Interesting topics for conversation with a girl on the first date. Five beautiful and five terrible topics for conversation

However, this situation is not terrible. Pause in the conversation is natural, and it is useful to get used to the pressure of the escaped conversation. However, if silence comes too often, if it starts to last a little longer than it should, it is always useful to keep several landmarks in the mind. Here are five great topics for conversation. A little lower - five topics that may be better to avoid.

1. Your interlocutor

For many, a favorite topic for conversation is they themselves. Show interest in people and their hobbies. As Dale Carnegie said:

"You will acquire more friends in two months, interested in other people than would have acquired them in two years, trying to interest other people in themselves."

Find out what your interlocutor does in addition to work. That he truly loves, what is his passionate hobbies, causing him inspiration. Specify open questions so that it can not answer simply one-step. If, in response to open questions, you only receive inseparable soaps and uncertain answers, try specifying leading questions. And try to really listen, and not just wait for your turn to speak. To revive the conversation, focus on your interlocutor, and not for yourself.

Speak about what your interlocutor really likes.

As a rule, when you hear and see a person with a more passionate and passionate side, the conversation becomes lively and more pleasant than when you both speak only about the weather or work. And do not be afraid to get stuck in the listener mode. Most people will gladly respond and will manifest interest.

2. Your surroundings

In a conversation, it is easy to buy on something one. Look around. In your environment there will always be something interesting, which you can start a conversation. For example, at a party or dinner at someone at home it can be aquarium with fish, a collection of disks, books and movies on the shelves, whose interesting detail of the clothes and so on.

3. News and gossip

Survey the newspapers, almost always there is something interesting that you can raise in a conversation. Exciting or fun topics are always suitable. But death, misfortune and controversial issues are not always a good topic for conversation. In addition to news, you can always discuss gossip. A light conversation is often tied around them. Examples of such the topics there are the latest series "stay alive" or "escape", some important and hot news, interesting summer blockbusters or a new, bright group.

It may be useful to quickly view social bookmarking sites, like Digg and Reddit, to find some news that everything is now spoken and fashionable.

4. Like / Dislike

This is a classic. People always love to discuss what they like and do not like. Some examples:

Favorite songs / albums.
Favorite movies / TV show.
The smallest sweetness / food you had to try.
The best / worst organizer program.
The best / worst vacation in your life.
Best / Worst Chief / Work / Colleague in your life.

5. Corresponding emotions and impressions

Such a topic may seem a bit unclear. In some way, this is another way to look at the above themes. However, it seems to me that this is a useful prospect, and it must be kept in mind.

I mean that in the conversation you are sharing not facts. In fact, you share your impressions and emotions. The excitement and emotions that we all experience, regardless of our classes.

For example, you will learn that your interlocutor loves to travel, and ask: what do you like in travel so? He can answer that excitement when you open something new, something that has never seen before. Perhaps travels cause you the same feelings. So you can say something like: Yes, I understand, great when you are experiencing something fresh, absolutely new.

But you do not need to be an avid traveler to answer so. Perhaps you love books or films. And then you can say that every time you open a new author or a good movie, it's like a trip to a completely new and exciting world where you never know what to find.

So you can share similar emotions and impressions, even if you are insensitive people. You can seem to each other completely different, live by different lives, but often between you can find something in common.

Behind the conversation and communication costs several strong motives and needs. One of them is to raise your self-esteem. This can be done, for example, with the help of the first topic. Another need is to establish contact and exchange of information and emotions. It can be satisfied with the best topic.

Five potentially terrible topics for conversation

So what should be avoided? In fact, no. But some topics are suitable only for some conversations. For example, close friends or family. Some topics can be too stretched. You may need to limit the time you assigned to them in a conversation. When people appear a scattered look when their glance begins to wander around the room, and they stop listening, it's time to change the topic.

Do not suck pleasure and positive energy from conversation. Think before talking when the following topics come to your mind.

