How to trust your husband after his betrayal. How to believe your husband. How to get rid of the fear that cheating will happen again

It is always difficult to believe those who cheat and clearly do not deserve it, but in life there are many examples of how faith works miracles and saves even the most shaky relationships, making them really an example for others. Of course, all this is not achieved in one day and it is not immediately possible to make such a decision, but it is worth considering this approach, because making a decision on emotions is not the right path in life and it will not lead to anything good.

The article contains frequent problematic questions from women and answers them, but everyone understands that this is only a small part of what you can actually face.

It is worth describing your problem in the comments in order to get good advice and only then make a final decision for yourself.

How to believe your husband after his betrayal and betrayal advice from a psychologist

Regardless of what decision you make, it should be taken on a sober head, cooled down and calmed down.

Why did it happen? Maybe it's you, you stopped caring for yourself, stopped paying due attention to your husband, your head often hurts in the evenings. Try to get it out of your head, forget about it.

The husband, in turn, should envelop you with his attention like a cocoon, so that you feel the only one, the most beloved and needed.

How to believe your husband after cheating and not suspect him that he loves me

Calm down is what you need to do first. You need to stop thinking about it all the time.

Since you have decided to stay together, then you are dear to him. It is unlikely that he will run for another skirt. To stop suspecting, distract yourself.

Go headlong into work, find something to do, a hobby. In the end, no one canceled the gatherings with the girlfriends.

How to help a husband to believe in himself and his strength that he has not cheated

Adore a man, say how good he is, what a fine fellow. Remind me how much he loves you and you love him too, and what a strong family you have, what a wonderful future together.

A man should feel like a breadwinner, a master of life. Everyone knows “The wife is the neck, the husband is the head. Where the neck turns, the head looks there. "

A man must be sure that it is he who is manipulating his head and no one else.

Leave him the right to choose, because you have to become a fragile woman who you want to care for. In no case do not do for a man what he will do himself.

Have you forgiven your husband, decided to save your family after his betrayal, are you starting your life from a new leaf? Excellent! But why is it so restless in your soul, doubts and suspicions prevent you from enjoying family happiness? How to start trusting your husband again after cheating?

Marital infidelity causes severe mental pain and disappointment, leaves a deep mark for life. This is an experience, a memory of an event so traumatic for a woman that it can periodically emerge in various everyday situations, quarrels. How to restore trust after infidelity? How should you treat your husband after everything that happened?

It is necessary to understand and accept the fact that it is impossible to keep the family atmosphere as it was. The bond between spouses goes to another level and this is normal.

The well-known psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky argues that married life, in which adultery is possible, is initially flawed.

Betrayal, in fact, is a deception of a loved one, which begins with elementary everyday lies.

It must be admitted that neither you nor your spouse can change the past. In fact, you have every right to feel resentment, disappointment, anger, but is it worth attaching such great importance to the fact from the "old life"? Not to notice the charm of today and wonderful prospects ahead, remaining captive to your fears?

The only thing in our power is not to focus on the past, take care of our soul and move forward, build a strong connection, strive for complete mutual understanding between partners. Trust after a husband's infidelity requires a long recovery period. You won't be in a rush to play football after breaking your leg, will you? Small but firm steps are needed to change the format of the relationship.

You don't have to fight your own feelings. It is necessary to restore spiritual closeness with the chosen one. It is important to learn how to openly discuss your experiences, hopes, desires with your partner. Without reproach, calmly and slowly. Ask for advice, find out his point of view on the situation. Accept that your loved one sees the world differently, because he has a different value system.

He probably feels your tension, but does not know what to do, how to regain your trust, is afraid to start a conversation and hear reproaches for old sins. If a man's declarations of love for you are sincere, the spouse regrets what he did, feels guilty that he succumbed to temptation and hurt his beloved woman.

Faced with betrayal, a woman, as a rule, begins to look for the roots of all problems in herself, appearance, behavior, character. But this is not always the right tactic. There can be many reasons for cheating. How to learn to trust your husband after infidelity?

It is a frank conversation with a beloved man that will help to understand the true motives, show weaknesses and points that should be paid special attention to.

How to fill a spiritual void?

As a rule, the phrase “I don’t believe, I’m afraid of betrayal” indicates a low self-esteem of the wife, lack of confidence in his own attractiveness. Mikhail Labkovsky claims that no one has a lifelong guarantee of marital fidelity. How to live knowing this fact? How can you be sure that he doesn't want to look for a replacement for you? The answer is simple.

