The first symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early stages. Treatment of frozen pregnancy. Data inspection and medical research

Froyless or impaired pregnancy is the intrauterine fetal death, which is not manifested by obvious signs of abortion. Pathological condition is found until 28 weeks of the fetus. Most often, the fading of pregnancy occurs in the early periods in the first trimester until the age of 16 of the child's development. The period is especially dangerous when there is a laying of organs and embryo systems, and the placenta is not yet formed. After the diagnosis of frozen pregnancy, the embryo is removed from the woman's uterus. In some cases, there is a spontaneous abortion.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy in early time

The danger of undeveloped pregnancy in the early deadlines is that pathology can leak without clinical manifestations. Delayed dead embryo in the uterus leads to a gradual decomposition of his fabrics. Toxic decomposition products are absorbed into the blood of a woman, cause the organism poisoning and the development of severe complications.

Explicit clinical signs may arise in 6-7 weeks after the death of the fetus, which indicate a violation in the work of the woman's body. A frozen pregnancy in the late periods of 2 trimester is detected faster - the fetus movement ceases, which should alert a woman. Doctors warn that the planned visit to the gynecologist can eliminate not only the development of intoxication and other undesirable consequences in pregnant women, but in some cases prevent the fetus death.

Clinical signs of undervolving pregnancy, if manifest, it is quite weak. A woman may not give this meaning. It is necessary to know the symptoms of the intrauterine death of the fetus in the early stages in order to respond in a timely manner and visit the female consultation doctor, where the pregnant woman consists of a dispensary accounting.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy:

In the occurrence of complications associated with the poisoning of the body toxic products of the decomposition of fetus tissues, explicit clinical signs occur.

  1. Fever up to 40 degrees.
  2. Chills, high sweating.
  3. Headaches.
  4. Intense pain syndrome in the lower parts of the abdomen.
  5. Permanent nausea, multiple.
  6. Uterine, nasal, internal bleeding.

Long inxication can lead to the development of sepsis (bacteremia, general infection of the organism) and DVS syndrome (violation of blood coagulation, massive bleeding).

Signs of frozen pregnancy in early time

Diagnose undeveloped pregnancy can a gynecologist according to specific features that are characteristic of the intrauterine fetal death. The specialist also assigns additional methods of examination, which confirm the disappointing sentence. Only after the appeal to women's consultation can be said with confidence that the embryo died, and the pregnancy stopped development. Before visiting a specialist should not make premature conclusions.

To suspect a frozen pregnancy can be at home by change. To do this, it is necessary to measure the thermal temperature in the rectum in the morning after sleep without getting out of bed. For pregnancy, female sex hormone is responsible, which causes an increase of 0.3-0.5 degrees.

The normal flow of intrauterine corresponds to the temperature in the rectum at the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees. The decline in this indicator indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy and the possible death of the fetus. It must be remembered that a low indicator is not an absolute sign of frozen pregnancy. When identifying a basal symptom, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

At the reception, the doctor collects a woman's complaints, inspection, including a gynecological chair, prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods. In the early periods of the fetus of the fetus, the most informative ultrasound diagnostics of the embryo and laboratory analysis on the detection of concentration (chorionic gonadotropin of a person) in peripheral blood.

Causes of frozen pregnancy

In most cases, it is possible to identify the cause of undeveloped pregnancy and with further planning of conception to undergo a course of prophylactic treatment. Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of the intrauterine fetal death. This does not cause concerns when such pathology meets once. Repeatless pregnancy testifies to severe pathology in the body of a woman who requires a thorough examination and adequate therapy. According to statistics, the intrauterine death of the fetus is rare and is not familiar - for 200 normally occurring pregnancies there is one case of the death of the embryo in the mother's womb.

Causes of frozen pregnancy.

The usual unbearable of the fetus often causes a combination of several adverse factors. Identification of the cause of pathology is an important link in the planning of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

What diagnosis of frozen pregnancy will be the most accurate?

Untrevive pregnancy in early periods are detected using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. The gynecological examination is carried out before appointing the survey.

  1. Inspection on the gynecological chair - allows you to determine the condition of the cervix, matching the size of the uterus. When detecting inconsistencies or pathological changes assign ultrasound diagnostics.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the uterus and the fetus is the most accurate method for identifying the intrauterine death of the fetus in the early development time. Signs of frozen pregnancy: uneven contours and deformation of the fetal egg, the localization of the embryo in the lower departments of the uterine. In case of questionable results, a re-ultrasound study is carried out in 5-7 days. Stop the growth of the fruit egg or weak imbrons of the embryo testifying in favor of underdeveloped pregnancy.
  3. Blood test for maintenance is an effective method for the diagnosis of intrauterine fetal death in the earliest period of pregnancy (up to 8-10 weeks) when the ultrasound examination is not informative. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the hormone level is doubled every 24-48 hours. The lack of increments in the blood or reduction to a content of 5 MME / ml (characteristic of non-remote women and men) speaks in favor of the intrauterine fetal death. In some cases, the shell of the fetal egg is formed and synthesized, and the embryo does not develop - the hormone indicators will give a false-negative result and the diagnosis becomes ineffective.

An appointment of the diagnosis of frozen pregnancy and the interpretation of the survey results is engaged in a gynecologist. The specialist will correctly appreciate the risk of pregnancy pathology and will determine the tactics of treatment.

