How to answer if you were offered to meet. How to refuse the guy in the sentence to meet? If the guy asks more than just communication

You can recall or submit an incredible set of situations in which you and the guy appear. For example, if a man suggested to meet - what to answer him? For starters, let's figure out that this is actually for a man - this is your good friend, your friend, your former guy or a person unfamiliar to you and you want to agree on his proposal. And it is also worth dealing with what kind of down you are invited - friendly or romantic. If a man suggested to meet - what to answer him, go or not - there is no definite answer here, it depends in many ways from the one who invited you?

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Photo Gallery: If a man suggested to meet, what to answer?

So, if a man suggested to meet: what to answer, do you think?

Suppose this guy is your friend, and if you:

a) Want to accept the idea that you invites you a classmate, a classmate or colleague on work. How would you answer? Surely I would smile and said: "Yes, of course. Where and how much? " . In this case, the conversation will certainly be anything that does not bind it, except that your relationship will turn into a leaper, friendly.

b) If a man suggested to meet, And you want to refuse - formulate your refusal as you can polite, so as not to offend a person. Smile and tell me: "I would be happy, but I can not. Maybe next time?". If a man persistently continues to invite you and tries to find out the exact date of your upcoming meeting, but you do not intend to meet with this subject in principle, answer the classic phrase: "As soon as there is time - I will give you to know."

If you suggested to meet a familiar man in a romantic setting, and you:

a) Want to agree - Poflirty with him a little, the languid voice of saying: "Yes, it would be very nice to dine with you," in the way his eyes, in short, are interested in him and make it easier to expect a meeting with great impatience. Flirt is not a crime, but at the meeting you can decide whether further relationships are possible with this man.

b) You want to refuse - immediately let me understand that you do not want any romance between you. Say: "You know, probably, we will not work out, you sorry. You are a good person, but I can offer you only friendship, no more. "

If the former guy suggested to me to meet and talk friendly, and you:

a) Want to agree - then you should not remind him of your past relations. Treat him as a really good friend, he knows so much about you and you have a lot in common. In this situation, you better answer what you think. You need to sort out yourself, to understand whether you are ready for reconciliation. After all, a former guy is a walking stress for you, because we, girls, any parting is given hard. In addition, you must be sure that your ex with a truly friendly relationship. Do not hurry answer, but try to find out what he really wants. You probably have common acquaintances who will supply you with all the necessary information.

b) you want to refuse - to answer him that you can not be friends, so it's better to stay just familiar, say that you don't have evil on him, but you have friends, but you have good memories with him, which is the place in Past, not in the present.

If a former guy invites you to a romantic meeting,and you:

a) you want to agree - (you think that relationship can be returned), then do it so that he watches you, show him that during the time you were in the gap, your life came back to normal, and that you will not stand the gap With him for the second time. If he really wants to return you, then it will make you believed to him.

b) You want to refuse - tell him that you respect him and thankful for everything good that you had, but your life flows next, and you want to build relationships with other people. Offer him to stay friends, but no more.

If you invite an unfamiliar person to a friendly meeting, and you:

a) You think to agree - then at first look at the stranger. Women's intuition often suggests to us who can trust, and who can not. If the sixth sense tells you that everything is in order, then meet him and appoint a place and meeting time itself.

b) You think to refuse - just refuse. Without hints, flirting and the like. Tell me: "No, thank you." If a person wanted friendly communication and no more, he will understand everything.

If an unfamiliar young man invites you to a romantic meeting, and you:

a) I am ready to agree - then for starters learn how his name is. Offer to arrange a meeting of two two - ask to come with a friend, and come with a girlfriend, choose the place and time of the meeting. If something goes wrong, the girlfriend will help you out, and the meeting will give you confidence in your territory in case of an unexpected situation. Alas, in our time strangers to trust scary.

b) Ready to refuse - Tell me right. Sovie, that you have a young man, if there is no such. Do not give your phone number and do not hint anything. If a person does not understand - just go away.

If you suggested a meeting in the romantic setting of your young man,and you:

a) Naturally, you want to agree - thank him for the invitation, and find out where you go, and if it is a surprise, then find out at least a dress code, and then lead you to a restaurant, and you are in a T-shirt and ripped jeans, even in Designer.

b) You can not go, but you are afraid to offend - Kiss him, tell me any pleasures, how do you love him, apologize and ask you to postpone the meeting. The main thing is not to tell him, because you probably have a good reason, because of which you can't go on a date when he wants. Trust is the most important thing in the relationship.

But you must understand that these are just some of the situations that can happen to you, and they must be taken into account, thinking about: if a man suggested to meet, what to answer? Trust, first of all, to my mind, do not do what you do not want, do not meet with those who do not want, and do not believe anyone if you do not want. If you are offered to meet, then you have the right to solve only you yourself. Think if you want to communicate with a specific person with a friend, or is it interesting for you exclusively with a hint of relationships, and do you want to communicate with him at all. Remember that we ourselves create their own surroundings. Good luck!

