National costume of Tajikistan female. National clothing Tajichek. Top women's clothing

Magazine with porcelain doll - dolls in folk costumes.

56 Magazine number - Tajik wedding suit.


It is better to save my head in the header than the chalm without a head.

Adult Tajiks and children were also bought head. In summer, men wore tubets. They differed in cut, cloth and ornament. There were tetrahed tubets with a flat donkey and with a cone-shaped riding. On the flat Fergana, made in Khujand (from 1936 to 1991, the city of Leninabad, previously Khodeven, embroidered images of almonds - bodom or podpid pepper - Calamphur, often called Peacock Feather.

Taskent Sample Tubette, made of green velvet, met both without embroidery, and decorated with colorful floral ornaments in the form of a bouquet of flowers. The top of Shahrishabz Tubpets was completely covered with floral pattern.

There were two types of hats in everyday life of Tajiks. Arakchin is a light on lining, stitched from simple fabrics (teak), worn to protect elegant tubeets from pollution. At the edges, the shallows ended with cloves. Cuther - a soft hat on a car with a sharp top of the cone-shaped shape - replaced a tubeette under the chalm. For the manufacture of the latter, as well as for the belt, the feet - the matter of the tibes in the form of long narrow strips.

Chalma most often met in the wardrobe of residents of the villages of Zeravshan and the Sogd region.

Matcherins mostly accounted for only tubets. In the cool time of the year, they were put on the head of the Fergantz to the head of the belt, embroidered around the edges.

Tajik shoes

On the feet of Tajiks put on soft boots - masses, choruki. They were sewed from the skin of a mountain or home goat (in the match - from cow or lamb), and bought in the bazaar or ordered a local shoemaker. Bashmakatkoft - leather with a wide closed toe and low backdings - wore mostly old men.

The boots were put on the spheres made from carbos or wool fabric. Wearing woolen stockings with a unworn heel - Jurab, especially common they were in the match. According to the upper edge, they were decorated with geometric ornaments - squares, rhombuses, trapezes, zigzags and straight parallel lines.

In the appearance of the beauties miracle of beauty

Tajik folk costume, doll and magazine turn.

A set of female winter and summer clothes consisted of a shirt - Kurta, pants - Isor, lightweight Kolata - Munisak, handkerchiefs - Kare, hats - coil, boot - Chouruk. Women wore shirts of two types: Kiftaki and Peshkusho.

Girls and young women put on cyftaks. For feeding the child they made holes on the sides.

A shirt with a triangular neckline - Peshkusho - wore older women, they began to wear it in 4-6 years after marriage. To feed the baby on her on both sides, the seams between the mill and the side wedge were broken, the edges were crushed by threads or finished with various tissues of contrasting colors. The edges were decorated with a flip of paper or woolen threads.

The cutter on both sides of the cut was connected in one line and descended to the knees. Later it was finished only by a strip of any tissue.

Women's shirts, like children's and men, were long and wide. In the cool time, only a light blade of Munisak was put on top of them (in the match it was made with a cotton cleaner). In Sogda, Gissar and the match it was worn every day. Outside the mountains, in the Zeravshan Valley, at the end of the XIX century, Munisak almost went out of use, remaining the clothes of the elderly or mourning. He was put on the funeral close relatives of the deceased. The transformation of Munisaka in rituals took place in other areas.

Pants Isor - an indispensable attribute of a female costume - wore on the hips, below the waist, and walked long and wide. The upper part of them was made from a cheap material, such as carbos, and the bottom - from expensive, alchi or sitz. At the bottom of the pants were narrowed and decorated at the foot folds. Laces, which were tied up with female pants, made cotton threads.

Women's shoelaces were less elegant than men's - woolen, wicker, with a pattern and brushes at the ends. I was given my handkerchief that the petal gentle hats of Tajik women - shawls and hats with a car - a culk, without an alignment - Kul oh, as well as embroidered tubets. The coil sewed on the lining, their winter options were paved by a layer of watts. The top edge of the caps are slightly tightened with thick thread, leaving the top of the open. From behind, the car was sewn, stitched from the bottom into the tube.

Women and girls, in Sogdian and Samarkand regions, as well as in Penjickent and the heads of Kashkadarya, were carried away in the cat's cap and Samarkand regions, as well as the elderly Tajiks, which have reached 63 years old, the age of the Prophet Mohammed.

In the former times, the worshipers were worn under handle (young women were told by one's head, and older two).

Tajichek ornaments made up earrings, rings, bracelets, cervical bandages, bead necklaces, as well as pendants for braids and handkerchiefs.

