How to massage a baby. Proper massage for a baby in the first three months of life

Many mothers are faced with the fact that pediatricians prescribe or strongly recommend to undergo a course of massage procedures. Since this procedure is not cheap, moreover, most often the little ones react to other people's touches and tantrums, parents question the appropriateness for the baby. Some people prefer to learn basic massage skills in order to avoid stress in the baby and to maintain it on their own. Does a baby need a massage, at what age it can be performed, and how to do it correctly - you will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Why do massage for babies and how is it useful?

Massage for all newborns is indicated because it:

  • contributes to the correct physical;
  • reduces the excitement of the nervous system;
  • calms and relaxes;
  • has a strengthening effect on muscles;
  • normalizes muscle tone and muscle contractility;
  • develops motor skills;
  • able to eliminate and improve the activity of the digestive tract;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation in the skin.

If the mother conducts the massage, then the procedure is also an excellent way of her communication with the baby.

Did you know? Massage is one of the most ancient medical procedures. The process of massaging was captured on images in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian dignitary and the great sage Ptahhotep, who lived in the XXV-XXIV centuries BC. e.

The touch of someone else's hands to the baby may not like him and provoke stressful situations. When the baby is stressed, the level of cortisol increases significantly. This hormone can significantly slow down all processes in the child's body, have a detrimental effect on the immune system and the nervous system. Therefore, it is important that the massage is carried out by a loved one.

Important! If parents plan to carry out massage procedures on their own, then they should first of all familiarize themselves with the contraindications to their conduct. It is also necessary to master the correct massage technique.

When to start massage

Of course, every parent of a newly born baby is interested in how many months a newborn can be massaged. Massage procedures for a healthy, on-time baby can be started when they reach five to six weeks. However, it is important to ask the pediatrician if your child is already ready for stroking and kneading during the next scheduled appointment.
The same applies to premature babies. Usually, massage is recommended for such a baby when he reaches a body weight of 2.5 kg. Permission for massaging must be given by a pediatrician, neurologist and orthopedist.

When talking about the first massage for a child who has not yet reached the age, we mean simple strokes. As for the more intensive techniques included in the complex of classic children's massage, they are not recommended to start earlier than age 1,5- .

When not to do: contraindications

So, any mother can, after the permission of a pediatrician and a neurologist, give her newborn child a massage, consisting of the simplest techniques, if not contraindications... The latter include:

  • fever - massage increases blood circulation, which can provoke an additional increase in body temperature;
  • diseases of the skin caused by infections, fungi, accompanied by the release of pus, - massaging the body can lead to the fact that pustules and vesicles will burst and thus provoke the spread of infection;
  • rashes on the skin - additional hand exposure to the affected areas can lead to pain and further damage to the skin;
  • congenital heart disease (CHD) - massage procedure, which is an additional burden on a small body, can worsen the patient's condition;
  • blood diseases - massaging can provoke internal hemorrhages under the skin;
  • convulsions, - exposure to the body can provoke seizures;
  • acute stage - rest is recommended for the baby at this time, and massage will excite him;
  • large - infringement is possible.

Important! Parents can independently carry out only a general strengthening massage. If the baby is shown therapeutic massage procedures, then they can only be carried out by a qualified medical professional..

How to prepare for the procedure

The massage procedure is best done in the morning, in the interval between the first and second. Since the thermoregulation of infants is not yet completely established, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the session, because an absolutely naked body will have to be massaged. Therefore, the room should be warm enough, but not stuffy and hot. It is important to ensure that the baby does not sweat as there is a risk that he will develop. The optimum air temperature in the room is considered to be + 20-22 ° С. Some time before the session, the room must be ventilated.

It is good to carry out the procedure on. In the absence of this, any one that needs to be covered with soft and warm, under which to put a blanket is suitable.
In advance, you should worry about buying a special massage oil for babies.

