September 20 for the people's calendar


Independence Day of South Ossetia.

Day of oilmen of Azerbaijan.

Customs Day Belarus. The peculiarity of the geographical situation of Belarus, which consists in the absence of access to the sea, as well as borders with five countries, ancient times contributed to the development and strengthening of customs rules and norms in the country.

Day of entrepreneur Kyrgyzstan.

In 1378. The beginning of a great split (or great schism) in the Roman Catholic Church.

In 1519. Ferdinand Magellan went on a world journey. On September 20, 1519, Ferdinand Magellan left from the port of Sanlucar at the head of flotilla from five vessels (Trinidad, San Antonio, Santiago, Conception and Victoria) towards Rio de Janeiro.

In 1946. The opening of the first Cannes Film Festival took place. The Cannes Film Festival is the most prestigious and widely illuminated event in the cinematic world. Every year, the famous Croisette Embankment in the resort town of Cannes (France) are going to stars, movie professionals and lovers.

In 2002 The World Conference of Mayors opened in Athens. On September 20, 2002, the second conference of mayors of the cities of the world began work in Athens. The first constituent conference was held in Paris in March 2000.


Recruiter Day in Russia. Whatever unusual and difficult-acting word "Recruiter" (eng. Recruitment - selection of personnel, recruitment), the recruiter Day is unofficially celebrated in Russia for more than 10 years.

HR Manager Day - This is the day of personnel management specialist (HR - from English - Human Resources). This professional holiday is celebrated by all personnel specialists in the third world of September.

In 1802. The ministries are instituted in Russia instead of college.

In 1862. The Novgorod opened a monument to the Millennium of Russia. In Novgorod (8) On September 20, 1862, a monument "Millennoy Russia" was solemnly discovered in the presence of Emperor Alexander II, the first monument dedicated to the Russian state.

In 1862. In St. Petersburg, the first conservatory is opened in Russia. At the initiative of A.G. Rubinstein is an outstanding pianist, composer and a public figure, and under the guardianship of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna based on the classes of the Russian Music Society (8) On September 20, 1862, the opening of the first conservatory took place.

Name day. Alexander, Andrei, Vasily, Grigory, Eugene, Ivan, Lev, Makar, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Stepan.

Born on this day. (1613) Jean-Francois Paul De Gonda, French State Framework, Archbishop Paris, Cardinal De Retz. (1778) Faddia Bellinshausen, Russian Maritime, Admiral. (1916) LED Chaplin, English Writer. (1934) Sophie Lauren, Italian actress and singer, Oscar owner.

By popular calendar. Bows day. In the people, the onions used great respect as an extremely useful plant. It was used as therapeutic and prophylactic agent for colds, applied it to the pulps and tumors. Girls washing hair with a decoction onion husk, why they became strong and shiny. If there begins the case of livestock, the bulbs rushed to the thread and hung this "necklace" on the neck cows and horses.

On the lunar calendar. Phase moon: fourth quarter, moon decreasing. It is necessary to reckon with the fact that today is the most dangerous of all complex days of the lunar month. At this time, the days of chapades are coming, black belligent nights - this is about to come new moon, and the moon is not visible on the sky. Threaded darkness, people weaken, the energy is depleted. Probably increasing the nervous voltage, the accumulation of stress, as well as the depressed mood, anxiety, a decrease in the total tone.

September 20, 2017 - Wednesday, 263 days 2017 in the Gregorian calendar. September 20 corresponds to September 7, Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays September 20, 2017 in Russia

  • Recruiter Day.Whatever unusual and difficult-acting word "Recruiter" (eng. Recruitment - selection of personnel, recruitment), the recruiter Day is unofficially celebrated in Russia for more than 10 years. In 1991, an article about the activities of the American HR-agency appeared in the newspaper "Izvestia". Then the author of the article first used the word "recruiter", told about the methods of selection of personnel in one of the major American recruitment agencies. Recruiters - truly unique people, because this particular profession combines deep knowledge of human nature, enterprise, stress resistance, analytical warehouse of the mind, purposefulness. The recruiter can only be a truly strong and successful person, such a profession forces by units. After 10 years, September 20, 2001, several personnel agencies from Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine first celebrated the recruiter Day. In recent years, the recruiter Day has already become a socially significant event, during which the personnel of the personnel industry share with the public interesting and useful information about the labor market situation. An integral part of this holiday is to conduct seminars, employment advice, round tables, lectures and press conferences. It is worth noting that today no state university prepares recruiters. Such a profession, as a specialist in finding and recruiting staff, is not yet in the registers of the Ministry of Labor. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that the personnel industry in Russia works, competitive and brings significant results.
  • HR-manager day. The HR-manager day is celebrated in the third world of September in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. The holiday has informal status. In 2017, he passes on September 20. Employees of personnel department participate in celebrations. Selection and motivation of qualified personnel provide high performance companies. Employees who are looking for training are stimulated, records of personnel, are developing a list of job descriptions, a professional holiday is dedicated. Festive corporate stands on the HR manager day. The leadership awards distinguished employees with diplomas and valuable gifts, takes gratitude. Seminars on the selection and management of personnel are held. On the mass media, it is mentioned about the holiday. The history of the holiday began on May 24, 1835, when the Government of the Russian Empire issued a decree that ordered the relationship between owners of enterprises and employees. The document was the first legal act that regulated the responsibilities of the parties. After the collapse of the USSR, the responsibilities of the personnel department were expanded and the name "HR-manager" appeared. HR-manager (from the English Human Resourses) picks up, manages staff, leads its accounting, creates labor motivation. He conducts interviews with job applicants and selects the best applicants, teaches employees, organizes trainings for the development of personality and corporate. The path to the specialty begins with the receipt of specialized education in the higher educational institution. The personnel manager should know the psychology, management, marketing, to be able to make faithful decisions, have an analytical warehouse of the mind, to be a responsible person. For the search for linear staff of HR managers in Russia, they spend three weeks and spend 9 interviews.