National Clothing of Peoples Tajikistan

Title illustrations

Description Illustrations

1. An old parade outfit of a young woman from Leninabad, who prepared to get out of the house. Consists of a satin dresses with a standing collar - kurta, put on top kuynakcha- a shortened bottom dress with a trimmed with a standing collar, and a sharovar. On the top dress, wept vest - camzulcha. On the legs of black Ichigi with galoshes. A large silk handkerchief was thrown on the head on the head, to which a small folded strip of a handkerchie with papers was tied around his head, and jewelry wear on it bargacconsisting of a series of gilded square plates connected by hinges with pendants encrusted with stained glass, turquoise and corals. On top of all this complex headdress, a terrace made of severe hemislock matter banoraras Local production, decorated with silk bras and embroidery. In Hands - Hair Mesh - champlandwhich a woman should wear onto a parandju face before going out with a female half at home. Jewelry are called: earrings x, alk, and or gushwor , Summary suspension - kach, AK, Necklace from Corals - march, ON., on top of it-necklace from silver stamped plates with suspension pendants, called painskcha or tAVK, and GARDAN; Yes Breasts on the sides hanged two pairs of pendants in the form of rectangles with coral beads, of which the upper pair is called sarkift, and the second para- kushtumore. In the middle of the chest, below coral necklaces, hanged bOSBAND - case for security prayer, and below tumor, i.e. the same case for prayer, but a triangular form. Under all these decorations, a large necklace is hanged - x; aikal or zebi Sinaconsisting of united multi-row (usually 7) chains of plates inlaid with colored glass eyes, turquoise and decorated with invoicing, grain and suspension. The lowest plate is larger than the rest. On the index and the nameless fingers of the right hand are rings - angushtarine, on hand - bracelets - dushpon. In braids, heavy brushes made of ferrous silk threads with silver decorations, called chocyopuk. Figure made on the background of Leninabad sUZANIembroidered before the revolution. On the floor Palace - a lounge carpet of the work of Tajiks Zeravshan-k. Jigic.

2. Vintage output suit of the flat Tajik, consisting of a dresses with a standing gate - kurtai ITICOsewed from a hemislock handicraft adras.painted by dressing - abrbandi. Camisole will be on top of the dress - camzulfrom striped matter bekasab. Sharovari are filled in Ichigi with leather galoshes. The head is tied to a small silk handkerchief, and on top of it, a big handkerchief. On the chest decoration bOSBANDInside a piece of paper with a written security prayer was invested.

3. An old outdoor suit of an elderly town center from the northern regions of Tajikistan, consisting of a silk dress with a vertical incision of the gate, stitched from the factory heavy silk matter<lady\u003e. From above there will be a robe from local silk type Canaus, called rumcha, trimmed by a black velvet strip. The head is tied by a thin cotton handkerchief - king, on top of which silk handkerchings were tied - durra With papers laid in his folds. On the legs leather Ichigi with galoshes. Sharovari are filled with Ichigi.

4. The output costume of a girl or a young woman from Leninabad, which appeared at first after the burden came out of use. Consists of red hl .-b. Dresses - kurtawith a postponed collar and coquette, sharovar - lozimyor puch, Ohm From colorful factory fabric, broken with colored ribbon chih, Ak.. On the legs of color leather shoes. A large wool handkerchief is thrown onto the head, which holds the edges of the teeth. Figure is made from nature. On the background - sUZANI-Owned from handicraft silk, painted with dressing method, over which Hurray-Tuby decorative embroidery is hanged - zardeevory. On the floor of bed zindakon's guils-Eversion allotted carpet, woven on a vertical machine in K. Zindakon (Penjikent-Sky Rd TajSSR) in 1945.

5. Modern mourning costume of an old woman from Leninabad, consisting of a long hl.-Boom. Dresses with a standing collar - kurtai Itik, o, on top of which the rut chaponi Rumchastitched from hemislock matter beck, Asabi Zirray and subsidened by a dipper from ancient handicapped matter - futai Hama Zebwrapped around the waist three times. The head was tied to a small black handkerchief - Daraba Sisch, on top of which a large kinear scarf was tied, Arsi Istambul and the ends of him abandoned on his back. Sharovari are filled with black Ichigi, which are worn with galoshes. No decorations during the mourning to wear is not relying. On the floor, a lobby carpet is packaged - faces the work of Tajikov Valley of the Sching River (Zeravshan).

6. Traditional suit of the groom from Leninabad, which has existed until recently, consists of a nice shirt - Kurt, Yaktak with Sharovari - Esub, stitched from the woodcraft of the local production of Lesia Surh, painted by the abband and yellow dressing method on a white background. The gate at the shirt is made in the form of a vertical cutout in the middle of the chest with a collar-sewn to it, stand behind and there is no coming in front. From above there is a bathrobe - Chapon from the handicraft semi-creek matter, underwent snoops, painted by dressing. The gates, the floors, the hem and ends of the sleeves in the bathrobe are trimmed by a wicker on the hands of a white braid - h, their, ak. Two embroidered scarves were tied on top of the bathrobe - Rumol: silk color and cotton white. In the old chairs, the groom was supposed to be taped under the robe, on top of the shirt. On the head of the tubeette of turbulence with a flat square top, on which Silk or Paper Chal-Salla is sometimes observed. On the legs of the boots - a mouza of yellow chromium. The drawing is made from nature in K. Jubi, Leninabad district. The background-decorative embroidery suzani from Samarkand, on the floor in the middle of a lobby carpet - Sholgil's work of Tajikov Valley p. Sching (Zeravshan).

