten and go home. At this time, they offered to familiarize themselves with new information in the parent's corner.

Mothers were advised that at home they trust their daughters to wipe the floors, wash the dishes. Dads can arrange for their sons to clean the carpets. They recalled that the child should be praised, even encouraged. And if the child did his job poorly, then redo it, but so that he does not see.

To provide parents with the necessary assistance, one should constantly remember that only in close cooperation with the family can the problem of labor education of a child be successfully solved.

Then we decided to post a newsletter for parents “What we can do and what we learn” on the stand every week in groups, so that parents know what skills we instill in kindergarten and reinforce them at home.

In the second stagecarried out work during the regime moments and during the GCD.

Since the goal of the project is to timely develop a sense of the joy of work in children and a positive attitude towards work, initially it was important for us to create certain conditions for solving this problem:

  • emotional environment when organizing the work of children;
  • demonstration to them of their interest in upcoming activities;
  • participation in it as a partner;
  • encouraging the desire of children to participate in the workforce.

Self-service is one of the types of work, and since the younger preschool age is a sensitive period for the formation of self-service skills, we paid special attention to this. Awareness of their independence requires self-expression in activities, with the exception of excessive guardianship on the part of adults. At the same time, the role of the child's self-service labor is so great that its influence on the child's personality cannot be compensated for by any other type of activity. A young child is able to learn how to dress and undress independently, wash, eat, use the toilet. In order for the children to quickly learn the processes of washing, dressing and undressing, schemes were made, which are located respectively in the toilet room and reception. Looking at these schemes, each child sees what needs to be done first, what then and how this or that process ends.

Educational activities during times of securityincluded such methods and techniques:

Cleaning toys in a playful way:


  1. To complete the task entrusted to the end, to work together.
  2. To bring up accuracy, independence, respect for toys and objects, the desire to work.
  3. Learn to fold building parts neatly and compactly into boxes.

Child labor management:

Leading the work of children, the constancy of evaluative influences on the child is necessary. Facial expressions, intonations, a glance, a gesture, a word expressing approval, affection, joke, discontent, indignation of an adult are the components of this joint action. In addition, we use rewards through locker stickers, promotional badges. The child tries to cope with difficulties, therefore, it is so necessary to support the child, to notice even his smallest success. This will help him overcome self-doubt.

In addition, management is not complete without daily assignments in various types of labor.

For example:

  • Putting trash in the trash can.
  • Arrange chairs (in a group room, in a hall).
  • Place sharpened pencils in boxes.
  • Wipe oilcloths after class.
  • Collect brushes from tables after class.
  • Collect scraps of paper from tables and floors.
  • Remove building material, etc.

Familiarization with the work of adults.

Then the introduction of children to work continued with the introduction of children to the work of adults. Observation of the work of adults is one of the most powerful factors in the socialization of a child, in addition, children accumulate impressions. Considering that our pupils have not yet formed speech, involuntary attention predominates, they are not able to highlight the most essential aspects of the labor process, we began to acquaint them with the work of adults sequentially: we conducted excursions around the garden, watched the work of a nurse, nanny, janitor, loaders etc.

Interviewed on pre-prepared questions.

What does the worker do?

  • How he does it?
  • How does he feel about his work?
  • Why is he doing this?

Children were also introduced to the professions and work of adults through reading fairy tales, role-playing games "Hospital", "Shop", "Hairdresser";

Also, through conversations about the professions of parents using collages that the parents made at home. Children told "Neumeykin" where mom and dad work.

During the GCD, children tried themselves in various types of work,where they acted as helpers for adults, working side by side and helping an inept adult or play character.

For the rational organization of labor activity, we bought aprons for household work, and the group acquired small basins for washing doll linen and toys.

HBT: washing and cleaning toys, errands, removing snow from the paths while walking, helping the janitor.

Manual labor: we made collective applications, sculpted using natural materials, made buildings out of snow during a walk.

Labor in nature: looked after houseplants, fed the birds for a walk.

All that we learned ourselves and taught "Neumeykin".

In the third stageconducted the GCD "Composing stories based on the collage" I help as much as I can "

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project:

To assess the effectiveness of the work carried out in the course of the project, a repeated survey and questioning of parents were carried out, which showed that parents began to give more, a positive result increased by 20%. Opportunities for children to do what they can do on their own.

In the course of work on the project, the percentage of parents (25%) who attract children to work together increased.


Thus, the work on the project yielded positive results. In the course of work on the project, the number of parents involving children in joint work has increased.

Also, the benefits of joint work with adults were most obvious for children who refused to carry out assignments, and contact with adults during work contributed to the fact that the children calmly performed the mastered actions.

Such results delighted not only us, but also children with their parents, because in joint activities they also receive the joy of communication.

According to the observations of the group's teachers, children began to participate more actively in various types of work, a desire to help arose, and cultural and hygienic skills were consolidated.

Thus, in the process of labor, children improve their skills and abilities, develop observation, the range of interests becomes wider, moral qualities are formed: hard work, initial forms of responsibility, a sense of duty.

Labor activity should contribute to an increase in the general development of children, the expansion of their interests, the emergence of the simplest forms of cooperation, the formation of such moral qualities as in hard work, responsibility for the task entrusted, good advice. Good advice, kind help, support for even the smallest successes contributes to the education of positive personality traits.

