Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes in newborns. Skin infections in newborns

The neonatal period is the most critical an age stage of life in which adaptation processes are barely outlined. The duration of the neonatal period has individual fluctuations, but on average is 28 days. The condition of the child immediately after childbirth is determined by its genetic code, the conditions in which the pregnancy and childbirth took place, the sanitary and hygienic regime of the environment, the nature of the diet, the state of the immune system, etc. The skin of the newborn is one of the organs that is directly exposed to various influences of the external environment and reacts to these influences in various manifestations.

It is known that some skin diseases, especially congenital defects, deformities, nevi and others, can begin from the first weeks of life, remain for the entire period of childhood or for the whole life. There is a group of skin diseases that appear and disappear only during the neonatal period. These are the so-called skin diseases of newborns.

Omphalitis. Normally, the mummified remnant of the umbilical cord falls off by the end of the 1st week. The remaining umbilical wound is epithelized, granulates and a scar is formed by the end of the 2nd - the beginning of the 3rd week of life. If the umbilical wound becomes infected with staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, diphtheria, tetanus sticks, the fall off of the remainder of the umbilical cord and the healing of the umbilical wound is delayed. Tetanus is currently extremely rare, but this should be remembered, since isolated cases can be observed during childbirth on the road, in the field, when the umbilical wound turns out to be the entrance gate. The disease begins between 5-10 days of life and is manifested by anxiety of the child, difficulty in sucking due to spasm of the facial muscles, cyanosis, muscle stiffness, and general tonic cramps. At the same time, the umbilical wound is not externally changed. For treatment, anti-tetanus serum is used at the rate of 3000-10000 IU per 1 kg of body weight (administered once by Bezredka), seduxen - for convulsions
Wet navel (catarrhal omphalitis). With prolonged healing as a result of infection of the umbilical wound, its weeping is observed, followed by the formation of crusts. After their rejection, wounds with a bleeding surface are exposed. The general condition of the child is not disturbed, the appetite is good, the temperature remains normal. With a decrease in the general resistance of the child's body, increased virulence of the microbial flora and in the absence of rational therapy, the process can turn into a more extensive and severe lesion and even lead to sepsis. With damage to the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue around the navel develops omphalitis. The umbilical region protrudes significantly, it is hyperemic, edematous, infiltrated. Thin blue stripes (dilated veins) extend radially from the umbilical wound. Often, next to the blue stripes, red ones are noticeable, due to the addition of lymphangitis. The general condition of the child is disturbed, he sucks poorly, spits up, becomes restless. Breathing is shallow, rapid. The legs are brought to the stomach, the temperature rises to 37.2 - 37.5 o C. With a mild course of the disease, complete recovery occurs. In severe cases, peritonitis and sepsis are possible. As a result of infection of the wound with streptococcus, erysipelas of the navel, inflammation of the umbilical vessels in the form of phlebitis and arteritis may develop. The most severe form of the inflammatory process is navel gangrene, in which the inflammatory process spreads both along the surface and in depth. Destruction of the abdominal wall and gangrene of intestinal loops may occur. The prognosis for the child's life is unfavorable.
Treatment. With a weeping navel (catarrhal omphalitis), the umbilical wound is thoroughly washed daily with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, dried and irradiated with ultraviolet rays, after which the wound is treated with 1% - 2% brilliant green solution or 5% potassium permanganate solution, or 2% - 5% solution silver nitrate. With the development of granulations, they are cauterized with lapis. If the inflammatory process spreads to the surrounding tissues and in depth, the temperature rises, along with the local one, general treatment is carried out. Prescribe injections of antibiotics (oxacillin, ampiox, seporin, methicillin, etc.), 2 - 3 injections of antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin.
Prevention infection of the umbilical wound should begin in the delivery room. The navel is treated first with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and then with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate, 1% alcoholic solution of aniline dyes.

Limited congenital defects of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Etiology and pathogenesis unknown. The disease can be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, or be the result of a mother's viral infection during pregnancy, intoxication as a result of radiation therapy, as well as a failed abortion attempt and other factors.
Clinic. Defects of the skin or subcutaneous tissue are detected immediately after the birth of a child, most often in the form of oval or round ulcers, sometimes oblong, ranging in size from 0.2 - 0.5 cm to 4 - 5 cm in diameter. In the following days, crusts appear on their surface. Localization is different, more often on the scalp, but it can be on the trunk and limbs. Defects can be both single and multiple. Ulcerative lesions, despite treatment, heal slowly over 4 weeks to 2-3 months. They can bleed, a secondary infection is possible, and they leave behind hypertrophic or atrophic scars. They are initially pink in color and then take on the color of the surrounding healthy skin. The cosmetic defect depends on the location. Hair does not grow at the sites of healed defects on the head. Congenital skin defects can be combined with other developmental disorders: cleft hard palate and upper lip, syndactyly, lack of individual fingers, hydrocephalus, congenital heart defects. Differential diagnosis carried out with congenital syphilis, epidermolysis bullosa, thermal and mechanical damage to the skin caused by medical personnel during childbirth or shortly after the birth of the child.

Treatment. First of all, defects must be protected from infection. For multiple and widespread defects, antibiotics are administered for several days. Outwardly, the lesions are lubricated with a 1% aqueous solution of aniline dyes, bandages are applied with Vishnevsky's ointment.

Subcutaneous adiponecrosis. Subcutaneous adiponecrosis usually occurs at 1-2 weeks of life in children with good nutrition, with difficult labor as a result of tissue compression. The lesions are localized on the shoulders, back, on the limbs, sometimes on the head, especially in children extracted with medical forceps. Characteristic is the appearance of sharply delimited dense infiltrates or nodes ranging in size from a pea to a child's palm. Between the affected areas, apparently, normal skin always remains, and above the infiltrates it is cyanotic, sometimes violet-red, and later becomes pale. Very rarely, softening with fluctuations can occur in the center of the infiltrates, from where a small amount of a white crumbly mass is released. The general condition is not disturbed. The course of the disease is benign with a favorable prognosis. Slowly, within 3 - 4 months, infiltrates usually spontaneously dissolve without traces, some patients sometimes have scars. It is very rare for a secondary pyococcal infection or calcification to occur. Differential diagnosis is performed with abscesses of subcutaneous fat in septic conditions. In this case, purulent foci are formed during sepsis with the presence of deep inflammatory infiltrates. There is no typical localization and traumatic situation in difficult labor.

