The role of the family in modern society. Project "The Role of the Family in Modern Society"

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………..3 Chapter 1. Family as an institution of socialization………………..……… ……..……5

1.1 The concept of family ….…………………………………………….…………..…9

1.2 Family as an intermediary between society and the individual:

main orientations……………………………….……………………………..16

Chapter 2. Family crisis: main approaches ………………………….………...19

2.1 Causes of the crisis, and ways to overcome it in the family…….21

2.2 Family therapy ……………………………………………………….23


List of used literature………………………………………….27


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the family is the basic institution for the reproduction of human generations, their primary socialization, which has a huge impact on the formation of the individual, provides a qualitative variety of forms of communication, human interactions in various spheres of society. Disorganization of this social institution, especially stable and purposeful, poses a real threat to the future of this or that society, human civilization as a whole. The family is a special social institution that regulates interpersonal relations between spouses, parents, children and other relatives connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance. The purpose of this work is to present important information about family crises in general, how to cope with difficulties. Based on the goal, the tasks were identified 1. to study the family as an institution of socialization, 2. to study the crisis of the family, and ways out of it. The current situation in Kazakhstan (the economic crisis, escalating social and political tension, interethnic conflicts, the growing material and social polarization of society, etc.) has exacerbated family problems. For a significant part of families, the conditions for the implementation of basic social functions have deteriorated sharply. The problems of the Kazakh family come to the surface, become noticeable not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of the public. The uniqueness of the family lies in the fact that several people interact in the closest way for a long time, numbering tens of years, that is, for most of human life. In such a system of intensive interaction, disputes, conflicts and crises cannot but arise. Negative trends associated with the family as a social institution are manifested in a decrease in the role of the reproductive function of the family, a decrease in the need for children (this is reflected in the growth of small families - according to sociologists, there are already more than half of them), and an increase in the number of induced abortions. The number of infertile couples is growing (according to a number of scientific studies, their number reaches 15-20% of the total number of couples); the natural decline in the population increases due to a decrease in the birth rate and an excess of mortality over it.

Chapter 1 Family as an institution of socialization

The family as a social institution has two features. Note that the family is a self-regulating system: the microculture of communication is developed by the family members themselves; this is inevitably accompanied by a clash of different positions and the emergence of contradictions, which are resolved through mutual agreement and concessions, which is ensured by the internal culture, moral and social maturity of family members. And it is also important to emphasize this feature: the family exists as a union sanctioned by society, the stability of which is possible when interacting with other social institutions: the state, law, public opinion, religion, education, culture. By exerting an external influence on the family, they regulate its creation and change. Within the framework of these institutions, norms and sanctions are created that support the family. 1

The family as a social institution performs the most important functions: the biological reproduction of society (reproductive), the upbringing and socialization of the younger generation, the reproduction of the social structure through the provision of social status to family members, sexual control, care for disabled family members, emotional satisfaction (hedonic).

As noted above, the family in sociology is considered not only as a social institution, but also as a small social group. What are its distinguishing features in the latter capacity? Firstly, the family is a special kind of union between spouses, characterized by a spiritual community, deep trusting ties. Secondly, in the family there are trusting relationships between parents and children, which is why the family is called a typical primary group: these relationships play a fundamental role in shaping the nature and ideals of the individual; they form a sense of integrity, the desire of family members to fully share its inherent views and values. Thirdly, the family is formed in a special way: on the basis of mutual sympathy, spiritual closeness, love. For the formation of other primary groups (as we already noted in the topic on the social structure of society, they are a kind of small groups), it is enough to have common interests. 2

So, the family is understood as interpersonal interests between spouses, parents, children and other relatives connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

Social functions of the family:

The functions of the family are ways of manifesting its activity; life of the whole family and its individual members. In all societies, the family performed the main functions:

Reproduction of the population (physical and spiritual and moral reproduction of a person in the family);

The educational function is the socialization of the younger generation, maintaining the cultural reproduction of society;

Household function - maintaining the physical health of members of society, caring for children and elderly family members;

Economic - obtaining material resources of some family members for others, economic support for minors and disabled members of society;

The sphere of primary social control is the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations in relations between spouses, parents and children of older and middle generations;

Spiritual communication - personal development of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment;

Social status - granting a certain status to family members, the reproduction of the social structure;

leisure - organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests;

Emotional - obtaining psychological protection, emotional support, emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy.

In modern conditions, the crisis of the family as a social institution of society is becoming more and more noticeable, the way out of which is still unclear. The crisis is expressed in the fact that the family is worse and worse in realizing its main functions: the organization of married life, the birth and upbringing of children, the reproduction of the population and labor force. The causes of such a crisis are common to all industrial states, they are a product of industrial civilization.

The current demographic situation requires the development of a targeted program for the development of marriage and family relations and the optimization of population reproduction processes. Its creation requires the combined efforts of representatives of various branches of knowledge. Such a program should cover the issues of preparing young people for family life, their housing and economic situation, the optimal combination of people with different functions in the family, the economy and society, some problems of social security, and many others. others

Forming and strengthening a family is not an easy task. The family, like the whole surrounding reality, develops through overcoming a number of contradictions of an objective and subjective nature. Among the contradictions are: a decrease in the birth rate and a drop in population growth in Ukraine, an increase in the number of women compared to the number of men, a decrease in the average size of families and an increase in mortality, a drop in labor productivity in the public and a completely low level of productivity in the household, increasing family needs and limited opportunities their satisfaction, etc., a frivolous attitude towards marriage and the family, a myth about the special qualities of a man compared to a woman, forgetfulness of the principles of honor, cynicism and drunkenness, lack of self-discipline and sexual promiscuity, a high percentage of divorces.

The reasons for the decline in the birth rate up to the small number of children are generated by the extra-family nature of industrial civilization. They are associated with the loss of families, first of all, of a production function, and then of a number of others (transfer of experience from parents to children, parents' power over children, provision in old age, etc.). Neither the nature of work nor the remuneration for work now depend on the presence of children, nor on the presence of a family in general. Rather, the opposite: small children win in everything before those with many children.

Speaking about the creation by the state of the necessary conditions for the development of the family, it is important to determine the main functions and obligations of the state in relation to the family: the protection of the family, protection from unreasonable interference in its affairs.