People with decent self-esteem know their worth and rely only on honest, open relationships. They do not hide in their own fears and complexes. It is much more effective to work on your self-esteem than to sort things out with a partner who previously cheated on you.

Women, do not follow your beloved men. Watch yourself - then the beloved will watch you.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth thinking about how to learn to believe in yourself again?

Psychologist Maria Vinogradova's advice on how to regain self-confidence, restore peace of mind and raise self-esteem:

  1. Do not make a planetary problem with your own mistakes and shortcomings. Everyone has the right to make mistakes, including you;
  2. Focus on success, achievements. Get a special notebook and record all your small victories every day. Re-read from time to time and you will be surprised how many reasons to be proud of yourself have not noticed before;
  3. Take care of your loved ones, but do not forget to pamper yourself on your own. Make it a rule to do something pleasant for yourself every day. A warm bath with your favorite foam, a walk in private. Please with beautiful clothes, a delicious dinner in a cozy cafe, an unpretentious conversation with girlfriends, reading interesting books and magazines, watching melodramas. Anyone that makes it clear: life is given for enjoyment. Soon you will feel like a charming and happy young lady again.

Maria Vinogradova also recommends this technique: take a sheet of paper, divide it into two columns. The left one is for a list of negative character traits and flaws. On the right side, write down your strengths and positives. Then tear off and burn the left side of the sheet, and fold the right side and carry it with you, for example, in a separate pocket of your wallet or purse. Reread and see how good you are.

In everyone there are moments of exacerbation of sensitivity, increased emotional arousal. Try to be more tolerant. If you are worried about nervousness, excessive jealousy, it is best to seek help from an experienced psychotherapist. You can also get a doctor's recommendation and drink sedatives if needed.

Know that you are a special, unique person with your pros and cons, this has its own charm. Do not try to fill the spiritual emptiness with children, problems of relatives and friends. Find out what exactly hurts, what are you really afraid of? The solution to all internal contradictions, as a rule, lies in ourselves.

Stop making yourself a victim unworthy of a sufferer. Do not blame anyone, reproaches will bring temporary relief, but they will not solve the main problem of how to believe your husband after infidelity. Work on yourself, develop, learn to negotiate, understand each other, build trust.

How to restore trust in your husband?

Marital infidelity is a symptom of more serious problems in a couple's relationship. A signal about the need to rethink your own life, reassess your values. Try to avoid emotional barriers in communication, become best friends for each other, establish a strong bond, then the relationship will move to a higher level and the question “how to believe your husband after infidelity” will disappear by itself.

But don't go to extremes, substituting psychological addiction for love. Your life, happiness, and self-esteem have nothing to do with your partner's loyalty. The feeling of enjoying life arises inside, in positive thoughts. Be self-worth, respect your own interests and needs, do not dwell on the man.

From the spouse's point of view, if the wife, as the famous song says, “breathes and lives with you,” fills the entire space with thoughts about him so much that she simply displaces herself, becomes uninteresting.

Analyze your feelings and thoughts at the moment when you learned about the adultery of a loved one. Why did this news hurt you so badly? Is it because you trusted too much, pinned some hopes and thus tried to transfer part of the responsibility for your fate and happiness into the hands of your partner? We make such mistakes unconsciously, trying to be behind him "like a stone wall", and we ourselves become helpless, we fall into psychological dependence on another person. Not every man can withstand such a heavy burden of responsibility.

In fact, a psychologically mature person is responsible for his actions and making important decisions on his own. For such a person, adultery is simply an unpleasant fact of life. It hurts, but the patient will live.

For an infantile, insecure personality, adultery seems to be a personal tragedy, a collapse, a confirmation of inferiority. Please note that the root of the problem in this case is not so much in the affair of the chosen one, so much in the internal contradictions, the complexes of the woman herself.

A confident person is ready to take reasonable risks and gives the right to make mistakes. An insecure person believes that he should be impeccable in everything - and therefore constantly marking time. - Andrey Yashurin

To understand how to regain trust, one must realize that family life is a two-man boat, the fate and success of which depends on the efforts of both rowers. Trust is an important part of love. Do not shift the responsibility to the chosen one. Of course, it is easier to be offended, betrayed by the victim, to revel in pain, to be afraid of losing touch with a loved one. But at the same time, you are dealing with your fears, not solving the problem. Get off the accusatory attitude, let go of the past. Don't hold on to doubts, suspicions.

