Storage of Christmas decorations. The method of storing Christmas tree toys, which I never thought before. Storage of Christmas Buses

After the New Year holidays, christmas toys remove from the Christmas tree and sent for storage to secluded places until next year.

Most people prefer to organize the storage of Christmas tree toys on the balcony, in the storage room or in the closet.

In this article we will tell you in detail how it can be carefully and neatly keeping New Year's toys so that they serve for many years.

How to store new year toys

1. In the original packaging of the manufacturer toys to store more convenient, which fully ensures the preservation of products.

2. If the factory package is not preserved, you can use small cardboard boxes with separators that are sold in household goods. It is convenient to store toys in transparent plastic containers: they can be seen that lies inside.

3. If you want to prevent the appearance of scratches and chips, additionally wrap toys into paper napkins. Pretty comfortable to lay small toys into plastic cups. You can also store fragile decorations in straw, in cotton, in finely chopped paper.

4. Use the screwdriver to save your money. Small Christmas decorations are conveniently stored in cardboard box cells from under eggs. Cardboard boxes from New Year's gifts are perfect for larger jewelry.

5. Use fastening packages. You can put the decoration in such a package and fill it with air, which will provide a layer of air that protects against damage. In the box, such packages will reliably protect the toys.

6. Inscriptions on the boxes (for example, "balls", "home-made toys") will save time on the search for Christmas decorations next year.

7. Mishur is best pack in separate bags or bags, so that when stored it does not lose its gloss.

8. So that the New Year's garlands do not resemble the tangle snakes and did not deteriorate the wires, it is better to wind to a cardboard tube (from toilet paper or paper towels), the ends of which are a little dissected with a knife so that the ends of the garland can be fixed.

Precautions when storing Christmas tree toys

  • In order to avoid combat, it is not recommended to use large boxes.
  • Vintage toys can not be stored in plastic tars with a tightly closed lid. Under such conditions, moisture does not evaporate, and it can cause damage to paint on objects with a large history. Plastic containers are better to use for storage of garlands, tinsel, artificial Christmas tree. Cardboard is best suited for storing vintage Christmas toys.
  • It is extremely recommended to store New Year's toys in a cold and raw place, for example in the garage or on the balcony. Temperature fluctuations and increased humidity can damage products.

Viewing the Christmas tree after the New Year holidays, we often lazy to gently fold and pack the Christmas toys. However, the careless storage of festive decorations can cause their damage and even complete unsuitability for use.

Prepared Marianan Chornovil

Hello, my favorite readers! At the weekend, I did the revision of the Christmas tree toys and realized that their storage was completely not organized. To unravel the garland, I needed at least 20 minutes, I generally keep quiet about Mishuur and rain. And that's why I decided to write a post on the topic, how to store christmas toys and the rest of the attributes.

I remember, in childhood we had only glass toys. Every year several of them beat. Some part during transportation and storage, and some kind of holidays directly. It happened that from our brother pants a Christmas tree fell. Oh and sweared at us mom! But it was a pity that there were toys that were not cheap. Each of them represented value, reminded of something.

Now the New Year toys can afford to buy each, and for every taste and color. The material from which they are made are also varied. But still I prefer unbelieving. In homes where there are children it is just the perfect option. There is no danger, if it falls on the floor, no fragments are scary. And the kids are interested in touch, feel beautiful things with their handms.

The rest of the storage of Christmas tree toys does not require any serious effort. A tray from eggs is suitable as an organizer for small pieces, plastic cups can be used for large. And so that they do not occupy unnecessary space, it is necessary to cut off the unnecessary lower part. An easy-to-wear storage is the native factory packaging, it is strong enough and comfortable.

Well, in my opinion, a common way is to complete each toy in the newspaper, fabric and folded gently into the box. As a soft lining, a syntheton or wool, foam rubber or puffed oil can be approached.

It is also necessary to take care of the storage of garlands and tinsel. For me, the most appropriate method is the winding of the garlands on a piece of cardboard, it turns out it is very convenient. But Mishur requires separate attention. So that it does not break and did not shabby, it should be either separately folded into the bag or into a small box. For compact addition, the bushing from toilet paper or a cylinder from cardboard, which can be made with your own hands is perfect.

After I decided on the storage option of Christmas toys, I needed to find a new, more appropriate place for them. It can become annezol, niche in a closet or rack, pantry. My box found a place on Chiffiorier, since its height does not reach the ceiling. It looks quite decent.