7. Modern suit of a young man from Leninabad, consisting of a black satin quilt - Chaponi H H, of them, Akdori San Duf, wastes, whistered on the sides, floors and the ends of the sleeves wicker in the hands of a narrow purple braid - h, their, ak. Two unclear scarves were tied on top of the bathrobe - Rumol: white cotton and yellow artificial silk. Both scarves embroidered pattern<след змея>. On the head, the black silk silk-embroidered with white silk tube with a flat quadrangular tip - turbines. On the legs of black Ichigi with galoshes. Under the bathrobe, a deaf shirt with a vertical incision of the gate - Kurt and the white sharovari, on top of which dark pants tired in Ichigi.

8. An old elder dweller suit, consisting of a top robe from the blue factory cloth-chakmani Mozhet, clothes on a cotton room - Chapon or H, Ohma from Karatag's hemislock Alachi in yellow and black trap-flying Zalafar, spacked by a white scarf b. Rumol tissue, decorated with black threads embroidered. Bathrobes are put on Camzole - Camzul from the factory black lean to a white stripe. Camzole sews with a standing collar and slotted pockets, fastened with three buttons. Under Camisole, cotton white balls and a shirt with a horizontal incision of the gate, covered with braid, called Kurta Chihacdor. On the head of the tubette - the dumpup of gray velvet, decorated with an embroidered white ornament and sheathed around the edge of a black silk strip. On top of the tubette, Chalma from the white wool factory fabric-sallai Tibit is screwed. On the legs of the portyada-pajobob, leather Ichigi-boots with soft soles and rubber galoshes.

9. Vintage bride suit from Samarkand, consisting of a pair dress - Kurta Kimhob with a standing gate, fastened on buttons. It is wearing two others, of which the middle Silk-Kurta Tosfaragang, and the bottom of the White HL-B. Fabrics with a standing gate, trimmed by pleated. On top of the dresses, a black vest Kaltach, Camzulcha. On the head I was hoping with gold-embroidered tubeette, with a brush on the side. It is covered with a silk handkerchief - K, Arsi Faragh Chorguly with pans on the corners of flowers, and on top of the handkerchief wearing a naked decoration-K, Osh Tillo, representing a silver-like with the front part of a poorly gold-plated openwork diadem, inlaid, The edge of the pendants from the stamped plates in the form of leaflets ahead with pearl beads. Over the temples of the bride attached Kach, AK, in the ears of earrings with pendants from low-grade emeralds and rubies with pearl pearls, called Halkai Yakkadur. Zulf-two metal openworks inlaid turquoise tube were suspended behind the ears, in each of which was inserted by a semiring hair strand. Under the hair stacked in the braids to the back of the vests jokes of a chocker-pop-suspension, consisting of twelve finishing with brushes of black silk shoelaces with cute silver with a black jewelry in the form of tubes, beads and caps. On the sides of the hair attached suspension-tanga, consisting of each of the two rows connected by ringlets and loops of silver coins. There are two necklaces on the neck: top tack, and hardated or gulbandy, consisting of two parallel threads of leaves with pendants in the shape of a crescent and stars; Lower march, it is from 16 coral threads; Below, in the middle of the breast, hangs a large rectangular curtain-curtuline security case with inserted two yellow stones, and even lower a large badge-hay-hay-hay or zebi sin, consisting of plates connected by multi-row chains, encrusted with colored glass eyes and turquoise and decorated Scan, grain and pendants, and the lowest plate is larger than the rest. On the sides below shoulders, there are two triangular cases for security prayer-tumor, with pendants of coins and beads. On top of the whole, the bride's head is thrown out in the form of a semicircular tulle bedspread-sarant tour. In the diameter, the semicircle will be covered with color braid and fringe with sparkles. The coat itself is embroidered with tambourine with colored threads. The bride is shoddowed in black Ichigi-Makhsy, in which the sharovars are filled, and the galoshes of lacquered leather-kafshe. In the hand, velvet, embroidered and covered with fringe with sparkles and beads, dustustumol, employee for covering the lower part of the face. The drawing is made against the background of Samarkand Susan, on the floor lay bedspread-bugchoma, stitched from a loud patterned matter of the work of Tajikov Valley p. Sching (Zeravshan), woven at the beginning of the 20th century.

10. Vintage suit of a young man from Samarkand, consisting of a rude-in-linen - Chapon, H, Ohm Bukhara's cut from the striped Chinese semi-hostels. The bathrobe was subjected to fashionable to the belt - Camarband from Golden Galun with outer filigree plaques and a buckle with brush). From above, the second bathrobe will also be the same cut from the Chinese Alachi, painted by the dressing method - Abrbandi. Color Chalma - Salla (drawn from the photograph of the young Samarkand Tajik from the book of Kraft) on his head. On the legs of fashionable boots - a muse in high heels (also drawn from the photo of the official - Aksakala in the same book).

11. Vintage output costume of Tajik citizens, consisting of velvet parangei-Faranth, and hair-chambang hair. From under the burden you can see the velvet dress Kurt. On the legs of black Ichigi and leather galoshes. Elderly women under Parandju headed the head with a handkerchief, the young began to wear a tubette with a handkerchief. It was usually assumed that from under the lane, there was no color outfits, and therefore there was a long lane, but it was almost never respected.