What to do if a frozen pregnancy is detected?

After confirming the measuring pregnancy, a dead embryo is removed from the uterus. In some case, the body independently rejects the fetus in the process of spontaneous abortion. With failed miscarriage, medical procedures and operational interventions are prescribed, which are aimed at removing the embryo and its shells.

Methods for interrupting underdeveloped pregnancy.

  1. Drug - intravenous administration of drugs that increase the tone of the uterus and cause contractions. The embryo leaves the uterus naturally through the cervix and the vagina.
  2. Curetzh - Cleaning the uterus of the uterus with a special surgical instrument. It is carried out under anesthesia. The cervix is \u200b\u200bexpanding, then tools are introduced into the organ cavity. The embryo and the inner shell of the uterus scratch. The technique is dangerous by the development of complications: bleeding, inflammation, infertility. This method cannot be considered gentle in early pregnancy and is assigned if other techniques are contraindicated.
  3. Vacuum aspiration - gentle operational intervention by means of vacuum suction. Used for abortion in early pregnancy. The tip of the vacuum apparatus is introduced into the uterine neck without the use of expansion, and the contents of the organ, removing the embryo and the mucous membrane, are sucking.

After interrupting a frozen pregnancy, a woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Perform an outpatient or inpatient treatment depending on the type of permission from the burden, the general condition of the woman, the risk of developing complications. The therapy includes the antibiotics of a wide range of action, hemostatic agents, vitamins. Recommended to refrain from planning conception for six months.

To identify the cause of the intrauterine death of the fetus for histological examination, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) and the fabric of the embryo are taken. When identifying chromosomal anomalies, the genetic advice of parents is prescribed to establish compatibility. Be sure to study the blood of a woman on the condition of the hormonal background, the analysis of the smear on the flora and the presence of genital infections. The identification of the cause of frozen pregnancy makes it possible to prevent the intrauterine death of the fetus with further planning of motherhood.

Family pregnancy is a tragic event in a woman's life, but not a sentence. When identifying the cause of pathology, you can prevent the death of the embryo, to preserve the life of the fetus during the entire period of development, give birth to a healthy child.

One of the pathologies of pregnancy development is the so-called frozen pregnancy. Doctors prefer to call this violation of underdeveloped pregnancy or failed miscarriage. But the point does not change from this: for any of these names there is a state when the fruit in the uterine cavity suddenly ceases to develop and die, but it remains in the womb.

Select 3 types of frozen pregnancy:

  • aMBRIONIY - At the same time, the embryo is not visible on the ultrasound, only an empty fruit egg;
  • the death of the embryo - on the ultrasound, it is possible to establish that the living embryo was, but died;
  • multipleness in the early deadlines, followed by a fading of one of the embryos.

This pathology is an option for unbearable and occurs relatively often: in 12-20% of cases from all pregnancies.

Important: Pregnancy can measure almost any woman, but with age, this pathology occurs more often.

In the early period of pregnancy, almost 80% of cases of unbearable are related to this pathology. This is not surprising, because pregnancy most often freezes in 1 trimester. Judging by the statistics, the most "dangerous" periods can be considered deadlines in 3-4 weeks and 8 weeks.

Untrevive pregnancy does not arise nowhere. These main reasons identified:

The most common destructive factorsDescription of causal relationship
Infections and inflammation:
Acute or sluggish infection of bacterial or viral nature
sexually transmitted diseases
Infections can affect the embryo directly, leading to his death. This happens when it is infected with toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. In addition, the infectious process in the uterine cavity can lead to a change in the structure of its mucous membrane, negatively affect the hormonal status of a woman - in the complex it does not allow pregnancy to develop further
Chromosomal anomalies that lead to grave congenital pathologies for the future childAs a result of genetic failures, the pathology of the development of an embryo or placenta may occur - such pregnancy are not visselves and are not further developed on the principle of natural selection.
Endocrine: hormonal imbalance in the body of pregnantProgesterone deficit, thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus causes insufficient preparedness of the body to pregnancy. Thus, the conception occurs in initially unfavorable conditions, and the pregnancy as a result develops pathologically and everything ends with the death of the embryo
Autoimmune pathology for the future motherAs a result of some autoimmune diseases, blood characteristics are changed, which leads to coarse impaired uterine blood supply and the impossibility of having a child

Additional factors that provoke unbearable are:

  • extracorporeal fertilization;
  • age female older than 35 years;
  • harmful habits in the future milf;
  • unfavorable environment: environmental, social and consumer or psychological;
  • tumor diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • previous abortions or inconsistencies.

Important: The presence in the history of the disease is just one of the reasons why pregnancy can measure - not a reason for the tragic event of events. Untrevive pregnancy leads, as a rule, a whole causal complex.

Symptoms of undeveloped pregnancy in early time

In the early period of pregnancy, the woman independently cannot diagnose a frasonal pregnancy. But there are several signs, the appearance of which the future mammy should alert and serve as a reason for unscheduled treatment to the doctor:

  • suddenly disappear before signs of pregnancy: toxicosis, drowsiness, breast swelling;
  • there are drawing pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • selection of sex tracts can be with an admixture of blood or dark mucus;
  • significantly deteriorating: first the temperature increases, and dizziness and signs of poisoning appear much later, a few weeks after the death of the embryo.

