How to kiss for the first time on the lips: advice for guys and girls about the first kiss. How old can you kiss on the lips? How old can you kiss on the lips with a guy? Is it possible to kiss a boy at 10 years old

If you are interested in the question "How old is it possible to kiss", then most likely you have never kissed and you only have to experience these sensations.

You worry and that's okay, because the first kiss should be unforgettable. Therefore, it is worth considering that this event will remain in your memory forever.

And here a certain age is not important. Someone kissed for the first time in kindergarten, and someone only 25 years old.

A kiss on the cheek from mom and dad can be ignored, because this is a manifestation of care for you.

But a kiss on the lips with a girl (if you are a guy), or with a guy (if you are a girl) most often happens to people aged 12-16 years. As a rule for girls, this is an earlier age. than for boys, because they start to develop faster. Therefore, girls want to kiss a high school student, not their classmate.

But don't rush. Perhaps many of your classmates have already kissed and you do not want to lag behind them, but you should not do this just for the sake of bragging to them.

Maybe that guy from the disco is a handsome boy and he doesn't mind kissing you, but remember that most likely he has a lot of girls who want to. You kiss with him and you can fall in love, but you will be one of many.

Approach the choice of a person responsibly. After all, you will no longer have a second chance to kiss for the first time.

This event cannot be overwritten in your memory. Therefore, this kiss should be sincere and tender. It will be pleasant for you to remember him years later, and not with disgust.

Imagine that it was not pleasant and then it will seem to you that it will be the same with another boy or girl. It can scare you and put your next attempt in a distant box.

Therefore, seriously wondering how old you can kiss is not worth it, because there is no certain age. But the information will be useful. When you are confident in a person, in his sincerity towards you, then act.

How to make a kiss awesome

You should choose a place where you both will be comfortable and cozy. Here, there is no special meaning whether there will be strangers nearby or not. But if this will bother you and create any inconvenience, then of course find a place without prying eyes.

You don't have to be constrained. Tell your partner that you enjoy being around him in his arms. You need to have an atmosphere of tenderness and romance between you.

Don't be shy, do the touching of your lips with a sense of arousal, but at the same time adjust to your partner. Give the guy the opportunity to feel like a man, in whose hands a fragile but unpredictable girl.

You can play with him so that he wants to kiss you again. Move away and get closer to him so that he has the feeling that your lips are not available. And the fact that a minute ago he touched them seemed like something magical.

About kissing in public places at different ages

At different times in our lives, we may have different attitudes towards kissing in public. When we are happy and when we have our soul mate, it causes pleasant feelings. We are glad to see that someone is also happy.

But when we are alone, and we see that someone is kissing in front of your eyes, and you have no one to kiss, then this can cause irritation, or even envy, that they can touch each other and enjoy this state of love.

It happens that the age at which the couple kisses is annoying. When you see teenagers, but it seems natural, but when older people kiss in front of your eyes, then this can be seen as a sexual connotation. Some do not like it if someone is someone. People are different and "cockroaches in the head" each has its own.

But anyway, the role of some kind of unnaturalness is played by the prevailing stereotypes and public opinion. Therefore, an adult couple kissing on public transport can cause a negative reaction from grannies and those who have some prejudices about this.

Sometimes we cannot restrain our impulse and passion, and then it does not matter to us how old we are, what others think and how our hugs and kisses look from the outside. Indeed, during this we do not notice anyone around, except for our soul mate, which is more precious than the whole world ...

Young people often approach their first kiss with great excitement and anxiety, since they have no experience and do not know how to kiss for the first time. This exciting moment has a chance to become either a successful start in a relationship that is just nascent, or a complete failure.

No one wants to seem like a dilettante on such a serious matter as kissing for the first time. Due to the lack of practice, both partners can expect funny, funny, or even completely unpleasant moments that we would like to avoid. Relationships are always exciting, touching and romantic, and so that this moment leaves only the best memories for many, we will figure out how to get away from mistakes that prevent making a kiss for the first time an indicator of the most serious intentions.

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Events that were emotionally significant, a person remembers throughout his life.

This has long been proven by psychologists. The more important the action was, the brighter the memory remains. This definition is called emotionally colored brightness. The brighter emotionally the sensation, the longer it will remain in a person's memory, especially if such events occur for the first time. And the first kiss of adolescents is one of the most emotional sensations that can leave a deep imprint on the memory for many years. Moreover, the memory of the first kiss and the pleasant sensations that were experienced can be remembered forever.

