Crafts for the carnival fair for children. Making a thematic corner in kindergarten on the theme: Maslenitsa. Preparatory group. Crafts from salt dough for Maslenitsa, step by step

Not everyone knows where the holiday comes from - Maslenitsa has its roots. It turns out that this unusual holiday has a deep meaning. Even our ancestors celebrated this holiday on the day of the spring equinox. On this day we met spring and saw off winter. Holiday - Maslenitsa is fun for the people. As a rule, a whole week is allotted for the celebration of Shrovetide. At this time, adults bake pancakes, and the kids make crafts for Shrovetide. In this publication, we will tell you about what crafts to make for Shrovetide in kindergarten. Here we will offer you the most beautiful ideas that you will definitely like.

Easy crafts with children for Maslenitsa

Before we start telling you about simple crafts, it is important to say that crafts for Shrovetide with their own hands are easy to make for kids in kindergarten. Remember that such creativity lessons can bring positive emotions to all children, without exception.

The first craft will help the kids train their tactile abilities. Moreover, when creating such unusual materials are used. And children love to work with something unusual. To create this craft, a circle is drawn on a piece of paper. On this circle it is worth designating the mouth and eyes of the future sun. The rest of the space should be covered with glue. After that, the space with glue should be sprinkled with grits. Now it is worth waiting for a while for the cereal to dry. Then you need to shake off unnecessary grains.

Maslenitsa is associated with the sun. Therefore, crafts must be sunny. The next craft is simple in its execution. Make a circle from yellow plasticine. Roll it out. In other colors on the mug, designate a smile and eyes. Use toothpicks to make rays.

Craft workshops


Crafts for carnival for children are a pleasant pastime. In addition, you can make something interesting with your own hands. What carnival can be imagined without a doll that is burned. But our doll does not need to be burned. She will please the eye of everyone. To create such a craft, you should prepare:

  • Colored paper in two colors, white circle;
  • red triangle;
  • Glue and scissors.

Working process:

  1. On a white mug, it is worth drawing the facial features of the doll.
  2. A handkerchief for the doll is cut out of red paper. The circle with the head is glued together.
  3. Fold sheets of colored paper in the shape of an accordion.
  4. Place a sundress in the center, and hands for the doll on the sides.
  5. The parts need to be glued all together and your doll will be ready.

Paper sun.

If you like making solar crafts, then the next craft is a great opportunity to get positive emotions while creating it. In order to create the sun you should take:

  • colored paper,
  • hole puncher,
  • scissors.

Working process:

  1. First of all, draw a circle on colored paper. In order to get an even circle, you need to use a plate of a suitable diameter.
  2. From colored paper of other colors, it is worth cutting a lot of strips.
  3. Further, using a hole punch, it is worth making a lot of holes in a circle. In this case, you need to observe the distance between the holes.
  4. Now long strips should be threaded with a sharp end into the holes. Fold them up and glue them on.


Shrovetide is impossible to imagine without pastries and sweets. However, caramels and other sweets may not be edible. They can be made by hand. Such lollipops will simply please the eye and cheer up everyone around. Original lollipops are easy enough to make from chenille wire. You can always find and purchase chenille wire in specialized stores that sell materials for creativity.

To make one lollipop, you will need a couple of pieces of chenille wire, which will differ in color. Also prepare: Chinese stick and PVA glue.

On a note! The Chinese stick can be replaced with any other long and thin stick.

Working process:

  1. First, a couple of pieces of wire should be evenly twisted together. Be sure to trim the ends of the product.
  2. After that, the wire must be twisted tightly into a spiral. In the 2nd or 3rd turn, the lollipop should be glued. This is done at the junction.
  3. Once the circle is formed, you will be left with a ponytail. From this "tail" you form a loop.
  4. Insert the stick into the loop. Pass the stick through one of the top spirals as well to keep the top in place.

That's all. It remains only to insert the lollipops into a suitable vase or dish.


This, of course, is not all children's crafts for Shrovetide. There are other crafts as well. However, they are more complex in their implementation. But in this article, we have given only the easiest crafts that will be very easy to make on your own for children of absolutely any age.

