How to return love and breathe passion into relationships. How to return love when love is no more

If you live together long enough, then in most cases the question arises "how to return love to the relationship", and all because for a long time together, the feeling of love fades and disappears. After all, lovers first lose trust in each other, patience, feelings and atmosphere heat up, there is a lack of attention, separation of lovers and constant scandals, quarrels that cause parting.

How to bring love and passion back into a relationship

Love is the most amazing feeling that has been given to mankind. The person who loves becomes taller and brighter. And this is not a short-term phenomenon - you can improve all your life. But love is like a fire - if the flame is not maintained, the fire will go out.

Ideally, both partners should have a desire to make feelings stronger. After all, you need to build relationships honestly and sincerely, so that not a single drop of this priceless gift called “love” dissolves in time, and does not become just a memory.

Usually relationships based on boundless trust, respect and true love are strong enough, they can be carried through the years, leaving them unchanged. After all, the time spent with the person with whom you decided to share your fate will help create an invisible thread that allows you to feel each other and understand without words.

The surest way to understand how to return love is to learn to accept a loved one with all its shortcomings and virtues, to love not for something, but in spite of everything, to discover new qualities in a dear person every day, and not to pay attention to unpleasant little things.

After all, you are not alone. There are two of you. And when someone's hand confidently squeezes your hand, it doesn't matter what happens outside of your inner world.

To return the relationship to its former love:

Love like there is no tomorrow. Talk to your loved ones about what they mean to you. After all, every day is unique in that it brings a small, but very necessary brick into the relationship.

Do not miss the opportunity to live, love, rejoice and be happy. Every day and every minute.

Carry that fire that warms your hearts and allows them to beat in unison, as if they were created together and will forever remain together until the time comes for them to stop.

But even then, this fire will not go out, but will continue in everyone who has ever seen you together, and, looking at you, filled his soul and heart with the same fire of unquenchable love for his soulmate.

Remember that love is strengthened not by any stereotyped methods, not by the advice of friends and relatives, but only by you. Only care and boundless tenderness will help you, which you will be ready to give free of charge to your loved one, without demanding any awards or honors, simply because your love is so great, it is like an ocean and if you are alone in it, you will simply drown and you you need someone who will be next to you in order to share everything and be always there when you need it.

Psychology of love and relationships

Clear your life of garbage and clean yourself with it. Remember that a person who lives in a warehoused space becomes gloomy, lazy and selfish egoist himself;

Talk to each other, speak out, discuss what exactly you do not like in each other's behavior. Do not keep everything in yourself, otherwise you will be overwhelmed with the feeling that you are everything for him, and he is nothing. Do not be afraid to express what exactly you do not like, because the problem that is hiding will never be solved. Try to find a compromise in your interests and concerns;

Make time for each other. Namely, go to the theater, cinema, exhibitions together, or just go, take a walk in the park. Remember that you always need to devote time to each other, otherwise your relationship will cease to be warm and joint;

Reminisce about your first dates, remember how you met and how. Arrange an evening of memories for two. After all, good memories bring people together and cause positive feelings;

Do not forget that you must always respect the interests and opinions of each other. Always listen to each other, if necessary, advise and support. To return love to a relationship, remember that you are one and in all actions you need to make a joint decision, listening to each other and listening to each other;

Be proud of yourself. Remember what you went through and how hard it was for you, do not forget that you love each other and are afraid of losing your loved one more than yourself.

Remember how and where you first met, and what feelings overwhelmed you at that moment. Relive it again, immerse yourself in that happy atmosphere.

In general, try to remember the joint happy moments more often, remember the passion and tenderness that enveloped you. What were you doing then? Try to play this situation again.

You must have walked somewhere together. Walk through these places again, if possible. To keep love alive and bring it back into your relationship, take a vacation to where you spent your honeymoon. Having plunged headlong into that atmosphere, you can revive the happiness that once enveloped you.

Always speak out to each other, communicate more. Remember that communication brings people together. Don't shut yourself up. If you don’t like something, say, shout, express, demand understanding, but always remember that your loved one will also express his point of view. Therefore, do not go too far.

