Dangerous symptoms during pregnancy: when to go to the doctor. What happens to the female reproductive system during pregnancy. Why is it impossible to menstruation during pregnancy

If you heard similar stories, you could have the impression that menstruation during pregnancy - The usual thing, well, except that the feature of the body. In fact, it is not.
But having heard the revelations of the girlfriends, the young mother, finding that she had , absolutely not worried and is not in a hurry to inspect the gynecologist.

The situation is also complicated by the presence of a fairly large number of "living examples" of this phenomenon. Moreover, moms claim that with all this pregnancy proceeded normally, and the baby was born healthy.

Well, if so. This means that they are very lucky. After all, in fact no monthly during pregnancy and can not be! This is a dangerous misconception that can lead to loss of a child and complications with the health of the future mother.
Let's figure it out that it can cause such a phenomenon and what it is so dangerous.

Menstruation during pregnancy: can it be

First, let's refresh the knowledge of the anatomy and the physiology of a woman.
As you know, once a month in the body of a woman ripens an egg, ready to conceive. If fertilization did not happen, in due time it is destroyed. In this period, the uterus is reduced and outward, in the form of bleeding, it turns out, actually what remains from the egg, as well as pieces of endometrial - tissue, lining the walls of the uterus.

If the egg cell was fertilized, that is, pregnancy, as they say, on the face, the essence of the processes occurring significantly changes.
The body prepares a special place for the embryo and works hard in order not to give the uterus to turn the embryo.

In particular, the female organism begins to produce a special hormone - progesterone. This hormone performs two main functions. First, it stimulates the growing of the inner shell of the uterus walls (endometrial), so that the embryo can embrace and attach to them. Secondly, this hormone does not give the walls of the uterus to shrink, which protects the embryo from rejection.

I hope from here it is clear that you can not go. Well, if you still have, what is it connected with?

Why go monthly during pregnancy

As already mentioned, bloody discharge during pregnancy cannot be considered monthly. The cause of the selection may be various pathologies, violation of the hormonal functions of the body of the mother. Such a phenomenon can be a signal to detach the fruit egg, which threatens the miscarriage.

Let's look at a few examples.

Often women who discovered that they have during pregnancy, monthlyreally suffer violation of Progesterone Development. If this hormone is completely small, then the time for conventional menstruation, there may be bleeding with endometrial fragments.

This means that the uterus, as in the usual case, is cleared, and can at the same time turn the fetus. To admit this, of course, it is impossible. Therefore, with timely handling, the doctor prescribes a future mother drugs that replace progesterone. In most cases, the threat of miscarriage with this form is fed, and the mother quietly continues to enter the baby.

Also the reason for the appearance of so-called menstruation during pregnancy can be pathology of fetal development (genetic changes) or ectopic pregnancy.
It happens that the fruit is attached not very well. For example, if the future mother suffers from endometriosis or there is a myoma. Attaching such a dysfunctional place, the embryo cannot normally develop, poorly supplied with oxygen, that is, the miscarriage can happen.

Another hormonal violation leading to the appearance of bleeding - hyperandrode. That is, speaking easier, overabundance of men's hormones. In the absence of treatment, such a phenomenon often leads to the detachment of the fetal egg, and, consequently, to miscarriage.
With timely treatment of such consequences, it is quite possible to avoid.

Another rather rare phenomenon can be revealed from those women who have during pregnancy, monthly.
It happens that it is originally formed by 2 embryos, that is, a multiple pregnancy. But at the same time, one of them develops normally, and the other for some reason is rejected by the body (unsuccessful place of attachment, pathology, etc.). In this case monthly during pregnancy are a signal about the rejection process of one of the embryos.

As you can see, the reasons for such a phenomenon like monthly during pregnancy far from harmless. Even worse the consequences.
Therefore, do not listen to the tips of the experienced and do not close your eyes on what is happening. Even if you feel well, you do not have pain and discomfort, but you have bleeding, feel free to consult a doctor with a question, why go monthly during pregnancy.

