Personal experience: how I radically changed my style of clothing. How to change your image and style: Italian stylists advise

In the life of each of us there are stages when you want to completely change your image, create a completely new image and finally find your own style. This is due to different things: with a change of job, entering an institute, moving to a new place of residence, with the appearance of a child or, on the contrary, exiting a decree, with a change in figure, or when there is a desire to radically change something in your life.

In this case, first of all, the question arises - which new style to choose and what suits you best.

I asked our Italian stylists to tell us more about how you can radically change your style.

How quickly can you change your style?

First of all, you need to give up the idea that a fairy godmother may appear who will tell you exactly what style suits you, wave a magic wand and instantly transform you. All TV programs on the topic of how people change their style in one day are just a show, because the style of clothing cannot change immediately. It takes time for you to find the right look, get used to certain things and make you feel confident in them.

Moreover, time is needed not only for you, but also for your loved ones and work colleagues, because for them it will also be a big change (remember the conflicting emotions on the faces of friends and relatives in TV programs about the transformation of people like “Take it off immediately”).

People around you are used to seeing you as one person, and suddenly one day you become completely different. People perceive innovations differently and there will certainly be a flurry of criticism and misunderstanding. If you yourself are not used to the new style yet, then the criticism of colleagues and friends will strengthen your doubts about the new image and you will return to the old things.

However, if small changes begin in you day after day, then others will see that something is changing, but it will not be sharply evident to them.

The style change process can take anywhere from a month to a year, depending on how quickly you get used to the new thing.

Does the image maker and stylist know what style suits you?

Many Russian stylists and image makers offer to radically transform a person and make him completely different. Most Italian stylists are against specifying which style a person should choose and do not consider it right to radically change the appearance of a person during one or two days of working with him in the shopping process.

A stylist cannot know exactly what style suits a person, simply because he does not know what the worldview of this person is, how he lives, what inspires him at the present time. A person must first of all be harmonious. And harmony can be achieved only when the inner and outer appearance of a person are connected.

However, the stylist-image maker knows well how to implement a certain style: what is best suited in terms of colors, shapes, what will emphasize the figure and highlight the face of a person, and accessories, what rules of harmony exist. Also, the stylist knows in what situations what clothes are appropriate to wear, what is fashionable and what is not.

How to find your style?

Finding your style can be divided into two stages:

Stage 1: analysis and search for style

Analysis of the type of your appearance

At this stage, you need to analyze your type of appearance and determine which colors and silhouettes of clothes will suit you and which will not. This can be done with knowledge of and, body types and color combinations, or by consulting a stylist / image maker.

You can also choose a famous artist, actor or media personality that is close to you:

    by age

  • by gender
  • by physique (same parameters, height as you)
  • according to the color type of the face (the same complexion, eyes and hair as you)

This person will be a source of inspiration for you.

Behind every famous person there is a whole team of stylists and image makers who have already analyzed well the type of appearance of this person and selected the best colors and silhouettes of clothes.

Learn what colors, what forms of clothing this famous person wears and use as inspiration for yourself.

Style search - experiment

It is very difficult to find a new style also because you are used to seeing yourself in one image and absolutely cannot imagine yourself in another. To do this, we suggest that you do experiment.

  1. Choose any day when you have free time and there are almost no customers in the stores (usually during the daytime on weekdays).
  2. Choose a large store where clothes, shoes, accessories are presented in large quantities (price and quality do not matter, what matters is the variety of assortment).
  3. Come to the store and pick up 3-4 complete sets of clothes (necessarily shoes, all accessories, top and bottom). The most important thing here is to choose only such clothes that you do NOT wear in everyday life, which you would never pay attention to, which you do not have in your wardrobe.
  4. Try on all the assembled sets in the fitting room of the store (always with shoes) and take a picture of yourself in the mirror on your mobile phone. During the fitting, you do not need to be too critical of yourself, you are not buying anything, this is just an experiment
  5. Leave the store and don't buy any of the items you tried on.
  6. At home, look through all the photos and maybe some of this will inspire you and give you ideas for a new style.
  7. Repeat the experiment one or two more times and determine what your style should be (maybe 80% classic, 10% romantic and 10% trendy). Remember that there are no bad or good styles. There are styles that inspire you and don't inspire you.

