Conspiracy from the drunkenness of her husband. To the moonlight. Rite from Vanga

Alcohol cravings are a fairly common problem. Often, due to addiction, the alcoholic no longer has the will or desire to quit this bad habit. Close people try in every possible way to help the alcoholic, but this does not always bring the desired result.

Conspiracies against alcohol addiction have existed since ancient times, which is why their time-tested effects are so common. Although the conspiracy does not carry negative energy, it can turn into the opposite effect for the fortuneteller. Be pure in your thoughts.

Pay special attention to the study of the instructions for the conspiracies given in this article from drunkenness. Mistakes in the performance of the ritual can turn into much bigger problems. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

The effectiveness of rituals against drunkenness

Practice shows that magical rituals are very powerful and have a very positive effect on alcoholics, however, not a single, even the most effective and proven ritual can guarantee a 100% result. There are a large number of factors that can both increase the power of the rite, and reduce its impact to nothing.

The most terrible opponent of rituals is the company of a person - the people who surround him.
If you want to rid your loved one of alcohol addiction, but his drinking companions prevent this, the likelihood of a positive outcome is greatly reduced.
In this case, without the desire of the alcoholic himself and his will, it is difficult to achieve deliverance.

And yet, do not despair, even if some people pull your husband or son to the bottom. With the help of powerful, time-tested rituals, for example, using a photo ritual, you can reduce the rate of development of alcoholism or awaken in the person himself the desire to give up alcohol.


Conspiracies from drunkenness can lead to a positive result even in advanced cases of alcohol addiction, although none of the magical rites will give you a 100% guarantee of a favorable outcome.

  • The success of any ritual directly depends on several factors that must be observed by the performer, and the mood of the performer itself is important.
  • So, effective conspiracies from alcoholism are obtained if they were performed during the period of the waning moon (the waning night star takes the destructive addiction to alcohol with it), in extreme cases, the full moon phase will do.
  • The so-called men's and women's days also play a role. Alcohol dependence of a male drunkard speaks on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, women - on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

For the plot to work, the performer must carefully prepare for his pronunciation and take the ritual with all seriousness. It is highly desirable to adhere to a strict fast in food for 3 days before it, and immediately before performing the ceremony, wash in a bath (or bath) and put on clean clothes.

Be sure to have self-confidence and faith in magical powers. A benevolent attitude towards a drunkard, a sincere desire to help him get rid of the disease are also the key to a positive result.

The use of a conspiracy against drunkenness must be kept secret. If this and the above requirements are not met, the probability of a lack of a favorable outcome and the manifestation of negative consequences is too high.


Most of the currently existing conspiracies for alcoholism are white magic, therefore, they are considered to be a relatively safe method of eradicating drunkenness, with a minimal likelihood of negative consequences.

If the conspiracy is effective, the former drunkard starts a new life, looks at the world differently, his body and spirit are cleansed, and former peace and happiness return to the family. But this does not happen immediately: the first time after a person stops drinking, usually it is quite painful for him. He suffers both psychologically and physiologically - due to the lack of the usual dose of alcohol.

  • Against this background, an exacerbation of chronic diseases can occur.
  • It is possible that medical assistance will be required.
  • It is important that during this difficult period for a former alcoholic, relatives and friends help him in every possible way and provide support: do not reproach, do not scold, do not remind him of his past sins.
  • Only then will this difficult time pass as painlessly as possible.

In some cases, the use of conspiracies from drunkenness is useless. Moreover, a zero result is the best of the number of negative consequences. If the magic ritual was performed with big mistakes, without taking into account the factors mentioned above, a rollback may fall upon the performer. Usually it manifests itself in the fact that the performer may start having problems in the field of health and personal life, or a sharp deterioration in relations with a person cured of alcoholism.

You should not turn to a conspiracy from drunkenness if you are not completely sure of your abilities and effectiveness, or you are afraid of possible negative consequences. The best solution in this situation is to contact a professional.

Features of rituals

  • Usually such rituals are the work of women's hands. It is no secret that a loving wife, looking at the torment of her adored husband, is ready for anything.
  • Having tried various methods, the young ladies are steadily turning to magic. They consider conspiracies to be the last hope that will help to snatch the spouse from the clutches of the insidious "green snake", to restore his taste for life and work.
  • Any conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences is a delicate matter. Therefore, before embarking on a ritual, it is tedious to take into account all its features, because you will turn to higher powers.
  • And if you do not please them, anger them or deprive them of a reward, the "rollback" will be strong and destructive for the performer of the ceremony and the one to whom he is dedicated.

All words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, confidently and correctly. No self-activity! When it comes to a woman, the ritual is performed on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the ritual is directed at a man - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Among the main attributes are candles, wax, water, photographs. The choice of magical accessories depends on the personal preferences of the person who performs the ceremony.

If you decide on such a ceremony, hack one simple truth on your nose: a conspiracy from drunkenness can break harmony in the family. And its consequences must be taken into account when conducting a ritual. It is better to seek help from experienced magicians and healers. If you want to do everything yourself, strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • All rituals for alcoholism are performed on the waning moon.
  • Treat the representatives of the stronger sex on "men's" days, young ladies - on "women's".
  • It is forbidden to speak on Sundays, fasting and during church celebrations.
  • You need to read the plot in a whisper, believing in what you say, and from the bottom of your heart wishing the dream to come true as soon as possible. When you are confident and calm, sincerely believe and hope, the action will be more effective.
  • In no case should the ceremony be interrupted, so choose a time when you are alone and not busy with extraneous matters.

By observing these conditions, you will successfully carry out any conspiracy from drunkenness to alcohol, photography or water.


If something went wrong, then you will get a strong “rollback”. How does it manifest itself? Firstly, if the basic rules are not followed, a person can drink even more. Secondly, your gross mistakes will lead to the fact that the negative will affect the health of yours or loved ones.

Especially when the ceremony was performed at the cemetery: here you ask for help from otherworldly forces, and they can get angry and send you a solid dose of problems. Remember that magic, even white magic, is a serious matter. Therefore, it requires a competent approach, accuracy of execution and compliance with all conditions.

What will happen if there is no “rollback”, instead the expected result is obtained? At first, it will be difficult for a person without the usual dose of alcohol. He can become nervous, irritable, depressed. Your support is very important here: without unnecessary reproaches, resentment and anger. Do not remember the past, but start life from a new leaf.

  • Now you know how to properly conspire against drunkenness.
  • You could read the consequences, reviews about them and other interesting details in our review.
  • May peace and tranquility come to your home, and an era of harmony and prosperity will come in life.

Possible consequences of the rite

What threatens a conspiracy from hard drinking and drunkenness? The rituals listed above belong to the arsenal of light or white magic, so the negative consequences of their implementation are minimal. The worst thing that can happen is that the ritual will not work or will give the opposite result. This usually happens with errors and incorrect execution.

  • Regarding the patient himself, there will be more “side effects”. At first, he will experience something like withdrawal: a person will suffer due to the lack of the usual dose of alcohol.
  • Against this background, an exacerbation of chronic diseases can occur. It is possible that medical attention will be required.
  • Relatives and friends in this difficult time for him should provide maximum support.

Subsequently, the body of the now former alcoholic will get used to the new sensations, cleanse itself and get a second wind. All this will positively affect all areas of his life.

Also worth paying attention

There are many positive reviews from people who have undergone a course of alternative treatment, and, according to them, the consequences of this are quite good. Turning to folk healers, many are afraid of being deceived, and their fears are not at all groundless.

  • Often these are ordinary scammers who take money for their services and do nothing effective. How to protect yourself from them? Unfortunately, the state does not control this.
  • The business is completely shady. One thing can be said - people themselves are to blame for these problems, looking for an easy and not very time-consuming and money-consuming, but effective way to get rid of alcoholism, while not wanting to turn to specialists.
  • Consequently, if such people are in demand among the population, then they appear.

All sane people understand that nothing happens just like that, and if you do nothing to solve the problem, or do little, then it will also be solved - no way.

