How to collect curls in a bun. High and low curl bun - you look like a goddess! Flagella hairstyle

Hairstyle bun has existed for so long that hardly anyone can say exactly when it appeared. The first peak in popularity of the bun hairstyle came in the seventies and since then the hairstyle has not ceased to be successful. A bun is a great option that is suitable for both a social reception and everyday wear.

There are a lot of options for the bundle: the bundle is high or low, smooth or sloppy, with a fleece or a bundle-pigtail. The bun is usually fastened with hairpins or elastic bands, sometimes the hairstyle can be decorated with one or more headbands. Of course, long hair is more suitable for a bun, but it can also be done on medium length hair.

Smooth beam

This version of the hairstyle looks very impressive, so it is suitable for such important events as a girlfriend's wedding, New Years or birthday celebrations. In order to build it, you need to straighten your hair, then collect it in a ponytail, smooth the "cockerels" with a comb. Then you will need to twist the tail in a spiral, wrap it at the base and secure with hairpins. You can fix the hairstyle with varnish, and apply gel to the hair outside the bun.

Smooth photo bunch

Sloppy bunch

This hairstyle variation will help you create a romantic look, give lightness to your look. First, use mousse and apply it all over your hair, then if you have straight hair, curl it a little. Collect your hair in a not tight tail, then, highlighting the strands in the middle of the tail, secure each of them with hairpins.

Sloppy bunch

Bundle with rims

This hairstyle will appeal to those girls who want to be original, but not pretentious. To create a beam, you will need two thin rims, varnish, hairpins and an elastic band. Gather a ponytail at the top of the head, pull the hair in front a little out from under the elastic, but do not pull it out completely, so that it does not fit closely to the head. Then lay the loose bundle as described above. Then place one headband at a distance of about four centimeters from the hair, and the second at the same distance from the first. Fix with varnish.

Bundle with a rim photo

Bundle with pigtails

This hairstyle option will be good both for going out and for going to work, the braids on the bun will look unusual and interesting. First, make a tail and, selecting several strands along the edges of the tail, braid them into braids. Build a bun out of loose hair, and then attach braids to it or at its base. There can also be only one pigtail, the main thing is that there is enough hair length to lay the pigtail around the base of the bun.

Bundle with braids photo

Bundle with a pigtail "Fishtail"

Wavy bundle

An excellent option for an evening out will be a wavy bun. To create it, you need to curl your hair in large waves, after applying mousse to them. After curling, the hair needs to be collected in a ponytail using an elastic band, then the elastic must be masked with the ends of the hair. This can be done by leaving the elastic not fully tightened, while you have to stick the ends under the elastic, or you can simply use the pins.

Wavy bun photo

As for the height of the bundle, it can be whatever you want: a high bundle is as good as a low bundle, or a bundle at the crown. In addition, you can place the bun not in the center of the head, but on the side, this is a very popular hairstyle option today. Do not forget that you can turn a boring hairstyle into a graceful one with the help of appropriate accessories.

Bundle with a sock

Now there is one interesting and simple way to create a lush bun. All you need is a regular sock, or a large and bulky elastic band. A bun made with a sock turns out to be beautiful, fluffy, and visually doubles the amount of hair. To make such a bundle, you need to take a sock and cut off its closed part, then twist it and get a voluminous ring. Now you need to make the tail (high or low). After that, we push the hair into the sock and start, as it were, twist it from top to bottom and get the perfect bun! You can choose the size and volume of the beam, as well as its location. You can also diversify such a bundle with braids.

For the fair sex, bunches enjoy a high level of popularity. On medium hair, different variations of buns fit perfectly. Try styling your hair with different types of buns and you will have tons of everyday hairstyles and many great holiday compositions.