Stage 2: trying on the style and getting used to it

Once you have determined the style that you like and that suits you, start getting used to the new style. Choose one of the new style pieces that inspire you.

For example, you usually wore jeans and T-shirts, but decided to create a feminine-classic style for yourself. Take a jacket (as a classic style item that inspires you) and try to wear it for a while with your usual things in your free time (out of work) - jeans + t-shirt + jacket.

Once you start to feel comfortable and confident in the jacket, add another item from the new look until the style changes completely.

But, if your closet is full of black-white-blue-gray colors, then sooner or later you come to the conclusion that it's time to add color and dilute the classics with something new. Are you ready to try to make yourself a little brighter, and the image more cheerful?

Most of us want to look at minimal cost so that everyone turns their heads? After all, we women always dress for two: ourselves and other women (they are the most severe critics).

So, we are changing. To save money, you must first spend a little time putting yours in order.

Where to begin?
Where to start looking for style? The most important thing in this matter is to look inside yourself. After all, your clothes are a reflection of your taste, lifestyle, preferences. Think about this. Any more or less purposeful person always improves himself: he reads books, attends seminars and exhibitions, i.e. develops. Finding your image is also part of our development. Look at your photos from the past and your present self. See the difference? The harsh truth of life is that a person aimed at success must both have something in his head and be able to present himself. Too bad they don't teach us this in school.

I suggest taking the path of least resistance. Therefore, sit on the Internet, look through magazines. Collect information about different styles and trends. Pay attention to makeup, accessories, everything. Make a list of what you liked.

Next, examine yourself and your body. If you like maxi skirts but your body type doesn't allow you to wear them, then it might be worth looking into an alternative. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the concepts: like and go. Many, breaking away from reality, confuse these concepts.

In addition, clothes should not create an imbalance with your inner self. For example, you naturally have facial features that do not suggest a romantic style, so even if the dress “sits” on you, there will still be something wrong.

Once you decide what you want, go to the store and try it on. Don't focus on price for now. Try on clothes of different brands: from cheap to expensive; different styles and colors. Only in this way can you understand what suits you and what does not. Try on different clothes - from swimsuits to raincoats. In general, look for yourself ...

Swipe and get rid of clothes that don't fit well or don't match your look. Give to the Red Cross or the poor. The clutter of the closet does not make it possible to save either time or space. Leave only what suits the new image.

You don't have to stick to one style at all. Your wardrobe can be as varied as you want it to be. In one book, I read the following very useful thought: "Each item in your closet should be not just a thing, but an outfit, and the most beloved."

Components of a successful image
1. Clothing should fit well. When choosing clothes, it is important to consider not only your build, but even the type of face.
2. Good colors.
3. Ability to mix styles.
4. Be honest with yourself.

Tips from designers

Tommy Hilfiger. The designer believes that every person's wardrobe should have one pair of excellent quality jeans that fit very well. In addition, he is for reasonable minimalism, believing that there should not be too much: jewelry, details, makeup, skin, etc. In general, all his collections are distinguished by comfort and quality.

Karl Lagerfeld. This one always creates collections that combine classic, innovation and elegance. Here are his tips:
- Tip 1. Always-always-always buy only what fits your figure well. (This is just the ability to understand the difference between "like" and "go").
- Tip 2. In the wardrobe should always be: a simple T-shirt, jeans and a jacket.
- Tip 3. Do not abuse makeup. If your skin allows, wear make-up as little as possible.
- Tip 4. Don't avoid color.

Nina Garcia. I don't know how familiar you are with this name. But this is a man who tries to teach women how to dress. She recently published a new book where she gives advice on how to look in different situations. Here are some tips from her:
- Imagination is the most important tool in creating an image. It is rightly said that in order for something to work out, you need to imagine it. So, imagine that you are a stylist or creative director of a magazine. You need to create some successful images. Sort out your wardrobe and throw out what doesn’t fit well, or has already lost its “marketable” appearance. Leave only what you look especially good in.
- Find a dressmaker. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it, but if you still have such an opportunity, include it in the mandatory list of specialists who should always be in your telephone directory.
- Basic items must be of high quality. Let me remind you what it is: a little black dress, jeans, a white shirt, a cardigan, a trench coat, a pair of shoes, a bag, a watch.
- Learn to combine things. So, classic things sometimes look good with things in a casual style, and flying fabrics look good with dense ones. Experiment.
- Don't underestimate the power of accessories. You should always have a pair of quality accessories with you.
Shoes are everything. There is an opinion that accessories say much more about us than clothes.
- Fashion is expensive, but style is not. Do not assume that in order to look stylish and neat, you have to spend huge amounts of money. No.

