How to dress stylishly for a girl: useful recommendations. How to dress at home? let's talk about the perfect home clothes

The main thing in the article

Clothing is one way to express individuality. But, unfortunately, not everyone dares to stand out against the general background. First, it comes from not knowing how to create your own style. And secondly, because of the belief that dressing stylishly means dressing expensively.
By following a few rules and using some tips, you can quickly and inexpensively create a stylish look.

How to find your style in clothes

Finding your style is not an easy task. It is important to take into account all the features of appearance, listen to inner feelings, and take into account many other factors so that the chosen style becomes a harmonious reflection of their own “I”. Often, women buy separate things they like, not being guided by a single wardrobe style. As a result, the image turns out to be unremarkable, ordinary, uninteresting, and sometimes even contradictory.

The search for your style should begin with the study of basic information about existing styles, about fashion trends. At the second stage - evaluate such prerequisites for the formation of style as age, body type, occupation and internal preferences.

After that, an understanding of what the style should be will appear. For example, an active student girl is likely to opt for a casual style. A forty-year-old woman top manager will choose a business style.

Next, you should evaluate your existing wardrobe for compliance with the chosen style, get rid of inappropriate things and gradually begin to form your new and individual image. It is practical and convenient to form exactly the basic wardrobe.

The combination of colors in clothes for women

A harmonious combination of colors is one of the main ways to create a stylish look. To accurately form your color image, it is enough to be guided by four rules.

  1. The colors of opposite sectors of the spectrum and related colors (located in the same sector of the circle) are ideally combined with each other.
  2. Black, white and gray go with all colors.
  3. All pastel colors are combined with each other.
  4. You can use from 2 to 4 colors in an outfit. One color should be the main one, the rest should complement it.

How to combine clothes

The ability to properly combine clothes will help in creating a stylish and harmonious image. Consider 6 basic rules for combining clothing items.

How to choose the right clothes for your body type

Given the features of the figure, you can quietly hide its flaws and highlight the advantages. It is customary to distinguish 5 types of figures.

  1. Triangle: narrow shoulders, a clear waistline, wide hips. Advice: we focus on the upper body and divert attention from the lower.
  2. Circle: rounded shoulders, lush chest, lack of a clear waistline, medium hips, slender legs. Advice: draw out the silhouette, focus on the chest and legs.
  3. Hourglass: the same volume of the bust and hips with a clear waist. Advice: we emphasize the ideal curves of the body, avoid straight or loose-fitting clothes.
  4. Rectangle: the same width of the shoulders and hips, the absence of a clear waistline. Advice: we focus on the waist, try to create rounded shapes.
  5. Inverted Triangle: broad shoulders, lush chest, lack of a clear waistline, narrow hips. Advice: we focus on the lower body and divert attention from the upper.

How not to dress - the main mistakes

Unfortunately, not all girls and women carefully choose what to wear. As a result, even good things look worse on their owner. Let's dwell on the main mistakes.

  • wrong size;
  • age discrepancy;
  • inconsistency with the type of figure;
  • incorrectly selected colors;
  • wrong combination of clothing items;
  • untidy type of clothing;
  • mindless pursuit of fashion trends;
  • underwear is visible from under the clothes.

How to make a basic wardrobe

The basic wardrobe is the basis for creating a large number of clothing sets. A well-chosen base will help you look new every day without increasing things in the closet, and therefore without additional costs.

Basic wardrobe for a woman 30 years old

At 30, a woman already finds her individuality, knows about most of the advantages and disadvantages. At this age, teen clothes should be a thing of the past. Femininity, elegance and good taste - this is what should be at the head of the style of a 30-year-old woman.

The basic wardrobe for a woman of 30 should include:

Basic wardrobe for a woman 40 years old

At 40, a woman is especially attractive, feminine and energetic. The style of clothing at this age should combine elegance, sexuality and restraint.