With a large probability of pregnancy, such results of self-diagnosis may indicate:

  • reduction of basal temperature up to 37 degrees and less;
  • skill or complete disappearance of the second strip on pregnancy test.

Important: Changing basal temperature indicators more reliably if the woman measured it to pregnancy and in early time. If the future mammy first measures basal temperature only in order to exclude the fading of pregnancy, then the data obtained by it have a small diagnostic value.

To confirm the undeveloped pregnancy, an obstetrician gynecologist performs a number of diagnostic procedures:

  1. Analyzes the history of the disease of the patient to reveal the degree of risk of pathology.
  2. Conducts manual inspection on the chair. Signs of pregnancy fading are: the inconsistency of the sizes of the uterus of the estimated period of pregnancy, the change in the cervix, the selection of brown mucus.
  3. Ultrasound examination by which the doctor determines the palpitations of the fetus, the presence or absence of a live embryo. If the heartbeat is not listened to the period of up to 8 weeks - this is an unreliable Embryo death rate. It is recommended to re-ultrasound in a week.
  4. Laboratory test of blood to determine the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). With a significant reduction in hCG, it is possible with a lot of probability to argue that pregnancy does not develop.

The table indicates normal and deviating indicators of this hormone:

HCG indicators with normally developing pregnancy (MME / ml)Gestational ageHCG indicators that may indicate a frossable pregnancy (MME / ml)
10 1 WeekThe result can not be reliable
105 2 weeks12
1960 3 weeks230
11300 4 weeks1310
31000 5 weeks3605
65000 6 weeks7560
100000 7 weeks11630
80000 8 weeks9300
70000 9 weeks8140
65000 10 weeks7560
60000 11 weeks6980
55000 12 weeks6395

If the diagnosis of "frozen pregnancy" was confirmed

Patients with a diagnosis of "undivided pregnancy" are hospitalized in the hospital. To prevent possible complications due to intoxication by products of the decomposition of biological materials, all contents of the uterus must necessarily be deleted. Doctors can use one of the following ways:

  1. To take the expectant position in the hope that the miscarriage will occur and the uterus cavity will be cleaned spontaneously. This development is rarely rarely and only if the patient is not threatened with anything, and it does not have the slightest signs of intoxication. In any case, doctors must constantly monitor the status of a woman.
  2. Medical abortion. It is carried out with the help of powerful hormonal drugs that provoke uterine contractions and miscarriages.
  3. Vacuum aspiration or mini abortion with vacuum suction.
  4. Scraping or cleaning is the most common way to whom doctors resort in case of underdeveloped pregnancy. This is a surgical operation that is carried out under anesthesia. As a result, the contents of the uterus are removed and the upper layer of its mucous membrane is scratched.

Important: There is no reliable non-drug way to cope with frozen pregnancy. Appeal to doctors necessarily!

Cleaning is a reliable way to avoid a large number of complications associated with finding the uterus of the decomposing biomaterials. But the restoration after this operation passes quite not easy:

  • postoperative pain lasts a few days;
  • blood selection worried about 2 weeks;
  • it will take treatment in the hospital for 7-10 days;
  • it is necessary for several months to restore the hormonal balance in the body.

Possible complications of frozen pregnancy

Infection of the uterusThe dead embryo in the uterine cavity can decompose and provoke the development of severe infectious complications. Risk increases with a woman's refusal from medical care or untimely hospitalization
DVS syndromeThe development of the DVS-syndrome is a vital state in which the reactions of the body for the prevention and termination of bleeding are violated. Complication is quite rare, but without medical care is threatened with an inevitable fatal outcome.
BleedingIt may occur both with spontaneous miscarriage, and during or after an operation to scraping the uterine cavity. To prevent this complication, constant monitoring of the patient's condition is needed in a medical hospital
Perforation of the wall of the uterus during the surgical operationViolation of the integrity of the walls of the uterus during cleaning is rarely happening. On time eliminated, it does not threaten terrible consequences
Hormonal imbalance in the bodyAfter a frozen pregnancy and the elimination of her consequences, a woman can pursue malfunctions in the work of the domestic secretion glands, which is expressed in the disorders of the menstrual cycle. In this case, consultation requires a gynecologist-endocrinologist and competent treatment
DepressionViolations of the mental state of a woman for whom the frozen pregnancy was long-awaited and desired - a strict phenomenon. In this case, it is not necessary to ignore the possibility of professional psychological or psychotherapeutic assistance

Important: when providing competent and timely medical care, 9 out of 10 women have no serious complications after frozen pregnancy.

Consequences and forecast after measuring pregnancy

Sometimes a woman is even suspected of his failed pregnancy. In this case, the fading remains unnoticed before the emergence of serious consequences in the form of bleeding or the development of an extensive infectious process.

An extremely rarely dead embryo remains in the uterus cavity, mummifying or petrified at the same time. And the failed mommy, without even suspecting this, can carry the so-called lithopedion for years (fossil embryo remains).

Much more frequent consequences of pregnancy fading are the strongest stress of women, and fearfully try to conceive the child again. After all, there is a mythical "horror" that if the pregnancy froze once, it will repeat more and more. In fact, it is not true. For most women, a single pregnancy fading does not affect further successful childhood. Even the doctors are diagnosed with "habitual non-obstruction of pregnancy" only if the pregnancy of the same woman silence more than 2 times.