Alcoholism is, first of all, dependence on the physical and mental levels, requiring treatment under the supervision of experienced doctors.

And they, in turn, according to the family, demand from them something supernatural, difficult to implement. Therefore, everyone immediately remembers about doctors "from the people."

Another reason is the statement of doctors about the possibility of drinking in small quantities after a complete cure. Healers and grandmothers, on the contrary, say that after their conspiracies, the consequences will be visible throughout the rest of their lives, and the patient will never even take a drop of alcohol in his mouth again.

Support is important

  • In the process of taking a health course, specialists urgently require constant communication and support from the patient's immediate environment.
  • If a person does not feel lonely, then the addiction will gradually begin to go away.
  • But this, of course, is a lengthy process. And in order to get rid of drunkenness with the help of prayers, only a photo of an alcoholic and one visit to a healer will be required from his entourage.
  • Of course, people choose a simpler and easier way, but will it be successful?

The conspiracy cannot provide getting rid of alcoholism for the simple reason that it is a severe addiction, the causes of which come from the human psyche. After all, the most common causes of constant drinking is a feeling of loneliness, misunderstanding on the part of the public. And the folk healer is not able to fix this.

Everything comes from the head of a person, so you can also start fasting. It must be sincere, and contain repentance before God and awareness of one's sins. This will be very effective.

Of course, you can resort to such a method of dealing with alcoholism as lapels. It is very important at the same time to observe all its rules, but even more important is to do it with sincere faith in the heart. It is she who is able to work miracles even in the most seemingly hopeless cases.

  • We must also not forget that the patient must be supported in everything, not reproached, and not left alone for a long time with himself, because he will quickly find a way to "meet" his best friend - alcohol.
  • But if alternative treatment does not bring the desired results, then it is better not to waste time and go to the clinic, because alcoholism entails a “bouquet” of serious consequences in the form of diseases, many of which are incurable.

The nuances of the use of conspiracies from drunkenness

In order for home rituals to get rid of alcoholism to give a guaranteed result, the performer must take into account some conditions for working with them:

  • conspiracies from drunkenness are read in the phase of the waning moon, so that the addiction also subsides;
  • males are treated on male days (Mon, Tue, Thu), females - on women's days (Wed, Fri, Sat); you can't do it on Sundays;
  • it is useful to bring the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon into the house: both the drunkard himself and relatives who wish him well can pray to her;
  • holy water must be present in the diet of an alcoholic: you need to drink it in the morning, or add a little to any drinks and dishes;

A person who wants to overcome his addiction can conduct a ceremony for alcoholism if he recognizes his illness and the need for treatment. However, relatives of the alcoholic often take matters into their own hands, sometimes without his knowledge. You can’t tell anyone about the ritual done, even if you managed to get the desired result.

An example of a conspiracy from drunkenness at home

Rituals using photography are among the most popular. This is due to the ability to easily get the main attribute (photo) and perform a magical effect without the knowledge of the victim.

With the use of a photograph, one strong rite of drunkenness can be performed. In my practice, there were many cases when it showed its effectiveness. Wives or mothers can use it.

  • To pronounce a conspiracy, you need to prepare: fresh(not older than six months) photo of a drunkard, 12 church candles, holy water from the church.
  • After sunset, after waiting for the drunkard to fall asleep, the performer should lock herself in the room, sit down at the table, put all 12 candles on the table and light it, place a container with holy water next to it, put a photo of the alcoholic between herself and the burning candles.
  • Fingers need to be moistened with consecrated water and sprinkled with drops of a photograph, pronouncing a conspiracy:

“Lord Holy God, help me! From a servant of God (name of the drunkard) I wish to remove the addiction, make a conspiracy from drunkenness, wean it from drinking, win it back from alcohol! So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, so that he runs away from it like from a demon, so that nothing goes to him but water-water! My strong and mighty word, my word is the law for the servant of God (the name of the drunkard) . Amen!"

The words are spoken three times, after which the photograph is hidden in a secluded place. The action of the conspiracy usually manifests itself in a short time. If there is no stable improvement, the ritual can be repeated for the next waning month.


Water for the ritual must be alive, i.e. taken from a spring or well; ordinary, from the tap is not suitable for these purposes. Liquid must be spoken using the following words:

“As Jesus Christ did not know alcohol and did not know how the Holy Mother of God and the apostles did not drink alcohol, so that God's servant (name) did not drink or drink. He could drink only spring water, cold and pure. But I didn’t drink wine and vodka, I didn’t know. Amen!"

The drunkard must drink all the charmed water (you can not immediately, but gradually add to his drink - tea, coffee, etc.).


This rite helps to bring the drunkard out of binges. It is best to talk about ordinary vodka. A bottle of alcohol is slandered using the following words:

“The abbot called the priest to him and together they made a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on God's servant (name) from a bad passion, from a drunken misfortune. Do not know him drunken maety from this day to the grave. Just as a fat pig does not swim across one sea-okyan, so God's servant (name) from this day on will not drink alcohol forever, do not hold it in his mouth and do not desire at all. Amen - 3 times.

The drunkard must drink the charmed vodka 3 times. After that, he should lose the desire to drink alcohol and go into a binge.


The soothsayer Vanga became famous for her magical talent. It is from her piggy bank that this ritual was taken to rid a person of drunkenness and hard drinking. To implement the ritual, a bar of soap is bought and spoken 9 times:

“Oh, don’t drink to you, God’s servant (name), don’t walk in a frenzy, don’t wander drunk. I speak and conjure that as you wash your hands, you forget your addiction! So that every time a lousy thought comes to you, you forget it, hate vodka! Amen!"

  • Soap is placed on a shelf with other bathroom accessories.
  • It is essential that the alcoholic wash their hands regularly.
  • To consolidate the result, and also if the rite did not achieve the intended goal the first time, it is repeated after a few weeks using the same bar of soap.
  • If the old soap is over, they start talking about the new one.

Conspiracy from drunkenness and the rules for its implementation

In ancient times, it was very difficult to find a so-called grandmother who could really heal with prayers or conspiracies alone. Now there are a lot of such craftsmen: you can find them in every district of the city.

Newspapers and the internet are littered with ads of this kind claiming to have God's gift of healing. Of course, such services are not free, and sometimes even more expensive than treatment in a specialized clinic. Indeed, among these people there may be real healers, but the chance to hit just such a person is very small.

As a result, some come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconducting a conspiracy from drunkenness on their own.

But it must be remembered that, referring to higher powers, it is necessary to follow some rules:


  • The conspiracy must be carried out by a person from the patient's family, and he should never wish him harm;
  • One must sincerely believe in the power of the rite, but if the drunkard knows about its conduct, then he must also have faith;
  • On Sunday, it is strictly forbidden to conduct a ceremony;
  • The most effective will be a conspiracy that is read during the waning moon, which will “take away” the disease with it. It is also possible to read on full moon days;
  • The one who has the responsibility of reading should fast three days before the start and drink at least a little holy water every morning. Before starting, you need to wash and put on clean clothes, go into a separate room and light candles, while the sun should be in the sunset phase;
  • Strong rituals should be performed in secret from everyone, even from the one to whom this treatment is directed.

By following these rules, you can safely treat yourself and your loved ones and save your family from the problem of alcoholism forever.

Lapel from drunkenness

Throughout the history of mankind, government agencies have been constantly fighting against the abuse of alcoholic beverages. For example, in ancient Rome, only people over the age of 30 were allowed to drink alcohol. The state of Sparta deliberately soldered the slaves and put them on public display.

By this they wanted to provoke an aversion to alcohol. In the 1500s, the French government imprisoned all drunkards, they were also flogged in public, and the most "inveterate" of them were driven out of the country, having previously cut off their ears.

  • But in our time, almost all states have stopped fighting alcoholism, realizing that it is much stronger.
  • In addition, people are very easy to manipulate in their interests if they are constantly drunk and simply degenerate.
  • Also, the sale of alcohol is very profitable for the state.
  • On this they get super profits, since the cost of at least ordinary vodka is quite small: water and alcohol. And the prices are constantly rising.