Diseases. No one wants to listen for too long about diseases and health problems. This is oppressing. And people as a rule do not want to think too much about such things: "Hmm, I wonder, and when I get sick, and what it will be." This can lead anyone to a sad and negative emotional state.

Your disgusting boss, work, etc. It is absolutely uninteresting to listen as someone nudit and a clisp on what he he has an unfair boss or what a stupid work he has. Complaints pretty quickly annoying to listen. Try to limit your complaints, and if you can, then stop them at all.

Your boring work. If your work is fascinating, the conversation about her may be interesting. If you feel about your work with enthusiasm and really love it, then the conversation can get exciting. If your job do not like too much or causes you boredom, try to limit the time you are talking about. If you like it, but it seems that people are not interested, or leave this topic, or tell about it differently. No one hunt for too long to listen to the conversation on the topic that they are not interested.

Few people interested hobbies and other similar topics. At all, do not climb into the debrist and do not spread too much about the essence of passion instead of telling what you like in it. Try to avoid professional jargon, abbreviations and details, understandable only to you and other fans. Try to tell simply and understandable. Try to apply the fifth theme - correlated emotions and experiences. Try to convey that you like it so much in your favorite cynology or ecology, instead of brings in the debris of facts and details.

Serial killers and other repulsive topics. With this everything is clear. As in the case of diseases, from a conversation about Jack, the maniacs and the like people can become very uncomfortable.

Acquaintance with new people is an integral part of our life. Some easily get acquainted, communicate and find common topics, and others overcome shyness and fear do not like or say nonsense. To avoid awkward situations, you can think in advance to the list of topics for the conversation.


To begin the fruitful communication with an unfamiliar person, you need a starting topic, which will then go to an interesting conversation.

There is a whole list of initial phrases:

  • How are you?
  • How was the day? What's new?
  • What is the purpose of you here?
  • What are your plans for the future?

Continue dialogue should be relying on the responses of the interlocutor.

If you are in the company of unfamiliar people, to prevent awkward silence, you need to ensure that all group members are involved in communication. It is necessary to interest them with general themes for an interesting conversation, as well as jokes, compliments, smiles.

An important rule is a limited number of questions in order to avoid the feeling of interrogation. Such behavior does not allow others to express their opinions, formulate the thought.

Being in the company or alone with the interlocutor, it is impossible to gloom in relation to a common friend, because Your words can be transferred to that man.


The topic for a conversation should be chosen according to the level of dating. With an unfamiliar person, find interesting ideas for communication are harder.

Often, the usual, neutral weather topics choose the dialogue. Such questions are unsuccessful and boring, so it is better to start a conversation with a sincere compliment. It is not worth talking about yourself if this was not asked, and even more so load the story with the names and surnames, because This makes it tedious and uninteresting.

An interesting topic for conversation is a discussion of the interior, the atmosphere of the place where you are. You can remember your favorite places, smoothly moving on the topic of travel. Memories brings closer, help create mental dialogues.

You can make friends with a person via the Internet, through popular websites VK and classmates or by phone. The main thing is to find interesting topics for conversation.

Important rules

To be a good interlocutor, you just need to let the opponent tell about yourself.

In the process of the story, your interest is needed, otherwise the dialogue will not work.

It is necessary to adhere to the rules:

  • Do not interrupt;
  • Answer questions and to ask them, so that the dialogue was a listener and talking, and he did not look like interrogation;
  • Watch the interlocutor into the eyes;
  • Do not express obscene, follow the tone of the voice, gestures and expression of your face. Stay yourself and do not adopt bad habits;
  • There are certain topics for an interesting conversation that should not be discussed with an unfamiliar person: politics, religion, as well as research and too smart topics. Without even noticing, you can offend a person, proving its point of view and the presence of high intelligence;
  • If a person does not know what to talk about, show the initiative and eliminate the awkward pause in communication;
  • It is impossible to tell people about what is unpleasant to listen;
  • It is not worth talking only about yourself and in detail to describe your routine of the day;
  • Neutral topics for conversation will not help if a person is not configured to communicate or once. In this case, it is better to leave it alone with you;
  • Often, in the process of communication, we are overcome by excitement and therefore we think that saying further, without listening to the story of the opponent. Sometimes questions on a completely different topic literally interrupt the conversation. It is better not to worry, but try to relax and listen carefully. Topics for conversation will appear.