In modern conditions, the protection of the family is elevated to the rank of state policy through the guaranteed right to work of every person, every family. The effective use of the labor potential of young families is one of the most important ways of the current stage of the state's social policy. It is the younger generation that is practically the only source of replenishment of the labor force in the state.

An equally important area of ​​strengthening the family is government measures directly aimed at stimulating the birth rate, protecting motherhood and childhood, and maintaining a healthy family. The purpose and expediency of demographic policy is to proportionally combine reproduction, the birth of children and the parents' own life in the family, taking into account the social qualities and harmonious development of the personalities of parents and children.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterov A.K. The role of the family in modern society [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

Each individual is free to choose his friends, but it is not necessary to choose relatives, even if there is hidden or open hostility between family members. At the same time, the family is a place where the interests of several individuals belonging to other groups always clash.

People with similar interests and needs tend to unite in groups, teams, parties. Together it is easier to achieve what you want, to feel safe from competing groups. If a person is left completely alone, he becomes a victim. In this case, it does not matter who the hunter who overtook him will be: another person, a group of people, or life circumstances. During his life, each individual is part of various groups: a school class, a student group, a work team, an interest club. But there is a group that a person never leaves. This group is the family. The family is one of the most important social institutions. Under the "institution" in sociology is understood a set of normative rules that must be followed in certain social relations. The institution of the family gives stability to society and is the only institution that allows replenishing the population.

Often, in modern society, the family becomes the only source of help, whether it be material or spiritual support. And even if for some period a person leaves the common house and lives separately from the rest of the family, he still remains a member of it. Family ties are the strongest, it is very difficult to break them.

1. Premarital behavior and marriage.

1.1. Premarital behavior.

The family is born at the moment of marriage, i.e. signing a document specially drawn up by the state, which officially establishes the union of two adults of different sexes. The death of a family is a divorce, which is formalized by the state in a special document. But people don't just get married. This is preceded by a period of acquaintance of future spouses with each other, during which they try to find out if they can live together. For different couples, it takes a different amount of time. For some, six months is enough, while for others it will take five years.

To choose a future spouse, people meet with several partners, figuring out which one is more suitable for living together. During this period, people evaluate the various qualities of a potential spouse. If there were too few such partners, then one of the spouses may begin to "go to the left" already during the period of family life. And this happens not because of the viciousness of the young man or girl, but because the circle of premarital partners was too narrow. The best option, according to various calculations, stops at the number 3–5. If this figure is exceeded, then what is called the "psychological conveyor" begins. Love experience is simply replicated, romantic feelings are dulled, the sharpness of sensations and the desire to have a strong family are dulled. Too much potential partners is just as harmful as not enough1.

It happens that young people get married the first time. It's called love at first sight, but it's very rare. After all, only the marriage that was concluded not only the first time, but also lasted until the end of the life of one of the spouses, will be considered a successful marriage. And this is even more rare.

The very first stage in the formation of a family is the acquaintance of future spouses. There are three forms of dating: self-acquaintance, acquaintance with the help of parents, relatives or friends, and acquaintance through a marriage agency. In Russia, the first two types of dating prevail. Most people do not dare to get acquainted through marriage agencies. In European countries, people prefer to get acquainted on their own, and only then introduce their chosen one to friends. The services of agencies there are resorted to only by business people who do not have a large amount of free time. In the East, until Western culture began to penetrate there, acquaintance through parents was almost the only possible one.

Immediately or after some time after meeting, a first date is scheduled. Usually a young man becomes its initiator, and the girl agrees or rejects his proposal for a meeting. The behavior of a young man and a girl until the moment they meet on the day of the date is approximately the same. Both of them tell their parents about the date, sometimes consult with close friends. On the day of the date, they tidy up, get nervous, and repeatedly change their appearance. But then their behavior begins to differ: the girl tries to impress with her appearance, strives to show that she needs the care of a young man, and the young man tries to impress with his wit, constantly jokes, takes care of the girl in every possible way, giving his hand, passing her forward, holding the door and etc., pays for cinema tickets, discotheque, restaurant bills.

If the first date went well, and the young people liked each other, then they will agree on the next meeting. The fact that dates began to be repeated indicates the beginning of a period of courtship, during which the young man strives to achieve even greater favor with the girl, giving her increased attention, sacrificing other people for the sake of meeting her. This period is often remembered by elderly spouses, as it is the most romantic period in their life together. After a few months of marriage, courtship often declines, and after a few years, the spouse may stop courting his wife altogether.

The difficulties that lovers have to overcome in order to meet warm up their feelings, unite them. For example, an injury received on a joint walk, say, by a young man, will be the test that will test the feelings of his girlfriend, her ability to support him, help him get home if he needs to take care of him in the future, etc. During courtship, young people not only get to know each other, but also educate each other, learn to give in, control their emotions, put up after a quarrel.

During courtship, young people often flirt with the opposite sex. The girl does this in order to make her chosen one jealous, and the young man does this to show his significance and ability to behave the way he wants. But you can’t cross a certain line, otherwise it can lead to a break.

At some point in the courtship, when dating has become regular, the young man proposes to his girlfriend, and then, if she agrees, asks for the consent of her parents. To do this, he puts on a suit, buys flowers for the mother of the future bride and for herself, comes to her house, tells the girl's parents about his feelings and "asks her hand". In case of consent of the parents, the future newlyweds determine the date of the engagement. Engagement is the announcement of young people as a bride and groom. Usually it is announced on the day the application for registration of marriage is submitted to the registry office. Previously, after the engagement, it was no longer possible to refuse marriage. The violating party had to "pay for dishonor".

1.2. Marriage.

Marriage is a set of formal prescriptions that define the rights, duties and privileges of the husband in relation to his wife, and of the two in relation to their children, relatives and society as a whole. Society deliberately divided all types of sexual relations into approved and unapproved, and the state into permitted and unpermitted, since in any modern society marriage is considered the only form of sexual relations socially approved and fixed by the state, not only permitted, but also obligatory. The marriage ceremony is called the inauguration. Children born in marriage are considered legitimate, since society has prescribed the social roles of mother and father to each member of the union, giving them the duty to educate, protect and care for their descendants. Children born out of wedlock are considered illegitimate, as there may not be a man who is ready to take on the obligations of a father. In this case, the child will not receive the inheritance that his father could have left him.