And if there are also lower back pains to bloody secretions, something similar to contractions, allocations become quite abundant, immediately call an ambulance. It may be that an independent trip to the clinic will cost you a child!

As already mentioned, in many cases, especially if it is "hormone chalms", with a timely access to a specialist, it is possible to avoid the threat of miscarriage. In other cases, even if nothing can be done, the faster you inform the doctor about what you have menstruation go during pregnancyMoreover, chances to avoid health problems and hope for the next, more successful pregnancy.

Alexandra Panutin
Women's magazine JustLady

In order to understand that in the body of pregnant, something is wrong, you need to know its physiology. Monthly in the female body matures an egg. In normal health, it is ready for fertilization. If this did not happen, the cell is destroyed and comes out with the residues of the endometrium of the uterus. Isolations have bleeding and are called menstruation.

In case the egg cell was fertilized by spermatozoom, pregnancy occurs. The body of the woman is completely rebuilt. A special place for the future embryo is prepared in the uterus, and all the forces of the body are aimed at that the uterus does not eliminate the embryo. For this reason, the hormone progesterone begins to produce.

It performs two main functions:

  • Stimulates the growth of endometrial (internal walls of the uterus) so that the embryo is easy to carry and securely attached to the surface.
  • Does not allow the walls of the uterus to shrink and brand the embryo.
During this period, the egg cells cease to ripen in the ovaries. And in the uterus, the processes of growth and rejection of the inner shell are stopped, which are responsible for the beginning of menstruation every month. Blood selection during pregnancy is actually no monthly.

Causes of menstruation during pregnancy

Doctors call only uterine bleeding in the first month of pregnancy. Later is obvious pathology, threatening the lives of the fetus and even the mother. Among the possible causes are distinguished by various diseases, violation of the hormonal background. Also, this process can be alarmed that the fetal egg is separated.

Why during pregnancy go monthly in the first 30 days

The appearance of blood from the genital organs during pregnancy, regardless of the term, requires consultation with the doctor, as well as a full survey. During the first month after fertilization of the egg, the arrival of monthly the least dangerous.

Causes of such a phenomenon:

  1. Implanting bleeding. When the egg cell, fertilized by sperm, is immersed in endometrium, then there is a minimal damage to the vessels lining the bottom of the uterus. In this case, there may be scarce bleeding. This is not menstruation, and this phenomenon does not threaten the fruit. It happens in 20-30% of women.
  2. Did not have time to attach a fruit egg. This happens if the conception occurred at the end or middle of the cycle. The path of the fertilized egg to the uterine endometrial occupies, as a rule, 1-2 weeks. Thus, despite the fact that the conception happened, the hormonal background may not have time to restructure. For this reason, periods begin.
  3. A sharp drop of hormones. Estrogenous background may fall for various reasons: endocrine disorders, inflammatory processes, viral infections transferred stress. In this case, the monthly period of the start of menstruation occurs. Sometimes such an anomaly lasts 3-4 months. It raises the risk of miscarriage.
  4. Output of two eggs from the ovary. Sometimes the body fails in the body, which lies in the fact that eggs ripen in two ovary. They take turns over the uterus. If one of them meets a spermatozoa, then pregnancy comes - a fruit egg is formed. The second is rejected by the uterus, and menstruation comes.
  5. Rejection of multiple pregnancy. This is a rather rare pathology, in which two embryos are initially formed. One of them develops, as expected, and the second for some reason is not accepted by the body. When rejection and bleeding occurs.

Why during pregnancy can go monthly in late terms

In the late period of pregnancy (2-9 months), menstruation cannot occur. Any bleeding is uterine pathologies that lead to a serious threat of miscarriage. Even if the cargo bleeding occurs on the 4th, 8th and 12th week from the moment of fertilization, this is not a simple menstruation, but the delay of the endometrium. It requires an urgent advice of a doctor and bed regime.