Kissing the first time and the second, and the third is good for your health. It improves mood, burns calories, strengthens the immune system, and increases physical and mental performance. Psychologists believe that kissing means finding peace of mind and harmony between the outer and inner world.

How to kiss for the first time so that it will be remembered forever? It's important to know:

  • you need to kiss for the first time with someone who is desired for you, someone who causes your heart to sink even at a glance; it is important that sympathy is mutual;
  • you should not kiss for the first time in the absence of desire, if the situation does not correspond at all to the expected event;
  • you should forget about alcohol for courage - it can dull the senses, and the liberation created in this way will not help make the kiss memorable.

The main mistake made by those who decided to kiss for the first time in their lives is to do it only for their own pleasure. It is advisable to try to feel his (or her) desires and support them. This will help you get a unique experience from the first kiss.

How old can you be?

Are you worried about how old you can kiss for the first time? In this case, most likely, you are experiencing love and the desire to get closer to the object of sighing. A certain age is not important, because:

  • someone had a kissing experience for the first time in kindergarten;
  • others were lucky at the age of 20;
  • teenagers start kissing at the age of 12-16, there is nothing reprehensible and strange in this.

There is no critical age range. This cannot be blamed or ridiculed. Girls, unlike boys, develop faster, so they often want to kiss a high school student for the first time more than a peer.

Choose a partner responsibly. There will be no second attempt, you need to act sincerely and tenderly. Girls should not kiss solely because all the girlfriends already have this practice, and the guys should not kiss in order to look cooler in the eyes of others.

It is important for a girl that her feelings are not overshadowed by a sense of insincerity and mistrust. Therefore, before taking a step towards the first kiss, you need to be sure that this is exactly the guy you need. Only then will the first kiss remain in the memory forever.

How to deal with a guy?

You are a young lady, which means that you are worried about the idea of ​​first contact with a member of the opposite sex. How to kiss correctly the first time so that the sensations are not spoiled by wrong actions? What to do if he seems to show signs of attention, but he still does not dare to make such tactile contact? Well, you have to take the initiative and take the first step by yourself.

To find out the secret of how to properly kiss a guy for the first time, you will need:

  • an object of the opposite sex;
  • your lips and his;
  • appropriate setting;
  • if possible, no witnesses.

The recipe is simple - maximum naturalness, minimum stress. All of us were inexperienced and literally understood nothing about the art of love. However, overcoming shyness and fear, some manage to find a person for life. But what if the lucky one who likes so much is fate?

So the long-awaited first date has come. How to kiss without a tongue for the first time?

  1. Don't rush things.
  2. You have nice conversations, talk about various topics, laugh, and the time for the meeting is slowly coming to an end.
  3. There are two options: he looks in the eyes, without looking away, or he behaves at ease, and in his future plans to take him home, as a result - to carry out his plan.

Be that as it may, be relaxed, open and smile more. A smile always disposes the interlocutor.


  • look at him and playfully lower your eyes down;
  • playing with hair - easily winding a strand on your finger, adjusting your hair is always perceived as flirting;
  • do not overdo it, so as not to frighten off.

There should be a measure in everything, the so-called "golden mean".

The less nerves, the more chances that the meeting will be crowned with success, and you yourself will understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, as it almost always looks natural and at ease if sincere feelings have appeared between you. Nothing terrible will happen if something does not go according to plan, there is nothing shameful about it. And for you it will be a lesson and experience for the future.

How to make your first kiss unforgettable

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

The moment is approaching when the first kiss will take place. How to kiss a young man you like?

Only the lips are involved in this process, the initiative is in the hands of the lady. How to kiss without a tongue for the first time? You can gently kiss him, saying goodbye at the end of the date:

  1. Standing facing the young man, smile at him and thank him for a pleasant evening.
  2. Step up to him or stand on tiptoes to be close to his face.
  3. Close your lips, lower your eyelids, touch your lips to his lips and press down, just lingering in this position for a second.
  4. After that, the most correct decision for you is to leave. After such an act, he will think of you, eagerly plan the next meeting.