Marriage also implies certain customs that must be observed. Nowadays, it is customary in Russia to get acquainted with the parents of the future spouse, exchange rings, scatter small coins during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds step over a symbolic obstacle, and also, by analogy with European culture, spend their honeymoon at some resort. There is also a tradition of being celibate before marriage, but this is rarely observed these days. In addition to the rites associated with marriage, there are laws that are inseparable from it. Marriage must be registered, divorce occurs only for a good reason, in case of detection of fraud during marriage, it is recognized as invalid, there should be no relationship between those entering into marriage.

Marriage is the gateway to family life. According to E. Bogardus, marriage is an institution that allows men and women to enter into family life1. Marriage and the family are somewhat different concepts: marriage covers only marital relations, while the family covers both marital and parental relationships. In other words, marriage is an institution that regulates relations between spouses, and the family is an institution that also regulates relations between parents and children. The connection between them is obvious: in any society, ancient or modern, the family is formed precisely through marriage. Marriage is a socially sanctioned union between two or more individuals for the purpose of creating a family.

True, in modern society, marriages are often concluded in the complete absence of love. It's called an arranged marriage. The purpose of such a marriage is not the creation of a family, but the wealth of the future husband or wife, or the opportunity to obtain a residence permit. In general, love in modern society is far from the first place. Often young people get married out of necessity: an unplanned pregnancy, the opportunity to "slope" from the army. This is one extreme, and the other is early marriage due to youthful love, which by no means can be called love. Boys and girls aged 17–19 believe that they have really met their soul mate, and, not listening to the warnings of their relatives, sometimes they even get married to spite them. The most productive marriages are made by young people between the ages of 24 and 27, when both of them already have enough life experience. It is as a result of such marriages that good families are now being formed, among which the divorce rate is low. But such a marriage is concluded by young people more out of necessity: I am soon thirty years old, and I am not yet married (not married).

2. Family.

A family is a small group based on consanguinity or marriage, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. It can also be added here that family members run a joint household and live in the same living area.

2.1. Family functions.

The main function of the family is the reproduction of the population. In addition, the following functions are also distinguished:

Educational - socialization of the younger generation, maintaining the cultural reproduction of society;

Household - maintaining the physical health of members of society, caring for children and elderly family members;

Economic - obtaining material resources of some family members for others, economic support for minors and disabled members of society;

The sphere of primary social control is the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations in relations between spouses, parents and children, representatives of the older and middle generations;

Spiritual communication - personal development of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment;

Social status - granting a certain social status to family members, reproduction of the social structure;

Leisure - organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests;

Emotional - obtaining mental protection, emotional support, emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy2.

2.2. Family types.

There are several types of families. But all of them can be grouped into two main types: traditional and modern family. A traditional family is a family in which several generations live. There are only two generations in a modern family: parents and children. Families differ according to the trait that is taken as the basis. According to the number of children, a family can be childless, one-child and large. According to the criterion of the dominance of a husband or wife, families can be divided into patriarchal and matriarchal. Families are also divided according to the criterion of leadership: paternal, when the head of the family is a man, maternal, i.e. the head of the family is a woman and an equal - both spouses are equally considered the head of the family1.

Today, most modern families consist of two parents and one child. They constitute the social and economic center of the family, and they are also responsible for the reproduction of new generations. Such a family is called a nuclear family, which means "core" in Latin. At the same time, all other relatives live separately. Otherwise, the family will be called extended, i.e. traditional. Such a family is also called multigenerational, i.e. the family is expanded by three or four generations of direct relatives, and not by the addition of uncles, cousins, etc. to the family. In a nuclear family, grown-up children separate from their parents and create their own nuclear family again. If the new family does not separate from the parents, then an extended family of three generations is formed. At the same time, two families can be distinguished in it: parental and newly formed. The formation of a nuclear family is possible only in a society where adult children have the opportunity to live separately from their parents after marriage, i.e. can provide for themselves. In Russia, 60% of young families continue to live with the parents of one of the spouses.

2.3. Kinship.

Each family is a separate link in the kinship system, which includes the closest, cousins ​​and second cousins. Kinship brings together people related by common ancestors, adoption or marriage. At the same time, for the husband, his own relatives are blood relatives, and the wife’s relatives are relatives in law. And, accordingly, vice versa. All relatives by marriage are called relatives in the law.

There can be only seven closest relatives: mother, father, brother, sister, husband, daughter, son. In this case, there may be several sons, brothers, but mother, father and spouse are always in the singular at the moment. There can be only 33 cousins, starting with the mother-in-law and ending with the nephew. The number of second cousins ​​can vary from 2-3 to 150. If we take into account that some positions can be occupied by several people, then the total number of relatives can reach several hundred people.

A notable feature of kinship is that it is not based on biological origin, but on genealogical laws, because adoption is also considered kinship.

In the period of traditional society, kinship was the main form of social organization; being an outcast in the family was an indelible shame. In modern society, kinship does not include such a unifying function; moreover, each family lives in isolation from all other relatives. Most people do not know the names of their distant relatives, such as second cousins. The closest relatives also rarely get together, and the reason for the meeting is usually someone's anniversary or other significant event. The main difference between a family and kinship is that in modern society relatives do not constitute a group of people who are constantly in interaction with each other. But in ancient times, all relatives made up one large family, whose members lived together, and a family of two was a kind of union within a large family. Such a couple did not have the opportunity to live separately from other relatives, since in this case they doomed themselves to death.

In modern society, the problem of the possibility of living separately from other relatives is limited only by the availability of living space. Often, both spouses continue to work at full capacity in order to secure their own separate living, while in a family that has an apartment immediately after its formation, only one of them, usually a man, works at full capacity.

2.4. The distribution of roles and the problem of leadership in the family.

As society developed, the traditional multigenerational family was supplanted by the nuclear family. At the same time, at first, the source of income for the family, its breadwinner was the husband, and the wife was engaged in housework. Later, the situation changed and the wife also began to work, i. The family had two breadwinners. The USSR was a country in which the employment of women was very high: in 1922 - 25%, in 1940 - 38.9%, in 1960 - 47.2%, in 1970 - 50.8%, at the end of the 80s. – 52–55%3. Today, in various cities, this figure is approximately 70-80%. Moreover, some women work part-time, weekly or at home. The majority of medical and educational workers are women, this is due to the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule. The employment of single women who need to feed their children and elderly parents is much higher than in complete families. In most families, a woman goes to work when her financial situation worsens. But there are women who need to work to meet their social needs or feel independent from their spouse. Home life separates them from the team and communication with people, while working, such women "keep themselves in shape", but their percentage among workers is about 20%.