Treatment. To quickly resolve infiltrates, thermal procedures such as sollux, dry dressings, UHF, phonophoresis, and magnetotherapy are used.

Skleredema represents a peculiar form of skin edema, accompanied by significant tissue compaction. The disease appears at 2 - 4

day of life, usually in premature and weak babies, but it can also be in full-term, strong, normal babies. Etiology and pathogenesis not clarified. Long and sharp cooling of the child matters. Infectious diseases, malnutrition, atelectasis of the lungs, congenital heart defects can contribute to the appearance of scleredema. The prognosis is serious and depends on the intensity of the treatment.

Clinic... The lesion begins with the legs or thighs in the form of a doughy seal of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, then quickly spreads to the feet, genitals and trunk, and can cover the entire body. When pressed, a fossa remains. The general condition is serious, the child is lethargic, does not cry, hypothermia, bradycardia are noted. Differential diagnosis performed with sclera and adiponecrosis.

Treatment. The child is placed in an incubator, gradually and carefully warmed with warm baths, sollux, heating pads. Effective blood transfusion of 25 - 30 ml every other day, gamma - globulin, aevit in the muscle, antibiotics, prednisone 1-2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. For prevention it is necessary to protect the child from hypothermia, and if it occurs, then 0.1 ml of aevit is injected intramuscularly 2 times a day for 5 - 7 days and the child is warmed.

Sclera of newborns- a very serious illness. It develops exclusively in children with malnutrition, in the weak, premature or with a septic condition in the first days or weeks of life. Usually on the 3rd - 4th day of life, a diffuse thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue appears symmetrically in the area of ​​the calf muscles, buttocks, thighs, shoulder blades, face. When pressed, no grooves remain. The skin in the lesions is pale with a bluish tinge, dry, tense. On palpation, the lesions are cold, the skin does not gather in a fold, the face is mask-like. The joints of the lower jaw are motionless, and the mobility of the limbs is limited. Unlike scleredema, the soles, palms, scrotum, and penis are not affected. The disease is often fatal. Treatment it is carried out in the same way as with skleredem.

Diaper rash- These are limited inflammatory changes in the skin in areas that are easily exposed to friction and maceration, complicated by a secondary infection. They occur when child care is violated, rarely washing, excessive wrapping, when the skin is macerated with urine and feces, when washing clothes with synthetic detergents, with coarse diapers and oilcloths. The lesions are localized in the inguinal, femoral, axillary folds, behind the auricles. In terms of intensity, there are three degrees of maturity. First degree- mild, characterized only by moderate redness of the skin; second degree- of moderate severity, with bright hyperemia and erosion; third degree- severe, manifested by bright redness, with pronounced weeping and individual erosions and sores.

Treatment... First of all, it is necessary to eliminate defects in child care. For diaper rash of the first degree it is enough to dust the affected areas with talcum powder with dermatol (3% - 5%), zinc oxide, white clay, as well as lubrication with sterile vegetable oil. In the second degree an indifferent shaken mixture (water or oil) is used, as well as lubrication of lesions with a 1% -3% solution of silver nitrate, followed by dusting with talc or zinc oxide. For diaper rash of the third degree cool lotions with drilling fluid or lead water, 0.5% resorcinol, 0.25% lapis should be prescribed for 2 - 3 days. Then it is advisable to lubricate with a 1% - 2% solution of aniline dyes. After that, the affected skin is smeared with zinc or Lassar paste.
Prevention is important in preventing the appearance of diaper rash. Mothers need to be educated about the need for careful and proper hygienic care of the newborn and baby, correct from the very beginning of feeding the baby, which prevents the occurrence of dyspeptic stools that cause skin irritation.

Diaper dermatitis can be attributed to contact dermatitis, develops in the first days of life and is associated with friction of the skin against the diaper, with the effect on the skin of decomposition products of urine, feces, ammonia, detergents remaining in the diapers after washing. Lesions in the form of redness and edema, papular, vesicular, pustular elements are localized on the inner surfaces of the thighs, buttocks, anogenital region, and lower extremities.
Prevention- the correct hygienic maintenance of the child's skin, the use of cotton or linen diapers, diapers, washing the diapers not with washing powders, but with soap, followed by repeated rinsing.

Treatment. Treatment of lesions with a solution of potassium permanganate, powders, creams.

Prickly heat often observed in infants, especially overweight. The disease is facilitated by overheating of the child, which happens either when the child is wrapped too much in a warm room, or if the body temperature rises in infectious diseases, when sweating increases. Distinguish prickly heat crystalline, when there are many transparent bubbles the size of a millet grain, scattered; prickly heat red- with an abundance of red nodules with bubbles at the top and a red corolla around; white prickly heat - when the bubbles turn into pustules. With improper care, such prickly heat can turn into vesiculopustulosis.

Treatment consists in wiping the skin with 1% boric or salicylic alcohol, calendula solution, powders with boric acid are used.
Prevention is the correct hygienic care of the child.

Seborrheic dermatitis may appear at the end of 1-2 weeks of life, and sometimes by the end of 1 month, rarely up to 3 months of life. Allocate light, medium, heavy forms of the disease . With a mild form, the lesion usually begins in the buttocks, within a few days it spreads to the natural folds (inguinal, femoral, less often axillary, cervical, behind the ear). The skin in the lesions is hyperemic and moderately infiltrated. On the periphery of the foci, there is a scattered rash in the form of small spots and papules with pityriasis desquamation. The general condition of the child is not disturbed. Rarely regurgitation and unstable stools. With a moderate form, all natural skin folds are brightly hyperemic, infiltrated, their maceration is visible, and peeling along the periphery. Flushing and peeling quickly spreads to the skin of the trunk and extremities. In many children, the scalp is also affected, where scales and crusts accumulate. The general condition is disturbed: children do not sleep well, are restless, often there is catarrhal otitis media, dyspeptic disorders, poor appetite, hypochromic anemia develops. A severe form of seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by a lesion of 2/3 of the skin, it is hyperemic, infiltrated with pityriasis peeling on the surface, on the scalp massive crusts appear. Clinical manifestations resemble desquamative erythroderma. Children with severe seborrheic dermatitis should be hospitalized.