Also read:

Holidays September 20, 2017 in Ukraine

  • HR-manager day.
  • Recruiter Day.

World and International Holidays September 20, 2017

  • World and international holidays September 20, 2017 are missing.

Orthodox holidays September 20, 2017

The following memorable dates are installed:

  • The pretreatment of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Sozona Pompeolsky (Kilician);
  • St. John's memory of St. John, Archbishop of Novgorod;
  • MEMBER OF MEMBER OF MEETING MACHINE Makaria, Archimandrite Kanevsky, Igumen Pinsky, Pereyaslavsky, Wonderworker;
  • Day of memory of Rev. Makaria Optina;
  • Memorial Day of the Rev. Alexander Perevost and Andrei Oslyabi;
  • Day of memory of Rev. Pskov's semicircons;
  • The day of the memory of the apostles from 70 ego and onsifora;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Evapsihius of the Caesarian (Cappadocyan);
  • Day of memory of the reverend onion of the deep-screen (Cappadocyan), Igumen;
  • Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Peter Snezhnitsky and Mikhail Tikhonitsky, Presbyters;
  • Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Evgenia (Zerinov), Metropolitan Gorkovsky, and with him Stephen Craidich, Presbytera and Rev. Evgenia (Zazhva), Nikolai (Ashepieva), Igumen and Pakhomiya (Ionov), Hieromonach;
  • Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Grigory Averin, Vasily Sungurov, Presbyters, Rev. Lion (Egorova), Archimandrite.

Folk holidays September 20, 2017

  • Bows day. The national holiday "Bows Day" is celebrated on September 20 (according to the old style - September 7). In the church calendar, this is the day of memory of the St. Luka Cappadocyan, the Ihuman of the Deoporechensky. Other holiday names: "Luka", "Lukovnitsa", "Sozonate". On the unhapable bundle (September 17), the bow began to collect, and on this day they carried it to sell to the bazaar. Holy Luka was from the city of Cappadocia. He entered the story as the third hegumen of a spasome monastery, who was popular with the name "Deep Rivers". All inhabitants of the monastery led an ascetic lifestyle and observed a constant post, bordering starvation. Also, their daily care was the spread of the Word of God among people. Saint Luka was distinguished from the rest of the special piousness and justice. Onions the day in Russia was peenbled for two reasons: first, he "Indian Summer" cums, and secondly, women da girls are crying for this day, when they begin to clean it for all sores. Girls, brazed onions in braids, as always, wondered. They asked for St. Luka, so that he gave them the same golden and tight braids, which of Luke knit and which would not be tucking from time to time and always guys attracted. And Saint Luka specially tears on girls sent - for their use. The peasants said like this: "They will not get onions over the bow - it is easier to part with the share of the girl." After all, the wedding day began with Lukov day. On this day, a variety of dishes were prepared from Luca - for example, stuffed with chicken meat. For this they took large bulbs, walked boiling water and took out the middle. Puting the bulb minced, they were cooked in the broth or baked into the furnace. In addition to the baked onion, the table was put on a leek chowder, onion pancakes and even pies with onion stuffing. Especially in the people love to prepare dishes with red and purple onions. At the same time, no one, even in the most desperate minutes, could not afford to the Sozonov day to eat at least one smallest bulb of the new crop. After all, according to the reference, until the whole onion is assembled, it is impossible to touch it, otherwise everything rotates or dry. Therefore, the hosts watched onion ridges with special vigilance to stop in time and a malicious joker. It was not of the simple and lungs this matter, because the bow in the antique multi-meter ridges were planted, measuring the assembled crop. And then, after the tradition, they drove her onion wealth to the nearest city for sale, although such trade was never considered particularly profitable: "to trade onions - rocked." Yes, what's wrong, let him not be a great value of the bow, but the value of it is high. In the people, the onions used great respect as an extremely useful plant. It was used as therapeutic and prophylactic agent for colds, applied it to the pulps and tumors. The juice was walked by wounds from insect bites, such as the wasps. Girls washing hair with a decoction onion husk, why they became strong and shiny. Widespread onions got into magic. It was used when protected from the evil eye and damage, to create a guard from human envy. If there begins the case of livestock, the bulbs rushed to the thread and hung this "necklace" on the neck cows and horses. For further storage, so that the vegetable does not disappear and did not hesitate, it was gossipped into braids and hung under the ceiling. The remaining husks were not thrown away, but collected and stored separately. It's not for nothing about Luke set a lot of sayings: "Onions - good in battle and sch); "Onions from seven ailment"; "Onion yes the bath will fix everything." Since childhood, everyone knows and riddles in different variations: "Sit the grandfather, he is dressed, who undresses him, that tears sheds"; "There is a pop on the beds, all in the plexuses, who will look, will pay anything"; "The marfut is sitting in four fur coats, who kisses, he will shuffle."

