Is it possible to eat watermelons: all about the useful properties of sweet berries, as well as how to choose a watermelon correctly. Is it possible to pregnant watermelon in late

Despite the strange name, which translated from an ancient language means "cucumber with a donkey size", watermelon during pregnancy is the best snack, an option for afternoon or thickening thirst. A large amount of water and sugar are concentrated in a large berry.

In future mothers, the main thing is not to overeat and remember the secrets of the right choice and storage of melting culture, familiar with possible contraindications.

Calories, Vitamins, Microelements

Watermelon initially grown only in Africa, he was considered a gift from heaven, because it consists of 90-92% of water. Then he began to grow in Europe, later they were brought to Russia, where he became a favorite summer berry. Future mothers appreciate him for sweetness and low calorieness - from 27 to 38 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

Bakhcheva culture has other features, these are vitamins and micro, macroelements. They are a bit in watermelon, but a percentage worthy:

  • Ascorbic acid - 7.8% of the daily rate. Watermelon does not need heat treatment, so vitamin C is fully absorbed. It is washed with water, and the human body is experiencing need every day.
  • Pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is in an amount of 4.5% of the required daily stock. It is responsible for normal metabolism, adjusting weight, and also improves the work of the liver and kidney, displays toxins.
  • There are other vitamins of this group: riboflavin - 3.3%, thiamine - 2.7%. They are responsible for the work of the nervous system, improvement of mental processes, memory transmission through genes.
  • There are main trace elements, it is potassium (4.4%) and magnesium (3%). They are important in maintaining the work of the central nervous system, the normalization of the water-salt balance, the transfer of nerve impulses.
  • An important microelement for hematopopia - iron - is represented in an amount of 5.6% per 100 grams. Interacting with ascorbic acid and B6, iron contributes to the formation of erythrocytes, and they prevent anemia.
  • High indicators of sucrose (2 g), fructose (4.3 g) and glucose (2.4 g). It is because of this quality, watermelon is pleasant to taste. But sweetness not only stimulates appetite - it helps the body split proteins and influence the formation of joy hormone.
  • There are indispensable amino acids - arginine, tryptophan, lysine, valine, etc. They are necessary for high-quality sleep, muscle formation, healthy bones and nails, teeth, hair.

Entering the body in the correct combination, which ensures the flesh of watermelon, indispensable amino acids and vitamins accelerate the metabolism.

Benefit for future mothers

Not only harmonious combinations of vitamin complexes are important. They have their needs, which are taken into account when forming a diet.

Watermelon will be useful to all its components. Carefully chewed seeds will supply tocopherol - this is vitamin E, which improves the elasticity of vessels, hair strength and nails. It is necessary for the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins.

But the benefits of watermelon for future mothers lies in the other:

  • It satisfies due to the high percentage of water in the composition. With large volumes, there is little calorie, which is valued by pregnant, follow the figure.
  • It is useful for toxicosis, because shears salts from the urinary system organs. Positively affects the work of the kidneys, liver. Displays sand and toxins.
  • Despite the high level of fluid in the pulp, increases the amount of vitamin K in the blood.
  • Potassium regulates pressure, cardiac rhythm, and future mothers often complain about these problems. Their organism during the baby tooling is experiencing a double load, so watermelon becomes an important part of the diet.
  • Magnesium helps the growth of bones, it remains 60% in them. This means that women will be able to preserve the strength and beauty of teeth and nails.
  • The watermelon contains folic acid, but its percentage is very small - 2% of the daily rate. However, it is only in 100 g.
  • Vitamin B9 is needed not only during pregnancy, but also when planning it. It reduces the risk of prematurity, affects metabolism, nervous and cardiovascular operation.

The pulp, and seeds, which can be counted 1000 pieces on 1 berry, as well as crusts are useful in the melon culture. Of them are cooking, which do not contain special vitamins, but will delight the future dad with the original taste. Pregnant women often wake up talent culinary.

An important berry and cosmetic masks. To do this, use the flesh of ripe culture. It is worn smooth layer on face. If the skin is dry or combined, pulp tolver with the addition of olive oil.

Also, watermelon is considered a worthy substitute for high-calorie desserts. With him prepare fruit cocktails, they can be preserved for the winter. Useful preservation nutritionists are not called, but salty watermelons, like cucumbers, struggle with toxicosis and eliminate craving for inedible combinations of products.