The forecast when measuring pregnancy, which happened for the first time and was diagnosed in a timely manner and is heal, positive. A huge number of women after that give birth to absolutely healthy and normal kids.

Important: without appropriate treatment and rehabilitation therapy, the probability of a safe tooling of the child is further reduced by about 4 times.

Women's actions algorithm whose pregnancy froze early

  1. Be sure to cooperate with the doctor in search of the likely causes of pregnancy fading. Having established the cause, you can try to avoid its destructive influence on the body with the following attempts to become pregnant.
  2. It is necessary to undergo a full examination for the identification of hidden infections, endocrine diseases, the pathologies of the development of small pelvis organs. This requires to pass an ultrasound study, pass the blood tests.
  3. All existing and identified diseases must be cured.
  4. It is necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional state of the woman, adjust it to the optimistic way. Indeed, in matters of successful conception and tooling the child, much depends on the internal attitude of the future mommy.
  5. Reconfiguration is recommended to plan no earlier than 5-6 months after frozen pregnancy. During this time, it is necessary to try to restore physical health in full in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.
  6. If pregnancy took place: it is necessary to cooperate with the doctor to prevent the re-incontestation of it.

Video - a frozen pregnancy

After a woman learns about his special position, she begins to dream and build plans for the future, in which she is preparing a place for his future kid. But it all unexpectedly happens misfortune, and she reports that her pregnancy froze. This is a heavy test for each woman, and not so much physical as emotional. Immediately arises many questions, find answers to which it is difficult. But still let's figure it out why pregnancy freezes and what consequences should be expected.

Fruit fetal is a form of non-dischanging pregnancy, occurring in women, regardless of age and the number of previous pregnancies. This occurs during the stake of not fully studied circumstances, and at the end leads to the complete death of the embryo.

If you believe official statistics, the fading occurs once at 176 pregnancies.

Measuring (undeveloped) Pregnancy is an irreversible violation of the fetus development, accompanied by a stopping of its growth, instant death and the destruction of its tissues. In the obstetric practice, this pathology is referred to as invalid miscarriage, since the death of the fetus has come without bright clinical signs and the subsequent dishellion of the fruit egg from the uterus. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of frozen pregnancy in order to quickly ask for help to the doctor and prevent complications.

Sometimes a fading of a false embryo is diagnosed. This happens when the egg cell was successfully fertilized and the fruit egg was implanted in the endometrium layer, but the embryo itself was not in it. This pathology is called an "empty fruit egg."

Measuring pregnancy - deadlinesthe appearance of pathology

Such pathology is found on any gestation period. There are even cases when the fetal death takes place a few days before delivery. It also does not matter the age of a woman, but ladies after 40 years are subject to greater risk.

Exploring thousands of cases of fetal fetus, doctors conventionally established the most critical period of pregnancy, when the fruit is most vulnerable:

  • 1 period - 3 and 4 gestational week.
  • 2 period - from 7 to 11 gestation week.
  • 3 period - 16 and 18 gestational week.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the occasion of the development and death of the fetus are single.

In the overwhelming number of cases, a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed (up to 14 gestational week). This occurs as a result of improper development of the embryo or disorders in the body of a pregnant woman. In the later dates, the fading is caused by hormonal disorders, genetic anomalies or infections.

Fantasy pregnancy - reasons for tragedy

Doctors push out several basic hypotheses of fetal fetal. It is possible to confirm the cause of his death through the histological study of the obtained genetic material. But it also happens that the reason remains unproved.

Here are the most common factors affecting the fetal death:

  • Genetic disorders. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the formation of important bodies in the fetus occurs. If this process is accompanied by chromosomal deviations, the development of the fetus stops. For this reason, more than 70% of embryos die. This is facilitated by the transfer of poor genetic material from one of the parents or incompatibility of a gene pool of women and men. If a woman is diagnosed already the second frozen pregnancy, the couple goes to consult the genetics.
  • Hormonal imbalance. For fertile division of healthy embryo cells, the female organism should produce a lot of progesterone and little androgen. If the breakdown occurs at this level, the fetus dies. This situation can be eliminated at the pregnancy planning stage, so the Programmer preparation will be excellent prevention of this pathology.
  • Infectious diseases. The reduced immunity in gestation is a normal phenomenon, but for this reason the woman becomes vulnerable to different diseases. Especially dangerous in this position are considered: rubella, influenza, cytomegalovirus, ORVI. Incixing the body, an increase in temperature, the load on the immune system during the disease can provoke a violation of the development and death of the baby. Symptoms of frozen pregnancy will be invisible against the background of the occurrence.
  • ECO. Although medicine has strongly succeeded in artificial fertilization, but to the end this way to get pregnant has not yet been studied. Scientists still can not prevent the frequent fading of the embryo after the prodigation in the uterus and often a woman has several times to pass the ECO procedure.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Pregnancy does not exclude sexual interference, which carries the risk of "picking up" gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia or syphilis. It often happens that there is no visible symptoms of pathological flow, but during pregnancy the fries measure without much reasons. In such a situation, a woman is recommended to undergo inspection from a venereologist or infectiousnessist.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome. This is a rarely occurring autoimmune disease, which is accompanied by excessive production of antibodies to phospholipids. Such pathology in a woman can cause egg rejection, underdevelopment or blockage of placental vessels, which leads to the death of the embryo.
  • Invalid lifestyle in gestation. What is meant by this judgment? First of all, it is poor nutrition, low activity, no stress resistance, overwork, oxygen deficiency, uncomfortable underwear and, of course, harmful habits. Each of these factors may affect the kid's development stop.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early and later timers