List of successful topics

It has been proven that girls are easier to communicate than men, and therefore they are less thinking about how to find topics for conversation. Even if you begin to start a dialogue, you can use ordinary themes: ask about business, personal life, plans for the day, etc.

Usually there are pauses and awkward silence, which can be prevented using the following topics:

  • Love;
  • Neighbors;
  • Purchases;
  • Money;
  • Job;
  • Sex (with tactfulness);
  • Hobbies and hobbies.

In addition to presented common topics, there are even more than 100 unusual and interesting topics that can be divided into entire sections: serious topics (marriage, career, love, etc.), philosophical (about the universe, "Who lives in Russia", about Life and death, etc.), friendly, themes for couples in love, etc.

Often difficulties arise in communicating with the opposite sex. Finding common interesting topics for conversation with a girl or a guy is difficult.

The guys are more and more confident guys, so and faster the conversation with the opposite sex.

If you are a girl and you want to like the young man, you need to think over the themes in advance and adhere to the dates of certain rules of communication:

  • Open and honestly respond to the questions of the interlocutor, it has a partner.
  • Watch during the conversation right in the eye and do not hide the facial expressions so that the interlocutor understands that he really is listening.
  • The right to start the conversation to provide a guy, and during his story to ask leading questions, then the conversation and problems with the selection will not arise.
  • To learn as much as possible about the guy itself, about his interests, which will be the basis of the following topics in further meetings.
  • Long pauses need to be avoided. You can ask questions, interested in person. You can talk about books, travels, films, latest news, hobbies, sports.

These tips will help to close with a person and prepare the basis for future communication, but there are certain rules, which should not talk with a guy at the first meeting:

  • About relatives.
  • About your diseases, depressions.
  • About your existent relationship, criticize the former guys.
  • About failures.
  • On the complaints about life.
  • If the guy is silent, you do not need to constantly ask what he thinks about. Excessive obsessice encourages him to lie.

A conversation with a young man is very different from conversation with girlfriends and what seems interesting and important with them, for a guy may be empty chatter. Therefore, it is worth listening to him, then it turns out to be located to yourself.

The list of topics for an interesting conversation is not limited, but the main ones are those that directly relate to the interlocutor. Therefore, do not allow egoism in communication, show respect and trust and then do not notice how you run the clock and will become best friends!

Our life. How to make it fascinating and enjoyable? Due to various reasons, not all people can start, develop and maintain a natural conversation. Especially if you have to talk with an unfamiliar person or someone who you are in love. What to do? Output one - learn from the art of a relaxed conversation. This article contains the most interesting topics and ideas for discussion that will help to navigate in any situation and get the maximum pleasure from communicating with people.

Start talking

For many people, this is the most difficult part of the conversation. Not knowing what to say, they start internally panicing, embarrassing and pronounce phrases of the nepopad. To avoid this, first, calm down. Communication should be pleasure, and not torture. In addition, your interlocutor can be confused at no less and in the same way to try to come up with interesting topics for discussion.

The British argue that the best opportunity for the tying of a relaxed conversation is a discussion of the weather. It sounds trite, but in some cases it really helps to overcome the feeling of awkwardness. As an option - you can attract the attention of the interlocutor to something, occurring near or outside the window (the unusual clothing of the passerby, an interesting signboard).

However, no one will give warranty that another person will be interested in your comment. Therefore, it is better for sure. Most people are happy to share their opinions or tell about how they live. This will not only give interesting topics for discussion, but will make communication comfortable.

If you know little man, ask:

  • about his attitude to any situation;
  • about what is associated with his life (where he was born, he studied, worked, traveled; what was remembered in those places);
  • about children if your interlocutor is a parent;
  • how he met the owners of the house (if you met on a visit).

