How to talk to a cat? The world's first translator from the feline language appeared. Secrets of communication with a cat

Scientists have discovered that cats have a complex communication system with hundreds of vocalization to tell people that they want or what they need. Development of understanding how the cat communicates with you can help develop a warmer relationship with your cat companion. In understanding the language of the cat's body will help to figure this article.

Reading body language

Watch the tail of the cat . Like dogs, cats communicate with positioning and movement of their tails. Knowledge of signals transmitted by the tail in combination with vocalization will help you understand the needs and desires of your cat. Some common tail positions include:

Tail straight up with curl at the end: This indicates happiness.
. The tail is dramatically twisted: the cat is excited or anxious.
. Fur on the tail end: the cat is excited or feels at risk.
. The tail seems to vibrate: the cat is very excited and glad to see you.
. The tail end, straight up, sharply wags: this is a sign of extreme aggression, such a situation may be present during the "combat" actions or self-defense.
. The tail fur sticks straight up, but the tail is held down: the cat feels aggressively or frightened.
. The tail is held downstairs or refilled under the hind paws: the cat feels frightened.

Look in the eyes of a cat . Looking into the eyes of the cat, you can establish a connection with it and understand its feelings. Keep in mind, however, that a straight-fixed look without blinking a look may be interpreted as the position of aggression that will deliver the cat discomfort.

If the pupils of the cat are expanded, it feels either very playfully or excited, or rather aggressive. Use a combination of signals to correctly understand. Cat looks into your eyes - indicates that she trusts you or her comfortable with you.
. The cat is slowly blinking, so she can show his attachment, pointing to the fact that she is again comfortable with you.

Pay attention to another body language . Since cats are more "free" than people in the body language, certain gestures will be accompanied by vocalization to strengthen their message.

Cat, lifting the nose and back bowing down the head down, says "I admit you." Cats sitting on the windows can welcome you in such a way when you come.
. The cat can lay the ears back if it feels fear, anxiety or playfulness. It can also be seen when she cautiously sniffs something, what he wants to know more.
. A cat, which licks the bottom lip, shows that it is worried or is afraid of something.

Definition of communicative behavior . Some behaviors have a constant value among most cats.

The cat rubs about you, marks how his property.
. The wet nose "Kiss" is a gentle feline gesture in which the cat tips you with a wet nose. This means that she loves and feels comfortable near you.
. Cat, rubs about you, head, tail and body - this is an act of greetings.
. Playful head head is a demonstration of friendliness, love.
. Cats sniff the face of a person to confirm his identity based on a familiar smell.
. The cat will rhythmically "knead" you with your paws, it is like a sign of happiness, contentment, or playfulness. "Zam" is an indicator that your cat knows and trusts you.
. The cat licks you - shows the final sign of confidence. A cat can consider you part of her family, as if Mother cleans his kittens.
. If the cat is trying to eat your hair, she really loves you and trusts you.
. Some cats show that they really love you, copying what you are doing.
. If the cat bits you with a small force, it is a warning so that you leave her alone.

Data exchange with your cat

Talk to the cat . Cats always learn to communicate with us. The more you communicate with your cat, the faster he or she will learn.

Use a slightly increased voice tone to show the friendliness and reduced voice tone to show displeasure or aggression.
. The use of repetition will help the cat learn to foresee the consecutive movement. For example, you can repeat the word as "sleep" or "sleep" every time you go to bed. In the end, the cat will begin to associate a repeating sound of the word with your actions and maybe even after saying the word, the first to be in the bedroom, on the bed.

Use non-verbal communication signals . Cats can be trained, understand words, but instinctively they understand non-verbal signals. Creating a warm environment with clear expectations and several surprises can help strengthen your initial connection with a new cat.

