Wedding cupcakes - we equip the celebration. Wedding dessert: cake or muffins

Any wedding banquet consists of a fairly large number of details and especially beautifully decorated dishes. However, the key action remains the tray of sweet culinary masterpieces, which, as usual, ends the first day of the wedding celebration. When it comes to the sweet part of a wedding, the wedding cake comes to mind. However, don't be such a predictable young couple, and surprise all the assembled guests not with a big cake, but with delicious and stylish wedding cupcakes. Frequent visitors to the wedding portal can confirm that such updates to the wedding menu will surprise absolutely all guests.

One of the most original ideas can be cupcakes with the names of your guests, which can be used not only as treats, but also as bonbonnieres and even seating cards.

Materials and tools:

  • special paper for baking;
  • permanent paper;
  • scissors;
  • pen for decoration and inscriptions;
  • white wrapping paper;
  • ribbon;
  • labels;
  • exact list of invited guests.

Time: from 2 to 3 hours.

detailed instructions:

First you need to bake these wedding cupcakes before you actually start decorating them. To do this, you will need cupcake molds. After your wedding cupcakes have cooled down a bit, you can wrap them in the first layer of clear paper.

Measure the actual height of the resulting cake and wrap it in permanent paper, which will need to be held in place by ribbon. So you will not only visually decorate your culinary masterpiece, but also prevent those people who will eat these same cupcakes from getting dirty.

We fix the ribbon, after which we attach special labels on which the names of the guests will be written. So you can achieve even greater favor from invited friends and relatives. And that is what we hope for in the end.

After all the preparations are completed, warm and mouth-watering wedding cupcakes are served to the table. When exactly to serve them is entirely up to you. Remember that a light sweet snack will not hurt even before a hearty and long feast, which any magnificent wedding can boast of.


In this matter, the young couple will decide whether to serve such delicious and beautifully decorated cupcakes at the beginning of their wedding banquet or at the end. Candy bar treats, bonbonnieres or elements that will help your guests get the right seats at the wedding tables.

Another good option may be a direct treat to invited guests during wedding photography, where only the bride and groom are present. Many readers of the wedding news portal can assure you that while the newlyweds are away somewhere, invited guests and friends can get bored. But they can be accompanied by such stylishly decorated personalized cupcakes, which, of course, will cheer them up.

As mentioned above, you can use these culinary masterpieces as seating cards for friends and acquaintances. So they can find out who and where is sitting, as well as immediately taste delicious little cakes in the heat of the heat. Among other things, you should not stop there when it comes to directly decorating cupcakes.

Wedding traditions are gradually being improved for the convenience of guests and newlyweds, as well as reducing costs. Cupcakes quickly fell in love, thanks to the original serving and fair distribution of portions of treats.

What is cupcake cake

Wedding cupcakes or pancakes are small serving treats of biscuit and cream, decorated in the style of a wedding. They are usually individually packaged and the design may be the same for all or may vary. Usually, pancakes or cupcakes are distributed to guests, and the newlyweds traditionally cut the top of the cake. Cakes are stacked on the two lower tiers in accordance with the number of guests or exceeding it.

Why wedding cupcakes instead of a cake are so loved by the newlyweds:

  • original presentation: colored cupcakes look very nice;
  • ease of preparation: the bride herself, together with her mother or friends, will be able to bake cupcakes at home and decorate them;
  • not expensive - this option of a wedding treat helps to significantly reduce the budget of a banquet;
  • young people do not need to cut the whole cake;
  • portioning - each guest can easily take any cake he likes without getting his hands dirty.

An alternative to cupcakes!

There is a classic alternative to cupcakes - this is a cake. We offer great for organizing celebrations. Choose the option that suits your budget.

Types of wedding cupcakes

Looking at the photos of wedding pancakes, you will be convinced of the variety of their preparation. They come in light or dark (chocolate) dough, or both can be used. The filling can be located both inside the cake and on top.

The top of wedding cupcakes is decorated with icing, whipped cream or cream, chocolate hearts, roses, beads or even figurines. The color of the top will determine the look of such an original cake. Usually the color is matched to the style of the wedding and its design. After looking at pictures of cakes for a wedding, you can easily choose your own option or be inspired to create your own masterpiece.

