How to love your boyfriend: the best recommendations. Is it possible to make yourself be loved by a man? What ways will help grow these deep feelings

It happens that a woman meets a good man - a caring, responsible and financially secured. He surrounds the elected attention, behaves hanalenly and looks shining eyes, but no response feelings. The girl understands that she does not find a better option, because it is time to create a family, and no other fans on the horizon are not visible. But it cannot be forbid yourself. Tips of psychologists will help to understand how to love a person with whom the girl meets or who likes her like a friend.

Why does a man makes no response senses?

Love is a feeling that does not arise overnight. Consider a person manages only with time.

It is especially difficult to fall in love with the guy that girl who has never experienced sublime feelings. If the girl grew in the family, in which parents are emotionally cold and do not indulge your caress, it is difficult for her to adapt in an adult world and build the right relationship with a man. Can not love and disappointed in the past unions of a woman.

But there are other obstacles. It happens that the man is ideal for the role of a spouse, but a woman does not feel like attachment. The reasons for which the fan may not like:

  1. 1. The guy does not cause sympathy, because it is boring, not educated and readable or unattractive outwardly.
  2. 2. The woman does not arise sexual desire. The partner is not active in bed or, on the contrary, too much.
  3. 3. He has cardinal opposite interests. A woman who is accustomed to an active lifestyle is difficult to switch to the role of the hostess if her husband is a household.

Perhaps the reason lies in the girlfriend itself. If she does not like himself, he does not know how to show tenderness to the partner. Moreover, the dislike for themselves question the feelings of another person. Love confessions The injured person perceives as psychological violence. There is also a problem confidence. With such complexity, women who humbled or betrayed in the past are faced.

How to love yourself

Heart not order, but the brain can

To fall in love with a guy, you will have to muffle emotions and turn to mind. Often brings to disappointment. If a man chooses his eyes and then all his life is content with his decision, then the girl having loved the young man for appearance, risks disappointed in expectations. A woman comes up with an ideal for himself, but in reality, the chosen is Ham, an irresponsible person and a bad father.

If you decide to program yourself to love exactly to a particular person, you will have to take a big job. Those thoroughly read the chosen one and do not force the events. The guy who is passionate about the truly will not takeure the chosen one and demand lovers from her.

How to learn to control yourself:

  1. 1. Stop comparing the chosen one with other men if he looks unprofitable in such a light. Look for only positive qualities in it. After all, a person who do not love is something special. Perhaps he has a bright talent or fabulously rich.
  2. 2. Tell megirlfriends which is wonderful.Word materially. Soon you yourself believe in the exclusiveness of the men who loved you. Machine him with a lonely friend who will try to repel it. The value of a young man in your eyes will sharply increase.
  3. 3. The most attractive seems that people who are popular with society. Rotate only in those circles where your chosen one is valued. If friends are not better about the beloved, then you will have to say goodbye to your company.
  4. 4. Find the highlight in its appearance. A man may not be a reference to beauty. But D.more ugly people look brighter, if you have charm and charisma. These qualities help fall in love with a guy.
  5. 5. Show the initiative if a man you sleep is not so good in bed. Come up with new scenarios, buy erotic underwear, change the situation. And do not despair - sex, even with a loved one, over time, ceases to bring the same pleasure. Over intimate relationships should also work all life. A partner who loves, be sure to listen to the wishes.
  6. 6. Comething more often, it helps to get into each other. But do not sit at home. Choose common hobby, even if you have different tastes. It is always easy to find what both spouses like. It can be traveling, painting or hiking in bowling.

Think that you are more important in marriage - stormy passions and clarifying relationships or peace of mind. The spouse may seem boring, but in reality he is just a balanced, sensible person. Many women would be happy in your place.

When should not blind relationships?

You can make your will to force yourself to fall in love with the guy, but sometimes no tips work. It will not be possible to love a man who causes physical rejection. With the attacks of squeezing, it will be extremely difficult to fight. A girl may not attract appearance, but she should like the male smell, gestures or gait. If a woman is very annoying, as he yaws or eats, she will have to search another person.

If relations cause only pain and discomfort, then do not associate your destiny with such a person. Do not stay with a man only to run away from loneliness. Otherwise, your behavior will lead to internal contradictions and you will have to start looking again.