The basic wardrobe for a woman of 40 should include:

Basic wardrobe for a 50 year old woman

By the age of 50, a woman exudes confidence and a special charm. But sometimes, in pursuit of the desire to look younger than their age, ridiculous mistakes are made. Of course, fashion trends should be followed, but classics and quality should become the basis of style.

The basic wardrobe for a 50 year old woman should include:

Basic wardrobe for full

The wardrobe of the full representatives of the fair sex should be chosen especially carefully. Clothing should highlight the advantages (of which there are many) and hide the flaws. It is very important to choose high-quality corrective underwear that visually helps to make the figure more slender and toned.

The basic wardrobe of a full woman should include:

Evelina Khromchenko is one of the famous and influential people in the world of fashion and style. By listening to her fashion tips, you can improve your wardrobe and make your look more stylish.

  1. Every woman should have a basic wardrobe. It's practical and convenient.
  2. Clothing should be varied and boring, for any occasion.
  3. Avoid vulgar clothing.
  4. Competently combine styles, colors and styles.
  5. The outfit should always be complemented by at least one accessory that matches the image.
  6. Shoes should be fashionable and comfortable. Must have beige shoes and black pumps.

Every woman can learn how to dress stylishly and inexpensively. The main thing is to remember the rules for choosing and combining clothes, to be aware of fashion trends and take care of yourself.

Any wardrobe should match the subject of the event. But how to dress properly and fashionably?

Before you get dressed, consider what the atmosphere will be like at the event. Among the fashion trends now you can’t find hoodie and shapeless outfits. But at the same time, a self-respecting girl will not allow herself to expose all the dignity of the figure, even if she is all right with her. She should look fit, and her clothes should fit perfectly. This factor provides a feeling of absolute certainty.

Basic Rules

How to dress properly and stylishly will help to study your body type. This will help you create a basic wardrobe for all occasions. If you are struggling with extra pounds, choose not tight-fitting or hoodie outfits, but find a dress or suit that would smooth out the bumps in your figure. If you have a heavy bottom, wear bell skirts. And if the problem is with “invisible” hips, wear barrel skirts. Also with the top. Women with large breasts who know how to dress properly choose V-neck tops. And ladies with small breasts prefer T-shirts with ruffles and all kinds of decorations in the chest area.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the style elements. Flip through glossy magazines and you will understand how beautiful it is to dress on the photo pages of these magazines.

Often photo of how to dress a girl, can be found on fashion sites on the Internet.

For each occasion, as mentioned above, there should be a specific outfit. Let's look at situations that require adherence to a particular style of clothing.

Public performance

When preparing for a public speech, a diploma defense or a presentation, first of all, you should know how to learn how to dress a girl stylishly. You need to create an image in advance in the same way as you prepare your speech (prescribe a report, abstract, theses). You must understand that your clothes must fully comply with the subject of your work. External appearance disposes or rejects others.

It is a thoughtful appearance that can convey confidence and provide you with a sense of comfort.

Therefore, when preparing for a public event, you must remember that it is appearance that can have an impact on others. Don't be lazy and take the time to learn how to learn how to dress properly. At the same time, it is also important to preserve individuality at such events, because public speaking should not deprive a person of his own "I". How to dress beautifully? Classic restrained lines, a strict silhouette, restraint of forms matter. But at the same time, the use of fashionable shades of the season does not interfere. Such topical tones will help you match today's time. Perhaps, in public speaking, it is important for the audience and listeners themselves to see that you reflect the spirit of the time in which you live. If you are presenting a creative project, then you can not restrain yourself with black, gray or brown tones. Give preference to violet, lemon, beige shades. But at the same time choose a strict and restrained bottom. If you are an economist, for example, you realize that people listening to you want to hear and see a confident person. You must not only know your business well and memorize speech, but also how to dress properly. Of course, the economist needs to choose a suit. Pants or skirt - it doesn't matter. Pay attention to the photo how you can dress beautifully for business women.