Holidays September 20, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in BelorussiaSeptember 20, 2017 - Customs Day. The peculiarity of the geographical situation of Belarus, which consists in the absence of access to the sea, as well as borders with five countries, ancient times contributed to the development and strengthening of customs rules and norms in the country. It is natural that in 1996, soon after the proclamation of Belarus independence, the professional holiday of customs officers was established in the republic. The day of the customs officer is celebrated in the country annually on September 20. On September 20, 1991, according to Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus "On the Customs Service of the Republic of Belarus", the Belarusian Department of State Customs Control of the USSR was transformed into the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus. As the chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus, stated at a press conference at the National Press Center. From this point on, a new stage began in the development of the Belarusian customs service, characterized by becoming its law enforcement agencies to protect the economic interests of the country. During the existence of a new structure, important documents were developed and adopted, creating the legislative framework for the work of the customs service. In 1992, the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Fundamentals of the Customs Service of the Republic of Belarus" was adopted, in which the legal and organizational aspects of customs in the republic were identified, as well as the main tasks of the customs service. Further, in 1993, the Customs Code was enacted and the law "On the Customs Tariff" was adopted. In 1997, a new version of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Customs Tariff" was adopted, and on July 17, 1998, a new Customs Code of the Republic of Belarus was commissioned. On February 2, 2000, a new provision on the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus was approved. One of the latest documents is the new edition of the Customs Code of the Republic of Belarus, which entered into force on July 1, 2007. The new Customs Code takes into account the principles of regulation of foreign trade relations of the World Customs Organization and the mechanisms of customs regulation, as well as the main functions of the customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus. In March 2001, according to the decree of the President of Belarus, "in order to preserve and develop the historical traditions of customs authorities," a heraldic sign was established - the emblem and the flag of the customs authorities of the republic.
  • Holiday in Belorussia September 20, 2017 - Recruiter Day.
  • Holiday in Kazakhstan September 20, 2017 - Recruiter Day.
  • Holiday in Kyrgyzstan September 20, 2017 - Recruiter Day.
  • Holiday in KyrgyzstanSeptember 20, 2017 - Entrepreneur day.Recognizing the significant contribution of entrepreneurs in the economy of the republic, given the importance and importance of the development of entrepreneurship as one of the main driving forces of progress and supporting the resolution I of the Congress of Entrepreneurs of Kyrgyzstan, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (RESOLUTION of October 20, 2000) established a professional holiday, an entrepreneur day that annually celebrates September 20. Traditionally, various thematic events (seminars, conferences, exhibitions ...) are organized in different cities of entrepreneurs (seminars, conferences, exhibitions ...) related to business issues, as well as festive celebrations. Over the years of independence in the country, as a result of deep socio-economic reforms, a domestic entrepreneurship has formed, which is a powerful social and political force. On November 25, 2002, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic A. Akayev signed a decree on the Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. " This document is adopted to ensure the agreed policy and settlement of relations in the development of entrepreneurship, improving the mechanism for the protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs. By decree, the Entrepreneurship Development Council is engaged in the problems of creating favorable conditions and the development of entrepreneurship. The Council also works to implement the tasks of the Republican Conferences of Entrepreneurs of Kyrgyzstan.
  • Holiday in Azerbaijan September 20, 2017 - Day of oilmen.Azerbaijan celebrates annually on September 20, the Day of Oilmen. This holiday was established in 2001, his date is devoted to the anniversary of signing in 1994 on the shared distribution of products in 1994, concerning the development of deep-water deposits in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. The 1994 Agreement has become a peculiar "century contract" for Azerbaijan: after its signing in the economic life of the country, a real fracture began. For search and exploration work, colossal sums were allocated to the development of marine oil fields. The result of the development was the discovery of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline in 2006, which became the main export oil pipeline of Azerbaijani oil. Azerbaijani oil industry workers are always very active. They gladly take congratulations from their relatives and loved ones, from the bosses and colleagues.
  • Holiday in South Ossetia September 20, 2017 - Independence Day.Every year on September 20 in South Ossetia there is a nationwide holiday of Independence Day. On September 20, 1990, the Council of People's Deputies of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic. In this document, the South-Ossetian Autonomous Region was proclaimed by the "South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic (Yuosdr) as part of the USSR", and also stated "state sovereignty as a supremacy, independence and fullness of state power within its territory, the eligibility of its laws, the independence of the Republic in external relationships. " In the declaration, it was noted that "a natural and necessary condition for the further development of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic, as the form of statehood of the Ossetian people, is complete independence in solving all political, socio-economic issues, with the exception of those that it voluntarily transfers the SSR After her adoption of the USSR Supreme Council. " Today, independence day for residents of South Ossetia is a truly significant holiday. Since 2008, the republic is a partially recognized independent state. It was recognized as an independent country Russia and four other UN member states (Nicaragua, Nauru, Venezuela and Tuvalu). The holiday in South Ossetia is marked very wide. On this day, there are impositions of wreaths and flowers to the monuments of dead and memorial memorials, festive demonstrations, concerts, sports competitions are arranged, and all this, of course, are accompanied by mass folk festivities.
  • Holiday in Thailand September 20, 2017 - National Youth Day.National Youth Day in Thailand is celebrated annually on September 20. This holiday is dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of the fifth and eighth kings from the Chakry dynasty: King Chulalongcorn (Rama V) and the king of Ananda Makhidola (frame VIII). The holiday is not a state weekend day. King Chulallongcorn was the fifth ruler of the country from the Chakry dynasty, he deserved love and deep respect. He was called the "great beloved king." King Chulalongcorn became famous for his reforms in favor of modernizing Siam. King Ananda Makhidol had to Chulangkorn the grandson, he is considered the eighth king of Thailand from the Chakry dynasty, although it was not officially crown. Ananda Makhidol was proclaimed by the king, when he was only 10 years old, he was actually ruled by the country, but his revenues. Ananda Makhidola was shot shown in June 1946: whether it was a murder or suicide - it is unknown to this day.
  • Holiday in CambodiaSeptember 20, 2017 - PCHE BEN - Holiday ancestors.In Cambodia, one of the public holidays is the PCHE Ben - a holiday of ancestors lasting 15 days. The culmination of the celebration falls on the 15th day of the 10th month in the Khmer calendar, the Gregorian calendar is usually falling in October. This religious holiday commemoration of the departed ancestors falls at the end of the Buddhist post, known as Vassa. It begins on the first day of the month of decreasing moon and lasts 15 days, but the last three days are noted as a national holiday. On the days of the feast of the P - Ben Cambodian give a tribute to the memory of the deceased ancestors to the seventh knee. It is believed that these days open the gates of the afterlife and the master of the kingdom of the dead lets the souls of the dead in our world. Before you visit your relatives, they go to the temples and monasteries, where they necessarily need to leave the rice cooked on coconut milk. If you do not leave an offer, perfume can be angry and curse your family. The prayers about the late ancestors are the monks, and the laity at this time provide them with food. P - Ben is a unique holiday. Despite the fact that in many Eastern cultures there are holidays for the commemoration of dead ancestors, in this form it exists only in Cambodia.