If you are slowly flashing by installing visual contact with your cat, it usually answers, approaching it. This is considered as a very unwilling gesture.
. Try not to look straight into the eyes of the cat. A direct look tells her that you are unfriendly or aggressive.
. Be consistent in your intentions and expressions. A common mistake of many pet owners is not to say "no", but stroke the cat at the same time. It is very confusing for the cat. So, for example, if you want your cat, do not do anything, do not show love, after they were crowded, let the cat know that she did not praise her.
. Never shout on the cat. It only scares and indignant the cat, and leads to reverse results. Instead of showing displeasure, you can add hard tone to your voice. The cat will understand that such a tone bears misfortune.

Team tone use when he or she does something that you consider wrong. Use a voice that is natural to you and can be reproduced easily, but also differs from the casual tone of the conversation. If you use the voice of voice in the case, your cat will learn to associate a voice with the idea that you carry.
. You can use a fast and sharp whistle as the sound of the command "No". Use a whistle is sometimes clearer for the cat.
Patience and only patience! Cats can be trained to respond to teams, just like dogs. You can even teach the cat, shake your hand.


About sympathy, the goodwill of your favorite, find out the satisfied "smiling" facet, purring, starting with your approximation, rubbing your forehead. Express your cat love in the same way: smile, say a quiet voice something affectionate, stroke the cat forehead. You can be sure that the Pitomic will understand you correctly.

Interest, curiosity recognize cats on the raised ears of cats, a steady look, face, stretched towards an interested object, an animal or person. You can express the interest of the cat, as if sniffing the face of your pet.

Learn to understand the poor mood of the pet and its indignation. The main indicator in this matter is the tail. If the cat "wags" is a sign of beginning irritation. At this point, it is better not to iron, limit the calm, benevolent words, the intonation of which will affect the cat. An extreme degree of cat wrath expresses the tail with which the cat is twisted by the floor. At the same time, it, as a rule, sits back or in the floor turnover to a person or an animal - a source of negative emotions. If you try to touch the animal at such a moment, sharp teeth or claws will instantly cry into your hand. Then the cat will jump away.

Meeting with her pets, avoid a straight unwigher look. It is equal to the threat. In order not to create voltages, slightly suck and blink 2-3 times. "All is well," the cat will tell in turn, covering his eyes.

Make recognize confidence signs from the cat. The deepest degree of arrangement to a man's cat shows, opening the abdomen and allowing him to stroke. Sometimes she can, turning over to the back and cover the eye, prusually "purr", as if saying "Purchase me!". During stroking, all the muscles of the animal body are relaxed, the face expresses bliss. Trying to touch the cat abdomen without invitation, if you do not want to run into a fierce attack of sharp cohesions.

When you want to achieve a pet from a pet, tell the team out loud, for example, "Murka, bring the newspaper!" Or "Ryzhik, catch the mouse!". Then clearly imagine how the animal does what you asked him. Many scientists involved in the study of cat behavior are confident that they can catch information using a telepathic connection. A mental image that arose in the owner's head is transmitted to his pet, and often cats are really performing the requests of the owners, unless, of course, this is not in contradiction with their independent character.

Useful advice

Know that the more you practice, the thinner will be your language to communicate with a cat.


  • how to talk with a cat

Cats love communication. They have sustained sustained, which give them the opportunity to conduct intensive social life, communicating with us in non-verbal languages. If you are observant, then it is quite able to understand what the poses and some position of the feline body sign. It is quite real. You can learn to understand the intonation of their sounds, meowukanya and icy. Remember that for cats the smell is an important function, and the smells are an integral component of their lives.


Zoologists counted 25 visual signals of the feline body. In addition, they can be combined with sixteen ways. Learn to understand the basic signs of gestures - you will know what your favorite wants to say.

The blind will always find the path to the maternal nipple. He has a developed sense of smell, touch and ability to feel warm. By smell, he distinguishes the maternal to which it returns to each feeding. Cat-mother also recognizes his personal smell. Thus, the most important information is laid, how to communicate in the language of smells.

