Tattoo on the intimate place of women. Original tattoos on intimate places for girls. Tattoos for men on the back and their meaning: angel wings, patterns, the inscription "Save and save", inscriptions in Latin, a cross, a dragon and others

Do you have a positive attitude towards male tattoos in intimate places? Do you want to diversify your life? Then "Territory" is ready to help you with this. Recently, male intimate tattoos are gaining momentum, as more and more people want to do something like this. If you understand the essence of such tattoos, then first of all, they include those wearable drawings that are not available to the public. Male tattoos on intimate places include images on the genitals, buttocks, lower abdomen, lower back and coccyx.

In the modern world, a huge number of youth movements and subcultures are developing that affect the popularity of certain sketches for underwear drawings, in particular for. Most often, such images are applied solely for the purpose of decorating your body, emphasizing your sexuality. Other options are also possible when symbolic male intimate tattoos are applied with a certain connotation. Given the variety of tastes and fashion trends, both black shades and brighter and more saturated colors can be chosen as a color palette.

Sketches for male tattoos in intimate places

For a sufficiently long period of time, various hieroglyphs and well-known inscriptions in Latin, which men apply in the intimate zone, do not go out of fashion. Sometimes there are even male tattoos with whole sentences. In contrast, representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer all kinds of patterns or abstractions that can act as separate drawings or be part of large compositions.

In Europe, men's tattoos in the intimate area are in great demand, in which rings, arrows, flames, and so on are applied to the genitals. For the lower abdomen, original paintings with dragons or snakes are often used.

Make a male intimate tattoo

If you decide to take such a bold step, then you need to find an experienced and qualified specialist. Territory Studio has several tattoo artists who can handle this task. We can help you choose a specific specialist

Explicit female intimate tattoos without censorship can significantly affect your personal life: both for the better and for the worse. We have prepared more than 100 photos of tattoos on intimate places without censorship and wrote their meaning depending on the location and type of tattoo. Read the article to the end and make sure that frank intimate tattoos only decorate your body and make you a little happier and add a little spark to your sex life.

Uncensored female intimate tattoos: male and female look

By the way, male and female vision of intimate tattoos is different, and opinions differ on their account. The stronger sex would prefer not to see a tattoo on their beloved at all, that is, men, with the opportunity and strong influence on their soul mate, would forbid getting a tattoo in intimate places. Why? The most common answer that unites opponents of such tattoos is that after childbirth, the image will change shape and look deplorable.

The best places for an intimate tattoo:

  • breast
  • pubis
  • hips
  • buttocks
  • coccyx
  • nipples

And over time, cellulite acquired with age will also contribute to changing the appearance of the tattoo. As a compromise, you can swear to your loved one that you will play sports even at 70 years old. And the tattoo on the coccyx is generally unlikely to be subjected to the "torture" of pregnancy.

Beautiful ladies love to apply the image on the lower back, tailbone, buttocks or in the navel area. Why do girls go for intimate tattoos? It hurts more than any other part of the body. There are at least three reasons why such images are applied:

  • women love to adorn their bodies;
  • intimate tattoos create an image of a mysterious, sexy and passionate lady;
  • A tattoo can hide stretch marks and scars after surgeries.

Tattoo on intimate places without censorship: how to choose a pattern?

The choice of a tattoo in intimate places, style and shape is a girl's personal business. Nevertheless, it is recommended to talk with the artist, who will help to reveal the meaning of the selected drawing more deeply. The option with the name of a spouse or lover is not the most successful, because life loves to present surprises and not always pleasant ones - this includes parting with loved ones. Favorite spiders and cobwebs also look, alas, not aesthetically pleasing and, according to men, reduce sexual desire. And the spider itself is a symbol of drug addicts.

Candid tattoos in intimate places: 58 photos of intimate tattoos

The meaning of intimate tattoos for women:

  • cat - shows the playfulness of female nature
  • the dragon is a symbol of unlimited power
  • rose flower - passion, love, vivid emotions
  • dolphin - fertility, health, devotion to a partner
  • lizard - a manifestation of femininity and flexibility
  • butterfly - chastity and harmony (and not as it is commonly believed initially)
  • sweets and berries - the ability to have fun and enjoyment

It should be borne in mind that such cute creatures as butterflies, as well as some musical instruments and roses, are a sign that their mistress prefers to be with women in bed.

Rules for choosing a salon for applying an intimate tattoo

The choice of a salon and an artist should be approached very seriously, check his reputation, look at his portfolio, collect reviews and find out about his qualifications. A good master will definitely acquaint you with the meaning of the selected image, and tell you about the proper care of the tattoo.

Remember that the procedure for stuffing an intimate tattoo is painful. You should not be offered anesthesia, as it contracts the muscles and the pattern, after restoring muscle tone, is deformed.

