Cream with the effect of Botox: effectiveness, mechanism of action and indications for use. Cream with the effect of Botox: the pros and cons of the product

Taking care of your own body is a topical issue for every person. Both men and women want to look young and beautiful throughout their lives, but if you do not use the appropriate products for this, your skin will begin to age and lose its attractive appearance quite quickly. Therefore, modern manufacturers are constantly releasing more and more new types of products that in one way or another will allow you to prolong the youthfulness of your skin.

One of the most popular and effective novelties in this area is the Botox effect cream, which allows you to give your face a young and healthy appearance without using Botox injections. It is these products that will be discussed in this article. Do these products really work? How effective are they? Which of the products on the market are recommended by users in their reviews? A cream with the effect of Botox is a real salvation for those people who do not want to allow the aging of their skin and want to always look young and attractive.

Botox or cream?

Immediately it is worth paying attention to the fact that the cream with the effect of Botox is not the same as Botox injections. What are the differences? If you choose injections, a special substance is injected under your skin that paralyzes certain muscles, causing them to relax and wrinkles disappear from your face. However, at the same time, the face partially loses sensitivity, and the results are not always the same as we would like. Moreover, injections must be done on an ongoing basis, since wrinkles disappear only for the period of time while the drug acts under the skin. At the same time, the cost cannot be called low or affordable for everyone. Therefore, you should pay attention to the cream with the effect of Botox, as it can be a very reasonable alternative. It will not harm you in the way that injections can, but at the same time, the effect of it will not be as obvious and immediate.

In general, each person should choose independently, but you should know that in the cream the main active ingredients are peptides, not a chemical. They imitate the action of the main active component of Botox - botulinum toxin - but at the same time, peptides are natural or synthetic chains of proteins, so they will definitely not cause such harm to your body as botulinum toxin.

Cream Benefits

Botox lifting cream is becoming more and more popular every day, but before you decide to purchase it, you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. And this article will help you with this. First you need to turn to the main advantages that such a cream has. First, it has virtually no side effects, unlike Botox injections. Secondly, your face will retain all its facial expressions and remain natural, since the facial muscles will not be completely paralyzed, as is the case with injections. And thirdly, Botox injections only freeze your muscles, while the peptides in the cream have a regenerating effect, that is, it gradually restores your skin, giving it a natural youth and healthy look.

Cream Disadvantages

However, the cream also has disadvantages: as mentioned above, it does not have such an impressive instant effect as injections, it must be used daily, not once every few months, and it also costs much more than ordinary face creams. As you can see, this is not a universal tool that will save you in any situation without the slightest problem in two minutes. Botox effect face cream has both advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to you to decide whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for you.

What are peptides?

Peptides have already been mentioned several times above, which are the main active ingredients, thanks to which the anti-wrinkle cream with the Botox effect is able to restore the skin to its original youth. But what are these peptides? Most often, the composition of such creams includes two substances - argireline and matrixyl. The first of these peptides is directly responsible for smoothing wrinkles, it is he who acts like Botox, relaxing them. As a result, wrinkles disappear, but the effect is not as powerful, so the face does not "freeze" and does not turn into a kind of mask, as it happens after injections. As for the second peptide, it is responsible for lifting the bottom of the wrinkle. This means that it has a direct visual effect, making wrinkles much less deep, that is, smoothing them out as much as possible and restoring youthfulness to the skin. Naturally, other peptides may be included in the composition of creams from various manufacturers, but these two are the most popular and most often used in cosmetic preparations of this type.

Scope of application

Before you buy one of the Botox-effect wrinkle-smoothing creams, you should carefully consider which areas of your face it will affect. Don't expect to put cream on your face for a month or two and it will magically become baby-smooth. No, these creams have areas of application where they are most effective. We are talking about wrinkles in the forehead and eyes - you can smooth out the longitudinal and transverse as well as "crow's feet" in the eye area. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that, for example, the cream cannot have the proper effect on the nasolabial folds, since the wrinkles that form there under the influence of age-related changes are much deeper. Also, the cream will not affect the small networks of wrinkles over the entire surface of the face, which appear as a result of dehydration of the skin or its necrosis. Here you will need a moisturizer, not a Botox-effect product. Also, do not expect this product to get rid of bags under your eyes - in this case, healthy sleep and anti-edema products will help you.