Harm, restrictions and contraindications

The norm, which should be adhere to pregnant women, is from 200 to 700 g. The accurate indicator will calculate the gynecologist if it does not detect the reasons for the abandonment of the berries. There are unloading days on a watermelon, but during pregnancy they are undesirable: a lot of fluids are output from the body.

Contraindications to use:

  • The aggravation of peptic ulcer and gastritis with increased acidity.
  • Low kidney activity, stone formation in them or bladder.
  • Harm carry possible poisoning nitrates that are contained in berries. They can process the product to accelerate growth.
  • Intestinal disorder, diarrhea - rare, but possible satellites of watermelon overeating. This is associated with a high percentage of liquid in pulp and bacteria. They fall through cuts with dirty peel, during the purchase of the fetal cut in the store.
  • In diabetes, the attending physician must set the norms of the product, it all depends on the type of disease and the blood sugar indicator.

Important! Harmful to the intestines will be a combination of watermelon with dairy products. There is no information about negative interaction with drugs. On the contrary, the flesh of the berries contributes to the elimination of harmful substances after antibiotic therapy.

Value of watermelon at different timing

Watermelon is useful in the absence of pathologies in the future mother and child and, provided that the berry is grown without auxiliary components in the form of nitrates. It reduces blood pressure, dilutes blood, is a supplier of potassium and magnesium.

Bakhchy culture is able to clean the intestines and eliminate the signs of early toxicosis, remove the swelling. This is useful at all time, but there are nuances.

The nitrate berry can lead to the uterus tone and provoke premature genera or abortion. Also reduce the amount of its consumption due to a diuretic effect. Future mothers suffer from frequent urges, and the fruit only enhances them. If environmentally friendly culture is selected, it will benefit each of the 9 months.

How to use it right

The main thing is to choose a harmless product. Sellers argue that preferences need to give watermelon with a dark yellow or orange barrel size with palm. He speaks of a long stay in the sun, which means that growth occurred in natural conditions, without stimulation by nitrates.

You need to choose:

  • Not the largest, but not a small berry - about 5-7 kg. You can take half, but better if the mudflower culture can only be sold before selling, immediately covering the location of the cutting film.
  • Well, if the watermelon is sold in accordance with the documents. This is the only option to acquire a healthy product. Focus on the size, color strips, tail or sound when attacking - an inaccurate method. These indicators differ depending on the variety.
  • You can check the watermelon for the presence of nitrates by lowering the glass of the pulp into the glass. If the berry dissolved, the water darkened - there are no nitrates. Water redness is a sure sign of having chemicals.

The product is properly included in the diet - it means it is it in the interruptions between the main meals. When you want to eat it with bread, stop the choice on white. It does not cause such fermentation and gas formation as black bread. But watermelon is better to eat without anything, the royal berry does not need competition.

Watermelon is useful and beloved by many berries, with the exception of people with stomach disorder and kidney stones. Today we will deal with whether the watermelon can be pregnant in the early or later dates, and also what can it harm and when?

The use of watermelon for pregnant women

Watermelon can be pregnant and necessary, as its flesh is rich in substances that support the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. The main ones are:

  • vitamins A, groups B, PP and C;
  • zinc, iron, iodine and other trace elements;
  • macroelements, including potassium, calcium, as well as magnesium.

The watermelon is especially useful due to the content of iron and especially essential in the first trimester. A rather rare vitamin B9 is necessary in the initial timing when laying the authorities of the future child. Iron must enter the body for all nine months, as it is responsible for the supply of all systems and oxygen organs.

Doctors are often asked if it is possible to pregnant with watermelon with iron deficiency anemia. It is not recommended to use a berry as the main source of iron, but as an additional source of the trace element, it is perfect.

The fiber in watermelon stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and allows you to quickly cope with constipation, which often pursue future mothers. Watermelon during pregnancy is useful for the reason that it stimulates the functionality of many systems, namely:

  • cardiovascular;
  • digestive;
  • endocrine.

The substances present in the berry provide many favorable effects on the body of future mothers. It is considered a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and well-fastening product. However, this does not cancel the need - what better, you will be prompted by your doctor.

Watermelon with swelling during pregnancy

The gynecologists are often asked for future guinea, is it possible to pregnant watermelon when swelling in late terms? The cause of the swelling is usually the natural processes occurring in the body due to the fact that the kidneys do not cope with an increased load. Also, the reasons for edema include elevated temperature and humidity in the environment.