Treatment... In severe and moderate forms, complex antibiotic therapy is carried out for 7 to 10 days (penicillin, semisynthetic penicillins), by infusion plasma, albumin, glucose with ascorbic acid, gamma globulin, enzyme therapy is prescribed (hydrochloric acid with pepsin, gastric juice). In milder forms of seborrheic dermatitis, sometimes it is sufficient to lubricate lesions with 1% -2% aqueous or alcoholic solution of aniline paints, naphthalan 2% -3% paste, 0.5% prednisalone cream. Vitamins are prescribed internally. With the improvement of the general condition and resolution of skin manifestations, all patients with seborrheic dermatitis undergo a course of UFO up to 15 sessions

Desquamative erythroderma of the newborn Leiner - Mussu. In the development of the disease, a violation of protein and carbohydrate, fat and mineral metabolism in sick children, a lack of nutrition of vitamins A, E, B 1, B 2, B 12, C, folic acid, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily small intestine, sensitization of the body by the pyococcal and yeast flora. Clinic. The disease most often begins in the first month of life, less often older, but no later than 3 months. First, the skin of the buttocks and inguinal folds is affected, then the process spreads over the entire surface of the skin, as a result of which the entire skin is brightly hyperemic, infiltrated and abundantly flaky. On the scalp, a shell is formed from an accumulation of fatty scales, descending to the forehead and eyelids. The face becomes masked. Weeping and deep cracks are noted in the folds. The general condition is serious, accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, anemia, there may be abscesses, phlegmon, blepharitis, conjunctivitis. Vomiting in such children up to 7-10 times a day, loose stools. Forecast adverse.

Treatment consists in immediate hospitalization. To prevent infection, antibiotics, gamma globulin, albumin, plasma transfusions, droppers with glucose and Ringer's solution are prescribed. In severe condition, glucocorticoids are shown at the rate of 0.5 - 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Locally disinfectants (aniline paints), ichthyol, ointments with glucocorticoids and antibiotics are prescribed

The first time after discharge from the hospital baby skin still retains icteric shade... This jaundice is not a sign of the disease and will go away soon. If it does not disappear, it is necessary to monitor the color of urine and feces and consult a doctor.

Newborns and children in the first months of life have very delicate and thin skin. It is easily damaged by the slightest impact. Microbes freely penetrate through the damaged skin, and the body of a newborn child is not yet able to actively counteract them. Therefore, individual pustules, redness and the compaction of even a small area of ​​the skin can sometimes lead to a serious illness within a day - general blood poisoning... Considering the above, it is impossible to treat skin diseases in newborns on your own, without consulting a doctor, but it is imperative to carefully examine the skin and all its folds daily. There are a number of well-known skin care rules that need to be followed. In view of their particular importance, we will briefly repeat them:

  • Before you start swaddling, you need to do well Wash the hands.
  • The child's linen should be stored and washed separately from that of adults, boiled and ironed from the inside.
  • All new undershirts and diapers must be washed before use.
  • Necessarily bathe the baby daily(after the umbilical wound has healed) in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (if using non-tap water).
  • To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to wash the child several times a day, thoroughly dry the folds of the skin and lubricate them with sterilized vegetable oil, and if you tend to get wet, dust with talcum powder.

These funds only prevent diaper rash, but if they appear, then they must be treated.

Small redness of the skin on the buttocks heals well with a local air bath. The child should be wrapped in a blanket with his hands and only the area of ​​redness should be left exposed. Shared air baths are not yet available for a newborn child. If, along with redness on the buttocks or folds, it appears to get wet, then you can lubricate this area of ​​the skin with a Castellani paint solution sold in pharmacies and, thus, dry the skin. If the diaper rash increases, then the treatment becomes more complicated and is prescribed by the doctor individually.

Profuse flaking with dry skin promotes pustular diseases... To reduce dryness, the skin is lubricated with sterilized sunflower oil or fish oil.

At the appearance of prickly heat(small red spots merging into general redness) do not lubricate the skin with fats, but rather wipe it with vodka diluted in half with water. Prickly heat, like diaper rash, easily occurs overheating, then it is especially necessary to switch to free swaddling. Daily baths with potassium permanganate become mandatory, but the child must not be overheated (bath temperature is no more than 38 ° C). The air temperature in the room during the bath should be no more than 20-22 ° C.

If appeared on the skin separate small abscesses, they must be greased with 1 - 2% solution of blue or green paint (methylene blue or brilliant green), which are sold at the pharmacy. If these medicines are not at home, you can lubricate the abscess with a 5% (blue) solution of potassium permanganate. When pustules appear on the skin, it is necessary show the child to the doctor.

This should be done especially urgently when a limited area of ​​redness and thickening of the skin appears (for example, on the back). If thin-walled blisters with a translucent liquid appear on the skin, you cannot bathe the child. The bladder lining usually bursts immediately, leaving a burn-like patch of skin. Lubricate this place with potassium permanganate or methylene blue, brilliant green, sprinkle with a yellow disinfecting powder with a pungent odor - xeroform (used only for external use), and if it is not there, then you can cover it with streptocide powder. Be sure to see a doctor.

Mother usually scares swelling of the mammary glands in a newborn child. But this phenomenon is normal - physiological, it is observed in boys and girls and is caused by an excessive transition from mother to child before childbirth of special substances - hormones... The mammary glands grow to the size of a pea, and sometimes even more. By the end of the first month, the swelling disappears without any treatment. In no case should a whitish liquid - colostrum - be squeezed out of the glands, since you can infect and cause their inflammation - mastitis. Ointment dressings are not recommended either, as they soften, thin the skin and also contribute to the penetration of infection.

You just need to change, wash and iron the undershirts from the inside more often.

The first days after discharge from the hospital, the child has not yet healed umbilical wound... During this time, it is especially important to boil and iron the laundry and wash your hands thoroughly before changing. Don't bathe your baby yet. The toilet of the umbilical wound is usually carried out by a nurse or doctor; the mother does not need to touch the umbilical wound. Very rarely, but sometimes there is bleeding from the umbilical wound. The reason for this may be infection leading to an inflammatory process, or a disease caused by a congenital bleeding disorder. Before the doctor arrives, the umbilical wound should be lubricated with iodine or a few drops of hydrogen peroxide should be dripped into it. On the umbilical wound, you need to put a sterile napkin or bandage and tie it with a bit around the abdomen.