When a mother, daughter, wife or sister nevertheless decided on such a method as reading conspiracies, they immediately have the question of which one to choose from the huge number presented in books or the network.

The best choice would be:

  1. Read carefully the procedure of the ceremony to yourself;
  2. Imagine how this will happen;
  3. Listen to inner feelings (is there any inconvenience or awkwardness, fear or something else);
  4. Choose the one that seems the most "easy" for the soul.

The main thing is to remember and believe in your victory and give up at the slightest failure, perhaps the wrong method was simply chosen.

  • There are a large number of lapels against alcoholism. The most popular are the following: from a photo (the strongest), on water, soap, towel, alcohol, fish and others.
  • A conspiracy on the water is one of the most popular and simple methods. This will require water from the earth (spring or from a well). Usually, few people have access to such water, in which case you can take purified water and let it brew for a week in a dark place where no one will know about it.
  • When the deadline has passed and all the rules of the rituals listed above have been fulfilled, then you need to take water and read the following words over it:

how Jesus Christ did not know alcohol, and did not know how the Holy Mother of God and all the apostles did not drink alcohol, so that the servant of God (the name of the patient) did not drink, and did not drink; I could only drink spring water, pure and icy, but I didn’t drink vodka or wine, I didn’t know! Amen!

After that, you need to make sure that the water is completely drunk. You can pour it into tea or liquid food, but only to the one for whom this was all done.

Conspiracy for water

Very easy to use, no extra cost. Therefore, women often choose this particular conspiracy from drunkenness. Reviews about him are the most positive: the young ladies claim that he "works".

  • To conduct the ceremony, you will need a standard glass: we fill it with water. You can take a holy liquid, but if there is none, the usual tap water will do.
  • After pouring water into a container, say the following words over it:

“Water will quickly get inside - alcohol addiction will instantly go away. And there is no turning back for her. Amen!"

  • You need to repeat the spell three times.

The ritual is best done with a waning moon, at midnight. Put the charmed water on the windowsill: it stays there all night, after which in the morning you need to add it to the alcoholic's food or give him just a drink.

You can also stretch the glass out for a whole week by giving your spouse the contents in small portions. It is impossible to dilute the liquid with alcoholic beverages. By the way, you can soak a towel used by a drunkard with water. After a week, bury or burn the hygiene item.

sacred water ritual

A very effective conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences of which will be the most minimal. This is explained simply: the ritual uses consecrated water, the one that you bring from the church on the feast of the Lord's Baptism - January 19th. She has a special power.

  • The conspiracy itself is also best done on this day, immediately after visiting the temple.
  • To do this, you take an ordinary small jar from the pantry, pour the miraculous liquid into it and whisper words, bending low over the container - so that your lips almost touch the surface of the water.
  • In doing so, you must say the following:

“Just as our God, Jesus Christ, did not drink, did not know hops and did not suffer without it, just as the Virgin Mary and the saints of the saints did not know, they did not touch her, they did not suffer, so you servant of God (name) refuse alcohol and never go back to him. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the jar is sealed. You can open it only in order to pour the liquid he has spoken into the food and drink of a person suffering from alcoholism. Dishes must be already cooked: it is forbidden to boil or even heat water - this way it loses its properties. If the case is very neglected, the ritual is performed several times.

Conspiracy for photography

The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova described in detail this conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences: the reviews about the ritual are simply enthusiastic. Those people who have carried it out at home say that it almost always gives a positive result. During the ceremony, you need to bend over the picture of your loved one and whisper a short prayer:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

At the same time, you need to think that the spouse will have enough willpower and wisdom to stop drinking alcohol. Imagine him teetotal, healthy and cheerful.

There is another popular ritual performed on photography. After waiting for midnight, you need to whisper over the image of your spouse:

“The moon is waning, alcohol addiction to the servant of God (name) recedes forever, completely leaves and does not return. I say - the moon does. Amen"

Like the first, so do the second rite for the waning month. This conspiracy against drunkenness has its own "rollback". And its consequences must be taken into account in order to protect yourself. Before the ritual and after it, go to the temple, pray and light candles.

Ritual with alcoholic beverages

No less effective conspiracy from drunkenness, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant. The ritual is carried out with the help of a cemetery, therefore it requires additional preparation. But first things first.

  • To begin with, you need to take a bottle of that alcoholic drink, to which the husband is usually applied, go to the graveyard and find a dug grave in which the deceased person should be buried.
  • Stand and wait for the dead body to be brought.
  • After the funeral, when the relatives disperse, place a bottle near his grave and say:

“Happy housewarming to you, newly-departed servant of God (name). Here is a gift for you from the servant of God (the name of the drunkard). Remember his binge as rest. Let him not drink, sleep off and become an ardent teetotaler. As you are a servant of God (name of the deceased) do not pull your hands to the bottle, so the bitter drunkard would not drink, would not become an inveterate drunkard and remained with a clear mind until the end of his age. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Leave the bottle near the grave under the protection of the deceased. Like everything, this one is dangerous. After it is held, you must definitely go to church, order a service for the deceased person who was disturbed, put candles for the repose and read the prayer “Our Father ...” forty times.

Ritual for husband

You do this rite on an ordinary castle, which you buy in a store before that. It must be purchased on Friday, while the thing must be large, strong and reliable. Wait until midnight and pour the rest of the alcohol that your husband left behind into the well.

It is better if they are fresh, in extreme cases, you can use the alcohol stored in advance. After that, close the lock with a key, saying:

“You libertine and bitter drunkard, may bottles and taverns remain closed for you until the end of your life, like this castle.”

Conspiracy for a son

Agree, it is much more painful for a mother to look at a drinking heir than for a wife to look at her husband. Native blood, on which great hopes were placed, instead of becoming a support, rolls to the very bottom. In addition, the power of motherly love is much stronger than conjugal love. Therefore, any words spoken from the mouth of a parent have magical power to one degree or another.

If a woman has a good mother-in-law, and she gets along well with her, you can use her help. Such a conspiracy against drunkenness will have double strength, and its consequences will fall with a crushing blow to alcoholism.

  • What do we have to do? On a clean Thursday on the eve of Easter, the mother must wash all the windows in the apartment where her son lives.
  • The work is carried out according to the usual scheme, only the last water that is used during cleaning must be poured into a jar.
  • Then the parent calls the heir and pours this liquid on his back, whispering these words:

“As I gave birth to you, fed you with breast milk, raised and raised you, so you, the servant of God (name), would not drink vodka, would not pour mash into your mouth, would not touch wine. The windows are washed and you're clean. May it be so".

Strong conspiracy on yourself

He can be very productive. Such conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness are endowed with double power: a person understands the problem, realizes that he needs help.

  • If there is a desire to get rid of addiction, he will not only do rituals, but will also try to undergo a course of treatment.
  • In tandem, these methods will help you start a new life, in which there will no longer be a place for alcohol.
  • For the ritual, wait for the waning moon.
  • You should be alone in the apartment, in extreme cases, close yourself in a separate room so that no one bothers you.
  • The rite requires preliminary preparation.
  • A week before it, start a strict fast, which you need to keep until the day of the ritual.
  • When it comes, go to the bathhouse and be sure to put on clean underwear.
  • Then, returning home, go to any flowing source and draw water.
  • Arriving at the apartment, wait until midnight and whisper these words over the liquid:

“Alcohol addiction retreat - give way to a new life. There is no more green snake in it. I am as pure as this water."


This ritual must be performed every morning in complete solitude. Before reading the words of the conspiracy, concentrate on your desire to help a loved one, and also believe that you will be able to achieve what you want. Conspiracy words:

“Let heaven hear, let heaven see. What I want to do with the body and mind of the servant of God (name of the target).

The sun is bright, the sun is free, you ascend into my yard. There are neither people nor animals in my yard. Young month, red month, come down into my cage, where there are no doors, no bottom.

Far away stars, clear stars, descend into my cup, where the water is clear and cold. The sun is bright, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine.

