The calmest dog breeds are medium to small in size for an apartment. In the apartment

Wanting a dog and getting one, taking on a 10-15 year burden of responsibility - the concepts can be said to be opposite. Many four-legged fans live without a dog for years or get a cat, just because they are not ready to train a pet. An important factor is living in an apartment, which means that the problems associated with this are walking, washing paws, bathing, molting and wool everywhere. Do not infringe on your dreams, if the only factor that scares you is where you live, then choose small breeds of dogs. They are perfect for an apartment.

So why do you need a dog? Love - many will answer. Just loving the ward is not enough, because he needs care, and sometimes treatment. Many breeds of small dogs require special nutrition. Are you ready to invest your time and energy, or do you still need an unpretentious breed? The question should be put in this way, because considering the miniature representatives of the canine world, many potential owners see exhibition photos and do not think about how many hours have been invested in grooming this ponytail.

Do you hate even the thought of wool in your house or on your clothes? Believe me, even smooth-haired breeds will not suit you, because they shed, and most often intensively. Do you need a dog to "educate" the younger generation? To occupy a child's leisure and teach him responsibility? In this case, it is fundamentally wrong to focus on size, and you should consider the best dog breeds for children. So, you need the best small dog breed for an apartment, and it's up to your personal beliefs and preferences.

  • Dimensions- height and weight.
  • paddock– necessity, frequency, duration.
  • Activity- a melancholic dog or a small hurricane.
  • Owner orientation- a pet that loves only you or everyone around.
  • Ability to learn- miniature dogs, as well as medium or giant ones, need training. There are three types in this category: easy to learn for kids and beginners, moderate for people willing to put in the time, and wayward for experienced trainers.
  • The need for regular brushing- short-haired, smooth-haired and long-haired breeds.
  • Moult- Some breeds of dogs do not shed, but need grooming.
  • Power type- whimsical and unpretentious.
  • Health Many miniature dogs are prone to a number of genetic diseases.

mongrel dog

The best choice for those who do not have a clear framework and preferences, but want to make a true friend. It is quite difficult to predict what size the "courtyard" will grow. If you absolutely do not understand puppies, you should contact volunteers who save homeless animals. Naturally, no one will give you guarantees that an adult dog will be miniature or no more than 6 kg in weight. However, animal advocates have rich experience in handling outbred puppies and are well versed in their size.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua

The weight of an adult dog is not more than 3 kg. Walking is desirable but not required. The regularity and complexity of care depends on the type of coat. They are whimsical in nutrition, especially if the dog does not have a complete set of teeth. Moderately active, well trained, focused exclusively on the person. Under the condition of high-quality breeding, they rarely get sick.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

The growth of an adult dog is up to 30 cm, weight is up to 6 kg. They need regular, active walking, loads and games. Loyal to the owner, can be jealous of other animals in the house. They learn basic commands without difficulty. Short-haired, without undercoat, but shedding. They need periodic brushing and brushing seasonally. Usually unpretentious to the type of food, but need an enhanced diet during the growth period. With high-quality breeding, care and vaccination, they suffer only from age-related diseases.

Maltese, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Shih Tzu

Miniature, long-haired breeds bred solely for the role of a companion. Weight of an adult Maltese up to 4 kg, Pekingese up to 5.5 kg, Japanese Chin up to 6.8 kg, Shih Tzu up to 8 kg. They need a long, but moderately active range. Prone to overheating during the summer months. Playful and loving in puppyhood. The nature of an adult pet directly depends on education and socialization. If the dog is not accustomed to society, it may show aggression towards strangers and other animals. They adore their master and, with timely upbringing, obey well. They need regular brushing and shed a lot. There are a number of nutritional requirements and a tendency to genetic ailments.

Continental Toy Spaniel - Papillon and Phalene

The weight of an adult dog is up to 5 kg. They differ in the type of ears, Papillon (butterfly) with erect ears, (moth) with lowered ones. They need active walking, but they are accustomed to the diaper. Moderately active, more intelligent and dependent on a person. They can show obstinacy in training, but with the right approach they lend themselves well to training. They shed and need regular grooming. Usually, they are not whimsical to the type of food. They are prone to a number of congenital diseases.

Pug, Petit Brabancon

Short-haired dogs with reserved temperament. The weight of an adult Pug is up to 10 kg, Petit Brabancon up to 5 kg. Walking is necessary, but it is worth considering the tendency to hypothermia and overheating. At a young age they are active and playful. They need an owner with a strong character and the ability to find an approach to learning. Shedding season, the rest of the time, grooming is not burdensome. They need a strict diet, due to the tendency to gain excess weight. All typical diseases are associated with genetics or poor quality care.