Hairstyle "bun" and its advantages


Each of us is endowed with a unique set of physical features. Fortunately, you can choose a bun for any face shape, while the hairstyle will act as a corrective detail, that is, it is beneficial to highlight the merits and reliably mask the unfortunate sides. For girls gifted by nature with correct and clear facial features, no doubt, a bundle of any shape and height is suitable for its location on the head.

sloppy and romantic

strict with a donut

We advise owners of triangular facial outlines to supplement the bun with beautiful bangs - this harmonious combination will help smooth out the pointed corners and visually correct the shape of the face. On girls with a square or rounded face, a bunch does not look ideal. But only with a non-professional approach. Thinking through the hairstyle and adding distracting accessories designed to stretch the face helps here. These include earrings or bangs.

airy volumetric

of three braids with flowers

Bundles are appropriate for tall girls who are better off avoiding too voluminous and tall hairstyles, collecting hair on the side or in the middle of the head. But also this styling option goes undersized, only in this case large beams are needed at the maximum height, this approach allows you to stretch the silhouette.

low with barrette

suitable for medium to long hair

Ease of execution

Hair styling with a bun is available to every woman, as it is extremely easy to do. When using this option for styling the hairstyle, the need for everyday long-term manipulations in front of the mirror disappears. The bundle is ideal for daily use. For a change, you can use different versions of it. This is the ideal set for work or school days, as it allows you to appear in the most favorable light in front of the strict gaze of management or teachers. The harmonious composition of hair on the head makes the image as restrained as possible, giving the impression of a responsible and serious person. Daily hairstyle is done in minutes.

Hair styling in preparation for special events sometimes turns into a real torture. Moreover, this is relevant both with regard to the selection of a hairstyle, and with regards to the process of its creation. If you choose one of the varieties of the bundle for a holiday, such as a wedding, prom or a fun party for any occasion, then this problem disappears. Note that a solemn bundle is radically different from an everyday one. Hairstyles designed to be a decoration at a festive event are sure to be complemented by spectacular accessories such as scarves, hairpins or headbands. You can successfully complement a solemn hairstyle with pigtails or hair cords.

high for long to medium hair

with straight bangs

Types of hairstyles "bun"

Elegant Greek bun

Considering hairstyles bunches for medium hair, you can select the most successful ones. Among these is the Greek bunch. To form a hairstyle, it is necessary to comb the hair well and prepare it, dividing it with a parting exactly in half. Taking the side strands, make the bundles so that in the process of curling, they go to the back of the head and grab new portions of the hair. Taking both harnesses, collect a tail from them at a low level. Having made a slight indentation, you need to turn the tail out, raise it and twist it inward, laying the hair in the notch from above. To hold the hairstyle, you will need hairpins and varnish.

low with diadem

low with a flower

in greek style

Bundle decorated with braids

There are many types of tufts, combined with braids or consisting of braids. The simplest and at the same time beautiful version of the hairstyle is a bun wrapped in two pigtails. After brushing, divide your hair into three strands. The thickest should be located in the middle, and two thin ones on the sides. Secure the middle strand with a small elastic band. Put on a special bagel on the tail, which can easily be replaced with a thick elastic band. With this accessory, it's easy to create a retro bun. The side strands need to be braided with French braids towards the bundle. Wrap the finished braids around the bundle. The ends of the braids must be hidden at the bottom and secured imperceptibly.

with a pigtail around the head

with long bangs and pigtail

with a pigtail at the back

Flagella hairstyle

A beautiful flagellar tuft is done quickly. Its base is represented by a ponytail located high and divided into several equal sectors. Each strand should be wrapped neatly and tightly with a tourniquet. All bundles together should form a bundle. Secure the composition with pins.

from individual twisted curls

festive with decoration

Owners of medium hair, in the absence of a hairstyle, risk getting an unkempt and sloppy look. To look brilliant in any life situation, take from our website or develop yourself different ways of styling your hair. Not everyone has access to complex hairstyles, since their creation requires certain skills and a lot of free time. Use buns for everyday wear and as a holiday hairstyle. For medium hair, there is no more practical, simple and quick styling.

Such a versatile, simple and very elegant hairstyle like a bun is becoming more popular and in demand every day. And there is absolutely nothing to be surprised at, because the bundle can quite harmoniously fit into almost every image and style. In addition, this hairstyle suits both young girls and older women equally well. How to create a beautiful and original bun on medium hair? What are the options and tips in this case?

