Dark red hair color of the girl. Staining with chemical dyes. General information about red hair color

Sometimes the gray days are depressing. The same clothes, the same type of hairstyle, a similar hair color flashes around. I want variety, bright colors, an explosion of emotions. Changing your appearance will help freshen up reality. If you choose a red hair color for this, then the program can be considered completed. The main thing is to pay attention to the correct shade. After all, the fiery scale is diverse.

Color features

In fact, the red color of curls by nature is a mutation. The composition of the pigments inside the hairs completely changes. Red phaeomelanin becomes predominant, which is observed in a rather limited amount in most people.

Natural bright red hair is extremely rare. This circumstance allows us to call the phenomenon unique. Owners of redheads invariably attract attention. The appearance becomes noticeable, accentuated. That is why, in an effort to stand out, the owners of pale curls paint their hair in bright colors.

The main advantage and disadvantage of red hair color is extraordinary visibility. Having repainted your hair, it is simply impossible to remain "in the shade". In some cases, this is good news. Women "bathe" in the attention of men, admire their attractiveness. But sometimes it gets boring.

Red hair color is always in trend. After all, it is unusual, bright, fresh. Just picking up fiery tones is not easy. Gamma is difficult and insidious, not for everyone. The wrong choice can completely negate the existing advantages of appearance. Even a beautiful woman can lose her attractiveness.

How to choose a shade

There is often a doubt: "Will the intense brightness suit me?" The natural color type of red-haired beauties is autumn. They have fair skin, green, brown, gray eyes. For such an appearance, it is allowed to select all the options for the colors of the fiery scale. The whole gamut will suit them. For owners of a yellowish, olive skin color, choosing a suitable reddish tone is not so difficult. It is permissible to paint in most of the existing options.

Girls of the spring color type are encouraged to try pale versions of red. It is permissible for summer beauties to "try on" the dark tones of the fiery palette. The question arises: "Who does not suit the colors of the palette?" Owners of too cold, "Nordic" look should not be risked. A bright provocation will ruin the frosty type.

Gender, age, hairstyle format do not matter when choosing a red tone. The fiery glow does not add age. Warm, bright shades, on the contrary, refresh, give enthusiasm. Most often, women make a deliberate choice in favor of a redhead. For a man's appearance, a bright gamut does not harm, but they dye their hair in fiery tones of a unit. More often, young guys make such a change in appearance.

Note! Redhead looks equally good on short and long hairstyles, voluminous curls or strict symmetry. The main thing is to choose the right shade.

Variety of palette

There are many options for a redhead. They use a variety of colors: from intense fiery to a mixture with a pinkish bias. In 2018, natural caramel and rich copper colors are considered fashionable. You can decide on the choice, guided by the type of appearance.

A natural redhead is considered universal. The tone is suitable in most cases, gives the image brightness and tenderness at the same time. Only the popularity of a natural shade with an independent choice is small. More often they prefer the equivalent noble amber.

For persons with fair skin and eyes, painting in discreet redhead options is suitable. The tones are more like blond with golden notes (light caramel blond, honey). Such options look gentle and soft. This is a great solution for young ladies who do not accept excessive brightness.

Red-haired blonde looks fresh and neutral at the same time. With this color, the appearance changes noticeably, but does not become rebellious, as is the case with overly bright colors. Holders of a cold color type are recommended to choose ginger, red with an ash sheen. Metallic notes will make the appearance harmonious, pacify the brightness.

Green-eyed with fair skin can "try on" copper, chestnut. For dark-skinned people, a fiery, rusty, chocolate, dark reddish-brown shade is more suitable. These tones are rich, charming, perfectly emphasize the winter color type of appearance.

For bold, self-confident natures, you should try ultra bright colors - orange, apricot, carrot, orange. The options are ideal for fair-skinned owners of brown, green eyes. Such experiments are contraindicated for blue-eyed people. It is permissible for dark-skinned people to pay attention to the red range (paprika, mahogany).