When talking with those who have not seen for a long time, ask:

  • what did it changed in life during this time;
  • about family, children, work;
  • whether in common acquaintances.

Chatting with those who see often (colleagues, fellow students, classmates), ask this person:

What can I be interested in talking to most people?

Find a common topic:

Good communication is impossible without genuine interest of the interlocutors to each other and to the topic of conversation. There will be no problems between friends, but what about unfamiliar people?

Be sincere

If you want to make a pleasant impression on your interlocutor, you need sincerity and what you are talking about. Impeccable, but cold manners and stretched smile can hardly be located to themselves. Unrestrained chatter - too; Who will like to listen to a twenty-minute monologue without the possibility of inserting a word?

Make sure that the person felt comfortable in conversation with you. Look for you both interesting topics for discussion, interest the opinion of a person, and speak less about yourself and only when they ask. You can alternate: a replica about your affairs is a question for the interlocutor.

A good way to win the sympathy is a compliment, but made from the soul and non-bank.

Discuss actual

If you do not know how to offer an interesting topic for conversation, think that I would like to discuss the person with whom you are talking. Sociable people will offer you the topic, it will only remain to support it. With less conversational interlocutors, you can discuss current news (choosing something pleasant), novelties of film distribution or something related to the situation (work, food, skills, cute detail of the wardrobe, etc.).


You can use these or any other interesting questions for discussion to learn about your interlocutor something new, and the conversation is more unpredictable and exciting. Just do not use too many questions, it will cause an awkward person. The ideal option is to bind the issue to the topic under discussion. Start about something about the conversation, and the questions to the interlocutor alternate with small portions of information about you.

Know Underwater Stones

What the better to avoid:

  • diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • diets;
  • trouble;
  • relationships, marriage, children (if you do not know a person);
  • parents (suddenly the interlocutor problems in the family?);
  • cash issues;
  • religion, politics, sex and other "slippery" topics in which you can offend a person with a random remark.

Focus on the interlocutor

If you communicate with the company, involve all participants in the conversation. Wake up interesting topics for discussion through questions and do not get carried away by long monologues.

If you see that the interlocutor misses, change the topic and shed a little, giving the initiative. You should not be afraid of pauses in a conversation, because it would be much worse to say nonsense or offend a person with a rapid phrase. Short silence will help relax and think over the next course of the conversation.

If you notice that some topic caused interest from your interlocutor, remember her to talk about it next time. If a person, on the contrary, I clearly did not like it or seemed boring, take note - more this question is not affected.

Brief conclusions

In communication, the main thing is an authentic interest in who you are talking to. In any situation, the most interesting topics for discussion are reduced to the following:

And although communication is one of the most difficult classes in our lives, nevertheless, he can learn how to exercise sincere interest in what other people are told about and what other people want.

About what…. What to talk about? Yes, everything! Such an answer! Have you tried to ever talk completely about everything? There is nothing difficult in such conversations. Just need only the so-called "hook".

  1. Listen to the interlocutor! Track out what topics it is more pleasant to talk.
  2. Do not interrupt someone who says. Then you do not have to break the head about the topics. A person who pours your soul will "dissolve" in the topics for conversation.
  3. Remember what a person spoke with you before (if, of course, you have talked before). And begin to "lean" on old topics.

Didn't find anything super?

Did not see the "Interesting Topics" in the advice?

Especially in cases where you do not use the camera. "Invisibility" liberates people.

My husband and I met my husband on the Internet. It so happened that I was incredibly sociable as he. But since I found him .... That and the conversational initiative was "attached". I never climb the word in pockets, so I knew what to talk and when. My habit is a "questioning rain." I added Stasik as a friend (on a social network) and immediately began to ask about many things. He is tired, probably from me in the first seconds. But he did not admit it. What topics were affected?