Untrevive pregnancy does not have signs as an ordinary miscarriage, so a woman can immediately and not notice that with her pregnancy something is wrong. And it carries a serious threat to her health, because the deceased fruit begins to decompose and can bring harm to female reproductive bodies. But some characteristic symptoms still have a very careful woman to themselves will notice them. Their nature and degree of severity can be different.

Signs of frozen pregnancy - first trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to suspect the problem due to the observation of its well-being, the nature of vaginal discharge, toxicosis and fluctuations in the graph of basal temperature. These signs are indirect and do not give an accurate guarantee that the fruit died. Therefore, the appearance of one of the symptoms serves as a reason to go to the akuster-gynecologist.

How to determine a frasonal pregnancy in the signs:

  • Discharge. In case of miscarriage, the rejection of the deceased fetus occurs rapidly and he independently leaves the uterus. And when driving, the embryo continues to hold on the endometrium bowl, but the body tries to gradually get rid of it. The first 48 hours after the start of the edge of the embryo development, the selection does not change. They remain whiteish color, ordinary structure. Then the embryo fabrics begin to decompose, and a fruit egg is already involved in this process. It gradually turns away from the uterus, which indicates the appearance of bloody veins in the discharge. If for two weeks, the fading was not observed, the woman begged with a complete rejection of the deceased fetus.
  • Toxicosis. If a woman has severe toxicosis since the woman from the moment of implantation, it is possible to suspect a stop development of the fetus. Vomiting and nausea provokes the synthesis of hCG, which increases from each week of pregnancy. If the embryo dies, the level of hCG falls and after 24-36 hours a woman has a decrease in vomiting urges and nausea. After 4-6 days, toxicosis completely passes. It is worth recalling that the weakening of toxicosis can also be the result of the physiological addiction of the female organism to the fetus.
  • General health. If the decomposing embryo is in the uterine cavity for a long time, it will cause intoxicating the entire body. This condition can be confused with cold or fatigue, but if a woman has a first pregnancy, it will immediately differ in the normal state of pathology. In 2-3 weeks after the death of the embryo, a woman can mark dizziness, strong weakness, decline, anxiety, and pain in the projection of the uterus. After 4 weeks, the temperature begins to rise and the abdominal pain is enhanced. 5 weeks later, the woman begins the fever, pain become grasp, may be a loss of consciousness. If a woman does not spend the scraping in time during frozen pregnancy, her strong inflammation of the uterine tissues and sepsis will begin.
  • Oscillations of basal temperature. Often, women lead a graph of basal temperature to find out the ovulation time and successfully become pregnant. After fertilization, they continue to measure the temperature and are monitored over the course of pregnancy. This is a reliable way to see the fetal fetal after a couple of days after his death. Normally, the temperature level in gestation exceeds the 37⁰С mark. 48 hours after fetal fetal, the temperature begins to fall from 37⁰s to 36.7⁰. And after the fruit begins to decompose, the temperature will sharply jump above 37.5 ° C

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy - the second trimester

Starting from the second trimester, another number of others join all the aforementioned symptoms. After the 16th week of pregnancy, the fruit is already big and actively makes itself felt, so it's easier to understand something with him.

The general features of pathology include:

  • The lack of a kid's movement two and more than a day.
  • Pulling abdominal pain and lower back.
  • The appearance of blood in vaginal discharge.
  • The leakage of spindlewater waters with an unpleasant odor.

Unlike the first weeks of pregnancy, in the Late time, the body is rather getting rid of the deceased fetus and after 4-5 days the woman starts premature birth.

Important!As soon as you noticed the first sign of frozen pregnancy, immediately refer to emergency medical care.

Informative methods for diagnosing fetal fetal

Install the fact of pregnancy fading only in the symptomatic picture is impossible. Therefore, with the first suspicions, the woman is sent to the examination. And only after careful diagnosis, a woman is cleaned after a frozen pregnancy.

The diagnostic procedures include:

  • Confirmation of the diagnosis on gynecological examination. Often, at the control gynecological examination, the doctor notes that the size of the uterus does not coincide with the period of gestation, and blood selections are bleeding from the genital paths. This can confirm the regression of the development of the fetus. But as an option, it may also point to a threatening miscarriage with a living embryo. Therefore, it is also completed.
  • Diagnosis in the process of ultrasound. Pregnancy after 8 weeks allows to reliably determine the lack of heartbeat in the fetus and possible anomalies in development. But the period of less than 5 weeks does not give a complete picture during the ultrasound, and the specialist may not see the embryo or signs of its livelihoods. Therefore, on the first weeks of pregnancy, a blood test is carried out to confirm the diagnosis to the HCG level.
  • Diagnostics by determining the level of hCG. There are strictly established norms of the concentration of hCG in the blood for different pregnancy terms. Therefore, it is enough to make an analysis of venous blood to determine the fetus fetus. At the same time, the level of hCG at measuring pregnancy will correspond to the indicator outside the pregnancy.