Causes may be as follows:

  • Violation of the ratio of sex hormones. The rejection of the fetal egg can cause a deficit of progesterone or the overaffect of androgen. This is accompanied by the oscillations of a scanty character. They are not painful and occur, as a rule, when driving and during the daytime. To preserve the fruit, you need to take special preparations.
  • Abortion. During spontaneous interruption of pregnancy or miscarriage, a woman has a grapple-shaped or pulling pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, the miscarriage or spontaneous abortion happens on a period of up to 12 weeks. In such cases, it is impossible to slow and you need to urgently apply to ambulance. It is important to remember that abundant monthly with severe painful syndrome during pregnancy can not be! Only from the speed of the woman's reaction and doctors depends on the possibility of keeping the fruit.
  • Measuring pregnancy. When pregnancy for a number of reasons (genetic, hormonal disorders, stress, viruses) ceases development, the woman has bleeding oscillations. As a rule, it happens on 3-4 weeks, 8-11 or 16-18.
  • . This is a serious violation that may cause severe consequences. In this case, the egg cell, fertilized by spermatozoa, is implanted not in the uterus, as it should be, but in a phallopyan tube. As the embryo grow, it becomes closely, and the pipe can break. Then the abundant internally bleeding occurs, which is dangerous for the life of a woman. In modern conditions, it is almost always possible to save the victim, but its reproductive functions can be truncated, because it is impossible to restore the phallopyev.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus. Bleeding during pregnancy can cause a saddled form of uterus, endometriosis, myoma. Usually the embryo with such pathologies is bad or incorrectly attached to the walls of the organ. In such cases, the baby tool must be under the strict control of the gynecologist.
  • Cervical infection, placenta detachment. These disorders can cause inflammation and bleeding. Stop these processes can a doctor, assigning special treatment.
  • Mechanical damage to the cervix or vagina. This is a fairly common cause of bleeding. It happens after the examination of the doctor and take the smears from the cervix. Also the release of several blood drops during the ectopia of the cervix and careless intercourse. This is due to the fact that the genitals during pregnancy are abundantly supplied with blood, and the mucous membranes become more sensitive to mechanical stimuli. Such bleeding is not dangerous, however, they also require advice from a specialist.
  • Bubble drift. This is a rather dangerous violation of the normal course of pregnancy. At the same time in the uterus there is no embryo or there is only some of its parts. It may eventually be reborn in chorionepithels, malignant tumors. Blood allocations in such cases are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Most often bubble skid occurs in women older than 35 years.

Varieties of menstruation during pregnancy

"Color pregnancy" or "fruit ablution" - so in medical circles they call menstruation after conception. Such bleeding at different times have their own distinctive features, can be scarce, abundant, painful, long, short and so on.

Scooty monthly during pregnancy in early time

In the early pregnancy, menstruation can often be accepted for the usual, planned. It does not have significant differences from the usual menstruation: packed the nipples, the mood changes quickly, taste preferences change, there is a headache, a sense of drowsiness, an increase in appetite.

If you suspect pregnancy, you can safely use the test. Blood isolation will not affect the result, since the test is sensitive to human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Its level is growing in the blood, and in the urine.

Non-human, separating allocations during early pregnancy can provoke hormone imbalances. Such blood bloods are observed, as a rule, when driving and during the daytime. At night, during sleep they end. Painful sensations do not cause.

Also, "smearing" can also during ectopic pregnancy. However, in contrast to the previous reason, such pathology is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome. This is due to the rupture of the phallopyan pipe and internal bleeding.

It is not necessary to disturb much if the selection of a brownish or dark red shade. As a rule, such a "abyption of the fetus" passes for a short time independently. However, the doctor's consultation is mandatory.

Monthly during pregnancy abundant

The future mother should know that several drops of bloody secretions on underwear are not a reason for panic. But abundant menstruation is definitely serious pathology.