The month is red, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine. The stars are clear, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine. In an open field, in a blue, deep sea, the key with the lock lies. No one can open that lock, no one can find that key. Amen. Amen. Amen".


This conspiracy, which must be pronounced on any alcohol that the target later drinks, has already managed to prove its effectiveness. It is perfect to save a person from constant binges. Words:

“The abbot called the priest to him and together they made a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from a bad passion, from a drunken adversity. Let him not know the drunken maety from this day to the grave. Just as a fat pig cannot cross the ocean alone, so the servant of God (name) will not drink alcohol from this day on, do not hold it in his mouth, and do not desire at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the alcoholic drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he must stop drinking.


Preparing an alcohol-repellent potion is a difficult task even for experienced practitioners, as it will not be easy to get all the necessary components, however, if everything is collected, then the potion guarantees a persistent dislike for alcohol in the target.

  • The first component is a crayfish, which was caught on a full moon so that the appearance of the full moon coincided with the last calendar day of the month. Raka must be dried in a Russian oven and then ground into powder.
  • The second component is the root of plakun-grass. It needs to be cleaned, washed and dried.
  • The third is grass from a nest abandoned by birds. It is also washed and dried.
  • The fourth is the root of the grass, it is washed and dried.
  • Fifth - seeds and flowers of wormwood.
  • The sixth is thyme herb.
  • Seventh - white snowdrop flowers.

All ingredients must be ground into powder by hand, using a mortar and pestle.
When the day corresponding to the alcoholic's birthday arrives, boil all the components with water taken from three different houses.

  • The owners should not know how you will use this water.
  • After that, you need to cool the broth, wash the person with it and let him drink 12 sips at a time.
  • If a person begins to shake, or he will experience itching, then all the infection leaves his body. During the preparation of the decoction, you need to read the plot:

“I (name) conjure saliva and blood, brain, mouth, joints and liver, breath and half-joints, veins and hamstrings, and the heart. I conjure the whole skeleton of a person from any hop, from daytime, lunchtime, nighttime and morning hops, from daily and semi-daily hops. At home, at a party, in the authorities, in oak towers, in stone chambers, he should not drink. The Lord created the Universe in seven days, and the seven parts of my body in this house will create peace and rest for the servant of God (the name of the goal) from all drunken passion. Now and right now. Amen".


Read on pure spring water or any other non-alcoholic liquid that the target drinks. Words:

Drunk woman holding an alcoholic drink and sleeping with her head on the table (Focused on the drink, her face is out of focus)

If a person suffering from alcoholism is aware of the destructive effect of his addiction and wants to voluntarily be treated, this is good, but what to do when the patient denies addiction, does not want to be treated himself and at the same time poisons the lives of his loved ones. In such a situation, the relatives themselves can do something to help the dependent person. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to obtain his consent, as well as to notify him of your actions. We are talking about a conspiracy from alcoholism, which you can do yourself at home without resorting to different healers.

Healers or independent conspiracy

Alcoholism is a terrible disease, because getting rid of it is not so easy, and a person suffering from a harmful addiction gradually degrades, turning from a caring father, obedient son and good worker into an indifferent and cruel drunkard. To save a person from this disease, relatives and friends are ready to take any measures.

Sometimes conspiracies from alcoholism help get rid of harmful addiction. In this case, the result will largely depend on who you contact to perform the ritual. Today you can meet a lot of charlatans who ask a lot of money for their services, but the result after such sessions is zero.

Important: a real healer will never take money for his services, because there is a belief that if he takes them, then his gift will be lost.

Although you can meet those healers who take money, but do not name a fixed amount, that is, a person who turns to him can give as much as he wants. In principle, such healers can also be trusted.

That is why it is very important to find a person who really has a gift, or to perform the ritual on your own at home. You can talk from drunkenness on water, soap, ice, wax, vodka, a pin, as well as on a photo of an addicted person. Your apartment or house may be suitable for the ritual, but sometimes, to enhance the effect, a conspiracy is performed in places with powerful energy, for example, in a cemetery or in a forest. Also, to strengthen the conspiracy, it is carried out at a certain time on Epiphany or before Christmas.

Important Rules

As a rule, speaking from alcoholism is, in fact, a direct appeal to the Almighty to help a person who is addicted to alcohol get rid of this addiction. Such conspiracies are used not only to combat drunkenness, but also to treat a drug addict, as well as a lecherous husband. The person who will perform the ritual must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is very important that the relative reading the conspiracy himself believe in his strength. All words must be spoken clearly and distinctly.
  2. The ritual is done on the waning moon. Moreover, women should read it on women's days (Friday, Saturday or Wednesday), and men pronounce the plot on men's days (Tuesday, Monday, Thursday).
  3. If you will perform a water conspiracy, then do not use tap water, as it is saturated with negative energy. If you cannot find clean spring or well water, then conspire on tap water only after keeping it in the dark for seven days. On the eighth day, water can be used.
  4. In an apartment or house where a drinking person lives, it is advisable to put an icon called the "Inexhaustible Chalice". Before this icon, the alcoholic himself and his family can read prayers every day.
  5. Additionally, you can order several prayer services in the church, which are aimed at combating drunkenness.
  6. Before reading the conspiracy itself, turn to the Almighty with a request that he hear your requests.
  7. Before reading the plot, you need to fast for three days.
  8. Every day in the morning (on an empty stomach) it is necessary to use holy water.

Increasing the effectiveness of the conspiracy

The rituals performed by the alcoholic himself have the greatest effectiveness. This belief is based on the fact that in order to perform this ritual, the drinker must make the decision to stop drinking alcohol, and this is already a step towards healing. Also of no less importance for obtaining a good result is the patient's faith in various conspiracies, prayers and rituals. If you read a conspiracy from alcoholism over such a person, then recovery will come much faster.

If the person suffering from alcoholism himself will utter conspiracies from drunkenness, they can be read at home only after the patient has prepared accordingly. To do this, he needs to do the following:

  1. It is very important not to drink before performing the ritual and fast for at least three days.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to go to the bath, then put on clean underwear.
  3. Further, the following words are read on spring, well or tap water settled for seven days: “Hops and wine, release me, a servant of God (say your name), until the end of my days. Desire to drink wine and intoxicating drinks go away, and let drunkenness go to dense forests with black birds and fierce beasts. Let the wind carry away the passion for alcohol beyond the distant seas, beyond the high mountains to bad people who, like wine itself, do not bring good, but only famously create. Let the desire to drink leave me forever. Amen (3 times)."
  4. This plot should be read over the prepared water three times, after which the patient should drink it, imagining how the addiction leaves him forever.

Conspiracies for water

Relatives and relatives of the patient can also read conspiracies for water. The effectiveness of such conspiracies is high. One of them can be done on any day of the week of any month, but only on the 19th. To do this, do the following:

  1. Prepare clean spring or well water.
  2. Read this conspiracy over it three times: “Let the servant of God (name) refuse to drink just as all the saints did not know her, the Most Holy Theotokos herself and the Lord God. Amen".
  3. It is not necessary to give all this water to drink to the patient. It is added by spoonful to soup, compote, tea and other liquid dishes.

If a mother wants her son not to drink alcohol, then she can perform the following ritual on Clean Thursday:

  1. On this day, she must clean all the windows in the house.
  2. After that, the water is poured onto the son’s back and at this time it is said: “Just as I gave birth to you and fed you with milk, so do you (pronounce the name) so that you don’t drink alcohol and don’t pour intoxicating drink into your mouth. As the windows in the house are washed, so you, my son, will be washed. Amen (3 times)." These words while pouring water must be read seven times.

Photo ritual

If an alcoholic does not want to be treated and perform rituals, then you can do it remotely using a photo. To conduct a conspiracy you will need:

  • Photo of a drinking person.
  • Candles from the church.
  • Holy water.