Sounding, resembling human "meow", can not pass a huge variety of sounds that make up the lexical stock of cats. It has 16 major voice signals, and even more - indistinguishable for your hearing.

Among the sounds there are even signals of ultrasound waves. Ultrasound is available to a feline hearing, more sensitive to a wide frequency spectrum. Do not handle as with deaf animals. It is even funny from the point of view of a specialist. Because of your loud voice, they will constantly be in nervous tension. Remember that a normal tone is enough for you to hear.

Cat perfectly remembers individual words. Just speak them clearly and without repetition, if you want to achieve a consistent reaction. If an intended cat learned the "Walk" command and readily heads for the door, then do not repeat this word in a row several times. For her, three lexical units are alone in one complex, completely someone else's "warming up".

Experienced cats can be understood at the level of intuition, which means certain actions of the cat, as well as distinguish the shades of cat meow. Several thousand years that the cat lives with a person, could not not postpone the imprint on the ability of this wonderful animal to communication. To ensure survival in human housing, the cats learned a lot in people, especially this concerns verbal communication skills or, more correctly, "vocalization", and if it is even easier - meowakania.

Vocalization is not the main and natural language of communication cats between representatives of its type, for these purposes a more complex "native" cat language is applied. Voice communication of cats among themselves is very rare and only happens "for the mood." In most cases, cats use "voice" only during the battles behind the territory or to call the kittens. Cats can hiss snorty and even lying when representatives of other animal species are attacked, for example, dogs. And all the variety of meowing sounds that we hear from cats are drawn exclusively to a person and are used only to communicate with people.
The cat's voice language consists of several hundred intonations, and dogs apply only a little more than ten. Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that cats talk to us in the literal sense of the word.
Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to describe all the "words and phrases" of a feline language, so I will dwell only at the main moments of cats behavior that will help you understand your cat and communicate with it.

Cat voice

  • Short and not very loud meowing (meow ...): Ordinary greeting.
  • Several short and soft meowing: a joyful greeting.
  • Measuring average volume (Classic Faper "Meow"): Call for something.
  • Tightening Mrrrryayayuyuuu: Something asks something, for example, to open the door.
  • Low Mrrroooouuuu: complaint or discontent.
  • High Mrrroooouuuuu: anger, pain or fear.
  • Fast quacate: excitement or disappointment. Usually, the cat makes such a sound when it cannot reach the subject that it interests it, for example, to the pigeons outside the window or to flying under the ceiling of flies.
  • Twitter (something average between meoweow and purr): friendly greeting. Also used by a cat when she wants to suggest kittens.
  • Meow in combination with purring (with a gangtal vibration): the desire of close contact or attention to yourself.
  • Purring (Gust Vibration): Typically expresses pleasure and peace, but can talk about illness. Very often, cats with the help of purring calm themselves.
  • Hissing: a clear sign of aggression.

Cat body language

Since cats are much more "they say" through the body language, meowing can be accompanied by certain pose and gestures to make a voice message more "intelligible".