French Bulldog, Boston Terrier

Strong and active dogs. With proper care, they remain cheerful and energetic until old age. Adult French Bulldog weighs up to 15 kg, Boston Terrier up to 11 kg. Both breeds are prone to overheating during the hot months of the year and need regular exercise and diet. Grooming is not burdensome, but dogs shed. The French Bulldog can snore - worth considering if you have a light sleep. They tend to gain excess weight and a number of diseases associated with the physiological structure.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan and Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Very similar breeds growing up to 17 kg. Great for lovers of service breeds, because despite their size, they are full-fledged shepherd dogs. They need a long walk, they are easy to learn, active and playful, they find a common language with children. They need regular grooming and brushing seasonally. They are loyal to the family and the owner, if necessary they show defensive qualities. They are not picky about the type of food, but are prone to weight gain with a lack of exercise. They are prone to skin and ophthalmic diseases.

dwarf poodle

Small, representative dog up to 8 kg in weight (mini up to 5 kg). Doesn't shed but needs regular clipping. Poodles are very active and smart, strong and agile. They require active and long walking, intellectual loads. They are loyal to their owner and very easy to train. Not picky about food. Generally healthy and strong dogs.

Living in the conditions of a modern metropolis obliges to some rules that an urbanized resident is forced to comply with. Many dog ​​lovers refuse the opportunity to have a devoted four-legged friend next to them, citing the fact that the dog will be uncomfortable in a small city apartment, and the household will be annoyed by the neighborhood of a shedding and barking new family member. This view is, for the most part, erroneous. In no case should you deprive yourself of unforgettable communication with the most ancient companions of people - you just need to choose the right breed. Many dogs feel great in the usual "Khrushchev", without causing any problems to their owners and their neighbors.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a companion for living together in a small apartment of a large multi-storey building, it is necessary to take into account a wide variety of factors.

  1. Perhaps the most important thing to consider is the nature of the pet. Agree, a dog of a fighting breed is unlikely to please your neighbors.
  2. The ability of a pet to endure loneliness also plays an important role. Constant barking can seriously annoy others and cause you to regularly communicate with law enforcement officials. Furniture or shoes damaged in your absence will also not delight you.
  3. The need for constant and thorough care of a pet can be the reason for abandoning the decision to get a dog - not every amateur dog owner will be able to devote enough time to this. In addition, not everyone is ready to find hairballs left by a shedding friend in bed or in their favorite chair.
  4. The dog, unfortunately, can cause severe allergies, which are caused by the specific smell of some animals or irritating particles of dying wool. If you have a tendency to such reactions, then you should pay attention to those canine representatives that are hypoallergenic in relation to humans.
  5. Especially responsibly it is necessary to approach the choice of breed if there are small children in the house. Living under one roof, children and a four-legged pet willy-nilly become participants in joint games and entertainment. It is very important that the dog has a calm character and cannot cause trouble to an unintelligent human descendant.
  6. Dogs of large dimensions, even feeling very comfortable in a small apartment, can cause a real disaster. Large clumsy creatures are able to destroy your usual life, breaking and destroying everything in its path. In fairness, it should be noted that such problems are due not so much to the size of the animal as to its temperament.

And, finally, the most important thing - when choosing a four-legged friend for living together in a small city nest, pay attention to the dictates of your heart. Even an ordinary mongrel mongrel, of completely non-aristocratic blood, can bring you many unforgettable moments and become an indispensable assistant and devoted comrade.

What breed is best for an apartment

Many future owners ask themselves a similar question. At the same time, they meticulously evaluate the following factors:

  • dimensions of a four-legged friend;
  • his activity (both physical and emotional);
  • danger to others.

For some, dogs of miniature breeds are more preferable, someone gives their vote to the guards. It is definitely difficult to answer. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. The best dog for living together in an apartment is one that does not create problems for the owner and others, calmly tolerates small spaces and does not suffer from lack of mobility or lack of nearby game available for catching. These abilities are possessed by many breeds, many of which are firmly established in our small urban dwellings.


The little Frenchie (the weight of an adult dog very rarely exceeds four kilograms) has a complaisant and curious character. Dogs of this breed simply love to hunt for butterflies, moths and similar small animals. The bravest of them can boast of a strangled mouse. Easily succumbing to training, they can easily become devoted companions of their master. Papillon feels great in a city apartment, without causing much trouble to the owner, who may face only three questions:

  • the dog is prone to molting, therefore, it will have to be combed out once or twice a week;
  • when bathing, it is important to choose the right shampoo - some products cause dirty yellow spots on the baby's snow-white fur coat;
  • frightened, the papillon immediately uses its small sharp teeth.