Parents' survey results:

On the second question: Is self-care work for a child? 33% of the parents surveyed do not think that self-care is work for a child. The remaining 67% consider self-service to be work, but do not pay due attention to the development of self-service skills, because 47% of the respondents, due to lack of time, do for the child what he can do himself.

When asked what kind of work a child is involved in a family, they answered:

  • KHB - 73% - attract 27% - do not attract.
  • 73% of the respondents are also attracted to work in nature. Manual labor of 20% of children does not attract, the remaining 80% was available.
  • Only 53% are involved in self-service work, the remaining 47% are not involved, that is, parents do for the child what he can do himself.
  • 80% are attracted to manual labor and 20% are not.

When asked about the need for joint work, 32% answered in the affirmative, 68% practically do not involve them in joint work, since there is not enough time for this.

In addition, 13% believe that it is possible to punish with labor, the remaining 87% do not.

All 100% of the respondents want to educate about the results of labor.

In addition, during the implementation of the project, according to the observations of the teachers of the group and parents,

5% of children in the group, in principle, mastered the necessary skills, but did not follow the instructions of adults, both in kindergarten and at home. We came to the conclusion that these children were at that stage of development when they can work only if one of the adults is doing something nearby - it does not matter if this is the same thing as the child's, or some something else. We realized that children, as it were, are recharged from the contact of adults and calmly perform the operations they have just mastered. Therefore, the benefits of working together with adults are most evident for these children.

Materials for work on the project:

  1. Parent Counseling Materials

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2.2 The experience of organizing the labor activity of senior preschoolers during the implementation of the project "You can't live without labor"



Application 1

Appendix 2


Relevance. Labor education in a preschool educational institution is an important means of the all-round development of a preschooler's personality through the introduction of children into the labor activity available to them and familiarization with the work of adults. The upbringing nature of work was noted by progressive teachers of all times, considered it a natural condition for the existence of a person, a means of manifesting his activity, vital activity and the first vital need of a healthy organism. In work, independence is brought up, initiative and responsibility are developed.

At present, the Federal State Educational Standard for DOE has increased the emphasis on the content of the educational field "Labor". In this document, work is considered in many aspects: as a value, as a means of familiarizing with human culture, as a means of socialization of a preschooler, as a means of personality formation. Thus, the urgency of the problem of introducing a preschooler to work is due to the fact that preschool age is considered as a sensitive period in the formation of the initial forms of labor activity; associated with the pedagogical potential of labor as a natural and natural means of personal development of a child, is a factor in the successful socialization of a preschooler in the modern world.

One of the modern innovative teaching methods is the project - a method of pedagogically organized development by the child of the environment in the process of phased and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the intended goals. Project activity is a technology that not only teaches children to think independently, carry out a creative search for information, find and solve problems, but also makes it possible to combine the content of education from various fields of knowledge, including labor.

At present, project activities are organically included in the new educational standards of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. The relevance of the use of the project method in the labor education of preschoolers is evidenced by the fact that it is mentioned in the context of problem and developmental learning, cooperation pedagogy, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches. The project method is very helpful in working with older preschoolers. This age period in children is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. The project opens up great opportunities in organizing joint cognitive and search activities of preschoolers and teachers. Using this technology, the teacher leads the child gradually: observing the activities of adults, occasional participation in it, then partnership and finally cooperation.

Many scientists from different fields of knowledge have contributed to the development of the problem of upbringing the industriousness of preschool children. The importance of labor education from preschool age was drawn by Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, C.D. Ushinsky and others. The fact that the initial forms of labor activity develop already in preschool age are confirmed by the research of psychologists A.V. Zaporozhets, N. D. Levitova, E.A. Klimov, V.I. Tyutyukina, D.B. Elkonin. The content of labor activity in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions was developed by E.I. Korzakova, V.G. Nechaeva, E.I. Radina and others. The forms of organization of children in work are highlighted by ZN. Borisova, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova. Ya.Z. Neverovich, T.A. Markov showed that the main motive for encouraging children to work is their desire to help adults.

NOT. Veraksa and A.N. Veraksa, S.M. Oberemok, L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuikova, T.N. Tebeneva et al. Showed that design and research activity has a number of characteristics that have a positive effect on the development of a preschooler. And, above all, to expand children's knowledge of the world around them. In addition, the general abilities of children develop - cognitive, communicative and regulatory. Research by B.V. Ignatieva, M.V. Krupenina, V.N. Shulgina and others) showed that the project method can be an effective method of organizing the labor activity of preschoolers. But despite research both in the field of upbringing the industriousness of children and the application of the project method in the conditions of preschool educational institutions, the problem of organizing the labor activity of older preschoolers within the framework of project activities remains insufficiently developed.

Object of research: labor education of older preschoolers.

Subject of research: the organization of the labor activity of older preschoolers through project activities.

The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of the organization of labor activity of an older preschooler through project activities.

Research objectives:

Analyze the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the organization of labor activity and the organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution;

Describe the forms and types of organization of labor activity in a preschool educational institution;

To reveal the features of the organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution;

Propose a project for older preschoolers aimed at expanding children's knowledge of professions.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological; study of pedagogical experience.

