How to cure scalp psoriasis with shampoos, ointments and folk remedies. Causes of psoriatic damage. Creams and ointments

The skin affected by psoriasis is characterized by an accelerated renewal of the epidermis. Normally, it takes 3-4 weeks for the complete renewal of epidermal cells, and with psoriasis, it takes only 4-7 days. Due to dehydration, the skin becomes dry and less elastic. In addition, it becomes prone to inflammation, so plaques that appear on different parts of the body, especially on the arms, legs, trunk and scalp, are reddish in color. Plaques are usually covered with thin, whitish scales.
Psoriasis is a chronic, undulating disease that usually occurs after 15 years of age.

How can pain and itching be reduced?

To avoid aggravating the inflammation, try not to rub or scratch the plaque. When caring for your skin, handle it with extreme care. Do not remove keratinized crusts that form on the elbows, knees and scalp. It is best if the scales peel off gradually on their own as the skin heals.

How should I wash my skin affected by psoriasis?

When washing, try not to rub or stretch the skin.

It is better to give preference to showers over baths, as they dry out the skin. However, to relax, you can sometimes take a bath, provided that it is not too long and the water is not very hot - maximum 37-38 ° C.

Soap should be neutral and fragrance-free.

After washing, do not try to remove dead skin on your elbows and knees.

Dry the skin with a towel very carefully, lightly pressing it to the body.

Dry all folds and hidden areas of skin thoroughly. When doing this, pay special attention to the ear canals and the skin behind the ears, armpits, folds of skin under the mammary glands, umbilical region and groin, as well as the skin between the toes.

Is it possible to swim with psoriasis?

You can swim with psoriasis, but not during exacerbations, when the skin is especially vulnerable. Explain to other bathers that psoriasis is not contagious and they do not risk anything by being near you.

Before swimming in the pool, apply petroleum jelly to the plaques to protect them from chlorine and other chemicals added to the water. After leaving the pool, rinse your skin with warm clean water. Dry the skin with a soft towel, lightly patting it on the body.

What cosmetics and skin care products can be used for psoriasis?

For psoriasis, you can use mild alkaline soaps, deodorants, makeup, etc. Products for sensitive or baby skin are best. If you are allergic to any perfumes, use the same hypoallergenic products that you used before the first exacerbation of psoriasis. Remember that substances that cause allergic reactions can be found in air fresheners and fabric softeners.

If the skin is inflamed in the armpits, it can be rinsed with saline. It is not recommended to use deodorants until the redness of the skin goes away. Products containing alcohol and aromatic substances should be avoided.

You can use regular and waterproof cosmetics for eyes, lips and face.

For hair removal, it is better to use cold wax, which is less irritating to the skin than hot wax, depilatory creams or shaving, especially if the plaque is on the legs and armpits.

What skin care products should you use for psoriasis?

Psoriasis sufferers find it difficult to decide which makeup removers or body lotions are best to use, especially given the ever-growing range of these products. In this section, we will acquaint you with which products are suitable for the care of sensitive skin of the face and body.

We will not give an exhaustive list, but only some of the tools that you can use. Feel free to ask your pharmacist questions for more information.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often has an undulating course. It is characterized by increased proliferation of keratinocytes, leading to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis), and the appearance of inflamed reddish plaques on the skin.

List of funds

The range of skin care products for psoriasis is far from complete, so it is important to choose products that are non-irritating and non-allergenic. Skin irritation can lead to the Koebner phenomenon, i.e., to the appearance of new plaques on the irritated skin. Keratolytic agents are commercially available to help remove scales, making it easier for topical drugs (such as glucocorticoids and vitamin D derivatives) to reach and absorb the damaged skin. Finally, emollients (moisturizers) should be used for psoriasis as they increase the elasticity of the skin and make it less rough and dry. Especially suitable for this are products based on water from thermal springs (they have emollient and anti-inflammatory properties).

While skin care products cannot replace topical psoriasis medications, they can complement each other. Skin care products help improve the general condition of psoriasis patients by reducing discomfort and improving the appearance of the skin. Well-hydrated skin looks better and becomes softer, making psoriasis patients feel more confident. Thus, using these remedies can help improve their quality of life.

Moisturizing body lotions

With psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and rough, the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens significantly. Violation of cellular processes makes it more difficult for the skin to retain moisture, and it undergoes dehydration. Therefore, for psoriasis, it is recommended to use emollients that make the skin more pliable. Substances such as urea, amino acids and lactic acid, which absorb and retain water, give these products emollient properties, while petroleum jelly, beeswax, vegetable oils and ceramides, which prevent skin dehydration, provide protective properties.

What are the best tools to use?

It is better to use products labeled "O / W" (oil in water) on the packaging, which make the skin less oily as when using products labeled "W / O" (water in oil). For people with psoriasis, products for very dry skin and products for people with atopic dermatitis are usually suitable. However, inflammation of the skin with psoriasis does not always lead to dryness. Atopic dermatitis is a skin disorder that manifests itself as eczema. Although some of its manifestations (especially redness and itching of the skin) resemble some forms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis does not lead to thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Is there a special treatment?

There is no specific treatment for different forms or stages (progressive or stable) of psoriasis. However, all patients well tolerate moisturizers, which are used after showers and baths, and have a long lasting effect. It is believed that they can slow down the renewal of skin cells in half and prevent the appearance of new lesions.