12. Vintage elegant suit of a Bukhara Young Woman, consisting of put on one to another three dresses - Kurt: the bottom white with an embroidered cam ends of the sleeves; The second from the canaus with the gold-and-extermination ends of the sleeves, along the edge of the sheltered closer; The third sewn from the Karshi hemislock Alachi and richly decorated with gold sew. Parching jackets-pile, Ohm, on the edge, is trimmed with braid, and so the same. On the legs of the Gold Sowing Shoes - Cafes of Zada \u200b\u200b(style shot from the shoes in the Dushanbe Republican Historical Museum). On the head I was hoping a tubeette, a gold-speaking bandage was tied on top of it, and a silk factory handkerchief was screwed onto it with a wide border with a silver pan. The hair is braided into small pigtails and are decorated with pendants from a row of silk laces with cishets from golden threads at the ends - Toufi Calo Batun. Jewelry is consisting of supervisory pendants - Kach, AK and Sereg Gushvor or X, Alca with pendants from low-grade rubies and emeralds. On the neck necklace from stamped silver plates - Gardan Tower with pendants, a coral necklace-brand with openwork silver gold-plated beads - cadmola and a large necklace - x; ahykal or zebi sin from the plates connected by multi-row chains with pendants decorated with enamel and vegetable convex pattern. The drawing is made against the background of the ancient Bukhara decorative embroidery-sunsan.

13. Vintage output suit of a young woman from Bukhara, consisting of put on one to another three dresses - Kurt with a vertical incision Gate: The bottom white hl .-b. With the discontinued festoon gate-Kurta Kuynakcha and with the sewn gold-and-extension silk ends of sinor's sinuses; The second of silk Tiru Kamon (Rainbow); The third of the heavy silk factory matter, decorated with velvet gold-saving braid - Peshie Kurt or Zeeha Kurt. The dresses will wear a swollen bathrobe in the waist and with assemblies on the sides - Munisak or Kaltach from silk matter with pink and black velvet. The head of the Great Silver Silk Card with a wrapped in the corners will be hoping on the head of the Tubete. The glowing tangle is tied to the handkerchief with the mah pattern, nunbed (wasting will). Silk-shoven golden-ride-ride gold rods are thrown on top of the dressing, made from the scarf brought from Afghanistan on top of the diagonal diagonally. Sharovari are filled into Kazan Ichigi from pieces of multicolored saffianas, these Iroks, th, which are put on leather galoshes with a low backdrop-cafe. Jewelry decorations in Bukhara were not abused, but tried to have good things. In the figure on the neck, I hope the thread beads from polished low-grade rubies and emeralds interspersed with filigree silver or gold beads - K, Admole, and on the chest - a golden pendant - Tappish with a red stone in the middle and with suspensions from the same beads, should be in the ears Earrings.

14. Vintage suit of a rich young man from Bukhara, consisting of a robe on top of the linen - Chapon, H, Ohm Bukhara, cut from a striped Karshian hemislock Alachi, subjected to silk Rumol. From above, we will put a second bathrobe of the same cut, stitched from Russian prunes. On the head, the Silk Chalma-Dastor, tied to the gold-and-extension tubeet of white velvet. On the legs they put black Ichigi with leather galoshes. The drawing is made against the background of the velvet gold coating covers of the Bukhara work-Taksapushi Zardi.

15. Vintage output suit of a young woman from Bukhara, consisting of put on one to another three dresses - Kurt with a vertical incision Gate: the bottom white hl .-b. With a decorated discon's gate and sleeves decorated with embroidered inscriptions Arabic letters, a second silk with a gold-wide sleeve and a third of heavy silk factory matter<дама>. Sharovari are filled with black Ichigi, which are put on leather galoshes. The gold-to-head tubeette with a brush, which is thrown by a large silk handkerchief with loose bouquets in the corners, and a gold-and-exterior bandage is tied to the handkerchief. Top view of the dressings are thrown by a gas handkerchief - Rumoli X, aryir, folded diagonally in half. From jewelry, only the necklace of corals and the required earrings have a necklace. The front pair of the head with a hair mesh for closing a face - Czhambang poured on top of the head.

16. X, ahykal or zebi Sina-chest decoration of tajickens of plain areas from inlaid with colored glasses with turquoise and decorated with invoicing scan and grain plates with pendants connected by chains with coral beads.

17. Jewelry decorations of Tajichek mountain and equible areas. Upstairs on the left earliest silver earrings with five pendants from the twisted spiral of the wire, coral beads and penetrates from the grain, called Gushvory Chaparak. Acquired in Kulyab (South Tajikistan). Upstairs on the right of ancient silver burdock earrings brought before the revolution from Bukhara and URA-Tube. In the center of Hulk Table, Ai Gazalay or Bush, Bibyshak-decoration in the form of anchor, suspended behind the ears of hair, encrusted with multi-colored beads and turquoise and with pendants from coral and glass beads. Having been in the villages of the northern regions of the republic at the beginning of the 20th century. At the bottom of the left silver gold-plated earrings x; Alk, Ai Yakkadour With pendants from small pearls and large low-grade rubies and emeralds. Were in fashion in cities at the beginning of the 20th century. Down to the right of ancient silver earrings x, alk, and From inlaid with colored glasses and beads of two plates with pearl beads. They extended in the cities in the north of the republic at the beginning of the 20th century.