Thanks to the Internet, communication secrets are becoming an increasingly relevant topic. Because a network of dating is expanding, and the time to come up with how beautiful the guy has inexperienced girls and less. Happy women of the past - they could afford exercise in wit and coquetry. For example, Tatiana wrote a letter to Onegin week, and the proposal of the hand and hearts in those days were considered for years. Try a week to think about what to answer to "Hi" a guy who interested you in social networks, he simply will not remember who you are and why he wrote to you. Conclusion - you need to act quickly, but deliberately. For girls who are nervous and worried, communicating with men, we give some universal councils.

Question answer

The question is the signal that you are interested in a person, and he wants to know more about you. In relations with a guy to avoid such a situation unrealistic, especially if he likes you. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly assimilate how to answer questions to the guys not to discourage the desire to continue acquaintance, but on the contrary to form a positive and captivative image.

  • Counter questions. In order to increase the time to think about the answer and do not flaunt some nonsense, use this technique, the people referred to as "Jewish". Ask the interlocutor - "Why was it interested in you?"
  • Form. Be sure to determine what impression you want to make a guy. Do you want to think about you that you are a cheerful laughter or thoughtful intellectual tank, independent or romantic, breaking or trusting? The impression that has established about you at the beginning of dating is very difficult to change in the future. Yes, and the guy will not understand - he liked the romantic coquette, and you suddenly answer boldly and with provocation.
  • Honesty. Sometimes questions affect not the best moments of your life and character. You can try to stupid "it was a hundred years ago, I was then young and green" or "I'm rarely angry only when hungry." During a serious conversation, the interlocutor may not understand your joke and even offended, so try to answer the most tactfully and truthfully. And if I had to lie, remember you all invented, suddenly you have to play events. One small mistake and lip reputation you are provided. The lies not only lowers a person in the eyes of others, but also kills trust, which is the basis of any relationship.
  • Answer care is a good option, if you are very unpleasant to the topic of the conversation. The tradition of achieving an answer using split tongs and the iron has long been outdated, and the native person will not persist, seeing your suffering. You can say: "This is a long story," "I painfully remember this," "I will definitely tell you about it when I am ready." But this option can be used only in extreme cases when you can't come up with how to answer the guy. After all, male fantasy can significantly surpass reality.
  • Silly questions. Sometimes the guy is lost no less than the girl, and questions may be ridiculous and strange. Answer on them should be blurred without specifics, but with a good-natured humor. You can be slightly stupid, observing the style of the interlocutor. The main thing is not to be nervous!

Reply to invitation

Very often, girls are lost, not knowing how to answer the guy to offer a meeting. After all, many factors affect the answer: your relationship, the nature of the meeting, your desire or reluctance. Consider in more detail how beautiful to refuse or agree:

  • Agree! If the character of the meeting is friendly, just forget about the fact that you are a guy. Smile and feel free to specify time and place. If this is a date, it does not hurt a little flirting. Make him wait for the meeting with impatience, lean "I am so nice, get your invitation."
  • I do not agree! In this case, the formulation of refusal should be polite and understandable. Tell me with a smile "I would be happy, but things," or a more categorical "if time will appear - I will call myself."

Teenage age is a wonderful time when girls and boys turn into girls and boys. During this period, the first love happens often, which is remembered for a lifetime. That is why many girls may have a question - what to do if the boy confessed to love? What to do if the guy do you like? How to behave and what to answer if you do not want to meet with him? How not to offend a young man?

Recognition in love is a bold step, worthy of respect

If someone told you the words of love, believe me, this man showed courage. In fact, it is quite difficult to do this at a young age. Teens are strongly affected by emotions, wounded, they are afraid of the thought of refusal. If the young man was able to overcome the constraint, the excitement and still she gained courage to admit in his feelings of a young lady, he is hardly lying. Perhaps he confuses enthusiastically with love, but he is precisely feeling feelings, and sincere. Given this, you need to treat the boy with respect to you in love, and try to give a response so as not to hurt His feelings. What should be the answer? It all depends on your attitude to this person.

If sympathy is mutual

In case your feelings are mutual or you are sympathy for this young man, it is worth telling him about it. However, at first it is possible to mention that you are grateful to him for sincerity, because you understand how many courage to him should be discovering. Do I need to immediately open your cards and recognize in the opposite feelings? Even if you are very in love with this boy, do not speak loud "love". This word has a very deep meaning and differs from in love. Love is based on mutual respect and deep attachment. Just say the young man that you also like it, and you would like to spend more time together, communicate and walk to get to know each other better. Over time, you can open to him by saying the cherished "love".

What if the boy suggested to meet?

Taking recognition in love and proposal to meet, a young girl should not think that now she is obliged to join with his guy in an intimate relationship. Some girls are this and fear. They believe that a young man will expect this from his girlfriend. However, the situation should be clarified. Agreeing to meet, you should not anyone. Your consent only means that a young man can count on your attention and communication, in the course of which you both will be able to learn each other's habit, looks for the future, find common interests.

If the guy asks more than just communication

If the guy insists on sexual relationships, you have the right to refuse him, explaining that it is still too young and not ready to bear responsibility for the consequences to which sex leads. In adolescence, boys are very difficult to restrain their fervor when they are pretty girl. However, physical attraction is not a reason to blackmail a girlfriend and to decline it to close relationships, if she does not want it. When a young man says that finding another, if you do not give way, is a faithful sign that he does not experience true love.