It is important to remember that emollients should not be used immediately before exposing the skin to UV-A or UV-B because they make it difficult for this radiation to reach the skin. However, they can be used the day before the procedure or the night before.

What remedies to buy if there are itchy plaques?

For people with psoriasis, especially if they have itchy plaques, atopic dermatitis skin care products (enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids) are suitable. Although a deficiency of fatty acids is characteristic of atopic dermatitis, there is every reason to believe that they are necessary in psoriasis, since it is characterized by an accelerated renewal of the epidermis.

Keratolytic agents

Keratinization of the skin is a normal process during which the skin is renewed by keratinocytes. Keratinocytes make up the main population of epidermal cells and produce keratin. In psoriasis, their functioning is impaired, as a result of which the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens and becomes covered with scales. As the desquamation of keratinocytes in psoriasis is impaired, the skin becomes coarser. Various substances are used to combat hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin), including salicylic acid, urea, lactic acid.

What substances are most effective?

Salicylic acid, which has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect, is an active ingredient that is part of many products used for irritation and peeling of the skin. Urea acts as a keratolytic and moisturizer. The so-called alpha hydroxyl acids and fruit acids (such as glycolic and citric) have long been used in cosmetology for their exfoliating and smoothing properties, as they help remove excess dead cells. Stronger alpha hydroxy acids (lower pH) have more exfoliating effects. In psoriasis, only the weakest alpha hydroxy acids such as ammonium lactate can be used. Keratolytics are available in creams and emulsions, they help to remove obsolete epidermis and scales. These products are especially recommended for use on thickened and scaly skin and scalp.

Most keratolytic agents contain another active ingredient that helps moisturize the stratum corneum of the epidermis. These products can be used as a maintenance treatment to keep the skin moist and prevent flare-ups. When the epidermis is damaged, these agents soften it and make it more plastic.

Treatment for weeping skin lesions

In some cases, psoriasis is accompanied by oozing of the skin, in which the affected areas resemble bubbles located on its surface. These bubbles are filled with a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid. If damaged, spontaneously or as a result of scratching, the skin looks moist and may crust over. In places where the skin experiences constant friction, bubbles reappear after they burst. Trauma or inflammation can cause wetness.

Skin care

If your face is not affected by psoriasis, you can use any product that suits your skin type to cleanse it, including soap, water, makeup remover, cleansing milk, or gel. If you have acne, it is best to use mild cleansing gels. If your skin is dry, we recommend using soap-free cleansers, toilet soaps, and cleansing milk. If the skin is affected by psoriasis, it is necessary to carefully monitor its cleanliness, cleaning it in the morning and evening, and every day (or even several times a day in severe dryness) apply a moisturizer to it. While there is no ideal skin care product for psoriasis, you should use a product that does not cause irritation. You can treat the skin with mineral water vapor, which helps to remove scales and reduce redness. Dry the skin of the face by gently blotting with a towel. If the skin is affected, you should avoid visiting beauty salons, and at home - using masks and facial scrubs, which can increase irritation. In the absence of damage, agents with a wide variety of active ingredients (eg anti-aging) can be used if desired, as long as they are well tolerated. However, products containing vitamin A derivatives should be used with caution.

Scalp care

With psoriasis of the scalp, the skin in this area may thicken and become covered with red, scaly patches. To remove scales and reduce itching, you need to use keratolytic shampoos that do not contain tar. The shampoo is applied to the hair roots and washed off after 5 minutes. After that, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed and then rinsed again with a shampoo suitable for the type of hair. After the scalp is clear of the lesion, you need to use a mild anti-dandruff shampoo. If you use the right shampoo, you can wash your hair daily. Keratolytic creams can be used to remove scales from the scalp. For maximum effect, it is recommended to apply the cream to the scalp and leave it on for 2 hours, wearing a shower cap. In the absence of an exacerbation of psoriasis, hair can be dyed, but it should not be washed with hot water or dried with hot air.

Sun protection

Although sunlight has beneficial effects on the skin for psoriasis, it must be protected from the harmful effects of UV-A and UV-B. Special sunscreens are available for patients with atopic dermatitis, such as Mustela SPF50 high protection lotion for children.

Scalp psoriasis is the most common form of the disease. It does not threaten health, but spoils the patient's appearance and becomes the cause of the onset of psychological complexes. Treatment of psoriasis of the scalp begins with finding out the causes of the disease and eliminating them.

Psoriasis is treated in a complex, using medicines, physiotherapy and spa treatment. Therapy with folk remedies is effectively supplemented.

Drug therapy

Medical treatment includes general and local therapy. Treat psoriasis at home.

General treatment is carried out:

  • sedatives (infusion of motherwort and valerian);
  • antihistamines (tavegil, pipolfen, diazolin, erius);
  • hyposensitizing agents;
  • antibiotics;
  • immunomodulators (methyluracil, splenin, leakadin, taktivin, decaris);
  • nonspecific immunotherapy drugs (aloe, ATP);
  • aromatic retinoids (acitretin, etretinate);
  • glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisolone);
  • cytostatics (methotrexate, cyclosporin A);
  • biological medicines (rituximab, infliximab);
  • calcified autologous blood;
  • hemodez solution (administered drip);
  • diuretics (spironolactone, furosemide);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam);
  • tranquilizers;
  • pyrogenic therapy (pyrogenal);
  • antidepressants;
  • psychotropic medicines;
  • fortifying agents (vitamin complexes).