So, watermelon with swells during pregnancy is even useful, as it brings an extra liquid from the body and promotes the fight against violation. Abandoning the berries is necessary during pretzos, which is sometimes the root cause of swelling in pregnant women.

Precautionary measures

Now consider what the watermelon is harmful for pregnant women and in what situations. Doctors recommend not to abuse berry, especially before bedtime, as it creates a powerful diuretic effect. Find out from the gynecologist what kind of portion it recommends that you eat daily - it can be a maximum of 2 pieces or much more (up to a kilogram).

Watermelon for pregnant women can be in eating it together with different drinks, especially carbonated. This combination can cause painful sensations and increased gas formation.

Watermelon is harmful to pregnant women when abuse. In this case, it can accelerate the intestinal peristalsis and contribute to diarrhea that will deprive the body of a large volume of fluid, and this is harmful to the future kid.

Watermelon harm to pregnant women can apply with stomach disorders and colitis. Be careful if you have stones in the kidneys. In order to avoid health problems, it is important to buy natural berries in proven places that are not treated with hazardous chemicals.

The end of August is the time to enjoy watermelon. But this berry has a powerful diuretic action. Can there be a watermelon pregnant?

Let's start with a simple. A healthy man of watermelon is extremely useful. For the most part, this berry consists of water, however, in red sugar pulp, scientists discovered a lot of useful substances. The watermelon is vitamins A, C, B1, B2, RR and the necessary folic acid, minerals, organic acids and fiber.

Watermelon cleans the body from slags, toxins and harmful salts. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body, defeating swelling. There are often cases when watermelon contributed to the removal of stones and sand from the kidneys. It is proved that watermelon improves metabolism and normalizes the work of the digestive system. Watermelon contains a large amount of iron, which will ensure the prevention of anemia.

But should you get involved in this berry when you are waiting for a child?

Just eat watermelon correctly:

1. Do not buy early watermelons or those sold near the road. Increased content of nitrates and nitrites in food can adversely affect the body of the body of a pregnant woman and baby and even cause poisoning. Watermelons sold earlier than the end of August may be dangerous.

2. Buying watermelon, knock on it. It should publish such a sound, as if under the thick peel - a bullish emptiness. The muffled sound (like a tire slosted) indicates that watermelon is broken by unclean. With a light compression, a good watermelon begins to crackle.

3. Doctors do not recommend pregnant women have more than 2 pieces of watermelon per day due to its strong diuretic action. If you have kidney stones, watermelon is not worth it at all: pregnancy is not the best time to withdraw them from the body.

Using watermelons, simple inaders are a little alert. This is an inexpensive berry in the season, her sweetness and juiciness prompted to buy goodness almost every day, but some concerns are always present. Probably there is no such thing among us so as not to hear someone or personal experience would not survive the poisoning of watermelons. Such risk always exists, especially at the very beginning of the season, when in the markets and in stores begin to sell fruitful eyes.

In this regard, it is not surprising that women who carry a child are wondering if the watermelon is not harmful during pregnancy. Moreover, they say that it is forbidden to use his future mothers. But I want so much ...

Let's find out what opinions there is about this.

Can there be a watermelon during pregnancy

Of course, watermelon contains a number of nutrients in its pulp and has a number of positive properties that can be very useful during the baby tool. There is a easily-friendly iron in which pregnant women need so much; vitamins of groups in (including folic acid) necessary for the formation of tissues and crumb organs and supporting the nervous system of the mother; Carbohydrates supplying us with energy. The watermelon is rich in fiber, which helps to fight constipation very effectively, contains vitamins A, C, RR, potassium, magnesium and other elements necessary for pregnant women.

It is widely known that watermelon has pronounced cleansing and diuretic properties: it contributes to the removal of fluid from the body, and together with it - slags, toxins, sand and harmful salts.

Watermelon perfectly quenches and thirst, and hunger. This is relevant not only in the hot season, when there is non-nights, but also during the period of toxicosis, when a woman cannot eat due to nausea and, therefore, to receive food and energy. This product is able to improve digestion, eliminate the attacks of nausea, heartburn and muscular spasms, prevent the development of cancer cells and heart diseases, increase immunity, establish metabolic processes by the body. The lycope contained in it reduces the risk of the development of a dangerous state of pregnancy - preeclampsia - and generally has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. He is advised to eat under insomnia and depressions, as it contributes to the soothing and better work of the nervous system, improved mood and emotional state.