Well, that's all today. This is such a short article turned out. I hope she also inspired you to engage in the organization of storing Christmas toys. See you soon! Good mood and good luck! Bye Bye!

If you are not from those who shoot toys and throws out the Christmas tree on May 1, then you have already broken up with a New Year's beauty and again wondered if there are some tricks in the storage of Christmas toys and garlands? Yes, they are!

1. Polically wash and clean the toys

If you used artificial snow or toys just dirty during a stormy feast, they will have to wash them. Water does not need to do this - it can wash salt and damage the paint. Glass toys usually (in the museum) are brushing with the help of a dusty alcohol. Porcelain is brushed with a soft brush with warm water with the addition of alcohol. And if the toy is damaged, it does not wash it at all - water and alcohol in cracks can make it difficult.

2. Select the correct container and place.

Fragple toys, so it is necessary to choose the right boxes for their storage. It is best for something rigid, perhaps even iron or - for example, an old suitcase (without a handle). If there is still no clear storage location in the house, the box will be safer to put on a prominent place, so that for the year they are not forgotten and not "fed" to the floor with all the ensuing consequences. Suppress the child to make a beautiful colorful tag with the inscription "Toys" and get on the box - so that no one has confused!

3. Organize them inside the box

The perfect storage option is in factory packaging. But the main problem with it is that it does not economize the place at all, so many packaging simply emit. The second one is correct option - buying special boxes with separations for toys of different sizes. Such compartments can be "cut" and yourself. If the toys are stored "in a heap", they must be wrapped with cotton, napkins or special packaging material with "bubbles". At the same time, in any case, toys should lie quite tightly, but so as not to press each other (better a wide box than deep). If you have a transparent box, then it will have to put it in a dark chula ring or in a closet for closed doors - paint on toys can burn out!

Garlands and wreaths should be folded into a separate box or buy special boxes and for them - there are also available on sale in the Western Internet.

4. Particularly fragile - special attention

Porcelain toys or just ancient and because of particular fragile specimens require a special relationship. Before storage, you will have to wrap in the cigarette paper in several layers or in flannel rags. In whatever you wrap such toys, remember - "Middle" to her layer should not be tough.

Use "grandma" ways

How did our ancestors kept the toys when there were no these new-fashioned special boxes? Just - they used what they saw. It is good to store small toys in the package from the eggs or shove the cones and icicles into empty rolls from under toilet paper. Cups for baking and shapes for muffins willingly take themselves coming on the shape of a toy! Large cylinders (from under cookies, tea, coffee) are also good cases for Christmas tree toys.

By type. Typically distinguish such categories:

  • Glass and porcelain toys (including glass garlands),
  • Ceramic toys and figures,
  • Plastic toys and figures,
  • Lighting (candles, garlands, candlesticks),
  • New Year's textiles (tablecloths, napkins, socks and the like),
  • The rest of the jewelry (tinsel, wreaths, the different other is not fragile).

After you sort all this beauty, you will become clear, where that is stored. Something you can just fold into the box, and for something you need special conditions.

2. Special cakes for toys

For toys for sale elegant caisters boxes with divisions. It is very convenient if you have many beautiful balls and do not want to randomly smash them. However, we do not recommend using plastic containers for vintage toys - paint may be damaged. For rarities and handmade values, cardboard cases are better suited. Such can be searched in large IKEA or OBI hypermarkets.

3. Small boxes and boxes

Compact boxes are perfect for storing all kinds of toys, except glass. If you do not want the balls to scatter and felt anyone where, put cardboard separators. The most beautiful boxes can be kept on open shelves and racks in sight, for example, in the living room. In addition, there are still toys on the shelves and without special devices.

4. Screw agents

Packages from under the eggs and candy boxes are as if created in order to keep small fragile toys. And plastic cups will ensure the safety of glass toys. Girlands, so as not to be confused, you can wrap around the cards, small and fragile parts to remove into plastic bags and so on.

5. Do not forget about the labels

They really make life easier. If you sign the boxes, noting which toys are lying in them - then you don't have to look for the "TU Mishuur" or your favorite ball of your child.