Diuretics can cure exudative diathesis, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - psoriatic arthritis. With a protracted process, pyrotherapy can be prescribed.

Antihistamines and sedatives can help relieve itching and anxiety in the scalp. In severe cases, tranquilizers are prescribed.

Corticosteroids and cytostatics treat the disease if it is severe and its symptoms are too severe. But you should be very careful when using medications, as they can aggravate the course of psoriasis. Antibiotics are prescribed only if psoriasis is complicated by an infectious lesion of the scalp.

Psychotropic drugs cannot cure psoriasis, but they eliminate anxiety, relieve depression, increase resistance to stress, normalize sleep, reduce itching. Vitamin complexes will help improve metabolism.

Unfortunately, psoriasis cannot be completely cured. But it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition, slow down the inflammatory processes and transfer the disease to the stage of remission.

Local treatment

From local drugs for the treatment of psoriasis of the head are used:

  • keratolytic ointments (salicylic, sulfuric, sulfur-salicylic, mercury-salicylic, naphthalonic, sulfur-tar, tar, ichthyol, resorcinol);
  • glucocorticoid ointments (belosalik, beloderm, triderm);
  • lotions containing vitamin D3 (psorkutan, daivonex);
  • lotions with dithranol (psorax, dithrastik, cignoderm);
  • shampoos;
  • tar soap.

The composition of ointments for the treatment of psoriasis includes tar, zinc, naphthalene, valicill. Ultraviolet irradiation will help to increase their effectiveness.

Non-hormonal ointments are used to treat the initial stages of psoriasis. Glucocorticoid ointments treat the disease only if it is severe, if other drugs do not give any results. These medicines are very effective. They are able to quickly remove the inflammatory process. But hormonal ointments lower skin immunity, and after they are canceled, the rashes appear again.

Shampoos by themselves are not capable of fighting psoriasis. But as part of complex therapy, they have an effective effect: they reduce inflammatory processes, relieve itching.

You can treat psoriasis at home with 3 types of shampoos:

  • tar (Algopix, Friderm Tar, Tana tar, Squafan);
  • containing ketoconazole (Ketozoral, Perhotal, Nizoral, Sebozol);
  • children's (Me and mom, Karapuz).

Medicated shampoos contain tar, sulfur, zinc pyrithione and salicylic acid. Sulfur inhibits inflammation, and salicylic acid restores the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Thanks to zinc pyrithione, medicinal substances remain on the scalp even after shampooing. It is recommended to treat with shampoos twice a week for 2-3 months. It is advisable to apply the shampoo to the hair 2 times and keep it for 5 minutes.


An excellent result in the treatment of psoriasis on the head is provided by the use of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • hydrotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • herbal medicine;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • irradiation with an erbium laser;
  • PUVA therapy;
  • hemosorption;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • paraffin applications;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • acupressure.

Spa treatment

Treatment of psoriasis of the scalp is carried out in the sanatoriums of the Crimea, Sochi, Pyatigorsk.

Patients are prescribed:

  • climatotherapy;
  • hydrogen sulfide, sulfite and radon baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • heliotherapy;
  • thermal springs.

Treatment of psoriasis with traditional medicine

An effective result in the treatment of psoriasis on the head is provided by alternative methods, if they are used as an adjunct to drug treatment. Lotions with celandine, aloe and celery, rinsing hair with decoctions of burdock, amaranth, string, chamomile, thuja, white willow, juniper berries, blackberry leaves, lovage roots, tinctures of Japanese sophora, seeds of barley or celery, sea buckthorn and viburnum, and also treatment of the scalp with birch tar and grease.

But before you start treating psoriasis with folk remedies, you need to consult with your doctor.

Oil compress

Treatment of scalp psoriasis with folk remedies usually involves the use of oil compresses. Stir in equal amounts of peanut and olive oil. The mixture is warmed up and the affected parts of the scalp are rubbed in with massaging movements. Insulate with a shower cap. Leave until morning. Remove with apple cider vinegar, listerine or glycotimoline (dissolve 60 milliliters of the product in 500 milliliters of water).

Onion compress

Most often, scalp psoriasis is treated with folk remedies using onions. The onion is chopped with a fine grater and applied to wet hair, rubbing into the scalp. Insulate with a plastic bag. After 15-20 minutes, the head is washed with tar soap. During the onion treatment, you will have to stop using shampoo.

Celandine in the fight against psoriasis

Celandine will help cure psoriasis at home.

To prepare the infusion, dry celandine herb (60 grams) is poured with medical alcohol (500 milliliters) and left to infuse for several hours. Then the areas of the scalp affected by psoriasis are gently lubricated.

The infusion is highly effective but can irritate the scalp. If unpleasant sensations arise, then the head is washed and rinsed with chamomile infusion.

Sunflower basket tincture

For the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies, sunflower baskets are often used. Baskets (2 pieces) are finely chopped, poured with white wine (100 milliliters) and left for 2 days. Then the juice is squeezed out and used as a compress.