  • The tail is raised up, the tip will slightly bent: I'm fine!
  • Tail Vibrates: Very glad to see you.
  • The tail is flourished, raised up near the base, the tip of the tail is also raised upwards: an expression of extreme aggressiveness.
  • The tail is flourished, raised up near the base, the tip otsed: aggression or fright.
  • The tail is lowered and fit between the rear paws: fright.
  • The tip of the tail is twisted: the interest or initial phase of irritation - "I am not very nice, but I still suffer."
  • Visible tail: anger, discontent.
  • Extended pupils: excited playful mood, but can mean aggression
  • Slow blinking through eyes: expression of the condition of comfort.
  • The nose is raised, the head is slightly rejected back: "I learned you." This is one of the types of greetings.
  • The cat is repeatedly sinking about your cheek: it makes the smell of "their". If the cat rubs about items - marks the territory. During a meeting with an unfamiliar man, a cat can start rubbing about a stranger, expressing his friendliness. And if in the presence of a stranger the cat begins to rub the cheek about the items, as well as the legs of the owners and members of his family, then it "shows" a stranger that everything belongs to her here, and she has no special sympathy to him.
  • "Kiss" wet nose: manifestation of affection.
  • Pressed ears: fear, anxiety, or a very playful mood. Sometimes the cat can press the ears at the time of thorough sniffing.
  • Shows a tongue and slightly licks the bottom lip: anxiety, fear.
  • Long wiping with the whole body from the head to the tail of a person or another animal: a ritual and very gentle greeting.
  • Broken head: "I love you."
  • Face sniffs: "Checking - and whether you?".
  • "Male" with paws, releasing and retracting claws: This movement is also called a "dairy step", because the kittens so smear the nipples of the mother to get drunk milk. "Milk step" - the highest manifestation of love and feelings of comfort.
  • Licks you: "I trust you infinitely." Your cat considers you a part of my family, so licks you. But the reason for licking can be more prosaic - just you have something delicious in your hands.

How to communicate with a cat

As already mentioned, cats have developed a special language for communication with a person, learning from the same people. We also will not hurt to know how to communicate with the cat, so that she understood us.

  • When you are friendly communicate with a cat or praise it - use a higher voice tone, and when you scold a cat or show discontent with its behavior - reduce voice. For a cat, such graduation of tones is more clear than the gradation familiar to humans for a person is a high tone of discontent and low tone satisfaction. It is difficult to explain on paper, but I will try. For example, a reduced voice tone, when we flirting with a baby: "Wow, you are such a butuz Karapuz!", Perceived by a cat as a manifestation of discontent.
  • You can teach the cat to words and phrases. If every time, going into the bedroom, you will be the same phrase pronounced with the same speed and the same tone, inviting it: "Let's go to sleep!", After some time, the cat will get to the bed before you. With this simple reception, you can teach a lot of phrases and words. The tone and the speed of pronouncing the phrase is crucial because cats perceive what you say exactly on these signs. They do not distinguish the "subtleties" of the pronunciation of individual sounds of human speech.
  • If you look into the eyes of a cat, without breaking down and not blinking, she will find it aggression. But if you do not "bandage", and by installing visual contact, you will begin to blink slowly, in this way will show your friendliness.
  • Be consistent in communicating with a cat. The total error of many pet owners is affectionately to utter the words "no" or "it is impossible." Some at the same time also smooth their pet. So you can only do with the child, gently guy him for an innocent prank. The child already understands the meaning of the word "no" and "it is impossible." The cat understands only the tone of the voice and your actions, so in such cases the animal will simply be perplexed and not to understand what is happening. If you want your cat to leave the room, say the word, for example, "later" and plump the cat slightly to the door, without showing any caress and love. Your behavior will allow the cat to understand that her presence is undesirable. Most cats will try again 2-3 times to invade your space from other destinations, but if you are patient, you can teach a cat to leave when you ask her about it.
  • Work out your own "team tone" to apply it when the cat makes something wrong. This tone you should be able to easily reproduce under any circumstances, at the same time you should not use the Team Tone in everyday communication. You can even come up with a special word. For example, our ancestors have been invented such a word, which was used only in relation to cats - "Stuck!"

Remember that voice communication is for the cat "Foreign Language", their "native speech" consists of a complex smell system, facial expressions and body languages. Cats have developed a voice communication system when they realized that we do not understand the non-verbal signals.

If you figure it out, we did not teach cats to our language, and the cats taught us to understand them. Over the centuries, the cats "trained" a person who produces a certain reaction to different types of sounds. And now they may, with the help of a voice, seek their own - to express requests, complain, etc.