When popping out, there is a detachment of the fetal egg from the endometrium. It opens the scarlet uterine bleeding, often with impurities of lumps and tissues. A woman complains about a strong and drawn pain in the field of abdominal and lower back. Sometimes an abortion can be complete when everything comes out of a fruit egg without residues.

In some cases, there is an incomplete miscarriage when a part of the embryo remains in the uterus. If not cleaned the cavity in a timely manner, it can again provoke bleeding. Urgent medical intervention at the initial stages of miscarriage often gives a chance to save the child.

Ectopic pregnancy may also be accompanied by a strong bloodth floor. The pain at the same time grabs. This serious pathology is difficult to recognize in the early stages. It is accompanied by all the same signs as the usual uterine pregnancy: toxicosis, weakness, brewing of the mammary glands, increased fatigue, growth of basal temperature.

With placental preservation of the fetus, the latter is located in the domestic zone. Bleeding in this case occurs on 2-3 months of pregnancy and, as a rule, is very abundant. You can save the child, but with careful compliance with the beddown and reception of special medicines.

With strong bleeding, the scarlet, which is accompanied by pains of different character, should immediately cause ambulance.

Can there be menstruation during pregnancy - look at the video:

Monthly during pregnancy is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Especially if the selection is accompanied by pain and abundant. The sooner you pass inspection and examination, the more chances you save the life of the baby and your female health. The content of the article:

Doctors argue that menstruation during pregnancy is impossible. Yes, sometimes it happens that a small hemorrhage in the period of fetal tooling occurs approximately when the woman should begin menstruation. But the nature of the selection and their volume differs from ordinary monthly. Therefore, monthly in early pregnancy is a pathological phenomenon.

The danger of the situation is that due to the allegedly began menstruation, a woman does not suspect about his position, and the negative test result is only more disinformers. Therefore, it often happens that the future mother does not know about pregnancy to 3 - 4 months. But in some cases, early diagnosis allows you to save the life of a child.

Monthly during pregnancy: is it possible

The question of whether there can be monthly during pregnancy interests many patients. To answer this question, you need to go deep into anatomy.

The uterus consists of 3 layers:

1. Perimetry - an outer mucosa layer.
2. Myometrium is a middle ball that consists of a smooth musculature.
3. Endometrium is an inner mucosa layer.

All balls perform their function. For example, the middle layer protects the fetus from damage from the outside, and also helps the kid to pass through the generic channel, pushing it.

Endometrium is the most mobile and volatile ball of the uterus. It gradually increases during the first half of the menstrual cycle. The inner layer is thickened to keep pregnancy until the placenta is formed. It is in the mucous membrane that a fetal egg is introduced.

Monthly signal from endometrial rejection if the pregnancy has not come. The mucus and blood from damaged vessels leaves outward, and the process is repeated. Together with the endometrium from the uterus, a fruit egg comes out.

Based on this, it is impossible monthly during the tooling of the fetus, and hemorrhage indicates various pathologies.

Signs of pregnancy during menstruation

In the first week after fertilization, it is almost impossible to identify pregnancy, since there are no expressed symptoms. However, if a woman be carefully referred to its state, then it will notice the change.

Signs of early pregnancy during menstruation:

The chest increases slightly in size, swelling, nipples become more sensitive.
We are more likely to be called emptying the bladder.
There are few selections, they have an unusual consistency and appearance.
Significantly changed the duration of the menstrual cycle in the direction of increasing or decreasing.

Fast fatigue or increased thrust for moderate physical activity can also indicate the development of the embryo.
The taste preferences change, nausea appears, dislike to sharp odors.
Pigment spots appear on the skin, acne, and on her palms, red spots, which is accompanied by itching.
Pain appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lumbar-sacrive department and the pelvis.
The body weight increases slightly.
Sleep disorders arise.
Mood swings, increased irritability.