In addition to clothing, many worry about hair. Here, too, you need to follow a certain style. You can learn more about this in this article. And don't forget that the scent of your perfume also affects how your speech is perceived by the public. You can find out about this.


For gatherings in a cafe or walking a dog, a denim version of clothing or a light chintz dress is suitable. If it's autumn, then a long cardigan and jeans will look good. And do not overuse tracksuits, thinking that no one will see you in your yard anyway. A woman must always remain a woman. And the rules on how to dress stylishly and beautifully apply, including for walking in the yard with a dog.

Romantic date

Usually, girls who do not know how to dress properly and beautifully put on all the most beautiful things that are in the closet for a date. Also, quite often, girls strive to conquer everyone by showing their knowledge of fashion news by example. But not all fashion items are suitable for absolutely everyone. Most of them look quite flashy and are only suitable for fashion shows. Ao guy needs you and your inner beauty, not outer gloss. Men are scared off by ostentatious luxury and too much gold on a woman.


Tips on how to dress properly include the rules for wearing and using accessories. To emphasize your individuality, complete your look with a classic handbag or business briefcase made of smooth leather in black or brown. Also pick up shoes with heels, albeit low, but stable. And, of course, decorations. A modern woman who knows how to dress stylishly cannot imagine her wardrobe without stylish accessories. They complement any look. The only question is: how much jewelry should you wear when going out with your girlfriends or on a date? Stylists recommend wearing a piece of jewelry in a single copy: either it should be a jewelry around the neck, or a bracelet, or a small miniature hairpin on the head.

Everything that you have in the box is not worth putting on.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to master the science of how to properly dress a woman. Girls with any type of figure and any age can choose a beautiful and stylish wardrobe. Consulting a stylist will help you understand how to dress stylishly.

If you are concerned about the question of how it is fashionable to dress now, then this means that you want to be in trend, try to follow the latest fashion trends, and also speaks of your sense of style and good taste. However, before shopping in expensive boutiques, you need to know how to learn how to dress fashionably for a girl. This topic is not easy. After all, you need to take into account the features of the figure, personal preferences and, most importantly, the advice of stylists. Of course, you can look through dozens of fashionable glossy magazines or ask the seller in a boutique, but this does not guarantee that you will dress stylishly and in accordance with the latest fashion requirements.

There are times when you need to quickly acquire a couple of new wardrobe items in order to look fresh and fashionable at the same time. In this case, stylists recommend turning to the classics. Choose clothes that never go out of style. The most successful option here is considered a dress. This is not only the most feminine and romantic outfit, but also the most popular item of women's wardrobe. Moreover, the dress performs the function of both the upper and lower parts of the clothing. This state of affairs is very helpful in case of an emergency purchase. When choosing the model itself, pay attention to the three most popular: the bell dress, the little black dress, or the dress in the style of a girl in red.

If you are interested in the question of how it is fashionable to dress a girl when choosing a casual wardrobe, then here there are well-established canons. A short straight-cut cashmere coat with high-heeled ankle boots will always emphasize your sense of style. A strict jacket with skinny trousers will demonstrate your affiliation with fashion trends. A leather jacket with comfortable classic jeans has been a trend at all times.

How fashionable to dress a full girl?

For full girls, stylists also recommend turning to well-established classic wardrobe options. A midi-length business dress or a strict skirt suit will always make its owner a stylish fashionista. The main thing - try to choose shoes with heels. Then you can also wear tight pants without being afraid to show off your full legs.

Let's be honest with each other: can you soberly assess your appearance and say that your style of dress is impeccable? Most likely, the answer will be negative. This is not surprising, because most of us have a habit of buying things, guided by a momentary whim, and not thinking too much about how harmoniously they fit together. This is how deposits of “minerals” appear in our cabinets, which are a pity to throw away and there is no way to wear them.