Candid intimate tattoos without censorship: 5 beautiful photos

Intimate tattoos of girls: the history of occurrence

It may sound sensational to you, but frank intimate tattoos without censorship are not a new age trend or a product of the sexual revolution. They have a much deeper history. They appeared many centuries ago and in their "antiquity" can compete even with the usual, familiar chaste tattoos.

As historians who understand this issue have been able to establish, intimate tattoos first appeared several centuries before our era. Girls and women from Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt glowed on their chests and lower abdomen:

  • flowers;
  • the moon;
  • Sun;
  • and other pictures.

There is even an opinion that such "tatushki" played the role of a kind of amulets, allowing you to maintain marital fidelity, ensure ease of childbirth and healthy offspring. Although, of course, no one today can tell exactly what intimate tattoos were a few centuries ago - perhaps they were just an adornment of the body.

How should tattoos be placed on intimate places

Women's tattoos on intimate places are located on the body, depending on the characteristics of the pattern.

For example, if we are talking about decorating the chest, it is recommended in this case to use:

  • inscriptions;
  • flowers;
  • vegetable ornaments.

Such drawings will give the girl a special charm, originality and sophistication. Of course, sexuality - but we will not even talk about it once again, since it is inextricably linked with such a concept as intimate tattoos of girls.

Note! To decorate the chest with tattoos, you need to approach carefully, selectively. After all, over the years, the breast changes its shape. Its appearance is influenced by weight changes, lactation and its end, and much more. Therefore, the drawing can also change its appearance, so you need to choose a sketch as responsibly as possible.

But in the 90s of the last century, tattoos on the tailbone, on the lower back became popular. Many girls decorated this part of the body with drawings. There could be completely different drawings here:

  • floral ornaments;
  • inscriptions;
  • various patterns;
  • gothic motifs;
  • animals, etc.

To make such a tattoo look beautiful and harmonious, you need to fill it strictly in the center of the lower back. Relatively common are tattoos applied to the abdomen, its lower part. Such drawings are preferred by athletes or dancers, since such a drawing requires a slender, graceful body. Otherwise, it will look just ridiculous.

Note! Sometimes such tattoos are chosen by those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who have undergone surgery, which is reminiscent of a scar on their stomach. The tattoo helps to hide it.

But the most explicit intimate tattoo photos of which are presented below - in the bikini area, on the pubis, or even affect the labia. They have a special meaning. Drawings can be absolutely anything. For example, among these stand out:

  • flowers;
  • animals;
  • inscriptions, etc.

Some girls stuff even full-fledged pictures on the most intimate part of the body. Such intimate tattoos, photos of which are presented in our catalog of images, look especially charming, alluring!

Intimate tattoo photos: 5 popular intimate tattoos

Tattoos on intimate places: what to choose and why

Now let's talk about how to make intimate tattoos for girls. In principle, there are no restrictions. Here you can apply virtually any picture. The main thing is to clearly understand the boundary between sexuality or outright vulgarity - the latter will repel. Pay attention to the fact that tattoos on intimate places should not carry a double meaning. This will avoid unpleasant interpretations. For example, indicating that you are a representative of an ancient profession or just a girl of easy virtue.

With the right choice of drawing - its subject matter, sketch, location - an intimate tattoo will give its owner:

  • romance;
  • coquettishness;
  • special femininity.

Of great importance is how exactly the sketch is selected. It should not be specifically sexual themes - it will give the picture and image a certain vulgarity. An intimate tattoo is considered such not because it depicts various intimate processes, but because it is applied to a certain part of the body. If you combine sexual themes and an intimate zone, everything will be very vulgar, vulgar.

By the way! Given all of the above, you do not need to prick too frank tattoos on intimate places - a small flower is enough to give your image a sexy look!

Some girls - in a fit of tender feelings - gouge out frank tattoos on the intimate places of the body, the name of a loved one. Yes, such an impulse is touching, it shows the depth of feelings. However, we must remember that nothing in this world lasts forever. No one is immune from breakup, parting. Just imagine how you will feel (and how you look!) when a new love appears in your life!

Intimate female tattoo: what do men think of them

And in conclusion, let's talk in more detail about how an intimate female tattoo is evaluated by a representative of the strong half of humanity. As it was established as a result of an anonymous survey, the vast majority of men do not want to see intimate tattoos on their beloved.

The results of the survey are hardly a way to surprise. Men have an opinion - tattoos in the intimate places of a woman indicate her:

  • availability;
  • depravity.

Some even consider bodies adorned with intimate tattoos to be dirty. But this is a separate conversation! In addition, it should be remembered that a female intimate tattoo can lose its original appearance under the influence of factors such as:

  • age;
  • change in weight and shape of the figure;
  • pregnancy, etc.