Sexual relationships between adolescents are not uncommon, but is it worth starting to start at that age? It seems that there is no, not worth it. They can bring disappointment and mental pain with both partners. At a young age, sympathies are often changing, and the hormones play, so the likelihood of being left by a guy after several romantic dates. It will be mental pain. To protect yourself and protect yourself from frustration, it is better not to rush with the proximity - everything is your time.

Yes, and what will the early sexual relationship give? Do they have positive consequences in the future? Increase the older friends about whether people were left, among their acquaintances, who early began to have sex?! I think that in 99% of such steam no. The next question is whether the guy can be able to answer for his connection if you get pregnant? Does he earn money? If not, the girl risks not get a decent education due to the fact that the child will grow when herself is also. Who will buy baby diapers? Go to the store and calculate how much they cost how much baby food will need per month. Perhaps someone these numbers will make a reality to understand correctly.

How to deny the cavalier?

After listening to the reverent recognition from the boy, you have the right to tell him "no" if you do not feel any sympathy towards him. Some girls because of the awkwardness and fear offend a person sometimes impose him to delusion. They ask the time to think or agree to meet, thereby give reason to hope for reciprocity. Some come so only in order not to lose your girlfriend, looking at their girlfriends. When the cavalier counts daily on attention, invites for walks and creates a girl with love confessions, these actions are gradually starting to cause irritation.

It is better to stay honest with yourself and a guy, not giving reason to hope. However, in this case, it is worth being tactful and thank the boy for attention and sincerity. If you admitted to love, never tell all your friends about it, otherwise you risk a disregter and unreliable person. Such actions are talking about disrespectful to the boy who has discovered their feelings.

So, the boy confessed to love and offered to meet what to do? Take his words and allow you to spend time with you if it is not sensible to you. Thank and tactfully refuse if there are no response feelings and is unlikely to appear. Being not ready for intimate relationships, straight to say it to your boyfriend, but, facing manipulation on his part, make the appropriate conclusions. Do not be afraid to refuse, do not be afraid to offend the boy if the cavalier was preparing to admit to love, he understood that he could get and refusal. No need to criticize the soul, be honest, able to talk and "yes" and "no"!

You can recall or submit an incredible set of situations in which you and the guy appear. For example, if a man suggested to meet - what to answer him? For starters, let's figure out that this is actually for a man - this is your good friend, your friend, your former guy or a person unfamiliar to you and you want to agree on his proposal. And it is also worth dealing with what kind of down you are invited - friendly or romantic. If a man suggested to meet - what to answer him, go or not - there is no definite answer here, it depends in many ways from the one who invited you?

So, if a man suggested to meet: what to answer, do you think?

Suppose this guy is your friend

, and if you:

a) Want to accept the idea that you invites you a classmate, a classmate or colleague on work. How would you answer? Surely I would smile and said: "Yes, of course. Where and how much? ". In this case, the conversation will certainly be anything that does not bind it, except that your relationship will turn into a leaper, friendly.

b) If a man suggested to meet, And you want to refuse - formulate your refusal as you can polite, so as not to offend a person. Smile and tell me: "I would be happy, but I can not. Maybe next time?". If a man persistently continues to invite you and tries to find out the exact date of your upcoming meeting, but you do not intend to meet with this subject in principle, answer the classic phrase: "As soon as there is time - I will give you to know."

If you suggested to meet a familiar man in a romantic setting

, and you:

a) Want to agree - Poflirty with him a little, the languid voice of saying: "Yes, it would be very nice to dine with you," in the way his eyes, in short, are interested in him and make it easier to expect a meeting with great impatience. Flirt is not a crime, but at the meeting you can decide whether further relationships are possible with this man.

b) You want to refuse - immediately let me understand that you do not want any romance between you. Say: "You know, probably, we will not work out, you sorry. You are a good person, but I can offer you only friendship, no more. "

If the former guy suggested to me to meet and talk friendly

, and you:

a) Want to agree - then you should not remind him of your past relations. Treat him as a really good friend, he knows so much about you and you have a lot in common. In this situation, you better answer what you think. You need to sort out yourself, to understand whether you are ready for reconciliation. After all, a former guy is a walking stress for you, because we, girls, any parting is given hard. In addition, you must be sure that your ex with a truly friendly relationship. Do not hurry answer, but try to find out what he really wants. You probably have common acquaintances who will supply you with all the necessary information.

b) you want to refuse - to answer him that you can not be friends, so it's better to stay just familiar, say that you don't have evil on him, but you have friends, but you have good memories with him, which is the place in Past, not in the present.

If a former guy invites you to a romantic meeting,

and you:

a) you want to agree - (you think that relationship can be returned), then do it so that he watches you, show him that during the time you were in the gap, your life came back to normal, and that you will not stand the gap With him for the second time. If he really wants to return you, then it will make you believed to him.

b) You want to refuse - tell him that you respect him and thankful for everything good that you had, but your life flows next, and you want to build relationships with other people. Offer him to stay friends, but no more.