Or here is another typically female problem: we don’t fully feel our own style, we don’t take into account the features of the figure and color type when choosing new clothes - that’s why we don’t know what suits us and what doesn’t.

As a result, we put on what fashion dictates, completely forgetting that fashion unifies, while it is the style of clothing that allows us to show individuality.

In addition, do not forget that others (and especially strangers) perceive us precisely “by clothes”. In order not to seem ridiculous or tasteless, we simply have to decide how to dress properly and stylishly.

Psychological aspect

It has already been proven that as soon as we put on this or that outfit, our behavior changes. If in the morning you put on a strict trouser suit, a white blouse, pumps with stilettos and pin your hair up high, and in the evening change into boyfriend jeans, leather jackets and worn-out sneakers, then you will behave differently, and others will see you as completely different. images. In the first case, it will undoubtedly be a serious business woman, and in the second, a sort of tomboy girl.

But how to dress stylishly and look natural if you do not want to stick to just one direction in clothes, but would like to try on different looks? In this case, first decide who you still want to be (except, of course, yourself). A glamorous socialite, a reckless rocker or a strict business woman? The direction that is closer to you should just become the main one. All the rest can be tried on from time to time to color the gray everyday life.

Stylish clothes: looking for the best option

To make it easier for you to decide on a style, we advise you to first study the features of existing fashion trends - in this case, it will be much easier to make a choice. Naturally, we will not be able to cover all styles, so we will highlight the most popular ones.

  • . It is characterized by the main principle: nothing superfluous, everything is clearly weighed and in its place. A classic is a classic, to be exemplary: if the skirt is only perfectly fitting to the figure, if the trousers are only made of expensive high-quality matter. The classic style does not tolerate vulgarity and flashy details.
  • . He is also an office worker. Often confused with the classic, as business clothes and shoes are in many ways similar to the classics. She also does not tolerate outrageous and provocation, must be of high quality and moderately sexy. It is allowed to use strict dresses, suits with a skirt or trousers, shirts or blouses, shoes with not too high heels.

  • . Helps a woman feel like a fairy fairy or princess. Flowing materials, smooth lines, pastel colors, ruffles, frills, lace, ribbons and other components of a romantic look make it possible to simulate the most feminine look.

  • . This style of clothing is a godsend for fashion lovers of past years who are not averse to transferring it to the present.

  • . Styles of clothing that will appeal to the descendants of flower children. Non-triviality and the art of combining seemingly incongruous things - this is the main principle of forming images in these styles.

  • . How to dress beautifully, but feel comfortable at the same time? It's simple: you need to choose casual style as the main one, that is, everyday. It is he who includes basic wardrobe items, such as jeans, comfortable sweaters, blazers, cardigans, moccasins and comfortable low-heeled pumps.

  • a bit like casual, as these two directions intersect in many ways. Their main principle is comfort and convenience, which are so important in the fast pace of modern life.

Good luck with your own style.

Stylish clothes are the key to confident behavior, good mood and an active life position. Agree: if we are wearing what we are truly comfortable in and what really suits us, then we can move mountains. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy half the store - you just need to find out which style suits you best, and, based on this, purchase things that once again emphasize your dignity.

We learned from reputable sources how to dress stylishly and inexpensively. Photos of simple and at the same time interesting sets of clothes on this site are laid out as an example. We willingly share with girls and women the basic rules of saving when creating a harmonious wardrobe.