The last small problem is usually solved by early socialization of the puppy. The pet is not able to cause serious harm because of its small size, but it is worth taking preventive measures in advance. The Frenchman has enviable health and belongs to the canine centenarians - he will serve you as a devoted companion for 15-16 years.

French Bulldog

These dogs do not need much mobility, which makes them very suitable for keeping in a city apartment. Obeying the instincts of the guard, the bulldog will warn you about the guests who have arrived before they have time to press the doorbell button, while the funny Parisian certainly will not bark for no reason. Overcoming his innate jealousy, the French bulldog gets along well with other animals that are nearby - he is ready to sleep next to the owner's cat, unless, of course, he is well acquainted with him from childhood. Minor problems that the owner will have to face include:

  • bulldogs generally tend to snore in their sleep, in French this melodic sound will definitely manifest itself with age;
  • a little gourmet knows no limits in food - make it a rule not to feed him during the day, stick to the established portions;
  • these dogs are not always patient with the pranks of small children.

Best of all, the French get along with adults who lead a measured lifestyle. They are ideal as a permanent companion for the elderly.

Great Dane

Many mistakenly believe that a dog of this size is categorically not suitable for keeping in small rooms. This is not true. It's all about the majestic calmness of these huge royal dogs. Their aristocratic temperament allows them to spend the whole day curled up on the sofa or lying on the doormat. These noble giants love to come and lay their head on their master's lap, while lovingly looking into his eyes. Great Danes are very quiet and easy to train dogs. You will not be able to hear indiscriminate barking without a reason. Their middle name is calmness and relaxation. Even the representatives of the family of cat dogs are treated favorably - let them go for themselves. A walk with a representative of this breed usually looks like a leisurely exercise. As a minus, a large daily portion can be noted - 70-80 kg of live weight after all! But don't let this scare you, there is also a small bonus - the gentle giant will not create problems in caring for the coat. The experience of dog breeders shows that apartment life is very to the liking of representatives of this breed.

Prague rat

Czech kings have long used these charming kids to clean the royal chambers from annoying rodents. During the luxurious feasts arranged by the Prague nobility, the rats were allowed to freely travel around the table set for guests, tasting the dishes they liked along the way. It was believed that in this way it was possible to protect themselves from possible poisoning, which at that time was a popular method of changing power. The national treasure of the Czech Republic weighs only two kilograms, which did not prevent him from coming out as the undisputed winner of the bloody battles with insidious rodents. The baby can be described in a few words:

  • mobility;
  • energy;
  • courage;
  • curiosity;
  • quick wits.

This "big dog in a small body" does not show any signs of shyness or a tendency to hysteria, and does well for a long time without the attention of the owner. It seems that the rat really considers himself a large and formidable animal. Possessing such an inflated conceit, he, nevertheless, does not disdain to use the cat's tray to fulfill his natural needs.


This noble Englishman cannot be classified as a miniature dog, although, of course, it is difficult for him to compete with such breeds as, for example, Great Danes. The weight of an adult dog reaches 15-20 kg. If you like silence, then the Whippet is ideal for such requirements - he is also a supporter of silence. It is extremely rare to hear him barking. The dog gets used to the owner's family so much that it begins to react to quarrels between households - this can be expressed in its painful condition and refusal to eat. Its main positive qualities include the following features:

  • unconditional obedience and learning;
  • high attachment to family members;
  • remarkable intelligence;
  • fairly reserved attitude towards strangers;
  • tenderness and unbridled love for the owner.

When raising a Whippet, one should not resort to forceful methods - the dog is very vulnerable and can react with digestive disorders or prolonged depression. The most suitable company for this dog is the elderly. Despite their innate energy, these loving dogs prefer to spend time in a calm circle of loving owners.


This Belgian has genetically transmitted good manners. With sufficiently large dimensions (the weight of adults reaches 50 kg), it has a timid and shy character. When communicating with children, he is ready to endure any trials that may fall on his hard lot. Often you have to protect a submissive dog from overly active kids. His amazing scent is actively used by intelligence agencies around the world - the Bloodhound is able to follow the trail left four days ago. When living together in a small city apartment, these dogs show incredible self-control and tenderness. Puppies mature late, by the age of two. At the same time, they get along remarkably well with other animals living nearby, including cats. The Bloodhound is slightly suspicious of strangers. However, this hostility can very quickly develop into immoderate joy. His kindness simply knows no bounds. True, this does not apply to same-sex representatives of the same breed. The smooth coat of a submissive dog does not create any special problems in keeping - it is enough to occasionally stroke it with a special glove.