How to use the cream?

So, you were convinced by all the arguments and yet decided to purchase a cream with the effect of Botox. But how to use it? First of all, you should understand that the cream is not a magical ointment that will once and for all save you from wrinkles. The basic course takes one month, during which you need to use the cream twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. After that, you need to switch to a maintenance regimen and use the cream two or three times a week, instead of every day, for two months. Due to the cumulative effect, when you stop using the cream after three months, your face will remain smooth for a long time. How long? It depends on your age, the activity of your facial expressions, as well as your individual characteristics. The minimum break that manufacturers guarantee you is three months, but this does not mean that it will be exactly that. Some people then do not need the cream for four or five months, and some even report that the effect lasts for half a year. After that, you will need to repeat the three-month course described above.

When to start?

Many people are interested in the question of at what age it is worth using such a cream. In fact, it all depends on your genetic characteristics. Generally speaking, it is recommended to periodically use a cream with the effect of Botox, starting already for years - as a prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. From the age of 35, this cream should become an indispensable component of anti-aging daily skin care. The cream will work effectively up to fifty years, but even if you are already sixty or more, you can use it. You just need to understand that it will be much more difficult to smooth out such age-related wrinkles, so you should not expect a magical effect. However, there is one point that deserves special attention. If you like the effect of the cream so much that you want to use it as a regular cosmetic product, then you may be in trouble. The fact is that peptides are generally harmless, but their constant use can lead to disturbances in the normal microcirculation of the skin. So always use such a cream in accordance with the instructions, its excess will not only make your skin younger than possible, but can seriously harm it.


Since we are talking about what negative effect the cream can have, it is worth considering more carefully the contraindications to its use. Naturally, compared to Botox injections, there are many times fewer of these contraindications, but they are still present, and you should be aware of what they are. So, the main contraindication has already been mentioned above - it is not recommended to use the cream on a daily basis for a long period of time (longer than one month). It is also not recommended to use this cream if your skin is prone to puffiness. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also refrain from using this drug. Always read carefully the composition of other cosmetics that you are going to use - the fact is that if one of them contains AHA acids, then the action of the peptides will be neutralized. It will not harm you, but you will not feel any positive effect, and the money paid for the cream will be given away in vain.

  • Composition features
  • Overview of funds
  • Application features and precautions

Cream with the effect of Botox: what is it

The mechanism of action of botulinum toxin is simple: it paralyzes the facial muscles - as a result, the wrinkles associated with their mobility disappear on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows. Just do not think that you will stop smiling and frowning, expressing joy or anger. Nothing like this.

Over the past few years, cosmetologists have learned to control the amount of the drug in such a way that the face remains mobile - but wrinkles no longer bother. So with the word "botox" you should not imagine the perfectly smooth, frozen doll faces that some Hollywood actresses had in the early 2000s.

On the other hand, no one is immune from the side effect of Botox injections, such as droopy eyelids. There are those who are simply afraid of injections. Therefore, a few years ago, a cosmetic solution to the problem of wrinkles appeared an alternative - cosmetics with a Botox-like effect.

The essence of the “Botox effect” is the smoothing of wrinkles as a result of relaxation of facial muscles.

Composition features

There is no point in including botulinum toxin in the cream formula:

  • on the one hand, it oxidizes very quickly in air;
  • on the other hand, this peptide cannot penetrate the skin to the muscles.

However, the "colleagues" of botulinum toxin - others that can be added to cosmetics - are able to imitate its work. Of course, not so fast, but without possible side effects.

Some other substances also turned out to be quite effective derma-relaxants.

What ingredients in the cream allow you to count on the effect of Botox?

  • Peptide argireline(acetylhexapeptide, hexapeptide) is the first "botulinum" ingredient in cosmetics that has been on the market for over 10 years.
  • Temple Viper Venom, or rather, an artificially reproduced peptide of this poison, which paralyzes muscles. The ingredient is widely used in Korean cosmetics.
  • adenosine- the main participant in cellular energy exchange. Appearing in the system, it gives a signal: “There is a lot of energy, it’s time to rest so that its supply does not run out,” hence the derma-relaxing effect.