A simple bun for medium hair using a roller

This version of the beam can be easily and simply recreated using a special roller or a regular sock. Step-by-step instructions are laid out below:

Step 1. At the toe, cut off the part in which the toes should be located. After that, we twist the resulting piece of fabric into a homemade roller.

Step 2. All hair must be collected at the crown in a simple ponytail. We fasten the tail with a thin but reliable elastic band.

Step 3. On top of the tail we put on a roller bought in a store or an accessory made by ourselves. We distribute all the hair so that the sock or roller is not visible through the hair. To this end, it is best to prepare a roller that will match your hair shade as closely as possible.

Step 4. On top of the hair evenly distributed around the toe, we put on a tight, but as inconspicuous elastic band.

Step 5. Wrap the remaining strands from the tail around the bundle. Secure them with hairpins or invisible pins. For best results, spray your results with varnish.

Step 6. The bundle is ready! In order to give the hairstyle originality, you can wrap a scarf around the bun that matches the color of the upcoming occasion and your mood!

Casual bun

For those who prefer a simple and casual style of casual, we can advise you to make the following version of the beam. Its distinctive feature is slight negligence, originality, versatility and simplicity in execution.

Step 1. Take a small section of hair from the back of your head and curl it as if you were styling a snail. Secure the result with pins.

Step 2. Divide the rest of the hair into 4 large strands - left front and back and right front and back. Next, take the left back strand, twist it and fold it around the snail of hair that you folded before. Style your hair from left to right and secure everything with hairpins.

Step 3. The same actions will have to be done again, but with the rear right part. Twist it and lay it around the snail, but from right to left. Secure the result with the pins again.

Step 4. You have to do the same with the remaining front strands. Take the front left strand and, twisting it well, lay it around the snail from left to right. Now use the hairpins again so that the strand does not break out.

Step 5. Only the right front strand remains intact, which, having also been twisted, must be laid around the snail and fixed with hairpins. Fix the result with a suitable varnish and the hairstyle is ready!

Recently, beams with elements of negligence have become more and more effective and popular. Even better, if this negligence is given an artistic touch. In order to create such a creation, you will need an elastic band, invisibility and hairspray. For a more reliable effect, you can pre-apply a styling foam to your hair.

Step 1-2. Gather your hair into a ponytail just below the crown of your head. Then, in turn, separate the strands from the tail.

Step 3-4. Wrap each individual strand in a chaotic manner around the tail, fixing it with hairpins, invisibility and varnish. If the hair is too thin, then each strand can be combed a little. If the hairstyle turned out to be too neat, then negligence can be given to it by lightly beating the curls with your hands. Fix the final version with varnish again.

Here is another version of the beam that can be quickly done based on a small ponytail.

Part a section of hair at the back of the head and tuck it into a ponytail.

Wrap the free end of the ponytail inward, pass it through the lock of hair. Secure the tip around the elastic in any way you can. For this purpose, you can use another elastic band or hairpins.

Pick up all the remaining hair one by one and secure it at the ponytail attachment as shown in the photos. In order to hide the elastic, you can use a variety of decorative elements for the hair, for example, bows.

Here is another simple and original bun for medium hair. The end result will only depend on your hair length. Accordingly, the longer the hair, the more voluminous the hairstyle will turn out.

Step 1-2. Comb the hair and divide it into two equal parts. Each individual part also needs to be combed. In order for the curls to remain as obedient as possible, a small amount of styling foam can be applied to each highlighted part. We lower our head back and tie a simple knot of hair.

Step 3-4. We continue to "knit" the knots until all the hair runs out. We fix the resulting bundle of knots with pins and fix the results of our work with varnish.

Here is the end result: cute, simple and original!

For women with medium length hair, you can try creating a bun based on curls. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare the hair in advance. The hair must be washed, dried with a hair dryer and a round comb. Apply thermal protection and then wrap the curls on the curling iron. With the help of hairpins, varnish and invisibility, collect all the curls on one side, forming a romantic, relaxed bun.

