Why is the New Year so special? New Year is a special holiday, and most of all it is the children who are waiting for it. Toast Happy New Year

In the digital age, everyone has a 3G mobile phone or tablet. These devices were specially created for communication, access to new information located in the vast expanses of the world wide web - the Internet.

In order to always be in touch and use all the services provided by telecom operators. Sometimes the money in the account ends too unexpectedly, and then you need to urgently call, send a message or go to e-mail. What to do in this case? There is an exit!

To date, all Russian operators provide the opportunity to transfer funds as between subscribers within the network. But what if you need to reset money to a subscriber of a third-party operator. It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this, and all Megafon subscribers can take advantage of this opportunity. In this article we will tell you how to transfer money from a megaphone to mts.

There are several ways to transfer funds: by sending an SMS message with a specific text, by performing a USSD request, or using the official Megafon web page. Consider each of these methods so that everyone can choose the most suitable one.

How to transfer money from a megaphone to mts via SMS

If you only have a mobile phone at hand, then you can transfer funds from your Megafon balance to any MTS number by sending a text message. What you need to do: create a new SMS message to the number 94011 with text in the format: ["MTS subscriber phone] [amount]

For example, if you need to send 150 rubles to the number 8(9XX)-XXX-XX-XX] , then in a text message you write: 89XXXXXXXXX 100 . The created SMS must be sent to the short service number 94011.

After sending sms, soon, you should receive a notification about the successful completion of the current operation. The commission will be 4.95% of the transfer amount and will be additionally debited from your balance.

via ussd request

In this case, you also do not need anything other than your phone at hand. If you wish to transfer a certain amount of funds from your account to an MTS subscriber's account, follow these steps.

Type the following combination on the keyboard of your mobile phone - * 133 * [transfer amount] * [subscriber's phone]# and press the call key.

For example, to make a transfer in the amount of 100 rubles to the subscriber 8(9XX)-XXX-XX-XX, dial - * 133 * 100 * 89XXXXXXXXX # and click on the green "call" button.

After the successful completion of the operation, you will be informed via an incoming SMS notification. The service is also paid, the cost of the service depends on the amount of the transfer.

How to transfer money from a megaphone to mts Through the megaphone website

To transfer money through the Megafon website, you must have an Internet connection and an installed browser on your computer. Launch your browser, type in the following web address: https://money.megafon.ru/transfer/phone/, press the Enter key.

In the page that opens, you need to enter your phone number, and then click on the "Get password" button. In the next few seconds you will receive an SMS with a password, enter it in the field below and click on the "Login" button. Thus, you are authorized.

After that, your browser will be redirected to a page where you will need to specify the phone number of the recipient of the transfer and the amount. Carefully fill in these fields, checking the correctness of the input. After you have made sure that the data entered is correct, click on the "Transfer funds" button.

After the funds have been successfully credited to the specified recipient, you will be informed via an incoming message. The commission for this type of service will be 6.95% of the payment amount.

The main conditions that must be met for any type of transfer of funds

    – you must have at least 10 rubles left on your balance;

    - the maximum amount of funds that can be transferred in one day is 15,000 rubles;

    - the number of transactions is not limited, but in total they cannot exceed the limit of 15,000 rubles;

    – the maximum amount of funds for all transfers in one month is limited to 40,000 rubles.

    If you wish to disconnect from this service, call the short service number 05077 or contact the nearest Megafon customer service department.

Each mobile subscriber has not one SIM card, but several and moreover different operators. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replenish the balance of one number from the account of another. Let's talk about how to transfer money from MegaFon to MTS and other mobile operators.

Instructions for transferring funds to MTS via USSD request

The simplest transfer option can be done through the USDD command *133*amount*number# . This is a universal way to transfer money from MegaFon to the number of any other operator.

There are a few important things to remember:

  • the amount is always indicated as a whole number without kopecks. If you specify 50.45 rubles in this way, at best the system will give an error, if the scenario develops poorly, the system will send 5045 rubles to the subscriber;
  • the number can be indicated in any format - through “+7”, through “8”, and without any prefix at all;
  • commission for a transfer to the MTS number will be 8.5% of the transfer amount.


If ussd is unavailable, you can transfer via SMS requests. There are two options:

1. sms to the recipient's number in the format #<сумма>(for example, #150 ).