6. Beautiful cobes to order

If you love the entourage, you may like wooden toy boxes. You can decorate them with a decoupage and store them. Every time, preparing for the holiday, you will open this box filled with magic and wonderful things. This is especially suitable such an atmospheric subject of the interior to the old Soviet toys. Beautiful decorative boxes and chests can be found in Hoff.

7. Original packaging

It is best to keep toys in their original packaging - so less chances that they will break or lose. In addition, who is better than the manufacturer know how to take care of such things?

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For New Year's decorations from childhood we treat special trepidation. Unlike a variety of strap, which surrounds us in everyday life, New Year's tinsel is not just a decoration, but part of the festive ritual.

But precisely because we rarely use and use New Year's decorations, many are related to their storage without proper attention. As a result, packed toys before the holidays on the high school, we discover that some of them are broken, the part is observed, etc. Therefore, if you want to keep not just expensive, but also dear toy heart, it's time to go to the organization of their storage.

You will need:

Fragile toys

In stores today you can buy ready-made containers for storing a variety of trifles that will come down for fragile Christmas decorations. But excess costs can be avoided, approaching the process with a fantasy. What can be used to store fragile toys?

  • Cardboard containers for eggs - This is a great place for small glass balls, you can also add less fragile toys, abundantly sprinkled with sequins or decorated with rhinestones, because with chaotic storage, all this is quickly attacked and registered.
  • Boxes from shoes - An excellent option for toys of different sizes and non-standard forms. Use fragments of a typical cardboard box as separators. But in each cell, be sure to lay down soft paper (not newspaper or parchment), fabric or cotton.

You can make a box with cell storage cells with your own hands.

To do this, you will need:

  1. Box;
  2. glue;
  3. disposable cups.

Just glue cups in a row to the bottom of the box, lay out soft paper in them and use for storage of balls. This solution is suitable not only for small and medium-sized decorations. Large balls can be stored in glasses of 0.5. All this will help not only it is convenient to paint the toys, but also ensure their safety.

Sets of identical balls are also convenient to store in peculiar homemade tubes from ordinary plastic bottles. You just need to cut the neck of the bottle, and lay out toys each other.

Where you should not store fragile glass decorations so it is in plastic containers with a tightly closed lid. In such conditions, moisture will not evaporate from the container, which can lead to damage to the toys.

Faux Christmas tree

Storage of the Christmas tree - the task is particularly complex. The branches and artificial needles are not only deformed with chaotic storage, but also fall into a solid layer of dust, to get rid of which is difficult. To get rid of it without damaging the branches, use an ordinary hair dryer.

Come on the branches of the hair dryer, byping them with a cold jet of air at a distance of 15-20 centimeters, and the dust will disappear.

  • Fragments of the Christmas tree, in which there are no metal parts, you can wash even in the bathroom, or simply wipe with wet napkins.
  • Dry the washed branches are best in suspended so that they do not remember.
  • Keep the Christmas tree in a disassembled form, in a plastic case or fabric.
  • Place for storage should be quite spacious, so that the branches are not deformed.

But even ensuring perfect conditions, an artificial tree may lose its original appearance. In this case, straighten the crops can be attached to the hot steam.


The New Year's atmosphere will not be full without living fire. Today in stores a huge number of thematic exclusive candles, to use which in one night does not always come out, and for use outside the holiday they are not suitable.

  • So that decorated candles are not damaged and did not pale, they need to be stored wrapped in soft matter.
  • If you did not have time to throw out old socks or stockings, they are perfectly suitable as covers.
  • Carefully wrapped candles, fold into the cardboard box or plastic container and store in a dry, cool place, protected from sunlight.

Tissue or plastic decorations

Despite the fact that fabric or plastic decorations are not so fragile, it is worth a storage with no less accuracy.

  • Toys, rich enough splashing or brittle decor, need to be laid in separate cells on a soft cloth or paper. So that the sequins do not appear, you can open the decorations with a layer of transparent varnish or just sprinkling them with a hairpiece.
  • As for rag products, they should be protected from direct sunlight and deformations. For them there will be any box, but its bottom and walls should not be rigid, so that with long-term storage toys did not get ricked.
  • Large tissue dolls with an abundance of the decor are best wrapped in a cellophane or a fabric cover and stored in hanging on an ordinary hanger with hooks from the stationery clips.
  • Paper toys or garlands should be stored piety, each in a separate box. For this, any small cardboard packages or cans from tea, coffee or candy will be suitable.