The procedure should be started only in a good mood. Remember that even unintelligent babies can clearly read the mood of their parents, especially their mother. This means that if she is irritated, or her head is full of thoughts about any problem, the baby will be uncomfortable, and he will let know about it with crying and discontent.

You can pick up some kind of fun quiet music. During the session, turn it on and sing along.

Before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands and then warm them. The first session should last no more than five minutes. In the future, the time can be gradually increased, bringing it to 15-20 minutes.

How to do massage: technique

In order to learn how to independently carry out massage, parents can contact the visiting nurse or pediatrician during the examination of the baby to show him how to do it correctly.
It would be nice if the first procedure was supervised by a medical professional.

there is two receptions that all parents can use without difficulty and special knowledge:

  • stroking;
  • trituration.


Back massage should be started with vertical stroking from the cervical region to the buttocks. Then go to horizontal stroking from the spine to the sides. With your middle and forefinger in a slightly bent state, walk along the spine. Movements should be smooth, light. Each technique should be repeated five to six times.

When massaging the back, you should be especially careful in the area of ​​the kidneys.


The kid will surely enjoy light circular strokes around. It is important to know that this manipulation should be carried out strictly clockwise. It is performed to relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and improve intestinal peristalsis. In this case, strong pressure should be avoided.

If a child has, then massage from the ribs down will help first. Then the simultaneous lifting of the legs, clasped with the right hand, and massaging the abdomen with the left hand. Next, you need to press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy. It is advisable to repeat these techniques three to four times a day.

You can also perform oblique strokes on the abdomen downward from the posterolateral region of the chest to the junction of the hands above the navel. These manipulations are performed with both palms.

Head and neck

The neck massage is performed during the back massage. The neck is gently stroked with the inside of the hand, moving from the head to the buttocks. In no case should you press on the neck or make sharp jerks.

The kid will love the light stroking of the face. Mom can gently touch her eyebrows, temples, forehead with her fingertips. Then stroke your cheeks in the direction of the ears. Rub your ears lightly.

You can stroke gently, but avoid touching the area.


When massaging the upper limbs, they must be slightly bent. The massage begins with the hand, first stroking the back side, and then the palm. Stroking is carried out from the fingers to the wrist joint.

After the brush, it is necessary to start massaging the hand, while the mother puts her thumb into the baby's hand, which he clasps with force. Strokes run along the inside of the forearm and then along the outside.

From the hands it is necessary to return to the palms again. Rub them this time. Then start rubbing each finger. Finish the massage by rubbing the forearms and shoulders.

Legs and feet

The foot is taken in the palm of your hand. With the index finger of the other hand, an eight is drawn on it in the direction from the fingers to the heel.

Legs massage is carried out by stroking from the foot to the groin area. In this case, the knee joints are bypassed. The legs are slightly bent.

After stroking, you can proceed to rubbing. They are carried out in the same direction - from the foot to the groin.

Both the first and second techniques are repeated four to five times on each leg and foot.

For parents who have decided to independently carry out massage procedures, we suggest using several useful tips,how to massage babies:

  1. The procedure should be carried out only on a flat, hard surface, preferably on a table, which is covered with something soft, for example, a rug or blanket. , sofa, chair will not work for this purpose. On a soft, springy surface, it will not be possible to achieve the necessary emphasis and pressure.
  2. In order for the child to be comfortable and in a good mood, it is necessary that he does not feel hunger, he is not cold, he does not want to sleep. Therefore, the optimal time for the massage will be 50-60 minutes after and half an hour before the next appointment.
  3. Remember to remove all jewelry from your hands before the session. This applies to both rings and bracelets, which can injure or hurt the baby.
  4. If the baby is out of sorts and is capricious, then it is better to postpone the procedure to another time or another day.
  5. If the baby has a negative attitude towards manipulating his body, you can try to gradually accustom him, carrying out various techniques throughout the day.
  6. During the massage, it is necessary to constantly talk with the baby, praise him, sing songs to him, etc.
  7. Experts advise starting the massage with the feet, then moving on to the arms, then to the stomach, chest and end with the back.
  8. All techniques are done from the periphery to the center. Massaging of the upper limbs is carried out from the hand to the shoulder, the lower ones - from the foot to the groin.
  9. Up to three months, massage is carried out with only one hand. After reaching this age, you can connect the second hand.
  10. You should not massage the inner part of the thigh, since there are many nerve endings in this area, as well as the anterior surface of the lower leg due to too thin skin.
  11. Jerking movements are prohibited in the area of ​​the knee joints.
  12. In the abdominal area, touching taboo is the right hypochondrium. Here is the liver, touching it can provoke a bad state of the crumbs.
  13. Massage taboo - genitals, nipples, navel, fontanelle.
  14. Start and finish with stroking.