Tropear martyr Sozonat Pompeyolsky, voice 4

Your martyr, Lord, Sozonat / In the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unnecessary from you, our God: / Boy the fortress your fortress, / Pereschikitelle, / Crushi and demons of the gentle boldness. / That prayers // Save our soul.

Transfer: Your, Lord, cooked the feat of his crown with an unprecedented received from you, our God; For he, having your power, the tormentors nodded, crushed and demons the mighty audacity. According to his prayers, Christ is God, our souls.

Kondak Martyr Sozonom Pompeyolsky, voice 2

TRANNOGA and Bogomudragot Martyr, / Paddol Piece of Spring, / Stayed, Treglasno, / Sozona, Tyannik Grace, / Healing of the Goldenysha: // Molite Boy of God of God about all of us.

Transfer: True and Bogomdrog Martyr, experienced pious, gathered today, loudly glorify, Soton, the keeper, the richest governing agent of healing, for he prays the Christ of God about all of us.

Saint John, Archbishop Novgorod

Tropean to St. John, Archbishop Novgorod, voice 8

It is a brightness of the Great Great New Newgrad, / Having your relics in yourself, St. John, / Yoko Sunny Rays emitting / and Supposing Healing Through the Race of Your Poles. / Pray Christ to God to save Grad Creation from Barbarasko captivity, / and internecine breeding, and Fogrennago Population, / Saint Bogomud and Moonness, / Heavenly Man and Earth Angela: / Yes, the famous love of your memory, / Lightly, in songs and singing, rejoicing / Christ, the famous healing, such grace, statement.

Transfer: Today, the Swordless Veliky Novgorod is rejoiced, having your own, St. John, as the sun's rays emitting and feeding healing coming to cancer with your relics. It's pray to God about the conservation of the city of this, unsubstantiated from the pagan captivity, and the civil war, and burning in a fire, the saint, the sound and creative wonders, the Heavenly man and the earthly angel, but by gathering with love on your memory day, we celebrate light, in the psalm and chants of spiritual Having rejoicing and glorifying Christ, who gave you such grace of healing and Great Novgorod, protection and power.

In Tropar, St. John, Archbishop Novgorod, Glas 4

My God God, / Create with us in your opinion, / do not leave the mercy of yours from us, / But the prayers of St. John's prayer // in the world of our belly.

Transfer: Lord God, always coming with us in your opinion, did not delete your mercy from us, but according to the prayers of St. John the life of our life.

Kondak Saint John, Archbishop Novgorod, voice 4

Claimedly honest Church of Christ / in memory of the premises of St. St. John, / from Velikago Novalady, Him, / and the whole country surprisingly with the copper wizard, / and all virtues of decisive. / And on the breakdown of Bo honest body, he has gained nonsense, / excessive Miracles. / I call him the darkness: about all-stock! // Moth of Christ of God are incessantly about all of us.

Transfer: Relieving openly the honorable church of Christ today, on the day of the memory of the decent eternal glorification of St. John, who delighted the Veliky Novgorod, and the whole country surprised by the wicked wirals, and all the decisive. For and after his body was gained by the net, exacerbating great wonders. Therefore, we call him: "Oh all-breached! The moths of Christ God are constantly about all of us. "

Rev. Macaria, Archimandrite Kanevsky

Tropar prescription Macaria, Archimandrit Kanevsky, voice 4

Christ, for the sake of the Heavens, / followed by your taller, / Makariya, our father. / Eagle moths about us, causing you, / Forgiveness of the lacerations to give us, / Love and humble the heart of our Ozarith // and save our souls .

Transfer: Christ, for the sake of the Heavens, you followed in your feats, Macarius, our father. His moths about us glorifying you, the forgiveness of the lacerations to give us, the love of our hearts and our hearts and save our souls.