Homemade ointments

Solid oil ointment will be more effective in treating the disease if herbs are added to it. It is combined with tincture of eleutherococcus, celandine herb or western thuja in a ratio of 5: 1.

Home-made ointments are not inferior in their effectiveness to store-bought ones. They will help you quickly defeat psoriasis on the scalp.

There are several recipes for making ointments using folk methods:

  • Solid oil or petroleum jelly (300 grams) is mixed with egg whites (2 pieces), lime honey (20 grams) and pounded celandine herb (20 grams).
  • Rosehip branches are dried and burned. Ash is mixed with petroleum jelly in equal proportions. Within a week, psoriasis plaques will disappear from the skin.
  • A raw egg is placed in a 200-gram jar and poured with vinegar essence. The jar is closed with a lid and left for a day. Then the egg with the shell is thoroughly ground and mixed with unsalted pork fat (20 grams). The ointment is used to treat the affected areas of the scalp, avoiding healthy areas (burns will appear on them under the influence of the ointment). After an hour, the remnants of the ointment are wiped off with a cloth, and the plaques are smeared with baby cream. After several treatments, the psoriasis plaques will be scaly off the skin.
  • Eucalyptus oil (30 grams), freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice (10 milliliters) and honey (10 grams) are mixed.
  • Blue clay is diluted with water until thick sour cream and combined with sea salt. Used to lubricate affected skin.
  • Pharmacy birch tar (50 grams) is thoroughly mixed with crushed ascorutin tablets (50 pieces).

Homemade shampoo

Honey (20 grams) is mixed with egg white and baby shampoo. Apply to the affected hair area for 15 minutes.

Fees for internal use

Decoctions and infusions for internal use, prepared at home, effectively help in the treatment of scalp psoriasis:

  • Elderberry flowers (20 grams) are brewed with boiling water (450 milliliters) and infused for 1.5 hours. Drink 120 milliliters an hour after eating.
  • The roots of elecampane and calamus, black elderberry flowers, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, St. John's wort and celandine are combined in equal quantities. The resulting mixture (10 grams) is poured with boiling water (250 milliliters). Consume 120 milliliters.

Folk remedies effectively treat psoriasis.

Diet for psoriasis

Diet is also important for the treatment of scalp psoriasis.

To successfully cure psoriasis, you should give up fried, smoked, spicy and spicy foods, seasonings, preservation, limit the consumption of sugar, carbohydrates, fats. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the content of plant and dairy products in the diet.

Flaxseed oil (20 milliliters), fish oil (12 milliliters) or vitamin A (the dosage should be indicated by the doctor) will help cure the disease.

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious dermatological disease. The pathology is recurrent and manifests itself in the form of skin lesions.

Scalp psoriasis is the most common form of this condition. Clinical signs of pathology are red flaky spots covering the scalp, inflammation, itching.

Psoriasis on the head does not pose a significant threat to health, but it often provokes the development of psychological complexes and even becomes the cause of social isolation due to the unaesthetic appearance of patients: after all, this part of the body is always in sight, and unattractive crusts cannot be hidden from others. The disease can occur in people of any age group, but is more common in young people.

Causes of the disease

What causes this pathology? any of its types, including psoriasis of the scalp, becomes a violation of the normal course of metabolic processes. Since the disease is not infectious, its transmission is impossible by household or airborne droplets. Psoriasis is essentially a consequence of an inadequate response of the body to external stimuli, expressed in the form of excessive proliferation and rapid division of cells in the upper layer of the scalp. So, the normal duration of the cycle of cell division, their renewal is about 25 days. Psoriasis provokes an acceleration of the process, as a result, the cycle time is reduced to 5 days. The result is a layering of new cells on old ones, which simply do not have time to peel off, as well as the formation of areas of inflammation, tubercles, pinkish-white nodules, covered on top with large scales of the epithelium. Over time, they merge, resulting in large red spots. Scabs on the scalp usually do not affect hair growth or cause hair loss.

The specific causes of scalp psoriasis have not yet been fully identified. Today there are several theories of its origin. In accordance with one of the most popular, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  1. The first develops as a result of damage to the immune system of a hereditary nature. This form manifests itself mainly before the age of 25.
  2. Symptoms of the second type of psoriasis occur in the middle age category - from about 37-40 years old and older. This form more often affects the nail plates, joints, much less often - the scalp.

Proponents of another theory argue that the disease can develop solely due to dysfunction of the immune system due to the influence of various factors:

  • stress;
  • improper nutrition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cold climate;
  • taking alcoholic beverages.

It is a well-known fact that alcoholic beverages worsen the course of psoriasis.

The severity of the disease is also influenced by the use of certain products: vinegar, chocolate, pepper. According to this theory, psoriasis is considered a systemic disease. This means that due to serious violations in the functioning of the immune system, the pathological process from the scalp can spread to the internal organs or tissues, resulting in psoriatic arthritis.

Supporters of all theories existing today agree on one thing: psoriasis is a multifactorial disease, and its development is associated with many reasons. The most common ones are:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • immunological shifts;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • change in hormonal status - this reason is relevant in adolescence, during pregnancy and during the onset of menopause;
  • injuries leading to a violation of the scalp;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • nervous tension;
  • stressful conditions;
  • prolonged exposure to cold on the skin;
  • exposure to toxic compounds;
  • taking medications;
  • bad habits.