Miniature Pinscher

The little German weighs only five kilograms. He will remain a playful puppy for life (minimum 15 years). The dog clearly makes it clear to young children that she needs personal space, so she does not become a silent toy in playful little hands. Full of energy and fighting spirit, they nevertheless get along wonderfully with other animals living in the house. The dog is able to turn almost any thing into a funny toy. This can become a real problem. There is salvation - timely education will help to pacify the playful character. Amenable to training, these kids are just wonderful. This is due, first of all, to the considerable mental abilities of smooth-haired babies. One of the unpleasant features of this breed is excessive barking for any reason. With the right effort in raising a puppy, you can easily solve this problem. The miniature pinscher will gladly fulfill the requirements of its owner. The breed is best suited for single elderly people.

shih tzu

A lively, temperamental Chinese quickly finds a common language with people and other animals. He simply urgently needs to stick his little nose into every available slot. Having examined all the interesting places, the baby can regally recline on his personalized pillow or require increased attention from the owner. Shih Tzus are very fond of being the center of attention and are not suitable for people who cannot devote much time to communicating with their pet. The negative aspects of keeping these dogs include:

  • the need for daily grooming - you will have to comb and care for your pet very regularly;
  • the baby’s magnificent fur coat is washed with shampoo once a week;
  • you will have to get a personal veterinarian - in our latitudes this breed is prone to a number of diseases.

Otherwise, these charming dogs, often adorned by their owners with a variety of hairpins and bows, do not present any particular problems when kept in a small city apartment. They do not need walking, as such, because a dog weighing five kilograms perfectly realizes its need for physical activity in the process of playing and communicating with the owner.

Coton de Tulear

Madagascar. It was this exotic island that gave the world these animals with wool similar to cotton fibers. Since ancient times, people have used these crumbs to fight harmful rodents - rats and mice. African pirates, entering the ports of Madagascar, always took charming rat-catchers with them on a long voyage. Getting into overseas harbors, a miniature dog quickly won the sympathy of a grateful public. Her intelligence is legendary. Noble French families considered it their duty to acquire a furry friend. The national dog of Africa - this honorary title bears this baby. Its main psychological characteristics include:

  • cheerfulness;
  • quick wits;
  • obedience and ability to train;
  • responsiveness;
  • resourcefulness.

The unique feature of these dogs lies in their ability to jump, pushing off the ground at the same time with all four paws. Dogs very quickly learn the rules of living in a house, which makes them great for living together in an apartment environment.

Italian greyhound

A charming dog can become a great friend for all family members. They absolutely peacefully get along with the youngest children. However, it should be borne in mind that Italian greyhounds do not like to communicate with other animals. Possessing a subtle psychological nature, Italian Greyhounds are quickly embarrassed and need reassurance in an unfamiliar situation. These dogs are capable of reaching very high speeds. True, the jerk is short. At this point, the Italian can easily jump over a very high fence or climb onto the dining table in order to examine it. A calm environment allows these dogs to show their deep qualities:

  • tenderness and humility;
  • unconditional devotion;
  • intelligence and ability to learn.

The shy and timid nature of dogs sometimes pushes them into acts of excitement or stress. Proper and timely education will ensure the predictability and stability of your pet's character.

Russian toy terrier

A two-kilogram agile and hardy creature will leave few indifferent. This dog has only one profession - a companion. The breed appeared as a result of attempts by breeders of the Soviet Union to restore the population of English Toy Terriers, which was practically destroyed as a result of the 1917 revolution and the consequences of World War II. Not being able to get the original representatives of the breed for its restoration, cynologists used the available material. As a result, this amazing breed was bred. The owners say that having got such a dog, after a while you will definitely have a need to provide him with a couple. These kids are so charming and active that they rightfully received a permanent residence permit in city apartments. The fairly young breed has successfully established itself as an excellent companion for adults and a wonderful accomplice for children. These dogs will readily follow you on any journey, while remaining an indispensable participant in children's games. With good health, kids live up to the age of fifteen without problems.


If you decide to have a four-legged friend in a small city apartment, then this dog will definitely suit you. The character of the lapdog is both soft and lively. They are characterized by the following features:

  • unparalleled devotion;
  • protection of the owner and his family members - the dog will bark under the condition of the first minimum threat;
  • easy learning - many representatives of this breed have found themselves as circus performers;
  • friendliness towards other dogs and cats;
  • attachment to the owner.

