How to sew a warm beret out of a jacket yourself. What can you do from an old mink hat with your own hands? How to sew a hat from an old sweater. Video master classes

A cheap and economical way to create a new thing for yourself or your child, using old knitted clothes. Another sewing master class, which can be attributed to creative rework. Look into your closet, and, for sure, you have an old jacket that needs a new life. We will sew new hats for the kids. They look funny and simple. Let's get started?

E If you want to put your old knitted sweater on your hats, do thisas: In the course of reworking old clothes, it was noted that it is better to use those sweaters on hats with an elastic band at the bottom. This gives a good fit around the head. We lay out the sweater on the surface and cut out a nice rounded shape of the hat, the pattern should be high enough to cover the head and ears. (you can see other examples of sewing hats).

To decorate the hat with two rhombuses, you need to do the following: cut out two rhombuses of different colors, on the back of which we put a double-sided non-woven linen. We press it to the bottom of the cap. We lay a machine line around the perimeter of each rhombus. Then, through the center of each diamond we make a seam "V" shape, and then down the "V" shape. You can sew twice on each “V” to make the stitch more pronounced.

Turn the cap over to the right side and straighten the seam.

To have a hat with a bow. Let's cut out two details of the cap as in the first version. The detail for the bow is cut out wider than the details of the cap and is twice as long as the straight part of the cap. Then fold the top and bottom of the hem to the wrong side, as shown in the photo below.

We put the future bow to the lower edge of the front of the cap to the front side. Sew on the edges.

Cut out another small rectangle from the sweater and wrap the sewn strip in the center with it. Sew on the short side. We hide the seam back by turning the "ring". Now we sew the front and back halves of the cap, just as shown above.

The technology of sewing a dark blue cap is no different from the previous ones. In addition, at the end we sew 2 buttons for decoration.

To make a pom-pom for a hat. We cut strips of knitted fabric so that when stretched to length, they twist into a tube, while the knitted fabric does not creep. For a pom-pom hat, sew the hat together like the hats above ……. and then cut out some strips of the fabric set (which won't fight).

Cut these strips into shorter pieces.

Group them together and tie them in the middle.

Now we bend it in the center so that all the strips look up and wrap the thread around the base.

Sew the pom-pom by hand to the top of the cap.

And it's all. Children's hats from old sweaters are ready!

While our hats are being sewn, emptying the wardrobe shelves, I want to remind you about drinking water. Have you ever wondered what kind of water your child drinks? Surely yes. Did you know that water for children must contain a strictly defined set of trace elements and minerals? What is the shelf life of baby water? The answers to these many other questions can be found by reading a useful article about the nursery.

2014-10-25 Maria Novikova

Do you want a nice hat? How to quickly sew a hat for yourself and your child? This master class with a pattern will tell and show you step by step how to sew a beautiful hat with your own hands. As a result, you will receive not only a few beautiful and original knitted hats, but also pleasure from the process. You will also learn how to make a hat pattern yourself, sew knitwear on a regular machine, develop imagination and much more.

Choosing a hat model

Here are some models of fashionable hats:

If you don't know how to choose a hat, then take a look.

And we will sew, like this:

You will need: knitted fabric, necessarily well stretchable, since the hat should fit snugly on the head.

Fabric consumption: width 1.5 m. length 0.30 m.

The hat consists of: main part and lining (from the same fabric)

Open knit hats

In this workshop, I'll show you how to sew a two-layer knitted hat.

How to sew a knitted hat pattern:

Dimensional signs of the cap: head circumference 52.0 cm. - 4 cm.(this value may vary, depending on the density of the fabric) = the volume of the cap around the head 48.0 cm.

48.0 / 2 = 24.0 cm(cap width according to the scheme). The quantity 24.0 cm. can vary individually for everyone.

To find out your size, take a measuring tape and measure around your head. The resulting value will be the girth of the head.

Seam allowances:

  • top cut = 1.0 cm.
  • bottom cut = 1.0 cm.
  • middle cut = 1.0 cm.
  • by wedges = 0.7 cm.

You will need: tailor's scissors, safety pins, one spool of thread in fabric color, knitting machine needle № 70-75 , hand needle, ruler, tape measure, sharpened chalk or soap.

Preparing the fabric for cutting

Check the fabric for defects and textile defects, if any, circle around with a chalk line and take into account when cutting.

We define front, seamy side

Decatting: check the fabric for shrinkage by ironing the fabric from the wrong side with a steam iron.