Measuring Pregnancy - Treatment

The tactics of conducting a woman with frozen pregnancy can be different, which depends on the period of gestation, the physical and psychological state of the woman.

If the diagnosis is raised early and there is time to wait, the woman is placed in the hospital condition for the care of doctors and the spontaneous miscarriage is expected within a few days. If a period of less than 8 weeks, a medical abortion is carried out using special drugs.

After 3-4 days, if this does not happen, the woman is heading for cleaning during a frozen pregnancy under general anesthesia. This is a simple gynecological manipulation, similar to its principle for abortion. 14 days after the procedure, an ultrasound is carried out to make sure that the uterine cavity is clean, without traces of inflammation.

After that, the woman is in the hospital, she is appointed by the course of antibiotics, hormone therapy (according to indications) and sedatives. Various tests are also appointed after frozen pregnancy, depending on the causes of pathology. . These may be hormonal studies, taking smears to hide infection, total blood indicators.

Important! Get rid of the deceased embryo is permissible only under medical supervision. Independent feeding of herbs or hormonal tablets to reduce the uterus can lead to rapid bleeding or blood infection.

Family pregnancy - consequences for women

Serious complications in women are only with late appeal to the doctor. If the diagnosis is put on time, and the treatment is appointed correctly, the woman in the future will be able to easily become pregnant and give birth to full-fledged babies. The most difficult thing in such a situation is to determine the cause of the death of the baby and make an effort so that it does not happen again.

Women are often interested in the question whether there can be a re-frozen pregnancy? Doctors unanimously answer that this may happen repeatedly, if not eliminating the cause of the death of the embryos. Therefore, this problem needs to be used in comprehensive - to pass surveys, cure having diseases, visit genetics and imagine a positive result.

Loss of not yet born baby is a heavy shock for a woman. From this not only its reproductive system, but also a psycho-emotional background. Therefore, in addition to treating, a woman is required for a long time to take the situation. Often, a woman who survived the frasonal pregnancy does not know what to do, so she needs support for loved ones or helping a psychologist.

Measuring pregnancy. Video

Many couples dream of trying on the role of young parents. Unfortunately, this desire is not always implemented. One of the reasons for this problem is a frozen pregnancy. Blame in this pathology can be both a father and mother. That is why it is so important at the planning stage to undergo a full examination by both partners. What to do if early? How to warn this pathology?

general information

A frozen pregnancy is such a condition in which the fetus stop growing and developing, as a result of which he dies. The signs of spontaneous abortion may be absent, but the embryo remains in the uterus cavity. That is why such pathology is also called the failed miscarriage. Fooling can happen on any time, but most often it happens in the first trimester. The most dangerous is the 3-4th and 8-10 weeks.

What happens when measuring pregnancy? The fertilized egg is sent to the uterus, where it is implanted. After a while, the growth of the embryo stops. Another option of frozen pregnancy is considered an empty egg syndrome. In this case, the fruit shells develop, chorionic gonadotropin is synthesized, but the embryo itself is missing. If you do a pregnancy test, the result will be positive. Among the main reasons affecting the occurrence of empty egg syndrome, doctors identify various chromosomal pathologies.

How often do the frasonal pregnancy diagnose?

According to statistics, each second woman has a pregnancy "freezes" and ends with a spontaneous abortion. This usually happens before the lady learns about his interesting position. The risk of developing this pathology after the test show a positive result is not more than 20%.

How to determine a frasonal pregnancy in the early stages?

The development and growth of the fetus over nine months depends on the set of factors. Sometimes a certain set of circumstances may entail the stop of this process and the death of the embryo. Symptoms of fading are very obvious, and medical diagnosis usually does not cause difficulties. The first in the early stages is the disappearance of a state that is characteristic of a woman in the position. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. A specialist in the results of ultrasound examination will be able to determine the presence or absence of pathology. After that, appropriate treatment is appointed.

Causes of pathology

Why does the pregnancy be pregnant? It is the question that women are asked who have already had to face this problem. Doctors allocate a number of factors that may affect the formation of the pathological process.

  1. Chromosomal and genetic anomalies. This is the most common cause of failed miscarriage. When the embryo inherits a pathological gene or an extra chromosome, a variety of defects appear in the development process. Most often, they are incompatible with life, so the fruit dies inside the womb. There is a natural selection rule. Nature itself decides that it is incorrect to produce a lack of incapable baby, therefore the pregnancy "stops". Genetic anomaly can also arise against smoking or alcoholic drinks.
  2. Infections. A huge role in the genesis of frozen pregnancy belongs to infectious diseases. They can be attributed to rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpetic infection. We should not leave the sexual disease and a banal cold. Especially dangerous infection in the first trimester. Infectious agents after penetration through the placenta affect the fruit. They can disturb the normal implantation and nutrition of the embryo. As a result, it turns out that pregnancy froze early.
  3. Disorders of the hormonal background. The deficit of the main hormone of pregnancy progesterone can serve as one of the causes of fading.
  4. Autoimmune pathology. In such diseases of the mother's body, antibodies begin to produce. They are not struggling with alien elements, but with their own cells. It is known that the embryo inherits about 50% of the Mother genes. As a result, the antibodies begin to kill the cells of the body of the fetus, which entails his death.
  5. Teratozoranmia. In a frozen pregnancy, the Father itself is to blame. Teratozoospermia usually determines men's infertility. If it is still possible to conceive a child, it is usually stopped in the initial stages. The teratozoospermia is the pathology of sperm, which is expressed in anomalous structure. It can manifest itself in the form of an irregular shape of the head, short tail or its inflection.
  6. Wrong lifestyle. On the occurrence of frozen pregnancy affects the nutrition of the future girlfriend, her mode of labor and recreation, the detrimental habits. Do not forget about possible adverse reactions after the use of drugs. Considerable importance belongs to the age of the woman. What it is older, the higher the probability of the appearance of pathology.