A little trick: Before kissing your tongue with a guy for the first time, apply lipstick at home. If that moment comes, erase it discreetly. This will be a clear sign for him to take the decisive action that you are waiting for.

How to kiss the tongue with a guy for the first time? This technique is called - the most common. France is considered the homeland of love, lovers often come here and confess their feelings.

  • a man should start kissing, a girl should follow him;
  • although sometimes ladies can take over this initiative if the guy cannot make up his mind;
  • trust your beloved, come closer, do not hide your hands;
  • movements are smooth, calm;
  • surrender to the moment, everything will happen by itself.

Here are some tips on how to kiss properly for the first time with your tongue:

  1. Lick your lips, slightly moisturize them.
  2. Approach your face to the man, bow your head to avoid collision with your nose, cover your eyelids.
  3. To kiss for the first time in this way, you need to start, first closing and gradually opening your lips, doing it as slowly as possible.
  4. If he does not mind the "French kiss", slightly open and relax your lips, make him press his lips slightly against one of your lips.
  5. Open and close your mouth again, sticking out your tongue, making movements similar to licking a lollipop.
  6. The movements of the tongue should be smooth, soft.

And how can a guy kiss a girl with a tongue for the first time and breathe? Your breathing should be through your nose. If your tongue is in your partner's mouth, you can fantasize: move it across the sky, touch his teeth, tongue. A sympathetic man will make the first French kiss the most sensual and will give both of them an unforgettable experience.

Every young man who wants to impress a girl he likes should feel confident and be able to kiss - beautifully, correctly and very romantic.

To match the image of a confident man and leave a lasting impression of the first kiss, you need to know how to behave on the first date and how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips.

What and what not to do on a date?

The first kiss with a girl is a wonderful event. Most young men are too bothering about this. Only the right attitude can control the situation.

Remember, this is not an A-grade exam. Flawless results are achieved only by testing.

You will understand when you can kiss a girl for the first time, from the following:

  1. Do not rush things and do not act against her will, otherwise a good slap in the face and the end of communication is guaranteed. Her high spirits, sparkle in her eyes - the "green light" of approval.
  2. The fair half of the sex adores when a man smells "delicious". The perfume should not be harsh and cloying. A refreshing, light scent is the perfect solution, especially in summer.
  3. Show gentlemanly qualities: give your hand, open the door, move a chair in a cafe for the first time and in subsequent meetings. In short, do everything to make her feel protected.
  4. Present flowers, not necessarily a large and expensive bouquet. He will be a manifestation of tenderness and feelings.

What is the right way to kiss a girl for the first time so that it will be remembered forever? To understand how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips, you need to create tactile contact. But if a lady removes, crosses her arms, moves away, or asks in plain text not to touch her, you urgently need to stop and apologize. You didn't like it, it happens. It is impossible to please everyone, this is normal. Jokes, sharp remarks about her appearance, hobbies, friends, family are in any case unacceptable, this is not the best option for conversations.

The list of common incidents on a date for the first time should include:

  • the question of the possibility of a kiss;
  • unnecessary touching;
  • distracted conversations after what is happening;
  • ridiculous phrases and comments.

How to kiss a girl on the lips?

Many magazines touch on the topic "How to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time." It will always be relevant, nothing changes from year to year.

To properly kiss a girl for the first time, you must:

  • avoid a large crowd of people, as there is a great risk of meeting acquaintances; what if she doesn't want anyone to know about it yet - such an atmosphere stifles, does not allow to fully open up, enjoy each other;
  • a look and an unobtrusive smile decide a lot, if not everything; touch her hair, gently running behind the ear; if she does not turn away, you are on the right track;
  • gently reach for her lips, lightly touch them with your mouth;
  • start kissing the first time tenderly, watch her reaction.

If the young lady reciprocates, do not stop. Hug your shoulders, stroke your chin and cheeks a little.

How to kiss the tongue?

How to kiss the tongue with a girl for the first time? Start with the traditional option:

  1. Without opening your lips, kiss a couple of times in a row.
  2. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips, as if licking.
  3. After that, your partner should reciprocate, that is, open her lips.
  4. If this does not happen, stick your tongue in your mouth a little.

Did not help? Do not continue, so she did not have the desire to kiss "in French" for the first time.