  • If you behave respectfully towards the cat and love her, she will be happy and will become the best friend. Communicate with your cat, talk with her a calm quiet voice, and you will see how she will listen to you. And let the cat do not understand a word from what you say to her. But the calm and soft tone of your voice will cause her response. The cat will begin to purr, expressing pleasure and love, and maybe even try to "answer" you. By the way, Siamese and other cats "Eastern" breeds are more talkative than their European counterparts, and long-haired cats, as a rule, are pierced. Although there are always exceptions.
  • If you are patient, you can train the cat to execute the teams almost as well as the dog. For example, sit, lie or give you a paw.
  • Never shout and do not punish the cat physically. It only scares it, but will not bring any educational effect. Regardless of whether you scold the cat or praise, your voice should not break into a cry. You can vary the tone of your voice, making it or softer or tougher, higher or low. This will be quite enough.
  • Do not be seduced to pronounce the name of the cat "team tone" or a strict voice, as you say to her "No!", "It is impossible!" Or "stuck!". Your cat's name in this respect is inviolable and uttered by your mouth, should cause exceptionally positive emotions from an animal.
  • Try not to call the cat to yourself very often and without any reason (from the point of view of the cat, of course). If you just want to see it or stroke, for the cat such a reason is not respectful. Abusing the attention of the cat you will only get the fact that she does not come to your call when it really will need ..
  • If the cat "goes to the toilet" for prominent and inappropriate places, it means that it becomes hard with the territory, because it feels a threat to himself. It can also be a sign of urinary tract disease, bladder and other serious health problems.
  • If the cat begins to "engage" with your hair (licks or chewing them) - tolerate. So the cat cares for you. This is quite rare, but one hundred percent manifestation of respect and love for you, as a member of his family.

During the day every day, our cats do something. They throw off the gem porcelain from the shelves, scratch the sofas, lick, eat, look at something and, of course, sleep. For years we are trying to analyze that our cats want to tell us: to find out the meaning of their meowukanya, pisch and ration; reveal the eternal mystery of cat purr; Learn to understand the language of their body.

None of scientific works solves the fundamental problem: cats do not know how to talk. But new studies summarize us to the thoughts that they still can communicate with people.

"It seems to me that the easiest answer is that cats are not so easy to teach to communicate, like dogs," says John Bradshaw, author of the book Cat Sence and co-author of the book for the training of cat, which has not yet come out.

Communication between cats occurs due to body and smells. Photo: FlowBadger

Communication of cats among themselves, if not to take into account the relationship of the mother and kitten, it happens almost completely non-verbally, and it is based on the body and odors. Human communication is largely based on a verbal understanding, tone and facial expressions - that for cats is problematic, because they are even less facial muscles than in dogs, not to mention people. Mikel Maria Delgado studies the interaction of people with pets, in particular, the behavior of cats, in addition to its main work as one of the leading experts in proteins in the country. Mikel believes that in fact the cats receive information from our giant moving faces. It indicates several studies, including last year, in which cats can actually read human emotions to face the face. Studies are not irrefutable evidence, but they bring us to understanding.

"The study shows that cats behave differently, depending on what emotional signals they see on the face of their owner: expressing happiness or anger," Mikel says. (It is important that it is the owner; cats are not paying special attention to even the strong emotions of strangers.)

The study revealed that cats can read the extreme manifestations of emotions: an evil or happy tone of the voice, comical taller expressions of individuals. "But this they could understand the experienced way: an evil voice is associated with bad things, and happy - with good," says Mikel. For such emotions, cats with excellent learning abilities follow a rather simple associative series; Cats simply are interested only in those of them that have predictable consequences for the cat. And most of these emotions occur unconsciously. "When people are really tense, doubt or nervous, it is noticeable - they are given the language of the body, or voice, or even some odors, like stressful sweating," says Delgado. "I think animals are likely to capture these moments and extract information from them."

