How to tie a scarf on the head of a Muslim woman. Video: why do Muslim women wear hijab? Hijab in modern society

A Muslim woman's headscarf is called a hijab and is translated from Arabic as “veil”. Actually, the word itself means any Islamic clothing, but today the hijab is understood as a Muslim opaque headscarf, which serves as a headdress in the countries of the East. His methods of tying are strictly regulated by the Koran - he must cover the hair, neck and fall on the chest. The traditional way of tying looks like this:

1. A special cap is put under the headscarf, which completely covers the hair in front - bone, it does not allow the hijab to slip off.

2. The hijab covers the head at the crown, with two-thirds of the headscarf on one side, and about one-third on the other.

3. Fasten the scarf with a pin under the chin so that the shorter part is under the long one and fits snugly against the chin.

4. Now we wrap the head with the long part of the hijab and cover the shoulders and neck. To prevent the scarf from slipping off the parietal part of the head, we secure it in addition to the boom with a pin.

5. We also fix the scarf on the sides with pins. This is how a properly tied hijab looks like:

Video tutorials on tying a Muslim headscarf

Today, there are many simple and difficult ways to tie a hijab. We invite you to learn how to do it beautifully and highlight your own individuality with the help of a universal accessory. The ability to tie a hijab is also useful for women of fashion who are planning a trip to the Middle East and want to express their respect for the cultural traditions of this people.

How to tie a hijab - the value of an accessory for Muslims

The exotic word "hijab" is a headscarf under which the female half of the Muslim population hides her head and neck. Literally translated from Arabic, "hajaba" means "out of sight." Oriental beauties wear hijab to show their love, devotion and humility before God. This is how they dress when they leave the house.

Hiding her beauty from strangers with the help of a headscarf, a Muslim woman secretly declares that she is a person, not a sexual object, and she should be assessed solely by intellectual and moral skills. A piece of silk fabric helps Muslim women to emphasize their individuality, modesty and femininity. They wear the hijab whether they live in their home country or abroad.

How to tie a hijab - some interesting ways

Wearing a hijab in one style would be boring, so today there are many options to always look different in a hijab.

The width and length of the scarf should be about 1.5 m, otherwise it simply will not accept the configuration that you want to give it.

So, when tying a scarf, remember to cover your hair, ears and neck. To do this, the hair is pulled back and secured with a hair clip or an elastic band, and then the scarf is carefully laid on the forehead, fixing it under the hairdo, on the back of the head and under the chin. Here are the easiest and most attractive ways to tie a hijab:

In the form of a sea wave:

  • Cover your head with a scarf, placing the edge slightly below the hairline.
  • Wrap the ends of the hijab around the neck so that there are folds of fabric in front, hanging down on the chest in soft waves.

In the form of a braid:

  • You will need two scarves in a contrasting color - the bottom and the top. Put your hair up. Cover your head with a lower scarf, wrap it around your neck, leaving free ends at the back.
  • Now cover your head with the top scarf, bring its edges back to where the ends of the lower scarf hang down.
  • Combine the ends of the upper hijab with the ends of the lower one and braid like a classic free braid, securing the bottom with a beautiful elastic band. To make the headscarf construction more compact, wrap the braid around the top of your hair and secure with a barrette.

With pins and brooches:

  • Twist your hair into a bundle and twist it into a "bun" at the back of your head.
  • Cover your head with a bottom scarf, pull the ends back and secure with a simple pin.
  • Throw the top scarf on top, wrap it around the neck and bring both ends forward. Position the hijab so that one end is much longer than the other.
  • Lay out the long part of the scarf in beautiful folds on the chest, and fix the free end with a decorative pin or brooch above the ear.

How to tie a hijab - fashionistas note

  • According to all the rules, the hijab should be worn on top of a special hat tightly fitting the head. Whatever happens to the scarf (for example, it has shifted to the side), the hat will reliably hide the woman's hair from prying eyes.
  • Refuse to use a scarf with inscriptions or any symbols as a hijab.
  • The combination of a hijab with tight and transparent clothing is nonsense.
  • The color of a Muslim headscarf depends a lot on the season. In summer, hijabs are not worn in black and dark colors. It is better to give preference to delicate pastel shades. Snow-white shawls are at the peak of popularity.
  • A hijab made of wool or viscose is good as a winter headdress. For the summer season, shawls made of chiffon, silk, satin or cotton are the best fit.