Important! If mom or dad do not have medical knowledge, then they should not carry out complex massage techniques, so as not to harm the health of the child.

Massage is an important healing and restorative procedure that is necessary for babies from 1 month. Parents can themselves perform simple forms of massage in the form of stroking and rubbing. A greater effect can be achieved if the massage is supplemented with elements.

Positive attitude. The well-being of the baby and the joyful mood of the mother are of great importance. Compliance with this condition already guarantees half of the success. The preparatory part is no less significant.

Appropriate setting. It is preferable to massage a baby at home at an air temperature of 20-22 degrees, dim the lights and turn on quiet slow music. Such an atmosphere will relax and calm the child. The process itself should begin with stroking movements that turn into massaging individual parts of the body. In the final part, it is convenient and useful to use a fitball, which perfectly strengthens the children's vestibular apparatus, abdominal and back muscles.

What is the best time to massage a baby? Based on the individual characteristics and needs of the baby, you need to establish at what time to massage the baby. To do this, you should just watch him for several days, when the child feels cheerful and cheerful.

During the procedure, the child should not be sleepy. Contrary to the opinion that it is advisable to perform such manipulations before feeding, it is not recommended to massage on an empty stomach. It is best to feed the baby and, if he is still awake, wait 30-50 minutes before starting the session.

The most optimal time is considered the period after the evening water procedures, when a strong and calm children's sleep is added to the general positive effect of the massage.

How to properly massage a baby at home?

How to massage a baby to achieve the desired effect? A step-by-step massage technique is important for each part of the body.

Head massage for babies. Does the baby need a head massage? Experts recognize the obvious benefits of this stimulation:

  • the child's mood rises;
  • improves blood supply to the brain;
  • itching disappears;
  • hair growth becomes more intense.

Basically, there are two types of head massage: prophylactic and therapeutic.

Preventive massage. The main purpose of the first type of massage is relaxation with light massage movements, eliminating sudden pressure. At the first stage, you need to smoothly slide your fingers from the crown to the hairline. Then make a few wave movements from the forehead to the back of the baby's head. Another effective technique is making circular rotations with your fingers in the manner of washing your hair.

For the correct procedure at home, you must adhere to the following rules:

Advice! It is required to ensure that the manipulations do not make the baby uncomfortable. If he cries or strains, the intensity of the movement should be reduced.

Indications and contraindications

Usually, massage is carried out for preventive purposes, since infants from 0 to 3 months have muscle hypertonicity. The treatments help to relax them. Besides, indications for massage exercises are:

Also, massage procedures at this age are prescribed for:

  • regular constipation;
  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • broken arms or legs.

It's important to know! The duration of massage treatment is determined only by a specialist!

As for the contraindications for massage, these are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased fragility of bones;
  • wounds, abscesses and other damage to the skin;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • heart disease. In this case, the massage should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist;
  • increased nervousness.

In such situations, the procedures should be necessarily coordinated with the attending physician. This will help avoid dangerous consequences in the future.

Step-by-step instruction

The manipulations that need to be done depend on the age of the baby. Let's consider them in more detail.