The structure of the course work includes an introduction, 2 chapters of the main part, a conclusion, a bibliography and an application.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the organization of labor activity of an older preschooler

1.1 Organization of labor activity in a preschool educational institution: forms, types, content

Labor activity is an important means of personal development. Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood. Already in preschool age, the initial forms of labor activity are developing. This is confirmed by the research of A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonina, E.A. Klimov. As psychologists point out, this occurs in two directions: the formation of the prerequisites for labor activity and the formation of labor activity proper, in the formation of social motives of behavior.

Ushinsky spoke about the work of preschool children in the following way: “Labor is the most important means of upbringing, starting from preschool age; in the process, the personality of the child is formed, family relationships are formed. The whole process of raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and the team. Refers to work with love, to see joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of a person's creativity, her talents. " Labor captivates the child, allows him to feel his capabilities, to experience the joy of the results achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to lay in the child the desire and ability to work even from preschool age.

Labor allows the teacher to form in children the necessary set of qualities that form the ability to learn (understanding the meaning of educational tasks, their differences from practical tasks; awareness of the way to perform actions; skills of self-control, self-esteem, etc.). In the process of labor, such mental processes as perception, imagination, thinking, attention, will develop; basic personality traits are formed (independence, activity, purposefulness). According to many researchers, the development of these personal qualities requires the formation of hard work. The goal and tasks of labor education of preschoolers are schematically shown in Fig. one .

Figure 1 - The purpose and objectives of labor education of preschoolers

The tasks of forming positive attitudes towards various types of work in preschool children are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool age, according to which labor education is one of the important directions in the work of preschool institutions, the main goal of which is to form a positive attitude to work and a clear understanding of the work activity of adults ... In connection with this goal, the state standard identifies the following main tasks:

Formation of clear ideas about adult work and the importance of work in life;

Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for labor activity;

Fostering a respectful attitude towards any work;

Education of the child's personality in the aspect of work and creativity;

Development of creative initiative, the ability to independently realize oneself in various types of work.

Based on the foregoing, preschool institutions set one of the main goals of labor education of preschoolers, which consists in acquainting children with the work of adults, in introducing children to the labor activity available to them.

When organizing work, the educator, as a rule, is guided by the educational program adopted in the kindergarten. The program determines the content of the labor activity of children in each age group. Labor education in the program is an obligatory component of the development of the basic and creative abilities of the child, the most important means of forming a culture of interpersonal relations.

There are four main types of child labor carried out in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard: self-service, household labor, labor in nature and manual labor. The proportion of certain types of labor at different age stages is not the same. Each of them has certain capabilities for solving educational problems.

1) Self-service is the child's work aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, cleaning the bed, toys, preparing the workplace, sanitary and hygienic procedures, etc.). The educational value of this type of labor activity lies primarily in its vital necessity. By virtue of the daily repetition of actions, self-care skills are firmly acquired by children; self-service is beginning to be seen as a duty.

In the younger preschool age, self-service is associated with the fact that they daily perform elementary work assignments that accustom them to systematic work, which forms the habit of neatness and tidiness (the ability to serve oneself, achieving thoroughness in performing the necessary actions, independence).

In the middle preschool age, children are quite independent in self-service, and this type of work becomes their constant responsibility. The complication of educational tasks is expressed in increased requirements for the quality of actions, for organized behavior in the process of caring for oneself, for the time spent on it (they observe the sequence of dressing, washing, undressing, which forms their need for cleanliness and tidiness, the habit of self-serving work ).

At the senior preschool age, new skills are acquired for self-service: cleaning the bed, caring for hair, shoes. The processes associated with it are used to solve more complex educational problems: the formation of habits of neatness and cleanliness in children, behavior skills in the environment of peers. The child serves himself, being close to others, in connection with which he must understand the needs and difficulties of others.

2) Household - work aimed at serving the team, maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and area, helping adults in organizing regime moments. Household work of preschoolers is necessary in the daily life of a kindergarten, although its results are not so noticeable in comparison with other types of their labor activity.

At the younger preschool age, the teacher forms elementary household skills in children: helping to set the table, tidying up toys after playing and washing them; help the teacher take toys and books to the site; help to collect leaves on the site, sweep snow from benches, etc. plot. When preparing for food, children perform separate work assignments. At the same time, the teacher necessarily assesses the moral side of the labor participation of children: "Natasha and Seryozha helped our nanny well, what great fellows!" Such assessments make children want to imitate their peers, contribute to the formation of ideas about how to act in such cases.

In the middle group, the content of household work is significantly expanded: children completely set the table, prepare everything necessary for classes, wash toys, wash and hang doll clothes, watch the dining room and classes, wipe dust from chairs, from shelves, help educators to take toys out on the site and bring them back, sweep the paths on the site, etc. Using their increased capabilities and taking into account the skills formed, the teacher teaches children that it is necessary to make an effort in work, develops independence, initiative and activity in performing assigned tasks.

In the older groups of the kindergarten, household work becomes even more enriched in content, becomes systematic, in many respects passing into the permanent duties of the attendants. Children keep the room clean, help the junior teacher put soap in soap dishes, hang towels, repair toys, books, etc. They maintain order on the site: they sweep the paths, water the flowers.