It is not so much different from the classic focus "Cat-resorts-on-sound-electrical-canned-canned-opener": the whole of the cat's merit is to learn that this sound is sometimes the food. Does the cat understand that the opener is involved in the cooking process? Probably not. But it still provides us with a way to convey information to a cat: an evil or contented expression of the face becomes a means of communication. Like a cry "Jump to hell with a rack!" A cat may not understand all these words, but it comes to her that she does something wrong.

Scientists studied whether cats could distinguish emotions on human faces. Photo: E NAVA

In addition to the image of emotions, we can communicate with cats at a more complex level. Bradshow claims that we can do it in one of two ways: either studying the behavior of a cat and imitating her, or tracing the cat just like a dog would be trained.

The second approach causes some difficulties. What's wrong? Meow. "I do not suggest people to meow your cats. In fact, people really joamed with cats, it's enough mindset, but I don't think that for the cat it means something, "says Bradschow. Meow, essentially atypical for flocks of wild cats, is a trick developed by cats to attract the attention of people. They come so because it causes us a reaction, and not because they react to it. Another problem is as follows: "The only thing we cannot do is raise our tails vertically up, which may be the most important signal that one cat can send another," explains Bradschow. And again it fails for the absence of tails.

But there are several things that we can imitate. Bradshow explains: "You can use vocalization, how I do in communication with my cats. She is pretty soft and resembles a short bird trill or tweet: Brrip! " (At this moment, he turns the tongue with the tube.) It is essentially a wobbly greeting, a cute, soothing signal that we are all here friends. Bradshaw says his cats react to this signal very positive.

Using the washness of the cat restore connections with each other. Photo: Tom Lee

Another widely recommended action is very slow twink, favorite trick of TV presenter Jackson Gelsi. The idea underlying it is that, unlike people, a direct look scares the cat, so that the blink helps to remove tensions from this message. Bradschow, and Delgado know about this technique, although they note that it is not supported by any research. "It would not say that this idea is too stupid," says Delgado.

Similarly, there are ways to damn the cat, which can also be considered a form of interaction. Remember: Cats, even though they are predators, are middle predators: such animals, like coitot, foxes and even some predatory birds will hunt them. Therefore, their instincts make them kill small creatures and fear large. "Hang over the cat, try to become more - it is very frightened," says Delgado.

But can the real training be followed by the interaction?

Cat behavior researchers believe that if they are slowly blinking, looking at the cat, it will not perceive your look as hostile. Photo: Allison.

Both Delgado and Bradshow claim that yes, but, of course, everything is not as simple as with dogs. Cats, despite their reputation, perfectly leaving for training. "It's easy to easily: to teach a cat to sit," Delgado laughs. "When it comes to something that they can do that, the process takes just a few minutes." You can sue your cat respond to specific words ("sit", "give five") almost the same as in the case of a dog. What's the difference: Bradshow says that food is not necessarily the best reward for the cat for training. Lask or for some time with your favorite toy can be more efficient. And cats, taking into account their incredibly short duration of the concentration of attention, are not very susceptible to long-term classes. "You have to guess when the cat is ready to perceive new, because in 90% of cases it is not so," explains Bradshow. Even in these 10%, you can hardly get more from the cat more than a few minutes of attention.

Cats as well as dogs are able to understand the connection between words and actions, but Bradshow says that perhaps they can actually be better to respond to gestures than words. You will give a cat to give you five might be easier if you just raised your hand, but did not say "Let five".

Both Delgado and Bradsow are believed that neither for cats, nor even for dogs, their nicknames do not mean identity. "I have never seen evidence that cats understand their nicknames, but you can use the nickname in relation to the cat in the meaning of" look at me "," explains Bradschow. Delgado believes that additional complexity is associated with the fact that we often appeal to our cats through various variations of their nicknames.

I usually appeal to my own cat, Victoria, like Vix, Wiki, Cat, Kotya or Cat. Almost never as Victoria. Of course, she cannot understand that all these different sounds denote her, even if she really understood the concept according to which each creature can be their own name. What she may not understand. Thank God, the researchers of animal behavior say that there is one faithful tool to communicate with his cat. We seem to own them at the instinctive level. It is called "caress."