Localization of lesions on the head

Scalp psoriasis is the most common form of the condition. It occurs in over 60% of cases. In the absence of treatment, pathology often turns into more serious forms. Psoriatic lesions are localized mainly in the following areas:

  • the skin over the ears, behind them, the earlobes;
  • forehead area, occipital part;
  • the back of the neck;
  • parting of the hairy part.

Forms of the disease

What this unpleasant disease looks like depends on the specific stage of the pathological process. Psoriasis takes two forms:

  • light - its main manifestation is the appearance on the head of small single lesions, covered with thin small scales;
  • severe - psoriasis affects the scalp completely, the size of the scales is much larger, and they are much thicker than with mild disease.


In the course of pathology, several stages are distinguished:

  1. Progressive, during which new elements appear, and already existing rashes spread to the periphery (the so-called Kebner phenomenon).
  2. Stationary - during this phase, the appearance of new pathological elements is not observed, but the old ones also do not disappear.
  3. Regressive, during which the symptoms of scalp psoriasis gradually disappear, and the rash is replaced by spots devoid of pigment.

Depending on the season of manifestation of the disease, autumn, off-season and summer forms are distinguished.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the head

The initial signs of psoriasis on the scalp are psoriatic eruptions. At first, the rash appears as a pink papule, sometimes round in shape, covered with small scales on top. A characteristic feature of such papules is peripheral growth, accompanied by the formation of plaques.

  1. At an early stage of the disease, there are no pronounced clinical symptoms. Basically, patients do not make any complaints.
  2. The development of pathology leads to the appearance of slight peeling, which is accompanied by itching and irritation.
  3. The next stage is characterized by the addition of an inflammatory process, increased itching and irritation.
  4. Combing the skin causes small cracks, abrasions, and wounds to appear.
  5. Further progression of the pathological process leads to the replacement of peeling by large plaques, thickening and coarsening of the skin.
  6. A typical symptom of psoriasis is the flaking of epithelial cells on the scalp and the formation of whitish dandruff.
  7. Over time, the scales increase in size, thicken and begin to resemble white flakes.
  8. The skin is covered with large red scaly plaques, there is an increase in itching. Combing the skin and irritation when exposed to a comb damage it, lead to an aggravation of the process and further progression of the disease.
  9. There is a significant decrease in the elasticity of the skin, as a result, it is easily injured.
  10. Further progression of psoriasis is manifested by more pronounced symptoms: active exfoliation of the tubercles and plaques formed on the head ends with the appearance of grayish scales, which gradually cover the entire skin under the hair.
  11. Lack of treatment leads to the spread of the process beyond the hairline.

Symptoms of the disease in children

The manifestations of the disease on the head differ to a certain extent from the symptoms in adults. Psoriasis in childhood proceeds in the following sequence:

  • noticeable redness of the skin;
  • moist softening of the skin (maceration);
  • the beginning of flaking of flakes;
  • the formation of an accumulation of scales in certain places.

In children of the younger age group, the pathology resembles the formation of diaper rash. It has a long course and is difficult to treat.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe the correct course of treatment, first of all, a diagnosis is required.

  1. The initial diagnosis of scalp psoriasis is based on:
    • questioning the patient, his complaints of itching, peeling of the skin;
    • external examination, which reveals characteristic rashes, the presence of scales, etc.;
    • anamnesis.
  2. An important point in the diagnosis is the identification of specific symptoms characteristic of all forms of psoriasis, including those with localization on the scalp. This symptomatology is called the psoriatic triad. It includes:
    • Symptom of stearic spots: after scraping, the surface of the papules becomes white, the separation of stearic scales begins.
    • The phenomenon of the terminal film: as a result of the removal of scales from the areas of localization of rashes, the surface of the skin becomes shiny and red.
    • Auspitz symptom. Other names: a symptom of blood dew, punctate bleeding, Polotebnov. Scraping of the affected areas (following the appearance of a stearin spot and terminal film) leads to the appearance of punctate bleeding.
  3. Diagnostics is also carried out on the basis of the Kebner phenomenon - the appearance of a characteristic rash on the scalp about 10-15 days after the onset of the disease.
  4. The onset of the stage of regression of psoriasis is diagnosed on the basis of another symptom, called the Voronov symptom - the appearance of a light ring around the papules on the head.
  5. To clarify the diagnosis, carry out:
    • microscopic examination of skin scales;
    • skin biopsy - prescribed for the purpose of histological examination.

In the presence of psoriasis, the following are found:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • sharp thinning or absence of the granular layer of the dermis;
  • swelling of the prickly layer of the dermis;
  • the presence of foci of accumulation of neutrophilic granulocytes, an increase in which leads to migration of the foci under the stratum corneum, followed by the formation of microabscesses.

Treatment of the disease

In order to treat psoriasis on the scalp, a set of measures is used, including:

  • general therapy;
  • local treatment;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • Spa treatment.

General therapy

The essence of the general medical treatment of scalp psoriasis is to prescribe the following drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • hyposensitizing;
  • antihistamines;
  • nonspecific immunotherapy agents: pyrogenal, ATP, aloe, etc .;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunomodulators: decaris, taktivin, splenin, methyluracil, leacadin;
  • aromatic retinoids — etretinate, acitretin;
  • cytostatics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hemodez solution for intravenous drip;
  • calcified autologous blood.