This little dog (the weight of an adult is barely four kilograms) is able to win the heart of its owner once and for all. Despite the fact that grooming a pet requires a lot of time, many dog ​​lovers without any doubt direct their choice towards the Maltese. The secret of this dog is in his character - a playful, intelligent, affectionate and loving dog.

Yard friends

Among the breeds of apartment dogs given as examples, one is missing, the most common is the yard terrier. Get outside and notice how many animals need your attention. Having given your love and care to a homeless and outbred dog, you will receive in return an affectionate and faithful companion who will be ready to give his life for you. These babies abandoned to the mercy of fate are ready to accept your caress and care, giving back unspent devotion. In the end, it doesn't matter who your pet's parents were - the relationship with a woolly friend does not depend on the pedigree. After all, he does not ask you for documents confirming your origin - he just needs to love the owner and faithfully serve him. A pet does not have to be of aristocratic blood. The main condition is the boundless love that you must experience mutually.

Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.
Wilfred Lampton

Every child at least once in his life said this phrase: "Mom, let's get a dog." At that wonderful time, we did not think about such things as, for example, whether we can provide the necessary conditions for a pet or whether we are able to properly care for him. We just wanted to get a dog, that's all.

Now the choice of a four-legged friend for us is a very important step that needs to be considered. No wonder they say that "a dog is like a child." When choosing a pet for yourself, you must know for sure that you will be able to make his life happy and joyful. Let's determine which dogs will be comfortable living in an apartment.

Pug and Pekingese

The advantage of these breeds is compactness: the maximum growth of pugs and Pekingese is only 30 centimeters. For these pets, the space of a two-room apartment is more than enough.

Pugs often bribe us with their touching appearance: even as puppies, they look so cute that it is simply impossible to pass them by.

  • Pugs are very sensitive to heat and can cause breathing problems. It is undesirable to arrange long walks for a pug in hot weather, and ideally, in the warm season, show the dog to the veterinarian as often as possible.
  • Most pugs (although, of course, there are exceptions) are inactive. These pets prefer active rest to sleep in a warm place, they love to sit on the handles. So, if you have a child, he is unlikely to be delighted with the "sleeping handsome."

Pekingese. Although Pekingese are ideal for living in an apartment, not all people will be able to coexist with Pekingese in the same space.

First, Pekingese snore - very loudly and very humanly. And secondly, Pekingese are very proud dogs (their pride can be compared to that of a cat) and they come to you only when they themselves want to caress. At any other time, Pekingese (especially males) will meet all your attempts to understand them without much enthusiasm.

Pekingese get along quite easily with other breeds of dogs, and some individuals even get along well with cats.

They are very big beggars: no matter what you eat, their cute faces will always ask for something to eat. In this case, you need to be very careful. Remember that they are not allowed sweets (only special treats for Pekingese).


Friendly and affectionate dogs of small size, get along well with children.

Beagles are very smart and easy to train, curious and active - they will be good companions for you on hikes and travels, you can safely take them with you to the country.

The Beagle, as I mentioned, is a very active dog, the ideal place for her is a private house where she can walk on her own. But if you are sure that you can provide her with enough walks and freedom in the apartment, feel free to get yourself this four-legged friend.


Maltese lapdogs are decorative dogs, quite small (from 20 to 25 centimeters). Ideal for "apartment life". Maltese lapdogs require constant care: their long coat must be constantly combed in order to avoid tangles.


This miniature pet is very attached to its owner. But you should not equate a chihuahua with a kitten and hope that these dogs will go to the tray - you need to walk with a chihuahua three or four times a day, like with any dog.

Miniature Pinscher

Cheerful, active, eternal puppies (their height is from 25 to 30 centimeters) - that's how you can describe miniature pinschers. They are very smart pets, easy to train and do not like to sit idle.


Dachshund is primarily a hunting dog. Like its ancestors, the hounds, it is smart, fast, has a keen sense of smell and an immediate reaction. Dachshunds are quite self-willed and independent, do not forget about this if you want to have a dachshund as a pet.

We are accustomed to short-haired dachshunds, but besides them, there are also long-haired and wire-haired dachshunds.

dwarf poodle

A miniature representative of the poodle familiar to us. The owners note their incredible ingenuity. Miniature poodles often perform at circus performances, they are real artists. Friendly and easy to train.

yard terrier

Anna Bogush/

Mutts are the most unpretentious dogs in food, the most adapted to life. They have stronger health compared to purebred dogs. Perhaps, because of the large size, the pooch is not very easy to keep in an apartment, but think about it, maybe it is your caring hands that the mongrel puppy who now lives in your yard needs.