Anxiety of a newborn baby(most often caused by flatulence in the intestines) is sometimes attributed to umbilical hernia... Usually, a slight bulge in the navel occurs in newborn babies due to the weakness of the abdominal wall and does not cause much trouble for the baby. The appearance of a hernia is not associated with the healing process of the umbilical wound. To strengthen the abdominal muscles of all premature babies and children with umbilical hernia, from 2 to 3 weeks of age, spread on the stomach and do a light, stroking massage.

Band-aids are applied by a doctor; they can irritate the skin and therefore need to be changed after 7 to 9 days. But without strengthening the abdominal muscles, treatment with adhesive bandages is ineffective.

According to medical statistics, children are more prone to skin diseases than adults. And not only because they are less careful and, without hesitation for a minute, will take a homeless puppy in their arms or will enthusiastically look for "treasures" in a heap of rubbish thrown out by someone.

There is a risk in this. But the main danger is that children are more susceptible to infections than their fathers and mothers.

They do not have such a "hardened" organism, therefore, much in the world around them, which is natural for an adult, causes a painful reaction in them.

Doctors warn: treatment of skin diseases in children can be started only after the doctor has determined an accurate diagnosis. The symptoms of many diseases are similar, and the treatment required is different.

If you go down the wrong path, you can waste time and exacerbate the problem. And yet, the more fully informed parents about possible dangers, the higher the chances that they will be avoided.

Frequent infectious lesions

Infectious erythema at first it proceeds like a classic cold. Then rashes appear on the face and body.

The disease spreads by airborne droplets, an infected person is especially dangerous to others at an early stage of the disease, until a rash appears.

Medicines (including pain relievers) are prescribed by a doctor. The kid should drink more fluids, adhere to bed rest. Active games and physical activity are contraindicated.

Toxic (infectious) erythema. Tips for parents from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

Chicken pox reveals itself as a rash that causes itching and a constant urge to scratch the skin, so the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body.

Small wounds form at the site of redness. In the later stages of the disease, the skin is covered with blisters, which open, dry out, and turn into scabs.

Coxsackie's disease has a second name - "hand-foot-mouth"... First, sores appear in the mouth, then blisters and rashes (not causing itching) on ​​the arms and legs, and sometimes on the buttocks. The body temperature rises sharply.

The infection is spread by airborne droplets and through the diapers of a sick child. Doctors prescribe acetaminophen to the patient, recommend drinking more fluids, and for caring adults to wash their hands more often.

Disease of the palms, feet and mouth - Coxsackie enterovirus, advice to parents from Pediatrician Plus:

Experts explain its nature by problems of heredity and the baby's weak immune system (by the way, 80 percent of cases are children under the age of 7).

Treatment is long-term, since it is required not only to get rid of the external manifestations of dermatitis, but also to eliminate the threat of relapse.

This problem is common in young children., especially if the parents dress them too warmly: the child sweats, the body reacts to this with the appearance of a rash. They fight with it with the help of talcum powder, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Problems against the background of changes in the nervous system

Diseases of this group are distinguished neurodermatitis(redness and thickening of skin areas, the formation of nodules on them - papules) and psoriasis(flaky areas of different sizes and shapes).

Both diseases are chronic and difficult to medicate.

They are often "family", passed down from generation to generation, and provoke their outbreak any past disease, stress, failures in the immune system.

How to prevent

In the article, we indicated the names, gave a description and showed how common skin diseases look in the photo in children - newborns, preschool and older, briefly talked about the treatment of childhood diseases of a dermatological nature.

Many skin problems (of whatever nature they may be) can be avoided by teaching a child to hygiene from the earliest years of his life.

And you also need to keep the whole house clean, avoid allergenic foods and stressful situations for children.

If a problem does arise, you need to take it seriously. and seek medical help as soon as possible.

In contact with

In this article, we will analyze the main infectious diseases in newborns: how to diagnose, prevention and treatment.

Often such diseases occur due to weakened immunity at birth. Premature babies have not fully formed the immune system, increased permeability of the skin and mucous membranes.

Often, children get sick due to hospital infections, unsanitary conditions in the hospital, infection from hospital staff, from other children in the common ward (when the infection is transmitted through the air).


The disease is characterized by purulent inflammation on the child's skin. Small bubbles (vesicles) appear on the body, filled with a cloudy liquid.

They burst after a few days, and scabs form in their place. Later they fall off without leaving marks on the skin.

As a rule, this disease is not dangerous and does not cause complications.

Small bubbles (up to 1 cm in diameter) appear on the baby's skin, filled with pus and gray liquid. Usually appear in the lower abdomen, near the navel, on the legs and arms.

The disease can progress to a severe stage: large vesicles up to 3 cm in diameter. Intoxication of the whole organism occurs. Urgent medical attention is required!

The infection usually clears up in 2 to 3 weeks. May end in sepsis.

Treatment: pierce the bubbles and treat the puncture site with alcohol solutions of aniline dyes.


The disease begins as inflammation under the scalp and spreads further. After piercing the bubbles, pus is found.

Localization: on the head under the scalp, on the neck, back and buttocks.

The main symptoms: fever, mild intoxication, sepsis, an increased content of leukocytes in the blood.


The main cause of the disease is malfunctioning of the mammary gland. In the early days, it may not appear.

The newborn has an enlarged mammary gland. And when pressed, pus is released from the nipples.

The child constantly cries, refuses to breast, symptoms of intoxication of the body appear.

Mastitis is dangerous with subsequent purulent complications for the whole organism. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the doctor.


The infection usually occurs in the navel, groin, thighs, and face and spreads further.

This is a very serious illness: the temperature is up to 40 degrees, the child becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, meningitis, diarrhea.

The disease can be complicated by toxic shock. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


This disease is characterized by purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. At the most severe stage, necrotic phlegmon (tissue necrosis) is observed.

The inflammatory-purulent process takes place on the chest and buttocks, rarely on the arms and legs.

It is simple to determine the onset of the disease: a slight inflammation appears, painful to the touch. It grows gradually. The skin becomes dark purple, then dies off (on the second and subsequent days of an infectious disease it becomes pale and or gray).

If you cut open the inflamed skin, pus and dead tissue will be found inside.