The ritual is performed as follows:

  1. Put a photo on the table, behind which you can hardly put it and light candles.
  2. Dip your fingers in holy water and sprinkle the photo.
  3. After that, start saying: “Lord, help me, get rid of the addiction of the servant of God (we say the name). I pronounce a conspiracy in order to win back Your servant from alcohol (again we say the name), so that vodka and wine do not go down the throat, but only pure water flows so that he shuns alcohol like an evil demon. And let this word be a law for him. Amen".
  4. After that, the photo must be hidden in a secret place.
  5. If after a month the charmed person does not stop drinking, then the ritual must be repeated, taking out the photo from the hiding place.

Conspiracy with ice

Another ritual that can be performed without the knowledge of the patient is a conspiracy on ice. As a rule, this ceremony is necessarily performed only on the waning moon. To perform the procedure, do the following:

  1. Ice should be put in a bowl and placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it.
  2. In the morning, when the ice has completely melted, the following conspiracy is read on the melted water: “It makes you shiver from cold ice, and chills arise, so that the blood and flesh of the servant of God (say the name) cools down from the intoxicating drink. So that he would not drink wine, he did not take a glass and ran away from the mash. Amen".
  3. This conspiracy must be spoken over melt water for seven days.
  4. On the eighth day, this water is gradually mixed into drinks and liquid dishes for the alcoholic.

cemetery conspiracy

This ritual is especially strong because it is performed in a place with powerful energy - in a cemetery. That is why it is often believed that otherworldly forces, sorcerers and witches live here. It is better that the patient does not suspect about this ritual.

The ritual is usually performed by someone close to the drinker. He should do the following:

  1. A man comes to the cemetery with a glass of vodka and finds a grave that no one has looked after for a long time.
  2. You need to put a glass on this grave, cross yourself three times and read the following conspiracy: “Just as a dead person in the grave does not need alcohol, so let the servant of God (indicate the name) not think about wine day or night. Remember, dead man, the pernicious addiction of the servant of God (say the name) and take it with you to the grave.

Attention: this conspiracy is so strong that it can help save a person not only from alcoholism, but also drug addiction.

Other conspiracies

Some healers use a ritual for soap, which is good because it can be performed without the knowledge of the drinker. To do this, you will need a bar of soap, on which you need to say the following: “Let the servant of God (name) not drink and walk in a drunken stupor. They conjure so that as he washed his hands with this soap, he washed off his addiction and forgot it. Amen". The conspiracy over soap must be repeated nine times.

A very strong energy is observed in the days before major church holidays such as Epiphany and Christmas. That is why conspiracies and fortune-telling these days have a special power. To perform the ritual you need:

  • go to church for holy water;
  • over the water, read “Our Father” three times;
  • then repeat the conspiracy three times: “Let the hops sit like a king on a throne, but do not enter my house”;
  • a glass of charmed water is given to drink to an alcoholic.

When a conspiracy doesn't work

Sometimes it happens that no treatment and conspiracies help to rid the patient of addiction. The reason for this may be another conspiracy, which contributed to the emergence of alcoholism. Sometimes such a ritual can be performed by a mistress to destroy a family, or a girl trying to bewitch your son, but performing the ritual incorrectly.

Alcoholism, which arose as a result of a conspiracy, can be determined by the following signs:

  • drunkenness arose without any prerequisites, suddenly (there is no bad heredity and other causes of alcoholism);
  • a person wants to stop drinking, but cannot;
  • vodka is needed not as a pleasure, but for “treatment”;
  • addiction overshadowed everything (duty, love for children, etc.);
  • outwardly imperceptible degradation of the personality (the person is neat, politely communicates).

Important: it is very difficult to remove such a conspiracy to drunkenness, sometimes only a very strong white magician can help. If the disposal of this magical ritual is not carried out, then the matter may end in death.

The scourge of modern society - drunkenness destroys families, breaks destinies, ruins health, takes lives. According to statistics, every sixth Russian family has an alcoholic who poisons the lives of everyone living with him. And 500,000 people die from alcohol in Russia every year. And this number is growing every year. Scary numbers, right? Unfortunate wives and mothers are ready to do anything to save their husbands and sons from this terrible addiction. Some people succeed, and some don't. The main thing here is the desire of the one they want to help. If he does not want it, then it will be very difficult to help him.

In magic, conspiracies from drunkenness are used, which, when they work, when they do not: it all depends on the desire of the alcoholic himself and the energy strength of the one who reads conspiracies from alcoholism. However, trying to help a person is not only possible to try, but also necessary. It won't get any worse. What if a miracle happens? The most important thing is faith.

Conspiracies are successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Alcoholism is also a very serious disease, from which there are magical methods of treatment. There are many conspiracies from hard drinking and drunkenness that are successfully read at home. By following the sequence of performing rituals against alcoholism, you can forever save your loved ones from this terrible scourge:

  • the phase of the moon is of great importance in carrying out rituals from drunkenness - they read a conspiracy from drinking on a full moon or on a waning moon. The most optimal period is 2-3 days before the onset of the full moon;
  • a conspiracy against the drunkenness of a husband or son should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman suffers from alcoholism, then conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness are read on women's days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • if the one who reads the conspiracy from alcoholism does not believe in its effectiveness, then the wine ritual may not work. Faith is the main condition for obtaining positive results so that the husband does not drink;
  • an important condition is the desire of the alcoholic to be healed. If a person does not consider himself such and is not going to be treated, then it will be quite difficult or even impossible to help him.

Subject to the above conditions, there is a huge chance to get rid of the drunkenness of a son, husband, wife, mother, etc. forever, and this chance must be used.

How to stop drinking yourself

If a person is aware of his problem with alcohol, then it is much easier to help him, and he himself can perfectly heal from adversity. In order for the ceremony to have the most effective effect, it is necessary to observe a strict fast for several days before it, then visit the bathhouse and put on completely new clothes. Prepare water from a source or spring, on which you need to say such a conspiracy from a hangover three times:

“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Hops and wine, depart from me, God's servant (name) forever, to the grave! Disappear from me all desire for wine and liquor! Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dark forest, where wild animals and black birds live! Take, violent wind, from me a pernicious passion and a desire for wine, and take it across the blue sea to evil people and dashing people! Attach yourself, my passion, to a dashing man who does not do good to people, but only brings one evil, like a cursed potion-wine! Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my stomach. May it be so! Amen!"

When casting spells, they clearly imagine how addiction goes away. Then, they drink the charmed water.

The strongest conspiracy

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness, so that the husband stops drinking, is read over a sleeping person. It is best if it is the wife of a drinking man. When the husband returns from another booze and goes to bed, you need to stand at his head, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and then say a conspiracy from drunkenness:

“Hear me sky! See me, heaven, what do I want to do over the servant of God (name)! The sun is red, rise over my yard, and in my yard there are neither people nor animals. Clear moon, descend into my cage, and in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. The stars are bright, descend into the marriage cup, and in my cup the water is pure mountain. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, month, turn away the slave (name) from wine, stars, take away the slave (name) from wine. In the blue sea and open field and a key with a lock.

“I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut - the doors, from the yard - the gates. I’ll go and go to the eastern side, on that side there is an ocean - the sea, in this sea there is a stone, a small pike fish swims near this stone. The pike of this cheek is large, the teeth are damask, and the eyes are fiery. She comes and takes away the disease from the servant of God (name) - bitter drunkenness, frees him from a terrible addiction from the present moment and forever and ever. May it be so. Amen!"

Then, once again read the prayer "Our Father". A strong conspiracy from drunkenness, the consequences come gradually, but the next day the craving for alcohol in a man will begin to wane.

Rituals for drunkenness with water

Water has a strong magical meaning. With its help, many rituals are performed. She heals and bewitches. If you speak water from alcoholism, then the result may not be 100% guaranteed, but it is likely that it will come. Conspiracies so that the husband does not drink, on the water - the most popular and in demand. Below are the most commonly used.

Alcoholism is a terrible problem that has tormented mankind since the invention of alcohol and drinks based on it. At the moment, there are many ways to deal with this bad habit, but not all of them promise a lasting effect. Even if at the very beginning it may seem that drunkenness is forever left aside, after a while the patient may again become addicted to a glass.