The need for love is every person. Even outwardly cold people dream to make someone warmed them and loved. If you do not find feelings for a partner, but you really want to be with him, then remember that first a sense of gratitude appears, and then a feeling is born, which is called real love. There is a chance to tie relationships if the guy likes you as a friend, because many happy families began with friendship.

Time does not stand still, and many familiar already acquired husbands and children, and you still can't find your only one? Perhaps you already have a guy, but the problem is that only he is experiencing love for you, and you are not. On the one hand, this is a wonderful feeling when you love, and on the other you want to experience this chopped feeling. If you are experiencing a man at least friendly feelings, then not all is lost. Psychologists argue that love begins with sincere friendship. And other relations, built only on passion, do not live for a long time. In this article you will learn how to love the guy who loves you.

Is it possible to love a person with time?

As you know, love is, above all, a deep feeling. Testing love, we experience. And for the development of this feeling, it will definitely take time. Believe me as soon as you fall in love, you will immediately feel it. Do not hurry yourself, manifest patience and at first just enjoy friendly affection. The main thing is to appear in love, then fall in love truly will not work.

Try to spend your time as often as possible. So you can quickly recognize common interests and with a frequent joint pastime, you can quickly develop your unidentified feeling. But it is not necessary to abuse, loneliness is sometimes very useful. Perhaps you will feel some irritability to your satellite, in this case, relax and spend some time apart. If you do not have the opportunity to be ignored separately, it can end badly, and you will begin to feel a huge hostility. For example, this refers to married women. And they are much more tormented by the question of how to love her husband who loves you.

Correcting on the topic whether it is possible to love a person over time, we are talking with confidence yes!

How to love the one who loves you?

Answering the question of how to love who loves you, first of all, you should understand that love is happiness that must bring joy, not pain and suffering.

Girls should show maximum care to their chosen one. Try to listen to the man, try to understand his thoughts, all the problems and do not dismount his opinion. You should recognize it as much as possible, maybe you just know him badly? After all, the person is not always able to reveal immediately.

Avoid critics! Do not attach great importance to some incorrect actions and words. Even if he really does something, not correctly, do not come into rage, try to talk to him quietly. Especially it concerns Hot-tempered girls. Do not forget, you want to fall in love with this person, and not push out even further from your heart. Also forget about any quarrels, because anyone will call you wild irritation, ultimately you raise your companion. In case of conflict, do not express everything at once, and try to calm your anger. It is best to ask for forgiveness for your quick temper.

Hello! My name is Nina. Maybe the question I want to ask you .... Ai, in general, I will not tomorrow long!

That's what's the matter here ....

A very good guy is caught after me. Photo. We meet a long time ago. We have everything excellent with him. There is only the only "but": I do not like it, despite the ideality. And I want to love! First, because he deserves my feelings. Secondly, because it's hard to live like anyone. I was hoping and thought that love would come, but she did not come and did not come. And not coming! Maybe you know how to fall in love with that guy who really reciprocate deserves? He is all positive, and I can not love him, like a brother or as a friend ....

What they say surrounding:

  • Florentina, 23 years:

A strange question I did not meet any times! It is impossible to fall in love with a person forcibly, if it does not pull at all in any way. I did not come - do not wait. You can not without feelings - do not meet.

  • Nadezhda, 22 years:

I will not advise, but just share. You can make it possible to do this with a conspiracy magic. It suits magic, not a reality - forward! I tried. Helped. But on another occasion.

  • Zoryana, 27 years:

It would be strange if you were worried about the fact that you can't fall in love at all .... And here - the matter is different. We will not touch this question. Generally, do not torment the guy! He thinks, apparently, you love him.

  • Daria, 20 years old:

You can use the psychological method. This method is called a belief method. In many cases, he helps many people .... I hope Ninka, what and he will help you!

  • Olga, 19 years old:

If there is no love, then it's not worth looking for it! I watched the series recently ... There was one interesting series. Now I will tell you briefly, what "bring". He and she - friends - photographers. Spend a lot of time together. A man has long been in love, and the woman belongs to a man's man - a friendly friendly. At one point, she decides to try to live with him, counting on the fact that reciprocity to her will get out after a while. And only irritation and unwillingness of a person could come to give. I think that in life just as for sure.