Getting a dog is a very responsible decision, and here you need to think not only about having fun with your pet. Rationally weigh everything and think about whether you can really provide conditions suitable for your pet? Remember that when you get a dog, you become responsible for a lifetime.

A dog is a sincere friend, a reliable companion. For city apartments, they often choose and.

Such pets are easier to maintain, and they bring joy no less than large brothers.

Yorkshire Terrier

A dog bred in England (height up to 22.5 cm, weight within 3 kg), sociable and cheerful.

The growth of an adult dog reaches 22 cm, weight does not exceed 2.5 kg.

Chihuahuas tend to single out one owner, become attached and jealous. Among other features:

  • the ability to stand up for oneself;
  • suspicion and vigilance towards strangers;
  • loud "voice".

In the care of the dog is simple - just examine the ears and eyes, brush your teeth and regularly do a "manicure".

Long-haired dogs are combed. All his life, the Chihuahua retains a soft "spring" on the skull.

Toy Terrier

This small dog is good for keeping in an apartment.

The weight of the dog is from one and a half to 2.6 kg, it grows up to 26 cm.

Basic care procedures:

  • cleaning eyes, ears, teeth;
  • nail clipping
  • combing (smooth-haired can be scratched with a rubber mitten).

The dog is smart, but self-willed, so education is needed from childhood.

The weak point is the eyes; with age, retinal atrophy and cataracts can develop.


An adult doggie weighs no more than 3 kg, height does not exceed 30 cm.

Companion for a single owner or an elderly couple.

But you shouldn’t take him to a family with kids - the dog can become angry.

It is necessary to wean the Spitz from barking and aggression.

To reduce the manifestations of molting, you need:

  • comb out daily;
  • remove mats;
  • wash with a mild (or dry) shampoo, use a balm.

A small, fluffy spitz fox is a cute creature

Jack Russell Terrier

Very active, bouncy dog. Adult Jack Russell Terrier reaches a height of 30 cm and a weight of 8 kg.

The dog is not bad for keeping in an apartment, but will not suit the elderly and inactive people.

Main character traits:

  • playfulness;
  • intelligence;
  • independence.

A terrier puppy needs to be brought up persistently and patiently, play, teach commands, tricks.

Health is good, but may occur:

  • dislocation of the hip joint;
  • necrosis of the femoral head;
  • deafness.


The ears, the crease on the muzzle and the eyes of the dog are constant care.

shih tzu

"Chrysanthemum Dog" is a decorative Chinese breed up to 28 cm tall, weighing up to 8 kg. Very affectionate and tame, they adore their owners.

Suitable for families with children, friendly with other dogs and pets.

Shih Tzu is one of those dogs that cannot live without attention, so the dog is not suitable for a busy owner.

To make the coat beautiful, the dog:

  • comb every day;
  • bathe once a week;
  • you can get a haircut.

You need to monitor the condition of the eyes, cut the claws, look after the teeth and ears of the pet.

Chinese Crested

This original dog can grow up to 30 cm and weigh about 5 kg. good for an apartment.

The most common hairless Chinese dog, with hair on the tail, head, ears and paws. A devoted friend, a faithful companion.

He loves affection, stroking and hugging, in separation from the owners he can get sick. Does not shed, suitable for allergy sufferers.

Left unattended for a long time, he begins to gnaw things. Okay, smart and smart.

On a hot day, you should protect your skin with products from burns. Long-haired areas need to be combed, bare areas should be moistened with cream or lotion.

In winter, the dog will have to be dressed very warmly or accustomed to the tray so as not to walk in the cold.


English bulldog

Medium-sized dog (height up to 41 cm, weight up to 26 kg) with a calm character.

A friend to adults, a condescending comrade to children.

It takes root well in the apartment, short walks are enough for it.

In the heat, you need to be wary of heat stroke, and in the cold - dress.

Well trained and trained, smart.

Are predisposed to:

  • eye diseases;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatitis;
  • joint diseases.

Wrinkles on the muzzle need to be looked after. But the dog's coat requires almost no care - an infrequent massage with a brush or mitten removes loose hairs.

When thinking about how to choose a dog and reading descriptions, it is important not to forget that each dog has its own character, which will be formed by the good attitude and love of the owners.

Dog breeds for an apartment - 15 best options

A dog is a sincere friend, a reliable companion. For city apartments, small and decorative breeds are often chosen. They are easier to maintain, and they bring joy no less than large brothers.

Dogs are among the most popular and widespread pets not only in Russian cities, but also in foreign countries. In most cases, when choosing a dog for apartment keeping, preference is given to small, dwarf or medium-sized breeds.