Home dyeing

At home, you can achieve redheads by toning, staining with persistent dyes, using folk recipes. The use of tint products is suitable for those who have a base color that is less intense than the chosen option. Shampoos, balms, tonics will quickly and effectively help you get a bright look.

Attention! The lighter the shade on the hair, the more intense the color can be. Do not forget about this when choosing an option.

To create a red-haired mood, in addition to the widespread product Rocolor called "Tonic", among unstable dyes choose:

  • Estel (Solo Ton);
  • Schwarzkopf (Igora Expert);
  • L "OREAL (Colorista Washout);
  • Wella (Color Recharge).

The color obtained with the help of tint means lasts 1-4 weeks. The frequency of washing the hair reduces the duration of the effect. Dye rinses off faster from naturally light hair.

For a more lasting result, you need to use permanent formulations based on ammonia. Such paints will change color not only on light brown hair, but also on rather dark hair. To get the desired shade of light tones on black strands, you will first have to desaturate them. For the transition from dark to rich palette options, there are special tools. For persistent staining in red tones, popular means are:

  • L "OREAL (Excellence Creme, Preference);

The selection of tones is approached with caution. The redhead is often actually brighter than expected. Especially if initially the hair is light-colored. Persistent dyes will last 4-8 weeks on the hair. Gradually, the curls fade, the roots grow back: the hairstyle requires correction.

With the help of folk remedies, it is easiest to stain red with henna. A substance of natural origin takes good care of the hair, gives juicy, persistent shades. It is enough to dilute the powder with water, apply it to the strands, like a usual paint, withstand the specified time, rinse. Henna will give excessively bright tones to light curls, the dye is poorly washed out. This should be taken into account when experimenting for the first time. To achieve an exceptionally reddish sheen, it is sufficient to reduce the holding time of the composition.

To obtain different shades, henna staining involves changing the basic recipe. Other products are added to the composition:

  • cloves will enhance, saturate the brightness;
  • beet juice, cocoa will add purple-reddish notes;
  • strong black tea, wine will create copper overflows;
  • kefir will enhance the depth, color intensity;
  • ground coffee beans will create a darker version of a ginger;
  • chamomile infusion will lighten the shade, create a beautiful shine.

To obtain more moderate shades of red, it is enough to use rinsing or a mask with cinnamon, oak bark, onion peel. The curls will receive a beautiful golden shine. With cinnamon products, dark hair is lightened a little for a reddish-brown shine.

Partial staining

To obtain a beautiful effect (overflow, shine, color stretching), it is enough to use a complex staining technique. Highlights, ombre, balayage will create a gorgeous result.

Partial staining can be performed on a red or dark base. One or more additional tones are added to the existing shade, skillfully creating a masterpiece. The resulting appearance is perceived naturally, the image looks organic. The smears are distributed chaotically, but considerable experience is required to obtain a decent result. When assessing the appearance, they decide to process only the ends or distribute the strokes evenly over the hair.

It is permissible to add a pale redhead (golden, caramel, honey) to a light base. As a result of coloring, the hairstyle will acquire a glare shimmer. A hairstyle with a light red ombre looks unusual. It is permissible to paint bright only the ends. A clear transition of colors requires careful attention to the selection of shades.

Advice. To perform staining, it is better to contact an experienced master in the salon. Home experiments are rarely successful.

Cost of procedures

The cost of staining depends on the professionalism of the master, the length, density of the hair. The price for using 1 shade and creating a complex scheme will be different. Burning brunettes will need to pre-discolor to get a light redhead. This will increase costs. Perhaps the condition of the hair does not allow for urgent coloring. We'll have to undergo a course of recovery procedures. This is also an additional cost.

The average price of a simple manipulation is 1–3 thousand rubles. Complex procedures cost at least 4-5 thousand rubles.