If you invite an unfamiliar person to a friendly meeting

, and you:

a) You think to agree - then at first look at the stranger. Women's intuition often suggests to us who can trust, and who can not. If the sixth sense tells you that everything is in order, then meet him and appoint a place and meeting time itself.

b) You think to refuse - just refuse. Without hints, flirting and the like. Tell me: "No, thank you." If a person wanted friendly communication and no more, he will understand everything.

If an unfamiliar young man invites you to a romantic meeting

, and you:

a) I am ready to agree - then for starters learn how his name is. Offer to arrange a meeting of two two - ask to come with a friend, and come with a girlfriend, choose the place and time of the meeting. If something goes wrong, the girlfriend will help you out, and the meeting will give you confidence in your territory in case of an unexpected situation. Alas, in our time strangers to trust scary.

b) Ready to refuse - Tell me right. Sovie, that you have a young man, if there is no such. Do not give your phone number and do not hint anything. If a person does not understand - just go away.

If you suggested a meeting in the romantic setting of your young man,

and you:

a) Naturally, you want to agree - thank him for the invitation, and find out where you go, and if it is a surprise, then find out at least a dress code, and then lead you to a restaurant, and you are in a T-shirt and ripped jeans, even in Designer.

b) You can not go, but you are afraid to offend - Kiss him, tell me any pleasures, how do you love him, apologize and ask you to postpone the meeting. The main thing is not to tell him, because you probably have a good reason, because of which you can't go on a date when he wants. Trust is the most important thing in the relationship.

But you must understand that these are just some of the situations that can happen to you, and they must be taken into account, thinking about: if a man suggested to meet, what to answer? Trust, first of all, to my mind, do not do what you do not want, do not meet with those who do not want, and do not believe anyone if you do not want. If you are offered to meet, then you have the right to solve only you yourself. Think if you want to communicate with a specific person with a friend, or is it interesting for you exclusively with a hint of relationships, and do you want to communicate with him at all. Remember that we ourselves create their own surroundings. Good luck!

ATTENTION, only today!


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Of course, the easiest way to answer the proposal of the arm and heart is the standard "yes" or "no". However, in the first case it will be quite trivial, and in the second it is hurt. But if you want to avoid long explanations and justification, then this is your option.

If you do not like the cavalier, and with him you do not suit the relationship, then in the wording you can not be shy. It all depends on the degree of your pupil. But before you decide to part in a similar way with this man, think again. After all, after that you are unlikely to meet him and communicate normally.

Responding to a proposal of hands and hearts, do not try to make it too original. It is not known how strong the psyche of your chosen one. Accordingly, it will be quite difficult to predict its reaction. This means that simplify your answer to the maximum and do not attempt a man long waiting and complete unknown.


  • how to answer on me

On the sentence hands and hearts At least once in his life every girl is responsible. It would seem that there are only two options for answering: yes or no. But in reality everything turns out to be much more complicated, and thousands of arguments for and against their weightlessness.


Do not hurry to make a decision. Love is a wonderful feeling, amazing and magical. In love with a person, you can easily select from the crowd - his eyes glow, he smiles, as if shines from the inside. And, of course, no one can make themselves do not experience such wonderful sensations. And life without them would be boring. If the love is real, then with time it does not disappear anywhere, but simply modifies, becomes more calm and strong. Therefore, it is not necessary to hurry, there is no reason to immediately run into the registry office. In the modern world there is a concept of civil marriage. It is possible to live in it for many years not a very correct decision - it seems to be married, and it seems not. But to start a family life - a good practice. After all, everyday family life is very different from the candy-bought period. It often happens that time strengthens your relationship.

But also do not hurry to refuse. Understand that the person with whom you build a strong family does not necessarily unhable, sometimes quite sympathy. Many couples are building relationships in respect and mutual understanding and it is wonderful. In this case, feelings will not be interfered with marriage from a reasonable side. To think about whether your candidate love children, will be a good and faithful husband who knows how to appreciate the comfort, will be able to materially provide a family.

And, most importantly, listen to your inner voice. It is he who will tell you that I want to answer: yes or no. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make an accurate forecast for many years. Sometimes the most ridiculous, at first glance, couples live many, many years in a strong marriage. And those who seem to suit a very friend after a couple of years. Therefore, weigh everything in and against, accept a solid solution and start building a new family or, on the contrary, look on your second half.

Video on the topic


  • answers to the offer of hand and hearts in 2017

The joke can discharge the situation, remove the nervous voltage. Remember how friends joked before the exam, and you got a little easier. Sometimes jokes cause reverse reaction. Instead of a sense of humor, irritation and anger appear on the interlocutor. In such cases, they say that the joke was not to the place. The interlocutor in response is also indignant that some jokes do not understand. Proper reaction to joke Always leads to peaceful relations.


Smile. If the joke came to your soul, this answer will be enough. If you didn't like the joke, the more smile. Your smile can be quite brief. But the interlocutor will be convinced that you "understood" his intention to joke. If you don't blame him, he can show sensitivity and watch you why the joke did not laugh at you just like him. He, too, can not say anything, but to make the conclusion for himself that it is not necessary to joke with you. Single jokers from the 1st time do not understand the inconsistency of jokes. Take the patience and run "Experiment with a smile" several times. Be indulgent. And immediately do your affairs. A person will be enough to know that you do not participate in his stormy joy. And in the future, he will choose a different object for jokes. And about you will say that you do not understand jokes. But there will be a good relationship between you.