18. Headdresses of the Tajiches of the Plated Areas. Upstairs - the old output headband of a middle-aged woman: the lower white handkerchief - the king will be shown on the forehead and laid on the edge of the folds - h, imvert, im, and from above tied a small handkerchief - durrablack or non-dark color, paper is laid in the folds. At the bottom of the modern methods of tacking the handkerchief in the home setting of an elderly woman (left) and an old woman (frame). Pictures are made from nature in Leninabad.

19. Modern headdress of Tajichek of plain areas. Upstairs - the headband of an elderly woman consisting of a white handkerchief - k, ARS. With thumps shined on the shoulders and back by the ends, on top of which a small black handkerchief was tied - duris Sise; With laid paper. Below the same bandage, but on top of the black handker it was also tied the cross-clock strip of thin white matter, called Lock, th. So the grandmother and mother's mother on the day of his circumcision are observed. Pictures are made from nature in Leninabad.

20. Modern hats of Tajichek mountain and lowland areas. Upstairs a headdress of a young Tajik from Lower Karategin (Mountain Tajikistan): a tubete is shrinkled on the forehead and a colored handkerchief is tied on top of it on top of it, whose ends are tied with a bilateral bow. This method of the tag of the handker is called Supbul (hyacinth). The drawing is made from nature in Dushanbe. Downstairs, ways of tangling with girls and young women of the northern regions of the republic. Pictures are made from nature in Leninabad.

21. Headdresses of Tajiches of mountain and equible areas. Upstairs on the left - the headdress of the bride from the Kulyab district: a large colored silk handkerchief is thrown onto the head - Rumol, folded diagonally. From above, a small handkerchie is tied to it with papers, on which the silver decoration is causing - silus from the rings of the figurines of various shapes with pendants along the bottom edge. Upstairs to the right - a kulyaby young woman in a kisin scarf with embroidered ends, called Sarandoz or Lattai Nashshines. One of the ends will be thrown over his head. The drawings are made with photos taken at the Institute with Nature. Below on the left - the handling of the handkerchief with women of Karategin and Darwaz when leaving home and at a meeting with outsiders. The drawing is made from nature in Dushanbe. At the bottom right - the headdress of the Tajik young woman from Nur-Ata, having similarity with the Chalm. Under the chin was tied by lachak - covering the neck piece of fabric, the lower corners of which are twisted to the middle. The drawing is made with a photo taken by A. K. Pistarchik in Nur-Ata in 1938

22. Modern Tajikov Tajikov Tubets. Upstairs-turbine, seated in Uraz-Tube in 1960, at the bottom of the dumping of Chaman Dagul, seated, too, in URA-Tube in the late 40s.

23. Vintage headdiers of tajiks of plain areas. At the top of the left - the Chalm of the merchant, to the right - the Chalm of the spiritual person. At the bottom of the left peasant, on the right - the fur hat - the tel-pack of Men Middle Ages from Kanibadam. Pictures of Chalm copied with photos in the Kraft book. The drawing of the caps is copied from the photo of the resident of Kanibadam, made in 1917.

24. Vintage mourning costume of a young carataga (Central Tajikistan), consisting of a black satin dresses with blue flowers, bowed to the bottom dress from HL-B. matter. Sharovari are filled into Ichigi, which are worn with galoshes. On top of the dress will wear a bathrobe in the waist and with assemblies on the sides - Munisak from Karatag Silk Alachi, painted by the Dressing-Abrbandi. Weather robe under the White Silk Chalkhai Salla Sybay. A handkerchief is thrown on his head. Spit lowered on the chest and their ends are dissolved. No decorations, because It is not necessary to wear them under Touré.

25. Modern bride suit from Kulyab (South Tajikistan), consisting of a tunic-like satin dress with a vertical cut Gate and Sharovar - Pyach, Ohma or Lozimy, the lower part of which, visible from dresses, stitched from the 'silk striped matter - Bekasab, and The top is from Citz. On the legs - naked leather shoes on a small heel - Caf-Shi Chak. On the head on top of a small handkerchief and a silver decoration of Salsila is thrown onto it. A ribbon scarf with embroidered ends, called Sarandoz or Lattai Natschini.

26. Contemporary suit of a young woman from Kulyab (South Tajikistan), consisting of an embroidered satin dress with a vertical incision of the gate-kurta nail and satin sharovar-puchome or slot. The head is covered with a scarf with an embroidered grades or lattai embroidered, one end of which is lowered onto the back, and the second closes the chest and before the dress. On the legs leather shoes on heels-katcha.

27. Contemporary suit of a young woman from to. Nushor (Mountain Tajikistan, Kararate), consisting of an embroidered satin dress - Kurtai Gulduzi, bowed to the bottom dress from HL-B. Matters with embroidered sleeves and standing collar - Kurta Saroscheni Khidonash K, Azo-K, and and Sharovar - Puch, Ohma from Chinese silk. On the legs-factory shoes on non-large heels. A gas scarf-Rumoli X, Arira thrown on his head. The decorations consist of a hemispherical bell-shaped seases with Hushwori pendants to, afasse, necklaces made of coins and beads - tangle with a triangular case for security prayer-tumor and a second necklace of corals and metal openwork beads called marchon.