Children are included in the duty in a corner of nature, they clean the group room (once a week). New labor processes appear in children of the seventh year of life; they put things in order in the closet with materials and manuals, clean furniture. The peculiarity of household work of older preschoolers is the ability to independently organize it: pick up the necessary equipment, conveniently place it, put everything in order after work. In the process of labor, children show diligence, striving for a good result.

3) Labor in nature - caring for plants, inhabitants of the aquarium and animals, growing vegetables in the garden and plants in a corner of nature, a flower garden, a plot. This type of work is of particular importance for the development of upbringing a respectful attitude towards all living things, love for native nature. It helps the teacher to solve the problems of physical development of children, improving movements, increasing endurance, developing the ability to physical effort.

In younger groups, children, with the help of adults, feed the fish, water and wash indoor plants, plant bulbs, sow large seeds, take part in harvesting from their garden, and feed wintering birds. Leading the labor of children, the teacher names the plants, their parts, the actions performed in the labor; this expands the children's vocabulary, activates it.

In the middle group, work becomes more difficult. Children independently water the plants, learn to determine the need for moisture, grow vegetables (sow seeds, water the beds, harvest), with the help of a teacher, prepare animal feed (pour food into the feeders for squirrels, hamsters, rabbits, chickens). The teacher explains what kind of food a particular animal needs, what it is called and how to store it.

For the older group, work becomes systematic, its volume increases. Plants and animals are placed in a corner of nature, requiring more complex methods of care, various types of vegetables with different growing periods are planted in the garden, which makes work more systematic. Preschoolers spray plants with a spray bottle, brush dust from fleecy leaves, loosen the ground. With the help of a teacher, they feed the plants, recharge the aquarium, dig up soil in the garden and in the flower garden, plant seedlings, collect seeds of wild plants (for feeding wintering birds).

In the preparatory group, in the process of labor in nature, the independence of children increases: they, without reminder, determine the need for watering and loosening the soil, transplanting plants, sowing seeds in the garden, in a flower garden, and in winter - in a corner of nature where onions and other greens are constantly grown. Children will learn the techniques of plant propagation by cuttings, growing seedlings, followed by transplanting into the ground. We continue to care for animals in the corner of nature (birds, squirrels, rabbits, pigeons, frogs, lizards, etc.). Children have increased responsibility for the condition of the living area, vegetable garden and flower garden.

4) Manual labor - carried out in the senior groups of the kindergarten, aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person, develops the constructive and creative abilities of children, imagination, invention.

Manual labor involves the manufacture of items from a variety of materials: cardboard, paper, wood, natural material (cones, acorns, straw, bark, corn cobs, peach pits), waste material (coils, boxes) using fur, feathers, scraps of fabric, etc. etc., making homemade toys for games, independent activities (needle cushions, counting material, details for costumes for theatrical activities, etc.), gifts for parents, kids (bookmarks for books, souvenirs from natural materials, etc.), ornaments for holidays.

In the preparatory group, children independently perform simple repairs of toys (books, boxes, attributes), sort natural material, and prepare it for work. Under the guidance of the teacher, they make small counting material, manuals for classes, make blanks for further artistic activities (making papier-mâché, pasting boxes, cutting out elements from plastic bottles, etc.).

The work of children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, shifts, collective labor activity (Fig. 2).

Assignments are tasks that the teacher periodically gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, experience, and educational tasks. Assignments can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one simple concrete action) or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions. Fulfillment of labor assignments contributes to the formation of children's interest in work, a sense of responsibility for the task entrusted to them. The child must focus attention, show a volitional effort to bring the matter to the end and inform the teacher about the fulfillment of the assignment. The content of instructions is determined in accordance with the types of work recommended by the "Kindergarten Education Program"; largely depends on the age of the children, on the conditions in which the group is located (the presence of a living corner, a vegetable garden, the arrangement of furniture in the room, etc.).

In the younger groups, assignments are individual, specific and simple, contain one or two actions (lay spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove a dress from the doll for washing, etc.). Such elementary tasks include children in activities aimed at the benefit of the team, in conditions when they still cannot organize work on their own motivation. As preschoolers gain experience in participating in the implementation of instructions, the teacher complicates their content.

In the middle group, he instructs the children to independently wash doll clothes, wash toys, sweep paths, shovel sand into a heap. These tasks are more difficult, because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.). The number of assignments in the middle group increases significantly, as the experience of children's participation in work is gradually enriched, their skills become stronger. The teacher now has the opportunity to give instructions to several preschoolers at once, although each of them is assigned a specific task. Thus, more and more often several children begin to take part in work at the same time, which makes it possible to more often and more systematically include them in useful work. Assignments become a means of forming labor habits in children, prepare them for shifts.

In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of work in which children have insufficiently developed skills, or when they are taught new skills. Individual instructions are also given to children in need of additional training or especially careful control, that is, if necessary, individualize the methods of influence. Most of the assignments that have already taken place in the middle group become group assignments, uniting from 2 to 5-6 participants, that is, they take on a collective character. The teacher instructs the children to remove the shelves with toys together, glue boxes for didactic games, wash building material, etc. Children perform a common task for everyone, which makes them need to independently distribute the work among the participants, do it together, and clean it up after work. This contributes to the formation of the principles of collectivism, teaches us to show attention to each other in the process of work, to provide assistance in case of difficulties.