How to choose a face cream with Botox effect

Now botulinum toxin is widely and successfully used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine - from neurology (treatment of tension headache) to urology. In dermatology, it is used to treat hyperhidrosis and acne. However, to solve these problems with the help of creams containing a botulinum toxin analogue, it will not work. In cosmetics, it is exclusively an anti-aging ingredient.

It is worth starting the use of a cream with Botox action no earlier than 25 years old - at this age, the first ones may appear on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes.

How to choose it?

  • Make sure you have ingredients that match the effect of Botox.
  • It is desirable that this effect be supported by complete care: moisturizing ingredients, collagen production stimulators. Such versatility will enhance the rejuvenating effect.

hint from Elena Eliseeva, Vichy medical expert: “The first mimic wrinkles disappear after a good rest. A true wrinkle cannot be removed by sound sleep.

Choosing a cream with the effect of Botox for the skin around the eyes

Depending on the genetic and facial features (also often hereditary), such a cream can be the first anti-aging tool in the arsenal of 25-year-olds. But if there are no visible wrinkles and no special mimic activity, it is better to focus on moisturizing and not try to influence a non-existent problem.

Overview of funds

Anti-wrinkle and firming cream for normal skin LiftActiv Supreme, Vichy

Contains a complex of anti-aging components: adenosine acts against wrinkles, caffeine tones, neohesperidin fights oxidative stress. 3D-correction technology gives an instant visual effect. The product is saturated with thermal water, suitable even for sensitive skin.


Olga :“I recently purchased a set from the LiftActiv series (day, night, for the eyes), it turned out that I did not spend money in vain. The tone is visibly evened out, and the skin has become hydrated and toned. The cream has a delicate aroma, pleasant texture, there is no feeling of greasy, sticky.

Julia:“The cream really works. And almost instantly. I do not know how this is achieved, I am a simple user (not an expert). Throughout the day, the skin looks fresh and toned, visible wrinkles seem to be smoothed out, while the cream is absorbed and does not feel on the skin at all, that is, it is very comfortable, there is no feeling of a film. It is without any pearlescent particles, due to which a visual effect is achieved. No - it literally transforms, the skin glows and looks not only refreshed, but actually young.

Leila:“I am a mother on maternity leave, and fatigue, dull complexion, wrinkles, as they say, are evident. The cream is recommended to be used from the age of 35, but I took a chance and did not regret it. My “proud” wrinkle has been smoothed out, there are fewer wrinkles under the eyes, the skin is radiant, I even noticed a narrowing of the pores, the skin is velvety.

Concentrated anti-aging care with retinol Redermic [R], La Roche-Posay

The main anti-aging component of the product, retinol is presented in free form and in combination with linoleic acid (omega-6) for gradual release and accumulation in the skin. It also contains adenosine. The tool allows you to achieve a noticeable rejuvenating effect and smoothes quite pronounced wrinkles.


Kseniya:“Very satisfied with the cream. Bought for the first time and did not regret it. The cream has a rather mild effect, does not cause irritation, if used moderately and listen to the reaction of the skin. Although it is believed that retinol-containing preparations should be used for at least three months, I see results after a month of use. The skin is even, mimic wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out. Also, retinol works well for rashes. Only once there was a slight irritation, but it was my fault - I put it too close to the eyes on the orbital zone. Irritation was removed with Cicaplast balm in 2 days. I use with pleasure. Consumption is very moderate. I recommend. However, remember that when using any retinol, sun protection is necessary at any time of the year. Even in winter."

Lina:“I ordered my mother, she was very pleased, they have already ordered a second tube. Considering that my mother is 65 years old, the effect is very noticeable - the skin has become fresher, looks more elastic, fine wrinkles really become less noticeable.

Visionnaire Multi-Active Anti-Aging Face Cream, SPF 20, Lancôme

A jasmonic acid derivative (the famous molecule LR2412) works in conjunction with adenosine. Within a month, the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out. Delicate aroma and light texture make the use of the cream a real pleasure.