The intensity of care depends on the condition of the hair after staining. Usually, giving red shades does not cause significant damage to the curls. Requires standard moisture, nourishment of the strands. For cleansing, it is recommended to use products designed for colored hair. They will preserve the intensity of the artificial shade, provide the curls with the necessary care.

The main problem with reddish hair is the rapid loss of color brightness. The result must be carefully maintained. When using masks, you will have to pay attention to their composition. Many folk remedies tend to lighten hair. Additionally, the hair will have to be protected from the sun, chlorinated, salt water.

A catchy redhead is the right solution for those who want to stand out. Creating an optimal look will require a balanced approach to the choice of color. A radical change in the image will require a complete revision of the style in makeup and clothing.

Useful videos

Hair coloring in a red color with a copper tint. Stretching color.

Red is perfect for girls with matte white skin. Swarthy beauties can also choose tones with a reddish pigment, but it is better to give preference to darker options: caramel, chestnut and cinnamon.

Red shades with green and brown eyes look good. This combination is often given by nature, therefore it looks natural, harmonious and natural.

Light red tones are suitable for blue-eyed girls.

The bright color draws attention to the hair, so it should be well-groomed, smooth and soft. Split ends and breakage with red paint will become even more noticeable.

Red hair color allows you to experiment with makeup.

In general, almost any girl can dye her hair red. The main thing is to choose the right shade and follow all the dyeing rules. And remember that red pigment will drastically change your appearance, so go to the hairdresser only when you are completely sure of your decision.

The nuances of staining in red color

When dyeing red, remember the important points:

  • to maintain the brightness of the pigment, you will have to use special care products;
  • it will be possible to change color without radical damage to the hair not earlier than in a month and a half;
  • choose an eyebrow color a couple of shades darker than your hair;
  • dyeing gray hair can give unpredictable results;
  • red color will accentuate freckles and redness, make them more noticeable.

Dyeing your hair a shade of red that is darker than your natural hair color is not that difficult. But getting a light golden color for brunettes will not be easy. This will require several trips to beauty salons. To find the right shade, first try using hair toners that rinse off quickly. So you will understand exactly whether the tone suits you or not, after which you can decide on a radical coloring.

Bright red shades look good only on well-groomed hair.

Gray hair without pigment can be dyed red only in salons, trusting experienced professionals. In addition, a bright shade will draw attention to skin imperfections, wrinkles around the eyes, age spots.

Older women are better off choosing a neutral color.

Shades of red

The palette of red shades is very wide. A woman of any age and type of appearance can choose a color suitable for her style.

Copper tones

The classic color takes on a new vision thanks to modern staining techniques. The color scheme allows the strands to shine in the sun. Hairdressers will help you choose the right color depth, brightness and contrast. The shade suits any color type. The soft features of the face will emphasize the light copper, deeper options look good in combination with a contrasting appearance.

Fiery shade

A bright and bold option is suitable for young girls who are not afraid to experiment. It looks good on short and creative haircuts and will accentuate the golden skin tone. But a very strong tan in this case will look bad. This shade is best for girls of a light, warm and contrasting type of appearance.

Golden color

A well-chosen golden hue will create a romantic and feminine look. The color suits graceful and fragile girls with fair skin. It will shade blue and light brown, amber eyes. For women with large and sharp facial features, it is better to refuse this color.

Caramel tone

Neutral and original version at the same time. It attracts attention, but does not create too bright, catchy impression, therefore it is successful for any age. The universal shade is combined with any color type and looks good with coloring or delicate highlighting.


The reddish pigment in this color is barely visible and appears in the light. The shade looks expensive, rich and noble. It is suitable for mature women who want to demonstrate their elegance and good taste.

Saturated redhead

Red, ruby, cherry, orange, fiery red shades look bright and stylish. However, only a good stylist should dye your hair in such colors, otherwise you can get a vulgar and cheap tone. The colors are suitable for a contrasting color type, but for girls with a soft appearance, it is better to be careful with the original shades.