How to choose a dog breed for an apartment

The very first domesticated dogs, according to scientists, were not only watchmen, but also devoted companions and helpers of a person on the hunt. Only later did a certain division of all dog breeds into separate groups, due to their main purpose, take shape. The very first guard dogs and hunting breeds were bred, and a little later - small decorative or "sofa" dogs, which were not at all required to provide service, working or security activities.

Such a classification of dog breeds is considered to be rather conditional and not very informative. With the development of mankind, there has been a radical change in the scope of some breeds. To a large extent, such changes relate to hunting breeds, which today are increasingly moving into the category of pets.

Basically, all breeds are grouped according to typological main features or according to the nature of the application, for example, gun dogs and indoor decorative dogs. Currently, cynological organizations recognize a different number of groups and dog breeds.

When choosing a dog breed for keeping in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors and parameters:

  • . It is important to remember that dogs of fighting breeds are unlikely to please neighbors in an apartment building with their presence;
  • the dog's ability to endure loneliness quite easily. Many breeds are extremely reluctant to stay at home alone, annoy others with barking or howling, and are also capable of spoiling interior items or shoes;
  • the need to provide constant and thorough care for your pet. Breeds with a long or abundantly shedding coat need more competent and fairly frequent care;
  • the presence of an allergy of any severity to dog hair in one of the household. Currently, a fairly large number of different representatives of dog breeds have been bred, which are distinguished by the so-called "hypoallergenicity";
  • presence in the house. A four-legged pet of any breed becomes not only a member of the family, but also a participant in joint entertainment and games, so it must have a good disposition and an absolutely calm character.

After the decision to get a dog is made, it is necessary to understand that a pet needs attention and care, as well as proper care. For each animal, individuality, its own disposition and habits, as well as temperament are very characteristic. When choosing, it is not recommended to focus solely on fashion trends or the appearance of the dog.

It is advisable to spend some time getting acquainted with the special literature, visiting exhibitions and consulting with experienced, qualified breeders. Each breed differs in the level of training and learning abilities, as well as the specifics of care or housing. That is why it is advisable to choose a breed that can be provided with comfortable maintenance and optimal care.

Quite unpretentious in care, the so-called "non-shedding" or hypoallergenic dogs have become especially popular recently:

  • Maltese- a breed of small size with a beautiful and silky, snow-white coat. Playful, positive and very loyal, the lap dog is an excellent apartment option;
  • tibetan terrier- a rather rare breed of dog in Russia, whose representatives have a shaggy and funny appearance;
  • Yorkshire Terrier- a breed popular in different countries, which practically does not shed, takes up very little space, and can also be easily trained to urinate in a regular toilet tray;
  • - a docile and loving breed that has a self-perpetuating coat, so the growing hair needs to be combed out systematically or just neatly cut;
  • water portuguese dog- a very unusual breed of medium size, rare among domestic breeders, belonging to the category of active hunting dogs;
  • or small Belgian dog- a well-behaved pet with a funny muzzle that makes the representatives of the breed look like a little monkey;
  • poodle- a hypoallergenic breed, represented by varieties of "toi", "mini" and "standard", which are characterized by intelligence, intelligence, devotion, as well as an even and very calm attitude towards children and other animals;
  • - a cheerful, playful and very sociable, unpretentious breed of companion dogs with an original, unusual looking exterior;
  • - a very active and energetic, cheerful and restless breed, a true companion and an excellent family dog;
  • schnauzers- varieties of "mittel" and "zwerg" are very energetic, so they need long and active walks, but are great for apartment maintenance.

Important! Without fail, separately from the representatives of the cat family, it is necessary to keep the pit bull terrier, greyhound, cairn terrier, rottweiler, welsh terrier and German pinscher, as well as.

If the apartment already contains such pets as rodents, birds and small exotic animals, then the acquired dog should not have the instinct of persecution, so you should refrain from buying a hunting breed. Cocker Spaniels, Samoyeds, Bobtails and Labradors are characterized by a very friendly attitude towards cats.

small breeds

The group of small or "sofa" dogs for apartment maintenance is represented by three fairly conditional categories of breeds:

  • Toy - pets with a height within 28 cm, with an average weight of not more than 2.0 kg;
  • Dwarf - the maximum height of adults is about 35 cm, with an average weight in the range of 2.0-5.0 kg;
  • Small dogs are pets up to 45 cm high at the withers, weighing no more than 10.0 kg.