Think where you can apply this joke. If it seems to you relevant to some situation, tell me about this to the interlocutor. By this you praise him for the sharp mind and resourcefulness. The person will be very glad that you wish to apply his work. When joking in a similar way with other people, do not forget to tell about their reaction to the author's joke. By this you will delight it.

Praise, make a comment and praise again. If the joke hurts you, do not hurry to "explode." Immediately leave the room. Calm down, drink water. Do not leave the interlocutor for a long time, go back to it. Praise him for the intention to joke. Then notice that the joke can be good, but not for you or not in this situation. And praise again. Your praise will save a person from having to be angry and justify. This behavior will be the best answer to the unsuccessful joke.

Place good joke On the Internet and give the link to your interlocutor. He will be glad that you did it. Especially if you hint in a message who just joked and how you responded. This step will be another way to answer joke.


Some people do not joke, but only try to joke. They do it ineptly, from lack of communication. They want to talk to someone. Do not push such people with an awkward silence in response to a joke. Be ironic to yourself, dare you that you are completely without a sense of humor today. The appropriate tact on your part will support a person.

Useful advice

Sometimes you may seem that everyone around is so witty. They joke, they joke mutually, and such thoughts do not come to your mind. Remember that there is a universal answer to the joke - sincere laughter. Learn to laugh, then your friends will like to joke next to you.

There are such moments in life when someone addresses any unacceptable request or suggestion. All the complexity is that it is not always convenient to answer a sharp refusal. After all, even if you disagree with the interlocutor, I do not want to offend a good person to offend a good man. How to be if you still need to answer?


First of all, consider the easiest and possibly the most correct option: Answer Honestly, as you think. If you are sure that the person's proposal does not suit you, your sewing and tricks are just tightened and can give rise to unnecessary illusions and some unnecessary dreams or expectations. And sooner or later, truth will still come out to the outside, and then your interlocutor will be offended and will be perplexed why you did not explain everything right away.

Even if you say not quite pleasant to the truth, he will understand and will not be offended if you speak gently and calmly, politely and with respect. Speak sincere and open soul. Do not forget to thank the honor and attention to you. Find some words that will not look like a categorical failure. Perhaps after a while you review your decision. Tell me, what else will think about this proposal.

Responding to refusal, try to find the most weighty arguments. If you are very convincing, then emotions will move into the background, giving way to reason and rationality. Name the reason you refuse. It may not be quite truthful, but mild and understandable for perception.

Try reply using hints, if for some reason you can not refuse directly. An intelligent person will analyze the information, everything will understand and will not be offended.

Celebrate the interlocutor by issuing your refusal like a compliment. Praise it for any good qualities or for the proposal itself. For example, "You're such a reasonable and sensitive person that you understand the best ...", "You have a wonderful idea, but ...", "I know that you can rely on you, therefore ...", etc. But keep in mind that your compliments must be sincere, otherwise your partner will immediately feel false. Believe themselves in what you say.

Try to give up a proposal or request, referring to the external circumstances that do not depend on you, as well as employment, illness, waiting for some important event, etc. In any case, you will be able to postpone the decision of this issue for a rather long period.

Get away from the unpleasant conversation for you, changing the topic. Switch the attention of the interlocutor to anything other, no less important and interesting for him. However, keep in mind that the transition to another topic should not be very sharp and noticeable. There should be no hint or long pause.

Another option of refusal is to translate the conversation into a joke. It is not about raising or insulting the interlocutor, but simply about the use of a sense of humor. Your joke should be relevant and kind, and then you will achieve the right effect.


  • how to answer a person to he in 2017

The well-known myth says, as if all women want to marry. This moves men to inappropriate hands and heart offers. And being in a similar situation, the lady is important to get out of it with dignity and do not hurt the feelings of the failed husband. Make it is not easy, but perhaps.

The easiest way to give to understand the undesirable fiance about your intentions is to anticipate his offer and not to enable him to think about you as a potential wife. To do this, we are talking about what we are waiting for the relationship. We should not say that you are potentially ready for marriage, but do not see your current satellite as a husband. This will be a serious blow to male pride and thorough relationships. Clearly outline the proximity zone - do not let in conversations about relatives and loved ones, do not meet with your parents neighbors.

If you still heard a sentence from a person who do not see in the role of a husband, try to smooth the blow from failure. It should be remembered that in any case your refusal will be painful, it is important to choose the words did not cause a serious psycho-emotional injury.

No one should answer "No". Even if you firmly intend to refuse, ask the time to think about the proposal. Be delicate and emphasize that this is a very significant deed from the man.

Every your word should be sincere. Therefore, if you feel the feelings of love, appreciation, friendship or respect - tell me about it. Remember that in the words "I love you" said immediately after "I can't be your wife" no dissonance. If you feel love, but not ready for family life - your companion should understand it and accept.

Try to start your speech with soft introductory wording: "This offer is very unexpected" or "I am discouraged for so much that I can not get together with thoughts."

Provide the arguments that marriage with someone, even with the most enviable fiance of Russia, is not included in your plans today. Tell me that the main thing for you at this stage of life is a career, self-development, building business, creating a financial bridgehead.