Considering that the skills of self-organization in children of the older group are not yet sufficiently developed, the educator should pay great attention to explaining the ways of arranging equipment, placing equipment, distributing work between its participants. In the preparatory group for school, when performing general assignments, children must show the necessary skills of self-organization, and therefore the teacher is more demanding of them, moves from explanation to control, reminder.

Duty is a form of organization of the work of children, which presupposes the obligatory performance by the child of work aimed at serving the collective. Children are alternately involved in different types of shifts, which ensures their systematic participation in work. The appointment and change of attendants takes place daily. Shifts are of great educational value - they put the child in the conditions of the obligatory performance of certain tasks, they are necessary for the team. This allows children to educate their children to be responsible to the team, caring, as well as an understanding of the need for their work for everyone. The shifts are being introduced gradually. In the younger group, in the process of completing assignments, the children acquired the skills necessary for setting the table, and became more independent when performing work. This makes it possible for the middle group to introduce canteen duty at the beginning of the year. There is one person on duty at each table every day. The teacher teaches the child to follow the sequence in work, controls him, comes to the rescue, taking into account his individual characteristics. Evaluating the work of those on duty, he emphasizes their diligence, thoroughness in fulfilling their duties, caring for their comrades, and assistance provided to an adult. In the second half of the year, preparation shifts are introduced. The teacher appoints 2-3 attendants (depending on the amount of work) and distributes the work between them himself, comes to their aid, teaches children to finish the job, to clean up used equipment.

In older groups, a duty in a corner of nature is introduced. The attendants change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of shifts. As a rule, the children are on duty together. When selecting duty officers, the growing friendships between children are taken into account, their desire to work with one of their peers is satisfied. If the skills of one of the attendants are more perfect, he is advised to be attentive to his comrade, to help him, but not to deprive him of independence, not to express his dissatisfaction with his slowness or inability. The teacher teaches children to coordinate their actions, determine what needs to be done taking into account the actions of a friend, agree on who will do what part of the work, teaches them to self-control, time-saving and labor-saving methods of work.

Figure 2 - Forms of organization of labor activity of children in preschool educational institutions

labor education preschooler project

Labor education in a preschool educational institution is carried out using a number of means.

A necessary means of labor education is children's own labor activity. You cannot learn anything without doing it. How can a child develop the ability to work outside of work? However, in practice, one can come across such facts when the educator solves the problems of labor education not in work, but in play. For example, when planning a game in a hairdressing salon, the teacher writes: "To form in children the ability to use a comb, to gently comb their hair." There are two pedagogical mistakes in this entry. Firstly, the educator does not know the nature and peculiarities of children's play: in play, the child acts “as if” - he seems to be combing his hair, as if he is doing a beautiful hairstyle. The game originally arose from the child's need to perform the labor actions of adults, which in real life are inaccessible to him. If he starts doing everything seriously, the game will be lost. Secondly, any "skill formation" always requires demonstration, explanation, exercise, repetition. However, this cannot be done during the game; it is labor activity that is the leading means of labor education. Children are taught in it specific work skills and skills, achieve results, satisfy their need for a real introduction to the world of adults. With the help of this tool, applied, practical tasks of labor education are solved.

Familiarization with the work of adults. This tool allows you to expand the child's ideas about the content of human activity, about the social significance of labor, about the attitude to work. Thus, familiarization with the work of adults is aimed at solving the intellectual and moral tasks of labor education. In preschool pedagogy, there are several different approaches to the problem of familiarizing children with the work of adults. Some authors (V.I. Loginova, M.V. Krulekht) believe that the child needs to be introduced to the process of adult labor, to talk about the creation of different products of labor. As a result, children will develop an idea of ​​the content of the work activity of adults, and respect for work will be fostered. Other authors (S.A. Kozlova, A.Sh. Shakhmanova) believe that it is necessary to acquaint preschoolers with a working person, with his attitude to work, to form the idea that a profession appears in response to people's need for it - a doctor is needed to heal people, the teacher to teach children. Acquaintance with the labor process should serve as a background, a content on which a person's activity can be concretized. In practice, both the first and the second approach are possible. When solving a group of tasks related to teaching specific work skills, you can rely on the first approach. In the case when the second group of tasks of labor education is being solved, associated with the formation of an attitude to work and moral qualities of the individual, the second approach is more adequate.

Collective labor is a general labor activity that unites all the children of a group at once (cleaning a group room or plot, setting up a vegetable garden, a flower garden, picking vegetables or fruits, decorating a hall or group room for the holiday). Collective work can be common, - a group of children is entrusted with a common task, and joint (senior preschool age) - children work with a common object, but each performs his own action with it (one washes, the other rinses, the third hangs the laundry, etc.) ...

Conditions for the organization of collective work:

1) It is possible to unite all children only after they acquire the necessary experience of working in a small team.

2) When organizing the collective work of children of the entire group, it is advisable to divide them into several links (up to 4), each of which is offered a common task.

4) All children should be involved in labor.

The scheme of the organization of collective work implies one main goal and result (for example, "we will put the group in order"), but this goal is realized by the joint activities of separate groups of children, who have their own goal and result in their work. At the same time, children understand that their specific work not only merges into a common goal, but also affects the overall result of the work of all participants (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Content of work on familiarization with adult labor

All these means of labor activity are effective if used systematically, in conjunction with each other.