The inclusion of corticosteroid drugs and cytostatics in the course of treatment is advisable in severe psoriasis and significant severity of symptoms on the scalp. They must be used very carefully: such funds can provoke an aggravation of the course of the disease.

It is possible to treat psoriasis with antibiotics only if an infectious lesion of the scalp is attached.

Preparations and remedies for local treatment


From medicines for the treatment of local manifestations of psoriasis are used

  • keratoplastic ointments: ichthyol, sulfur-tar, naphthalan, salicylic;
  • glucocorticoid ointments - they are prescribed only for severe disease.

Solkoderm is an effective local treatment. The preparation contains concentrated acids. Solcoderm is available in the form of a solution, which should be used to treat the affected areas of the scalp.

Psychotropic medicines

Of course, it is impossible to treat psoriasis on the head with this group of drugs. Psychotropic drugs are used to:

  • reduction or elimination of concomitant diseases of depression, increased anxiety, social phobia;
  • increasing the patient's resistance to stress;
  • reducing the frequency and severity of exacerbations of the disease against the background of nervous tension;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • reduction of itching (refers to drugs with an additional antihistamine effect).

For psoriasis, the following remedies are used:

  • anxiolytics;
  • normotimics;
  • antipsychotics.

The use of these drugs for the treatment of psoriasis is associated with a certain risk of exacerbation of the disease, including a high likelihood of developing conditions that cannot be stopped by traditional drugs against psoriasis. In particular, this applies to serotonergic antidepressants (fluoxetine, paroxetine). Antipsychotics often provoke an increase in the amount of growth hormone and prolactin in the blood, and this leads to a greater severity of symptoms of psoriasis.


Is it possible to cure psoriasis on the head with the help? As a rule, using even a very effective shampoo is not enough. However, the use of special healing agents in complex therapy is a prerequisite for the success of treatment. As therapeutic agents, they have proven themselves well:

  • Friderm Tar;
  • Friederm Zinc;
  • Neutrogena T / Gel;
  • T / Sal;
  • Tegrin;
  • Aloe vera.

On the scalp, psoriasis can be treated with the following types of shampoos:

  • tar: Algopix, Lush, Tana, “911”, Terva Shampoo Tjarscampo, Alphosyl;
  • shampoos with ketoconazole: Ketozoral, Nizoral, Perhotal. Sebozol;
  • children's: Neutral-Baby, Hipp, Johnson's baby, Toddler, Me and Mom.

Physiotherapy and other treatments

For the treatment of psoriasis on the head, the following activities are carried out:

  • PUVA therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • erbium laser irradiation;
  • hemosorption;
  • plasmapheresis.

Spa treatment

The course of treatment from the Crimea, Pyatigorsk, Sochi helps to reduce the frequency of relapses and achieve long-term remission. During your stay in the hospitals, you must attend the following procedures:

  • heliotherapy;
  • mud therapy;

How to cure psoriasis on the head using folk recipes? As independent means, they are not effective enough. But the extra on the scalp turns out to be quite effective.

Recipe 1

Pass 300 grams through a meat grinder, squeeze juice from the resulting mass. Add 30 ml of dry red wine to it. Moisten the affected scalp with this mixture. Leave on for at least 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe 2

Lubricate the scalp with an alcoholic infusion of celandine. To prepare it, pour a quarter of a glass of dry grass with ½ liter of medical alcohol and leave for several hours. This folk remedy for psoriasis is powerful and can irritate the skin. If unpleasant sensations appear, it should be washed off with a neutral agent, and rinsed with chamomile infusion.

Recipe 3

The tincture, prepared on the basis of young sunflower baskets, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the further growth of bacteria. The following remedy recommended by traditional medicine is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis, accompanied by an infectious lesion of the scalp.

Two baskets of sunflower must be thoroughly washed, chopped finely and pour in about 100 ml of white wine. Close the dish with a lid and leave for 48 hours, then squeeze out the juice. It should be used as a compress. It is also recommended to simply lubricate the skin with sunflower tincture.

Recipe 4

Mix light petroleum jelly or grease (300 g) with two whites of chicken eggs, add a spoonful of linden honey and a spoonful of celandine herb powdered into powder. Lubricate the affected skin with the resulting ointment.

Recipe 5

Scalp psoriasis can be treated by using rose hips at home. The dried branches must be burned, the ash must be collected in a clean dish, mixed with the same amount of petroleum jelly and used as an ointment. As a rule, with daily application, the effect appears within a week. Since such a remedy leads to rapid contamination of the hair, it is recommended to wash them every day with tar soap or a special therapeutic shampoo.

Recipe 6

Treatment with folk remedies also involves the use of infusions and decoctions for internal use.

One of the effective recipes for psoriasis on the head is black elderberry infusion. It should be consumed in 1/2 cup (preferably after a meal - in about an hour). Prepare the product as follows: pour a spoonful of elderberry flowers with 450 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour and a half.

Recipe 7

The following collection recommended by traditional medicine is quite effective for treating scalp psoriasis:

  • elecampane root;
  • black elderberry flowers;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • field horsetail (grass);
  • calamus root;
  • St. John's wort;

All components are mixed in equal proportions. A dessert spoon of the resulting mixture is brewed with 250 ml of water. You need to take ½ glass.