As a result of all this, the tattoo already ceases to look really beautiful and can even cause disgust. Given the above, let's add - if you decide to decorate your body with an intimate tattoo, do not surprise your chosen one. First, consult with him, find out if he wants to see underwear drawings on his chosen one, and then just prick them!

Choosing a sketch for a tattoo is an important and responsible step for most people, because it will be something that will forever remain on the skin. And when a person decides to make a sketch on the intimate parts of the body, this makes the tattoo as personal as possible.

Types of intimate tattoos

  • By content. The sketch itself will carry an erotic character, which will be the reason for considering the tattoo intimate. The location on the body does not really matter.
  • By location on the body. The sketch can be any, but located on the intimate part of the body.

Tattoos, intimate in content, are limited by your courage and the imagination of the master performing the sketch. The choice of bright, rebellious personalities who want to demonstrate their sexual openness and certain erotic addictions.

Tattoos on intimate places.

For men - on the buttocks, scrotum and penis. The process of applying a tattoo in these places is very painful, so you should not choose as the first one. Some men get tattoos in their intimate areas because these parts of the body fit into the general theme of body modification. Others choose intimate tattoos, wanting to emphasize the rebelliousness and rebellious character. Popular genital tattoo ideas:

  • Elephant's trunk.
  • Snake.
  • The Dragon.
  • Pencil.
  • Mushroom.
  • Pinocchio.
  • Arrow and others.

For women - on the chest, around the nipples, under the breasts, on the buttocks and genitals. For a couple of years now, the leaders in popularity among girls have been tattoos under the breasts. Such a tattoo begins in the center between the breasts and, bending around the natural forms from below, goes under the armpits. Girls choose tattoos in intimate places, wanting to emphasize their sexuality, surprise their partner and remain in their memory forever. Underbust tattoo ideas for girls:

  • Flowers - roses, peonies, poppies, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, lotuses, wildflowers.
  • Animals - bats, lions, tigers, rabbits, wolves.
  • Birds - owls, parrots, hummingbirds, swallows.
  • Butterflies and dragonflies.
  • snakes.
  • Dragons.
  • Geometric patterns.
  • Lace and gems.
  • Hearts.
  • Daggers.
  • Human or animal skulls.
  • Mandala.
  • Knot of Wisdom.
  • Mystical creatures such as mermaids and fairies.
  • Various inscriptions.
  • Polynesian patterns.

Of course, this is just a short list of ideas to inspire you. The master will make a sketch based on your wishes and individual features of the body. Such a tattoo will serve as a wonderful decoration.

Your first difficulty may be finding a tattoo artist who performs tattoos on intimate places. The fee may be higher than for a tattoo on another part of the body. Carefully choose a sketch and a master for an intimate tattoo, because such tattoos are difficult to perform due to the high sensitivity of the skin in these places.

The drawings applied in the pubic area have changed. Previously, flowers predominated, but now such patterns are very diverse. More often, such tattoos do not carry an erotic context at all. For many, the ornament displays a hidden meaning. Girls emphasize their sexuality with a pattern by choosing floral patterns.

Tattoo and Zodiac

There is some relationship between different colors for different zodiac signs. For Pisces, primrose is suitable, for Aquarius, snowdrops are chosen, for Lions and Capricorns, it is better to apply holly. Chrysanthemum suits the Sagittarius sign, and it is better for Scorpio to choose hops. For Libra, bindweed looks harmonious, and for Virgo it is better to apply hazel. And, finally, it is better for Cancers to apply an oak leaf as a tattoo, a hawthorn - for Gemini. Taurus chooses daisies, and Aries - violets.

Intimate drawings applied to the pubis are more likely to have an erotic meaning. Here, flowers, inscriptions, images of insects and animals, portraits and cartoon characters are chosen as drawings. Among the most popular and at the same time very frank tattoos, you can list the following drawings:

Butterflies usually symbolize some kind of rebirth, real beauty and sensual tenderness, and in ancient times they denoted purity against the background of immortality. Images can give girls courage and a certain determination. By drawing flowers to the sign, you can get a symbol of fidelity.

Tattoos in the form of cats personify sexuality and charm. If the cat is wild, it means love of freedom, inner strength. When a portrait of a man is depicted on the pubis, he embodies a strong love for him. Such erotic tattoos are often presented by girls as a gift to their lover.

male opinion

At the same time, men remain adherents of a stable opinion - the body of their girls is not a place for intimate tattoos. For many representatives of the male community, such tattoos suggest depravity. At the same time, men explain their rejection by the fact that years later, after giving birth and gaining excess weight, such a tattoo will become completely impartial.

However, there are men who enjoy looking at the sexual ornaments of a very frank tattoo applied on the pubis. Girls, before deciding to apply an intimate tattoo, should remember that the selection of an image is a rather important point in the procedure, since individual drawings are perceived as symbols for very easily accessible women!