If for the first time everything goes as planned, continue to "explore" the lover's mouth, going over the teeth with your tongue. It is possible to approach such a moment if people trust each other, there are no physical barriers between them in order to kiss for the first time. Kissing for her is a magical feeling of "butterflies in the stomach", a bright, incomparable feeling.

Most lovers believe that a tongue stuck in full length for the first time only causes disgust. Do not forget about saliva, at first, its excess causes negative emotions.

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  1. Goosebumps, accelerated heartbeat, pleasant tremors - the first kiss is to blame. How to kiss correctly for the first time, to present yourself, you already know. The main thing is to gather courage, nerves - into a fist, not to be shy, to give vent to feelings. Love is a wonderful state that knows no barriers, no matter how it is explained from a medical point of view. Kissing is the best way to express feelings without words. If you want to confess your love - start kissing.
  2. The fairer sex should not forget that it is not advisable to take the initiative and start kissing for the first time with a young man on your initiative. Still, kisses are, perhaps, an expression of feelings for you of “that, your” person.
  3. A young man who has a desire to kiss should react to how she perceives his initiative, and if she is unpleasant to her, she should stop in time. The lady will definitely appreciate such an act.

Let the process itself, taking place for the first time, bring only positive emotions, kiss your health! And the question of how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips no longer bothers you. Everything comes with experience, after a while you both will not be equal.

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In order to answer the question of at what age you can start kissing, you first need to understand what a kiss is. In simple terms, this is touching someone or something with your lips. In this way, people can show feelings of passion, love and reverence throughout their lives. Throughout their lives, people may experience kissing, but we will not talk about how attractive they are for people, since many already know about the sensations that we experience when kissing. This time we'll talk about the age at which you can start kissing.

A little about age
The very question of how old you can start kissing sounds somewhat silly. The thing is that it is simply impossible to define any strict age limits. In practice, you can meet many people who made their first kiss at the age of 11, while others only at 22. Can we say that someone in this situation is more fortunate than others? Definitely not, since you need to take into account each specific situation. If we talk about kisses at an earlier age, then, as a rule, they are made solely out of a sense of interest, but at a later age, a kiss can take place with a loved one, and this is a completely different matter. Perhaps a more mature person could wait for a kiss with a specific person for a long time, and finally, his wish came true. You can neither laugh at him, nor blame him, since there will be nothing shameful and shameful in this act.

Psychologists have long noted that adolescents of the same age who communicate in the same circle may feel backward from others in the event that someone from the company starts kissing earlier. In practice, there is no point in bothering with this, since in the future you can get completely different sensations from a kiss, but for this you need to grow up a little. Therefore, sometimes you can just think about the future and realize that it is then that you can fully appreciate all the sensations of a kiss and understand what it really is. If you pay attention to the research of scientists, they say that most adolescents make their first kiss on the lips at the age of 15. A few years earlier, adolescents begin puberty, and after a while they begin to show interest in members of the opposite sex.

Parents of teenagers sometimes react differently to this kind of sympathy from their children, forbidding them to kiss at an early age. In fact, this is fundamentally wrong, since there is simply nothing wrong with that. Some parents are inclined to believe that the later the first kiss of their child takes place, the better, since in this case there will be an increased likelihood that the child will be able to accurately determine his soul mate, with whom he will live his whole life. It makes some sense, but young people themselves are rarely satisfied with it.

People will definitely fall in love, sooner or later it happens to everyone. A kiss is a natural outburst of feelings that is difficult to control. If there is an attraction between people, sympathy, love arises, then even those who are firmly convinced that this cannot be done before the age of 15 begin to kiss.

If you think logically, at what age you can kiss, then the answer is. People kiss from birth - first, these are sweet kisses of their baby's mother, then friendly kisses on the cheeks of friends and girlfriends, later - these are passionate kisses of beloved ones. So how can you say unequivocally how old you can kiss?

If we are talking about kissing adults, then this issue requires detailed consideration. Firstly, from the very first days of human existence, nature has put in place a cunning trick, a kind of strategy. The purpose of this plan is to keep the planet alive. That is why there is an attraction between men and women. In a fit of feelings, people can play too, succumbing to provocation, complicate life for each other. To kiss like adults, first of all, you should be these adults. And it's not only about age, but about responsibility and self-control.

If teenagers decide to taste adult life, they need to be aware of the consequences that not everyone is ready for.