This bun hairstyle is also based on curly curls. To begin with, all the hair will have to be divided into two parts - the occipital and the front. Gather the hair at the back of your head in a ponytail, and carefully comb through the front part of the hair and curl it with a curling iron. After the entire front of the hair has turned into graceful and beautiful curls, create a bun at the back of the head based on the pre-assembled ponytail. Then attach each curl from the front of the hair one by one to the bun. This can be done not very carefully, creating a certain effect of negligence, thanks to which the hairstyle will look even more romantic.

A bun on medium hair can also be created from regular braids. First, comb your hair well and divide it into 3 equal parts. A pigtail is to be braided on the basis of each separated part. As a result, you should have 3 approximately identical braids. Then each braid must be rolled up into a bundle and fixed on the head with invisible hairpins. Spray the final hairstyle, consisting of three closely spaced bundles, with hairspray for reliability.

The next interesting and noteworthy option is with a bundle and a pigtail. First, select a strand of hair at your temple and create a spikelet out of it, capturing the rest of the hair in the process. After the braid is braided, twist the hair into a tourniquet and tuck it into a bun. Fix the bundle with invisible pins and hairpins.

1. In the process of creating a careless bundle, it is not at all necessary to collect all the strands. You can leave a couple of curls to frame your face naturally and gently. These curls can be left even, adding sophistication and severity to the image, or you can curl them, making the bow more romantic.

2. Hairstyles with buns do not exclude bangs. The bangs can be either smooth and straight, or torn asymmetric. It all depends only on what kind of effect you want to achieve.

3. The bundles can be completely freely decorated with all available hairdressing accessories: elastic bands with rhinestones, artificial flowers, ribbons, bows, clips, Greek headbands, headbands, crowns, etc.

4. The bundle can be located anywhere on the head: on the top of the head, at the bottom of the head, on its sides, on the back of the head.

5. Before you start creating a beam, it is better to make sure that it suits you. Remember that for ladies with a long neck it is advisable to do bunches on the top of the head, while for women with a short neck - on the back of the head. Tall girls will go side bunches, and short ones - small bunches on the top of the head.

Medium hair buns: step by step photos

Bundles for medium hair: photo

As you can see, bundles are ideal for medium length hair. This beautiful, trendy and rather simple hairstyle has many different options. Try, experiment, and you will definitely find your unique image.

An increasing number of women are now striving to be affectionate, romantic and feminine. One of the best and most common methods to highlight your attractiveness is to do a stunning styling. For example, the highest or small bunch of curls.

Collected squiggles look feminine and original!

Difficult choice: curls or a bun?

The inconstancy of a woman's nature is clearly visible when choosing a hairstyle. In most cases, girls are "torn" between the desire to throw their hair loose or to collect it in a careful bun.

Both styling looks presentable and is great for:

  • dates;
  • festive events;
  • everyday wear.

But there is another option, which occasionally leaves the damsels phlegmant. A bundle with curls looks very fashionable and organic on a woman's head.

Synthesis of traditional parts

Hair styling looks fashionable and festive. With all this, it can be done not only for festive occasions: such a hairstyle will simply fit into the daily look and retain a stunning look throughout the day. The secret of durability and versatility lies in the combination of traditional parts.

Curls look very beautiful, but for some situations - very careless

Collected strands curled in curls are a good method to especially decorate the head.

This option has many other advantages:

  • gives extra volume;
  • perm will last much longer than usual;
  • at any moment the hairstyle can be dismissed, while maintaining irresistibility etc.

Direct your attention!
Trimmed hair will also make the neck look longer.
This will give the whole species more sex appeal and attraction.

Two styling methods

There are several methods to make curled curls look neater: gathered in a bun, they will not interfere, and the styling will turn out to be stylish and elegant. Following the advice of the experts, you will simply create a hairstyle for any occasion.

Method 1: every day

A seductive large bun cannot be done without preparatory curling of curls. But this process is long enough, requiring caution.

A "quick twist" will help to get around it, which can be done with:

  • gum and hair dryer;
  • ironing.