Another soft and elegant option for girls with peach skin. He will successfully shade brown eyes, making them bright and radiant. Warm chestnut can shimmer with nutty, caramel, honey tones. This color looks good at any age.

The reddish undertone may be almost invisible on brown hair, but it will show up in the sun.

How to find the right shade

When choosing a color, you should focus on the features of your appearance. Red does not suit everyone, but you can still choose the most suitable shade. The main thing is that it matches your skin type, facial features, eye color and general style.

The first criterion for choosing a color for hair dye is skin tone. Girls with a pinkish undertone can choose almost any shade of red. Golden options, copper and chestnut options are suitable for them. Swarthy girls with olive skin should abandon light tones and give preference to shades of cinnamon or golden chestnut options.

For very dark skin or bright tan, choose rich, vibrant shades with a strong red tint. And for girls with pale, porcelain-transparent skin, light colors are suitable, which will be difficult to distinguish from natural ones.

The second item is eye color. The color of the hair will also affect the color of the iris, it will look different. In addition to the classic combination with green eyes, red will suit brown eyes. Gray shades are combined with copper hair worse, in this case you will have to experiment with the color. Natural options work best.

When dyeing your hair, it is important to take into account its natural color. The pigment will appear differently on different shades. If the hair is naturally dark, wine, cherry, dark shades will fit well on them. If you want a bright red or golden tone, you will first have to lighten your hair, which will have a very negative effect on its condition, appearance and health.

Strands of different shades of red will make the look especially bright and stylish.

Light brown and blonde hair can be dyed in golden, brown, amber shades. Cinnamon and other dark tones will also look good, but if the result is not satisfactory, it will be very difficult to return the previous color.

How to care for red-colored hair

  • Prepare your hair for coloring. Start applying nourishing hair masks, special balms and conditioners a month before your procedure. Hair will become manageable and less brittle. The color holds better on healthy hair. For the same reason, refrain from drying with a hot hairdryer, curling with tongs, straightening with an iron, or styling with alcohol-based products for two weeks before staining.
  • After shampooing, rinse dyed hair with cool herbal decoctions. This will give the hair extra vitality.
  • If you dye your hair yourself, at home, try to distribute the dye evenly. Ask for help if you can't paint over the back of the head.
  • Use special color fixers. They will help to maintain the shade even with frequent shampooing.
  • Do not wash your hair earlier than two days after dyeing. During this time, the pigment is completely absorbed into the hair, fixed on them and will not be washed off with shampoo.
  • Buy special shampoos and conditioners for colored hair. They cleanse the hair more delicately, do not penetrate deep into the hair, close the scales and smooth the structure. Even more effective are products designed for red hair. They retain pigment and color brightness for a long time.

Make homemade masks and balms to moisturize and nourish your hair. Also, avoid going to the pools for a month after dyeing. Bleach has a negative effect on the pigment and condition of hair, which is already damaged by dyes. Protect strands from the negative effects of sunlight with special sprays and other products.

Only 2% of people worldwide are born with natural red hair. The intriguing appeal of rare shades, from fiery red to delicate ginger and strawberry, has won the hearts of millions of women. The beauty industry is ready to offer many options for what color to dye your red hair, so the choice is yours.

Staining techniques

Experienced craftsmen will list more than a dozen different methods of coloring, focusing on your needs and previous experience with changing color. The salon often offers fashionable techniques - balayage, ombre, highlighting and their variants.

However, it is really possible to pick up a good dye in a large store, and sooner or later you will have to do home coloring, especially when it comes to maintaining your favorite shade. Therefore, you need to know a few simple facts about procedures that can be performed both at home and in a beauty salon.


The lightening of individual strands, so beloved by American pop divas, has become fashionable in the last century. Now we are seeing more and more different options for layouts, patterns of strands.