Crafts for Shrovetide

In this article, we want to tell you about crafts that you can do with your child on Maslenitsa. Previously, Maslenitsa in Russia was celebrated on the first day of Spring, March 1. She marked the arrival of Spring, the awakening of nature and the farewell to winter. With the introduction of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated in the last week before Lent, so now Maslenitsa falls on different days every year. But in our time, Shrovetide is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a meeting of spring, which brings revival in nature and solar warmth. From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. It is customary to bake pancakes on Shrovetide week, which are a symbol of the sun. The theme of the sun is also reflected in the carnival crafts for children.

1. Crafts for Shrovetide. DIY crafts for Shrovetide

To make such a spring, sunny craft for Shrovetide, you will need: colored paper, scissors and a hole punch. Draw a circle on double-sided yellow paper. To do this, you can simply put a plate of a suitable size on paper and circle it. Even for this do-it-yourself carnival craft, you will need to cut out many multi-colored strips of paper, or rather, long triangles. For young children, you can independently prepare all the details of the future carnival crafts necessary for work. Older kids can do this on their own. After that, using a hole punch, make many holes around the perimeter of the circle at the same distance from each other (see the photo of the carnival crafts below).

It remains for you to thread the multi-colored triangle strips into the holes with the sharp end, bend them and glue them. What a wonderful carnival craft turned out!

2. Crafts for carnival for children. Crafts for carnival in kindergarten

For kindergarten, you can make the following crafts for Shrovetide. This is a sun made of paper, the rays of which are prints of children's hands. The rays can be cut out of colored paper by circling the child's palm on it the required number of times. Or you can make prints of pens on paper using paints. In both cases, beautiful and unusual carnival crafts for children are obtained. Here is an example of one of the crafts for carnival in kindergarten.

And this is another option for carnival crafts for children. Watch and choose which one you like best. Please note that the sun in the photo below is decorated with an applique of buttons arranged in a spiral. Such an ornament makes this craft for carnival in kindergarten especially interesting.

3. Crafts for Shrovetide photo. Paper carnival crafts

We continue to consider with you various options for paper carnival crafts. In the photo below, the base for the sun is made from a disposable cardboard plate. Agree, an unusual solution! Such a sun would be good to do with a group of kids. Each child will be able to take part in the manufacture of crafts for Shrovetide. To do this, he will need to circle around the contour and cut out his palm. The leader of the group will only have to help the kids glue the rays to the base.

4. One of the indispensable attributes of Maslenitsa is the Homemade Doll Maslenitsa.

Just please don't confuse it with the Scarecrow of Shrovetide, which is burned at the stake on the last day of Shrovetide week. The Shrovetide doll is a home amulet, which is made by hand from scraps of fabric, straw, birch bark. Made in a good mood and with good intentions, the Shrovetide doll will bring family well-being, prosperity and health to your home. There are many ways to make a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. Here we will give examples of the simplest and most accessible, including for children, master classes on creating a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. It will be especially interesting to make Shrovetide with your own hands for girls, because. then such a doll can be used in games. Please note that the Maslenitsa doll does not have a face. Such dolls are especially valuable for children's games, because. the child can endow the toy with any emotions according to the game plan.

In order to make a Shrovetide doll you will need:

White fabric - 1 square 20x20 cm for the body, 2 squares 10x10 cm for the handles;
- bright, colored fabric - 2 squares 20x20 cm for a skirt;
- red fabric - a versatile triangle, whose largest side is 12 cm for a scarf;
- a piece of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool to form the head;
- red threads.

We draw your attention to the fact that for the manufacture of Shrovetide dolls it is recommended to use red threads or yarn.

1, To make the head and torso of Shrovetide, we form a ball from cotton wool or synthetic winterizer (paralon) and put it inside a square (20 * 20 cm) of white fabric. Rewind with red thread.

2. We continue to make the Maslenitsa doll with our own hands. Now we need to attach the handles. From two squares of white fabric 10 * 10 cm, we make such twists (see the Shrovetide photo below).