At this age, massage procedures are aimed at normalizing muscle tone, active weight gain, and increasing joint mobility. They also help to maintain the normal emotional state of the newborn. Exercise technique:

Reference! Each exercise should be done 4-6 times. Over time, the number must be increased. The average duration of massage for babies up to 1 month is 7-10 minutes.

2 months

If only stroking manipulations are carried out up to 1 month, then rubbing and vibrating exercises for the baby should be added at 2 months. Stroking should begin and end with a general strengthening massage for babies at 2 months. Sample instruction:

Advice! During the massage, you should not forget to communicate with the baby. At this age, he already begins to understand intonation, tries to repeat words with his lips.

3 months

At this age, the child begins to hold his head more confidently, unlike a baby of 1 month from birth, his muscle tone decreases and the main task for infants from 3 months is to learn how to roll over on his own. For this and other purposes such a complex of general strengthening exercises of general massage is carried out for:

At 3 months, the child begins to show interest in bright toys. They should be laid out near the baby. He will try to reach them. And how long does massage last for babies 3 months? At this age, the duration of the procedure can be from 10 to 15 minutes.

Basic recommendations and warnings when carrying out the procedure at home

In order for these procedures to be safe and beneficial for the baby, it is required to adhere to the following rules:

  1. To give the baby the opportunity to learn about the world: to carry it on his hands in various poses, to practice innate reflexes more often, to change poses.
  2. Until the age of two months, use exclusively stroking movements, as well as flexion and extension of the joints.
  3. Be sure to consult your pediatrician about the introduction of new exercises and techniques.

The best option for a new mother is to take courses in baby massage or study video instructions. This will help ensure the safest and most effective massage treatments possible.

When a baby appears in the family, each parent wants to provide all the best for their long-awaited child. Everyone understands that this helpless and dependent baby will have to go through an intensive and difficult course of learning about the world around him.

During the first year of life, the baby will learn to hold his head, roll over, sit, crawl and walk. The baby's weight triples during this period, and the growth doubles. In what other period of life is the intensive program carried out?

We want to help the baby, guide, support, protect. But here you definitely need to know how to do everything right so as not to harm. New parents should be curious. You need to ask yourself questions and look for answers. If you are reading this article, then you are a fine fellow, you are such a caring parent.

The benefits of massage

Massage for babies has a beneficial effect on physical development, helps to normalize muscle tone. Massage and gymnastics help to strengthen the muscles of the child, help the development of his motor functions, including fine motor skills.

Also, massage improves blood circulation and metabolism in the body, has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and on the formation of the psychoemotional sphere of the child.

By mastering some massage movements, you can calm an agitated toddler. Having carried out a massage before bedtime, you can put your child to bed without unnecessary motion sickness.

And vice versa. If the child is lethargic, inactive, massage can bring him into a more active state.

Normally, the baby's muscles are in hypertonicity for up to two months. Hypertonicity is excessive muscle tension. How does it look in practice? Bent, adducted (pressed) to the body of the handles, clenched fists, bent tense legs.

As I said, up to two months is normal. But if you notice similar signs in your child after two months, then you should be alert and urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise it will delay the acquisition of new motor skills.

The baby will not be able to take a toy with a clenched fist, with a pressed handle he will not be able to swing to roll over on his stomach.

Massage helps relieve muscle tension in babies. It is both therapeutic and prophylactic for the prevention of many diseases. In particular, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (torticollis, flat feet, clubfoot).

Therapeutic massage is performed only by a specialist. Any mother can handle a general massage.

Preparing for massage

It is necessary to carry out the massage in a comfortable environment for the baby. The room must first be ventilated, the temperature in the room should be 22-24 ° C, since you have to undress the baby. First, you need to remove all jewelry from your hands, cut your nails short so as not to injure the delicate skin of the newborn.

It is possible not to use creams and oils, as this changes the strength of the grip of the hands on the baby's skin, which leads to excessive force applied during the massage. Conversely, if your mom's or dad's palms are too wet, you can powder them with talcum powder or baby powder.