If happy newlyweds releasing white doves into the sky are told at this moment that their bright feeling of love may fade after some time, they are unlikely to believe you.

In the meantime, it's true. However, everyday routine and everyday life can kill the most fiery feelings. Unless the spouses think in time about how to return love to the family.

Correctly building family relationships is a whole art and not every spouse knows it to perfection. More and more often, quarrels begin to flare up, which are aggravated by mutual reproaches.

Unwillingness to understand each other turns life together into torture, and there it is not far from divorce. And life circumstances should not be blamed for this - love needs to be supported by the people themselves, otherwise it quickly fades away.

If you really want to return the former love to the family, first of all, you must tune in to win this difficult task. After all, it often seems that it is much easier to start building something new than to make efforts to revive the old love. Meanwhile, everything is only in your hands. But this problem should be approached jointly.

How to return the love of a husband to his wife

Together with your lover, remember your old relationship, or rather, their beginning. Remember the first meeting, look, rapprochement. Try to regain interest, passion, intimacy. If you and your loved one are spiritually close, then your feelings will be less likely to disappear or disappear;

Start spending more time with each other. After all, work, home, fatigue from hard everyday life spoil your relationships and feelings. More go to nature together or fly to rest together. That is, the more you are together, the less you move away;

Think about it and remember how you were afraid for your soul mate. To return strong love to the family, be sure to respect and appreciate your loved one just because he is with you. If you can't remember, then imagine what you would do if your loved one was in a tragedy or hospital. What feelings would overwhelm you - with the help of these memories, you will be able to return feelings to a person and understand how dear he is to you;

Be proud of your spouse. After all, people who love each other add confidence to each other in life, and plus, spouses are always happy people who will have to go through a lot more than once. Be proud of your loved one and always respect him;

Make at least once a month some kind of pleasant surprise for your soulmate. This romantic attention always brings people together. And all because receiving something from your loved one, you feel that he tried for you, that he appreciates you, respects you and will do everything just to make you happy;

You may not be able to carve out a whole month. It doesn't matter, it will be enough if you give yourself a little romantic weekend. Give the children to the grandmothers and go only together, so that no one bothers you.

Surely the husband will forgive the dust wiped at the wrong time if the wife meets him from work in a beautiful outfit and with an original hairstyle. And if she cooks and especially for him exactly what he loves most, then an ordinary evening can end very romantically.

Love, like life, is beautiful. We are happy when we are in love, and it seems to us that this is forever. Tell a person in love now that in 3 years his feelings will pass without a trace and he will think about how to return love - he will not believe it. Yes, and how to believe, because at this moment it seems that there is no force on earth that can put an end to the fabulous euphoria, easy soaring a centimeter from the ground.

It is impossible to imagine that after 3 years the beauty of love will take the ugly forms of mutual claims, irritation and resentment. Love will be replaced by a series of tedious everyday life alone with a complete stranger. And now, yesterday's lovers, without even noticing it themselves, come up with excuses and tricks, just not to be together. Is it possible to save a marriage and return love to a relationship when feelings have completely faded?

How to return love and avoid a break, we will tell with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

scripted love

There is a statement that violent feelings live on average for 3 years. But is it love? Of course not. These are more superficial, though more intense experiences. They can be called love, passion. They are involved in natural attraction and are controlled by nature.

Vivid feelings at the beginning of a relationship are given to us so that we can create a natural couple, be attracted on a physical level and get maximum pleasure from each other, which, in fact, we do, but not for long. But nature intended to last forever.

So it is conceived, but not provided, and after a very short period of time, the bright flame of passion begins to slowly fade, until it completely disappears. It is then that our eyes seem to “open”, and the person who aroused admiration yesterday, for some reason, begins to annoy. We don’t even want to know how to return love, because we don’t want to be with him for a second anymore.

Surprisingly, outwardly nothing has changed: he was always slowly getting ready and because of him you were always late for your friends. Or vice versa, all his life he jumps from one subject to another, all the time fussing from scratch. And instead of cleaning, he puts things in hard-to-reach corners. And now? All the same! But if earlier it was possible to put up with the sweet awkwardness of a loved one, now it all infuriates.