The smallest, compact dog breeds intended for apartment keeping:

  • Papillon- the breed has a curious and docile character, is easy to train and quickly becomes a devoted companion dog for its owner. You need to comb the animal a couple of times a week, and bathe no more than three or four times a year with special shampoos;
  • - a breed that is distinguished by mobility, energy, courage and curiosity, as well as quick wit. The dog is not shy and not prone to hysteria, is able to easily endure loneliness and use the toilet tray, but has an overestimated conceit;
  • Miniature Pinscher or- a breed characterized by a strong physique, short coat and ease of care, energy and high IQ. Features include the need to ensure rigorous training and sufficient exercise. The breed is unacceptable for homebodies;
  • - affectionate and very friendly, with a unique appearance, a breed that can become a great friend for children. Dogs of this breed are ideal for keeping lonely and inactive people, but they need quality care;
  • Dachshund- a breed that has medium-sized sizes, an active life position and a tireless disposition. Dogs of this breed are excellent hunters and also adore water, but they are prone to spinal diseases and are highly sensitive to cold. It should be remembered that dachshunds are extremely difficult to get along with other breeds of dogs and cats.

Also compact in size breeds include English Toy Terrier, Bolonka, Boston Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Small Lion Dog, Norwich Terrier, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Russian Toy Terrier, Chihuahua, Shi -tzu and Japanese Chin.

Medium breeds

Today, representatives of medium-sized dog breeds are very diverse, so there are no problems in choosing a pet that matches personal preferences and conditions of detention. Cynologists advise to give preference to unpretentious and most adapted to urban content breeds:

  • German boxer- a breed belonging to a large working group of dogs with a kind and naive character. He is well trained, and also belongs to the truly universal natures, which are trained in almost everything. An energetic and rather active dog is distinguished by loyalty and devotion, and also feels human psychology well;
  • Jack Russell Terrier- a very unpretentious, obedient and docile breed, the coat of which has the ability to self-clean, which greatly facilitates the care of such a pet. Pedigree features include playfulness and family, as well as the complete absence of unmotivated aggression towards a person;
  • Alaskan Klee Kai or- a breed popular in our country, represented by the varieties "Toy", "Miniature" and "Standard". A very intelligent, curious and active dog, it is distinguished by devotion and curiosity, and also gets along well in a family with small children;
  • Australian Shepherd or- a breed bred as a result of crossing the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Basque and Pyrenean Sheepdogs, as well as various varieties of kohl breeds. An intelligent and active dog has quite strong guarding instincts. Pedigree features are represented by a complaisant disposition, obedience and ease in training;
  • Australian kelpie- a shepherd dog that is not very popular in our country, has genetically determined characteristics that distinguish it from other breeds. Due to its special “specialization”, from an early age, the kelpie prefers to graze not only other animals, but also small children, therefore it is often used as a “nanny dog”.

The medium-sized group of dogs is the most numerous and popular with breeders. This group includes about two hundred breeds, very different in appearance, temperament and purpose.

This category includes dogs with a height of 40-57 cm and a weight of no more than 24-25 kg, but only some of them are most suitable for keeping in an apartment, including the Scotch Terrier, the Latvian Hound, the Korean Jindo, the German Great Spitz , Cromforlander, Bashkir Laika, Bull Terrier, and White Swiss Shepherd Dog.

Large breeds

In addition to small and medium-sized breeds, when living in a fairly spacious apartment, it is quite possible to purchase a large dog. Mandatory conditions for housing, in this case, will be long walks, providing the pet with sufficient physical activity, timely training and competent training:

  • - a large breed characterized by a developed mind and a high level of intelligence. It is distinguished by a high degree of learning, devotion and fidelity, well-developed working qualities and guarding instincts. The breed is suitable for experienced breeders, needs physical activity and sufficient mental stress;
  • smooth-haired labrador- a very unpretentious and rather large breed, distinguished by obedience, fidelity, cheerfulness and ingenuity, as well as complete fearlessness. The coat is thick and silky. The main advantages of a smooth-haired Labrador are fast learning and good health, but such a pet needs constant education and training;
  • german doberman- large size, obedient dog breed with the best protective qualities. The coat is short, not requiring special, complex care. Dobermans are distinguished by restraint and aristocracy, fidelity and friendliness, fast learning, as well as affection for all members of their family, including young children;
  • German dog- Companion dog, watchman and guard. The breed is distinguished by its ideal appearance, stateliness, elegance and power, very successfully complemented by a calm and self-respecting character. Great Danes have an analytical mind and show good results in training. The disadvantages include some exactingness in care and a very good appetite;
  • - a breed not intended for keeping on the street. Such a reliable guard does not have unreasonable aggressiveness, and is also very loyal to all family members. The breed is distinguished by a lively mind, the ability to learn and train. However, the Cane Corso will require certain training skills and sufficient physical activity from the owner.