Be serious and responsible when choosing a place where you will massage. This could be a changing table, bed, or sofa. The surface must be firm, otherwise you will not get the desired effect from the massage. Cover the massage area with an absorbent waterproof diaper to avoid “wet surprises”)).

It is desirable to be able to approach the child from different angles. Your posture during massage should not be forced. The duration of the massage can be up to half an hour. This is long and tedious enough. Agree, with back pain due to a twisted posture, you are unlikely to be able to positively set up your baby.

Psychological contact with the child

During the massage, it is very important to talk with the child, sing songs, recite nursery rhymes. You can just calmly and affectionately tell the baby what you are doing. After all, he understands everything! That is why no one can cope with this business better than a loving mother.

I give examples of nursery rhymes that I use myself when I massage my five-month-old son Ivan Olegovich.

Spout met spout,

Spout with spout butted,

And then "Hello" said,

The nose kissed all over!

Legs-legs, tramples,

Jumpers, runners.

Legs grow strong

They'll be running fast soon!

Handles, grips,

Hugs mom tightly.

We'll pull the knobs up

We will grow up to everyone soon!

Heels, pink heels

Let's play hide and seek with mom!

Mom hid: "Ku-ku!"

I can find her!

This soft tummy

Gave us a hippo!

If you kiss a belly,

The kid will laugh.

The hedgehog has a bristle

And we have a smooth back!

Here is a centipede running -

This is my mother's palm.

Spout, spout, nose-tip -

On the right is a hole, on the left is a hole.

And at the tip of the bell.

He rings himself when he wants.

Cheeks, sweet cheeks,

Delicate like petals.

Cheek - one and cheek - two,

It's high time to kiss!

Everyone can hear the ears perfectly

Our ears are not listening!

When the eyes are fast asleep

Mother's ears are guarding.

An angel flew to us

Sat on our right sock,

Swung and took off -

I sat down on the little head.

A titmouse flew to us,

Sat Vanya on the eyelashes.

I closed my eyes with my wings

To dream of Vanya's fairy tales.

Massage only when the baby is in tune with it, is not capricious, not hungry, does not want to sleep. If your baby is anxious during the massage, do not continue the procedure. Postpone the massage, wait for a calmer state of the child.

Perform toning massage in the morning after hygiene procedures. Give a relaxing massage after swimming or before bed.

General massage for babies

General preventive massage begins to be carried out from the sixth to seventh week of a child's life. Tummy massage begins earlier, but when the umbilical wound has already healed.

All movements are carried out from the periphery to the center, along the lymph flow. Begin and end the massage with light strokes. The touch should be gentle and slow.

There are basic massage techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • vibration.

You can combine these basic movements yourself. Stroking and vibration should prevail during a relaxing massage. Rubbing and kneading have a tonic effect, bring the baby into a more active state.

Massage is almost always done in combination with simple gymnastic exercises.

The duration of the massage session depends on the age of the baby. At the age of 2 months, massage for 7-8 minutes. By 4 months, connect gymnastic exercises, and increase the duration of the session to 15-20 minutes.

Consider a general massage for a baby using the example of two ages - 2 and 4 months


Start the massage with the baby's face. Run along the eyebrows, then along the wings of the nose. Face massage is the same for all ages.


Massaged with the child lying on his back. Massage the legs from the foot to the thigh. Do not massage the inner thigh, joints, kneecap.

At the age of 2 months, holding the leg just below the shin and grasping the ankle joint, work out the foot. How? Press at the base of each toe and on its ball, then loosen each toe as if drawing a circle.

Press at the base of the second and third toes. In response, the child will squeeze all his fingers. Move along the midline of the foot - and the baby will unclench his toes. Repeat these exercises three times. Then three times draw "eights" with your fingers all over the baby's foot.

Since the toe of the foot is usually brought inward in an infant, massage the outer edge of the foot. So the baby reflexively turns the leg outward. This is a good prevention of clubfoot. Do three repetitions as well.