In the photo: the process of creating a frisky curl with an iron

Instruments annotation
  • fixing spray;
  • rubber;
  1. Sprinkle a styling spray on a towel-dried hairstyle.
  2. Dry your hair well at the roots. Leave the tips a little wet.
  3. Fix them randomly on the dome itself. Twist the elastic 2-3 times.
  4. Dry the "bunch" for 5-10 minutes. Wait until it cools completely and loosen the curls.
  • thermal protective agent;
  • straightening iron;
  1. Dry your clean hair with a hairdryer.
  2. Apply heat protectant along the entire length.
  3. Divide all hair into 3-4 cm strands.
  4. Twist the strand with a tourniquet and pass over it with a heated iron. Usually, it takes 2-3 sets for a good curling of hair.
  5. Let go of the processed strand, do not touch it until it becomes cool.

Be sure to use heat protection for your hair.
It will not only reduce the harm of heat, but also give the curls shine, elasticity, make them more obedient.

A robe bun is the most common method to get curls and volume.

Now put your gathered curls into a bun.

This can be done quickly as follows:

  1. Without tightening too much, make the tail of medium height.
  2. Secure the curled strands by distributing them around the elastic. Use pins or invisible pins for fixing.
  3. Release 1-2 curls around your face: A slight casualness is perfect for a daily style.

Method 2: holiday party

Approach the festive styling with your own hands more responsibly: the solemn version will require more time for creation, but it will also look neat and expensive.

So, to get an upscale hairstyle you will need:

  • several hair clips;
  • comb-comb;
  • curling iron / narrow iron;
  • invisible (many invisible).

Curling with a curling iron is a common approach

It is better to carry out styling according to the following scheme:

  1. Part your hair with a horizontal parting. Secure the upper part with a hair clip.
  2. Treat the lower strands with varnish. Make a small bouffant at the roots.
  3. Part your hair and curl with a large curling iron or a narrow iron.
  4. Twist the upper part by doing similar manipulations. Curl the strands at the temples in the direction "from the face". Each finished and cooled curl is additionally fixed with varnish.
  5. Separate several side curls on both sides with clips.
  6. "Separate" the main mass with the help of invisible ones. Then start curling the curls into a bun. Fix each with an invisible direction "from top to bottom" (similar to the movement of the hairpin).
  7. Twist the ends of the curls slightly with your fingers: they should create careful rings and half rings. It will be especially great if these "bouclies" are slightly overlapped.
  8. Having fixed all the curls in this way, dissolve the side ones. Comb them: the curl should drop a little.
  9. Twist the left strand with a tourniquet, place it on top of the bundle, securing the tip to the right. Do the same with the right curl.

Collected squiggles look fashionable, voluminous and elegant

Despite the apparent complexity, for many women, the hairstyle comes out the first time.

This option is perfect for:

  • anniversary;
  • graduation;
  • dates and other special events.

If the styling does not come out completely symmetrical or it is difficult to cope with curls (for example, with very long curls), ask someone to help you.

Key point: devices

Both curl buns create a complete and stunning hairstyle. But now a lot of attention is paid not only to styling, but also to its decoration. Fortunately, in stores you can find an unlimited number of different accessories, the cost of which starts from 30-50 rubles.

Small decor will add charm to the styling

In this case, you should choose the decor carefully: the volume and self-sufficiency of a beautiful beam do not require harsh additions.

The best variations would be:

  • decorative hairpins;
  • one flower / arrangement;
  • small diadem;
  • comb with rhinestones / beads (placed asymmetrically on one side);
  • narrow bezel or strip, etc.


Well-groomed hair, gathered in a stylish style, will be a stunning finish to a feminine look. The versatility and variability of the hairstyle allows you to use it for any festive occasion, as well as do it for every day. The video in this article will introduce you to the topic more thoroughly, after watching which, you can ask clarifying questions in the comments to the article.



Of course, the bun is one of the simplest, yet elegant hairstyles for long and medium hair. This is a phenomenal combination of brevity, convenience and sophistication. The bundle is suitable for both everyday life and festive events. He masterfully fits into any look, regardless of style: casual, office, sports or evening. You just need to stop the choice on the desired version of the beam and, if desired, supplement it with the right accessories.