To enhance the effect of traditional medicine and overcome drunkenness at the very beginning, you can use a conspiracy against drunkenness, which can be done very simply, on your own at home without the help of third parties - healers and magicians. We will learn about this magical method in more detail, namely, what is a conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences for a person.

What magical methods can be used

A conspiracy from drinking is a special word that is pronounced with the aim of curing a person from an addiction. It is very important to invest in them maximum strength and faith in the result, as well as, if necessary, use additional items.

It is very important not to play around with magic and not to use these charms in order to have fun. It must be understood that this is a certain effect on the human psyche. Without understanding this, you should not read conspiracies.

Since alcoholism can be classified by gender, the treatment of female, male and even children's alcoholism will have some features. Thus, the plot will be read on different days of the week. Various additional items can also be used, as they have different strengths and energies. We will learn about the rules for conducting, as well as analyze the most commonly used rituals against alcoholism.

What rules should be followed

For the ritual to work, you need to follow some rules. They were developed by professionals who have been doing magic for years and know a lot about this business.

  • It is important to keep the ceremony a secret, you can’t dedicate anything to your plans. It is impossible to talk about the conspiracy against drunkenness even when its positive result has become noticeable, that is, the ice has broken. If the conspiracy is directed at another person, then it is worth hiding from him what you are going to do, do everything without the knowledge of the patient.
  • It is recommended to choose the most suitable time, the waning moon is considered ideal. There is an opinion that it is best to read magic words on the eve of the full moon.
  • Women's conspiracy against drunkenness is read strictly on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, all other days are suitable for men, the only exception is Sunday. The Day of the Annunciation, Good Friday, Maundy Thursday and other Easter holidays (including Easter itself), as well as the Epiphany fast, are taboo for any magical actions.

Now it's time to talk about the most common whisper rituals that are aimed at combating alcoholism. Remember that a conspiracy from drunkenness at a distance will only help those who believe in it.

How to speak water

Probably each of us has heard more than once about the power of charmed water. So in the fight against alcoholism, holy water, on which special words were read, has a powerful healing power. This rite is also called Siberian, since its author was a Siberian healer. Also in the literature there is another name - a strong conspiracy from drunkenness to water. Indeed, this is the way many call it the most powerful conspiracy from drunkenness.

All actions of the ritual must be carried out at night, before going to bed. You will need:

  • Glass filled with water
  • Candle bought in a church or decorative black

The glass should be on the table in front of you, hold a lit candle in your right hand. With the hand holding the candle, christen the water in the glass three times. After that, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I wash myself with holy water, do good to heal. I will take myself away from this glass of miraculous moisture. When the candle flame goes out, I will disperse the clouds with the wind. I'll cut down a bad habit cool in the bud. I am removing you from your post."

Half of the holy water should be drunk immediately, then cross and drink everything to the rest. Already in the morning you will feel that the green serpent no longer has such a strong power over you.

Getting rid of drunkenness on the waning moon

This ritual is suitable for those who have made an independent firm decision to get rid of cravings for alcohol, and also, as a conspiracy from hard drinking, which is not so easy to get out of, but even more so to remove its consequences. For this, the period when the Moon is in its last stage is ideal.

Well, if the moon is visible from the window, then you need to open the curtains and, if possible, open the windows and the balcony, these tools are auxiliary. Looking at the moonlight, say the following words:

“When the moon wanes, the disease will go away. In the morning the sun will rise, the disease will go away, the stars will carry it away. With the new moon, I will be different (other).

After the words are read, you can not talk to anyone for another three hours. And for another five days you can’t look at the moon, this will cancel the conspiracy.

How to talk from alcoholism in a photo

Is it possible to talk to a loved one from drunkenness from a photo? This method is suitable for those who do not want to get rid of addiction, the initiator in this case is the next of kin, usually a wife or daughter. The main thing is not to forget about the rule that no one can talk about the ongoing conspiracy, perform rituals without the knowledge of the patient. This is a very strong conspiracy against drunkenness.

To conduct a conspiracy from drunkenness from a photograph, you will need:

  • A recent photograph of the patient (son, husband, brother, etc.), preferably intoxicated
  • Glass of holy water

When everything you need is collected, proceed to read the text of the conspiracy and get rid of the habit directly:

“Your mortal body has been given to the disease, I want to save you from the disease, make you free and give you the strength to live. God is with us".

After that, dip your fingers into the water and spray very gently on the photo. Then place the photograph under the sleeping patient's pillow so that he cannot find it or feel it. The water that remains will be needed to give to those who are sick with drunkenness. The above method is a strong conspiracy from drunkenness in photography and a powerful tool.

Soap Conspiracy

There is a magical recipe in which the plot is read on a bar of soap. And it is important to take the soap that the patient uses. It is important to choose the right time, the ceremony is done strictly at night. The ideal time is after 12 noon.

The following words must be spoken:

“I wash you from the disease, I rub it cleanly, I wash off the alcohol. There is no more green serpent in life, you will not return to it. Amen".

This conspiracy will not work immediately, as it gains strength over time, as the patient is washed with soap.

Vanga's conspiracy

Vanga's strongest conspiracy is used in cases where help is needed for one of the closest relatives, that is, relatives. Usually, these are fathers, brothers and sons. Its second name is a conspiracy from the drunkenness of her husband.

You need to pronounce the following words:

“The water is clear, like the tears that I shed because of you. Make it so that he never takes the accursed in his mouth, may my husband (son, brother) be free from addiction.

On the eighth day, a person will be free from alcohol addiction, feel much better and freer. Thoughts will be sober and clear.

How to heal yourself

Is it possible to talk yourself out of drunkenness? This method works flawlessly, since the fact that the person himself came to the decision to get rid of alcohol addiction plays into the hands here. You will be able to heal yourself, for this you do not need to turn to third-party services. What does a simple conspiracy against drunkenness include?

To cure yourself, you need to pour a full glass of vodka, pour salt, then, looking at it, say a prayer.

“Lord God, I'm tired of the fact that I do not belong to myself, someone is above my thoughts. My thoughts are not mine, my will is not mine. May this drink never possess me again. Help me remove this burden, do it. Amen".

Then pour the vodka away from home. It is best to find a large sprawling oak that will take addiction into the ground with its roots.

What other conspiracies exist

In addition to the above, there are other conspiracies from drunkenness. All of them suggest that you must be cleansed, both spiritually and physically - take a shower or go to the bath. We will find out what other effective conspiracies from drunkenness exist and what are their consequences.

We speak food

This is a vivid example of the fact that folk conspiracies from drunkenness work. This type is made for any type of food that is intended for alcohol addicts. You need to whisper words of effective prayer to food:

“Eat, eat, but don’t drink, pour out the crappy vodka faster.”

We speak fire

In order for the plot to take effect, you need to kindle a fire in a dense forest. Then, when the flame flares up, draw a circle around and start reading an effective folk conspiracy:

"The throne is on fire, the serpent is on fire, it won't find you anymore, be free forever."

At this time, look closely at the sparks of the fire and at the ashes, then pour a glass of vodka into it.

The essence of the conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

The peculiarity of the conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova is that you need to read it, looking at the drink that is the cause of the patient's addiction. It can be beer, wine, vodka or cognac.

You need to say the following:

“I call you, my friend, my god and my hope. Let this glass be the last one above us, and put an end to attraction.

We speak wax

This is a fairly strong conspiracy from drinking. The essence of the Muslim conspiracy is that a person needs to discreetly put a small piece of crumbled wax or an egg shell into the food, which was previously secretly conspired by you.

“My shone, Lord God, wise, may his spirit be pure and his mind clear. Save his soul, do not let him destroy the right path.

Ring conspiracy

This Slavic method came to us from the distant past. Usually, not a simple ring is used for its implementation, but from the widow's hand. Moreover, the death of the spouse must be fresh, no more than two months. You will need to put the ring under the moonlight during the waning moon, wind your hair around it, and say these words:

“I shed tears like a widow woman shed, I don’t want to repeat her fate. Do not let your husband (son, brother) lose their way and go down, give them strength and faith.