3. We put our hands between the folds on the skirt of the Maslenitsa doll and rewind it with a thread. At the ends, also wrap the handles with red thread.

4. Now we will make a skirt for our Shrovetide doll. To do this, fold two squares of colored fabric diagonally, you will get two triangles. Lay them on top of each other at a right angle as shown in the photo of the Shrovetide doll. Now you need to twist the skirt and rewind it with a thread.

5. It remains only to tie a red handkerchief on our head with our own hands. Look what a glorious Shrovetide doll we got as a result!


According to tradition, Maslenitsa means the birth of the sun, but also the warmth and the onset of spring with laughter, and the readiness to start work in the field again to the delight of oneself and all one's family.

Children are constantly more sensitive to everything that brings light, joy, sincerity, and from the upcoming holiday they expect to receive not only delicious pancakes, a vivid performance, but also various pleasant surprises.
You can easily and simply make fun items for Shrovetide with your own hands for your own kids.

The initial product will be the sun, which the ancient Slavs call Yaril.

Do-it-yourself product "Yarilo" for kids

This product is made from simple knitting threads and bright ribbons.
You can make Yarilo with your children - it will turn out more fun and interesting.
Let's start.

Necessary components for crafts:

  • pieces of bright satin ribbons of various shades, about 50 centimeters wide
  • strings of bright yellow wool to make the sun
  • a cardboard circle of the same diameter as it is planned to receive the craft
  • PVA glue
  • gypsy needle or awl
  • colored paper in blue, red, cyan and pink to make eyes, mouth and nose.

Step by step:

  • We smear the entire cardboard blank with PVA glue and while it has not dried yet, proceed to the next step - we make out the sun from the threads.
  • We take a gypsy needle and a piece of yellow yarn, we put it through the hole. After that, we leave one half of the thread on one side of the cardboard, and the other on the other. In an attractive way, we put the strings on the cardboard and press down so that the rays are fixed with glue. We do these manipulations until the sun is completely covered with rays. We wait a little time until the glue dries, and the threads are firmly fixed.

  • You can proceed to the next stage - the design of volumetric sun rays from a large number of threads. It is necessary to distribute all the threads into uniform beams and tie them after the cardboard base with bright satin ribbons. More flowers are guaranteed to make the sun more interesting.

  • At the end, we cut out Yaril's eyes, mouth and nose from pieces of multi-colored paper. You can look at the photo of what should happen in the end.

Do-it-yourself products for Maslenitsa, photos

Check out what else you can do for the child and with him on a fun Shrovetide holiday.

Video lesson. Craft for children - Home Maslenitsa.

I would like to note that the materials for making such crafts can be very diverse: pieces of fabric, threads, straw and even hay ...

In order to bring joy to your child products in the form of dolls made of hay, straw and threads, we suggest studying a detailed assembly diagram:

In the case when a child wants to receive a cloth doll as a gift for the spring holiday, there is such an option:

Do-it-yourself pupa Butter dish, secrets of execution

Let's try to make another Shrovetide doll, which will bring joy to the child, bring a rich harvest on the farm and well-being in the house.

Looking at the photo of Maslenitsa, you can see that the pose of the doll can tell a lot. For example, an unusual twist of a skirt shows a brace - the most ancient symbols of the sun and life, and hands that are raised up are considered a symbol of sun worship, appeal to Yaril. This amulet, made in the week of Shrovetide, has incredible protective qualities.

Video lesson. We sew a doll "amulet" for a child from threads

Related crafts:

Vika Dee

Maslenitsa is a traditional Slavic holiday, seeing off winter, which is celebrated in February or March. For example, in 2018, the week of folk festivals will be held from February 12 to 18, and Maslenitsa itself falls on Sunday - the 18th.

Shrove Tuesday usually divided into two periods: narrow and wide Maslenitsa. The last days of the week are considered to be Broad Maslenitsa: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Jan 31, 2018 at 2:51 AM PST

What can you make for Shrovetide with your own hands?

There are a variety of crafts that you can easily make at home. Previously, on Maslenitsa they made small dolls in a scarf and a colorful dress, they personified solstice.