In Troparov Reovership Macaria, Archimandrit Kanevsky, voice 4

Divine desire all myself from Yunago's age of the Lord Having placed the lamp of the Lord, the lamp was a bright deceit, / afraid of all the most truly faith and life of the ghost, / Sacred Macarie, Ovruchskaya praise. / So for the sake of the sake of, Yako, the lamb is immaculate, persecuted from the suspension enemies, / hurt Esui in the abode of Kanevskaya, / Idess, I put a good shepherd, your soul put Yeah for your sheep. / And now the honeycomb of your multi-deals with your / we, sin, with conjunction, having a flowing, / gift of healing is acceptable, long-suffering: Sorry toastful, sad consolation / and to everyone who is told, any executables, // praying to God to God to escape our souls.

Transfer: Righting to God from the young age, all of themselves dedicated to the Lord, and appeared a bright luminaire for your city, looking for all the true faith and a glory of life, the priest macary, the glory of the city of Ovruch. Therefore, as a defective, persecuted by enemies - fans of contention, you came to the Kanevsky monastery, where, as kind, put his life for the sheep (). And now, with all my healing, sinful, in the sadness, we get, we get a gift of healing, a lot of victim, because you always exude health to those who are frightened, the consolation is sad and everyone who honors you, serve everything you need, praying to God about salvation Our souls.

In Troparov Reovership Macha Makaria, Archimandrit Kanevsky, Glas 8

To the allope of your hostility of your multi-purpose relevant, / prescarcassian Makariye, / we, sinning, flowing, the gift of healing is acceptable: / you bless it is ill to sick health, sad consolation / and all that read, every one is executing the requirement, // Christ-praying to God to save souls ours.

Transfer: To the removed by all cancer with many healing, the relics of yours, the monitoring agent Macarius, we, sinners, coming to receive the gift of healing, for you always have you always exude health with health, consolation sad and everyone who honors you, serve everything you need, praying to God about salvation Our souls.

Kondak Reovership Macaria, Archimandrit Kanevsky, voice 4

Nothingably the beauty of the Smrennago of your / God's living on the Earth glorified the Esi / and the Divine Faith. Purity / preserve people taught me, / the suffer features of the death of the reception, / from God was glorified by ESI, // Reovership Macarie, our father.

Transfer: With the imperishable beauty of the humble life of your life, you glorified God on Earth and taught people to keep the purity of the Divine Faith, accepting death in a martyr's feat you were glorified by God, Rev. Macarius, our father.

In Kondak Rev. Martyr Makaria, Archimandrit Kanevsky, voice 2

Postal and equivalent lives Your / sufferingly understood the features / and an angel of the Sovician, Borodiazhenna, who appeared, Makariya, / With Nimić Christ, praying not to press // about all of us.

Transfer: History and similar angels are your life with your martyrdom and settled together with Angels, Blessed in God Makariya, do not stop praying to God about all of us.

Prayer Rev. Macaria, Archimandrit Kanevsky

Oh, the Preslavian pretext of Makariye, the fast assist and the warm intercessiousness of all those who run to you, the victim of our before the Lord of the Savory of our Savior, and pay our soul to repentance and correction, but gives the world to the Fatherland and all the Earth and will help all of us solid life The faith of Orthodox and Delee Good, yes, the Spirit of the Evil and Lucavia and Brotherbie will be unpired in us, and yes we bring the fruits of spiritual: love, goodness, mercy, faith of non-estate, meekness and abstinence, and yes, at the land of flesh of our passion and The lust and spirit of the lively and walking, will ensure the life of the everlasting life in the future, and, the district sweets disinterested with you and with all the saints, we will glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Reverend Elders Optina

Tropear Reverend Elders Optina, voice 6

The Orthodox faith of the lamp, / monasticism of the pillars, / lands Russian comforters, / independent senior, / love to Christ, who has been toured / and the souls, believed, / pray to the Lord, / May the earthly Fatherland approves in Orthodoxy and piety // and save Our souls.

Transfer: Orthodox faith Lamps, monasticists unshakable pillars, land of Russian assistants, Optina's elders, the love of Christ those who have honored their lives for Chad, pray to the Lord, will approve the earthly Fatherland of yours in Orthodoxy and will save our souls.

Kondak Reverend Elders Optina, Glas 4

Truly Diven God in Holy Saints, / Deserts Optoin Jacques Vertograd of the Starrocity, Enlightening / and God's wisdom of Teachish, / Escension and Weekly Spring and Healing and Given. / Now, in the glory of God is dwelling, // they pray incessantly about our souls.

Transfer: God is truly amazing in his saints (), Optina as the garden of Javil, where the Gods-promoted fathers, knowing the mysteries of the human heart, became the brave patrons of the people of God, for they were sent to the path of buried sin, enlightened by the light of Christ the teachings of hearing in faith and taught God's wisdom, suffered Together with the weak and suffering, and gave healing. Now, in the glory of God, therefore, praying incessantly about our souls.

In Kondak Rev. Elders Optina, voice 6

The warmth of the people of God, / Rev. Fathers of Options, / Surprising in repentance of the approving, / thickening spirit enriched, / crying comfortable, / Alchushchy and thirst for the truth satisfied, / expelled for the truth of God's soul, / all to salvation instructed. / Now , in the glory of heavenly, // praying incessantly about our souls.