To make a mobile transfer, you need to send an SMS to the recipient's number (very conveniently right from your phone's address book!) in the format #amount . Next, an incoming SMS will be received with the amount of the transfer, the amount with the commission and the code that needs to be sent to confirm the transfer to the number from which it came. The recipient receives two SMS: #amount , as well as information about the receipt of funds to the account, indicating the sender.

Attention! If the sender uses the Mobile Payment service for the first time, the response SMS will also contain a link to the text of the Mobile Payments service offer.

The transfer fee for this method is the lowest - only 5% of the amount!

2. sms to number 8900 in the format<телефон получателя> <сумма>(e.g. 9187654321 150 ).

In the text of the SMS, you must specify the phone number and the transfer amount separated by a space. You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code, as in the previous version. It is necessary to confirm the transfer by sending the code to the number from which the message came.

Transfer through 8900 is paid at the standard rate - 8.5% of the payment amount.

Translation on the Megafon.Money website

For the convenience of transfers and payments through the MegaFon mobile phone on the official website in the section "Services and options" posted a link to the payment system "Money transfers and payments". You can also go to the site via a direct link. Here are ample opportunities for making transactions in various directions, including transfers to numbers of other telecom operators.

MegaFon collected mobile commerce services on its website and called MegaFon.Money. To make a transfer or payment, follow the link. Choose the translation you are interested in. In our case "From phone to another phone".

To transfer to "MTS" you need to fill in all the fields of the form and click "Transfer". An SMS will be sent to your phone to confirm the payment.

As in the previous option, the cost of transferring to MTS will be 8.5% of the transferred amount. You can transfer from 1 to 13820 rubles.

Through the personal account of MegaFon

There is no direct translation service in the personal account itself. Access to the personal account is carried out by the link. For authorization, you need to enter a phone number and password. You can order a password with *105*00# command.

You can transfer money to MTS in the section "Money transfers". Your personal account will redirect you to the site MegaFon.Money - .

Terms of Service

Mobile transfers have limits on the transferred amounts and the number of transactions. Translation is available from 1 rub. up to 15000 rub. (via the website - 13820 rubles). For 30 days you can transfer no more than 40,000 rubles.

When making transfers, it should be taken into account that only the subscriber's own funds are subject to transactions. Bonuses, discounts, credit money, promised payment and other means of loyalty cannot be transferred.

From the methods described above, it is clear that a transfer via sms to the recipient's number in the format #<сумма>- this is the cheapest and easiest way to transfer to MTS. Use any option, since the main thing here is not the method, but the result.

In this review, we will tell you what needs to be done to transfer money from Megafon to MTS. We will give all the available methods and analyze the instructions in detail to simplify the process of using the services. This article will be useful to subscribers who want to send funds from their SIM card to a user card of another network if necessary.

All methods allow you to transfer funds from your mobile balance as quickly as possible, without worrying about finding a terminal or connecting a bank card.

With the command

First, let's figure out how to transfer money from Megafon to MTS using a special combination. This option .

  • Open the smartphone keyboard;
  • Dial combination *133*amount*number# ;
  • Press the call key;
  • Confirm the payment in the SMS message received on your phone.

For example, if you want to send one hundred rubles to 8-921-123-45-67, enter the code *133*100*89211234567# .


  • At the moment, the service is free for both the recipient and the sender;
  • The minimum payment is one ruble;
  • The maximum amount at one time is 15,000 rubles.

Let's figure out how to transfer money from Megafon to MTS via SMS service.


Mobile transfer of funds from Megafon to MTS is available to subscribers by sending a text message. For this you need:

  • Create a new message;
  • Enter the “#” symbol and the desired amount in the text field (for example, #100);
  • Send SMS to the number of the recipient of the transfer.


  • There is no transaction fee;
  • The minimum and maximum amount of a one-time payment - 1 ruble and 15,000 rubles respectively.

Please note that iPhone owners need to turn off iMessage before sending:

  • Open "Settings";
  • Select "Messages";
  • Move the slider to the OFF position.

In the same way, you can transfer money from MTS to Megafon:

  • Create a new SMS;
  • In the text field, write "#100?";
  • Send a message to a subscriber of another network;
  • If the operation is confirmed by the user, the requested amount will be credited to your balance.

Now let's look at how the operator's money transfer service works.

Translation service

Transferring money from Megafon to MTS can be done through the website by opening the page of a special service:

  • Enter in the address bar of the browser https://money.megafon.ru/pay-mobile;
  • Specify the desired amount of money;
  • Enter the recipient's number and your mobile;
  • Click the "Translate" icon;