So, the work of children in kindergarten is diverse. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities, to carry out their comprehensive education and upbringing. during the preschool age, the work of children becomes more difficult. At the same time, the labor activity of children in a preschool institution can be successfully used as a means of raising and developing a child only if the forms of its organization are correctly determined in all groups that have their own characteristics at each age stage, in accordance with the forces and skills that are being formed in them. ...

Thus, we can conclude that labor education is a process that integrates all spheres of development, training and moral formation of the child's personality.

1.2 The specifics of the organization in the preschool educational institution of work on the labor education of older preschoolers

1) Self-service in the process of dressing and undressing.

Learning Objectives: To teach how to turn things on the face. Fasten and unfasten buttons. Lace up the laces, use various fasteners. Take off and put on clothes, shoes in a certain sequence. Notice the mess in clothes and fix it with a little help from an adult. Gently fold and hang clothes, put shoes in place. Tidy up your closet. Wipe your feet when entering the premises.

Educational tasks: To bring up neatness, respect for things, mutual assistance, independence. To teach to observe the elementary rules of behavior in the locker room (do not make noise, do not run, do not knock loudly on cabinet doors, do not litter, help comrades, do not interfere with others). Foster a sense of humanity and positive relationships.

Methods and forms: Observation. Advice. Show. Helping each other. Competitions for the speed of the task.

Expected Result: Dressing and undressing by yourself.

2) Self-service in the process of washing.

Learning Objectives: Roll up sleeves. Use soap (lather your hands until lather, rinse thoroughly). Wash your face. Wipe dry with your unhooked and unrolled towel, gently hang it in place. Use a comb. Brush your teeth. Use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Educational tasks: Be calm, show politeness. Take good care of hygiene items (towel, toothpaste, brush, handkerchief, comb, etc.). Be careful (do not wet clothes, do not spray water, etc.).

Methods and forms: Visual method, demonstration and explanation.

Expected Result: Demonstration of accuracy in self-service.

3) Assignments related to household work in the room.

Activity content: Arrange toys. Arrange books. Place handouts and necessary supplies on the tables before class. Place sultans, flags, and other aids in the music hall at the request of the music director in a certain place for ease of use (or in boxes after the end of the lesson). Putting trash in the trash can. Arrange chairs (in the music room, in the group room). Place sharpened pencils in boxes. Wipe oilcloths after class. Remove work supplies from tables after class. Remove scraps of paper from tables and floors. Remove building material. Wipe toys, tables, shelves with a damp cloth. Dress up dolls. Select certain toys, items for games, labor at the request of the teacher. Help peers to clean up toys, building materials.

Learning Objectives: Know where and how to store toys. Know where the books are. Teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the room. To carry out the assigned work to the end. Learn to work together. Teach the builder's parts to be neatly and compactly folded into a box. Learn to work side by side. Learn to wipe things thoroughly. To consolidate the knowledge of children about clothes, the sequence of taking off and putting on, exercise in unfastening and fastening buttons and other fasteners. Learn to act in accordance with the assignment.

Educational tasks: To bring up accuracy, independence, respect for toys and objects, the desire to work. Develop will, desire to help adults, be active, diligent. Develop a desire to complete the assigned task. Teach children to communicate in the process. To cultivate the desire for cleanliness and order in the environment, to teach to keep order. Develop sociability. To cultivate the desire to provide assistance, to show humane feelings for comrades. Learn to contact each other, develop the desire for communication.

Methods and forms: Observation, demonstration and explanation. Explanation.

Expected Result: Maintaining order after the games.

4) Instructions related to household work at the site.

Activity content: Washing toys. Collect toys before leaving the walk. Pour sand from watering cans. Sweep the veranda. Collect trash at the site. Rak up foliage, carry it in buckets in a heap, transport it on trolleys. Sweep snow from benches, buildings. Collect snow in a heap, load boxes, take to the place of buildings. Clear paths from snow (small section).

Learning tasks: To learn to wash toys in soapy water with a sponge, rinse in clean water, wipe with a cloth. Carry out the tasks of the educator, assistant educator. Use a watering can, work carefully, do not wet your shoes. Learn to use a broom, sweep dirty linen from corners, revenge towards the exit. Build broom skills. Form the skills of working with a rake, shovels. Learn to work with shovels.

Educational tasks: To foster a respect for toys. Foster interest in daily work, a desire to work. To foster a desire to work independently, actively. To teach to bring the work started to the end. To foster the desire to achieve results in work that are meaningful to others.

Methods and Forms: Explanation. Individual labor. Long and systematic assignments.

Expected result: Joy of work and awareness of their achievements.

5) Assignments related to labor in nature.

Learning tasks: To give children the idea that plants need water and light, that they need to be looked after (watering, wiping leaves). Learn to perform these actions. Know the names of plants. To give children an idea that a green shoot develops from the planted bulbs (seeds). Teach the rules of planting (make a hole, plant correctly, water). Know the name of the fish. Give an idea of ​​caring for a fish, teach how to feed it. Give an idea of ​​bird care. Learn to pour grain into the feeder. Know the name of the bird.

Educational tasks: Foster a desire to care for plants. To develop in children curiosity, cognitive interest, a desire to help adults. Foster a desire to take care of wildlife.