Symptoms of the disease: intoxication of the body, temperature up to 39 degrees, vomiting, there are many leukocytes in the blood (leukocytosis).

With timely and appropriate treatment, infection, necrosis, and skin rejection can usually be prevented.


This is an inflammation of the skin in the navel area, possibly with pus.

The disease is not dangerous for the baby's health. It is recommended for mothers to treat the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution 3 times a day. Then - with a solution of potassium permanganate.

In case of illness in a newborn: the temperature rises, vomiting appears, regurgitation after feeding.


The disease is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal glands, edema, sulfur discharge from the eyes, constant tearing. May be complicated by deeper inflammation and ulcers.

Infection can occur in the hospital or from the mother.

Treatment: with a separate cotton swab for the right and left eyes, carefully remove the purulent discharge. Rinse with antibiotic solution several times a day. After rinsing, put an eye ointment (penicillin).

Acute rhinitis

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Pus starts to come out of the nose.

Subsequently, swelling of the nasal mucosa is possible. The child's breathing is difficult. The baby cannot suckle (cannot breathe through the nose), constantly cries, loses weight.

If left untreated, inflammation can spread to the middle ear, pharynx.

Treatment: suck out the suppuration with suction. You can use sterile vaseline oil swabs. Dip a solution of antibacterial drugs into the nose and insert gauze swabs (soaked in the solution) into each nostril for a few minutes.

In the acute course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic injections.

Acute otitis media

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear cavity.

Otitis media can be purulent or serous. With serous otitis media, edematous fluid accumulates in the area of ​​the tympanic membrane. With purulent otitis media in the area of ​​the tympanic membrane, severe edema and suppuration.

It is not always possible to detect the disease, it proceeds secretly. The following can be distinguished symptoms of infection:

  • swelling of the earlobe + soreness,
  • the baby refuses to breast - it hurts him to swallow,
  • body temperature: normal or slightly elevated,
  • noticeable twitching of the muscles of the face.
  • If you find an infection, see an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe dry heat and UHF to the child.


    This is the most common infectious disease in newborns. It is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue. The baby can get sick while still in the womb or in the hospital.

    In premature babies, inflammation lasts a long time and can develop into purulent + necrosis of lung tissue.

    The first symptoms of the disease:

  • the baby refuses to breast, sucks poorly;
  • pale skin;
  • breathing disorders: shortness of breath, holding of breath;
  • wheezing on exhalation.

  • Treatment:

  • the child is placed in a separate ward with the mother, free swaddling, regular ventilation;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • with prolonged pneumonia, metronidazole, bifidobacterin are prescribed;
  • Immunoglobulin is prescribed 3-4 times a day;
  • bury interferon in each nostril - every 2 hours;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • electrophoresis with calcium preparations, novocaine;
  • Enterocolitis

    An infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestine. Intestinal function is impaired. The main pathogens: Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus.

    Disease symptoms:

  • loose green stools with mucus;
  • intestinal motility (often contraction of the walls);
  • the child refuses to breast, lethargy;
  • vomiting with bile;
  • constant gaziks;
  • swelling of the lower abdomen and genitals;
  • stool retention, may contain mucus and blood;
  • dehydration of the body due to frequent vomiting, stool and regurgitation - the tongue and mouth become dry;
  • bloating;
  • severe weight loss.

  • Treatment: proper nutrition and hydration therapy. The doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, therapy with large doses of bifidumbacterin and bactisubtil (normalize the normal functioning of the intestines).


    A very dangerous infectious disease. Inflammation occurs due to the penetration of infection into the blood against the background of reduced immunity. Often the infection penetrates the navel, damaged skin, wounds, mucous membranes, eyes.

    After infection, a slight inflammation first appears at the site of penetration, then spreads to adjacent skin areas.

    Purulent areas form on the skin, intoxication of the body occurs. Purulent metastases in the brain (meningitis), liver and lungs are possible.

    The main symptoms are:

  • breast refusal,
  • constant vomiting and regurgitation,
  • lethargy
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes,
  • enlarged liver,
  • the infected wound does not heal.

  • Duration of sepsis in children:

  • 1-3 days - fulminant sepsis;
  • up to 6 weeks - acute sepsis;
  • more than 6 weeks - protracted sepsis.
  • Mortality among newborns with sepsis is 30-40%!

    Sepsis treatment the attending physician appoints and conducts it under strict control. Usually, children are prescribed the following procedures:

  • Optimal care and feeding.
  • Elimination of foci of infection.
  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Detoxification therapy.
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • At the beginning of treatment, drugs of general action are prescribed, then, based on the results of exposure to the flora, specific ones. With prolonged sepsis use metronidazole... Along with antibiotics, you can give lactobacterin 3 times a day, vitamins.

    Prevention of sepsis consists in strict adherence to sanitary and epidemiological standards in hospitals and at home. Remember, newborns are most susceptible to infections, the risk of infectious diseases is very high. In premature babies, a weakened immune system is added to this.

    Attention! The information in the article is given strictly for informational purposes. Do not self-medicate your child. Seek help from a specialist.

    The birth of a child is not only a joy, but also anxiety, excitement and concern about his health. Unfortunately, in early childhood (up to 1 year), children can experience a variety of diseases, some of them progress from the first days after the birth of the baby.

    Omphalitis and

    An umbilical wound is formed in a newborn by 3-5 days of his life, located in the place of the fallen off umbilical cord residue. Pediatricians warn parents that until the umbilical wound is completely healed, the baby should be bathed only in boiled water with the addition of potassium permanganate ("potassium permanganate") to a pale pink hue. This period corresponds to two weeks. After the child is bathed, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations, but only with clean, washed hands:

    • moisten a cotton swab in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and remove the remnants of the secreted secretion with it directly from the wound;
    • take a new stick and remove the remaining hydrogen peroxide;
    • lubricate the umbilical wound with a solution of brilliant green (2% brilliant green).

    Important! Undershirts, sliders and diapers need to be ironed on both sides after each wash, the baby's linen is changed several times a day, you need to make sure that the umbilical wound is not covered with a diaper.