How to cut the hat correctly

Cut out the main part

Since jersey is knitted, not woven, it has its own thread direction. How to determine this? Find the cross thread on the fabric sections and pull on it. If the loops begin to unravel, as on things knitted, then this will be the top of your future hat, let's call it - top cut , and where the loops do not open - bottom cut.

We cut the details of the cap according to the scheme.

We place the fabric on a flat surface with the wrong side down, with the lower cut towards us and bend the fabric from the left side to (24.0 cm + 1.0 cm.) = 25.0 cm. with the right sides inward, this will be the main part of the hat.

1.0 cm.

Then we divide the top cut of the cap into 4 equal parts: 24.0 / 4 = 6.0 cm.

Then on each segment 6.0 cm. find the midpoints of the segments 6.0 / 2 = 3.0 cm.

6.0 cm. below the top of the cap. We decorate with arched lines, as shown in the figure and mark the allowances 0.7 cm.

After the construction of the hat on the fabric is built, we once again check all the dimensions. Then we cut out the main part of the cap with tailor's scissors. If the fabric slips or slides, then to do this, you need to chop the part with safety pins so that the pins do not get under the scissors blade.

Open the cap lining: we place the fabric in the same way as when cutting the main part.

On the right side, fold the fabric over (24.0 cm + 1.0 cm) = 25.0 cm. facing inward

We set aside the allowance from the upper cut 1.0 cm.

Then we divide the upper cut of the cap lining and divide it into 2 equal parts: 24.0 / 2 = 12.0 cm.

On these segments we find the midpoints (12,0/2 ) = 6.0 cm.

We connect the midpoints of the segments with the lower points that are on 8.0 cm... below from the upper cut of the cap lining. We decorate with arched lines, outline allowances 0.7 cm., as it shown on the picture:

We check all sizes and cut out the lining of the cap, taking into account all the allowances.

Sewing hats

We select the threads in the color of the hat fabric

Stitching details

We begin to grind the wedges along the upper cut of the cap, from the beginning on the main part

And then on the lining of the cap

We grind the wedges one by one in a circle

At the end, we grind the middle seam on the main part of the cap, and then on the lining of the cap. We cut off the middle seam with pins:

Sew the middle seam, from the beginning on the main part, then on the lining. If the seams slide off during sewing, they can be swept away with temporary hand stitches.

Lining connection

Thus, we have two finished parts of the cap, the main part and the lining.

Now they need to be connected together. To do this, turn the main part of the cap to the wrong side, and leave the lining on the front side. Next, we put the lining in the main part with the front sides inward, we combine the middle seams of the main part and the lining. Align the bottom cuts of the parts, pin them around the entire circumference.

Sew on a sewing machine (allowance width 0.7-1.0 cm.) with a light, zigzag stitching, this is necessary so that the stitch does not burst when worn.

After all the seams have been processed, remove all the pins and turn the cap onto the front side.

To do this, in the middle of the middle seam of the lining, we unpick the seam with a distance 8.0 cm.

and through the resulting hole, turn the entire hat onto the front side.

Then we fix the spaced seam gap with manual blind stitches.

Presentation of the cap

Sewing a hat with your own hands is not at all difficult, such a simple model can be sewn from various fabrics and wear a new one every day.

There are several options for how you can decorate your hat with various interesting applications to make it unique.

What kind of hat to sew for a child

With a bunny:

With a bunny and flowers:

With a girl and flowers:

With cherries:

With red cherries:

With a bouquet of flowers:

With branded logo:

DIY hats for girls

To do this, cut out the details for the applique from the fabric. You can think of any drawing you like, I decided to make a carrot with bunny ears so that the ears move away from the cap. The effect is as if a hare was hiding behind a carrot.

When the details are ready, they need to be stitched in a zigzag along the office so that the ears fall into the seam.

On the finished carrot, you can make lines in a small zigzag. Then iron the applique carefully with an iron. To prevent the jersey from stretching when stitching, you can glue non-woven fabric (adhesive non-woven material) on the wrong side to the place of application.

Then we grind all the seams and hem the bottom. The hat is ready!

Now we take a large clamping needle and embroider the eyes with black yarn. Sew on a button for the nose, smoothening openwork fabric.

Such a cute hat can be worn complete with do-it-yourself children's things. Watch my master classes: and a flat cap in a masculine manner? How to sew a hat with your own hands so that everything works out correctly and neatly? No need to rack your brains anymore, buy fabric and start sewing according to these instructions. And everything will definitely work out!