  • Svetlana, 32 years:

And I believe that you can wait a bit! There are such cases in which the wait is rewarded by this. I believe only in cases in which positive is present.

  • Evgenia, 17 years old:

Good evening, Nina! You struck me with my story, honestly! You are very good as I will see. I say this without any falsehood, because it is. You are worried that you cannot give real feelings to a person, and you can't lie on the expense of feelings either. If we did not live on Earth, I would consider you holy .... I see that you can wait. And try to wait more please.

  • Olga, 24 years:

Nina, you will not be able to love a person if you treat him how to brother. Miracles happen, of course, I do not argue here. But you spend your nerves, spend your life on waiting, and this is not entirely right (if you say gently).

  • Lucy, 21 years:

Ninka, advise with mom or with a friend. They know you better than all those people who "sit" on the Internet! I think here you will accurately agree with me.

  • Alesya, 29 years old:

This is the same as marriage is not love! Trying to get used to, love hoping .... But it remains in theory. Practice is another. You can not love him! And the magic will not help any, if any feelings do not wake up at all.

  • Polina, 28 years old:

A familiar story is such .... Not alien, and mine. Now I worry almost the same as you, Nina! Already the heart went out when I read your story with the question. I am looking for a question: "How to love" - \u200b\u200bthe answer. Four and a half years try to inspire that I love my marat. And my relationship with him is cool, and in sex we have wonderful everything .... And the plans are general, and the budget. And they were never scandaling for all the time ... But I can't say that I love it. I say, because not so conscientious as you. I do not know. How not to talk if you live with a person who loves so sincerely? I say, but I lie. And I do not know when it stops all. Tired way to live. And he is already wedding plans, builds children. I want to realize them in life when I feel the real love. If you feel ....

  • Zhanna, 18 years old:

Hey! Make me with your boyfriend! I can fall in love with himself, I can live quietly, taking his love .... Did you believe? Right! But your guy I will take away and not going. You won't find better! We value what you have now, and then you will bite elbows later.

  • Daria, 22 years old:

Probably you love him, but do not confess yourself to myself. If you were put in the relevant conditions - a lot would have changed. For example, it happens that your other girl finds your boyfriend. And tells you that it goes from you. Then, perhaps you would have a lot of understanding. But I can be mistaken!

  • Nina, 23 years:

How nice to meet the test! Hey! I do not know you, but I feel it is hard now your soul. Throw away any feeling of guilt! You are not guilty of anything. This is your very first step that you must do. You will say that "Bindness" does not live in you - I promise that you will not believe. Too good, I know women. Yes, and men too. I read a lot, talked a lot. You understand that the imprint does it.

  • Veronica, 25 years old:

All - everyone I send hello! Nina is special. Ninchochka, you just do not worry! How to fall in love? - Love will come, if it is destined to come. Be with a person, if you feel good with him. It seems to me that in the life of something that happens just like that, never happens. Happiness to you and patience! Hold on, and the guy is not thrown! Such guys like yours, you need to appreciate!

  • Elena, 22 years old:

You probably scares ideality, right? And you "break down" in it well to see that he is not the ideal! He is the same as everyone just better than others. You will understand what I "wrapped" here, if you feel the same. It happens that you know what is happening in the soul, and you can not pass it in words. I will be glad. If helped you somehow. Maybe, and led you to the answer to your question .... And do not forget to scare away the despondency! It always misleads! Not only you, but also many other inhabitants of our planet.

Continued. . .

Many girls do not know how fall in love with a guyThat for this you need to do and whether it is worth especially trying to fall in love with someone. Some girls do not know how to fall in love and with this optional can easily cope and live happier. After all, that person who loves, lives longer, happier, healthier and purposeful.

In the article you will learn how fall in love with a guy What techniques and advice of psychologists so that any girl can fall in love with the guy who is interesting to her and loves her. After all, I wanted to reciprocate, but the heart does not say that they do not order and there are reasons for it. We ourselves create our fate, which means they fall in love with those who are most suitable for us.