Above lists only the most common causes of actually there is a great set. In each case, only a doctor can determine what caused pregnancy to fade.

Signs of frozen pregnancy

Many women are concerned about how to recognize a frozen pregnancy early at home? All cunning of this state is that it often proceeds asymptomatic. From the moment of the death of the fetus, the miscarriage can pass several days, and sometimes weeks. What signs of frozen pregnancy in early time should pay special attention?

First of all, the woman disappears the symptoms characterizing the pregnancy: toxicosis, weakness, malaise. Nausea and vomiting disappear, intolerance of some odors. However, if the signs were weak, it is not worth paying attention to this parameter.

Lowering basal temperature is also a sign of fetal death. Such changes appear against the background of reducing the level of progesterone, since it is this hormone that is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. Basal temperature is recommended to measure in the morning clock in the rectum. Before and directly during measurements, several hours must be located without movements. The basal temperature at a frozen pregnancy in the early periods is usually reduced and does not exceed 37 degrees.

The softening of the breast can also indicate fetal fret. Since the conception of the baby in women almost immediately swell and become painful dairy glands. After his death, breasts relaxes, but immediately panicing is not worth it. According to the testimony of many women, for all nine months of pregnancy, the chest can strain and relax several times. Doctors explain this fact hormonal restructuring.

The pulling pain in the lower zone of the abdomen and the bleeding rarely sign about this pathology. This is its main difference from independent miscarriage. In any case, when the selection or sense of discomfort is found to the gynecologist.

The listed features do not always testify to fetal fetus. They can meet with normal pregnancy. If you have the above symptoms of frozen pregnancy in early terms, it is recommended to seek your doctor for help to clarify the diagnosis.

Medical diagnosis

Confirm or refute the diagnosis of "Measuring Pregnancy" can only a specialist after the relevant survey. The first stage is an ultrasound study. Using the ultrasound, you can check the viability of the embryo and determine its exemplary sizes. The doctor also measures the degree of increasing the uterus, the thickness of the chorion. If the survey results are doubtful, the specialist appoints a repeated visit in 12 days. It should be noted that the quality of the equipment plays an important role in obtaining reliable and most informative data. Sometimes old devices for ultrasound can "not notice" the presence of heartbeat from the fetus, which entails incorrect diagnosis.

Then the woman is prescribed blood test on beta-hCG. When measuring pregnancy in early terms, there is a decrease in this indicator, which indicates a gradual increase in the content of this hormone in the blood.

Treatment of failed miscarriage

With suspected of a failed miscarriage, a woman is hospitalized. If the pregnancy froze at an early term, all the efforts of doctors should be directed not to preserve the fetus, but to restore the health of a woman.

After carrying out a full examination (ultrasound, HCG) appointed evacuation of the fetal egg. If the embryo is dead no more than 14 days, doctors resort to expectant tactics. Another indication is the absence of signs of spontaneous abortion and infection of the uterus. The hormone level in the early time gradually decreases. The uterus begins to shrink and push the fruit egg.

However, the most often doctors resort to surgical intervention. A fetal egg and his shell are removed by scraping. On a period of up to 7 weeks, a drug abortion is usually used. After surgery, hysteroscopy is necessarily assigned. In the postoperative period, women prescribe antibacterial agents for the prevention of endometritis and chorionnionitis.

Recovery period

After identifying the cause of the pregnancy and the course of treatment, a woman needs to restore forces. For this, no more than six months is required. During this period, a healthy lifestyle should be adhered to and be sure to use contraceptive means. Some women require a psychologist's consultation. A specialist helps to overcome all fears regarding future pregnancy planning.

What are the tests after the failed miscarriage?

Before you conceive a child after making pregnancy, doctors recommend to pass the following tests:

  • vagina smear on STDs;
  • ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs;
  • blood test for estimating the level of progesterone and estrogen;
  • histological study of the biological material of the uterus.

If a frozen pregnancy has been diagnosed several times, both partners need to undergo genetic compatibility testing. If the results of the analyzes do not show serious violations, you can think about conception.

Prevention of frozen pregnancy

To prevent the repetition of such a situation, doctors recommend complying with certain prevention measures before conception. In the presence of infections that are transmitted directly by sexually, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment. If you in childhood did not break up a rubella or windmill, all vaccinations should be done before conception. This is especially true of those women whose work is related to children.

The symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines inspire the fear of many representatives of the fair sex. In order not to encounter the manifestations of this pathology, doctors recommend adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat rationally. In addition, it is necessary to abandon the detrimental habits, more time to devote physical activity.

Let's summarize

Find out that the pregnancy froze at an early term, maybe absolutely any woman. This pathology is not always indicative of pathological violations in the work of the body, but the survey is still worth it. According to his results, the doctor may assign the necessary treatment and give useful recommendations.

Meal pregnancy is the death of the fetus in the mother's body. The embryo ceases to develop, after which the miscarriage occurs. The formation of an empty fruit egg, in which there is no embryo, is also included in the concept of "frozen pregnancy".

Signs of frozen pregnancy in the early stages - a reason for urgent appeal to the gynecologist. Most often, the fruit dies in the first two months. According to statistics, in a similar way, up to 15% of pregnancies ends.

Measuring Pregnancy: Causes

Sudden death of the embryo can lead a variety of reasons, many of which are associated with the lifestyle of the mother.

Hormonal failures

If the body after conception lacks women's hormones (estrogen and progesterone) or the level of male hormones is increased, the pregnancy will be broken.

This reason for planning a child is warned by clarifying hormonal status.

Genetic violations

With severe chromosomal disorders, the fruit is not visceptable in the early stages, because of which he dies. This is the most common cause of pregnancy fading - it takes place in 70% of cases.

If the problem is repeated after the next conception is a reason for a genetic examination of the pair.


The most dangerous drug infectious diseases doctors are denoted by abbreviation. It includes:

  1. Toxoplasmosis (t)- disease transmitted through animals.
  2. General with partner venereal and other diseases (O) -, Paravirus B19, Ureaplasmosis ,.
  3. (R) - viral disease, non-hazardous for the main categories of the population, but representing a threat to pregnant women.
  4. Cytomegalovirus (C)- Fruit infection with this virus is one of the most common causes of his death.
  5. (H).

The risk of developing infections is increasing due to the fact that during pregnancy, the immunities of women for natural reasons weakened.

Antiphospholipid syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome refers to immunological disorders. In the capillaries of the body of the mother and placental vessels due to blood folding arise.

As a result, oxygen and nutrients do not come to the embryos.

Most often, the violation takes place on the sixth week.


A number of drugs used to treat bacterial infections during pregnancy are prohibited due to toxic and mutagenic effects:

  • Tetracycline and analogues;
  • Biseptol;
  • Levomycetin and medicines based on it;
  • Furagin and analogues;
  • Ciprolets and analogues;
  • Dioxidine.

Other factors

The risk of pregnancy fading increases after 35 years. The problem may occur in women who previously made abortions. This procedure is associated with the scattering of the walls of the uterus.

If the embryo attached to the damaged place, the placenta may not develop properly.

Other gynecological risk factors:, availability of adhesions in the uterus, the features of its anatomical structure.

If a woman uses alcohol, lives in an ecologically unfavorable region, wears tight clothes, rarely happens in the fresh air, it doesn't eat incorrectly and for a long time in a sitting position - all this also contributes to the death of the fetus.

Another common cause of frozen pregnancy is.

Measuring pregnancy at an early term: symptoms

Oddly enough, the first disturbing feature refers to the improvement of the condition of a pregnant woman if she was observed before that. Subjective sensations, such as the cessation of nausea and drowsiness, mitigation of the mammary glands, the normalization of taste and olfactory impressions, cannot be completely reliable.

They are found in the normal development of pregnancy.

More reasons to believe that there is a frozen pregnancy, if the signs in the first trimester are as follows:

  1. Pain in the bottom of the belly of a pulling or grapple-shaped character.
  2. Mozhovy bloody discharge from the vagina - a sign of retraction of pregnancy.
  3. Deterioration of the condition, weakness.
  4. Increased temperature, chills.

The motels of the fetus in the early stages are usually not felt. In a later date, their sharp cessation is also the basis for anxiety.

Early diagnostics

To accurately establish the fetal death only after surveys.

The gynecologist already during inspection may notice the inconsistency of the size of the uterus.

If the baby was large enough, listen to his heartbeat. Assign that allows you to establish the absence of the dynamics of the embryo development.

Other possible tests:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound thyroid gland;

Treatment and rehabilitation

After the frozen pregnancy was diagnosed, the doctors often prefer to wait until the body himself displays a fret bubble with the dead germs.

In other cases, drugs are used to stimulate the miscarriage (up to 8 weeks). Conduct vacuum aspiration or scrape the uterine cavity to prevent mothers toxic substances from entering the fetal egg decomposition.

In the future, polyvitamins and preparations for nerve calm can be appointed.

Of great importance is the psychological rehabilitation of women and support from her husband and close relatives. Loss of a child is a severe shock that can cause a long depression.

Measuring Pregnancy: Consequences

If the deceased fruit was not removed from the uterus on time, it can naturally fastened in it.

Such processes are called maceration or mummification and subsequently able to provoke serious diseases.

This happens mainly with those women who do not attend the gynecologist.

Also as a result of a frozen pregnancy, the mucous membrane of the uterus can inflave. This disease () is the cause of infertility.

In 90% of cases, the next pregnancy after the frozen turns out to be successful and ends with the birth of a child. However, earlier than six months, it is impossible to resume conception.

Video: signs of frozen pregnancy in early time