In addition, watermelon calorieness is very low: 100 g sweet pulp contains up to 30 kcal. In this regard, nutritionists recommend using this product wishing to lose weight: it enters the diet very many diets for weight loss and purification of the body.

The problem of overweight is relevant for future mothers who are often gaining extra kilograms for the period of having a child. So he can become a good alternative to sweets. And at the same time it will help to prevent their appearance or get rid of swelling, if excess fluid accumulates in the body tissues.

However, this is only one side of the medal ...

Why it is impossible to eat watermelon during pregnancy

Together with the indisputable advantages of watermelon has significant disadvantages. It is impossible to call it completely safe and harmless, especially with regard to the use of this fetus with pregnant women.

The greatest danger lies in nitrates that are very often (and often in very large quantities) are contained in watermelons. They harm not only the future mother, but also the fruit, penetrating his tissues through the placenta. You can check their presence with the most reliably using a special device - nitrometer.

If there is no, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Buy watermelons only at the height of their ripening season.
  2. It is better to acquire fruit in proven outlets.
  3. When choosing a product, pay attention to the sound, published when tapping on its surface: it should not be deaf, crackling, as if in an empty capacity.
  4. Choose a solid fresh dry watermelon (if when it is pressed or tapping reminds the rubber ball - do not take).
  5. At home Consider incision berries: large rigid yellow bodies, like smooth saturated, everywhere the same smooth color of the meakty, testify to the fertilizer of the fetus by nitrates.
  6. Lower a piece of pulp into a glass with clean water: if after some time it was painted in pink or red, then do not even doubt the content of nitrates. If the water is cloudy only, then you can eat such a watermelon calmly.
  7. Offer to taste your husband or someone from relatives purchased by the berry, and only after at least an hour after that, if they do not have any negative reactions, eat themselves a little.

No less risk lies and the likelihood of poisoning with such a product. Even if it is completely "clean" and does not contain harmful impurities, in the heat cut fruits very quickly, and therefore buy only whole and do not cut them down until you bring home and do not wash it well. It is necessary to wash the surface of the fruit very carefully, since malicious bacteria live on it in large quantities. After cutting, watermelon should be stored in the refrigerator no more than one day: at room temperature, the cut freshels for several hours.

And that's not all. The most recent good quality watermelon may be dangerous for the pregnancy of pregnancy, if it suffers from some diseases.

In particular, it is impossible to eat watermelons during pregnancy, if the urinary system of the future mother works not well well, the stones in the kidneys are found. The fact is that the kidneys at this time are already experiencing reinforced loads. The use of such a product can strengthen them and worsen well-being.

So, with the development of any ailments of the urogenital system, as well as with colitis and enteritis, before use of the watermelon, you must, at a minimum, consult with your doctor. Because of the high content in the jet of sugar, caution should be shown and diabetics.

Watermelon during pregnancy: harmful or useful

Definitely answer the question whether the watermelon is harmful for pregnant women or useful, it is impossible. This largely depends on the quality of the eaten berries and on the state of the health of the future mother. The term of pregnancy is also important, because there is an opinion that in anticipation of childbirth with products that can cause allergic reactions in the child, it is necessary to care, and watermelon is just belonging to this category.

In any case, even if you have no contraindications to the use of watermelon, it is impossible to lean on it. It is not necessary to eat more than 200 grams of pulp, but such a meal during the bottom can be afforded to themselves. The main thing is not to go for the night so as not to load the kidneys.

It is better not to combine the eating of the watermelon with other products, but to arrange a watermelon snack between meals. If you like to have it with bread, then preference should be given to white.

And, of course, when any undesirable consequences appear to give up this product. Thus, watermelon can provoke enhanced formation of intestinal gases and meteorism, the appearance of pain in the stomach, belching, diarrhea. Very often there is an allergic rash (this is most likely from nitrates).

Watermelon during pregnancy: reviews

Whatever they speak and have recommended doctors and nutritionists, and we still appeal to each other and discuss any questions on the forums for pregnant women. Harm and benefit, as well as the permissibility and consequences of drinking watermelons during pregnancy - too.