Our first conversation more reminded a very detailed feature:

  1. How old are you?
  2. Who are you in the zodiac?
  3. What do you like to do in life?
  4. What do you like?
  5. Do you work?
  6. Are you in the photo?
  7. Where you're from?
  8. Where do you live now?
  9. Who is your parents your parents?
  10. Do you have a brother or sister?
  11. Do you work where?
  12. What are your preferences in food?
  13. Is there a favorite color?
  14. What women (girls) do you like?
  15. What do you like to do on the Internet?
  16. How do you feel about coincidences?

I can continue to list questions for a long time, but you will just get bored to read them. Speak! And the topic itself will be there!

How to find an interesting topic?

If the interlocutor is very unavogable caught? Ask directly, what a person is not talking about. So the point will be much more interesting.

Interesting topics for conversation are the themes that will please not only your soul, but also the soul of those with whom you like to talk. Are you unpleasant for this or that topic? This does not mean that the person who is next to you will have the same "feeling" to her. Try to support all themes, not just those that inspire you exclusively! Thus, you will earn a positive reputation and positive opinion about yourself.

Communication in VKontakte between the guy and the young young young lady often develops into a virtual friendship, a telephone dialogue, and there is already not far to a real date. However, to achieve such progress, it is important.

If you do not know what you can talk about with a girl, what themes to choose for conversation, follow the following advice with experienced network users.

If you do not imagine what to talk about with a girl, first remember what you know about this interlocutor.

Suppose you are already familiar (there are common friends, just a hatching acquaintance, for quite a long time they corresponded), in this case, the dialogue in the VC will be much easier.

You just need to ask the right questions that concern the changes that have occurred since the previous communication.

If you just wish to talk with a woman in contact, carefully examine its page - photos, a community list, downloaded audio and video files. A similar "revision" will tell you the enthusiasm of a potential interlocutor and will help choose a really interesting topics for a conversation with a girl.

If you notice something uniting you - acquaintances, study, hobby - offer to chat on this topic. For the seed, you can lay out a "piece" of your biography, told some interesting case from life.

Do not immediately speak personal themes, because the principle of characteristic of young people is capable of negative by no.

Do not know what to talk about with a girl? Focus on the situation and carefully carefully review all its photographs in contact. Probably, something in the girl will give a hook and help support the conversation began. For example, the photo of the young lady hugging with the cat (find out what his name is), sits on the bank of the river (ask if she can swim when a picture was taken). It's not so difficult to find questions, the main thing is to be attentive to the little things.

Topics for conversation with girls

Your task is to correspond in VK with a young lady so that you are interested in both. To do this, you need to find suitable topics for communication with a girl. The representative of the weak floor is unlikely to make a nomine conversation about cars or near-football news.

With caution, you need to choose questions in which you do not particularly understand, so as not to seem stupid in maiden eyes. Not permissible and argue in the process of discussion of similar themes, it can make your interlocutor.

What questions discuss? The simplest and reasonable solution is to choose for the dialogues so-called eternal themes. They should be stopped in more detail.

  1. Relations. Ask, what men do you like the interlocutor, what she expects from relationships, and what behavior will not tolerate from the guy. Naturally, on the discussion of this topic should not be insteaded if the girl is not ready for excessive frankness. Do not ask vulgar questions.
  2. Cinema and music. Consciously with a girl in contact can be on topical topics such as new cinema, musical works, television series or television shows. From the correspondence you can find out what a lady's favorite actor, film, musician. Then these questions should be seamlessly transferred to the opportunity to go into the cinema.
  3. Hobbies. Another "eternal" topic that will be interested in both the guy and the young lady, is a hobby and sports. Ask how the interlocutor is enjoyed, as spends free time, whether in any sport.
  4. Reading. Now it's not so easy to find in contact, and in real life a girl who would be passionate about the literature. If your interlocutor is an avid bibliotan, discuss what literary genres to her are close, books of what writers he read over the last week. You can show your erudition, including quotes and aphorisms from classic works in a conversation.
  5. Memorable or favorite places. Communicate in contact can also be on the theme of the attractions of the city in which you both live. Discuss Favorite City Places Girls, find out which café she prefers to sit behind a cup of coffee. Then this information can be used when invited to date.
  6. Travel or rest. You can chat with your interlocutor in VC and on the topic of recreation planning in the weekend, travel during holidays or holidays. The guy and the girl can combine the overall love of travel, active recreation or vacation in the same place.
  7. Study or work. Questions about training or working moments also belong to the "classic" topics of communication in contact and other social networks. You can ask the interlocutor, as her day passed, so she can feel care from the guy.
  8. Animals. The representatives of weak gender usually adore the conversation about their pets and will be interested in a guy who also shares this interest. Find out the cat girl or a dog, perhaps she holds parrots at home. Most likely, in the pictures in VC, you will see these most favorites.