Live for today. Look in the mirror. Isn't such a sweet young lady worthy of love and respect? Love, appreciate yourself. Enjoy life, experiment with your own appearance. Take time to satisfy your own interests. A little healthy selfishness hasn't stopped anyone yet.

Open up to new knowledge and acquaintances. They will fill you with lively energy of new impressions, help get rid of negative thoughts. Be socially active, don't be afraid to take the initiative.

Look for inspiration. Do not forget to keep a "success diary", notice all the good things that happened during the day. We tend to focus on the negative while ignoring the bright side of life. It's time to change your picture of the world.

Watch your health, this is a guarantee of female attractiveness. Over time, even traumatic memories and doubts will seem frivolous, even comical. Remember, it's never too late to change. In addition, looking for new facets of your own personality is always pleasant and exciting.

Male infidelity is a common occurrence, due to which a huge number of married couples break up. Often, women do not find the strength to forgive a repentant husband. However, there are cases when the wife, after long apologies and promises that "this will not happen again", is ready to close her eyes to what happened, to believe her husband again and continue to live "normal life" with him. But how in such a situation can you start trusting your husband again after infidelity?

Before trying again to recreate family happiness with your husband, you need to honestly answer yourself the question, can you sincerely forgive a person and live with him as before, without blaming, without reproaching, without expecting another betrayal? If the answer is something other than a confident “yes, of course,” then you shouldn't waste your time and your husband's time. It is not easy to truly forgive cheating, but it is necessary to rebuild a strong family.

Forgiveness is difficult, but only the first step. This is followed by the return of trust - hard inner work on oneself. Here are some tips from a psychologist on how to forget your husband's betrayal and trust him again:

  1. Don't force yourself to forgive. After cheating, you should calm down and recover. How can you forget your husband's betrayal? There is no need to be silent and sob quietly into your pillow. This behavior can lead to psychological trauma, but you need it? Pay attention to yourself, close people (communication has not harmed anyone yet), in general - let go of the problem, at least for a while. When fear and anger go away, you can think about how to be with your husband further.
  2. Give yourself a mindset for trust. If you manage to forgive a man, an equally difficult question arises: how to believe your husband again after his betrayal? After all, if he cheated once, he can cheat again. In this case, you should give yourself the psychological direction to believe. Even if it seems that now you are deceiving yourself, say mentally: "I trust him again, I am not afraid to be deceived again." Thoughts are material, right? This, of course, will not solve the problem directly, but it will help speed up the process.
  3. Work on what led to the cheating. To change something, you need to start with yourself. Even if it seems to you that your fault for treason is not, think and take a closer look at yourself. Think about what prompted your husband to cheat and fix it. Are you often not at home? Decide whether you want to realize yourself more at work or find real family happiness? Give the man what he lacked. Then he will simply have no need to waste material, emotional and physical resources on another woman. You will be protected from repeated betrayal.

    Important! No need to blame yourself for cheating on your husband! You might not be perfect, but no one deserves to be betrayed. His act is disgusting, and you are the victim here. We are only saying that you should take a closer look at yourself, but in no case reproach or reproach yourself.

  4. Eliminate any oversights. Agree with your husband that now you have the right to view his SMS messages on your mobile phone, answer calls or look into the diary where all his meetings are recorded. He should not be surprised at this condition, because your shaken trust is expected. Over time, when on the phone you will not find anything except messages from your mother, and only work meetings will be recorded in the diary,your distrust will come to naught, and the question "How to trust your husband again after his betrayal" will no longer bother you.

    Important! Remember that everyone needs personal space. Don't turn into a real spy. Otherwise, the husband, who has decided to change, sooner or later will not withstand the onslaught. Indicate that the checks are not for long, only until you feel calmer. Over time, the desire to spy will really disappear due to the uselessness.

  5. Chat with your husband. Communication implies trust. Share your emotions, feelings and experiences with your man. Lay out everything that lies in your soul. And in return, demand the same. If you know not only what a man is doing, but also what he thinks, it will be easier for you to start trusting him again, because he will be like an open book for you.
  6. Observe your husband's behavior carefully. In the process of returning trust, a lot depends on him. He must want his wife to trust him again and take certain actions. First, he must be patient with all your whims, tantrums, resentments, to which, by the way, you have the right. Secondly, it must be open. Your husband can easily provide you with all the passwords and invoice receipts, because he understands that you are going through a very difficult internal struggle. And, thirdly, he will show you signs of attention, give gifts, shower with compliments. So he will try to make amends and give you joyful emotions.