Nature slowly lets go of the control panel, as if making it clear: here are the keys to your love, now you have grown enough and can build relationships in your own way. And now we have complete freedom of choice in our hands. And we don't know what to do with it. We just don’t know how and which doors to open with these keys, so we all live the old fashioned way and trample, helpless, in front of the cherished door under the winds of separation, resentment, family bad weather and troubles. We want to return love, but we don’t know how. Many resign themselves, thinking that everyone lives like this… But this is a mistake, because not everyone lives like this.

My own director

System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan is a training on using our metaphorical keys to happiness.

Even for a situation where love has already passed and needs to be returned, there is a systemic solution:
obligatory creation of close emotional ties between partners. The leader of this sacrament is always a woman. It is she who reveals her soul to her partner and shares her experiences, she leads him through the secret nooks and crannies of her soul, creates the most invisible, but the strongest of the bonds between people - emotional.

Slowly opening up to her partner, she helps to open up to him. A woman reverently and tenderly treats his hardships as if they were her own. In a conversation, she mentally experiences with her man all his aspirations, dreams and failures, starting from childhood. Without noticing it, her partner receives serious psychological relief and deep satisfaction from the relationship with this particular woman. After all, only she truly understands and accepts him. A woman in this case also gets great pleasure.

At some point, they can already talk about everything, not embarrassed by their most secret desires. It is with this kinship of souls that people get the greatest pleasure from living together. This is true love.

At the training, we study the individual characteristics of people, their properties and desires. We learn a lot about our chosen one and about the manifestations of his inner nature, which means that we begin to experience feelings of love and tenderness for him. After all, we learn all the secrets of the subconscious of our chosen one, help him open up and thus develop our relationship.

And then life does not go according to the standard scenario: surge, euphoria, attenuation.
And over time, love only gains momentum. And you don’t need to think about how to return love, it just won’t go away.

People who have been trained in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan confirm this with their results. Check out the reviews, they speak for themselves:

A happy ending happens not only in movies, but also in life. It is possible to return love, for this you need to become a systematically thinking director-screenwriter of your life. You can master this unique profession at the free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Sign up here and change your life for the better.

The article was written using materials from online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

often read

"Do you love me?" - three simple words that are most often pronounced based on something more than a one-syllable answer. Behind this question may be disappointment, doubt, dissatisfaction with relationships and brewing problems.

"Do you love me?" - once again the girl asks her lover. Three simple words that are spoken most often for something more than a one-syllable answer. Behind this question may be disappointment, doubt, dissatisfaction with relationships and brewing problems.

"Well, of course!" he answers. And in his voice slip notes of doubt, irritation, fatigue. Said to brush it off. Or maybe this phrase is the beginning of the end? The last lie for good? How to return the love of a guy and is it possible to return the love of a husband - while your common "fire" has not completely died out yet?

If there is an imbalance in the relationship, if you feel how love is leaving your couple, you should not act on a whim, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows you to understand how to maintain relationships with your loved one, protect yourself from disappointments and.


Love is fleeting - this rule is tested daily in practice by thousands and millions of couples in whose relationships. Such transformations are notable for their denouement: someone is forced to leave because of the fading of feelings, and someone finds the strength to overcome difficulties and finds a way to return the former brightness and passion to the relationship with her husband or boyfriend.

How to return love to a relationship in which it has almost died out?

We used to think that the existence of a couple justifies only love. But in order for the union to live longer, it is worth changing your outlook on this feeling.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

How to bring love back into a relationship? This question, after all, is asked by so many couples. It happens that love leaves the relationship, and one of the couple decides to end it. Breaking up brings a lot of pain, but everything can be fixed. Remember how easy it was for you to communicate at the beginning of the relationship, how you wanted to fulfill any request of your soul mate. Love brings out the best in us. We become kinder, happier, more honest and want to constantly smile. Therefore, if bad qualities suddenly began to appear in a relationship, this means that love is slowly leaving. Of course, this takes more than one day, but it’s worth starting to change everything as soon as you notice that the relationship has begun to deteriorate. It is much easier not to worsen relations than to restore them.