How often can you hear from women a phrase that has already become humorous "nowhere to hang, nothing to wear." Alas, almost every one of us has experienced this. Well, what can we do with us women, we keep old uninteresting things for years, and at sales we buy everything in a row, and then this “everything in a row” hangs like a dead weight in the closet, taking up valuable space. As a result, the closet does not close, but when you look in there, you want to cry from the wretchedness of its contents.

Isn't it time for you to shake up the insides of your "clothes friend", throw away everything superfluous and fill the shelves and hangers with new stylish outfits? We bring to your attention 10 signs that the wardrobe needs a cardinal cleaning. If most of the points turn out to be about you, then it's time to act.

1. You have nothing to wear

Let's start with perhaps the most serious problem that requires an immediate solution: you have nothing to wear. Even if you have 50 dresses and 30 pairs of jeans, every morning becomes terrible for you, because when you open the closet you don’t find things on the hangers and shelves that are worthy of becoming your today’s Look. Marvelous! One woman may have 2-3 pairs of trousers, 3 skirts and 4 blouses or tops, but she will always look stylish, while another woman’s wardrobe is replete with a huge number of motley things, but there is nothing to wear. If you belong to the latter category, change your wardrobe immediately! Too much doesn't mean good!

2. You haven't bought things for a long time.

Even if you are a classic and spend a lot of money every few years to buy quality branded items, your wardrobe today may look dull and out of date. If you want to be in trend, be sure to buy at least 1-2 relevant items once a season that can refresh your wardrobe and show everyone that you are up to date with fashion trends and your clothes are not conservative, but really stylish.

3. You don't have high heels in your wardrobe...

Kill me, but I can’t understand why many women still believe that high-heeled shoes are made for anyone, but not for them! Why not put on a pair of stylish pumps with stiletto heels for the occasion? Do women still believe that in shoes with heels, the legs get very tired and this will certainly lead to varicose veins? No no and one more time no! No one forces you to choose “stripers with 15 cm heels (by the way, they are by no means in fashion). But allow yourself elegant high-quality pumps with a heel that is comfortable for you, even if it is low, buy fashionable and feminine boots and finally throw away your beloved ugg boots or leave them for walking with a child, trips out of town and winter hikes.

4. … but only flat shoes

And here is the other extreme ... If you have shoes exclusively with heels, then what kind of stylish and modern wardrobe can we talk about? Imagine that you were invited on an excursion, on nature, on a hike ... Let me guess what you decide to put on shoes? Sneakers! After all, this is the only flat shoe in your wardrobe. Although stylists have told the world so many times that sneakers were created exclusively for sports, our girls stubbornly and persistently wear them both to the feast and to the world. Sneakers, moccasins, sleepers, have you heard? It's time to take a look at them!

5. You think that jewelry should only be made of precious metals

If your jewelry box contains only red gold items, and you consider jewelry to be cheap and the lot of those who cannot afford real noble metal, you are forced to disappoint. Women who want to be stylish and follow fashion are very fond of high-quality jewelry. Sometimes a spectacular fashionable necklace or bracelet can cost and look much more expensive than 3 gold chains around your neck with pendants in the form of a zodiac sign, a cross and a key to your heart. Do you think such an investment is unreasonable? Maybe, but style is generally a strange thing.

6. You don't like accessories.

Scarves, shawls, neckerchiefs, belts, gloves... Isn't it all about you? You have already once bought yourself warm winter gloves and a comfortable belt that fits everything, you also have a scarf. Warm scarf, I must say! What about neckerchiefs? Well, where do you wear them and how to tie them? Do you recognize yourself? Update your accessories now! Few outfits will play without these stylish and cute little things, and you can learn how to use them to the maximum effect from fashion magazines and fashion websites.