There are still tribes in New Zealand who kiss with their noses. This is a kind of greeting that was used many centuries ago and is a distinctive feature of the tribes today. If you really want to try, perhaps this method of kissing is the most harmless.

You should know that it may not end with kisses, because it is most difficult for a person to restrain natural impulses. Teenagers often play in love and put themselves in danger. Of course, there is nothing dangerous in the kiss itself. The bad news is that guys and girls decide on much more daring and rash actions. Early sexual intercourse leads to all sorts of problems. Rarely who are ready to become parents at the age of 14. And who thinks about all the consequences of abortion or about the risk of ruining your life forever by earning AIDS? The body of a teenager, although it is becoming similar to an adult, is still not designed for sexual activity. That is why those who dare to lead this life secretly from everyone will subsequently face a host of health problems. All of the above is very important to learn and not only read and forget, but also really take it seriously. After all, before deciding on a serious relationship, you must be firmly confident in the sincerity of feelings.

The habit of hugging and kissing when meeting came from America. Today, young people do this, showing joy and friendly feelings. Children who are often kissed by their parents and often told that they are loved grow up to be happier and more confident people.

You can kiss as friends, as lovers, as parents and children. All this is a manifestation of a wonderful feeling called love. However, if a person loves, he still cares not about himself, but about those who are dear to him.

From adolescence, all children begin to be interested in one question: "How old can you kiss?" Of course, the question is a little stupid, because if there is no one around, and you are already fourteen, although you read somewhere that this is allowed from the age of thirteen, then what difference does it make at what age you can kiss? It's not about age, but about the fact that you shouldn't be completely complex about this and listen to friends and girlfriends who boast that they kissed at eleven. After all, the first kiss is the most important event that will never be repeated anywhere else, so you should not give it to the first person you meet. When others boast that they have been able to kiss for a long time, why no one ever asks them, and where is the same person with whom they first did it? And do they regret that they gave the first kiss in their life to someone who is not clear?

Therefore, let's leave the question for a while: "How old can you kiss?", And think about with whom it is worth doing it for the first time. This should be a person for whom you have at least some feelings. Someone who will teach you, and will not laugh at your feelings or the next day will forget about your existence.

It's funny, but there are people who kissed for the first time in kindergarten. And, of course, they vaguely remember this event. And there are romantic natures who are already twenty or thirty years old, and they have never kissed with anyone. Of course, this is overkill, however, as we noted at the beginning, it is better not to give yours to the first person you come across. Everyone's fates are different, and each of us decides for himself at what age you can kiss.

If you have time, then read a little literature on this topic in order to learn at least theoretically correct kissing, and not think about the question: “I don’t know how to kiss, what should I do?”. And in this article we will provide some tips and tricks.

A kiss is the best way to express your love for someone. It is through him that you can express gratitude or happiness. And we learn to kiss since childhood, because a kiss on the cheek also requires a little effort. And we kiss not only a loved one or a companion and life partner, but our parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, etc. And even a kiss on the cheek turns out differently for everyone, so there are no special recommendations on how to do this and cannot be. However, there are some rules, having familiarized yourself with which, you will imagine what a kiss between a man and a woman is, and you won’t think: “I don’t know how to kiss, what should I do?”. It's actually pretty simple.

The very first and most important rule of a kiss is to be sincere, to convey your real ones, otherwise you risk being known as an insensitive person. And it's not for nothing that in films, in order to make sure whether this soul mate is yours or whether you really love someone, it is recommended to kiss him. After all, if the feelings are not real, then the kiss will turn out the same. But what if you are afraid to kiss? Nothing! Trust your heart and instincts, because they will not fail. Try to kiss as if it is your last kiss in life. In this case, everything will definitely work out!

You need to choose the place and circumstances for the kiss. However, it doesn't matter if someone is around or not. The main thing is that there is an atmosphere of love and affection between you. Well, romance should be present in any case. And remember about fresh breath! Always brush your teeth on time, carry chewing gum with you, because a bad one can scare away any person.

Tell your partner about your feelings, tell about your love for him. This will give the kiss more romance. Forget about stiffness, relax and go towards new sensations!

Remember, it doesn't matter what kind of kiss in your life it is. Transfer through it all the feelings that you have for each other, then it will become unforgettable!