Methods and Forms: Explanation. Conversation. Duty in a corner of nature. Reward for diligence.

Expected result: Ability to work together with an adult.

6) Assignments related to labor in nature (on the site).

Content of the activity: Under the guidance of a teacher: plant tulip bulbs, daffodils, gladioli. Watering flower beds, beds. Collect cut grass. Harvest onions, radishes, beans. Collect dried plants from a flower bed or garden bed, put it in a cart, take it to a certain place. Insulate tree roots. Feed the birds. Collect natural material.

Learning Objectives: Teach landing rules. Reinforce plant care concepts. Learn to use a watering can. Know that water must be poured under the leaves. Give an understanding of the need for green food for animals, birds, teach them to feed. Harvest, gently pull out plants, carefully put in the basket. Learn to use the cart. Learn to use a rake, pour foliage into a cart, into buckets, cover tree roots with foliage so that they do not freeze in winter. Prepare food. Select material, arrange in boxes by type.

Educational tasks: Develop an interest in nature. To cultivate the desire to take care of plants, develop observation. Foster a desire to work. Develop friendly relationships, cultivate willpower. Arouse in children joy in connection with the harvest, the desire to work in a team. Show accuracy in work, develop a desire to work together. To cultivate a respect for nature, the desire for work. Take care of the birds.

Methods and forms: Visual. Show. Conversation. Teamwork. The discussion of the results.

Expected result: Striving to comply with the terms of reference. Knowledge of the sequence of labor actions. Ability to use inventory correctly.

7) Joint labor of children and adults.

Activity content: Help set the table. Help clean up after meals. Help hang towels in the washroom. Carry and bring any items at the request of adults in the process of joint work. Help in washing doll clothes, washing toys. Provide assistance in the process of repairing attributes for games, boxes, books, in the manufacture of manuals. Help in cleaning the site. Help unpack and arrange new toys in the play area. Help wash pebbles, shells, and feeders from the aquarium. Help wash indoor plants. Help water the flower garden, vegetable garden. Provide assistance in preparing food for the winter for birds and animals. Help sand the paths.

Educational tasks: To cultivate respect for dishes. Foster respect for the work of adults, the desire to work with them. Show respect for the benefits, the desire to fix them. Foster respect for the work of the educator. Develop a desire for cleanliness, a desire to help. To foster a respectful attitude towards toys, to develop a sense of satisfaction from joint work. Show concern for living beings, the desire to care for them. Show curiosity, initiative in work. To cultivate independence, a desire to work for the common good.

Methods and Forms: Explanation. Show. Canteen duty. Distribution of duties.

Expected Result: Demonstration of interest in the observed work of adults. Desire to take part in it.

8) Familiarization of children with the work of adults.

The content of the activity: Observing the work of the assistant educator. Observing the work of the cook. Observing the work of a nurse in a medical office. Observing the work of the chauffeur. Observing the work of the washerwoman. Observing the work of the janitor. Observing the work of adults in the garden, in the flower garden, for the improvement of the premises and the site. Observing the labor of the seller. Examining illustrations depicting working people. Role-playing games: "Family", "Shop", "Hairdresser", "Bus", "Hospital".

Learning Objectives: To develop an interest in the workforce of adults. Give ideas about the work of adults in specific professions, about the social significance of their work. To consolidate ideas about labor actions performed by adults, about the results of their labor, about the name of equipment, tools and materials necessary for work.

Educational tasks: To foster respect for the work of adults, for the results of their work. Develop observation skills. To develop in children the desire to reflect the impressions received and ideas about the work activity of adults in role-playing games.

Methods and forms: Observations. Orders.

Expected result: They have an idea of ​​the complexity of work and respect the work of adults.

9) Interaction with families of pupils to form a positive attitude to work.


The advisory


Parent lecture hall

Consulting on labor education, on issues arising from parents

Oral and written information

Contests, excursion quizzes,

Consultations (individual, subgroup)

Regulations on competitions

Parents' meetings

Speeches, consultations


Questioning with the aim of acquaintance with the family experience of labor education

Tips for parents

Selection of questions for questioning

Photo exhibition "My family"

Selection of photos

Organization of the exhibition

Joint creativity of parents and children as an incentive for family unity

Involving parents in joint creativity

Exhibition decoration in a group room

Thus, mastering the skills of labor activity should be considered as one of the main conditions for raising the desire and ability to work in children. Formed labor skills and habits serve as the basis for bringing up in children a serious attitude to work, the habit of labor effort, the desire to work, to be involved in work on their own motivation, to complete it successfully.

In modern pedagogical literature, there has been a tendency to single out various forms of children's labor activity in preschool educational institutions, to present them in the author's technologies and variable programs. To successfully solve the problems of forming positive attitudes towards work in preschool children, the creation of the necessary conditions is of paramount importance. The main conditions for choosing the forms of organization of labor activity proper are: the level of development of labor activity, educational tasks, the content of the forthcoming labor activity, specific conditions.

Conclusions on the first chapter.