Then perform stroking and rubbing movements along the lower leg and outer thigh 4-6 times. Do the same on the other leg.

Perform several adductions of the bent legs to the tummy (bend the baby's legs at the knees and pull them up to the tummy). Hold the legs in this position for up to 20 seconds.

After gymnastic exercises, the muscles must be relaxed with light stroking movements. Taking the baby by the bent knees, carefully spread the legs to the sides ("frog" position). Finish the massage with stroking movements.

At the age of 4 months add simple gymnastic exercises to the complex described above. Increase the number of repetitions of massage movements.

For example, run the well-known "bike" 6-8 times. Perform this exercise so that when swinging, the plantar part of the foot glides along the surface of the table on which you are massaging.

Putting the bent legs in the knee joints on a full foot (with the child lying on his back), abduct the foot and lower leg to the side. In this case, the foot slides without coming off the surface of the table, and the knees remain practically motionless.

Perform adduction of the heels to the groin folds 4-6 times on each side. In this position, the lower leg is brought to a horizontal position. Finish the massage with stroking movements.


Tummy massage in ages 2 and 4 four months is no different. In addition to the general strengthening and tonic effect, tummy massage helps to cope with intestinal colic in young children.

Start by lightly stroking your tummy from top to bottom, from the ribs to the pubis. Then move on to clockwise circular motions. Repeat each exercise 5-6 times.

All movements should be slightly stronger than normal strokes. Alternate each exercise with soothing light strokes.

Place your palms with a "house", the open part of which is directed to the navel. Gradually roll clockwise with the edge of slightly bent palms, since it is in this direction that food goes through the intestines.

Avoid active movements in the right hypochondrium, as the edge of the liver in a newborn protrudes from under the costal arch and can be easily injured. After each exercise, apply a relaxing tummy stroke.

There is also a U-shaped abdominal massage technique. It is carried out in several stages. Start by simply stroking the left side of your belly from top to bottom. Then carry out the movement "corner" - from the right hypochondrium to the left, and then from top to bottom.

After several repetitions, connect the movement along the right half of the child's abdomen from bottom to top, and then the "corner" - from right to left and along the left half from top to bottom.


The massage technique is also the same for different ages. Only the duration of the exercises differs. With stroking and rubbing movements, massage the chest from the bottom up, moving to the shoulders. It is important to remember that you cannot massage the nipple area.


Massage the handles from palm to shoulder with the child lying on their back.

At the age of 2 months gently open the baby's palm with your thumbs. Perform circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise. You need to repeat the exercise no more than three times.

Taking the child by the hands, spread the handles to the sides. Perform a few hugging movements for the baby's breast. Now the right handle is on top, then the left. All movements are smooth, effortless. The pace is calm, even, as far as the child will allow.

At 4 months when working with a brush, add kneading movements for each finger to the complex described above. With three fingers (thumb, forefinger, middle), hug each finger of the baby. Knead, moving in the direction from the nail to the base of the finger. Do three repetitions of the exercise.

Grabbing four fingers of the baby at once, bend and unbend them 6-8 times. Also, 6-8 times, perform circular movements with your fingers in the center of the child's palm.

Alternate stroking massage movements from palm to shoulder with kneading, rubbing with your fingertips. Gently shake the baby's handle while moving along its outer surface. This is vibration. It relaxes the muscles. In this case, the tips of the fingers or the edge of the palm work, creating a characteristic plopping sound.

Massage the inner surface of the handle with stroking. The number of repetitions at first 4-6 times, then bring up to 10 times. Do the same exercise for the left and right handles.

To give a metered load on the joints, add to the "hugs" (see above) alternating movements of the arms up to the head and down to the body.

The boxing exercise is always fun for the child. Taking the child by the hands, in turn, lift the handles up (towards the masseur). In this case, the handles are bent at the elbow, then straightened. Perform these exercises carefully and without fanaticism. Adjust the number of repetitions according to the child's mood. The child likes it - do more. The child is dissatisfied - stop.