At this place, the failed groom should and without the word "no" understand that you refuse to him. It is important not to stop the conversation and give a man a complete understanding why you do not want to become his wife.

Tell us about how imagine a family and in the living examples illustrate the reverse side of the marriage. After a few years of family life, relationships are experiencing the stages of the crisis. Emphasize that you value the current relationship with your companion and do not want family life to upload that romance that is now.

Make a negative experience of romantic relationships in the past, if he had it. Stress that the transferred strike still makes you feel distrust of men.

Stress that your refusal today does not mean that after some time you do not think about family idyll. Therefore, ask a man to hurry the events.

Since the time of the USSR, in our country there was a stereotype that the girl just need to have time to get married to a certain age. Moreover, it was often limited to 18-20 years. Recently, the brings to marriage have changed somewhat, but the girls are still experiencing about "outgoing" years and because of this sometimes make reckless acts.

Marriage age in Russia and in modern Russia

In Russia, girls got married very early. In the 13th century, the "feed book" was created - a set of church rules, which regulated family relations. It was installed in her marriage age for girls - 13 years old, and for young men - 15 years. However, there were many cases of earlier marriages. The church tried to fight this phenomenon. The "Stogrub" published in the middle of the 16th century allowed the priests to walked girls not under 12 years old, young men - still from 15 years.

The reasons for so early marriages were often purely practical. For example, the bridesmaid parents were not easy to feed numerous Chad, and they strive to "attach" at least one of them. And in the family of the groom, on the contrary, did not have enough working arms, and his parents gladly took the "Worker" to the house. Of course, no mutual love can be about any mutual love here, and the marriage relationship in the young family sometimes began only a few years after the wedding.

Now Russian law establishes age for marriage not under the age of 18. However, if there are special circumstances, marriage can be obtained already in 14-15 years. In the laws of individual subjects of the Russian Federation, it is clarified that "special circumstances" are the late terms of pregnancy, pregnancy (at least 22 weeks), the interruption of which is impossible for medical testimony or due to the desire of both parties to maintain it. Permission to marry to persons under the age of 16 is usually issued by the decision of the regional administration, the region or the republic.

Factors affecting marriage

However, such early marriage, today, is still quite rare. According to statistics, most girls try to marry in 18-25 years. To some extent it depends on physiology, since in this period there comes full sexual maturation. Other decisive factors can be thrust for motherhood, fear of loneliness or social stereotypes.

Nevertheless, it is best if mutual love becomes the main factor. After all, it is impossible to want to marry abstractly, at least a girl need a loving and reliable man. But it is unlikely to be able to meet "on request". In no case should not marry when there is no confidence in the chosen. Although stubborn statistics continue to argue that after 30 years the opportunity to marry is not more than 7%, the solution to the problem in each case remains individual. It happens that the girl meets his fate in 16-17 years old, and it happens that women acquire family happiness in 30, 40 and even 50 years.

It would seem a simple situation. You are offered hand and heart. Such an important point, but what to answer? How to behave? To fall to him in the arms, pour into the tears of his vest, kiss in both cheeks? Sing and dance, shining from happiness, or proudly indicate a unfortunate bridegroom on the door, they say, am I someone else's bride? Let's try to figure it out in these, sorry for puns, simple difficult issues.

What to answer when you are offered to get married.

In fact, the answer depends on your attitude to the future fiance. Although, honestly, it will be able to establish in the status of your groom only at your request. So - you decide whether you will be someone's bride or you stay a drawing girl. Consider the options for answers depending on your attitude towards the "asking" side.

You don't like it, and you are indifferent to your further relationship

Everything is simple here. If you are purple, you can send it. Moreover, the range and depth of "send" will not matter. And the expressions are limited only by your tact. In fact, if violet, then purple and will not! The following case is much more complicated.

You do not like it, but you do not want to offend him, you want to stay friends, etc.

Perhaps the most difficult case. Through it is almost all. A tiny young man persistently offers your hand and heart, and you are indifferent to him just like a sofa or a cabinet in the living room. You can sit on it, kick it by foot, look inside, hang something on the shoulders or hang it yourself. Maximum - appreciate him as a friend, but even present it as a husband above your strength. You want to stay friends and do not destroy the framework of the already established relationship. And let them say that girls do not have guys-friends, and there is a bench reserve, what's wrong with that? You can send too impatient guy to the reserve with one clever maneuver!

Translate everything to joke

For example, making a serious facial expression and frowning, arrogantly to say: "A young man, I, unfortunately, I cannot answer your offer, but I will remember you for all my life as the owner of an exceptionally good taste!". After that, you can laugh together and tell a couple of jokes. Maybe it will forget, it is confused, the battle fuse will lose.

Even in a comic arsenal there is a reception "as if consent." It triggers trouble-free - you seem to give a positive answer, but you do not give a reason. For example, you can answer: "Oh yes, of course, cute! We will live with you a long-long life. Appears the children - the football team of boys and a group of supporting girls, and die on this place right on this place! Will you imagine what an old, draffling? And you? Such an old-fashioned one tooth! " Well, then in the same spirit. If the guy with a serious physiognomy requires an immediate response, go to the next reception.