This hairstyle does not require skill, it does not take much time and effort to create it, it is easy to perform. Using a variety of techniques, you can try out different beam options - from casual to luxurious - and you will know which one is right for you. The bun will be appropriate as a hairstyle for study, work, date and even a wedding celebration.

In addition, the bun can be attributed to hairstyles that never go out of style. The fashion for a bundle originated in ancient Greece, this can be judged by the statues of the goddesses Hera and Aphrodite, whose heads are decorated with bundles. In the early 50s. last century, the beam was extremely fashionable in Paris. In the 70s and 80s. XX century hairstyle bun was especially loved by celebrities: actresses, singers, models. In the 90s. the simplicity and convenience of the beam was appreciated by women from all over the world: from business women to housewives. Nowadays, the bun is more popular than ever, you can see it, both on the stars and on ordinary fashionistas.

There are many types of bun hairstyles. This is a high bun, a low bun, a bun with braids, a sloppy bun, a classic elegant bun, a bunch of curls, a bun on one side, etc. We offer you master classes on creating fashionable and beautiful bundles.

1. High beam

A high bun looks very impressive. It emphasizes the long neck and oval of the face. In the summer, such a bun is a real salvation, because all the hair in it is gathered up. To create a high bun, you need to pull your hair into a ponytail high at the crown of your head. Twist the hair around the base of the ponytail, securing it with bobby pins. You can leave one strand free, weave a sachet from it and wrap it around the bundle.

2. Low beam

A low bun will suit any girl. It can be done on both long hair and medium length hair. With a low beam, you can get a glamorous and sensual look. You can make a low beam in different ways. One of them is to collect the hair at the bottom of the back of the head in a ponytail. Then take a foam hair bagel, thread a tail through it. Wrap the bagel in strands so that it completely disappears under the hair, fix the resulting bundle with hairpins.

3. Bundle with braids, braids

If the usual version of the bun is already boring, try to diversify this hairstyle with various braids, weaves. A bundle with weaving always looks more elegant and festive. For a bun with braids, pull your hair into a ponytail. Divide the ponytail into several strands. From each strand, she will weave a loose pigtail, slightly stretching it with her fingers to give more volume. The braids will twist around the base of the tail, fixing them with hairpins.

4. Sloppy bunch

A careless bun is a comfortable and easy-to-use hairstyle. Recently, such a bundle has been relevant, despite the ease of execution and thoughtful negligence, it looks fashionable and stylish. This is the perfect hairstyle for home and sports. For a messy bun, create a high ponytail at the top of your head. Do not try to comb your hair perfectly, loose strands and create the effect of a careless bun. Secure the tail with an elastic band, comb it a little, twist the combed tail not tightly around its base, secure with hairpins.

5. Classic elegant bun

A classic elegant bun will look great with an elegant festive dress at any special event: wedding, graduation, social event. To make a classic, elegant bun, you need to comb your hair well so that it is smooth, wavy - straighten. Then - collect hair in a tight ponytail. Throw the tail from the bottom up and secure in this position with hairpins. After wrap the tail, twisting its tip and tucking it under the bottom. Fix the resulting bundle with hairpins.

6. A bunch of curls

For a bundle of curls, straight hair should be rolled with a curling iron or curlers. A bun of curls will be a great alternative to the classic version. A bunch of curls looks cute, romantic, feminine. To make a bun of curls, you must first wind up your hair. Then pick up each strand, wrapping it and stabbing it with invisible ones.

7. Bundle on one side

A tuft at the back, on the back of the head is already a traditional option. But if you want to show originality and creativity, pay attention to the bun done on one side. This hairstyle will make you unique. To make a bun on one side, the hair must be collected in a low side tail, twist the strands, wrap, fix the bunch with hairpins.

8. Bundle with a sock

Surprisingly, one of the accessories that serves to get a voluminous bun is a regular sock. To create a bundle from a sock, you need to take a sock, cut off the nose from it, and twist the sock into a ring. Then you should make a high tail, thread the tail into a twisted sock, and begin to wrap the sock with hair from top to bottom. Thus, you will get the perfect volumetric beam.