7. You only have one favorite bag

It is not a crime to have a favorite bag, but at a social event, a business meeting and a walk with a dog, appearing with the same, even a very expensive and branded bag, is a fashionable failure. So, you should have a business bag, a clutch bag, a casual bag and a sports bag in your wardrobe. Not so much, agree?

8. For your wardrobe you need to gain/lose weight

You should not be ashamed of the fact that your wardrobe still hangs outfits for which you need to lose weight or get better. And they have been hanging there for several years. Every time you review your wardrobe, you longingly take off the “waiting in the wings” outfits from your hangers, put them on you, sigh meaningfully and hang them back in the closet. I will tell you a secret, almost every woman has such outfits. But should you wait until they fit you? Wouldn't it be better to make room for things that suit you? Moreover, there is a high probability that when the outfits are just right for you, they will be irrelevant. Any thing that hangs with you for more than a year without work should be removed from sight!

9. You have damaged things

We all have our once favorite things, alas, the service life of which has already expired. Irremovable stains, irreparable fabric defects, wear and tear - all this is a reason to say goodbye to even the most beautiful and stylish outfits. Style and sloppiness don't go together.

10. In your wardrobe - things not by age and status

Yesterday you were a schoolgirl / student / trainee / mother on maternity leave ... (underline as necessary). But today you have morally grown out of your favorite outfits. No matter how dear to the heart of dresses and jeans from the past, they will not work for you today. But you can find many other interesting things that will suit your status! Go shopping!


So you want your favorite shade of lipstick to stay on your lips and please with its brightness for as long as possible! And how annoying it is to find out every time after eating or drinking worn out spots and a smeared texture. You can increase the lifespan of lipstick and make it super resistant in just 7 steps. So, here is a simple scheme to keep lipstick on the lips all day long.


To begin with, we moisturize and nourish the lips to make them as even and smooth as possible. On such skin, the shade will lie better. You can use hygienic lipstick or colorless lip balm. It is enough to apply the product for 15-20 minutes, and then remove the excess with a napkin, and you can start makeup.

The basis

Paint your lips after applying the tone as a last resort. Your regular foundation can be used as a base for lips, but it should be very small. Literally one small drop gently apply with your finger on the skin of the lips, and remove the excess with a napkin.


It is important to have a pencil of a suitable shade complete with lipstick. They can easily create the perfect contour. And to make the lipstick last longer, carefully paint over the entire surface of the lips with a pencil. This technique will create the background necessary for the durability of lipstick.


Now you need to fix the base layer. Loose powder is perfect for this purpose. It is better to take mineral - it has no shade and has a silky texture.


Now you can apply lipstick. Slowly and gently spread the product, not missing a corner or a crease. For quick and high-quality application, use a special lipstick brush.


Lipstick also needs to be fixed. Powder your lips again, barely touching a layer of lipstick. To preserve the juiciness of the shade, do this through a thin paper towel, and for a matte effect, powder the lips directly on top of the coating.


In order to achieve maximum color fastness, repeat the pencil-powder-lipstick-powder sequence 1-2 more times.

Ready! Enjoy color and a flawless look without constant touch-ups.

5 Stylish Ways to Wear a Sweater When It's Spring But It's Still Cold

We have already said more than once that it is still too early to put warm clothes on distant shelves. Because the warm, at first glance, the sun is not yet a guarantee of truly warm days. And the off-season is rich in unpredictability. So, the sweater should still remain in your favorites until at least the end of March. And with what to wear this universal little thing, in order to surprise with unusual images and look modern (and not like a granny), we will now tell.

With plaid trousers

Plaid trousers are a hot hit of the outgoing winter. And so fond of that in the spring is not going to give up its positions. So this stylish chance can not be missed.

With a leather pencil skirt

A leather skirt is always sexy. And the leather pencil skirt is doubly sexy. In addition, it is also universal - in this form you can not only go for a walk or meeting with friends, but also to work - the length and style allow.