It takes skill to learn how to tie a hijab quickly and beautifully. With a little practice, you will soon master this activity and replenish your fashionable piggy bank in another irresistible way!

The article is about ways to beautifully tie a Muslim hijab headscarf with photo and video instructions.

The hijab, headscarf or stole, is an element of the traditional dress of Muslim women. They should take it with pride and wear it all their lives to hide their charms (hair). If you tie this scarf correctly, it turns into a real decoration. Read the article on how to do it.

What is the name of a scarf for Muslim women?

According to Islamic religious tradition, a believing woman must wear a headdress that covers her hair and neck, leaving only her face exposed. Such a scarf is called hijab.

The most preferred hijab tones are light and delicate. True, Muslims say that in fact, a hijdab is not only a scarf or headscarf, but also the entire garment of a Muslim woman, which freely covers her entire figure. However, now the hijab is most associated with the headdress.
In some countries of Central and Central Asia, a Muslim woman is prescribed to wear a veil, clothing that covers both the face and the body. Only the eye slits remain, which also turn out to be covered with a special mesh made of horsehair.

Another type of women's clothing in Islamic countries is veil... The chador stipulates that the woman's eyes are not hidden, while the whole face is covered with a veil of black, less often, dark blue.

VIDEO: Why do Muslim women wear hijab?

A hat for a Muslim woman's headscarf

Muslim women usually have thick and long hair. It is impossible to tie a scarf on such a scarf so that it does not slip and fall off. Therefore, it is customary to wear a tight-fitting hat under the hijab, which is called bone.

Bone is sewn from natural fabric, so another of its functions is to protect the hair and skin of a Muslim woman from the effects of the fabric from which the scarf or stole is sewn.

How to correctly and beautifully learn to tie a scarf on a Muslim woman's head in stages?

  1. The first thing a woman does before tying a scarf is to pull her hair into a ponytail or bun.
  2. Next, she puts on a bonet hat.
  3. There is also a special scarf worn under the veil. It is called mihram... When putting on, the ends of the mihram are crossed in the center of the head and tucked in at the back. It is advisable to choose a veiled shawl so that it is in harmony with the main Muslim shawl in color.
  4. After that, the main scarf is put on. It is rectangular in shape. The scarf is put on in such a way that one third of its end is on one side of the head, and two thirds on the other.
  5. The woman places the handkerchief in such a way that its side, which is shorter, is under the chin, and the one that is longer, lies on top of it. With the long part of the scarf, she wraps her head so that the neck and shoulders are covered.

VIDEO: Ties a scarf beautifully (Hijab)?

How do Muslim women pin a needle on a scarf?

To secure the scarf under her chin, a Muslim woman uses special pins.

  1. Most often, the pin is inserted above the ear or under the chin.
  2. While securing the scarf with a pin, the Muslim woman makes sure that her point passes through all the tissues of the stole or scarf, otherwise it will disintegrate.
  3. For reliability and beauty, it is permissible to secure the scarf with additional pins, which are pinned to the right and left.
  4. Some Muslim women decorate the places where the headscarf is attached with special adornments in the form of flowers or brooches.

Ways of wearing headscarves on the head of a Muslim woman

Usually, Muslim women use a stole as a hijab. Stoles come in a variety of colors and are made from different fabrics. A woman can choose any of them, focusing on the situation and the season. She can also choose from several methods of tying the scarf.

Muslim girls in headscarves: photo

The Muslim headscarf is used by many designers as a fashionable detail.

VIDEO: 25 Ways to Tie Hijab

A scarf is considered a fashionable and stylish attribute of a woman's wardrobe, which can be worn around the neck or used as a headdress. There are many ways to wear a scarf on your head, but perhaps the most interesting option is to tie a scarf on your head in Muslim style. While European women use a headscarf as an adornment, for women of the East, this is a mandatory attribute that allows them to observe traditions and religion.

Oriental culture and, always attracts people from other countries. She is shrouded in mystery, personality and her beauty. Women from Muslim countries observe the traditions of their people from early childhood. One of these traditions is the wearing of hajab clothing, which is considered part of the Muslim religion and allows women to cover their entire body except for the face and hands. A part of the hajab is the headscarf, without which a Muslim woman will never go out on the street, and will not appear to a stranger. While for women of Islam a headscarf is a must-have wardrobe attribute, European women use it as an adornment and addition to their wardrobe. Learning how to tie a headscarf in the Muslim way is a whole art that has been passed down from generation to generation. There are many ways to tie a headscarf in a Muslim way, all of them, with the right technique, allow a woman to remain beautiful and modern. Islamic women, according to Sharia law, always wear a headscarf. With its help, they not only preserve the traditions of their people, but also shelter their heads and bodies from the hot sun and desert wind. Regardless of the chosen method of tying a scarf in a Muslim way, it is very important that the hair is not visible under it. Women most often choose a scarf from materials such as silk, cashmere with multi-colored designs and patterns. It is not uncommon for it to be taken as a scarf, which is also very popular, in the countries of the East.