All of the above symptoms are easy to confuse with the manifestations of other diseases. However, only with their help you can determine the pregnancy before visiting the gynecologist.

Safe causes of menstruation

Most often, menstruation during the toasting of the fetus indicates pathology. However, not always this deviation is dangerous to health. Days of menstruation during pregnancy indicate that the fruit egg is introduced into the endometrium. This phenomenon is often accompanied by damage to the vessels, as a result, the separating sections are manifested. However, often implantation is not manifested by bleeding.

Scooty allocations manifest themselves when the fruit egg did not have time to escape into the endometrium until menstruation. The implantation process takes from 1 to 2 weeks, so the lateness is quite possible, although it is rare. The hormonal perestroika on this phase has not yet been manifested, and therefore there is no cancellation either. As a rule, the delay occurs in the next cycle. Extremely rare in the ovaries ripen 2 eggs at the same time. If one of them fertilizes, and the second is not, then the menstruation when entering the fetus is also there.

In addition, menstruation occurs in hormonal changes. For example, with a deficiency of progesterone or excess Androgen (men's hormones). Such states require correction, since the consequences may be serious. To avoid them, hormonal drugs are assigned a gynecologist.

Pathology provoking uterine bleeding

By the nature of the selection, you can identify various diseases, and they are not always insignificant. In the first weeks, menstruation may occur after detachment of the fruit egg, as a result, the likelihood of spontaneous abortion increases.

With a small detachment, progesterone develops, and pregnancy is preserved. In this case, there are scarce, styling. In more dangerous situations, abundant monthly during pregnancy are manifested. If such symptoms occur, you should contact medical care and try not to move. Otherwise, the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

A fruit egg can be detached for different reasons: a tumor is not an average layer of uterus, an endometrium focus, if implantation occurs on the affected area. As a result, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) occurs at the embryo, and it dies.

Genetic disorders or pathological fetal changes due to infectious diseases in the mother can also provoke a spontaneous abortion. In this case, most likely, it will not be possible to avoid fatal outcome. The only thing that can be done is to explore a fetched fruit egg to avoid tragedy in the future.

Monthly pregnancy during ectopic pregnancy is a rather dangerous symptom. In this case, the fertilized egg is not introduced in the uterus, but in the oval (uterine tubes). The fruit grows and over time he is not enough space, as a result, the risk of breaking the pipe increases. It is very dangerous for a woman, as it can die due to strong inner bleeding. But even if the deaths succeed, the reproductive functions will not be able to restore.

If an ectopic pregnancy is suggested, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. If it is confirmed, the doctor appoints an urgent operation. Previously, they carried out a weighty operation, now they are prescribed laparoscopy. This is a modern surgical operation, during which 3 punctures in the abdominal cavity are made: an optical device is introduced through one, and through others - manipulators that remove a fruit egg.

Laparoscopy is much safer of a strip operation. The patient is restored 2 times faster. After 24 hours, a woman can stand without help. In addition, the period of forced abstinence from food is reduced. In addition, after laparoscopy, large scars remains through the entire stomach.

Monthly during pregnancy: actions of a woman

The first thing a woman should make, if she went monthly during pregnancy - to seek medical attention. It is just necessary, since the consequences of even minor hemorrhage can cost the life of a child.

Rules of action when menstruation occurs during the extension of the fetus:

It is important to find a good gynecologist in advance, which will send you to an ultrasound study. Diagnostics will help determine how high the likelihood of spontaneous abortion is, if a woman does not have an ectopic pregnancy and whether the fetus size corresponds to the alleged period of pregnancy.

With severe and long-term uterine bleeding, doctors recommend to interrupt pregnancy. This is due to the fact that abundant hemorrhage can lead to the death of a woman, and the chances of the fact that the child will survive quite low.

If the selection is scanty, the doctor prescribes a variety of synthetic analogues of progesterone, but-Shpu, vitamin E and other drugs. They are needed to preserve pregnancy.