Work does not free a woman from household duties, so the burden on a woman is 2 times greater than on a man. But a working woman spends less time on housework and raising children than a non-working woman. Therefore, in families with two breadwinners, husbands take a greater part in housekeeping and raising children than in families where only a man works. But their share of their participation is still less than the share of women. Women justify the detachment of men from household chores by the fact that the husband’s working day is longer than their own, the husband’s work is harder. Such answers were given respectively by 40% and 22% of women interviewed in 1985. 16% said that their husbands are busy building a dacha or repairing a car3. In fact, it is more important for a woman that a man help her more in raising children than in housework. But in the care of children, fathers in Russia participate less than mothers, while both parents make the same contribution to the process of becoming a child's personality.

The employment of spouses and the level of their income directly affect their status in the family. In decision-making in the family in all countries, the material factor plays the main role: the spouse, who has a higher salary, occupies a leading position in the family, is the head of the family. But income directly depends on the qualification and level of education. As a result, in most families, a man turns out to be the head of the family in three categories at once: education, professionalism and high income. A working woman, it would seem, should equalize positions in the family. But human society has traditionally assigned to a man the right to make a final decision, therefore, with their social authority, husbands force their wives to perform the lion's share of domestic duties in addition to production work. Although a woman always has a sure way to achieve leadership in the family. Acting with caress and tenderness, she inclines her husband to do as she wants.

But leadership in a family is a rather complicated phenomenon. In some families, it seems that all decisions are made by the husband, in fact, the wife can often easily achieve her goal by screaming and crying. At the same time, the husband will give in simply because of his unwillingness to get involved with his hysterical wife. But such women, who have real power in the family, often use it to the detriment of marital relations, allowing themselves to criticize their husband in the presence of strangers, friends, relatives. In such families, husbands often acquire an inferiority complex.

In general, in modern society, the role of women in decision-making is rapidly increasing. In families with middle-aged spouses, a woman more often than a man makes decisions in all spheres of family life. Among the older generation, men mainly make economic decisions, while women are responsible for organizing recreation, raising children, etc. In young families, all decisions are made on a democratic basis. This situation is due to the increase in women's self-esteem, and partly because of the strengthened positions of feminist movements. Sometimes it happens that a woman, having achieved leadership in the family, begins to experience dissatisfaction with marriage. It turns out that in order to be satisfied with marriage and with her husband, a woman needs power in the family, but not absolute, but full-fledged. In general, leadership in the family, as the predominance, dominance of one spouse over the other, should be absent, because marriage and family are a union of two equal individuals who must complement each other. The unquestioning subordination of a wife to her husband is a relic of feudalism, and the suppression of a husband by a wife is complete nonsense.

Excessive dominance of one spouse over the other, dissatisfaction of the husband or wife with any aspect of family relations may be a reason for divorce.

2.5. Divorce and its consequences.

Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage during the life of the spouses. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, divorce was a fairly rare occurrence in social life, and today divorce for various reasons has become widespread. The divorce rate is rising in almost all and among all segments of the population. In Russia, divorce is carried out at the request of one or both spouses in court, and with the mutual consent of spouses who do not have minor children, in the registry office. Our country has a very high divorce rate, we are in second place after the USA. But if in the United States the number of divorces is decreasing due to the implementation of certain measures in the field of strengthening family values, then in Russia, due to the difficult economic situation, the improvement of families is taking place to a lesser extent. In the United States, many more families resort to various family preservation measures than in Russia. We must strive to ensure that going to a family psychoanalyst is the most common thing in our country as well. At the same time, lawyers are constantly facilitating the divorce process, which contributes to the weakening of family ties.

The motives for divorce are subjective reasons named by the spouses. But the motives reflect the situation at the time of the divorce, without revealing the reasons that actually led to it. Most divorcing couples do not name the real reasons for the divorce in court, but the motives that prompted it. Among them, the most common can be considered the dissimilarity of characters, adultery, alcoholism, lack of common interests, lack of good material conditions and excessive interference of parents in the affairs of spouses. The real reasons for divorce are objective and do not depend on the will of people. For example, lack of money, living with mother-in-law, wife's inability to keep house. But one cannot ignore such a factor as a reason for divorce. In most cases, this is some kind of household trifle that served as the impetus for a divorce. Let's say a husband starts telling his wife that her mother is constantly "cutting" him, or the wife starts to reproach her husband for not wanting to help her around the house, all this can sharply turn into a serious quarrel. As a result, one of them may file for divorce.

The consequences of divorce for adults affect the emotional well-being of a person and the state of his health, because divorce is a lot of stress. The economic situation of the divorced is deteriorating. Fulfilling parental roles also becomes more difficult. Another problem that confronts divorced people is the forced refusal to meet with friends who were friends of the family. It becomes difficult to maintain a relationship with them. Some divorcees are embarrassed to show themselves in public places alone after a divorce. These problems are much more acute for those who have been married for a long time than for young people. The latter have more prospects for remarriage.

In the event of a divorce, the court tries to fully take into account the interests of the children, but the loss of one of the parents seriously affects the child. In addition, it often happens that a father or mother refuses to take part in the upbringing of children, and this is more typical for fathers. The most detrimental consequence of a divorce can be that the child grows up cruel and cold towards others, embittered at the whole world.

With all the negative aspects of divorce, it cannot be banned, since then the marriage will turn into a forced union. If a person has not found happiness in marriage, he should try to do it again. In order to reduce the number of divorces and protect yourself from it, you need to be more thoughtful in choosing your future spouse and constantly strive to strengthen the marriage, trying to eliminate your shortcomings and trying to correct the spouse's shortcomings. But here, too, excessive zeal can only do harm.