At present, the labor education of children, involving them in independent feasible work and observing the work of adults, explaining its importance in the life of people, plays an important role in the comprehensive development of the child's personality and is an important task of the preschool educational institution.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool educational institutions organize various types of child labor, while the proportion of certain types of labor at different age stages is not the same: each of them has certain capabilities to solve educational problems, which allows children to maintain an interest in work activity and carries out their comprehensive development. So, thanks to the formation of self-service skills, pupils develop such qualities as self-confidence, the ability to independently solve their problems and be independent from parents or other important adults. The implementation of tasks of household labor allows children to understand that they can independently and without any help improve the environment. All the knowledge that the preschool educational institution will give children will play a significant role in the future. Labor activity in relation to nature allows you to teach children to independently grow any product, flower and take proper care of it; develops the child's thought processes. Learning to manual labor helps children to believe in themselves and understand that they can make a beautiful thing on their own and please not only themselves, but also their loved ones with it.

The main forms of labor activity of preschool children in kindergarten: assignments, duty and collective labor activity.

In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to the labor activity available to them. Acquaintance of children with the work of adults is both a means of forming systemic knowledge on upbringing and educational work on labor education in a preschool educational institution, and a significant social and emotional means of introducing adults to the world, acquiring children of experience of communicating with people. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, children develop a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude towards its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible help. Labor activity contributes to an increase in the general development of children, the expansion of their interests, the manifestation of the simplest forms of cooperation, the formation of such moral qualities as diligence, independence, responsibility for the task entrusted, a sense of duty, etc.

At the same time, today one of the most effective, developing, interesting, and significant forms of work organization for preschool children is the project method.

Chapter 2. The project as a form of organizing the labor activity of senior preschool children in preschool educational institutions

2.1 Features of project activities in preschool education

The project method is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of a problem (technology), which should end with a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another (E.S. Polat).

According to L.V. Svirskaya, "... by a project we mean a period of time for a group, during which both children and adults perform fascinating search and cognitive creative work, and not just the participation of children under the guidance of a teacher in a series of activities and games related to the same theme."

The authors of the manual "Project activity of preschoolers" N.Ye. Veraksa, A.N. Veraks, identified the wording: "Project activity involves different forms of activity of children, depending on the intention", "in the course of project activities in a preschool educational institution, a preschooler explores various options for solving the problem, according to certain criteria, chooses the optimal solution."

The project activity method is not fundamentally new. It was developed in the early 20th century by the American philosopher, psychologist and educator John Dewey (1859-1952). According to D. Dewey, learning should be built “on an active basis through appropriate activities in accordance with their personal interests and personal values. In order for a child to perceive the knowledge he really needs, the problem under study must be taken from real life and be significant, first of all, for the child, and its solution must require from him cognitive activity and the ability to use existing knowledge to obtain new ones.

In Russia, J. Dewey's pedagogical ideas were the first to be put into practice since 1905 by S.T. Shatsky. The project method was widely used in Russia until the 30s. years, but by a decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1931, the project method was condemned as alien to the Soviet school, and since then, until recently, no serious attempts were made in Russia to revive this method in education. Today, the project method fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and can be implemented both within the framework of the cognitive development of preschoolers and through the integration of educational areas.

The main goal of the project method in preschool institutions is the development of the child's free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and the tasks of children's research activities:

Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

Development of cognitive abilities;

Development of creative imagination;

Development of creative thinking;

Development of communication skills.

Thus, the project method in working with preschoolers today is an optimal, innovative and promising method that takes its rightful place in the preschool education system.

Projects are classified according to various criteria. The most significant is by the nature of the dominant children's activity in the project (according to L.V. Kiseleva):

Research and creative - children explore, experiment, analyze, and then arrange the results in the form of newspapers, research maps, collages, dramatization, children's design. This type of project is used when working with children of older groups;

Role-playing - elements of creative games are used, when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems posed in their own way. It is used in the second junior group;

Information-practice-oriented (children master new information and implement it in the creation of various objects, reinforcing this with practice in real life (onion grown on the windowsill), in the design of the group (crafts for the New Year), in preparation for the role-playing game (attributes made by the hands of children), in interaction with children of younger groups (books with children's stories and pictures, collages with the rules of washing, children's filmstrips, etc.). It is used in the middle group;

Creative (design of the result in the form of a children's party, role play, theatrical play). This type of project is suitable for children of the second junior group.

Other signs of classification are:

1) In terms of the subject-content area, there are monoprojects, the content of which is limited to the framework of one educational area, and integrated projects, in which tasks from different educational areas of the program are solved. Examples of monoprojects: “How a book is born” (development of children's speech creativity); "Is it difficult to be polite?" (mastering the rules of etiquette, the ability to use them in everyday communication); "Better alone or all together?" (development of regulatory and communication skills (the ability to jointly solve everyday and educational tasks, trust, support a partner in the activity));

2) According to the number of participants, projects can be individual, paired, group, collective, mass. For preschool institutions, it is rational to use collective and group projects. All children of the age group participate in collective projects, jointly solving the problem posed.

An example is the collective creative project “Workshop of Father Frost”. Group projects involve a small subgroup of the participants' children. For example, the project for the senior group "Toy Story" assumes, together with the parents, the organization of the "Old and Modern Toys" exhibition. For this, a subgroup of children is united, in whose families old toys are kept. They learn from representatives of the older generation of the family about the history of the appearance of these toys in the house, about the reasons for their long storage, they find signs of antiquity in them, differences from modern similar toys.

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