Using a cream with a Botox effect, manufacturers offer to get rid of wrinkles on the face, visually improve the surface of the hands, this rejuvenation product can be bought at a store, pharmacy or beauty salon. This would be an ideal option, as the product will provide a feeling of lifting and the elimination of hypertonicity. may remain in second place, since it is more convenient to use their painless and cheaper counterpart, but less effective.

Every woman can use a product similar in action to botulinum toxin, for the face - when getting rid of wrinkles and for rejuvenating hands. To eliminate the presence of age-related manifestations and prevent premature aging, a hand remedy, such as a cream with the effect of Botox, can be used.

Composition and principle of action

Manufacturers have incorporated botulinum-like substances into the structure of the drug, which, although slowly, give a positive result. For the face, it will be a more gentle method to use a cream with high-quality Botox, there will be no painful injections, but the downside is that it will not be able to penetrate deep into the epidermis.

The composition is characterized by the fact that manufacturers do not add natural botulinum toxin to it, knowing that it is a poison and will adversely affect the surface of the integument, for example, hands. The poison is able to be absorbed and have a toxic effect on the body. Subsequently, after test samples, the manufacturers decided to develop a product that would have a less toxic effect.

Patented products, from a subspecies of peptides - this is argilerine, can displace protein from tissues and block muscle movement.

The essence of the drug:

  • stimulating the production of your own collagen, in addition to argilerine, there is also matrixyl and octamiosil. It is on the basis of such components that a product is created that is intended for facial skin, smoothing wrinkles;
  • increase in the elasticity of the integument;
  • improvement of elasticity;
  • metabolic stabilization.

Long-term use can significantly improve the aging condition of the integument, making it possible to slow down the withering process. Masks offered in beauty parlors, in combination with hyaluronic acid, are also able to complement home care and maintain the result of lifting.

Age-related changes on the face can be slowed down using a cream with a Botox effect, while the result will not be visible immediately, but will last for a long time with regular use. For the face and the elimination of wrinkles, for the hands and décolleté, you can apply it, and after a month or a half, changes will be visible.

How it works

If we compare the use of anti-wrinkle injections, when a microdose of botulism toxin A is injected subcutaneously, the result begins to appear already on the second or third day. If a person is not ready for injections, smoothing wrinkles in the face and hands can be achieved without painful injections, creams with the Botox effect will be relevant. The disadvantage of injections is that punctures will need to be done with a regularity of 6 to 12 months, which (in rare cases) can adversely affect the general condition of the body.

Cosmetic products with the similarity of botulinum toxin differ from injections in the mechanism of action, therefore, the time to achieve the result is significantly increased. It will be possible to improve the complexion, and smoothing the skin of the hands will become a reality at the age of 25 years. The principle of action is a neurochemical reaction. The impulse that comes from the brain makes it possible for the muscles to contract, and as a result, the girl gets facial wrinkles.

To prevent this process, a cream with the Botox effect was created, which is based on blocking the activity of nerve endings, that is, their relaxation. It was the peptides in this case that were able to displace proteins and start the process of stimulating their own collagen substance. As part of such products, natural botulinum toxin is not used, since it harms the surface of the skin, peptides that are more effective are better suited.


To protect yourself from side effects, you should use products with peptides for your face that will prevent aging and skin fading. The age group for the use of such cosmetic products is from 20 to 25 years and older, the result will be more noticeable on women of a younger category. The tool is able to remove fine wrinkles, but cannot penetrate deep into the epidermis layer.

The main effect that Botox creams have is:

  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • prolongation of skin youth.
Despite the safety of the method, it also has contraindications:
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Tendency to edema;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Where to apply and how to use

It is important to know which areas will be treated with a Botox effect cream, most often it is the forehead and eyes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands. The tool perfectly reduces both longitudinal and transverse facial wrinkles, it will remove crow's feet under the eyes. But this product is not recommended for use in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, as they occur due to age-related changes from sagging skin. Also, the appearance of small nets on the surface of the skin is the result of cell necrosis, in which they are removed by exfoliation and nourishing masks. The use of such a drug on the lower third of the face can aggravate cosmetic defects on the skin.