After that, put the ring in a glass of water, then let the man drink the water. On this, the conspiracy against the drunkenness of her husband is considered over.

We speak alcohol

Quite often, methods are used that are aimed directly at the drink that caused the addiction, that is, alcohol. They are considered quite strong conspiracies from drunkenness.

To do this, pour yourself a glass or a glass of your favorite alcoholic drink, then say in a whisper:

“Don't drink, don't drink, never drink it. For you drink pure evil."

How to speak a towel

To conduct the ceremony, you will need a new towel, which later can be presented to your husband (brother or son) as a present. Naturally, to say that any manipulations were carried out on the towel.

What words should be spoken?

“You wash your body, you make it clean, let the darling become brighter, and the green snake crawl away.” Give the towel to the man.

Old Russian conspiracy

This method was used even in Ancient Russia to save young people from craving for the damned. It is worth saying that the rite was considered quite powerful and effective, since there were no other methods, such as coding, hemming or hypnosis.

In order to perform the ancient ritual, you will need a padlock and a glass from which the patient likes to drink. It is important to carry out the ritual strictly during the waning moon, on Friday. Pour the liquor that the man likes to drink into the glass, then pour the contents into the key hole while saying the following:

“I close your mouth with a padlock so that not a drop of vodka will pour into it.”

After that, use the key to close the lock three turns, and then throw the key as far away from the house as possible.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

This method is also called a cemetery love spell, as well as a conspiracy from drunkenness in a cemetery. To carry it out, you will need a new, unopened bottle with your favorite type of alcohol. Take it and go to the nearest cemetery. It is desirable that you witness a real funeral, or at least meet someone who is in mourning for a deceased relative. When this meeting happens, say these words:

"With death, your craving will die and never return."

Then go back home and treat your man to a drink. As soon as a glass or glass is drunk, the craving for alcohol will gradually decrease.

We speak a broom

If the patient does not express a desire to be treated for drinking, just talking on this topic infuriates him, it is worth trying such a conspiracy. You need to personally collect a broom from a variety of branches. If you need to save a woman from drinking, choose the names of herbs of the feminine gender, otherwise - the masculine. After that, carefully sweep the house, while saying the following words of prayer:

“I sweep away neither dirt, but pain, so that neither me nor you will be bothered anymore. Become free and strong, break free from the chains that have bound you."

After that, collect all the rubbish and throw it out into the street. It is necessary to dig a hole of medium size, which will fit both the garbage and the broom itself, which was used for cleaning.

How to treat child alcoholism

Children get acquainted with alcohol early enough for the first time, this affects the fact that addiction also develops early. The fact is that the younger generation is used to imitating adults in everything. And if the family does not have a healthy attitude towards alcohol, there is a high probability that the child will become addicted to alcohol. What to do if such a problem already exists, how to wean a child from alcohol? You should not try effective conspiracies and rituals from drunkenness for adults on a child. A magical conspiracy from child alcoholism can come to the rescue. It is worth saying that a conspiracy from drunkenness from a photograph for a child is not suitable, just like a conspiracy in a cemetery.

To conduct the ceremony, you will need cow colostrum, it can be bought freely at any of the markets. Be sure on Thursday at dawn, pour colostrum into a transparent container and say, looking at it, a prayer addressed to the mother of God. It is desirable that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon be in close proximity to you, because it is she who helps in curing cravings for alcohol, along with a forty-strong amulet. After that, proceed to reading the plot:

“I am your mother, I gave birth to you, gave you air and earth under your feet, the whole world is in front of you. I will not let you fall so low and lose everything, he will not be above you. Not wine, but milk from now on will flow through your lips. Amen".

After that, on the same day, give colostrum to the child, no matter how old he is - 7 or 17. There is evidence that the conspiracy helps not only children, but also adults, but in most cases, judging by the reviews, it helps those who not yet 18.

Sometimes you look at the family, everything is wonderful with them: the wife is smart and beautiful, she works, the hostess is good; children obey and study well; husband is always well-groomed and always in business.

And everything seems to be fine, everyone is happy. How often happens when someone in the family husband or wife does not know how to drink. What happens when there is such a problem? It happens that a business built over the years can end its existence in a matter of days. And alcohol is to blame.

If someone suffers from alcoholism and cannot get rid of this problem on their own, then only magic can help.

Money is very important in life, but it is even worse when families are destroyed because of alcohol, when children do not see attention and upbringing due to the fact that parents, being in a state of binge for weeks, receive psychological trauma from an early age. How many cases have been recorded when, through the fault of parents in a state of intoxication, babies died or children received physical injuries that threatened their health.

Magic from alcohol for good

They say that there is no way out only from the coffin, and this is true. In any situation, it is always good to fight, try and make every effort. There are problems for the solution of which there is not enough desire, and when you need to specifically take action.

If your family or your relatives are overtaken by the misfortune that someone suffers from alcoholism and cannot get rid of this problem on their own, then only magic can help here. There are rites and rituals that will not only tell and teach how to get rid of alcohol addiction, but will not accept the client's refusal, as is the case in hospitals.

Basically, all the spells that are done to help someone get rid of alcohol-related problems are talking about specific things, drinking or eating. Therefore, before choosing a specific plot, one should take into account which particular drinker will use the thing or what will be consumed in a drink or food.

Conspiracy from drunkenness

A strong, albeit very easy-to-perform conspiracy, the purpose of which is to heal a person suffering from alcohol addiction.

In order for the plot to take effect, you should use an ordinary white towel.

In advance, you need to purchase a towel, always white. When buying an accessory, you should direct all your thoughts to the person to whom the deed will be dedicated.

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. It takes thirty-three times to cast a spell over a towel:

    “As the servant of God (the name of the target) will wipe himself with this towel, so the craving for drink will stop. Addiction goes away, goes into a towel. As seven days pass, the craving will go away, the servant of God (the name of the goal) will become pure. My word is true, as it is said, it will come true, Amen.

  2. After the towel is charmed, it should be given to a person suffering from alcoholism and ensure that he uses this particular towel for seven days.

On the eighth day, the towel must be burned or buried away from home.

Ritual for soap

The performed ceremony reduces and completely eradicates the craving for alcohol.

This rite does not require special accessories or anything unusual. One bar of soap is enough.

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. Before the providence of the rite, it is necessary to buy a bar of soap, intended personally for the drinker.
  2. It is necessary to read the following prayer at least nine times on soap:

    “Oh, do not drink to you, the servant of God (name), Do not walk in a frenzy, do not wander drunk. I speak, I conjure! To wash your hands. So I forgot my addiction. So that every time a crappy thought comes to you, You forget it, you hate vodka! Amen!"

  3. Place soap where the drinker is washing his face or washing his hands.
  4. In order for the action of soap to gain new strength each time, you need to speak it every two weeks.
  5. After the soap is over, it is necessary to speak a new bar in the same way.
  6. Continue to perform the procedure until the result is achieved.

The ritual for soap reduces and completely eradicates cravings for alcohol

It is very good when a person himself understands that intoxication has a negative impact. And a person is unable to stop drinking alcohol on his own, but goes into long bouts. Roughly speaking, not everyone can admit that he is an alcoholic, but if this happens, you can use the conspiracy and help yourself.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

Perfect for getting rid of alcohol problems on your own.

What is needed for the conspiracy

To carry out this conspiracy, you should prepare:

  • Cup;
  • Holy water;
  • church candle.

How to conduct a ceremony

The rite is performed as follows:

  1. You need to put a glass on the table and pour holy water to the brim.
  2. Light a church candle and use it to baptize a glass of holy water.
  3. During baptism, the following conspiracy should be pronounced:

    “Water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as moisture will never be reconciled with fire, so I cannot get along with alcohol. Moisture will get inside me, the fire inside me will flood, and the addiction will go away. The candle will go out - the sin will be dispelled by smoke. Amen".

  4. You need to drink water.
  5. Cross yourself three times.
  6. Blow out the candle.

Immediately after the providence of the conspiracy, you must go to bed.