28. Modern young woman costume from Calaia Humba (Mountain Tajikistan, Darwaz), consisting of an embroidered satin dress with a vertical incision of the gate - Kurtay Chukaanda-Zii Peshchokak, bowed to the bottom dress from HL-B. Matters-Kurta Tax; Fluffs Sleep, with a confused pleated ruffle Collar - Gidoni Parpar, and Sharovar - Puch, Oma, Lozimy, Tanbeon, the bottom of which is sewn from the Becasab's hemisselnery. On the legs factory shoes. On the head embroidered with a cross, a tubeette, and the silk brafflock of the factory production is thrown on top. The decorations consist of seagulo-hulk or a hushwor with two pendants, dressings on the throat-hafaband Jaz beads and corals, pearl brooches-sadaf and necklaces made of glass and silver filigree beads. On the hand bracelet from Bus-Dastak.
29. An old girl's suit from Darwaz (Mountain Tajikistan), consisting of a horizontal section of the gate - Kurta Schinak from the handicraft. Matters of local production, called Kurtachia Vamyank, a. The chest is decorated with a breastplate - a shagonak made of white carbos and embroidered with smooth silk non-fettes. Sleeveless - Sasarositin are decorated with an embroidery cross, and below the elbows on the sleeves are embroidered, too, with a cross of a strip - Cho-bik, in the middle of which in the old days she was groaned to encourage hands when working. Under the dress we are put on a pile, ohm, romine, tanbean, the lower part of which, visible from the dress, sewn from the local handicraft striped hl. Matters of sihy, -aloch. A handkerchief is thrown on the head - sobes to, azini, stitched from three cloth of a local production of local production, called casin, and painted by dressing - Gulbandi. Two artificial braids with large brushes from Thick-Chorava Kattapulkulk are crowded into her hair. On the neck of the beaded decoration, Guluband, in the eared earrings - Gushvor. On the legs leather shoes - Caquis Cat.

30. Festive suit of a young woman from Darwaz (Mountain Tajikistan) in an old headdress, consisting of a dress with a vertical section of the gate-kurta pawn, crosslived from the Silk Local Development - K, Azin, painted by the dressing method - Gul Bundy. The gate of the dress is decorated with a double bed of silk braid with sour silver plates - a silator having a star shape and crescent. This decoration is called Maucci Sistor, i.e.<волна звезд>. Under the dress wearing a sharovary - Puch, Ohma from HL-B. Factory fabric, on the legs leather shoes chak. A handkerchief is thrown on the head - sobes to, asynus, crosslinked from three cloth of silk canvas of the local production-execution, measuring 167 cm x 109 cm, on top of which head linked with an embroidered mandel or sarbandak. On the chest, a necklace of multi-colored beads and beads, called Shavgin, the gate of the dress is fastened with a metal brooch - Sadafi Pesh, on the neck of a beaded hatching, cough, on the hand of a ring-chal with an eye from the carnelian-AKNA, in the eared earrings - Gushvor.

31. The ancient suit of the elderly peasant from Darwaz (Mountain Tajikistan), consisting of a quilted robe -ch, Ohm, stitched from the local hl. Matters of sihy, Alocha on the lining from carbos in the 'White and yellow stripes - Carbosi Mullagi and the subjected to the scarf - Loki from white carbos. Under a bathrobe, Ikaktak or Aktai - a robe from White in a yellow strip of carbos, and under his shirt from white carbos with a horizontal incision gate - Kurta Kift and the deaf sharovar-Ezorina, stitched from the same carbos. On the legs of the boots with a soft sole-choruka Balandak, with ties on the ankle-gangs of Chouruk, and instead of a galosh - wooden shoes - Kafsn Chubin. Boots are put on ornamented and connected without heel woolen chulmi-chub, on top of which woolen winding-paitob woolen windings are wound from ankle until half of the shin. On the head, an embroidered tube from a black satin with a cone-shaped tool-current, th, and wounds a half-walled chalma - Salla Moshov.