Regardless of the nature and quantity of selection, it is necessary to observe the bed regime, refuse even from minimal physical exertion and sexual contacts.

Based on the foregoing, the uterine bleeding during pregnancy is not an option for the norm. In any case, when bleeding, it is necessary to hospitalize the victim. The gynecologist will reveal the cause of menstruation and take the necessary measures. Only so get to preserve the pregnancy and life of the child.

Pregnancy is a very weighty phase in the life of every woman. This cycle, in spite of everything, should proceed under the supervision of a specialist. Whole this period of time, we must certainly undergo various surveys, take tests, ensure that you eat high quality (without moving, without using many harmful products) and much more.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you can quickly determine whether there are any deviations or problems, and solve them without postponing.

Why are monthly men in early?

The whole beautiful half faces the subject of discussion whether monthly during pregnancy can go? Theoretically, this should not happen, and the doctor will be declared about this. During pregnancy, menstruals should not and cannot be present due to the fact that during the full menstrual period the inner cover of the uterus increases. Also, it is called endometrium.

In the event that the insemination did not happen, the egg cell comes out of the body with blood. As a conclusion, it is impossible to be a one-time pregnant and have regular periods. But the question is why it often happens that women do not know about their pregnancy, not even in the first month?

We will try to consider in detail why there may be menstruation during pregnancy. Scientists have proven the fact that they become pregnant at a time when there is menstruation, unrealistic. But, at the same time, the first month pregnancy is quite capable of accompanied by monthly.

The insemination of the egg fell during the previous cycle, but the fruit egg did not reach the field of implantation. This period is capable of not to manifest itself, and absolutely no sensations and features may not be observed. This is exactly the basis that the doctors do not calculate the term of pregnancy from the very number of conception. As a rule, the countdown is held from when it was the last day of menstruation, which was the most ultimate.

Phase of fertilization

Even when there is already a fruit egg, you can still attend menstruation. This is directly related to the fact that from the fertilization stage to the perfect enression of the egg directly to the wall of the uterus, it can pass from one to two weeks.

  • There are that the egg does not have time to strengthen the period of subsequent monthly.
  • Especially, this happens in the end of the cycle. Often it happens if the cycle charges only 21 days. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a reality and presence of a fertilized egg, and menstruation.
  • In addition, it happens, the other option happens when it is present during pregnancy.
  • And in one, and in another ovary is formed on a single egg. If one egg is seeded, and other - no, there may also be menstruation.

Risk of abortion of pregnancy

Not the first year is often present such a tendency that the first month of pregnancy comes monthly. It became very common. Therefore, a woman may well do not guess what is pregnant. This is due to the fact that during menstruation, weak half of humanity, it does not quite well feel, not suspecting that poor health is pregnancy.

Thus, it turns out that pregnancy occurs without stopping menstruation. If menstruation is present in the initial period of pregnancy, it will certainly be alarming and anxiety. It is very poorly quality for both future mom and baby.

A huge possibility of cessation of pregnancy, in a segment of up to 12 weeks, while periods can take place without delay.

Most often, the reason for this can be a hormonal failure, taking contraceptive tablets. If you are planning a pregnancy, then all doctors strongly recommend to stop the use of contraceptives, at least 6 months before conception.

Causes of abnormal periods during pregnancy

Also, the presence of menstruals at the first time of pregnancy is the first sign that the rejection of the placenta happened. Since, the placenta is responsible for the child the oxygen and all the necessary nutritional materials, its rejection may well be the cause of abortion.

  1. It is necessary to know that if there are large bleeding, it may be the first sign of the interruption of pregnancy. If the diagnosis is confirmed, hospitalization and cleaning must necessarily need. In order to get pregnant again, there must be some period for the restoration of the body.
  2. If small bloody trails remain on underwear, especially in the first month of pregnancy, it is extremely important to immediately consult a doctor. This may be associated with the fact that the fertilized egg begins to develop without embryo. Unfortunately, the doctors cannot find out the reason why it happens. In this case, the body itself causes miscarriage. This happens to the maximum on the 8th week.