    If the umbilical wound begins to get wet, there is discharge of blood and / or pus, the skin around the navel becomes red, then the visiting nurse or pediatrician should be notified of this. Most likely, we will talk about - inflammation of the umbilical wound of bacterial origin, caused by or. With such a pathological condition, the overall well-being of the baby will change:

    • the baby shows anxiety and constantly cries, or, conversely, becomes pronounced lethargic;
    • the baby does not suckle well;
    • weight loss occurs;
    • in some cases, the body temperature rises.

    Treatment of omphalitis consists in four-time treatment of the umbilical wound, and in severe cases, the pediatrician can prescribe treatment.

    Note:if the hygienic care of the umbilical wound by the parents is carried out in strict accordance with the rules, then there will be no omphalitis. This inflammatory process is always the result of insufficient care.

    This is the name of the exit of internal organs through the large umbilical ring - this is the weakest point in the anterior abdominal wall in a newborn. Such a pathology is diagnosed in infancy quite often, parents themselves can see it: when crying or straining the baby, a hernial protrusion appears, which is a consequence of an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

    As soon as the umbilical hernia is detected, the child must be shown to the surgeon - the doctor will correct the hernia for the child and apply a special plaster for 10 days... Such sessions of treatment can be used several times in a row, in addition, physiotherapy exercises and massage are prescribed - procedures that should only be performed by a specialist.

    If the baby already knows how to hold the head, then it should be laid out on the tummy on a hard surface. Such simple "measures" will contribute not only to reposition the organs in place, but also to normalize the stool and eliminate constipation.

    In some cases, a hernia in a child does not disappear by the age of one, and in this case, the child will be shown surgery. As a rule, surgical interventions for an umbilical hernia are performed only from the age of three, but if the hernia falls out too often, then experts recommend such a cardinal treatment earlier.

    Most often, the icteric color of the skin and mucous membranes in the newborn is a physiological manifestation of the adaptation period after birth. Jaundice appears, as a rule, 2-3 days after the birth of the baby and this happens due to the lack of a sufficient amount of enzymes that neutralize. Normally, bilirubin, neutralized in the liver cells, is released after a series of transformations from the body with feces or urine. But in a newborn, the liver does not have time to neutralize all bilirubin, its level in the blood rises rapidly, which leads to the rapid staining of the skin and mucous membranes in yellow.

    Such jaundice of newborns is a physiological process and does not pose any danger to the child's life. Jaundice develops in 60% of term infants and in 90%, spontaneously disappears in a maximum of three weeks.

    There are cases when physiological jaundice persists for more than three weeks in a row, which may be associated with the transition of physiological jaundice to breastfeeding jaundice. The fact is that mother's milk contains a substance that can inhibit or block the formation of liver enzymes - this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, but it has a place to be.

    As a rule, breastfeeding jaundice does not pose a threat to the health and life of the child, but nevertheless, a full examination of the baby should be carried out. In some cases, such prolonged jaundice can be caused by:

    • massive destruction of red blood cells - hemolytic jaundice;
    • dysfunction of the liver cells - hepatic jaundice;
    • obstruction of the biliary tract - obstructive jaundice.

    The named pathologies require constant monitoring. If this indicator does not exceed the normal range, or the increase is insignificant, then doctors simply monitor the newborn. But in the case of a sharp increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, surgical treatment may also be required, since such a development of pathology is fraught with serious consequences for the brain.

    Skin problems

    The baby's skin is very delicate and easily injured, the blood vessels are located superficially, and even with a slight overheating of the baby, moisture begins to evaporate from the skin. These three factors are responsible for the appearance of skin problems in children under the age of one year.

    Diaper rash

    This is the name of the inflammation of certain areas of the skin, when there was prolonged exposure to moisture or friction. Most often, diaper rash occurs in the axillary, cervical, inguinal, intergluteal folds or behind the auricles.

    Depending on how the diaper rash proceeds, doctors distinguish three degrees of its severity:

    • first degree- slight redness, the integrity of the skin is not violated;
    • second degree- redness becomes bright, microcracks and erosion appear;
    • third degree- intense redness, cracks, erosion and pustules appear on the skin.

    Diaper rash causes a feeling of pain, burning and itching, which leads to anxiety and whims of the baby. The reasons for the occurrence of the considered problems with the skin can be both increased skin moisture and excess weight of the baby. There are also provoking factors:

    • inadequate drying of the skin after bathing or washing the baby;
    • violation of the rules for caring for a child, skin irritation under the influence of urine and feces;
    • rubbing leather with synthetic clothing;
    • overheating of the child;
    • baby's skin on the material from which the diapers used are made.

    In no case can you ignore diaper rash! Such a pathological skin lesion can quickly spread, an infection joins it. Therefore, parents should be in the room where the baby is - it should not be higher than 21 degrees, air baths should be regularly carried out to the baby.

    At the first degree of diaper rash no specific treatment is required, it is enough to carefully follow the rules of skin care, change diapers on time (at least every 3 hours), carry out air baths and treat folds with a protective cream. If you cannot get rid of diaper rash within a day, then you need to consult a pediatrician - a specialist, assessing the condition of the baby's skin, can prescribe the use of drugs (for example, Drapolen or Bepanten ointments).

    The second degree of diaper rash implies the use of special "talkers" - a product that is made in pharmacies. The pediatrician may prescribe treatment with tannin or methyluracil ointment on the affected area. In case of appearance of pustules, the skin is treated with "brilliant green" or methylene blue.

    It is necessary to bathe the baby in the second degree of diaper rash in a slightly pink solution of "potassium permanganate", and if the baby is not allergic to medicinal herbs, then he can take baths with a decoction of oak bark (the duration is a maximum of 7 minutes).

    The third degree of diaper rash it is quite difficult to treat, therefore, parents should make every effort to prevent such a development of pathology. If the skin is already getting wet, then it is impossible to use any oil ointments for medicinal purposes - a film will form that prevents the healing of wounds. The best option for solving the problem of diaper rash of the third degree will be seeking qualified medical help.

    Prickly heat

    This is the name of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance on the baby's skin of a small-point rash of pink color. Typically, such a lesion occurs in those places where sweat is most pronounced in the baby - natural skin folds and folds, buttocks. Miliaria, usually, is not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms, and the behavior of the newborn remains unchanged.

    Most often, prickly heat disappears without any specific treatment - it is enough to follow the rules for caring for the baby's skin, you can lubricate the affected area with Bepanten cream.