32. Jewelry of Tajichek mountain areas. Upstairs the dressing on the throat of beads and corals - hafaband from Kararate. Under it, a round silver brooch for healing the gate of the dress - Kulfi Hypon from the r-on kuleab. Below the coral necklace is March, it is from Kararate. From the side of the right (from top to bottom) earring - Gushvory to, Afasn from the r-on kuleab, under it a triangular case for the security prayer-tumor from Karategin, below the bracelet from Bus-Dastak from Darwaz, at the bottom of the corner of the ring - Challai Nigiyador from the R-on Kulyab. To the left side of the earring with two pendants - X, Alk, and from the r-on a kuleab, under it the pendant from barley straw and beads - Chavak from to. Gezan, Pendzhikentsky district.
33. Wedding facial curtain of Tajichek mountainous regions - Ruband or Czhambang, acquired in K. Rog (Zerovaya R. Zeravshan), where she was brought from to. Halmoni (Mountain Tajikistan, Kararategin). Made of carbos, embroidered with silk unknown threads and covered with a silk braid along the edge, which simultaneously sprung on his hands and sewn. At the top of the middle - the grid for the eyes. Curtain size 65x80 cm.
34. Vintage suit of a young woman from Rushan (Western Pamir) consisted of a dress with a vertical incision of the gate - Kurt, stitched from white carbos or white woolen material of local production, occasionally from factory fabrics. Under the dress was put on the sharovars - Tanbeon, who tried to do from colored fabrics. On the legs, soft boots - a franchow, tied at the ankles wicker cords of Pekhband, and wool stockings - a chorage. In the cold time, a bathrobe was carried on top of the dress - a gyl of the "white housecloth cloth, the floors, the hem and the sleeves of which were corded from dark woolen threads and sometimes, in addition to this, embroidered with the same threads, as shown on the table. On the sleeves did slits - a wool to avoid hands when working. The head was told by a big handkerchief - Dustor, whose ends descended almost to the ground. The drawing is made in to. Baruchan from nature. Against the background depicted a carved door of the house drawn in Khorog (Western Pamir, Shugnan).
35. Vintage bride costume from Shullan (Western Pamir), who prepared for the move to the house of her husband, consisted of a tunic-shaped dress-shirt with a vertical incision of the gate - Kurta Rostovgrech and with long, narrow on the end sleeves with cuts below the elbow holes - a wob in which Soaked hands when working. The dress was sewed from white carbos or white woolen patterns of rags, and only wealthy people could sew dresses from the factory clan.b. or silk matters. In the cold season, the woolen robe was put on top of the dress - the Catma or Stsguan guide - Chapon. Under the dress, the sharovars were put on the Tanbeon, stockings were put on their feet - h, Irib and boots with soft soles - the fucked by the ankle whipped laces - Pekhband. The headdress consisted of several headscarves: first they told the head with a white handkerchief - Pyrrhm, put on top of it on the face of the Czampland - a curtain of paper fabric, embroidered with fillet technique, or a thin silk handkerchief - FID, or HL-B. Scarf - Dustorch, painted dressing techniques. On top of the curtains, a large color handkerchief was thrown over an angle, usually a cashmere, called Shol, and from above - a large white bedspread - the Savorchodar, which was tied up on top of the head embroidered with a naked bandage - Sarbandak. On the table all three top scarves are thrown back. The sketch is made from nature in to. Pisthennev.
36. Modern suit of an old peasant from Shullan (Western Pamir), consisting of a bathrobe - Gille, sewn from a housecloth Valyan Sukna - K, Atma. A vintage woolen Kushak - Miefe is tied on top of the bathrobe - MIEND is such a length that it can be wrapped around the waist twice. Under the bathrobe wear a shirt - Kurt and Sharovari - Tanbeon. On the feet of the peb - \u200b\u200bsoft boots from raw crops, suitable on long ornamented stockings - Pekhch, Irib so that the latter are visible above the shine boots. The ankle boots are tightly tied with a woolen shoelace - Pohhead. On the head of the tubette - the pall, on the top of which the Chalma - Salla was tied. The table is made from nature in to. Pashor (Western Pamir, Shugnan).

37. Modern Bride Costume from Eshkashim (Western Pamir), consisting of a dress-shirt - Shavi Tunic-shaped cut with folds of armpits and with an embroidered gate and cuffs and sharovar - Puch, Ohm, who are usually sewn from any bright color. The dress is sewn from a thin white woolen matter - Local Magic Ragza or from HL-B. matter. On the legs, the ornamented stockings - chub and boots with a soft sole - wald, tied at the ankle woven from multicolored woolen threads with a cord - Kuvdband. On the head, an embroidered tubeette with a flat round riding - kuluh, which is thrown on white bedspread - Dustor, too, from the material of rags or carbos. In the ears, the europe is a hushwor, on the neck of a bead necklace, called Guluband, and below, on the chest beads - Moore from corals with a suspension in the middle. In the hands of the bride holds painted tambourine - DAF. The table is made from nature in to. Market, on the background of local dwellings.
38. The modern suit of the groom from Eshkashim consists of a white cotton shirt - Kurt with an embroidered gate and cuffs and wide sharovar - ESPA, refilled in ornament-converted woolen stockings - churab. On top of the shirt I hope the vest - Kaltach or Ekkat. On the head of the Tubette - Kuluh;, on which Chalma - Sally, who was usually made from a thin white Kisie, called Dustor. On the legs - leather Sapo-gi with soft soles - k, ATC, tightly tied at the ankle woven from woolen threads with cords of Kuvdband. For Chalma, the red handkerchiefs, imitating a rose - hum. The table is made from nature in K.Myn.
39. Headwear of the Tajichek of the Western Pamir. Upstairs on the left - a festive headband of a young woman, called chickens over a thrown, three times wrapped around the head. Patterned woven ribbon K, ur instead of which sometimes consume an embroidered strip material Sarbandak. Such a bandage was told in Shullan and Rushan until the 30s. The drawing is made from nature in to. Pisthennev (Western Pamir, Shugnan). Upstairs to the right-modern way of heading headscarf and the hairstyle of an elderly woman. The drawing is made there. At the bottom left - the old quilting cap of the Paspolac (in Ishkashim) or Shokulla (in Shullan). On the right, the same hat with a scarf tied on top of it, whose folds are laid a piece of paper. Figures are made from nature in to. Market (Ishkashim).
40. Modern Tugwee Tajiks mountain areas. Upstairs Tubette - Toky from to. Bedack (Mountain Tajikistan, Karategin), at the bottom of the Tubette Toky or Pacpet of Izvahan (Western Pamir).