Naturally, you do not need to correspond on all these topics immediately, choose for dialogues only those questions that are interested in the interlocutor and you. In this case, communication in contact will not seem to the girl interrogation, and will look like a relaxed conversation.

To support the conversation, insert the history of the history about your hobbies and skills, but in such a way that it does not seem boasting.

For example, if the interlocutor is fond of cycling, offer to make it a company or teach it to Veltryuk.

If the conversation went about the read literature, offer to read any book novelty or the continuation of the series that the lady is fond of. The task of the guy in such a situation is to show fantasy and offer his help.

If you swallow well in contact, it's time to talk on a mobile phone. And then the following questions come to the guy: what to talk to the girl by phone, where to find courage to call and how to talk, hearing her voice.

Taking the girl's phone number, take the courage and make a call. At the very beginning of the conversation, make a smooth transition from communication in contact until you decide to call it. Continue the conversation from the moment you stop at the time of correspondence. For example, find out how she got to the house yesterday.

Special topics when communicating on the phone between the guy and the girl does not exist. You can chat on the above examples of topics to discuss something new, which happened during the time until you talked. Perhaps the interlocutor itself will ask questions - serious and not very, and you can switch to a new problem of discussion.

Try to listen to the lady carefully, inserting your emotional comments in the course of the conversation. Be sure to tell me how you liked it to talk to her, as far as she has a pleasant and sexy voice. Vulgar hints at this stage are not quite appropriate.

Rules of communication

Suppose you now know the main topics for communication with the girl in VC or by phone. However, the communication proceeds in a positive key and brought you and the interlocutor only positive emotions, follow the following Communication Rules in contact:

  1. Do not deceive the interlocutor, thinking about yourself non-existent wealth or a successful career, exposing other photos. If you want to communicate not only in VC, but also in real life, the deception will quickly reveal, and the girl most likely will no longer want to correspond with you.
  2. Do not pull the "blanket" of the conversation on yourself, actively advertising your own person. The guy who begins to tell or describe for hours or describe how cool it is, the interlocutor with a 100% share of the probability will consider the self-abandoned and inconspicuous egoist.
  3. If you communicate with the interlocutor as a girl, and not like with a friend, a pian of correspondence, do not discuss other representatives of weak gender with it. The only exception is if you want to compare the interlocutor with any actress (naturally, the lady at least will not give up celebrities).
  4. Do not discuss her former relations with the young young young young lady, if only she does not want to discuss with you former beloved on his own initiative. In general, lead a conversation with an unfamiliar girl on the topic of the ending love romance is considered a bad tone.
  5. Vulgar jokes like not all of the representatives of the weak gender! This is a reinforced concrete rule regarding each guy, which should be remembered once and for all. Perhaps after a while you will go to another level of relationships, and vulgar jokes and jokes will be perceived by the young lady with understanding and even pleasure.
  6. In the course of the conversation, try to ask the so-called open questions that will require an interlocutor of deployed answers. For example, instead of "worked today?" Ask your business day as today. So you can significantly extend and diversify the conversation.

And a few simple recommendations for a guy who does not know how to communicate with cute girls in VK. No need to behave when talking intrusive and defiantly. Milk young ladies like interlocutors who are of interest, and not the desire to complete the conversation. In addition, it is important to find those topics that like you both, because the pleasure of communicating in contact and on the phone should receive both people.