A vodka lapel made in a cemetery

  1. This lapel will help a person stop drinking once and for all.
  2. To perform the ritual, you need to buy a bottle of vodka or wine and go to the cemetery taking it with you.
  3. In order for the lapel to work as quickly and efficiently as possible, you need to do this magic ritual from alcohol during the funeral.
  4. It is necessary to approach the deceased and put a bottle of alcohol at his feet. Say a spell:

    “Happy housewarming to you (the name of the deceased), here is a gift from the servant of God (the name of the target) and from me, Remember him to drink for peace, so that you can quickly oversleep and no longer get drunk. Just as you (the name of the deceased) will no longer drink wine, you will not stretch your hands to the bottle, so the servant of God (the name of the target) will not drink, he will not become an inveterate drunkard, but rather wake up. Sober will be now (name of the goal) and until the end of time. My word is true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the ceremony is done, you must immediately go home and not turn around.

Conspiracy to divert a bottle to holy water

Conspiracy against alcoholism.

You should take a vessel with holy water and speak it.

“Holy water, healing water, strong water, help the servant of God (name of the target) to cope with the addiction. Let his body not accept alcohol, let alcohol reject it. Let the desire to drink pass once and do not return forever and ever. As seven days pass, the craving for vodka will go away. Amen".

When a person is in a state of intoxication, it is best to add the charmed water to alcohol, since it will be known for sure that the patient is drinking water. This procedure should be done within seven days.

If a person is in a state of intoxication for a long time and cannot get out of it on their own.

A conspiracy against drunkenness is carried out if a person is in a state of intoxication for a long time

What is needed for the ceremony

To conduct a conspiracy, you need to prepare the following:

  • millet;
  • wine;
  • stack.

How to conduct a ritual

This ritual is performed in the cemetery.

  • You need to find a grave, the name on which should match the name of the person, but who is being plotted.
  • It is necessary to carry out the ritual on the 9th day after the funeral.
  • You need to take a glass and pour wine into it. Put on the grave.
  • Make a cross on the grave using millet.
  • Read the following plot: I will bring a potion (the name of the deceased) to the grave, drink it, pour it on the ground. I bow to the soul of the deceased, enlighten me to my husband (son, daughter, wife) drunkard. To get rid of drunkenness. To return to reason.
  • After the spoken conspiracy, bow and pour the wine on the ground.
  • This conspiracy can be carried out if necessary, but be sure to do it near the grave on the 9th day of burial.

When magical rituals are performed in a cemetery, one must remember not only the rite, but also some rules of behavior in the cemetery:

  • in the cemetery it is forbidden to swear, speak in raised tones;
  • laugh or have fun;
  • relieve need;
  • litter;
  • take something from the grave and carry it into the house;
  • any rituals should be carried out in such a way that in no case do you get hurt and do not leave your blood in the cemetery, if this happens, be sure to rub the blood with your foot and, most importantly, do it with your left foot.

The ritual of drunkenness in the photo

As you know, the photo reflects the trace of a person's aura. This ritual is aimed at getting rid of drunkenness, not only temporarily, but forever.

Before performing a magical ritual, you need to prepare the following:

  • a photo depicting a person who suffers from alcoholism;
  • three wax candles;
  • Holy water.

How to conduct a ritual

This ritual is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to close in an empty room so that there are no strangers and sounds.
  2. Arrange the wax candles in a row. The most important thing is that the candles are bought in the church.
  3. Put a photo of the drinker in front of the candles. The picture must be used the one that was taken literally shortly before the ritual.
  4. Light candles.
  5. Sprinkle the photo with holy water and say this spell:

    “Lord God is holy, help me! I want to remove dependence from the servant of God (name). Make a conspiracy from drinking, Wean him to drink, win him back from alcohol. So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water-vodka goes to him! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!".

  6. The prayer must be read three times.

As you know, the photo reflects the trace of a person's aura

After a couple of weeks, it will be noticeable that the craving for alcohol becomes less. In order to completely cure a person of drunkenness, a ceremony should be performed every two months until the desired result is achieved. The main thing is to use the photo with which the first ceremony was performed. It is necessary to perform the ceremony at sunset.

Ritual from drunkenness of a husband

Will help her husband get rid of problems with alcoholism.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you need to prepare the following:

  • husband's wedding ring;
  • Holy water;
  • glass.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. For the ritual, you need to take the spouse's wedding ring. Since you need to do everything in secret from him, the main thing is to remove the ring in such a way that the spouse does not feel.
  2. Put the ring at the bottom of the glass and pour holy water into it.
  3. Over a glass, read the following plot, given that the amount should be thirty-three times:

    “Heal you, holy water, my husband, the servant of God (name of the target) from alcoholism, from drunkenness. As long as he wears this ring, it will protect him, save him, and drive away his pernicious desire. Amen".

  4. Repeat the words of the conspiracy, given that the number should be thirty-three times.

After the ritual, you need a ring, put it on your husband and make sure that he does not even notice his absence.

After that, return the ring to her husband and do it so that he does not notice his absence.

This rite will help well if the husband wore the ring before the conspiracy. Because wedding rings have magical powers and bind together into a single whole two lovers' hearts.

Rite of constant malicious drunkenness

With proper conduct, you can forever forget about the problem of drunkenness.

What is needed for the ceremony

To conduct the ceremony, you need to prepare the following:

  • table;
  • three chairs;
  • white tablecloth;
  • three glasses;
  • Cup;
  • fresh water;
  • three candles;
  • a bottle of red wine;
  • empty decanter.

The rite from constant malicious drunkenness will help to forget about the problem of drunkenness forever

How to conduct a ritual

  1. The ritual must be performed on Friday and it must be the first Friday after the holy holiday.
  2. On the table it is necessary to lay a white tablecloth, only so that there are no drawings on it.
  3. Put on the table three glasses, a bottle of wine and three candles, in the middle of all this there should be a glass with water poured just before the ceremony. Sit on a chair, before that, put on clothes back to front.
  4. Pour into glasses of red wine. Pour with left hand only. And every time, pouring wine into a glass, read the plot.
  5. After the work done, pour wine and a glass of water from each glass into an empty decanter. The contents in the decanter, you need to add, to the one you are trying to get rid of the addiction. It doesn’t matter how long this procedure takes, but be sure to drink everything to the end.
  6. Three months later, the one on whom the magic ritual was performed will begin to rise in temperature and will have all the signs that are in case of illness. The main thing is to prevent a person from starting to be treated with medicines, it is necessary that all the symptoms go away on their own, otherwise the person will start drinking again. During the spell, you need to name the names of the dead, who are blood relatives of the alcoholic. This is a strong and powerful rite of passage from alcoholism.
  7. The tablecloth must be removed for three months in a secret place or given to someone
  8. Conspiracy for the ceremony: Holy Friday, your day, the Lord is with me. I open coffin lids, my golden keys. Come slaves (names of the dead) to visit, drink wine, Give a drink to drink a slave (name). With your permission, an unfinished treat Let the slave (name) drink, and your saliva Do not let him drink while he lives. Lord, let him forget the wine. Amen.

Features of the rites from Zapoynaya

Like all magical rituals, all rituals and conspiracies from drinking have some peculiarities in their conduct. Let's take a closer look at these features:

  • It is imperative to take into account the gender of the drinker and choose the day for the ceremony depending on it.
  • If a woman suffers from alcohol addiction, the ceremony should be performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, and if a man, then choose Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
  • You need to conduct conspiracies or rituals either on the full moon or on the waning moon.
  • Perform this magic in secret from the drinker and from other members of the seven.
  • There must be faith that everything you do is for the good and will help.
  • Magic rituals should be performed in a sober state, so that there is not a drop of alcohol in the body. It should be borne in mind that now we are talking not only about alcohol, but also about some medications: cough syrups also combine alcohol.

The most important thing is that the ritual of getting rid of alcohol addiction should really be dedicated to a person who does not just drink sometimes, but who is sick. If a person can simply drink on a holiday or on a weekend, but does not go into a binge, knows his limit, but someone just doesn’t like it, then in no case can you do any conspiracies or rituals.