Before applying a cream with high-quality Botox, it is better to make a gentle cleansing mask at home. Cream with the effect of Botox is required to be applied in courses, since initially it must be applied every day for a long time during the first month. Then less often, several times a week will be enough to maintain the lifting effect.

For the next two months, it will be possible to apply funds in the morning and at bedtime, but the result appears as a result of the accumulation of the drug inside. You should take breaks, but after applying the cosmetic product and canceling it, the effect will last for two months exactly. After four or five months, you can repeat the course to tighten the skin again, remove the signs of wilting. Application localization is the upper part of the face, the eye area. It is important not to forget that continuous use is not recommended, as microcirculation will be disturbed.

What age

Young girls are not recommended to spontaneously use such products, since the production of their own rejuvenation elements can drastically slow down, like collagen and elastin. The only indications for the use of such funds at a young age may be the prevention of facial wrinkles near the eyes, on the forehead, around the bridge of the nose. The greatest efficiency is achieved in the period after 35–40 years, when the effect is most active. In some cases, according to the doctor's recommendations, you can use cosmetics with peptides in combination with collagen injections so that the result is longer. In general, Botox cream will be the best safe way to create a lifting effect - tightening, which will make a woman visually younger.

Side effects

If a patient thinks that when using botulinum toxin products, he will definitely become infected with botulism, he is mistaken.

However, sometimes overdoing rejuvenation sessions can cause complications. A woman likes that after a session of beauty injections she becomes ten years younger, looks more attractive than her peers, the surface of her hands is much smoother. Flabby skin will become more toned if you follow all the recommendations of a cosmetologist. But the harmful effects of such injections are much worse than the use of a product like botulinum toxin.

Is it possible to prolong the youthfulness of the skin? How to get rid of wrinkles or prevent their appearance? Almost every woman begins to look for answers to these questions at a certain age.

Get rid of wrinkles really. Cosmetology offers several ways to solve the problem. You can do a facelift, but this is an operation and not every woman agrees to voluntarily go under the knife. There are injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid - effective, but very unpleasant procedures.

Is there a painless and safe alternative? Yes, it appeared not too long ago. This is a Botox cream.

We express our emotions through facial expressions. Joy, anger, disappointment - all these feelings can be read on the face. Mimic muscles are constantly working and wrinkles begin to appear over time.

Botox, more precisely, the botulinum toxin contained in it, blocks the work of these muscles, causing them to become paralyzed. As a result, they relax and wrinkles are smoothed out. This is how Botox injections work.

Botox cream, as such, does not exist. This is impossible in principle: botulinum toxin is destroyed by oxygen.

But there are creams with the effect of Botox, which act similarly to injections. The difference is that peptides are used to immobilize facial muscles. These are organic substances synthesized from amino acids and have muscle relaxation properties. They are part of any Botox cream.

Peptides do not cause complete muscle paralysis, but they act in a similar way, blocking the passage of nerve impulses that cause them to contract. It is thanks to this property of the peptides that the mimic muscles remain relaxed, and the wrinkles on the face are smoothed out.

When to expect the result?

After injections, it begins to appear after a few days. When using Botox cream, you should not expect such a quick effect.

A stable result from its impact is noticeable on the face after at least one, or even a month and a half of regular use.

This is because most external cosmetics are not able to penetrate deep under the skin. This is one of the main problems in cosmetology.

In order for the effect of Botox to occur, the peptides must penetrate the muscle tissue and already there exert their blocking effect. Part of the active substances are absorbed by the lymphatic system before reaching the destination, which is why it takes so much time to saturate the muscle tissue with peptides.

Botox cream or injection - which is better?

The use of Botox cream and injection with botulinum toxin are completely different ways to achieve what you want. Their goal is to fight mimic wrinkles.