Highlighting on red hair photo:

Varieties of highlighting:

  • White - covers both wide and small strands. Lightened curls look spectacular on tones closer to a peach, pink shade.
  • Small - creates the effect of natural mixing of natural shades, as if the color changes from strand to strand, which is found in life. For this, small strands are selected, with rare alternation.

Highlighting on dyed hair is nothing more than a transformation of an existing image. Changes can be very pronounced when the red hair color with highlighting is done along the entire length, or be in addition to the basic tone (lightening of individual parts - bangs, roots, etc.).

Ombre and sombre

The beautiful French word "ombre" is the name given to gradient coloring, it is also known as "gradient" or "degrade". This technique is a smooth transition from one color to another that looks aesthetically pleasing.

Sombre (soft + ombre, soft coloring) includes a transition to a color that differs by 1-2 tones. An insignificant difference can "refine" the look, or make it less boring.

  • Isn't it easier to do a gradient painting (ombre)?

Ombre painting is a work with the entire length, the effect of such manipulations is very noticeable. Creating a transition is an equally responsible and painstaking part of the process. At the same time, ombre misses the work with volume and texture. If it is difficult to decide what suits you best - pay attention to the photos of the models. The finished image is clearer for both you and your master.

Video clip:

Red hair toning

The red pigment will always show itself, even when you would not really like it. Lightening, toning, and even more radical color change (transformation into or) sometimes give an unexpected result - and all thanks to the property of red paint. In order to transform the look, "shade" some strands from others, they resort to toning.

Hair dye, red shades, palette:

  • Cannot be distinguished from natural: golden-copper, yellow-red, wheat paint. The tones are named: light red, bright red, yellow red, golden, copper. They add a special sophistication to the owners of fair skin, natural freckles, non-standard facial pigmentation - too pale or "in Russian" ruddy. Notice how fresh and effective these types of looks look.

  • Dark with a touch of copper: Can range from auburn to coppery gold to coppery brown. Move in one of these three directions for a rich hue that nods to the bourgeois aesthetic. Ryzhina in this case will have an unobtrusive character, present in the guise of dark metal, bringing with it elegance and love of good manners.

  • Designed to be part of the experiment: Beaujolais, Eggplant, Rosewood and Pink Cherry. These are unusual independent colors. As the main color, they will not make you the usual "redhead" and will distract attention to themselves. It is important that in conjunction with the techniques described above (highlighting, balayazh), such a palette can be composite to create an individual and sometimes completely insane image! The spectrum of reds at the intersection with blue (violet) appears more subdued against the light pink cherry tree.

  • Soft and romantic: caramel, wheat blonde + henna, wet sand and vanilla wood. They are "on the light side" of the palette and are closely friends with yellow, white and pink flowers. Dazzlingly beautiful in transitions and in a row coloring, these colors will give a truly gentle and sublime feeling.

  • Favorite jewelry: amber and ruby. Far from the "screaming" redheads, these shades will tell you in a new way how to become a truly vibrant woman. Classic natural combinations as a monocolor will become the core of a "long-lasting" look!

  • The warmth of an autumn afternoon: crimson, chestnut and ginger. This part of the palette picks up a rather bright "crimson" interpretation of red, known for the poetic lines of our writers. The noble chestnut is versatile both for the transition to red and as a base for the transition. Ginger resembles a variation of wheat or light blond, but we will classify it in the triad of these particular colors, thanks to innumerable examples of how calm or bright it can be, depending on the exact tone.

How to match the color?

The types of "spring girl", "cold beauty" and "vamp women" are probably out of date, and you should not be guided by these frames. But to pay attention to eye color and age characteristics is a must!

Red hair color and brown eyes photo:

  • Brown is closer to yellow or brown - there is definitely something southern about such a person! Even not being a native of the coast, a woman with such eyes reminds of the sea, radiates energy and inner warmth. Amber and copper shades are especially suitable for her.
  • Black brown is a case when fiery red and deep red compete for attention with bright eyes and create an image "in contrast". All kinds of shiny scarlet, natural henna derivatives and flawless ruby ​​accentuate the pronounced oriental features.
  • Do blue, green and gray eyes look with red hair? Of course, because genetically red-haired people are most often with light eyes. True, in the choice of paint, they need to be careful - there is a great chance to make their hairstyle brighter than everything else.