How to serve cupcakes for a wedding instead of a cake

With a small number of guests, cupcakes can be served on a flat dish, sometimes making up some kind of figure or word. If guests are sitting in a restaurant at tables of 4-6 people. Then each table can be served with open boxes of pancakes, each of which will have a special design - in the best American traditions.

The traditional form of serving is to fill the bottom two tiers of the cake stand with wedding cakes. A small cake is placed on top for the newlyweds, which they cut together to unceasing applause according to the old tradition. The top of the cake is an enlarged version of the decoration that goes on each pancake.

What to choose: wedding cupcakes or cake

There are no clear recommendations on this matter: it all depends on what is closer to you and matches the style of the wedding. For a classic wedding, especially in winter, a cake is more suitable. In summer, when celebrating at the camp site, cupcakes will be a good option. They are easy to transport.

If you are used to keeping up with the times and implementing the latest trends, choose an original cake of pastries. It doesn't matter: wedding cupcakes or cake. In any case, guests will be full and satisfied. Give preference to what is closer and more convenient for you.

A wedding treat is the final chord of your holiday, so it should be tasty and beautiful. Delicious cakes on a stand will definitely surprise all your guests and leave a pleasant impression of your wedding for a long time.

Photos of wedding cupcakes:

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The tradition of baking a sweet cake for a wedding dates back to the heyday of the Roman Empire. Then the groom without fail had to eat a piece of barley bread, laid on the head of the bride. Much has changed since then, but the cake has always been an integral part of the wedding. However, in recent years, he has noticeably lost ground to small muffins - cupcakes, which have become a real hit of the last decade.

This trend came from the West along with receptions and outdoor ceremonies. The open-air buffet format gives guests more freedom in choosing dishes, including desserts. A heavy wedding cake, which in nature will very quickly lose its shape, is not appropriate here.

Advantages and disadvantages of cupcakes

Before you decide on cupcakes, you need to consider all their pros and cons. First on the positives. Firstly, making them is much easier than multi-tiered cakes, so even an amateur can handle their production, and this is a good savings for the wedding budget. Secondly, they make it possible to offer guests a treat with different tastes and toppings. Thirdly, cupcakes provide a chance to realize many ideas, which cannot be said about a cake that is decorated in the same style.

But these small cupcakes also have several negative features. They can be more expensive than a cake, especially if you get carried away with decoration. In addition, you will have to spend money on a special stand that will provide free access to each cake. Also, the wedding banquet will be devoid of the traditional cake-cutting ceremony. But this problem can be solved by placing a small 15 cm cake on top of the cupcake stand.

How to choose a cupcake filling for a wedding

The top five flavors for wedding cupcakes around the world are vanilla, pumpkin, banana, coffee, and chocolate.

vanilla cupcake- classics of the genre. This is one of the most popular fragrances. Such a cake consists of a white or yellow biscuit with a thick layer of creamy glaze.

pumpkin cupcake very popular in the autumn-winter period, especially in North America. This vegetable is added directly to the dough, and such a cupcake is decorated with orange sugar icing.

Banana split. This dessert has a very pleasant aroma of banana ice cream. Most often, these cupcakes are covered with cream and decorated with fresh strawberries or raspberries.

Coffee taste. A cupcake with a characteristic coffee aroma goes well with any sweet cream or icing: chocolate, vanilla, toffee, almonds, raspberries, and so on.

Chocolate muffin. This taste is adored by everyone from young to old, which means that a lot of people will like a wedding cupcake with chocolate. Cupcakes with a lot of cocoa are best combined with white cream, and creamy cupcakes with ganache.

In addition to the above cupcakes, carrot, lemon, nut cupcakes and the red velvet biscuit in its classic combination with cream cheese are very popular.

The rivalry between cakes and cupcakes is sure to last for a long time. But, as history shows, in the end, tradition always wins, and when the cupcake craze passes, cakes will remain in the wedding fashion trend.