Botox cream has the following advantages to achieve the desired result:

  1. Consists of substances completely harmless to the body. And botulinum toxin, which is part of Botox, is still a poison, and a very strong one.
  2. Many people have a fear of injections, and the cream is applied easily and painlessly.
  3. The composition of the product, in addition to peptides, includes various nutrients and moisturizing substances. They provide additional skin care.
  4. More natural result. The mimic muscles of the face are not paralyzed, it will not look "stone".
  5. It can be used for those areas of the face where Botox injections are highly discouraged - this is the entire lower part of the face. The cream can be applied on any part of the skin: both under the eyes and around the mouth.

Cons of using cream

Despite the fact that the cream with the effect of Botox and injections with botulinum toxin work on a similar principle (blocking the work of facial muscles), the result of their action is noticeably different. In the cream, it is less pronounced, with its help it will not be possible to smooth out deep wrinkles. It will not get rid of age-related skin changes and swelling.

Therefore, Botox cream is more suitable for women 30–35 years old, in whom wrinkles are just beginning to appear. After fifty, it can be used to smooth out shallow facial wrinkles and prolong the result after Botox injections.

Its other disadvantages include:

  • long wait for the result;
  • high price;
  • the need for regular use throughout the course.


Not everyone and not always can use any remedy with a Botox effect. You should not use it:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if blood clotting is impaired;
  • there is a tendency to edema.

It is not recommended to use Botox cream for more than three months without a break. With longer use, lymph drainage may slow down, which will impair cell self-regulation, leading to the appearance of puffiness of the face.

Cosmetic products containing hydroxyl acids (fruit, glycolic, etc.) should not be used simultaneously with Botox cream, as they neutralize each other. As a rule, these acids are included in the composition of chemical skin peels.

How to use?

In order for the result of this magical remedy to be fully manifested, you need to know how to use it. The main rule is to apply it regularly, without interruption, for one or one and a half months twice a day, but not more often.

Then, the tool can be used to maintain the results. To do this, it is applied to the skin 2-3 times a week for another one and a half or two months.

The total exposure period (active application and maintenance regimen) should not exceed 3 months.

After such a course, the effect of Botox cream lasts for several months (usually this period is six months). The duration depends on individual characteristics: age, mimic activity and other factors. The course can be repeated after a break, allowing the skin to rest for at least three months.

Before applying the product, the surface of the face is cleaned. To do this, carry out a light peeling of the skin with the help of scrubs containing abrasive particles. You can do an ultrasonic cleaning procedure in the cabin.

It will be useful before applying Botox cream and a steam bath. It expands the pores, allowing peptides to penetrate faster and deeper under the skin.

Popular creams with Botox effect and their characteristics

Anti-aging products are in demand, so many well-known manufacturers of cosmetics (both foreign and domestic) produce creams with the Botox effect. They can be purchased at a pharmacy, specialty store or ordered online.

When choosing funds, be careful and give preference to trusted brands.

There are plenty of creams with the effect of Botox. Consider the most popular of them.

Cream Bioven (BioVen)

This is a Botox effect from the well-known American manufacturer BioLogic Solutions. This company specializes in anti-aging cosmetics. The composition of the cream includes:

  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • retinoids;
  • peptides of animal and vegetable origin;
  • antioxidants.

The Botox effect is caused by the processed venom of the Malayan snake, which is part of the cream. The active substances of the product are aimed at restoring skin cells, improving blood circulation and lifting. Regular use provides a rejuvenating effect.


The product is a whole complex of substances intended for facial skin care after 35 years. It is produced by the Belarusian company Belita-Viteks. The set includes: serum, mask, day and night cream.

The Belarusian BOTOX cream has a deep effect on mimic wrinkles and smoothes the skin well, thanks to the peptides included in its composition. After its application, the surface of the face becomes soft and velvety.

Botu Like

Botu-Like serum from the French company Ericson Laboratoire is another Botox-effect product. Peptides of plant origin, which are part of it, block muscle fibers and smooth mimic wrinkles.

The tool belongs to professional cosmetics. After using it, the skin becomes radiant, toned and velvety.

Lifting cream KORA

KORA is a well-known domestic manufacturer of cosmetics. The company has also developed an anti-aging series. KORA cream with Botox effect is one of the products included in it. It is a local muscle relaxant. Unlike foreign brands, KORA offers cosmetics at quite affordable prices.