Transfer: The diligent intercessors of the people of God, the reverend fathers of the Optina, sinners in repentance, who have strengthened the spirits, who weighing the comforted hunger, who felt hunger and thirst for righteousness were satisfied, along with the victims pursued for the truth, you were sent to salvation. Now, in the glory of heavenly staying, praying incessantly about our souls.

Prayer Rev. Elders Optina

Oh, the grandeur of God, the pile and lamps of the Earth of the Russian, Reverength and Bogonia Fathers Our Outlines, Lev, Makariye, Moses, Anthony, Hilarion, Ambrose, Anatolie, Isaac and Joseph, Wurse, Anatolie, Netaria, Nikona and Isaac, by the law of Evangelsk Lord God with all the heart and all the soul and all the understanding of love and all of the people of God in the salvation of the belly; For the sake of the sake of the Most of the Most of the Mother of the Virgin in the abode of Optoin, the rebeling robber founded, flushes, by close and regrettable humility and self-creation until the end of the days of your who went, the tight of the gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit of preistently; old and young, noble and test, wise centuries of this and thin, Nichards from the upcoming Idzhenzhey, Nikolizh, and bewildered to let you go, but the light of the truth of the Christ of all conversion and spiritually awkward, their neighbors, who are saming themselves, lovers and those in their heart In escalating, according to the word of the apostle, prophesy and edifyingly, adulting and comforting. The soul of the Glossom of the Lord, in the abode of the paradise of the Robber prudento with his semesha, to give us, unworthy, IKO employee of the Unionlyatago hour, the spirit of the crushing, heart purification, mouth storage, the right of the acts, wising the humble, the tears of repentance, the fan of the unbeat, the love of non-estate, the world of spiritual and Friendly bodily health, and the Lord of the answer will help us, the Lord of the answer on the terrible tricks, eternal flour, and the kingdoms of heaven can buy me and honor the centuries. Amen.

Reverend Alexander Peresvet and Andrei Osh

Tropear Rev. Alexander Peresteg and Andrei Oslay, voice 1

Warini Christ-Chistiveness, Studders of Promalnia obedience, / Alexandra Wonderful Perevasy and Andrei Osh, referred to, / Sergius Iguman's gracious hear, / Kulikovskaya Brassi Warring Harditz, / You Bozz Agaryanskago winning. / But we will not leave our intercession, / bodies in the church of the Nativity Create, / Soul in the excellence of the village is. / Pray for the whole russian Russian Orthodox, // Reverence of our conversation.

Transfer: Warriors are Christ High-tear, martyrs glorified by their own, Alexander Amazing Peresvet and Andrei, referred to as the docks, graceful heirs, the Kulikovsky battle of the warriors, the spiritual, for you defeated the Snake of Tatar-Mongolsky. But we were not left without their defense, the bodies in the church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the souls in the heavenly village are being. Pray for the entire genus Russian Orthodox, our respectable compatriots.

Kondak Rev. Alexander Perestec and Andrey Oslay, voice 7

On the field of Kulikov Agaryan won / and the crowns of Glory will be crowned, / the pretexts of God Alexandra and Andrei, / the pray of Christ of God and we are the enemy of the genus of Humanchka to defeat, / Orthodoxy Krani // and the souls of our Grace.

Transfer: On the field of Kulikov, Tatar-Mongol won and the crowns of fame were crowned, the presets of Alexander and Andrei, the pray of the Christ of God and we defeat the enemy of the human race, Orthodoxy to keep and get souls to our great mercy.

Revereten Sepion Pskovsky

Tropear Reverend Pskov's Serapion, Glas 8

The purity of the virgin, serapione, / and the whole of the Red World of this world of this, and the whole of the Red World of this world, Esi. / This is for the sake of the inner desert instilling and with the beasts of the Live, / All Christ and each other Evphrosina, the teacher of yours, was And Molima, remember those who read the holy memory of yours, but call: // Rejoice, the deserted praise, the reverend is our father.

Transfer: Having chosen the purity of the impossibility of his life feat, seradon, and all the earthly benefits of hazelnis, you loved the United Christ. Therefore, settled into the inner desert and lived together with the beasts, you were a postman as Christ, and the friend of Euphrosin, your teachers, because you moli, remember us who honor your memory, yes, we call for you: "Rejoice, glory for deserts, Rev. Father. "

Kondak Rev. Pskovsky Pskovsky, Glas 4

From the high level of the facility of the Smithnantry, / God's grace was the raidger, the gardener of the serapione. / The desire of Bo Divine Luzva Ignition, / Lostsky Molly Ostav, / Revisor to your Euphrosin was, / silent and cruel stay after Christ: / by the same, and prayer , and the image was an intelligence of yours. / Now praying to the Mother of God, Burrowzden, // to be saved by our souls.

Transfer: In the fight with you took a feat and began to take care of God, seradon, because, ignite the desire of Divine Love, you left the life of the vanity and was the teacher of your Euphrosin in silence and harsh life, following Christ. With the same, prayer and post you were an example for all who fastened. Now pray for the Lord, Blessed in God, to save our souls.