Give hope, but do not give reason

Hope perishes the latter - remember it. And while she is alive, the guy will sit on the bench back and with the lust to eat you with eyes (actually "eat" must be replaced by "undressing", but we are cultural people, so we will consider boys with such innocent creatures, romantic and in love ). Your task is not to move the face behind which hopes ends and the occasion begins. In general, next to the art of women's refusal, all dumbers and frills of professional diplomats nervously smoking on the sidelines. The girl can led the flock of guys for the nose for years, and they will all be sure that it is about to become their property. Listen to yourself - and your nature will tell you how deftly and skillfully turn the strongest claims into the eternal time out.

Well, if your nature is dumbfounded no less than you yourself, if your subconsciously sends you only the options like "A, maybe it's better to send it?", Try the next maneuver. With a serious view (the degree of seriousness should be such that would convince the guy in your sincerity) try to dump the whole blame for yourself. Like, I am still early, I'm still learning, ahead of the career, not ready for family life, waiting for the inheritance of the grandmother, who visited him, provided that I won't be married ... In general, you understood, yes? The main thing - so that MCH did not suddenly have for himself that you are gorgeous to becoming it, and you, such all that burns from love, is bothering. In this case, he will donate in armor, the sword will get, swelling on a combat horse and from your windmills "objective reasons" there will be no trace.

It is necessary to act thinly and cunning, in no case that the counterpart "Family life for her - this life is with me is not allowed in the coagulated brain of the cavalor. Family life for you - abstraction. For particularly stupid, it is possible to hint that it is so cunning is not the first. For those who are in the armored spent - in the phrase in the brain "I can't imagine a single man as my husband." Those who cheered firmly and for a long time, can try to sink by the statement "Friendship with a man for me above marriage." Let him, calling for helping all the power of his convulsions, feverishly trying to comprehend the sacred meaning of this thought. Well, then - the case of technology. No one in the world can teach the girl to keep the guy at a distance better than it is given to the very nature. Take conclusions.

Hit excuse of all times and peoples: "I need to think"

Actually, I do not recommend using it. For a simple reason - after the stated timeout, you will be required to demand a unambiguous answer, and it will not be easy to relyze. Usually, the girl goes to think about the case if I am ready to say "Yes!", But what a decent girl just says so! SHAZ. Let the day be laugh, the second, especially droalling personality pulls these flour for several months. Of course, if your task is to torture the rear thing to live - boldly declare "I'll think about it!" And with the sadistic pleasure, watching his torments. In fact, let alone for decency go through, and then with joy it will decide, as if so cool Macho, all the gates of the girls' fortresses opened, it is only eyebrow a story. And the keys from the hearts of the maiden to him on a saucer with a blue burrow, like Osta Bender, the girls themselves and bring with a low bow.

Be that as it may, in the incident of some time (as a rule, the next morning of the feelings of feelings), the cavalier begins to persevere the answer, and this syntitude is in direct correlation with the scale of time, increasing the exponential. The answer must be given at the peak of impatience. The day on the third, if you do not want to arrange the Future of the Blessed Flour hellish. Smirling "Yes!", The groom is experiencing the euphoria and the pride of the real conqueror. Let him rejoice!

But if you mistakenly took a timeout, and then in a panic climbed into the network to getogt and unwind this question, I found this article and read with the hope of getting a good advice - try to bring the situation to the uncertainty zone. This can be done if you intervene in the process of accepting you the external factors.

No, no, in no case do not resort to the reception "My Parents Against" - you will get a fervent Romeo, who does not care all obstacles. Be inventive. Let him understand that you were already close to the decision-making, but the external circumstances intervened. Out of relatives fell ill. University troubles at work. The tragedy of a grand personal scale - nail broke. Translate everything to the state "I can not think about family life now."

If this "I can not" connect with problems, accepting moral aid from the guy, bringing it to the kinetic crushing energy of the male in the potential of a friend, the counselor, assistant, a strong shoulder. Well, then - act in terms of the situation! Suddenly, in fact, you will be clear to you one day that he is really the one who you need. And enter it into the game from the bench - the case is plenty. Once or twice - and ready!

You like it, and you are ready to say yes! "

Do not rush. As mentioned above, the flour of the guy's waiting is a real balm on the girl's soul. Yes, you have agreed for a long time, but it does not necessarily know about it at all. Let let you conquer, conquer. Let him be lying and wait, suffered.

Then, enjoyed by your consent, it will become soft and pliable as a teddy hare. Take the ears and dragging where the eyes look. After all, for him, your delay with consent will be a hint of a difficult decision. And, it means, not everything is so unequivocal. At least some time he will not treat you as his property, while the fear will be alive that you can cancel or change your decision at any time.

Later, when he already thoroughly takes you on the neck, the becking legs and sipping the beer under the TV, you will need to revive his fears and the ancient instinct of the male. But this is a friend of the story, and we still definitely tell this story on the pages.

There are cases when this proposal takes the girl by surprise. Sometimes she does not want a relationship with this guy or, on the contrary, it really wants, but for some reason it is not solved. Circumstances can be different. And therefore, it is often a question for girls: "What is the answer to the received proposal?"