I wish you creative success!

To better assimilate the material, watch the video:

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Best regards, Maria Novikova

Stop being a gray mouse, join the ranks of the trendy and stylish! Do you know how? I will help you!
Right now, make an order for a personal pattern or consultation on tailoring and cutting of clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and own image.

My. I'm on Twitter. Watch on Youtube.

I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

There are situations when there is no money for a warm new thing, but there is an old, worn in places, warm sweater, which you don't want to part with. However, there is a way out: you can sew a stylish hat with ears from it.

Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 3/10

  • old sweater,
  • tailor's scissors,
  • lining fabric,
  • sewing machine,
  • printer to print the pattern,
  • pins.

Such a hat made of an old sweater is suitable for both adults and children, and will look no worse than a similar headdress bought in an expensive and fashionable brand boutique.

Step-by-step master class

1. First you need to print () or draw a pattern of the future hat with ears by hand.
2. Then cut the sweater along the seam (on one side). To keep the sleeves out of the way, they can be removed immediately.
3. Fold the product at the seams and secure the pattern with pins on the surface.

By the way, you can decrease or increase the size of the pattern depending on the required size of the cap. You can even draw a pattern by hand based on the presented template.

4. Next, you need to cut the blank of the hat from the sweater (see the first three photos). At the same time, 1 cm should be added at the edges. And if the hat is intended for a child, then this allowance can be omitted. Thus, it will turn out to be smaller.

5. Then you need to open the workpiece and sew the two upper sides.

6. Then fold the workpiece with the wrong side out and sew the sides. In this case, the edges of the lower and upper layers should be neatly docked (see the second three photos).

7. After that, the cap must be folded so that the side seams are in the middle (see photo 8). Now we need to sew the upper part, indicated in Photo 7 with a dotted line.

After that, all the above steps must be performed with the lining material. For example, fleece can be used for this purpose. It is very soft, warm and pleasant.

8. The lining should be inserted into the workpiece and secure the joined edges with pins, without stitching (Photo 6).

9. Hat braids can be made from sweater sleeves. Accordingly, for two braids, you need to prepare three stripes and braid, having previously connected them at the top. Having made the weaving, the stripes are also sewn, leaving the tails (see Photo 7-10).

It should be noted that the length and width of the braids must be chosen, taking into account their own preferences and the purpose of the hat. For example, a long version is suitable for an adult, while a short one is suitable for a child.

Useful Tips

The time has come when we all start to warm ourselves up and take sweaters out of the closet.

But if you notice that your old sweater has lost its former brightness, no longer suits you or is out of fashion, do not rush to throw it away.

Instead, try using it to craft a variety of items, from a hat and scarf to a blanket and pillowcases.

See also: A scarf knitted on the hands in 30 minutes and other snood scarves

Hat from an old sweater

This hat is very easy to make and will take about 10 minutes.

1. You will need: an old sweater, scissors and an old hat that you usually wear to measure your size.

2. Cut the bottom half of the sweater to the desired length.

3. Cut this part of the sweater along the seam.

4. Use an old hat to measure the size you want and cut off any unnecessary ones.

5. Fold the resulting part in 3-4 layers.

6. Cut an arc at the top.

7. Sew the two edges of the cap.

8. Sew the upper arches.

9. Cut off the excess along the seam, turn over and the hat is ready!

Here is a video tutorial on how to make such a hat out of an old sweater.

DIY decorative pillows from a sweater

· Turn the sweater inside out. Place a pillow over your sweater.

· Cut a square or rectangle out of the sweater, leaving seam allowances. Sew the sides of the pillowcase, leaving room for the pillow to slide through. Turn the pillowcase out.

· Slide a pillow into your sweater pillowcase and hand-sew the open hole.

· Decorate as desired. To do this, you can use buttons or flowers from the remaining fabric of the sweater.

Mitts for beginners

· These mitts are very convenient to use your smartphone in the winter.

From chrome For the sweater, cut a rectangle 30 cm high and 20 cm long. Cut at the seam to create two pieces.

· Fold both parts right-side in lengthwise. Use pins to mark the hole about 6cm wide for the thumb, 5cm back from the edge.

· Then sew, leaving a hole for the thumb and folding at the bottom.

Plaid from old sweaters

If you have a lot of old sweaters, you can make a blanket out of them that will keep you warm on cold winter evenings.

· Cut sweaters into square pieces and sort by color. Arrange them in no particular order.