So what needs to be done to return love?

First, ask yourself the question: "Do I really still love him, or am I just afraid of being alone?" Admit to yourself what your desires really are. There are chances for a return only if you are disinterested and sincerely want to be with this person. Understand that love is not a thing that can be deceived. Of course, you can make a person live with you, but at the same time he will not love you. If your desire to love is pure and sincere, then the feeling will definitely return, perhaps in the face of another person.

Second, you need to completely and honestly let the person go. Make the decision to start a new life. After all, you cannot enter the same river twice, realize that this is the past, and it cannot be returned. But it is always possible to create a new relationship, and with this person too! Just give him freedom, let him feel that you have changed and are ready to start a relationship from scratch. Let him also want it of his own free will. Remember all the good and apologize for all the bad, make sure that there is no negativity left.

Thirdly, do not be afraid to start a new life. You gained experience, began to understand a lot and realize it in a completely different way. This will help you better understand people in the future, avoid making similar mistakes and make the right decisions. It is a gift of life and an experience that cannot be bought. Yes, you have to pay for every valuable experience. It takes time to understand your mistakes. We cannot always immediately realize why this or that lesson was given to us in life, but over time, understanding comes, and everything falls into place.

Fourth, let go of all the negative emotions that you have accumulated during the period of the relationship. Try to remember each quarrel and analyze it, and then forgive both him and yourself. This is hard to do, but carrying such a burden is even worse. Bad memories can aggravate your love life in the future, so let go of the negativity once and for all.

If you do all this, you will immediately feel much lighter. You will give yourself a chance to love and be loved, and this is a great happiness! Of course, it is very difficult to let go of a loved one, but if you see that there is no more hope, this must be done. The main thing is not just to read, but to put it all into practice, and then you will feel how you become completely different, updated. Try not to think about how to return love to the relationship anymore, but just start loving again.


What gets in the way Behind the unnecessary husks, you may not see what is really valuable, so first you need to “clear” your life of garbage. How? Do a general cleaning in the house, put things in order. A person who lives in a gloomy and cluttered room feels that way himself - gloomy and "cluttered". About what love can we talk here?

Discuss mutual claims to each other. Not in the form of a scandal, of course, but through a calm and friendly dialogue. Talk about possible solutions to the problem. If your spouse is into you, think about how you can fix the situation. If your spouse's behavior does not suit you, calmly express it to him. The claim must be very specific.

New Impressions When order in the house and in relationships is restored, you can look for fresh impressions. Go together to the cinema, the theater, to the forest for a picnic; on a hike if you are lovers of tourism. Do something together that will add variety to your life. If it is winter outside and you are not shy about prying eyes, go out into the yard and build a snowman, finally. Surely, after all, you used to have a lot of common hobbies, only in the everyday bustle you somehow forgot about them.

Memories of the past Recall how your relationship was born. It is important to remember only the good, not to delve into old grievances. Revisit old photographs. Find in the closet those things in which you walked at the very beginning of your novel. Think of your mutual friends and acquaintances. If possible, invite them to visit (have you already put things in order anyway?).

Sex If you lack passion and variety in your intimate life, just try some time away from sex (of course, having agreed on this in advance with your partner). Don't make sex a chore.

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When people are together for many years, they often begin to understand that their feelings fade away. Sometimes this is noticeable only in one partner, and the second one is happy with everything, but in any case, in order to save the relationship, you need to try to renew your feelings.


Think back to the beginning of your relationship. Try to feel the state of being in love, because passion is a feeling that needs constant support. Reminisce about the old days when you wandered around the city at night holding hands. Visit the first date and your favorite cafes and restaurants. This will help restore your .

Remember the old happy days, how good it was for you together at the very beginning of your life together, those tenderness and that overwhelmed you. Try to keep the feeling of warmth and joy between you in the present.

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Pretend, but rather be weak and helpless. Ask for protection and care. Take care of him.

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Restoring feelings is a task beyond the power of one. Both should work to save love.


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