Take the child by the hands, placing your thumbs in their palms. Pull the baby towards you several times, as if helping him to sit down. In this case, the child presses the chin to the chest (grouped). My Vanya likes this exercise the most!

Back and buttocks.

The massage is performed in the same way at 2 and 4 months. Lay the baby on his stomach, stroke his back and buttocks, going from bottom to top and from the spine to the sides.

Then rub the back with your fingertips or the edge of your palm, moving in the same directions ("herringbone").

Use your fingertips to gently massage the baby's back in a circular motion, avoiding the kidney area.

Finish the massage with stroking movements of the whole body. After the massage, dress your baby in warm clothes and let them rest.

Massage your child daily and your efforts will be rewarded. The child will acquire new skills on time, grow strong and healthy. A healthy child is a great happiness for parents.

A practicing pediatrician, twice mother, Elena Borisova, told you about massage for babies.

Every child is born with bent legs and arms, and his fists are securely clenched. The motor activity of the baby is disordered and chaotic. This condition is quite normal, it is called "physiological tone" in pediatrics. To help the child quickly eliminate this tone, young parents should know how to massage a newborn.

Massage is a daily routine that complements full-fledged newborn care. It has a beneficial effect on the overall health and well-being of the baby, strengthens the emotional contact between the child and the parents. Regular massage improves the conditions for the normal development of the child.

Children's massage, depending on its focus, can be divided into the following types:

  • medical;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • prophylactic.

How and how often to massage a newborn depends on the diagnosis. Depending on this, specific massage methods are used to eliminate pathology. But good results can be seen simply from physical influences on the skin of the child and his muscles after a few sessions.

Therapeutic and prophylactic massage is based on the effect on the entire body area with an obligatory emphasis on problem areas. As a result of the procedure, the blood circulation processes are improved, the work of the heart and blood vessels is normalized, the pathological conditions of the muscular and skeletal systems are corrected.

This type of massage is used for problems with the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory and urogenital areas. This type of massage is practiced exclusively by a specialist. Preventive massage promotes the development of the baby's motor activity.

With this procedure, the child learns faster:

  • turn on the tummy;
  • crawl;
  • sit down;
  • stand on their feet;
  • walk.

Preventive massage is also useful for normalizing the functional activity of the digestive tract, since it can eliminate intestinal colic in a newborn, which is a consequence of the physiological immaturity of the child's intestines.

Preventive massage performs the following tasks:

  • normalizes blood circulation in tissues;
  • improves the breathing process;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves appetite;
  • soothes and improves sleep in restless children.

The doctor recommends therapeutic and therapeutic and prophylactic types of massage for the child; such procedures are carried out within the walls of a medical institution or, if the parents wish, at home. Preventive massage can be done to every child, if there are no specific contraindications for this.

The benefits of massage

Human skin is permeated with many receptors, which, against the background of the irritation reaction, send certain signals to the brain. Thus, the activity of the nervous and other systems of the body is stimulated, since most of the receptors are covered during the massage.

The massage improves blood circulation, having a beneficial effect on almost every organ in the child's body. This is why preventive massage is highly recommended by pediatricians from the first year of life.

In a newborn, vision and hearing are not fully formed, so they primarily perceive the surrounding space with the help of tactile sensations. It turns out that massage forms the primary emotional state of the baby and the ability to perceive the world around him.

Pediatricians believe that massage is useful precisely as a preventive measure against many diseases. Massage has a positive effect on the state of the infant's immune defenses, protecting him from colds and viral infections.

In addition, massage normalizes the digestive tract, eliminating unpleasant conditions such as constipation and colic in the child. It should be noted the positive effect of this procedure on the musculoskeletal system.


When should you start doing massage for a newborn, in what cases is it prescribed?