· Sew the squares with the sewing machine. You can do this gradually, stitching two pieces together, then 4 pieces, and then joining the larger pieces together.

· Once all the pieces have been sewn, you can cut the lining, for example from flannel, the same size as the front of the blanket.

· Sew a buttonhole over the edges of the blanket.

Do-it-yourself mittens from an old sweater

It's easy to make warm mittens out of an old sweater. One trick: When making a mitten pattern, keep your thumb slightly to the side so that your mittens are comfortable.

Just sew on the cutouts and the mittens are ready.

How to remake a sweater? Pet bed

This comfortable bed will become your cat's favorite place.

DIY sweater bag

In order to make this handy bag you will need an old sweater, scissors and thread.

· Make the handles of the bag by cutting off the sleeves and neck of the sweater.

· Lay the fabric so that the side seams are in front.

· Pin the bottom of the sweater with the right sides inward and sew to connect both sides.

· Turn the bag inside out.

If you want to make the handles more durable, fold each handle and sew.

Knitted leg warmers

These leggings are very easy to make from an old sweater. All you need to do is cut the sleeves of the sweater and hem the edges, and the trendy and warm leggings are ready. You can wear them under your boots to protect your tights from shooters.

Clothes for a dog from an old sweater

Dress for a girl from an old sweater

To sew such a dress for a girl, you will need a child's dress, which can be modeled on to make a new one.

Place it on top of the sweater and cut at the neckline, remembering to add seam allowances.

Cut off the corners at the top.

Here are some good tips for sewing old sweaters, and these aren't just sewing projects. In almost all of these ideas, it is easy to swap sewing for hot glue when the instructions call for it. And felting - when something woolen "shrinks" when using hot water in the washing machine, which you have probably avoided all your life - but this is what will make the fabric thicker and reduce the chances of knitting unraveling.
Bonus tip: do not use sweaters that someone else knitted for you by hand, otherwise these people will never talk to you again.

When cutting the sweater, be careful not to let it loose. Most thin shop-knit sweaters will probably do fine, but for large, chunky sweaters you will need to use hem and cuffs where possible. If there is no way to avoid a raw edge, you can fold it and secure it with hot glue. If you are more hand-crafted, you can stitch with a stiff stitch, backing about half an inch from the edge of the cut.

1. Sweater bracelets:
Keep your wrists warm.

2. Or try this option, which requires a little bit of sewing skill.

3. Sweater mittens:
You can use a glue gun if you don’t know how to sew (and if you’ve always wanted to learn, this is an amazing and easy project to start with. And if you’re confused, you still have a ton of fabric left over to try again)

4. And this option is for those who prefer fingerless mittens:
There is a very simple method: simply cut out the thumb holes in the cuffs in the two sleeves and shorten the sleeves to the desired length.

5. Sweater pillows:
Prepare to never leave your couch when making these pillows.

6. Pumpkins:
Very lightweight and perfect for Halloween.

7. A simple wreath covered with a sweater:
You can decorate such a wreath to your liking.

9. And leggings:
You can decorate these leggings in various ways.

10. Covers for cups or glasses:
This will help keep your coffee and tea hot.

11. Soft bag:
This bag can be used as a reusable shopping bag.

12. Knitted basket:
This basket is best used to store all of your yarn.

13. Lampshade

14. Knitted vase

15. Place for animals:
This project will definitely take more time and effort as it requires felting and sewing. But the joy of a dog, or a cat, or an iguana, or any other animal you possess, makes the result worth the effort.

16. This option does not require felting, but still requires sewing. But just look at this little face!

17. Cover for a heating pad:
An old sweater works great as a cover for a heating pad.

18. And this version is also very cute.

19. Laptop cover:
If you plan to glue the edges with hot glue instead of sewing, use a second coat of glue to reinforce the edges and make sure they are as strong as possible. In any case, it won't save your computer if you lift it up abruptly, but it will make it a little more comfortable.

20. Wine bottle case:
This eye-popping lightweight project requires no skill other than cutting and securing (and drinking).

21. And almost the same easy version with felting.

22. Rug

23. Gift wrapping:
Cut off the cuffs and wrap around a small box.

24. Knitted hair band

25. Amazing Chair Cover:
All of these options require buttons or a stapler.

26. If you are ambitious enough, and you have an upholstered chair, then you can try to overlap it too.

27. Make slippers from sweater sleeves

28. Or just cut out the shoe insoles instead of the ones you have

29. Ring scarf:
Sewing here can again be replaced with hot gluing. You may even skip edge trimming at all, especially if you want an aged look.