Recipe 8

Mix a spoonful of bee honey with egg white and a little baby shampoo. Apply to affected areas, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

Oil treatment

An oil compress is an excellent home remedy for scalp psoriasis. The best result can be achieved by applying it after shampooing with a medicated shampoo. The compress is made using a heated mixture of vegetable oils - peanut and olive. The product is gently rubbed into the skin with massaging movements, a shower cap is put on top. The procedure is best done in the evening and wash your hair in the morning. The oil can be easily removed using a solution of apple cider vinegar, glycotimoline, or listerine (about a quarter cup to ½ liter of water).

Oil heat treatment

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo (medicated or baby).
  2. Blot gently with a towel.
  3. Dip your fingertips in a premixed olive oil and peanut oil mixture and rub over the affected areas.
  4. Set the thermocap to medium temperature and put it on your head. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the cap, gently rinse your hair with a special shampoo for psoriasis.
  6. For optimal effect, rinse them with a mild vinegar or lemon solution, massage, and leave for 5 minutes.
  7. Wash off with clean water.

Glycotimoline, lavoris, listerine can simply be regularly rubbed into the scalp at the stage of exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms, with increased peeling, irritation or itching.

Hair care rules

With scalp psoriasis, hair needs special care. Compliance with basic rules in combination with the necessary measures to treat the disease will help to achieve a significant improvement in skin condition.

  1. The head should be washed with the recommended shampoos.
  2. Use only a natural bristle comb.
  3. Treat hygiene products with disinfectant solutions on a daily basis.
  4. Comb the hair carefully, very gently, avoiding damage to the plaques.
  5. Use a hairdryer as little as possible. Turn it on at medium temperature and keep it at a 30-centimeter distance from your head.
  6. Avoid procedures that may injure the skin affected by psoriasis and rashes. Do not use curlers, curling irons.
  7. In case of a severe course of the disease, it is better to make a short haircut, since the frequent use of ointments, creams heavily pollutes the hair, and they have to be washed daily.
  8. With psoriasis, you should avoid complex hairstyles, styling and, as rarely as possible, pull your hair with an elastic band.


Preventive measures to prevent recurrence of the disease in psoriasis include:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • to give up smoking;
  • exclusion of alcoholic beverages;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • rationing of the work and rest regime;
  • taking vitamins;
  • adherence to a special diet.

Diet for psoriasis is very important. It is necessary:

  • limit the amount of fat, carbohydrates, sugar;
  • give up fried;
  • exclude spicy, spices, marinades, canned foods, seasonings - everything that has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and leads to clogging of the body.

Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, non-infectious skin disorder that is not uncommon... Due to the frantic pace of life, constant stress, malnutrition and other factors, modern people are increasingly beginning to suffer from dermatoses of an autoimmune nature, including psoriasis.

There is still no medicine to help completely cure psoriasis. All methods of treating this ailment can only improve the patient's condition and maximize remission (the period of extinction of acute symptoms of the disease). Therefore, you should not believe that any creams or alternative treatments can get rid of psoriasis forever (as the advertisement promises).

Treatment for psoriasis

We recommend reading:

The complex of therapeutic measures for psoriasis must necessarily include:

  • A healthy lifestyle (cigarettes and alcohol are taboo in psoriasis).
  • Diet.
  • Drug therapy (local and systemic)
  • Physiotherapy (phototherapy).
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Sanatorium and health improvement.

As for home treatment, for psoriasis it can be carried out, but not as the main one, but as an auxiliary one (as an addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor).

Home treatments for psoriasis

Home treatment for psoriasis is as follows:

  • In compliance with the diet.
  • Proper skin care.
  • In the use of special creams and lotions.
  • In moderate exposure to ultraviolet light.
  • In the use of some traditional methods of treatment.

Nutrition for psoriasis

It is believed that with psoriasis it is necessary to alkalize the body. To do this, the basis of the patient's diet should be the following products:

  • Fruits:, grapes, cherries, etc. They can be eaten fresh, steamed, and also in the form of juices.
  • Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, asparagus, greens, etc. These vegetables can be used to make salads, hot dishes (boiled or steamed), juices.

In a limited amount (up to 20% of all products consumed per day), you can enter into the diet:

  • Cereals (all kinds of cereals).
  • Wild rice.
  • Durum wheat pasta.
  • Poultry meat.
  • Steamed fish (except salmon, herring).
  • Eggs.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Low-fat milk and products from it.

The following products are contraindicated for patients with psoriasis:

  • Solanaceous vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, etc.
  • Animal fat, butter, margarine, spreads.
  • Alcohol.
  • Vinegar.
  • Strawberries and strawberries.
  • Crustaceans, molluscs, fish roe.
  • Canned food, sausages and other products to which preservatives, dyes, etc. are added.
  • Cream.
  • Fat meat.
  • Hot spices.
  • Sweets.
  • Smoked products.
  • Baking, etc.

In addition, people suffering from psoriasis should not forget about water, since the condition of the skin depends on the saturation of the body with fluid. Preference should be given to alkaline mineral water, clean table water, herbal teas.