Stop comparing it with other guys

The best way to fall in love with the guy is to stop comparing it with other guys who can be stronger and better. Love - it means to stop comparing and therefore, you can't love the guy, as you compare it constantly with someone better than him.

Find more in common

Inspire yourself that he is most suitable for you

To fall in love with a guy, you need to decide and inspire that this guy is most suitable for you. When you move the guys and look for someone better, it is good, but also bad, since such a system is infinite and possible, to look for a whole eternity of someone better. Take and decide that it is this guy for you the best option and no longer have to spend your time, strength and energy for the search, the construction of a new relationship, with other guys.

Try to be together

To fall in love with a guy, try to meet as much as possible and always walk in different places. The best option is walks, but always on different streets. Invent new routes of walking or choose your ideas of meetings in unusual places. This will allow you to create romance in a relationship and fall in love with a guy, as such meetings are remembered for life.

Call the guy and write more often

Look in the guy more positive parties

To fall in love with a guy , It is necessary to stop looking for everything only bad in it, look only positive parties. Take a sheet of paper and write all the best that is in the guy in which you want to fall in love. Add every day one positive quality of the guy in the finished list. This will allow you to understand that the guy is really suited to you and he has a lot of positive sides.

Time in the edge

When you in the area of \u200b\u200b30 years old, you begin to wonder: "How to fall in love with a guy?". In the asset already solid experience of various relationships; True love, victim Fiasco; You feel yourself a self-sufficient, independent woman, and therefore it is difficult to open the heart to the first oncoming man.

How to fall in love with a guy? How to love him?

I do not like him like a guy. And this is an explanation to everything. And my friendly love he does not need quite. I, though, did, probably,

Everything is possible to fall in love with "unearthly" love. What did I do? I was looking for and remembered all his good sides, peered into appearance, I was looking for a "loose" in our hobbies and entertainment .... I did not find, I forgot, I was saturated with "peering." And then what? All - at first, and on the second circle?! The circle is still agreeing to the carousel ride, in some local amusement park. But in the relationship - no, no, no! No circles and repetitions! If and take steps - then ahead! I would like to take such a step that would cause him a minimum of pain. I will survive pain. The main thing is to survive it he.

Only where to find it if he is most likely not observed within my life horizons? That's what "things" I advise me my girlfriends. I share with you so that you remember them. Little ... Nevertheless, you need to look out.

A very good guy is caught after me. Photo. We meet a long time ago. We have everything excellent with him. There is only the only "but": I do not like it, despite the ideality. And I want to love! First, because he deserves my feelings. Secondly, because it's hard to live like anyone. I was hoping and thought that love would come, but she did not come and did not come. And not coming! Maybe you know how to fall in love with that guy who really reciprocate deserves? He is all positive, and I can not love him, like a brother or as a friend ....

What they say surrounding:

A strange question I did not meet any times! It is impossible to fall in love with a person forcibly, if it does not pull at all in any way. I did not come - do not wait. You can not without feelings - do not meet.

Be an interesting person.Tell me honestly, would you fall in love with yourself? What are you different from other girls? We do not encourage you to get involved in the study of quantum physics, but a certain horizon, versatile development and openness to communicate will make you an interesting interlocutor. Yes, for the first date, there is enough of a beautiful mysterious smile, but for how long the relationship is extended, if you have nothing to talk about, you are not interested in anything, and your world is limited with cosmetics and decorations?

Let him take care of you.Guys like to feel heroes, so deliver it pleasure. Ask for help in some kind of question, and then sincerely thank. It is important to finely feel the face behind which the fragile girl you want to protect, turns into nods and bore.

In order not to fall in love with the guy, you need to look for no possible point of contact, but the point of discrepancy. To do this, you just need to list all those problems that may arise in the future if you do not suppress the feeling of sympathy. For example, if the girl and the guy belong to various social groups, you can imagine how difficult it will be taken to me with each other. It is important to think not only about the near future, but also that relationships with a guy can lead to the creation of a family, the birth of children. In the end, this is the ultimate goal of all relations. In some cases, you can seek help for higher friends or relatives who have already had the experience of an unsuccessful marriage and who can tell in all the colors about how difficult it is to get along with a person who is categorically not suitable for some criteria.