It is very easy to make such a charming doll yourself. Children can be involved in the manufacture.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • scraps of fabric (two white ones for the head and hands,
  • two multi-colored for the dress and red for the headscarf),
  • a piece of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool,
  • thick thread (preferably red).

For the head, a piece of synthetic winterizer is wrapped in a white patch so that the ends of the patch hang freely. The “head” is wrapped with thread, all the folds are carefully removed back, they will be covered by a scarf. From the second white piece of fabric, hands are made according to the same principle as the head: a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool is wrapped in a “sausage” in the fabric and fixed with a thread to the head in such a way that hands are obtained. After that no need to break the thread- you will need it to attach the skirt.

The motley shreds are wrapped in a skirt around the body of the doll and are also fastened with threads. A red flap is tied around the head with a scarf. You can even use washcloth for decoration. The doll is ready!

The main symbol of Maslenitsa is the scarecrow of winter, which, according to the old custom, is burned, marking the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Usually for this holiday, as souvenirs, they make little dolls representing winter. They are made from a variety of materials: floss threads, corn cobs, various fabrics and fillers.

But handmade gifts for Maslenitsa can be not only made of fabric and thread. A very interesting and beautiful gift can be baked. For example, the sun from salt dough. This vee d the dough is not suitable for human consumption but great for sculpting.

To prepare salt dough we take:

  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 250 ml of water.

The process of preparing the sun from salt dough:

  1. Mix flour and salt, then add a little water.
  2. Knead all the ingredients into a dense mass.
  3. From the dough we sculpt a pancake a little larger than the sun will be (leave some dough for the spout, eye and other elements that you want to add).
  4. We draw a template of the sun on a piece of paper, cut it out and put it on a pancake. With the help of a stack, a kitchen or clerical knife, we cut out the sun along the contour.
  5. From the remaining dough, we sculpt any small details: eyes, nose, bows, etc.
  6. We bake the workpiece in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Since every housewife has an oven with her own character, carefully monitor the process so that the workpiece only browns, but does not burn!
  7. After cooling, the workpiece can be painted with ordinary paints in the desired color. In the case of the sun, it will be yellow or orange.

Sunshine from puff pastry

Salt dough can be used for figurines, making whole sculptural compositions.

Souvenirs for Shrovetide to school: what crafts can be done for the Shrovetide holidays?

Most often, paper is used as a material - applications are made from it, crafts are made using the quilling technique or postcards.

The Shrovetide theme offers a wide range of DIY themes: sun, pancakes, winter's departure-spring's arrival and many others.

From an ordinary CD and paper, you can make a very pretty craft-sun! To make such a craft, you will need: an unnecessary CD, yellow and orange colored paper, scissors, glue.

Paper is cut into small strips, which are folded into a loop, the ends of the strip are glued together. Glue loops are attached along the edges of the disk in two rows, so that the yellow ones are closer to the center of the disk than the orange ones. A circle of yellow paper is glued to the center, a face is drawn on it. The sun is ready.

Crafts from colored plasticine are also suitable as a hand-made souvenir for Maslenitsa. Using the same compact disc as a basis, you can fashion a beautiful panel on a spring theme, decorating it with plasticine flowers and leaves.

An interesting and unusual spring craft is obtained from spikelets of wheat, if it is possible to get a handful of ears.

From ordinary cardboard, you need to cut two circles - one larger than the other. On a larger circle, a circle is drawn with the diameter of a small circle. Wheat spikelets are glued onto the cardboard, one to one, placing them tightly to each other in a circle. After that, a smaller circle is glued on top, so as to cover the “legs” of the spikelets. Above crafts are decorated at will.

However, the most important decoration of any house on Maslenitsa remains, of course, pancakes.

You can also make crafts from them: lay out a house or a well from pancakes (instead of water in such a well, you can use a bowl of sour cream or jam), dress dolls in pancake clothes, cut out figures or wrap them in the form of a doll.

Maslenitsa- one of the few remaining Slavic holidays that have come down to modern times from ancient times.

February 2, 2018, 16:50