In modern society, there is a tendency to weaken the family as a social institution in its usual sense. The unity of the family, which was inherent in her, has practically disappeared. Today's younger generation prefers to spend their free time among their friends rather than with their family. The traditional roles and responsibilities of family members have changed significantly. The time when a woman ran a household and took care of children, and a man wholly and completely ensured the economic independence of the family, has passed. Now many women are involved in industrial and even political activities, provide for their families on an equal basis with men, and often take a leading position in making family decisions. True, this happens almost exclusively in countries with Christian and Buddhist culture. Such changes bring with them a number of negative and positive consequences for the family and society as a whole. On the one hand, the self-esteem of a woman increases, on the other hand, the self-esteem of a man decreases. A woman's struggle for equality in marital relations often develops into a struggle for family dominance. In addition, the employment of women has a negative impact on the demographic situation, since a woman who wants to make a career does not want to become a mother for quite a long time. And this leads to a drop in the birth rate and an increase in mortality. But the main danger for the family, as a social institution, I think is that now a fairly large number of young people do not want to start a family at all, preferring civil marriage or open relationships. This trend is observed mainly in large cities, but the province always follows the center of the country.

But the main value of the family - the joy of the family hearth - will never disappear. The modern world is a very cruel and terrible thing. When you are threatened with dismissal at work, there is not enough money for good things, you are just scared, and you don’t know what tomorrow will turn out for you, it is the family that will become the place where you feel good and calm.


1. Kravchenko A.I. Sociology. - M .: Academic Project, 2001.

2. Radugin A.A., Radugin K.A. Sociology: a course of lectures. - M.: Center, 2001.

3. Solovyov N.Ya., Gurko T.A. Family on the threshold of the third millennium. - M .: Publishing House "Thought", 1996.

a group of 11th grade students

research project is devoted to the problems of the modern family, changes in its functions in modern Russian society



Municipal educational institution

Zarechensk secondary school

Sobinsky district of the Vladimir region

Research topic


11th grade students

Stepanova Ekaterina

Ruzleva Julia

Kukushkina Natalia

Totskaya Marina

Scientific director

Lisova S.V.

v. Zarechnoe 2011

1.Introduction p. 3

2. The purpose of the study p.4

3. Tasks of the study p.4

4. Research hypothesis. p.4

5. Literature review. p.5

6. Research methodology p.18

7. Research results p.18

8. Conclusions and comments. p.20

9. Conclusion. p.22

10. List of references. p.22

11. Applications.


The family as one of the main social institutions of society.

The family is one of the most important and specific social institutions, with the help of which society and the state regulate relations between husband and wife, parents and children, other relatives, the reproduction of members of society, their socialization is carried out.

The exclusive role and importance of social. The institutions of the family are determined primarily by the fact that the family serves as the main carrier of cultural patterns transmitted from generation to generation and the most important agent of the socialization of the individual. In this sense, the family can be considered as the basis of the entire institutional system of society. The basis of the family is marriage, consanguinity or adoption, relations of protection and mutual assistance. All these relations are fixed and regulated in society both by marriage and family legislation and by moral customs.

2. The purpose of the study:

The study of public opinion on the role of the family in modern society.

Research objectives:

  1. 1. Conduct a theoretical review of the scientific literature on the problem.
  2. 2. Choose methods for studying public opinion.
  3. 3. Conduct an analysis of the sociological survey.
  4. 4. Reveal the dependence of the opinion on the importance of the family for the individual on age.

Research hypothesis:

Representatives of the older generation have more normative ideas about the family than young people,

The value of the family among young people is falling.

5. Literature review

Functions of the family in modern society.

The family performs a variety of important social functions. features:

  1. reproductive, i.e. biological reproduction of the population;
  2. socialization of children, educational, cultural reproduction of society;
  3. maintenance of children and elderly members.

Secondary functions:

  1. communication in different aspects - within the family and with the outside world,
  2. regulatory - regulates the behavior of its members,
  3. accumulation and transfer of property and status,
  4. recreational - material and moral conditions of rest.

These functions in one form or another and volume take place in families, in each family their ratio is different. Historically, some functions die off, for example, production, other functions are strengthened. There is a gradual transition from a patriarchal family with the undeniable authority and power of the father to an egalitarian family, in which the man ceases to be the sole creator of the material base of the family. The role of the breadwinner is performed by both the woman and the man. The recreational function of the family existed both in the 19th and 20th centuries only in its infancy, since within the framework of the family not so much recreation was carried out as joint production. Now productive activity has been withdrawn mainly from the family, and the family has become the main place of recreation. In general, a change in functions, the loss of some and the emergence of others is called dysfunction. The result of family dysfunction is the emergence of new types of families. This process has always existed, but in the second half of the 20th century the change in functions occurs so rapidly that almost all functions have changed, including the reproductive function.

From the point of view of the functions of the family in sociology, problems are considered - the discrepancy between the functioning of the family and social needs: low birth rate, high divorce rate, low educational potential, etc.

In modern society, there is a process of weakening the family as a social institution, a change in its social functions. The family is losing its position in the socialization of individuals, in the organization of leisure and other functions. The traditional roles in which a woman gave birth and raised children, ran the household, and the husband was the owner, owner of property, economically provided for the family, were replaced by role roles in which the woman began to play an equal or higher role with the man. This has changed the way the family functions, with both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, this contributed to the establishment of equality between women and men, on the other hand, it aggravated conflict situations and reduced the birth rate.

Problems of the modern family and prospects for its development.

The family is characterized by a certain dynamics from its inception, and until the collapse or development. In addition, the institution of the family, like the predominant type of family, changes with the development of society. The functions of the family (the main ones are reproductive, the socialization of children, the maintenance of children) and the functions of the second plan (communication, regulatory, accumulation and transfer of property and status, recreational) in one form or another and in volume take place in families, in each family their ratio is different. Historically, some functions die off, for example, production, other functions are strengthened. There is a gradual transition from a patriarchal family with the undeniable authority and power of the father to an egalitarian family, in which the man ceases to be the sole creator of the material base of the family. The role of the breadwinner is performed by both the woman and the man. The recreational function of the family existed both in the 19th and 20th centuries only in its infancy, since within the framework of the family not so much recreation was carried out as joint production. Now productive activity has been withdrawn mainly from the family, and the family has become the main place of recreation. In general, a change in functions, the loss of some and the emergence of others is called dysfunction. The result of family dysfunction is the emergence of new types of families. This process has always existed, but in the second half of the 20th century the change in functions occurs so rapidly that almost all functions have changed, including the reproductive function. This led to the massive emergence of atypical families. Some scientists call it a crisis and even the end of the world. Others argue that there is another stage in the replacement of some types of families by others. Just like all other social processes, this process of change by the end of the 20th century acquired a very high speed. New types of families that are now emerging are replacing the extended and even nuclear families, they are called non-modal or atypical. Often children are born out of wedlock. The number of incomplete families and families with 1 child is growing. In the modern world, a woman has become economically independent of a man, they can independently financially provide for their child, so single-parent families are becoming more common. Typical for the modern world:

  1. single-parent family or with 1 child,
  2. family not registering marriage,
  3. loners who refuse any form of family,
  4. trial marriage,
  5. atypical types,
  6. parallel residence of 2 or more families.