Consider a few simple, but popular ways of tying a scarf in Muslim style, which are ideal for any outfit, make the image of a woman mysterious and stylish.

Ways of tying a scarf in Muslim

You need to tie a scarf on your head so that strands of hair are not visible from under it. Therefore, before tying it, you need to braid a tight ponytail or use a boni, which looks like a narrow bandage and allows you to hide women's hair. In addition, with the help of such a bandage, the scarf will not slip through the hair and lose its shape. If there is no bandage - boni, then you can use another scarf, but only from natural material.

Method 1. Fold the scarf in half and position it so that it slightly covers your forehead. Wrap the corners of the scarf back, and secure with a pin, it should hold well on the head, and its ends hang down at the back.

Method 2. A large scarf should be worn over the head along the forehead line. One end of the scarf must be held under the chin and fixed at the fisk with a pin. The other end of the scarf remains free to hang. This option is suitable for women of different age groups.

Method 3. In this case, you will need a large scarf (about 5 meters in length and width). The scarf is put on along the forehead line, at the bottom it is fixed with a pin. The ends of the headgear should fall in soft waves over the shoulders and chest.

Method 4. The following steps are an easy way to tie a scarf. Fold the scarf in half, wrap your head around it so that both ends are at the back. Then wrap the ends a few times and roll them into a donut.

There are other ways to tie a scarf that will help you highlight your look and create your own style. We recommend watching the video.

In order to properly tie a scarf in a Muslim way, you need to adhere to a few simple rules.

  • Hair strands should not stick out from under the scarf.
  • Be sure to use a bone bandage or other thin scarf made of natural material.
  • Match the color of the scarf to the color of your clothes or other accessories.
  • A real Muslim headscarf should not contain various inscriptions or signs, only patterns or be of the same tone.
  • Try to wear light-colored shawls in the summer.
  • A scarf is tied, should match the face, eye color.
  • Be sure to practice before tying the headscarf like a Muslim. Watch a video or photo of how a scarf should lie on your head.
  • Try several methods of tying a scarf, this will help you choose the method that will suit your face.

Nowadays, not only Muslim, but also European women are interested in how to tie a headscarf in a Muslim way. This headdress, tied in this way, is not only a tribute to religion or custom, but also a way to highlight your femininity and beauty.

There are several ways to properly tie a Muslim headscarf. There is a bottom scarf and a top one. The bottom one helps to firmly fix the main scarf in the conceived version.

The bottom cap serves as the base. You can buy it ready-made, knit or sew it yourself. For its cut, non-slip, thin snow-white fabrics are used. The finished hat is trimmed with braid or beads. It should fit snugly to the head, completely hide the hair.

A mikhram bottom scarf is a traditional headdress made of a rectangular piece of non-slip fabric, most often muslin. The mihram scarf simplifies the task, as in Muslim, even for those who are just starting to master this technique.

Tying method 1:

The Muslim way to tie a scarf is also suitable for a long scarf, shawl or stole. The shawl is thrown over the head, with the expectation that one end is longer than the other. The ends are fastened under the chin, the long part is wrapped around the neck, laying it in layers. The other end is straightened over the chest and fastened to the side using a pin or decorative brooch.

"How to tie a Muslim headscarf with a pigtail?" - European women of fashion are often interested.

Tying method 2:

A silk triangular scarf will help to decorate any outfit. For this purpose, a square scarf is also suitable, but folded in half.

Tying method 3:

  1. Place the scarf in the center of your head and press the ends against your cheekbones.
  2. Holding one end, start twisting the other slowly, pulling it out from under your ear from behind.
  3. Holding the twisted part, wrap the free end around your neck.
  4. Distribute the remaining ends of your choice on the front or side, and secure with a pin or brooch.

Now you know how to tie a scarf in Muslim. By combining these options, a woman manages to give her image a mystery, thoughtful style and add a unique flavor.