In addition, menstruation may occur during ectopic pregnancy. Although such a phenomenon happens not always, and not necessarily. This happens when pregnancy does not develop in the most uterus, but in the fallopian tube, cervical, ovarian. Alas, this happens often - 1 pregnancy out of 100. An ectopic pregnancy cannot be distinguished from normal in the early stages. Then may appear menstruation. To a certain stage, it develops, but when the embryo acquires certain sizes, the pipe breaks and miscarriages. About ectopic pregnancy can be found on the ultrasound, and the sooner, the better.

Take care of yourself and your health, make sure that your body tells you. The main thing, remember that you need to contact the specialists in time, if something bothers you, or just to be confident in your health.

Any qualified specialist will say that menstruation during pregnancy is impossible.

During the menstrual cycle, the inner layer of the uterus is growing - endometrium.

And, if the fertilization did not happen, the egg cell comes out together with the content of endometrial - blood and mucus.

Consequently, at the same time be pregnant, and it is impossible to have menstruation.

During pregnancy, it will be more about bleeding. The nature and duration of the selection usually differ from the usual monthly. Therefore, do not postpone the visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will calm you or give timely help.

Options and signs of the norm

Monthly occur in normal course of pregnancy when a woman has a counya uterus. A fruit is formed in one part, and a natural monthly cycle continues. For two to four months, a woman continues "critical days."

A similar phenomenon is rare and desirable that the pregnancy takes place under the control of the gynecologist. From here and there are stories that women learned about their position on 2, 3 and even 5 months.

In most cases, the conception during menstruation is impossible. But sometimes there is a late ovulation right before menstruation. And then the woman goes monthly at the very beginning of pregnancy.

That is, the fertilization of the egg took place in the previous cycle, and the fruit egg has not yet managed to get to the place of implantation. A woman may not feel any respective signs and symptoms. For this reason, doctors never consider the term of pregnancy from the date of conception. All over the world, it is customary to start a score from the first day of the last menstruation (with the exception of ECO). If you suspect that you are pregnant, it is worth passing the HCG analysis, which will definitely show the fertilization or not.

From the moment of fertilization to the full implantation of the egg to the wall of the uterus, it takes from 7 to 15 days. During implantation, some blood is often distinguished, on average, 10 days after conception. But to confuse a similar phenomenon with menstruals is almost impossible, since the discharge is very small.

The likelihood of the development of pregnancy without delay exists. In different ovaries, ripen on one egg. One fertilizes, and the other comes out, causing menstruation. Often monthly more scarce than usual.

In any case, such menstruations go once and if the next month it repeats bleeding, then it is worth considering this carefully and consult a doctor.

Bleeding in the first trimester

Monthly in the first month of pregnancy - the phenomenon is common. But rarely safe and natural.

Any bleeding in early pregnancy should cause concerns. It is very dangerous for the future kid. Up to 12 weeks there is a high probability of pregnancy interrupt without a delay of menstruation. This happens because of the violation of the hormonal background both physiological and provoked by the reception of contraceptive pills. Doctors recommend to stop receiving contraceptive drugs at least six months before the alleged pregnancy.

It is worth alert when the blood comes out with clots.

Monthly in early terms sometimes indicate that the placenta rejection occurred. The placenta delivers oxygen and nutrients to the child, so the detachment may cause spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. If the allocation is scanty, then the body may cope independently, highlighting more progesterone. And if the monthly fell abundantly and accompanied by severe pain, then you need to urgently ask for help. You are shown bed and complete peace!

Abundant bleeding can be a sign of frozen pregnancy. In this case, immediate hospitalization is required, followed by cleaning.