When not everything is definitely

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing easier than answering such a proposal. If you want to meet with this guy - agree, no - refuse. But not everything is so simple. Sometimes it is not easy to express consent. You do not know how to behave that answer how to start a relationship, in the end, where is the line, after which you change and stop being just a girl, but you get someone half?

There are other circumstances that make them think and remember with the answer. Why can the guy's offer can catch the girl surprise and make you think? Consider several possible situations that correspond to this topic:

  • The guy like a girl, and she does not mind with him. However, his proposal was so knocked out of her gauge, that she was not found, what to answer, saying the first phrase like "Let's later" or "I need to think." Now it is difficult for her to return to this conversation, and she does not know how to behave further.
  • The guy likes the girl, but it does not have any opportunity to meet him. The reason may be the simplest - does not allow some kind of problem, the complex situation in the family, excessive employment, the reluctance to touch someone (for example, in this guy there is a better friend, which for the girl means much more than this, albeit very pretty young man).
  • The girl belongs to this guy as a friend and in any other quality to present it can. He is a good man, she does not want to spoil the relationship with him, but she will definitely not meet with him. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse. But how to make it correct to keep friendly relations?
  • The guy does not like completely. Perhaps even causes a hostility that she still hid. And so successfully that the guy one day suggested to meet her. How to refuse, if possible, without causing him pain and without giving your attitude?
    And these are just a few possible situations in which a girl who received an offer can be. In fact, the question is only how to say "yes" and how to say "no".

How to say yes

If the situation is simple, in which everything is correct and understandable, then consent will not cause any difficulties. The guy suggested a relationship to the girl, therefore she likes her. He is her too. In this case, the offer "Let's meet" can be answered simply: "Why not? Let's try".

If the girl was in a situation that was discussed in the first paragraph, then the output is better to choose a simple. Having confused at that moment when the guy suggested to meet, putting himself in an inconvenient situation by a random phrase, the girl should try to find out the exit itself. Of course, you can wait until the guy recalls your offer once again, and then just answer: "Well, I agree."

But, first, it may not happen, the guy will think that you do not want to meet with him, and will not be imposed. Secondly, he may calculate that the girl is shred or stuffing the price. Guys also often screw the problems where they are not. And so, at the time when the girl suffers from his indecision, the guy is offended at her, demonstratively making an offer to meet another. As a result, both are upset and unhappy.

Therefore, it is desirable, after feelings and thoughts come back to normal, make an effort and approach the guy yourself. It is better to wrap the whole situation in a joke. Here are some possible options suitable from this point of view:

  • "Hello! Have you recently made me an offer - it is still in force? Then I accept it! So what we do next? "
  • "You can not believe me, but all this time I thought about your offer. You know, perhaps, this is a very reasonable offer, so we should try. "
  • "I'm sorry that last time I told you some kind of nonsense. Apparently, from joy all smart thoughts left my head. So, what did we stop there? "

After the situation is settled, at the first convenient case, you can tell you young man that you had to go through. Also, in a jokingly, explain to the guy that from confusion you yourself put yourself in this awkward situation, and after convulsively sought out the exit. These little manifestations of trust are usually beneficial to the relationship. But if it seems to you inappropriate, it is better to just ignore this topic, try to have this unpleasant situation to be forgotten by you, and your guy.

If you want to say "yes", but something bothers you, you can give to understand the guy and the more. That is, you meet him agree, but explain that not everything is so simple. For example, on the offer "Let's meet" you can answer in the style of "how I would like, but there is such a circumstance ..." The following should be an explanation (if possible) from which it becomes clear why the girl cannot simply agree to the relationship, and that's it. By the way, perhaps the guy will suggest an acceptable way out of the situation.

How to say "no"

This, perhaps, the task is more complicated, especially if you want to preserve good relations with a young man or try not to hurt him. By the way, it is best to do this, since the feeling of tact, the careful attitude towards the feelings of others, goodwill will eventually bring more benefit to the girl, a positive effect on its reputation.

Refusing to his best friend, it is necessary to show maximum caution. Moreover, such a situation can be even warned. The girl can not help but feel that the guy to which she belongs to both a friend is in fact it is not indifferent. Therefore, so as not to put your friendship in the threat and not get into an awkward situation, you can periodically give the guy to understand that you are not intend to meet him. Such phrases can help in this:

  • "How good that I have such a friend. Still, a man's friend will not replace any girlfriend. Promise that so it will be so! "
  • "You are my best friend. If you ever go crazy and fall in love with me, I will assume that you took away my friend. I will never forgive you. "
  • "They say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. This is a complete nonsense! So I just adore you as a friend, but as a man would not be at all in my taste! "

If, despite all your efforts, your friend will still risk and make you an offer to meet, do not get out, answer directly as it should be done to make friends. Depending on the situation and the characteristics of your relationship, you can pick up any phrase, for example: "Well, no, I ask you very much, you will spoil everything now! I can not physically meet with you - you already as a relative. And I still didn't love you more than now. "

In other cases, it is simply politely and friendly to respond to a young man with refusal, referring, for example, on a strong incompatibility of characters or unwillingness to enter into a serious relationship with anyone at all.