    To prevent the occurrence of prickly heat, the following preventive measures are used:

    • all child's underwear must be made from natural fabrics;
    • for walks, you need to dress the baby strictly according to the weather;
    • in the room where the baby spends most of his time, the air temperature should be constant;
    • use decoctions or oak bark for bathing, but only if the baby does not have allergies;
    • use only water-based cream for baby skin.

    The disease manifests itself as reddening of the skin, swelling, peeling and the appearance of small bubbles. Diaper dermatitis is accompanied by itching and burning, which makes the child restless and capricious, disrupts his sleep.

    If the treatment of the disease in question is not carried out, then cracks, pustules and erosion appear on the affected areas of the skin. Further, the surface layer of the skin is rejected, ulcers can form, often an infection - fungal or bacterial, joins the diaper dermatitis.

    It is carried out only as directed by a pediatrician or dermatologist.

    Pemphigus of newborns

    This is a purulent, infectious skin disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. A disease occurs in the first weeks of life, an infection of the baby can occur from caregivers with a pustular infection on the hands.

    A sign of the disease will be the appearance on the baby's skin of large blisters with a cloudy yellowish liquid. They often open up on their own, leaving after that an eroded surface. The liquid that flows out of the bursting bubbles contributes to the infection of adjacent skin areas.

    Complications of newborns can be abscesses and septic conditions. Treatment of the disease in question is carried out only as prescribed by the pediatrician. Be sure to use antibacterial drugs in therapy, and, regardless of the age of the child.

    Hormonal crisis

    Hormonal crisis develops in healthy, full-term babies and this condition is associated with the ingress of mother's hormones into the child's body through the placenta or with breastfeeding. Symptoms of this condition will be:

    Such changes appear on the 3-4th day of the baby's life and gradually decrease the intensity over the course of 30 days, no treatment is required. The only thing that parents need to remember is that it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the discharge from the mammary glands, massage them, as this can lead to the progression of mastitis, which requires surgical treatment.


    A sign of thrush - white spots appear on the tongue and mucous membrane of the baby's cheeks, which resemble pieces of curdled milk. Such plaques are not washed off between feedings, but are removed with a spatula if the disease is mild. With an average severity of thrush, spots appear on the palate, lips and it will no longer be possible to remove them completely.

    A severe degree of thrush is characterized by the rapid spread of dense deposits on the gums, the back of the pharynx, and on the soft palate. The sites of the fungal infection are painful, the baby cries a lot, his sleep is disturbed, he either sucks the breast poorly, or completely refuses it.

    Factors that can trigger the onset of thrush include:

    At the initial manifestations of the disease, the oral cavity should be treated with a sterile cotton swab, which is moistened in a weak solution of "potassium permanganate" or 2% soda solution. After wiping, the mucous membranes are lubricated every three hours with a solution of methylene blue for 5 days.

    Treatment of thrush in newborns is carried out using drugs that contain Nystatin or Levorin. For the entire period of treatment, mother should wipe the nipples with a solution of baking soda before each feeding, and boil toys / nipples / bottles. A severe form of thrush is treated only in a hospital.

    Despite the modern possibilities of medicine, rickets is still one of the most common diseases of infants. This disease develops due to a shortage in the body, which is "responsible" for phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The child receives this vitamin along with food, it is also synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, according to statistics, the frequency of diagnosing rickets in children born in winter is much more frequent than in those born in warm weather.

    With rickets, there is not only a lack of vitamin D and calcium, but also a lack of iron, copper,... Due to the lack of all these trace elements, children with rickets become excessively whiny, capricious, their sleep is disturbed, and they often get colds.

    The first symptoms of the disease in question may appear as early as the month of the baby's age, and if treatment is not carried out, then the child's condition will worsen. Symptoms of rickets in infancy include:

    If the treatment of rickets is absent, or is carried out incorrectly, then the pathology progresses, which is manifested by a narrowing of the pelvis, curvature of the spine, flat feet and the formation of a hump.

    The development of rickets is very easy to prevent - it is enough for children to give vitamin D, and the treatment of the disease in question, started on time and carried out correctly, gives positive results. Currently, advanced forms of rickets are diagnosed only in children who live in dysfunctional families.

    Treatment of rickets is complex and involves the use of various procedures:

    • prolonged in the fresh air;
    • correction of the child's diet, which will provide the growing body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements;
    • therapeutic gymnastics, massage and swimming;
    • drug therapy - probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin and mineral complexes.

    Digestive tract problems

    Severe pain in the intestines of the baby, which is accompanied by bloating, is a fairly common problem in infants. At the same time, the child actively twists his legs, squeezes them, cries loudly. The cause of the appearance of intestinal colic may be incorrect (if the baby is breastfed) or the baby swallowing air during feeding.

    It is quite possible to prevent the occurrence of colic and the accumulation of gases in the intestines, for this you need:

    By the age of 3-4 months, intestinal colic in a child disappears due to the maturation of the organs of the digestive tract.

    Many parents believe that if a child has no bowel movements throughout the day, then this is constipation. But this is not entirely true! The fact is that mother's milk, for example, can be completely absorbed by the body, so you need to judge whether a baby has constipation by its well-being and the consistency of feces.

    You can talk about constipation if the baby is restless, crying, constantly pushing, but at the same time his intestines are not emptied. When you are constipated, your child's stool is dark in color and firm, and may even be as hard as peas or cork.

    The cause of constipation in infancy is most often non-compliance or improper diet of a baby who is bottle-fed. The mother's hobby for protein foods, coffee, flour products can also contribute to the development of constipation in infancy. But not everything is so "rosy" - in some cases, constipation in infancy is associated with the development of pathologies:

    • Hirschsprung's disease - a violation of the innervation of the intestine;
    • dolichosigma - lengthening of the large intestine of a congenital nature;

    Parents should not try to cope with constipation in an infant on their own, it would be reasonable to seek help from a pediatrician - a specialist will not only diagnose, find out the cause of such a bowel dysfunction, but also give recommendations on how to solve the problem.

    If the parents are sure that the child does not have any pathology, then one of the following remedies will help to cope with constipation:

    • glycerin candles;
    • irritation of the rectum with the tip of the exhaust tube;
    • lactulose preparations, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

    Note:The old way to get rid of constipation, which involves the introduction of a bar of soap into the anus, should never be used! The alkali contained in this product can burn the intestinal mucosa.