Dyeing red hair in two colors organically fits into any appearance, the main thing is to choose matching tones. Examples with a classic fiery red and cold palette, persistent copper and caramel tones are surprising.


For most of us, the color of the hairstyle is a kind of "trigger" when we remember and recreate the image of familiar people or models from the cover. And only in the last place do we notice other details. Therefore, it is important that you have a good understanding of which color is right for you.

Red hair has a mysterious power in itself, which has the ability to attract the eye, fascinate, excite. Previously, this color was associated with magic. Many years have passed since that time, and red strands still carry a secret and something unknown.

If you decide to change your natural hair color to red, you should look at the photo of red hair colors to choose a shade. Be sure that from a wide variety of ginger colors you will find the one that suits you best.

Natural redhead

Best for girls with white hair color. It will help to highlight tenderness and brightness in the lady.


Well suited when you want to change something in yourself, but do not have enough determination for drastic changes.

This shade will definitely catch your eye and will go well with green, gray or blue eyes.

Light red

With this color, you will rather look like a blonde with a slight yellowish tint.

If you have white skin and do not like a lot of attention to yourself, choose these shades of red hair colors. They will look light and gentle.


Very visible and filled with colors. A girl with a dark red hair color personifies a mysterious secret that any man would want to know.

This shade should be chosen by ladies with dark hair.

Bright red

Having chosen this color, you should understand that charmed looks are provided for you. With such a shade, the girl will definitely be noticeable in the crowd.

But here you need to be careful, because such hair is not suitable for everyone.

For example, bright red hair won't go well with blue eyes. But with green, brown and black - just right.

Ginger red

This pretty cool color will show that you are a flirty touch-up.

This shade is very easy to use, as its original color is the easiest to maintain.

Intensely red-red

For women who are not lazy to follow and take care of themselves. A selection of brave girls under constant scrutiny.

When betting on this color, you need to know that it will highlight imperfections on the skin. Therefore, they should not be.

Adverse factors for red hair

Having decided to dye your hair red, you must be sure that you have no "contraindications" to this.

Therefore, consider what these include:

  • gray hair. Dyeing hair that has lost its natural color is fraught with the fact that redhead may not work. In any case, in order to achieve the desired result, you should not take on the staining yourself. Better to use the services of a professional;
  • various imperfections on the skin. For example, bright colors highlight mimic wrinkles, which will give away your age. Also, a red color will highlight different pigmentation on the skin;
  • dry and damaged hair. Having painted them, you will quickly become disappointed. The hair will have to be constantly tinted, since the red tint in the paint does not hold well on such hair.

If you have decided to purchase a red hair color, it is better to use them:

  • when choosing a color, use foams or tinting paints. They are easy to wash off with an unsuccessful shade;
  • best of all, red hair dye will lie on light colors. Therefore, before painting, the strands need to be illuminated;
  • the paint should be without ammonia, since you will have to dye your hair more often than usual, because the red color is washed off faster.

Care for red hair

Now you know who is looking for red hair and how to choose shades, and who is better off not using it. It remains to figure out how to care for bright hair.

The reddish color of the strands must be maintained and kept bright. For these purposes, you should use products for colored hair. In their composition, the presence of such components as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium is not allowed.

Use masks with chamomile, cinnamon, pomegranate and cherry extracts. They will help keep your hair bright and shiny.

Do not forget that the red color quickly fades in the sun. Therefore, on a hot sunny day, it is better to hide your hair under a scarf or panama.

If you are not embarrassed by these little complications when using a red color, then you should definitely try it. The flamboyant appearance and the attention of others are worth it.