With leather pants

Leather trousers in a duet with a sweater look no less attractive and bold. Especially with a short sheepskin coat or an insulated leather jacket. The image will turn out so self-sufficient that it does not require additional accessories. Of course, not for the office, but is it only in it that our whole life consists?

With mom jeans

If you are not in the mood for such an extravagant wave, call on your favorite jeans to help. We hope you have this mom model with a high waist. Indeed, in addition to being fashionable and stylish, they are also incredibly comfortable.

With cargo pants

And here is the bombing novelty of spring - cargo pants. Just the case when brutality plays into the hands of femininity. We strongly recommend to acquire such a universal little thing.

Of course, if you want to be the most fashionable in the spring streets.

I know very few girls who like to have a huge wardrobe. As a rule, regardless of the level of income, my Clients and acquaintances prefer to have not the most huge, but functional set of things.

A wardrobe that consists solely of items that they like, go for and actually wear.

The larger the wardrobe, the more difficult it is to manage. The more it costs. And it doesn't always pay off.

Of course, if you wish and have the opportunity, you can simply collect beautiful things. But this is a rare story. Still, most of us do not want to put things in wardrobes, but wear them, making up different sets with them.

I don't like bloated wardrobes either, I always have a minimum set of things, on the basis of which I can quickly create maximum combinations. This is called capsularity. When everything fits together.

And this is not science fiction, but real reality :-)

Let's figure out together how to turn your things and accessories into the perfect wardrobe designer!

How to create a versatile capsule wardrobe?

All universal wardrobes are created according to the same principle:


The basis of a modern basic wardrobe is modern basic things, sorry for the tautology, but you can’t say it any other way :-)

This photo shows a modern base.

And here - an outdated base, do not expect a miracle with such a wardrobe. The story that if you have perfect jeans, a blue pantsuit in your wardrobe, arm yourself with a little black dress and a V-neck jumper, in the 21st century is more like the Myths of Ancient Greece.

Components of a modern capsule wardrobe

Here are 4 pillars on which the modern base is being built:





Anything basic goes with anything basic! This is how a capsule is obtained, in which there are few things and many kits.


In addition to the simplicity of the cut, we need to make sure that everything matches in color.

Choose 1 temperature or 1 saturation for the entire wardrobe. So you will definitely be sure that absolutely all things are combined with each other.

In fact, there are a lot of options for color combinations, this is what I teach in my online school.

And, I remind you, the modern basic wardrobe is colored! Not black, not gray and not blue, namely colored :-)


A bright basic bag, stylish shoes, simple earrings, watches, basic chains and bracelets. Neutrality and simplicity are needed in order to easily combine things in a total look.

Simply put, the less "bells and whistles" in the design of a thing, the more versatile it is. These are the things that most of us actively wear every day. It is logical to invest most of the budget in what comes in handy more often. And not in the "frills" that we wear on the strength of once a year.

Here is my mini set


And now I'm showing you not a complete, but a mini-capsule to lay the logic. The list of things in each wardrobe is selected individually, depending on personal needs, relevance, lifestyle, dress code. Someone to the playground, someone to the office, someone lives in a cold climate, someone in a hot one, someone wears skirts, and someone does not, and so on.
Adjust the general principle for yourself, removing and adding things at your discretion:

▪️trousers or jeans
▪️skirt or shorts
▪️ cardigan or jacket
▪️t-shirt or top
▪️any basic shoes
▪️any basic bag

Imagine that you have 5 things (not counting the bag and shoes, which we will just add to everything), you get 6 sets and 4 more for them for creative girls :-)

1. T-shirt + jeans
2. T-shirt + jeans + cardigan
3. Dress
4. Dress + cardigan
5. T-shirt + skirt
6. T-shirt + skirt + cardigan
7-10 POSSIBLE: dress+skirt, dress+skirt+cardigan, dress+jeans, dress+jeans+cardigan

So girls! Good taste is not only beautiful things, but above all brains :-)
Someone first buys, and then painfully thinks. And someone first invents, and then buys and wears.

Is this a problem? Of course not! After all, you can learn how to combine colors and shades, choose things according to your figure, create a basic wardrobe that suits you and wear everyday things in style, you can INDIVIDUALLY learn in my online school on the Basic course from anywhere in the world at a convenient time :)