Before buying, always study the composition of the cosmetic product.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to pass off cosmetics with hyaluronic acid as a cream with a Botox effect, which must necessarily include peptides of plant or animal origin.

Both of these substances are used to get rid of wrinkles. But their principle of action is completely different: peptides immobilize muscles, and hyaluronic acid maintains a moisture balance in the skin.

Any of these remedies will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. And the choice of a particular product should depend on the desired result and the recommendations of your beautician.

Useful video: how does Botox effect cream work?

I like!

A revolutionary novelty from the French brand L`Occitane is the Divine Harmony cream and serum, which in tandem are designed to fight the signs of skin aging. Both products are based on two unique anti-aging components: red algae Jania Rubens and Immortelle (immortelle). The visible result is noticeable immediately after use: the product tightens the contours of the face and gives volume to its soft tissues. You need to apply as usual: first the serum, and then the cream on top of it.

Price: about 30,000 rubles. for both funds

L. Raphael Perfection Serum

A Swiss miracle remedy that will delay the need to go to the beautician for "beauty injections". This concentrated serum with an exceptional firming effect is specially designed to improve skin firmness and elasticity, reshaping the facial contour. So you will feel an increase in elasticity immediately after application - it works!


Price: about 6000 rubles.

Payot Lift Intense Cream

This cream is quite thick in texture, yet it is perfectly absorbed by the skin and nourishes it. But this is not the main thing! In addition to nutrition, Lift Intense visibly tightens the skin, tones it and strengthens the tissues. How does this happen? The cream contains the unique Acti-lift complex, which acts on the deep layers of the skin, and, of course, our favorite hyaluronic acid - without it, anti-aging care is already hard to imagine.

Price: about 4500 rubles.

Kiehl`s Super Multi Corrective Cream

Another hit that should be on your dressing table if you want to fight wrinkles effectively. The cream contains beech extract and jasmonic acid, which help to activate cell regeneration processes, which means to make the skin more toned. In addition, this tool also perfectly moisturizes - you will feel it throughout the day.

Price: about 4700 rubles.

Cream Radiance in a Flash by Guerlain

An excellent cream with an instant effect, it is recommended to use it at a time when the skin needs to be toned instantly. And you really feel it! An indispensable feature before important events is an express lifting. We also really liked the texture - gel, easily absorbed and not greasy at all. No shine on the forehead and on the nose!

Price: about 2000 rubles.

Redermic R Complex by La Roche Posay

The novelty La Roche Posay already promises to become a bestseller. It is an intensive wrinkle corrector that also functions as an excellent make-up base. The product has a light fluid texture, so applying it is a pleasure. But the most important thing is the result. The tool smoothes wrinkles, improves elasticity, and also fights pigmentation. Find!

Price: about 2000 rubles.

Vichy Lift Activ Cream

This cream with thermal water in its composition promises both instant results (it's all about 3-D optical correction that instantly smoothes the microrelief), and at the same time, gradual care day after day, leading to increased skin firmness and elasticity. In short, if you need to look fresh here and now, this cream is for you. If you are looking for quality permanent care, this cream is for you too.

Price: about 1700 rubles.

Cream Ginger Royal by Erborian

Cool Korean cream contains ginseng root extract, which is famous for its anti-aging properties. This cream with a high concentration of active ingredients is a real “youth bath” for the skin. The product has a very pleasant texture and aroma, but most importantly, it regenerates, strengthens and tones the skin, making it younger from the inside.

Price: about 7500 rubles.

Crème Beauté du Temps by Sampar

If you are looking for a cream that works wonders, then you have found it. Its action is based on a mix of a high-tech anti-age complex and “good old” natural extracts: walnut, shea butter and jojoba. The skin is visibly tightened and becomes denser as a result of regular use, and this is what we need!

Price: about 2700 rubles.

Swisscode Genistein Serum

Another serum that can tighten the skin instantly. The tool from the Swiss brand Swisscode really provides an express effect: you apply it on cleansed skin and literally in 5 minutes you feel a lifting effect. As a permanent care - probably it makes no sense, but for an important outing - just a brilliant tool!

Price: about 5000 rubles.