Dressing cheap and stylish

Quality items last longer

Do not give preference to super-cheap clothes made from low-quality materials. Firstly, we do not need them because these things quickly become unusable. Secondly, such clothes do not deserve our attention, as they are given out by a really cheap look. Having occasionally invested in an expensive piece of clothing made from natural material, you can use it for several seasons and it will not lose its original attractiveness.

practical slim trousers high leather stocking boots

Accessories are powerful weapons of style

You can not deny yourself the desire to have branded gizmos. And it doesn't have to be expensive clothes. For ingenious savings, you need to have a lot of chic accessories. You need to learn how to profitably invest in the most attractive bags, incredibly expensive original glasses, high-quality shoes, durable and beautiful belts, and also not skimp on scarves and all kinds of jewelry. If a set of clothes does not look too winning, these things will undoubtedly help charge it with new energy. Reasonable use of fashionable expensive trifles is identical to updating the wardrobe. By adding just one designer accessory, we make the whole look stylish.

yellow trousers, short jacket and plenty of accessories short shorts and a bow at the neck

Loyalty to timeless classics

There is no need to buy the newest and most expensive things every season. If we have another shocking novelty of the season in front of us, then it is likely that it will soon lose its relevance. It is much more reliable to purchase timeless classics, that is, such clothes and shoes that will be appropriate at all times and will easily join the dynamically changing fashion. For example, such clothes include the famous little black dress, a strict dark pencil skirt, an appropriate white blouse everywhere, everyone’s favorite pipe trousers, a classic raincoat or coat, an effective figure corrector sheath dress, a business suit and many other recognizable items without a deadline. validity. If possible, stock up on a pair of blouses. Let one be elegant - with jewelry, ruffles, sparkles or other decor. And the second blouse should be discreet and neutral, it can be used as the basis of any image or worn in a formal setting at work. Having a few basic pieces of good quality that never go out of style in our wardrobe automatically earns us a reputation for style.

timeless denim universal classic set

The basis of an inexpensive stylish wardrobe

We won't buy the same

There is no need to fill your home arsenal with the same things. If we spend a lot of money on the purchase of things that are very similar to the ones we already have at home, we will not be able to diversify our wardrobe. In this case, the feeling of a meager and boring set of clothes will not disappear anywhere.

light skirt and open sandals dark skirt and open sandals

Her own designer

It is easier for people with a rich imagination and experience in tailoring to talk about how to dress stylishly and inexpensively. Photos and videos on high-quality and original alteration of clothes abound on the Internet, take an interest in such materials, it will be useful. It would be nice to learn how to independently alter or decorate any item of clothing. Thus, we will fill the old and unfashionable things with life. For example, you can add lace to the slits of torn jeans, turn trousers into shorts, decorate the collar of a blouse with beads, make a fashionable vest out of a trench coat, decorate any thing with beautiful buttons or huge buttons, and the like.

printed skinny trousers and red bag sparkly dress and hat

There is also a sense in sales

Do not miss the big sales with shocking discounts that branded outlets arrange from time to time. But the secret is to choose clothes that will not lose their relevance in the coming years. In this case, we purchase high-quality clothing made by a well-known manufacturer for mere pennies.

skinny jeans, heel and gray tank top dark trousers, light top and sandals

100% purchase confidence

It is necessary to eradicate the habit of impulsive shopping. If there are doubts when trying on a certain thing, then it definitely does not need to be purchased. Most likely, even more shortcomings of this item will appear, and it will be unclaimed - it will remain on the farthest shelves of the cabinet for a long time. It is necessary to buy something that will really be actively used in everyday life, intended for work or planned to wear to the next event.

high boots, plaid skirt and short jacket delicate shoes with a dress and a snow-white coat high boots and a big scarf

Dressing cheap and stylish is a science

In fact, no one will tell you how to dress stylishly and inexpensively, photos of fashion magazines will also not give an answer to this interesting question. We are talking about a secret technology that every smart girl develops over time. To replenish the knowledge base in this direction, it is necessary to consult with practical and fashionable people more often. We will not be superfluous to look at outlets specializing in vintage clothes. We should be actively interested in the assortment of second-hand stores, where you can find good things. While on vacation abroad, you should not miss the opportunity to completely update your wardrobe at minimal cost. Fashion experts joke that a high-quality sense of style with excellent taste is like a muscle in a person’s personality, so this area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge must and can be constantly trained. We want stylish looks!