So the reviews confirm all the arguments and opinions outlined above. Some moms without any consequences "shovel" watermelons, without refusing to themselves. Some of them eat on a whole watermelon a day, and even more, while they say that thanks to this delicious method, they manage to get rid of edema and protein in the urine. Others have to exclude a berry from the diet - due to the reactions of their own organism or medical testimony. Many gynecologists warn their pregnant wards that the use of watermelons provokes fluid delay in the body.

So always take into account that the same consequences of the same action practically does not happen. You always need to approach the question individually.

Let your ripples react well to watermelons! Be healthy!

Especially for - Margarita Solovyov

Doctors warn: ladies waiting for babies, should be careful when forming your diet.

Forbidden products Great many, immediately all and not remember! On the other hand, to replenish the stocks of vitamins and minerals is also needed, so pregnant women should be left for vegetables and fruits in reinforced mode. Is there a watermelon during pregnancy and what is its benefit?

Juicy, sweet fruit (more precisely, a berry) with meaty pulp is so good in appearance, which often inspires painters for still lifes with his participation.

Each is both a child, and an adult, - looking forward to August, when it is possible to enjoy a high-quality fragrant product for a small price.

Women awaiting babies, no exception: if they do not suffer from urolithiasis, digestion disorders and kidney disease, then they can eat watermelon during pregnancy!

The use of watermelon for pregnant

Watermelon, like cucumber, almost completely consists of water. This is simultaneously disadvantaged and advantage. Juicy berry weighing a few kilograms perfectly quenches thirst, quickly saturates the body with important trace elements and vitamins.

However, it enhances the urge to the toilet, which is a problem for pregnant women. In this regard, watermelons are undesirable to use overnight or along with another meal (since the process of fermentation will start in the abdomen).

The best time for the appetizing snack is the first or second breakfast or afternooner. By the way, some like to eat watermelons with bread - this is not prohibited, but choose only white baking.

What is good watermelon during pregnancy?

1) It removes slags and toxins, small stones and sand, updating and cleaning the body from the inside. Such "general cleaning" is relevant for ladies in the position, because they cannot be applied to any special medicines.

2) Watermelons help with constipation and, in general, improve digestion, adjust the intestinal peristalsis.

3) In addition to the whole arsenal of important vitamins (A, C, group B) and acids (folic, panthenol), in a water-berry berry contains magnesium, potassium and iron - the first numbers in the list of necessary minerals during pregnancy.

The use of similar products is the excellent prevention of anemia and a pledge of cheerfulness.

4) The watermelons contain substances to help fight nervous stress, irritation, stress and anxiety. Peel from Valerian and transfer to striped berries!

5) No matter how paradoxically sounds, but the product, so rich in water, not only is not prohibited by swelling, but even recommended as a medicine. It satums the body moisture, but then successfully derives it thanks to the diuretic properties.

All these beneficial properties are relevant only when the watermelon is chosen correctly. What should he be? Ripe, without nitrates, matured naturally and stored correctly. Otherwise, poisoning, fraught with the most serious consequences for mom and her baby.

Pregnant and not only: how to choose a watermelon?

The process of buying watermelons resembles a shaman dance with a tambourine. Smart buyers study dry tails and yellow stains, patted fruit on a striped barrels and squeeze them with palms to a lined cod. Only making sure that the product is correct and melodiously sounds and has all the signs of ripeness, they agree to buy goods.

By purchasing watermelon on the market, do not let the seller cut the core to you on the sample: Fully bacteria on the knife, and in the heat they spread lightning.

Washing with soap, drying and cutting the watermelon at home, appreciate its "inner world." Thin, almost inconspicable lesson-vile streams testify to the right cultivation, while tight veins of yellowish color talk about nitrates.

A purple shade of pulp or, on the contrary, an immature white-pink look.

Test on maturity: Early watermelons (June, July) are often tinted. Check it is not difficult: Cut a piece of fetus and cast into the water. In a good version, it only clowns (both from milk), in a bad - painted in a pink or scarlet tone.

In the early period of pregnancy, toxic watermelons are doubly dangerous: offer your husband or mother-in-law to become your experimental rabbit. Feed them with sweet delicacy and wait for an hour or other.

If disorders are not observed, boldly proceed to the meal. But eat yourself only the red flesh, without having eating the peel to the green.