Sometimes a fruit egg at the beginning of the term begins to grow without embryo and doctors cannot determine the cause. A woman appears with a bloody tint. It cannot develop a pregnancy, so on a maximum of 8 weeks, the spontaneous miscarriage begins.

Ectopic pregnancy

There are bloody discharges and during ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy is developing outside the uterus: in the uterine tube, ovary, less often in the cervix and abdominal cavity.

It meets quite often: 100 normal pregnancies account for 1 venue. In the early stages, this pathology is almost impossible to distinguish from normal pregnancy. At the beginning of development, symptoms are irregular or lack of menstruation, the appearance of masses instead of her, sometimes abdominal pain. Such pregnancy develops to a certain time. Then, due to an increase in the size of the embryo, the pipe breaks.

The main symptoms are acute abdominal pain, pallor, frequent heartbeat, drop in blood pressure. But such manifestations are not always pronounced in early terms, so this pathology is diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound.

Treatment only operational. Moreover, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the more sparing operation will be.

Bleeding in the second trimester

Bleeding in 2 trimester is no less dangerous. Monthly on such deadlines are no longer possible, but the probability of the placenta detachment is still preserved. The future mother feels pain at the bottom of the abdomen and there is a mastery.

To such a term, hormones come back alone or when the appropriate therapy is passed.

If bleeding starts with clots or scarlet, then you should immediately call "ambulance", and before arriving and secure the absolute rest.

Mazne or scant "monthly" in 2 trimester can be a sign of vaginal infections. The doctor will appoint urine tests, blood and smear from the Church channel to clarify the diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Bleeding in the Third Trimester

After 28 weeks of pregnancy begins the 3rd trimester. It is believed that the child born after 23 weeks has a high probability to survive under the condition of proper medical care. But on this period of pregnancy, too, "scarce periods" are also found.

At a later date, the mastery appears as a result of the prelation or detachment of the placenta. Immediate hospitalization is required, since there is a threat of miscarriage and dangerous bleeding.

Some women notice that after having sex, they have an inclusion of blood instead of ordinary secretions. This is possible as a result of rubbing the sensitive cervix. There is nothing terrible here, but you still need to inform your doctor about your condition. Most likely, he will advise to refrain from sexual proximity.

At the entrance to the cervix, there is a mucosa plug, protecting the baby from infections. It can go directly before or during childbirth. But there are cases when the plug leaves 1-2 weeks before the start of the generic activity. Due to the rupture of blood vessels, the mucus is painted in pink or red. There are no reasons for concern. It is enough to visit the doctor and tell about the current situation.

But, if, together with the outstanding of the mucosa, there are watery allocations, then you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital, since often such manifestations are the symptom of the beginning of childbirth.

Bleeding and prevention

We figured out that monthly pregnancy may appear for the following reasons:

  • Progesterone lack;
  • Two formed eggs, one of whom feared, and the second came out with menstruation;
  • Egg, which has not yet sent a signal to the body, because I did not have time to attach to the wall of the uterus;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Pregnancy without embryo;
  • Pairing placenta;
  • Ectopic pregnancy (often monthly during ectopic pregnancy is characterized by a longer tint).

Blood allocations in late dates and at the end of pregnancy testify to:

  • vaginal infections;
  • rejection or the prelationship of the placenta;
  • breaking vessels when rushing the cervix;
  • the outlet of the mucosa of the plug and the beginning of childbirth.

Whatever reasons for the appearance of outlets instead of the usual, it is recommended to visit a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist. After all, monthly and masses during pregnancy are not normal. Of course, there are cases when women had a menstruation and they gave birth completely healthy children. But these cases are exceptions to the rules.

The probability of making and yielding a healthy child is dramatically reduced if it is not possible to start drug therapy in a timely manner, which can only be provided in therapeutic institutions.

The future mother needs to relax more, lie, do not overstrain, follow your nervous system and attend the doctor in a timely manner. Only such an order guarantees prosperous and childbirth.