If you are still leaning towards the wedding cake, and not cupcakes or other desserts, then you

A wedding is an important event in the life of every person. And I really want everything to be perfect on this day. From the ribbons on the chair to the bridal veil. And of course, the wedding cake is not the last place in this celebration. It is very important that it is not only beautiful and tasty, but also matches the theme of the wedding celebration as much as possible. It is this cake that can be a good solution for such a massive event. Its design gives the confectioner more opportunities for the scope of his imagination. Cupcake wedding cakes are gaining more and more popularity.


According to one version of the origin of small cakes, which today are called "cupcakes", the dessert was baked in an aluminum cup, which gave it its name, which means "cake in a cup." Today, the popularity of such a dessert is growing more and more, and now cupcakes are at the height of fashion.

The beauty of a cake lies in its decoration. The pastry chef spends a lot of time and effort to decorate his work and create a coherent picture, and as a result, the guest will have a piece of cake with a layer of cream and some decoration element on the plate. While in a wedding cake with cupcakes, a cake is a separate decorated element, the beauty of which can be enjoyed by every guest.

The undoubted advantage of such a dessert is that there is no need to divide it into portions. After all, for the bride and groom, sometimes cutting the cake into the same parts, so that each guest has enough, becomes a whole test. In the case of a mini-cake, each guest will receive their own portion.

A composition of mini cakes can be beautifully placed for a wedding of 50 people or 200, which cannot be done with a large cake. If you want to make a cake in several tiers for a small wedding, then it will drag out at least 15 kg (100 people), and as a result, you will have to overpay significantly. Pirozhenki can be laid out for 50 people on trays of several tiers. It will turn out beautifully, and at no extra cost.

Another advantage of cupcakes is their transportation. Mini-cakes can be decomposed into different boxes. Upon arrival, the confectioner will be able to easily assemble a single composition. And even if one of the boxes is damaged during transportation, the cakes can be replaced with others, which cannot be said about a whole wedding cake.

If the newlyweds want to keep the tradition of cutting the cake, then on the top tier you can place a small cake with figurines of doves or a bride and groom. Such an example would be the photo of a wedding cake with cupcakes presented in the article.

Usually the cake is served at the end of the celebration, when the guests have already eaten and cannot overpower the dessert. In such a case, a paper bag can be placed near each guest in which they can put a treat and take it home.

What you need to know when choosing a mini cake wedding cake?

Dessert at a wedding is a kind of cherry on the cake that completes the composition. Likewise, the procedure of taking out the cake completes the wedding celebration and should leave pleasant memories for the guests. Therefore, the confectionery product should not stand out in style from the general concept of the wedding and should be pleasantly remembered by guests not only by taste. It is better to order a wedding cake with cupcakes at the very end, when the exact number of guests, the style of the wedding will be known and the main color scheme of the celebration will be chosen.

Forming a cake from cupcakes

You can order a stand for such a cake or make it yourself. It is very important to pay special attention to her choice, since she will be one of the main constituent elements in the overall composition and should not stand out either in design or in style. And already on the stand are pies, depending on the color and shape. At the last stage, the cake is decorated with various additional elements.

Do-it-yourself wedding cake with cupcakes without mastic

As a form for baking the base, you need to take molds for baking cupcakes.

It is important that all products that will be used to make the cake are at room temperature. Also, the ingredients must be fresh and only of the best quality. The oven must be turned on immediately and heated to 180 degrees.

Step-by-step preparation of a wedding cake with cupcakes without mastic (with photo)

Beat 110 grams of butter until fluffy.

Gradually add a glass of sugar. Next, we drive in two eggs and pour in half a glass of milk. Beat the mass all the time until it becomes homogeneous. Now add 200 g of sifted flour with 2 tsp. baking powder. Divide the dough into two equal parts.

2 tbsp. l. dilute cocoa powder with water and add to one part. In the second part, you can add orange juice, cinnamon, lemon zest or cherry liqueur.

Put the dough into a mold. You can put half the light and half the dark dough in one form. Or put a different dough in each form. Bake it for about 20 minutes.

Before putting the filling into the molds, they must cool. You can fill it with any cream that holds its shape. Also, with a confectionery syringe, you can introduce fruit puree into each form, and decorate with cream or orange zest on top.

In decorating cupcakes, the flight of fantasy of every housewife can be unlimited.