Prayer Rev. Sepion Pskov

Oh, there is a selection of our semicondures! You will fit the prestone the throne of the world impregnable. Do not retreat from us, the slave of God (names), Spirit, keeping us from arrogance arrows and all kinds of delights of Nevskiy and the goat of the Diavolian, our kind shepherry. Reviews to us are mercifully and to the Earth is committed to eating height of the skies: we succeed as the victim of your world's love of our peaceful church, from the misfortunes, and from sins disgust and salvation. Also, we need a need for the goodness of the spirituality, the patience and the joy of spirituality to inconsistently, to pray for us to teach us, yes, it's impossible to keep in the coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, you are joyful, on labor and support, now the prestigations, glorifying the saints in Trinity Slavimago Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Martyr Evpsichy Caesarian

Tropear Martyr Evpsichy Caesaresky, voice 4

Your martyr, Lord, Evpsihih, / In the suffering of his crown, they will bring an imperishable from you, our God: / Boy Fortress Your fortress, / Pravitellete, / Crushes and demons of the gentleness of keenness. / That prayers // Save our soul.

Transfer: Your martyr, Lord, the Evpsihih feat of his crown with an imperishable received from you, our God; For he, having your power, the tormentors nodded, crushed and demons the mighty audacity. According to his prayers, Christ is God, our souls.

Kondak Martyr Evpsikhu Kaesariovsky, voice 2

The star brighter appeared to Esi, / Unpainst Mirrov, / Sun of Christ announced, / charges by your passionerpher, / and the beauty redeemed the whole all: / we are given the light, // praying incessantly about all of us.

Transfer: The star brighter, not deceptive to the world, the sun, the Sun - Christ - arranging your radiance, Evpsihih, and all the seduction faded, we also serve the light, praying inener on all of us.

Sacred Martyr Mikhail Tikhonitsky

Tropar of the priest Mikhail Tikhonitsky, voice 4

Announcement of the whole soul, revolving / and a martyrdom of Bloody, loyalty to Christ, captured by Christ. / Mikhail's Sacred, / Moli of the Allbar of our God, / let the church and land Russian from heresy, splits, rebellion and brave, will strengthen us in Orthodoxy and Odylby, // WINDSLETSLETS WE HAVE THE MILITY AND PRAYERS WILL SUCCESS OUR SOUL.

Transfer: To the life of the life of all the soul rushed, you captured the loyalty to Christ to the martyr's blood. Mikhail's holy fellow, the moths of our all-bad God, and the church and the land of Russian from, splitters, rebellion, reinforce us will strengthen us in Orthodoxy and Oysshemia, you will save our deliciousness and our soul prayers.

Kondak Sacred Martyr Mikhail Tikhonitsky, voice 1

In the city of Orlov, the wise shepher was a good one and Vyatskaya lands The first newcomer. / Saves like the murderers prayed to his prayer, / about their forgiveness of the domination. / Warm to our petties and fast assistant.

Transfer: In the city of Orlov, you were a wonderful shepherd and Vyatka land first. Like the Savior, you prayed for your killers, calling for the Lord about their forgiveness. And now, the general person does not stop the forgiveness of our forgiveness of our forgiveness, the priest Mikhail, the diligence of our petitioner and a quick assistant.

( ; )
The Savior proves his heavenly messenger with the testimony of John the Forerunner, is silent, because there was nothing to say against, but everyone does not believe. In another time, we argued with our own way, "they came up with the pallet about" Knyazi Besysky "(,). But when this example was completely inappropriate, "they also silenced, but still did not believe. So always nevers believe that they don't say and how convincingly prove the truth: they cannot say anything against, but everyone does not believe. Would say: the mind of them with paralysis is broken, right after all of the subjects they argue healthy. Only when we are talking about faith, begins to be confused in concepts and words. They are also confused when the views are exposed to the replacement of the provisions of faith, from the data of the data. Here they have doubts will be built into such a support that your strong cliff. Listen to all of their theory - the child will disassemble that this is a web web, and they do not see. Difficult blinding! The persistence of the nevertal can still be explained to believe, but where does the reluctance come from? And why does it take in this case such power, what makes a person intelligent consciously hold on to the illogical way of thoughts? HERE DAYMA - LITTEN DON'T FOOD WHAT IS DRAWS?

Secretary Day in Russia

The initiative group of secretaries proposed to establish a professional secretary holiday. Most Russian entrepreneurs have no doubt about the importance and necessity of the profession of secretary. They have long moved to the category of administrative workers who provide uninterrupted functioning of the office. Their help is invaluable when working with documents and search for information. In the United States at the end of April, a whole week of office workers is organized, the Secretary's Day consider the Wednesday Wednesday. In Russia, the Secretary's Day is also celebrated on Wednesday of the last week of April.

Night of volatile mice

The most unusual holiday is designed to draw the public attention to the protection of bats and tell the truth about animals, which many people are mistakenly considered real vampires. These amazing winged animals captured the art of flight due to the original structure of the paws - the four long fingers are very developed, capable of maintaining the wing. The aircraft is also present on a long narrow tail, but the fingers of the hind limbs do not have such a membrane, thanks to which the animals are hanging down on the branches and protrusions.

The bats are practically not seen in the afternoon - they have very weak vision, but the smell and rumor will never let them down - they are developed stronger than in many animals. Another feature of animals - along with dolphins only they have echolocation - phenomenon, with the help of which they are perfectly oriented in space. Of the dangerous species, only large animals from Latin America, feed on other wild animals, can be distinguished. Volatile mice - disappearing species protected by the International Agreement on the Protection of Arup.

Independence Day of South Ossetia

On this day, the landscape of glory and wreaths take place on the monuments of the dead, festive concerts, demonstrations, sports competitions are held. The Council of People's Deputies of the Autonomous Region of South Ossetia adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Democratic Republic. According to this document, the autonomous region was proclaimed by the Soviet democratic republic as part of the USSR. State sovereignty was approved as supremacy, completeness and independence of state power within its territory, independence was also approved in external relations.