Important!If a man does not undertake any of the above, it means that he himself is not very eager to be forgiven and does not fully admit his guilt. You need to think about whether it was worth forgiving him at all

If you cannot regain confidence when you cheat on your husband on your own, the advice of a professional psychologist will help. Family life is not an easy thing, and the help of a specialist can be very helpful, especially in such a difficult situation. Consult a psychologist, if possible, attend a session with your husband. The advice of a competent specialist will not hurt you.

How to behave if your husband has changed: psychological aspects

Having discovered the betrayal of her husband, women often do not know how to behave. Someone perceives the situation aggressively and throws the offender's things from the balcony, someone silently sobs into the pillow. How should you behave if your husband has cheated?

  1. Don't trust gossips. Often, you can learn that your husband has cheated on you from friends or colleagues. You cannot take their words at face value - there are too many envious people and gossips in the world. Someone may sincerely wish to destroy your happy marriage, someone may be in love with your man - but you never know for a reason. Until you get reliable facts, do not rush to accuse your husband of betrayal. The accusation may be a lie, but you will provoke a conflict within the family, and the gossip will get what he wanted.
  2. Don't be silent. If you still confirmed your husband's infidelity with facts, do not be silent. Often, wives, having learned about the betrayal, keep silent about it in fear that their beloved will leave. You don't need to do this. According to statistics, if after six months a man has not left the family for the sake of a mistress, less than 10% of cheaters decide to do so after this period. The "stronger" sex is afraid of change. Therefore, it is pointless to be silent, it would be better to show that you know everything, only to do it competently.
  3. Discuss the problem calmly. Arrange scandals and tantrums for my husband is definitely not worth it. This will only convince him that he has changed simply because he wants to be happy. After all, his mistress is a calm, balanced woman. When you've discovered your husband's affair, talk to him calmly. Just say that you know everything (it is advisable to present the facts so that he does not argue with you) and that now you must decide how to proceed.
  4. Don't be like an unfaithful husband. Cheating for cheating is just an outburst of emotions that leads to even more problems. Firstly, such a betrayal is only a desire to return offended pride, to prove to yourself that you are still attractive and sexy. Only the triumph from this will be short-lived. Secondly, revenge on her husband in this way will not work either. If his betrayal came from a sudden feeling, your actions will not affect him in any way. If he just stumbled, you ruin all possible chances to restore the family.
  5. Be attentive to your health. A woman's body can hardly endure emotionally difficult situations. Psychological instability and stress directly affect the overall physical condition. It is very important to pay attention to health during such a period. Otherwise, mild ailments can lead to serious consequences.
  6. Forgive only if you deserve it. If you immediately forgive the cheater, he will decide that he can deceive you again, and get off with minor losses. Do you want to relive this pain again? May he deserve forgiveness by his actions. Know your worth.


My name is Natalya, I'm 41 years old, married for 24 years. I'll start with the fact that once again my husband
I decided to get myself a mistress. We have already gone through this and more than once four years ago he even left me for another woman, but after living with her for a month he returned to me how much effort and nerves it cost me to forget and forgive everything, only I probably know this. And only everything seems to be working out, we live as they say in perfect harmony and on you again, all over again and again. He got a new job and after a while I find out that he is in correspondence with a girl, he claims that this is just a correspondence, but I know that he cannot just have a correspondence with this and everything starts, naturally we started scandals about this ... In total, I still turned out to be hysterical and I can't pretend that everything is fine with us, I just want to live with a person and just trust him and not suspect him of something. And how to believe a person who betrays you all the time ???

Natalia, hello!
I would like to support you that your man loves you, if he comes back to you all the time. You are important to him.
But he also loves himself and therefore satisfies his needs through communication with women. Probably, this is not your fault, but his self-affirmation. Apparently, he cannot deny this. For some reason, it is necessary to watch his childhood and relationship with his mother.

And how to believe a person who betrays you all the time ???

Yes, you can't believe him in any way. Until, at least, for a long time he will not be able to prove the opposite with his loyalty.


4 years they lived quietly, only began to believe that the person had changed and he started again

Natalya, you should talk to him in a calm, confidential tone one day about your feelings about his infidelity, tell about all your emotions, feelings and prejudices, without blaming HIM. Look at his reaction. Try to determine if you got through.
Perhaps he will take something for himself out of your suffering, perhaps not.