So, by the end of the 20th century, non-modal or non-traditional types of families are taking an increasing place in the system of family relations, displacing modal or traditional types. This process is based on 2 main reasons and a number of secondary ones. The main ones include:

  1. a change in the economic situation in the world, which led, firstly, to the economic solvency of women, secondly, to a secure old age, and thirdly, to quite substantial material assistance from state and public institutions, which made it possible to break the traditional dependence of women on the male breadwinner, elderly parents on breadwinners and influenced the size and types of families;
  2. universal democratization, giving equal rights to women and men, significantly strengthening the rights of children. Thus, the woman herself was given the right to decide on the need to fulfill the role of spouse and mother, and this changed intra-family relations.

In addition to these reasons, a number of scientists associate radical changes in family type with the invention of contraceptives, which allows birth control.

The modern model of the family, its functions.

The traditional core of the family is considered to be a married couple with the addition of children, relatives, parents of spouses to the core. Marriage is a historically changing social a form of relationship between a man and a woman by which society regulates and sanctioned their sexual life and established their marital and parental rights and obligations. Family - represents a more complex system of relations. It unites spouses, their children, as well as other relatives or just people close to spouses.

Modern family model: An elementary family is a family of 3 people. Family relationships in her: dominance/ subordination is divided into the following grounds:

1.who is responsible for the family:

▪ family norms - where the man (husband, father) is responsible.

▪ abnormal family - if the man is not responsible

▪ pseudo-family (no one is responsible)

2. who dominates in the family:

▪ father - patriarchal ▪ mother - matriarchal

▪ child-centric (the child dominates, his needs and whims)

▪ egoritarian (power functions in the family are distributed, but their distribution is the basis for constant conflicts)

Family as a small social group

The social environment is a complex society in which people are united with each other in numerous, diverse, more or less stable compounds called groups. Among these groups can be distinguished large and small. Large groups are represented by states, nations, nationalities, parties, classes, and other social communities identified by professional, economic, religious, cultural, educational, age, gender, and other characteristics. Through these groups, the impact of the ideology of society on the psychology of their constituent people is carried out.

The direct conductor of the influence of society and large social groups on the individual is a small group. It is a small association of people (from 2-3 to 20-30 people) engaged in some common cause and in direct relationship with each other. The small group is the elementary cell of society. In it, a person spends most of his life. The well-known thesis about the dependence of the psychology and behavior of the individual on the social environment would be more correct to formulate as the idea of ​​the dependence of the individual on psychology and relationships that exists in small groups.

Examples of small groups that are most significant for a person are a family, a school, a work team, a group of friends, etc. The family as a small group is characterized by a deep internal psychological and behavioral duty of its members, which makes it a relatively autonomous socio-psychological entity.

A family can be characterized as a highly developed small group, since it contains: a sufficient psychological community, established personal relationships, an established structure of interaction between its members, a clear distribution of responsibilities, etc.

In order to be able to call a family a collective, it must meet a number of high requirements that define a highly developed small group as a collective:

Successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it;

Have high morals, good human relations;

To create for each of its members the possibility of development as a person.

A collective can be considered a family in which a differentiated system of personal relationships has developed, built on a high moral foundation. They are defined through the concepts of responsibility, openness, collectivism, organization, efficiency and awareness. In fact, most families occupy an intermediate position between an underdeveloped group and a highly developed collective.

The family is an institution that is designed to provide the child with the necessary minimum of communication, without which he cannot become a full-fledged personality. At the same time, no other social institution is potentially capable of causing as much harm when children are raised incorrectly as the family. Intra-family processes can act as both a positive and a negative factor in the upbringing of the child's personality. Considering the phenomenon of the modern family, psychologists give its socio-psychological assessment. It is a small social group that differs from other groups in features that are unique to it. These are dependence on public institutions, heterogeneity of composition by sex and age, closeness (the entry of new members into the family is regulated, the natural and unique way of its expansion is the birth of a child), the duration of its history, which includes qualitatively different stages of development.

In the family as a social system, there are several types of relationships (according to N. Solovyov):

Socio-biological (covering the sphere of population movement and age and sex structure, sexual relations, the problem of fertility and family planning, family feelings, raising children, the problem of heredity);

Economic and economic (cover housekeeping, compliance with the family budget, distribution of responsibilities, etc.);

Legal (cover the sphere of motivation for marriage and divorce, legal regulation of property and personal rights and obligations of spouses, relations between parents and children);

Moral (include the sphere of moral education and self-education, issues of sexual and labor education);

Psychological (cover the sphere of psychological characteristics of the individual, overcoming contradictions between spouses, between parents and children, the formation of feelings, attitudes, psychological compatibility and psychological climate);

Aesthetic (include aesthetic education and self-education, aesthetics of relationships, behavior, speech, clothing, housing).

A person experiences the influence of the family from the day of birth until the end of his life. This means that family education is characterized by continuity and duration. And in this no other educational public institution can compare with the family. Of course, the influence of the family on children at different periods of their lives is not the same. Since family education is inconceivable without parental love for children and the reciprocal feeling of children for their parents, it is more emotional in nature than any other education. The family unites people of different ages, gender, often with different professional interests. This allows the child to fully express their emotional and intellectual capabilities. Education through emotional impact is a very delicate process. Least of all, in the development of the emotional side of the personality, mechanical simplification is permissible. Theoretical errors of mechanistic theories can lead to detrimental consequences in practice.

The family has the most active influence on the development of spiritual culture, on the social orientation of the individual, and on the motives of behavior. Being a micromodel of society for the child, the family turns out to be the most important factor in the development of a system of social attitudes and the formation of life plans. Social rules are first realized in the family, the cultural values ​​of society are consumed through the family, the knowledge of other people begins with the family. The range of influence of the family on the upbringing of children is as wide as the range of social influence.