Photo of red hair

The owner of red hair is difficult to confuse with someone - the girl seems very bright against the background of a gray crowd. According to legend, the first wife of Adam, Lilith, the Lord created from red clay and endowed the girl with bright fiery hair. But her husband's relationship with her did not work out - her wife came out of her very wayward. Only after that did the Almighty decide to make Eve out of Adam's rib. From Jewish mythology, such legends migrated to European folklore, and the red-haired woman became a symbol of an insidious seducer, a witch. In the Middle Ages, girls with fiery hair were forced to hide it if they lived in Europe - the superstition was so great that they burned them at the stake for red hair.

There are few girls with the gene for red hair nowadays. Most of the owners of such a head of hair are dyed, but how do you know that this color really suits you?

Who is dyed red hair for?

  1. There is an opinion among the people that people with red hair have a perky, if not absurd character, which is partly true. The red color is able to emphasize the bright temperament of a person, his inner openness and gaiety.
  2. The choice of shade of red depends on the skin tone. Probably, every girl understands that fiery hair will look rather strange against the background of a bronze tan, but a little dark skin is quite suitable. Any shade is suitable for the fair sex with pinkish skin, they can use both light dye and auburn hair color. Golden chestnut red goes well with olive skin, and reddish colors are suitable for swarthy girls.
  3. Also focus on eye color: chestnut, gray, green and blue colors are well suited to brown eyes, combined with bright, natural red and its shades: peach, sand, etc.
  4. The shade of the dyed color is determined by the hair's own color. Dark colors, if they are not spoiled at first by lightening, are well repainted in dark red, wine tones. Blondes can choose any color from the ginger palette, while fair-haired girls can easily choose from those that are darker than their natural shade.

Who won't wear red hair?

  1. Red hair dye emphasizes the face, makes it stand out, so if you have mimic wrinkles, it is better not to use red color - it draws attention to skin imperfections.
  2. The redhead also lays down on gray hair incorrectly, modifying the previously conceived shade. If you decide to paint gray hair, contact a professional colorist, otherwise you risk unpleasantly surprised when you see a new shade of hair.
  3. As paradoxical as it may sound, the redhead does not go well with age spots and freckles, highlighting them on the face. If naturally redheads have freckles that look organic and very cute, then when painting such things can seem rather strange.

Henna or paint?

This dispute has not been resolved for a long time. Paints, of course, are different: from tint shampoos, which gently make the hair "reddish" in several tones, to persistent bright colors that negatively affect the hair structure. In this case, the natural dye clearly wins: henna lays down softly on natural hair, lasts a long time and gives exactly a bright red color. The key word is natural, on dyed hair, henna can give completely unexpected effects, up to a green tint when interacting with some components of the dye. The main disadvantage is the time of action: on light brown hair, henna must be kept for 40 minutes, on dark hair - from 2 to 8 hours. The procedure needs to be repeated with some regularity, but since henna does not spoil the hair, this does not cause big problems.

If you are doing professional painting, opt for paint. If at home you run the risk of making your hair weaker, then a professional hairdresser will not make such a mistake. In addition, there are persistent paint options that last much longer than henna.

Choosing hair dye

There are 3 types of paint:

  1. Coloring products like tinted shampoos. They are quickly washed off, only slightly change the shade.
  2. Semi-permanent dyes - last up to 2 months, do not destroy the hair structure.
  3. Resistant paints - for radical color changes or masking gray hair. They affect the structure of the hair, making it thinner. Nevertheless, they last longer than other types, there is only a need for tinting.

When choosing a paint, look at its ingredients.

The fewer chemicals it contains, the better. Of course, there is no absolutely neutral paint, there must necessarily be an active substance like hydrogen peroxide to wash out the natural pigment, but still, the lower its concentration, the less harmful the hair dye is.