Let's list these states:

  • hypotrophy;
  • deformity of the feet (valgus, planovalgus);
  • tremor of any part of the body;
  • residual reflex reactions;
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • deformation of the chest;
  • deformation of the legs (curvature);
  • flat feet, clubfoot;

Also, massage with a therapeutic and therapeutic and prophylactic purpose can be prescribed in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma, pneumonia, with fractures and injuries of the extremities, etc.


It is impossible to carry out procedures of any massage effect if:

  • the child has an increased body temperature;
  • the skin is affected by a pustular infection or damaged;
  • increased fragility of bone tissue;
  • there are diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system;
  • the baby is sick with ARVI.

If the child has an umbilical hernia, then the massage should only be performed by a specialist, since there is a high risk of pinching the hernia. Children with heart defects should be monitored by a cardiologist during the massage. Massage should not be performed if the child has increased nervousness, as muscle tissue hypertonicity may increase.

At what age can you start massage and how often should you do it?

Many young mothers are interested in at what age and when can a newborn massage be done? The first sessions of preventive massage can be started as early as two weeks of age. But until the child is at least 1.5 months old, the massage should be carried out in the form of simple strokes. Later, when the baby is 3 months old, other massage techniques are carefully introduced - rubbing, kneading and patting.

How often should a newborn baby be massaged? It all depends on the presence of contraindications. If the child is healthy, then a massage is prescribed for him in courses of 10 procedures every 3 months. According to individual indications, the doctor can tighten the standard scheme, reducing the interval between courses to 1 month.

Basic rules and features

Nuances that must be taken into account when giving a massage to a child:

  • During the procedure, the temperature in the room should be 18-22 °.
  • The massage is carried out on a flat surface covered with a fleece blanket, oilcloth and a diaper. The surface of the table should be wide enough so that there are no restrictions when turning the child over.
  • The place of the procedure should be equipped with everything necessary so as not to be distracted during the procedure by missing items.
  • Manicure, long nails, ornaments on the hands - all this is incompatible with performing a massage for a newborn. An extra risk of injury to a small child is useless.
  • When can a newborn massage be given? It is better to choose a time 1-2 hours after feeding, and also make sure that the baby is not tired and sleepy. Hunger and fatigue will cause only negative emotions in the child when performing the massage.
  • During the procedure, you need to talk with the baby, while simultaneously developing his auditory and speech skills.
  • The time of the massage can be gradually increased, as well as the techniques used can be complicated.
  • Movements should be measured and not cause discomfort to the child. 15 minutes is enough for one session.

Step-by-step instruction

How to massage a newborn? Consider the massage procedure in stages:

  • Step one. We start the movements with the hands of the child. We massage our fingers separately, gently unclench our fists for massage and stroke our palms. Then we move to the wrists and go up to the forearms, without affecting the armpits.
  • Step two. We pay attention to the legs. Separately, massage the fingers and the feet themselves. Then we move with light movements up towards the groin area. Do not touch the knees and the area under them.
  • Step three. Stroke the tummy near the navel in a circular motion. We close our hands along the midline of the abdomen, make movements with our palms up and down, without touching the intimate organs of the child.
  • Step four. Massage in the direction from the chest to the shoulders, and back. We do not touch the mammary glands.
  • Step five. The child is placed on his stomach, we begin to massage the neck. Cautious movements. If the child wants to raise or turn his head, we stop the massage.
  • Step six. Massage the back with smooth movements from the lumbar to the shoulders and from the spine to the sides. We do not touch the spine. The butt is stroked in the direction from the outer thighs to the tailbone.
  • Step seven. We spread the baby on the left side, run our hand along the spine from the sacrum to the head. We do no more than 3 movements and repeat the same on the other side.
  • Step eight. The child returns to the starting position, we begin to massage the head, excluding the fontanel area. We finish the massage with light stroking movements.

The massage will be useful even for the strongest and healthiest newborn babies. Indeed, during the procedure, not only the immunity and general health of the baby is strengthened, but also attention is paid to his communication and emotional skills. This means that such a child will not have a chance to lag behind in physical or psycho-emotional development from their peers.

Useful video about massage of a newborn