In general, food for psoriasis should meet all the rules of a balanced healthy diet. Well, depending on the individual characteristics of the body (for example, intolerance to some vegetables or fruits), the set of offered products can be changed.

How to care for psoriasis skin?

The skin of people with psoriasis is very sensitive. Any damage to it can result in an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of new psoriatic plaques. Therefore, proper care is fundamental to the home treatment of psoriasis.

It is important to observe the following rules:

Ointments and psoriasis creams

With psoriasis (especially in the initial stages of its development), the basis of treatment is made up of drugs for external use:

Thus, there are a lot of remedies for the external treatment of psoriasis. Therefore, to choose the most suitable in each specific situation (it all depends on the condition of the skin), you should consult your doctor.

Sunbathing for psoriasis

Moderate sun exposure is beneficial for psoriasis. However, in no case should the skin be allowed to burn. This can provoke the appearance of new plaques. The optimal time for exposure to the sun is 15-30 minutes every day.

Important:Some of the agents used to treat psoriasis topically are photosensitizing, that is, they increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays, as a result of which the skin can burn very quickly in direct sunlight.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

Doctors do not advise experimenting with alternative methods for psoriasis, since it is not known how the skin will react to this or that remedy. However, some treatment methods can still be used (after consulting a doctor). For example, baths with decoctions of chamomile, string, propolis, and Dead Sea salt help to soften the skin, reduce itching and inflammation. It is possible to improve the condition of the areas of the body covered with plaques by making lotions with linseed oil, and to protect the skin untouched by the pathological process from drying out - by lubricating it with sea buckthorn oil.

Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, as it is also called, is a non-infectious skin disease. It is characterized by the formation of scaly rashes that cause many psychological problems. Quite often, pathology occurs on the scalp. The disease can be treated with medications, physiotherapy.

Treatment of psoriasis on the head at home can be carried out by means of traditional medicine, and it is also possible to use combined regimens using various techniques.

Treatment of psoriasis of the head with folk remedies

For home treatment of psoriasis on the head, various traditional medicines are used. They can be used as an addition to the main therapy or as the main method of dealing with the disease.

A variety of folk remedies are excellent for psoriasis: decoctions, infusions, oils, lotions. For their preparation, use:

  • aloe;
  • celandine;
  • celery;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • viburnum;
  • amaranth;
  • a series;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • lovage and other medicinal herbs.

On a note. Solid oil and tar contribute well to the elimination of pathology.


Onions have proven themselves well. To prepare a drug from it, you need to take a medium onion, peel and chop on a fine grater (you can do this with a blender). The resulting gruel is applied to damp hair.

To achieve a good effect, this product is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. After application, a bag is put on the head, and a towel on top. The compress is left for twenty minutes. Then the composition is washed off with warm water using tar soap.

Important! When using onions, shampoos should be discarded. During this period, hair should be washed with tar-based soap.


One of the oldest and most time-tested treatments for scalp psoriasis is the use of celandine. It is a unique herb that helps fight a wide variety of skin conditions.

Celandine is a poisonous plant that helps fight not only psoriasis, but also other pathologies, including skin cancer

Option 1. Celandine is used for psoriasis of the head in the form of a tincture, which is used to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. To prepare it, you need to take three tablespoons of the crushed plant and pour 0.5 liters of alcohol. The remedy is infused for a day. Then it is filtered. Store the finished infusion in a dark container.

The composition is gently lubricated with the affected skin. If unpleasant sensations arise during application, then everything is washed off with warm water with the addition of chamomile infusion.

Important! When using celandine, do not forget that this plant is poisonous. It can cause burning, itching, and redness of the skin. To relieve irritation, the skin is rinsed with chamomile infusion (you can use a decoction).

Option 2. To prepare this product, you need to take 300 g of fresh celandine and 50 ml of red wine. Squeeze the juice out of the plant. This is easier to do if you twist the grass in a meat grinder or grind it with a blender. Then the gruel is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out the juice. Wine is added to it, mixed. To make the solution less caustic, you need to add a tablespoon of water. The composition is applied to the skin and kept for 15-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water with the addition of chamomile infusion.

Read also the article on how to on our portal.

Sunflower application

So, you can use sunflower baskets. To prepare a medicine from them, take two baskets, cut into small pieces and pour half a glass of white wine. The remedy is infused for three days. Then the baskets are taken out of the container and the juice is squeezed out of them. It is used to treat scalp psoriasis as a compress.

For information! Sunflower basket tincture can be used to treat scalp infections. Its antibacterial properties help inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Sunflower treatment can be combined with other treatments, such as traditional topical preparations or homemade ointments.

Application of oils

For a long time, various oils have been used for the scalp for psoriasis. There are many recipes for treating an ailment by mixing two or more substances. For example, you can take equal parts olive oil and peanut oil, mix and heat slightly. This composition is applied to the affected skin with light massaging movements. Then you need to put a shower cap or bag on your head and wrap it with a towel. The compress is left until morning.

The composition is washed off with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (50 ml per 0.5 liters, respectively).

Important! Before using any traditional medicine, you should consult a dermatologist.


When treating psoriasis on the head with folk remedies, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin around the affected area. If an allergy or irritation suddenly appears, then the selected composition should be discarded. The course of treatment with any drug should not exceed more than two weeks.

Folk recipes are a great addition to traditional treatments.