    Diarrhea in infants

    A baby under one year old can have a bowel movement after each feeding. But if, with this regime, the general condition of the baby remains within the normal range, he is calm and eats well, then the parents should not worry. Of primary importance for such frequent bowel movements are the color, consistency of the stool, and the presence of blood or mucus in it. It is worth remembering that it is dangerous because too much fluid will be excreted from the baby's body.

    The causes of loose stools can be:

    • improper nutrition of a nursing mother or the baby itself;
    • acute intestinal pathology - for example, or;
    • intolerance to some products;
    • dysbiosis;
    • acute intestinal infection.

    If the baby has diarrhea, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help.... It is especially important to follow this rule in the event that diarrhea began for no apparent reason, and bowel movements occur too often. Before the arrival of a specialist, the baby needs to ensure a sufficient supply of fluid into the body.

    This phenomenon occurs in almost every child, which can be physiological or pathological. Physiological regurgitation is associated with underdevelopment of the digestive system:

    • the esophagus is narrowed or relatively short;
    • the sphincter of the entrance to the stomach is underdeveloped;
    • the gastric mucosa is highly sensitive and reacts to any irritant, including breast milk;
    • the shape of the esophagus is funnel-shaped.

    Especially often, physiological regurgitation is noted in premature babies; it disappears only by the age of nine months. If at the same time the baby's condition is not disturbed, there is nothing to worry about. Physiological regurgitation can also appear with improper feeding of the baby or violation of the rules for caring for him:

    The following measures will help get rid of physiological regurgitation:

    • during feeding, keep the baby in a semi-upright position;
    • when artificial feeding, use a special nipple that prevents air from being swallowed;
    • do not overfeed the baby;
    • after feeding, hold the baby in an upright position for some time until the moment of regurgitation of air.

    Organic causes of the condition in question:

    • pyloric stenosis - narrowing of the inlet of the stomach, which refers to developmental abnormalities;
    • damage to the nervous system during intrauterine development;
    • phenylketonuria, galactosemia - disorders of the assimilation of food of a hereditary nature;
    • viral and bacterial infections;
    • pathological lesions of the kidneys and pancreas.

    This is the name of the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the anterior surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. The cause of the development of this disease is bacteria, viruses and fungi, and only in extremely rare cases can conjunctivitis be an allergic reaction.

    The disease in question is manifested by reddening of the mucous membrane of the eye, itching and discharge of pus from the conjunctival sac. After sleeping, the baby's cilia are glued together by the secreted pus, which does not allow opening the eyes.

    Treatment of conjunctivitis in children should be carried out only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, because it is the specialist who will be able to select effective medications. Parents can only make the baby feel better by washing the eyes with decoctions of medicinal chamomile or calendula, but this can only be done after consulting a doctor.

    Acute respiratory viral infections are a group of diseases caused by various viruses transmitted by airborne droplets. In general, ARVI is considered the most common diseases in childhood, and babies are no exception.

    Clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections are cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, frequent sneezing, and fever. At the same time, the child may become lethargic and sleep a lot, his appetite disappears.

    As soon as the first signs of ARVI appear in an infant, you need to call a pediatrician at home - this will allow you to start effective treatment. The child needs to be provided with a plentiful drink: at the age of up to six months, the baby can be given warm boiled water, and older children - a decoction of raisins, cranberry, chamomile infusion, or. If the child has consumed too much liquid, or was force-fed, then this will provoke an attack of vomiting - you should not worry, but you need to adjust the dosage of the foods and liquids used.

    Note:against the background of a high body temperature, the baby may begin - the baby's body is stretched, the limbs tremble or twitch, the eyes roll. In this case, the parents should immediately undress the baby, give him an antipyretic agent and call the ambulance team.

    This diagnosis is made in the case of underdevelopment of the hip joint even during intrauterine development - the head of the femur has increased mobility within the joint, the development of connective tissue is impaired. Most often, hip dysplasia occurs in children with. It is very important to diagnose the pathology early, therefore, as part of the examination of the baby, examinations by an orthopedist are carried out at 1-3-6-12 months. If the doctor suspects a deviation from the norm, then he will prescribe an X-ray examination or an ultrasound scan to the baby, but not earlier than the child reaches six months of age.

    Symptoms of hip dysplasia include:

    • additional folds on one leg;
    • asymmetry of the folds on the hips and buttocks;
    • crying or anxiety of the baby when trying to part his legs;
    • clicks when raising the legs bent at the knee joints;
    • unequal leg length.

    Depending on how difficult the disease in question is, the baby can be assigned:

    • physiotherapy;
    • stirrups Pavlik;
    • massage;
    • Freyk's bus.

    With the help of special orthopedic devices, the child's legs are constantly in a divorced and bent position - this creates optimal conditions for the correct formation of joints. First, the baby should wear such struts around the clock, then the wearing mode becomes softer. In no case should parents remove their devices before the due date, as this can nullify all previously achieved results.

    Torticollis is an abnormal head position in which it is tilted to one side. The appearance of the defect depends on the development of the infant.

    Signs of the pathology in question in the first year of a baby's life:

    • in the first two months of life - when laying the baby on the stomach, an increased tone of the muscles of the back and neck is visible, asymmetry of the folds will be noted on the legs;
    • at 3-5 months - there is a slowdown in the growth of the child and a decrease in the reaction to any sound stimulus;
    • at 6-7 months - strabismus is noted, the child stands on tiptoes, teeth erupt late;
    • at 7-12 months - the asymmetry of the folds on the hips and buttocks, the asymmetry of the shoulders, the curvature of the spine, the baby begins to walk late and lags far behind in physical development from his peers is clearly traced.

    The reasons for the development of torticollis can be called the following:

    If torticollis is determined, then you will need a consultation with an orthopedist and a neurologist - experts will be able to determine the true cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. Parents should not postpone the visit to the doctors and the start of treatment, as neglected torticollis can lead to deformation of the vertebrae and face.

    For the treatment of the disease in question, the following can be used:

    • physiotherapy - electrophoresis, magnetotherapy;
    • the imposition of a special collar;
    • physiotherapy exercises and massage;
    • position treatment;
    • specially selected exercises in the pool or in the bathroom.

    There is also a surgical treatment for torticollis, but if therapy was started in a timely manner, then it will not be needed.