If you make a person doing the actions that he does when falls in love, his condition will change. As the opposite. As soon as the state changes - its actions will change. He will be pounded and stopped looking by devotees and hot eyes.

And we will use it. We simulate its actions. If we do so that a person will want to meet with us, will give flowers, will be a joke at least to confess to us in love and think about it, if he will take care - he fell in love - is it not obvious? And when he falls in love - the reasons why he could do this, no matter will not be! He will come up with them! We act on the bypass of his consciousness! Not bad, right? The man himself falls into the trap, and he has no way out.

Now, understanding the overall concept, go to practice!

Ways to expose to the sphere of results.

Scheme for creating love in steps! No need to constantly build schemes. The main thing is that it entrenches in your thinking and started working as soon as a certain situation will be converted. As soon as you understand how it works, it will seem very simple.

The first, and most importantly, what to highlight is the goal to which we are moving. We want us to love. And now let's see what methods we can use to achieve the goal.


What makes a loving person? - Afraid to lose you - appreciates you - it thinks about you, wants to care for you- constantly calls to find out how you are doing something to do something for you, because he is pleasant to be happy for you, Another - wants to meet you - I am interested in you and what you are making gifts, the flowers completely disinterestedly- confess to love or really want to do it, and thinks about it- thinks about feelings for you- ...... .. ( - That's your own) ....

Now our task is to understand what we will do in order for a person to start doing what is defined in step 1. A person does not yet know what to fall in love. I will now show what ways to achieve goals from step 1 are brought in practice. These methods work very beautiful and efficiently. If you know at least these - your success in the relationship will increase significantly!

Be smart and comprehensively developed. A controversial question, and yet recently there is a tendency to the fact that the guys are increasingly attracting the female mind. And the fact that the strong floor has long been aware that the smart woman is not a fabulous creature, but a real fact - it's no secret to anyone. For a smart woman, the question of how to fall in love with the guy should not be difficult. Of course, the mind for a week you will not acquire, but you can develop and needed throughout life. Well, if you have some kind of hobby, which you can do without a guy. Time in the separation will make him bored for you. Male is important support. Find out his hobbies and aspirations, assist and support. Only sincerely. Thus, you will be able to get involved in general affairs.

  • Do not chase external effects. Such guys are bright, charming, but not reliable.
  • Pay attention to all in a row. So easy to find not love, but adventures, and not always safe.
  • rushing into the omute of feelings immediately when you meet. Emotions are forgotten, and the sediment will remain.
  • immediately translate relations to the most close plane - a sharp reduction in the distance will subsequently cause rejection and rejection. And the guy is not to blame for anything.
  • Do not overdo it, building relationships: love must be happy and give a feeling of something refreshing. If it becomes a routine, it just dies.
  • Love must be a consolation, not a source of pain and suffering.
  • Do not say that you love, just under pressure from the side, if in fact feeling it is not. Pressure and control can not be part of good relationships. You can love only when you yourself want it, and not when someone wants this.
  • Try to understand your friend and learn to compromise. Without this, there will be no good relationship either.
  • Remember: love is never only "consuming." Want to love - learn how to share and even give.
  • It is very important: if you cease to feel love in the depths of your soul, then you will be very painful if you become forcing yourself to be close to this person. Similarly, nothing will make your partner stay with you if his feelings are faded. But it is also important to remember that the first romantic feelings will inevitably dispel, but love is not based on them. Much more important is mutual understanding, affection, respect, friendly feelings and sympathy for a person to continue to love him.
  • If your relationship has not yet reached sex and you do not want them to do, you should not do it just because your boyfriend wants it. Even if you already have time to love him. Do not give in to the arguments like "if you love me, then you will do it!" Consent to sex (if it contradicts your desire) is not proof of love. In this case, you are entitled to put forward your argument: "If you love me, you will not hurry me!"
  • Do not constantly go about and do everything as your boyfriend wants. People make shape that we have no own opinion if we do everything they offer. Do not be afraid to refuse to your friend into something or act in my own way if your opinions dealt. It does not put you to love him, just like him - to love you, because every person has the right to his opinion. The main thing, do not forget about the common sense.
  • Never ignore the alarming bells in the depths of the soul (when the feeling appears "something is wrong here ...") Remember - no one will be forcibly.