City: Katowice (Poland).
Directions: Realism.
Work experience: 6-7 years old.

Interview with Timofey Nikulshin: let's talk about the variety of women's intimate tattoos

Timothy, hello! Enlighten me, how did you become a tattoo artist?

Hi, it all happened by chance: I was walking past a beauty salon, in which, by chance, there were tattoo artists. And because my mood was not a fountain then, and serious changes were taking place in my life then, I was simply destined to go there. There, under anesthetic drinks, a memorial skull with claws, which I brought for about 10 years, was “nakalaputsali” on my shoulder, then I became ashamed, kavernul.
And then everything is simple. I have been drawing since childhood, and I have worked with human skin for 10 years, and these two factors came together. The first machine, the first induction needles by the piece, the power supply, the paint of an unknown manufacturer, bought in a famous tattoo parlor, the first customers who supplied their plots FREE OF CHARGE!

What difficulties did you encounter along the way?

What are the difficulties there? Like all newbies - information. Or rather, its absence. I started searching, as usual, through the Internet, looked at someone, heard, asked, read, etc. I did not learn from anyone, so I lost a lot of time collecting knowledge bit by bit. This, perhaps, was the main problem and difficulty.

Do you take on any projects or do you adhere to some special principles in your work?

All masters working by invitation in Europe, and indeed abroad, have a division between projects into a commercial offer, when they pay well, but the order itself humiliates you more than elevates you, and, of course, the case when pleasant, directly exciting the offer is also paid, and therefore I, and ALL my well-known colleagues, when they work pleasantly, and when they just earn money.

Among your works there are tattoos that are very interesting in terms of plot. Tell us how you and your client go through the process of creating or processing the idea of ​​a future tattoo?

It all starts with questions like “why?”, “And this?”. Then: “when can I come to you?”. Well, then I plunge into searches, reflections, the first projects on a given topic, the client evaluates at the meeting, and go ahead and with a song! In general, there are many nuances.

Timofey, today in our interview we will talk about such a frank topic as women's intimate tattoos. In your experience, such tattoos are rare? Or is it not as rare as it might seem?

Yes, how to say ... rarely or not. There was a period, I did only intimate tattoos for a week in a row. Somehow, in waves, however, in Europe they did not order pubic painting, in Kiev he did a lot.

What do you think are the reasons why girls decide to fill tattoo on intimate places - in the bikini area?

The reasons are related to the overlapping of a band scar after a cesarean, or a visa of a loved one in the form of initials, overlapping of former full names on real ones, or just kitsch.

What kind of female tattoos on intimate places are most common? All sorts of patterns or maybe predatory animals?

Patterns, flowers, little animals, inscriptions, signatures, eyes, butterflies, in general, everything that can fit in that area, or the project that, due to its size and plot, willy-nilly gets into shorts.

If you plunge into history, was there ever a fashion for women's candid intimate tattoos?

Of course, it was, and it’s too early to call it history, 5-6 years ago I felt like a gynecologist, and if I also published a work, the topic of which was popular at that time, then tomorrow again I had to sit with a typewriter between women’s legs.

Among those tattoos for girls on intimate places that you have ever done, what sizes prevail? Often, small neat tattoos?

Well, where is there to roam? The size is from small to very small, something like that, although I did it from the inguinal regions through the pubis to a deep bikini, but this was divided into several sessions for half an hour. It hurts a lot.

Have you had to create sketches of tattoos in the intimate area for female clients? Or do those usually come with ready-made sketches?

And this way and that, basically they called in advance and said what they wanted, and did not ask what I myself would like to draw there. This is if I work with a client for a long time, and then the conversation turns to an intimate tattoo, then I suggest it for the plot.

Have you ever had to fill men's intimate tattoos?

Once, in the pubic area. The situation turned out to be somewhat comical, at the request of the customer, who had a tattoo in the intimate area, he made the lips of this very young lady on her young man's pubis (lips of the face, sorry for the pun).
And even then only because jealous notes began to slip there, in general, the story is long. And in general, many intimate tattoos were accompanied by stories of a zealous nature.

Have you had any experience of creating a tattoo based on a painting or just the work of an artist?

Of course it was! Several works by Leonardo da Vinci, including even his self-portrait. Folk painting "Cossack Mamai", "Archangel Michael" by Luca Giordano. In general, there were many episodic works from world classics.

How many tattoos do you have yourself?

I don’t have many tattoos, I don’t have time for myself yet.

What style would you like to master?

I work and master realism, and everything that is within its radius.

Ever thought of starting teaching tattoo art?

Why didn't you think? Taught, there was work and time. Now I do not want, there is no time, and desire.

Thanks for the conversation. Good luck in all your endeavors!

Interviewed: Alexandra Pitomtseva

Female intimate tattoos from Timofey Nikulshin:

Candid female tattoos on intimate places: photos of other masters