The style gained popularity in the 2000s. It looks new, fashionable, extravagant. The ombre consists in the fact that at the roots the hair is dyed in a dark color, and the ends in a light shade. The same effect can be obtained with light brown hair, if in the summer you actively sunbathe on the beach for a girl with a dark blonde shade of hair - the hair burns out, and when it grows back, the roots are already dark.

Ombre on red hair looks elegant when red is used as a transitional shade, that is, they are brown at the roots, red in the middle, and light red or blonde at the ends, depending on the desired smoothness of the transition. Of course, you can put red as the darkest shade, but then the hairstyle will look pale, and if you paint the ends, the hair will seem too dark.

Ombre looks good on wavy hair when the transition is smoother. On a straight head of hair, it is extremely difficult to make a "flow" of a shade from a shade, especially if you make an even transition.

Dyeing red hair in the style of bronding

- this is the same highlighting, but when dyeing, the strands do not start from the top of the head, but with some indentation, which has its own plus: the hair does not need to be tinted during regrowth.

Bronding will suit girls with a light red tint, the introduction of darker strands will give the hair more volume.

You can also use fade to blond, but this is more for owners of chestnut, dark red hair.

Hair coloring

Coloring is the coloring of individual strands in bright, contrasting colors. Redhead is no exception. You can use a regular bright red shade, or vary the colors, giving your appearance a more original look. For example, you can dye your hair red and blue or red and green. It looks trendy and bright on dark hair.

Nevertheless, drawing attention to oneself with dyed hair is considered a trait of adolescents. If you need to be taken seriously, don't try to stand out that way. As a last resort, you can dye several strands in front with a tint shampoo if you need to make your hair less pale, but it is not recommended to get carried away with coloring.


If you want to get a bright red color without ruining your hair, pay attention to elution. This procedure is considered the most gentle of the colorants, since it does not contain either H2O2 or ammonia. This technique is based on a physical effect on the hair. Penetrating inside, the paint not only effectively dyes it, but also heals, which has a positive effect on the shine and volume of the hair.

Before deciding on such a serious step as dyeing your hair, try dyeing your hair with crayons and see the result. Such funds do not last long, are easily washed off with shampoos, but they give a temporary bright effect, by which you can understand whether a given color suits you or not. Such a striking effect is well suited for festivals, celebrations in nature, rallies (very often "Protestants" dye their hair in the same way in the colors of the flag. Of course, there are those who use permanent dye, but most are limited to crayons). You should not come to work in this form, there are several reasons at once: crayons can crumble and smear, which will make your white shirt colored, but it is unlikely to give you joy; the effect is short-lived, literally in 4 hours the brightness will pass, and the paint will require updating.

Colored sprays

They act on the principle of crayons, but hold on much more. Sold in cans, which are enough for up to 4 hair colorings of medium length. Again, the effect is bright, but not suitable for constant “wearing”. Unlike crayons, the spray has a varnish base, and it is quite persistent, so they should be applied to dry, clean hair if you do not want the effect to be curls hanging down in oily strands. If you have fine hair that does not respond well to nail polishes, try to avoid colored sprays.

Care after staining

Any dyeing procedure worsens the condition of the hair (except, perhaps, elution), so special care is needed for them:

  1. Do moisturizers and. They contain oils that stimulate hair regeneration. Please note that they are superimposed not only along the entire length, but also at the roots, which need to be given special attention.
  2. Try to use less hair dryers, straighteners and curlers. Any changes in temperature will negatively affect the condition of the hair. For this reason, in summer and winter, try to cover your head with a hat or cap. If you have problems with styling your hair, use foam, use a straightener as a last resort.
  3. Some people ask if red hair can be washed often if it is dyed? The color is bright, so it washes out quickly. Try to wash your hair as little as possible.

Shades of red hair: photo

They will help you better understand what the red color is, photo. If you decide that you need red hair, the photos will help you decide on the shade and type of coloring.

Who is suitable for red hair: photos, tips was last modified: May 12th, 2016 by MaksimB