If a family has several children, then natural conditions appear for the formation of a full-fledged family team. And this enriches the life of each family member and creates a favorable environment for the successful fulfillment of the educational function by the family. In a family with one child, all this is greatly complicated. A. S. Makarenko wrote: “One can, for example, resolutely assert that the upbringing of an only child is more difficult than the upbringing of several children. Even if the family is experiencing some financial difficulties, one should not be limited to one child.

It turns out that the educational function organically merges with the reproductive one. A close relationship exists between other functions.

Sociologists have attached and attach increasing importance to the communicative function of the family. The following components of this function can be named: family mediation in contact of its members with the media (television, radio, periodicals), literature and art; the influence of the family on the diverse connections of its members with the natural environment and on the nature of its perception; organization of intra-family communication.

If the family pays sufficient attention to the performance of this function, then this significantly enhances its educational potential. Often associated with the communicative function (sometimes even considered an independent function) is the activity to create a psychological climate for the family. One cannot but agree with this, since in our dynamic era the importance of the family as a psychological unit is greatly increasing. Therefore, these issues are discussed in detail in the next chapter.

At present, the function of the family in organizing leisure and recreation is noticeably increasing. By leisure, we will agree to understand non-working (free) time, which a person manages entirely at his own choice and discretion. Free time is one of the most important social values, an indispensable means of restoring the physical and spiritual strength of a person, and the comprehensive development of the individual.

As society influences the family, creating a certain type of it, so the family has a considerable influence on the development and way of life of society. The family plays an important role in accelerating the economic and social development of society, in educating the younger generation, in achieving happiness for every person.

According to a survey conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation in 1994, the rating of the family among the 59 values ​​offered to respondents was the highest and amounted to 75%. A similar picture was observed in a survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) in 2005. To the question: “What is the most important value for you?” 39% of the respondents answered: "a good family" and 40% - "raising children"; while “highly paid work” was in the background ( The high rating of the family among values ​​is confirmed by the fact that many Russians subjectively feel an urgent need to preserve or create a family, but as a result, for various reasons, they cannot achieve this. This situation is reflected not only in statistics, but also in the mass consciousness.

The revival of the state through the revival of the family

The revival of lost family values ​​can lead to the revival of society, because having a family, a person has a reliable rear, he has an urgent need to take care of his family, his children, and for this it is necessary to work. But a person needs to feel his need not only in the family, but also to receive recognition of his merits in society, in order to achieve this, the state needs to take care of its citizens, and take care of it tangibly, and not declaratively, because a hungry person will not heed calls to his civil conscience from the TV screen, because every day he sees something completely different. This is a very complex problem, and it is necessary to solve it with a whole range of measures, not only calling for the revival of family values.

Analyzing the sociological studies cited earlier, we can state that in the minds of the majority of Russians there is a pronounced need for the family to be one of the main values. At the same time, the behavior of a significant number of Russian citizens, especially young people, to a large extent does not correspond to this need. This discrepancy is largely due to both objective difficulties (housing problems, low incomes that do not allow to feed a family, distortions and disproportions in the sex and age structure of the Russian population - there are more women than men in different age groups), and subjective negative factors (alcoholism and drug addiction, the infantilism of youth, the unwillingness of many people to bear responsibility for the family, hedonism and a low level of moral development).

"The family is the main value of a person, society and the state." The family is the only institution that has existed throughout human history. This is the only cell that managed to survive, and somewhere to resist all those social structures and state aspirations, which in our century, in particular, tried to change the course of history. The institution of the family is of strategic importance for today's Russia. This is evidenced by the unprecedented system of measures to support the family and the birth rate. The family is not only a cell, but also the answer to the question that was posed in the report by E.E. Chepurnykh: this is a combination of "I" and the collective, this is a combination of "I" and society, this is a combination of "I" and the state, etc. The family is the anchor that binds a person to his country and to his state much more reliably than anything else.

The family is a social entity that has its own specifics in each specific historical type of society, its own traditions in each national culture.

It is important to combine the traditions of the past and the experience of the present with enduring spiritual ideals. Only spiritual foundations can become that unshakable foundation on which families and schools can stand in the 21st century.

Research methodology

  1. 1. A sociological survey to identify the public opinion of the local society about the role of the family for the individual.
  2. 2. Comparison of the data obtained by age and gender characteristics.

Research results.

As a result of the survey, we obtained the following data:

  1. Characteristically, 40% of women teachers and 28% of girls indicated the priority of the family; among boys, the family practically does not have a priority place. (Diagram 1)
  1. only 22% of girls believe that a man is responsible for the family, 6% are ready to take this responsibility on themselves, most of 61% consider both equally responsible;
  2. 50% of young men are ready to take responsibility for the family, 40% preferred to share this burden in half with the girls. (Diagram 2)
  1. The family is the most significant as a guarantee of a happy life for middle-aged women (80% rep.),
  2. least-for girls- (56%),
  3. boys occupy an intermediate position (70%). (Diagram 3)
  1. All interviewed women teachers agreed that the modern family is in crisis,
  2. young men agree with this to the least extent (40% of respondents) (Diagram 4)


  1. The majority of respondents believe that the modern family is in crisis, and middle-aged women agree with this to the greatest extent (100%), which, of course, is determined by their professional affiliation, young men think about this problem the least (40%);
  2. For the majority of respondents, family and career are equally important, and we have the largest percentage among young men;
  3. The ideas about responsibility for the family among girls are the most vague, which can subsequently lead to violations of family relations.


Today, in the 21st century, the century of globalization and socialization of almost all aspects of human life, the family remains the main one, or, as sociologists say, “the primary social group, social institution”, where the upbringing of a new generation takes place. In order to enhance the role of the family in society and educate young people in the spirit of respect for family values, it is necessary to understand what place the family and the values ​​associated with it occupy in the minds of people living in modern Russia. The family in Russia is in a difficult, crisis state. This, in particular, is evidenced by the huge number of divorces. Crises in various spheres of society's life have led to ideological confusion, which in the first place has hit hard on the moral and moral values ​​of the population. Now, instead of the development of spirituality and morality, we see the general moral decay of the nation. Questions about family and marriage go far beyond purely moral discussions. At stake are the problems of demography, and consequently, the pace of development of social and economic life.


Diagram 1. The priority of various spheres of life, where
1 group - female teachers,
Group 2 - girls 15-18 years old,
Group 3 - boys 15-18 years old

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Diagram 4


Please, answer the questions of the survey.