Already spoke like a person is not given to understand this, he has never experienced this

it is not given to understand

To understand at the analytical level, he understands, another thing is to emotionally understand and accept for himself the rejection of other women, which is difficult. It is necessary to analyze his family history for this.
And you, or accept him as he is and endure all the dignity that would allow you to keep the relationship
OR if this is not possible, end the relationship and divorce. Right now, reading the last sentence, something must click in you, or you must not like something in my words, or some other emotion. Feel it - this will be the first path towards your decision.
Because we will not be able to change a man in this format.


As I understand it, I have two ways to accept him as he is, and the other way is divorce.


If I stay with him, can you give advice on how to sharply not react to this on his betrayal

How to learn to trust your husband and not be jealous? Jealousy is a bad counselor and destroys even the strongest families. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases. What to do if the spouse asks for forgiveness and wants to keep the family? Should you trust your husband? How can you reduce the pain of cheating and restore your old relationship? More on this later in the article.

Why are there betrayals?

It is important in all stressful situations not to resolve the issue in a rush. It is advisable to be in solitude for a while. Find out for yourself what is the reason for the betrayal. Indeed, sometimes the wife herself can not push. Moreover, she does not even notice how she does it. Before talking about how to learn to trust your husband, give advice on this issue, we will find out the possible reasons for the betrayal of the spouse.

Let's take a look at the main situations:

  1. A woman, having married, simply ceases to monitor her appearance. Nobody asks for an ideal figure, but a weight of 100 kg is already too much.
  2. The girl ceases to monitor her wardrobe, hair. It is much more pleasant to live with a beautiful and well-groomed wife. For this, beauty salons are optional. It is enough not to walk at home in front of your spouse in a leaky dressing gown and disheveled hair.
  3. It's worth evaluating your behavior. If every day there are quarrels, reproaches, humiliation of the husband, then here even strong love will not save you from betrayal.
  4. Don't be jealous for no reason. If you arrange interrogations for your husband every day and are jealous of every skirt, then this may simply push you into treason. After all, sometimes men act on this principle: since the wife believes that there is treason, then why not. Then at least the abuse will be justified.

To strengthen feelings, you need to show your love and loyalty to your husband. But not too intrusive.

After assessing the situation in a calm state, you can give the floor to your husband if he wants to explain and talk. You shouldn't decide everything yourself. All scandals in the family are the mistakes of both. And treason is no exception. After listening to all the arguments of the husband, one may wonder whether it is worth forgiving a spouse.

Treason and forgiveness

Should you forgive your husband? How can you learn to trust your husband again? We will now find answers to these questions. Forgiveness can be resolved after private conversations. You should not seek advice on the side. This will only aggravate the situation, but will not give the correct answer. Remember that you will always have time to expel your spouse, but whether he will return later to the family is already a question.

And if the wife calmly assesses the situation, listens to her husband, behaves adequately to the situation, then this will only raise her in the eyes of her partner. After reconciliation, you can even arrange a short vacation for two. It will help you more accurately understand the feelings, understand whether it is worth giving them another chance or everything is already lost.

How to overcome the fear of repeated betrayal?

If a decision is made to keep the family, then it is worth figuring out how to learn to trust your husband again after infidelity. But first you need to learn to control yourself. After the betrayal of the husband, women often do not leave a feeling of fear that the spouse may change again. What to do?

  • You need to distract yourself from these thoughts. If possible, you can start going to the gym, swimming pool. Visit your friends more often. Just do not start a conversation with your friends about treason. This will only pull at the wound and will not let the emotions cool down.
  • The best way out is considered or interests. For example, take yourself an interesting hobby (start a blog, go swimming, get carried away by reading literature), change your hairstyle, style of clothing. You can also do yoga. It helps to balance the nervous system and understand yourself. In general, you need to be cheerful and enjoy life. Not a single man will pass by such a woman.
  • The stronger sex loves well-read women, or rather interlocutors with whom there is something to talk about. And it's easy to become like that. You don't have to read books for hours. It is enough to self-develop for an hour, at least on the Internet. It will also be interesting and useful in life.
  • The most important rule is to love and respect yourself. If a person does not respect himself, he will not achieve this from others.
  • Don't be jealous of your husband with more strength. On the contrary, you need to give him freedom. Better let the spouse now be afraid of losing his wife, who not only behaved wisely, but also looks wonderful and does not lose heart.
  • If you cannot cope on your own and it is difficult for you to psychologically overcome yourself, then it is better to consult a psychologist. With it, you can work out the problem.

It is such a woman who will attract more attention to herself than a lady who has neglected herself even more and is constantly depressed. At the sight of his wife's changes, the husband will become more interested in her and will appreciate his soul mate more. The fear of losing such a wife will push back the spouse's desire for treason.