Folk calendar September 20

Bows day

The Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday of Rev. Luke, living in Cappadocia in the 10th century. At first, there was a monk onion deeply, then became an igumen in the rescue monastery, which was called the "deep river". Saint Luka became famous for piety and righteous life. Because of the consonance with the name of St. People began to celebrate onions holiday on this day. At this time, there is a cleaning of Luke everywhere, trade in the bazaars began. Girls on Luka whipped onion braids and hung them under the ceiling for further storage.

From Luca prepared various dishes, for example, stuffed with meat. For this, made of large bulbs were taken out the middle, filled with meat and baked into the oven. It was believed that if you cook this dish to Lukov's day, then the entire incomplete bow in the beds dried. In the people, this plant was respected and was considered extremely useful. It was used as a therapeutic and prophylactic anti-informal agent. The girls were rinsed with a decoction of husk hair, from what they glistened and became strong. On Luka was also judged by the weather on the near winter. A large amount of husk foreshadowed strong frosts.

Historical events September 20

September 20, 1802 - The Russian emperor Alexander I was issued a decree, which were created eight ministries, including the marine, military, the Ministry of Foreign and Interior, Police, Finance, Justice, Commerce and Folk Enlightenment.

September 20, 1854 - The first major battle of the Crimean War took place on Alma, during which the Allied Troops (United Kingdom, France, Turkey) won. At the same time, the brave resistance of the Russians allowed to suspend the offensive to Sevastopol, which during this period was completely defenseless.

September 20, 1862 - A monument "Millennia of Russia" opened in Nizhny Novgorod, created and erected in honor of the thousand-year anniversary of the variation of Varyags on Russia. A large-scale monument consists of 128 figures, it represents a huge ball on the pedestal. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect Viktor Gartman, Mikhail Mikeshin's sculptors and Ivan Schroeder was that the monument had to glorify the fame of the heroic past Russia.

September 20, 1862 - The first conservatory opened in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg Order of Lenin State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov). The initiator of the creation of the oldest Russian conservatory was Anton Rubinstein, who then taught students the piano class.

September 20, 1878- Supreme Bestuzhev Courses opened in the capital, in fact they were the first Russian University of Women. The need to create such an educational institution appeared, as Russian girls left to receive education abroad. The founder and the first director of the institution was Bestuzhev-Ryumin, the courses were called "Bestuzhevsky", the audience was called "Bestuzhevka". Training took place in the Alexander women's gymnasium located on a pea street. The first listeners were 468 girls. The students of the courses could be a fair sex that had already had a secondary education and reached 21 years. The entrance exams for enrollment was not required, with a lack of seats, a competition of certificates was carried out.

Born on September 20

LED Chaplin (1916 - 1986) - English Writer.

Childhood and youth Side reflected on his literary activities. The family was poor, and Chaplin saw hopeless work, poverty and fear of unemployment. After the end of the evening school, he began writing essays and stories for the "Coal" newspaper. Basically worked in the genre of the "worker novel". In his works, the author raised sharp philosophical and social topics. In the novels of "Sunchandi and supervised" and "Sardina Day", the heroes are solved by difficult psychological issues. No less significant in the literature and stories of Side Chaplin, which are often autobiographical partially or completely.

Sofia Loren (1934) - Italian actress

The first step towards the glory of the actress was the victory at the beauty contest at the age of 14. In 1952, Lauren met Carlo Ponti, the producer who discovered the path to her big cinema for her, and later became her husband and father of two sons. At first, Sophie had episodic roles. Fame came to Lauren with the film "Gold Naples" directed by De Sika. It was he who became a teacher for the actress, the director, with whom her ray roles were created.

In addition to the beauty and temperament of the girl, De Sik forced her observation, mind and life experience. Lauren quickly won the sympathies of the audience, and also attracted the attention of famous directors. Initially, the actress was the pseudonym "Lazarro", but Ponti advised the Holy Boulla - "Lauren". Sofia Loren-known Italian actress, awarded awards of the main international film festivals, the Oscar Prize winner and a special Oscar, a few books.

Fadda Bellinshausen (1778 - 1852) - Russian Maritime

In 1819 he headed the Russian round-the-world expedition to Antarctica. In the world swimming, which lasted 751 days, was opened with the sixth mainland of the planet, 28 geographical objects with Russian names were put on the Antarctic map, 29 islands were opened in tropical and southern latitudes.

Jean-Francois Paul de Gondi (1613 - 1679) - Paris Archbishop, Cardinal De Retz

At the field of Father, he entered the spiritual title, without having no inclination towards him. In 1643, he was assigned a doctoral degree and Gondi was appointed to the position of the Koadyutor of the Paris Archbishop. Popularity was achieved very quickly thanks to the generous alms and their sermons. Despite the courtyard courtyard, Gondi was accused of a relationship with Prince Konde and was planted in the Wensensky, and then a Nantansky castle. Soon he fled, running around for countries. Returning to France, Gondi abandoned the Archbishop Sanae and hosed the Saint-Denis Abbey.

Name Day 20 September

Name Day celebrate on this day: Andrei, Alexander, Vasily, Eugene, Grigory, Makar, Ivan, Lev, Luka, Peter, Mikhail, Nikolay, Stepan.