It is well known if the cat rich - it means it is very nice, if he pulls the tail - she is unhappy with something. But in the feline arsenal there is a lot of other ways to convey to the "interlocutor" his point of view.

Cat, as you know, walks by itself, and even in your home. And also asleep in itself, urchit, jumps through the cabinets, digs the land in colors, sometimes it's mans furniture and is doing a lot more without your permission and participation. But how nice when this is a self-maid animal in the evening, after the works of the righteous (both yours and her - in your absence) pays close attention to you. And then it is important not to hit the face in the dirt - and understand what this creation wants from you.
It is well known if the cat rich - it means it is very nice if it waves or pulls the tail - she is unhappy with something, hits - do not come, scratch. But in the feline arsenal there is a lot of other ways to convey to the "interlocutor" his point of view. It remains only to figure out the subtleties of this "language".

Eyes.Just like you, the eyes of the cat - the mirror of the soul. If she looks closely in one direction, not to the glance - it means that she is very interested in something. And now it is better not to disturb. Widely expanded pupils, "bad" look - the cat is very frightened. A light square lying in the cat aside indicates that now it is clearly not located to a conversation with you.

Ears. Another important feline mood rate. Putting to the head, they say that the cat is aggressive and ready to attack. Takes ears, it means he listens, "calculates". If you stroked the cat, stroked, and then stopped, she, slightly pressing her ears, will tell you discontent, they say, not a bull on her affection.

Tail. Chief "Barometer" Feline Weather.

It is pulled out - it means a cat is configured friendly. Usually, the cat is met by the owners who returned from work. The tail can even slightly tap (from joy). Raised at an angle of 45 degrees - issues indecision. Normal position when meeting guests. The cat still does not know how to treat strangers. Signs the tip of the tail - it means that the cat has a playful mood. Rather, get a fantasy on the rope until she began to play with your notebook. Beats on the floor - the cat is determined. She is something bad and warns that her patience will burst now. Such a tail movement is also observed in a predator while hunting when the animal is preparing for a jump on his victim. Omitted or even clamped between paws - the cat is very frightened. EXTEND parallel to the floor - evidence of cat favors. It is lowered down and stretched at an angle of 45 degrees - the cat is alert, one awkward movement - and she either escapes, or starts to defend themselves. Raise up and flourish - means that the owner of the tail is frightened, but does not try to retreat, but, on the contrary, he wants to intimidate the enemy.

Vote. Briefly meowes - greet. Meow repeatedly - missed or hungry, or went to the toilet. In any case, this way she wants to attract your attention - just respond to the call - the cat will find a way to explain to you that it is specifically needed.

My cat, for example, meow every morning for a long time and monotonously until I get up from bed - on a public basis it works as a alarm clock. It is worth entering the kitchen, as he climbs right there on the windowsill, turns around with a hacker and falls asleep.

If the cat makes the sound medium on the tone - it means, it is justified, the sinch is poured - it makes sense to look under the bath ... The sound tone is high - angry or experiences pain. The sound is low - requires something, dragged meowing - complains.

Be sure to talk with the pet, that's just not to shout. All the same, nothing will change, and the nerves and yourself, and the cat spoil. And of course, do not reach the application - the weight categories are not those, and the way to take revenge this cunning creation will definitely find (you are not all day at home).

By the way, the intonation of the cat will easily find out your mood and decide, it is now to pester you or wait for a more favorable moment. And if you will persistently repeat some word, associating it with the subject, the cat will remember the consonance and will be properly reacting. She responds to his nickname, why not continue training - after all, you can master such a word caressing in the word, like "meat" or "milk".

Learn the cat's tongue, be sensitive and attentive to it. Believe me, she has long been studied.