You need to underline the option that

corresponds to your opinion.


1. Your gender:

Male - Female

2. Your age:

15-20 years old - 21-30 years old - 31-45 years old - 46-57 years old -58 years old and older

3. Your current marital status:

I am married - I am in a civil marriage - I am not married

4. What is your level of education?

Primary - Secondary - Secondary special

Higher -Study in high school

5. What do you consider the most important thing in life?

Successful career - prosperous family

Work and family at the same time

6. In your opinion, who should be responsible for the welfare of the family:

▪ Responsibility is borne by a man (husband, father).

▪ a woman is responsible

* both men and women are equally responsible

7. Do you think that family is the key to a healthy and happy life:

▪ yes, definitely ▪ maybe ▪ no, you can live happily without a family

8. How many people do you think a modern family should consist of?

Mother, father, child - mother, father, children (2 or more) - mother, father, children, grandmother, grandfather

9. Do you think that the family in Russia in modern conditions is experiencing a development crisis?

Yes, no, I didn't think about it.

Thank you for your answers and help!

That the family is the basis of society can be proven by the fact that all over the world every society is structured according to the same pattern. A man and a woman get married and families are created that form villages, regions and, eventually, countries. Countries form continents, and all continents make up the world. The basis of this whole process is the family. The family plays a crucial role in modern society , being a model of love in three different aspects:

  • love for children;
  • love between husband and wife;
  • love in promoting moral values.

As adults, we need to see patterns of things that are important in our lives, especially in the relationship between children and parents. Children learn about the world by observing the patterns of behavior of others.

The family functions in the same way. For example, children who see their parents abuse alcohol or abuse each other repeat these actions. The role of the family in modern society is to create a good and correct model of behavior. The Bible teaches us that an earthly father should be an earthly example of a heavenly Father. An earthly father should be a living example of patience and kindness, showing love in relation to his children.

One of the most important roles of the family in society is the love between husband and wife.
At this critical moment in history, when moral values ​​are declining in modern society, the family must remain their foundation and promote advancement in our easily misinformed society. Many meanings can be listed, but the focus should be on those that are hot topics in the modern world:

  • fornication;
  • homosexuality;
  • abortion.

The family should be a model and demonstrate the fact that sexual relations take place only in marriage between husband and wife. Mothers and fathers should teach their children the importance of maintaining virginity before marriage:

  • there is no such thing as safe sex outside of marriage;
  • the family must consist of a marriage between one man and one woman;
  • any other marriage relationship is harmful and dangerous.

Families should discourage abortion because it takes innocent lives. If a society terminates its future generations, then who will welcome the future here?

The family plays a decisive role, with the potential and responsibility to influence the entire society by its positive example. Parents should show love towards their children by spending time with them and building personal relationships. Spouses should love each other in the image of Jesus Christ.

In order to fulfill their role in society, the family must educate children in moral values ​​so that they can mature and pass on these values ​​to future generations, making society a safe and happy place for all people to live!

Family and marriage in modern society are not as valuable concepts as they used to be. But this does not mean that they are absolutely devalued, or that their depreciation as a value is justified. It's no secret that every year the number of divorces in urban cities is growing, and, based on this, we can assume that our civilization has reached a stage where marriage, in the minds of many, is not an end, but a means. Since the goals are a more stable concept that rarely changes, and the means, on the contrary, are more convenient to change depending on the circumstances, this is where the sad statistics emerge: one marriage can be easily replaced by another, the morality of “there are no irreplaceable people” is also in this category, and the fact that children are left to grow up without a father or mother is, unfortunately, the norm of our time.

In order to clarify the situation and draw the right conclusions, we define the main ones in modern times.

Family in modern society and reproductive function

The essence of this function is in procreation. Today, in developed countries, it is precisely strong marriage ties that can solve it when children are born in a family with officially registered relationships. However, not everyone is able to support a large number of children, which is why financial assistance programs are also being implemented for fathers. Due to drastic changes in the labor market, in the production and economic spheres, there is a decrease in the income level of many citizens, which becomes an obstacle to the implementation of full-fledged family relationships. Often women have to work on an equal footing with men, which leads to a decrease in the birth rate and the breakdown of marriage ties. Most often, family problems in modern society are caused precisely by the inability to have children (for financial reasons or because of health problems), or their unwillingness, which is based on psychological fears.

It also hinders the implementation of the reproductive function of families in which the newlyweds themselves still need support and protection to some extent, just like children. The problems that it faces are already quite complex, and when a young family faces additional ones, in the form of housekeeping and solving financial issues, then, of course, this sometimes provokes a divorce if people are not satisfied with the role of dependents or if it is simply unacceptable for them.

Also related to the problems of reproductive function is the question of many of which are sent to baby homes due to the fact that mothers are unable to support them on their own.

Family in modern society and educational function

Family in the ideal sense is associated with stability. That is why she is (again, ideally) the guarantor of providing good offspring that grows up in good conditions under the supervision and protection of parents. With the advent of the state system, the legislative framework also includes a number of rights and obligations dedicated to marriage ties, which provide a decent existence for children born in the family.

If people constantly changed marriage partners, then the children born in these relationships would be much more difficult to get stronger due to the lack of support from one of the parents. Unfortunately, in today's society this phenomenon is becoming more and more common.

The implementation of the educational function is complicated by the fact that in most modern families, partners are usually equal, but a woman has more responsibilities due to the need to earn money and at the same time raise children along with housekeeping.

It is even worse when children are left to themselves because of the constant employment of their parents.

The family in modern society and the restorative function

Many experts are of the opinion that marriage is half the success in a career. Since a person is a social being, and he needs to share his experiences, ask for advice, it means that it is very important when there are those who are ready to support in difficult times and with whom trusting relationships are established.

The family in modern society, fortunately, still fully performs this function in most cases. Few people agree to marry someone they don't trust or don't need at all.

And yet, there are several difficulties that families face in implementing this function. They are associated with a common culture, which is the more difficult to form, the more common in society are low values ​​that encourage the constant change of partners, proclaiming money as the main value of life, which affects both women who have fallen into feminism and men who fear that their partner only this “main” value is needed. Surely, in this case, humanity and developed morality are able to make a strong, close-knit group and a worthy cell of society without abandoned children and single mothers out of a family.