How to get rid of emptiness in the soul after infidelity?

After the feeling of hatred for her husband has passed, a feeling of emptiness appears in the soul. This often manifests itself in people with low self-esteem. Therefore, before talking about how to learn to trust your husband after infidelity, you need to talk about how to understand yourself and raise yourself in your own eyes and the eyes of others.

  1. Don't make an elephant out of a fly. This is the most obvious sign of low self-esteem. Every problem has a solution. And instead of lamenting how bad everything is, you need to pull yourself together and look for a way out of this situation.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to all your victories and achievements, even small ones.
  3. Do not push away the care of loved ones. Accept it gratefully. Allow yourself to spend money on yourself (buy ice cream, a pretty blouse). Allocate free time, again only for yourself (watching a series, reading a book, and so on). You need to love yourself and enjoy even a rainy day. A happy person attracts the attention of others and appears to be a confident person.
  4. Find out your strengths and weaknesses in your character. And try to get rid of your shortcomings.
  5. When there are days that you just want to cry or scream, you can take a course of sedatives during this period.
  6. When a feeling of emptiness appears in your soul, you should not clog it with caring for children or other people's problems. It is better to pay attention to yourself and your own self-development. Stop suffering and allow yourself to be a victim.

A woman who knows her own worth will never allow herself to be offended, where she will react wiser to her husband's betrayal and will not go back. After all, many believe that it is easier to survive the deception of the husband. Retaliation is the fate of weak people.

Figure out the relationship

How to learn to trust your husband? Before you start building a relationship anew, you need to understand that you will never be able to completely forget the betrayal. But why remember her every day? She is in the past, and nothing can be changed. You need to continue to live on, not upsetting your life with bad events.

Many women are interested in learning how to learn to trust their husband again. You need to answer this question to yourself, whether it will be possible to live next to your spouse, who has already cheated once. Otherwise, further married life will turn into a nightmare. It is also imperative to fully clarify the relationship with your husband. You can even shout and beat the dishes. Emotions must completely go out. Resentment should not be drowned out and accumulate from day to day.

When you shouldn't stay in a relationship

If the husband treated infidelity as an ordinary, everyday event, then it is not worth saving the family here. In no case should the spouse's misconduct be justified. Knowing this position of his wife, he will begin to walk to the left with enviable regularity.

Be friends for a while

How to learn to trust your husband? Psychologists advise, after splashing out initial emotions, to express to each other what specifically does not suit the spouses. This is done so that there are no repeated betrayals.

But still, how to learn to trust your husband? The psychologist's advice sounds like this: if a decision is made not to part and try to start all over again, then at first you can just try to be good friends to each other. Also, you should not blame your husband after betrayal for all mortal sins. Don't forget that the decision was made together. Therefore, one should try not to remember the past.

It was decided to keep the family. What can you do to strengthen your relationship?

To strengthen them, you need to try to spend more time together. If a vacation is not planned in the near future, then you can spend evenings and weekends together. During this time, new positive traits can be discovered in the husband.

Of course, from time to time memories of treason will slip through. Especially at first. Better to try not to re-start conversations on this topic. And the spouse may just get tired of such conversations. Then the family will fall apart.

If you do not know how to learn to trust your husband again, then remember that the most ideal option is to cross out the past. You have to start your married life anew. But try not to make mistakes that could serve as a betrayal of her husband. Ideally, you can have a honeymoon.

Accept your husband's apology

This will help you further in the relationship. If you don't know how to learn to trust your husband again, first learn to accept your spouse's apology. They can be expressed by the usual help with the housework, flowers, walks in the evening city. The spouse sometimes feels much worse than the cheated wife. It can be much harder for him. After all, it was he who almost destroyed the family. After reconciliation, it is worth living in the present and not looking at past grievances. Forgiveness and understanding of her husband's betrayal, wise decision-making is the lot of strong women.

Cheating in the family, unfortunately, is quite common. And only a wise and intelligent woman can keep the family together. And often betrayal only strengthens the family. After all, the wife then grows in the eyes of her husband. He begins to be proud of his chosen one. And the wife begins to look at her husband in a different way. And she often begins to see those advantages that she did not notice before.


Now you know how to learn to trust your husband. And if a decision is made to forgive a spouse, to keep the family, then these tips given in the article will help any woman to cope with infidelity, look wise after making a decision, and also become more beloved and desirable for her husband.