30. Covers for mugs, vases, ottomans, table legs, pillows and dogs.

1. Sew a chair cover from an old sweater.

2. Make a hot stand or book cover out of an old sweater.

3. Sew a bag out of an old sweater.

Making a hat out of an old sweater:

1. We wash the sweater in warm water with powder (even if the item is clean, but has been lying a little unused, it is better to refresh it).
2. Spread out on a flat surface and dry the sweater.

3. Choose from which part we will sew the hat. I decided to use the "back" of the sweater, as opposed to the front, it had a more "fresh look".

4. Cut out an even rectangle with the expectation that the elastic at the bottom of the sweater will be the edge of the cap. I cut the rectangle to the beginning of the armholes of the sleeves.

5. We sew our hat. Everything is simple here - from the inside out on a typewriter or by hand we sew our rectangle along its entire length to make a "pipe". We process the edge of the cap in a convenient way so that it does not "crumble" and tighten it. You can tie the tightened edge with a cord and leave it like that (the effect of a tied bag).
6. Thinking about how we will decorate the hat. I knew my daughter's weakness for natural fur, so I decided to make a hat with a fur bubo. This fur was taken from a small jacket. Plus he was ... pink, who wouldn't like that? On the front of the hat, I sewed a small bow from a piece of sweater and also decorated it with a small fluff.
It turned out to be a lot of fun.

You can make hats of other models from an old sweater:

It could be a hat - damn it.

These can be neat hats for the size of the head. If you want, cut out and sew "ears" to such a hat.

It can also be a hat with no bottom. This model can also be worn with a turn-up.

What else can you make from an old sweater?

The sleeves will make great leggings for a girl. They can be decorated with drawstring laces with tassels.
- The part with the neck can be used to make a cozy cover for the heating pad. A heating pad in such a case is more pleasant than in the form of "bare rubber". This can be a stylish gift - you will spend no more than half an hour on manufacturing, and no additional costs.
- A sweater can be used to make a pair of decorative cushions for a sofa.
- From the sleeves of the sweater you can sew home socks, slippers. To do this, you need to sew up the cut edge of the sleeve (in a semicircle), sew on a felt or leatherette sole and decorate your slippers. Slippers in the form of bunnies look original.
- It is very easy to make fashionable “mitts” from the sleeves of an old sweater.

In our case, they will have to be done without a thumb. But you can always hide the whole hand in them. Teenagers love these things very much. In addition, these mitts can complement a hat from the same sweater. Well, if the leftover sweater is enough for a small scarf, you are guaranteed a trendy set.
- Pieces of an old sweater will make great stuffed toys. These kinds of things have been gaining popularity lately. Even in decorating Christmas trees, cute knitted bunnies and snowmen are increasingly used.
- Sew a pair of pin cushions from small leftovers of the sweater. Needle cushions in the form of hats, decorated with flowers, look beautiful. But the most interesting option for me is that from childhood - in the form of a hedgehog. The manufacture of such a needle bed with your help will be mastered by a child. The eyes and nose of the hedgehog can be embroidered or made from buttons. I'm sure the child will love making such a gift.

If we sew from our jeans of a small size, we will get a good bag for every day, and if we use men's jeans, depending on their size, we can make - a stylish and durable bag for walking and picnic or a durable, huge - beach bag. It's very simple; cut off the legs (which can be cut into handles for the bag) and sew jeans along the bottom, inserting the bottom or not, depending on the amount of free time.

You can insert a belt into the preserved belt loops: bright, with rhinestones, leather; or a colored silk scarf.

In jeans with wide legs, flared jeans, you can use not only the upper part, but also the legs, to create an extraordinary bag - a messenger.

It also turns out beautiful from the leg yoga mat cover... It is enough to sew one end of the leg, and in the other

insert the tape for tightening. Attach a handle for carrying over the shoulder.

photo camera case made of jeans.

  • Purses and cases for gadgets.

The presence of pockets on ready-made jeans facilitates the production of stylish functional hand-made accessories.

Interior items. All kinds of potholders, blankets, rugs, baskets, for sewing, containers, etc.

  • Or make ribbons and intertwining them with the simplest weave, create an elastic base for the bed (like a reinforced mesh, but not squeaky) or for a chair.

  • The best material for making a homemade ottoman is, of course, jeans.

Finally, if there is still something left of the jeans, tear these remnants into narrow strips - get original laces for shoes.

There is so much more you can do with them.