  1. Cropped lower dress-shirt with a standing gate, sometimes decorated with pleated ruffle.
  2. Modern dress on the coquette.
  3. Dress of ancient Pamirsky cut with cuts on sleeves.
  4. The dress most common in Tajikistan of the tunic-shaped cut, which is sewn both upper and lower dresses. The differences are usually concluded only in the kitchen gate.
  5. Bukhara's dress, without wedges in the sides, who sewed dresses in cities from wide silk matters.
  6. The vest of ancient cut, which is in the northern regions of Tajikistan.
  1. A dress with a cutting bodice with folds on the chest and back, with a standing collar and cuffs and with a sewn skirt with assemblies at the belt. Housed on the West Pamire.
  2. Maiden dress.
  3. Women's dress.
  4. Women's dress with armpits, which is now in Ishkashim (Western Pamir).
  5. The old woman's dress is Tutcha or Churycha, with cutting, on the coquetka, in front of the assembly collected, and with a solid straight back, very long-tired in the northern regions of the republic at the end of the last century.
  1. The most common gate with a vertical cut, sometimes covered with a narrow strip of matter of another color or decorated with an embroidered double-taped.
  2. The gate with a vertical cut, decorated with festons and ruffles. Such collars were made at the lower dresses, who were seen from white hl. matter.
  3. The gate with a vertical cut and a high rack, decorated with an ornament, signed on a sewing machine with a thread of another color.
  4. The gate with a vertical incision and a low rack, called Itik, O, existing and extensive mainly in the northern regions of the republic.
  5. Standing collar, decorated with pleated and decorated with an ornament, fixed on a sewing machine with threads of another color than the dress itself. Such a collar is called parparery or to, azok, th.
  6. Standing collar with a ramp as in front, on the chest and behind, on the back. It existed and consistently mainly in the northern regions of the republic and is called Itiko.
  1. Farachi-styling robe with false sleeves bonded on his back (stitched in Leninabad at the beginning of the XX century.).
  2. The same, Bukhara.
  3. Sarandoz or Tour - Tyule coat on the head of the bride (Samarkand, twenties XX century).
    1. Hille-women's robe from household wool matter. Sleeves with transverse cuts to make hands during operation.
    2. Kaltach or Munisak is an old bathrobe with armpits, existing in cities and large villages in the middle and late last - early XX century (sewn in Bukhara).
    3. The same. See Table. 24 (sewn in Karatage - Central Tajikistan - at the beginning of the XX century).
    4. Camzul is an old women's bathrobe for young women, which is mainly among the urban population (sewn in Leninaba de at the beginning of the XX century.).
    5. Rumcha is an old robe for middle-aged women (sewn in Leninabad at the beginning of the XX century).
    1. Tsoma or Chapon-robe of the most common in Tajikistan cutting - without seams on the shoulders, with extensive wedges on the sides and with relatively narrow sleeves, sewn without a caring premium.
    2. The same Bukhara cut (later), without the wedges reaching the sleeves in the side, with wide long sleeves, sewn without a caring premium.
    3. The same from the factory cloth, wearing a wealthy citizen.
    4. The same cutting Rumcha, sewn with seams on the shoulders and sleeves, sewn into the cut-off arm.
    5. Gille - a robe from a domain cloth. Drawn in Shullan (West Pamir).
    1. Camzul male Camisole, existing and extensive among the urban population.
    2. Kurta Kirtaja - Men's Higher Shoulder Shirt. Completed throughout Tajikistan. The backrest and in front of the panels are frowned in the shoulders, in the sides of the wedge, the gate is horizontal.
    3. Kurta Yaktak - Men's swollen shirt. Characteristic for the rural population of the northern regions of Tajikistan.
    4. Yactai - a bathrobe-gown, existing in mountainous areas.
    5. ESPU, Tanbeon - Men's sharovar of the most common cut in Tajikistan. In the same end, sew and female, only they are done already, the wedge in the step is less and sewn to the end of the pantian, and the quarter is two above.
    6. Lozimy, Pyhok, Ohm - Vintage Women's Sharovari. (Shawn in Bukhara).
    7. The same modern cut.
    8. Men's old-cut chairs.
    9. Tanbeon-women's sharovari. (West Pamir, Shugnan).

50. Vintage headdress. Modern headdress. ("Modern" - at the time of the study, the middle of the 20th century)

If you figure out, the clothes of various groups of ethnic Tajiks, from time immemorial, differed only in detail.

So, for the male set of mountain, or flat population were characteristic: wide Rubah - "kurta"Made from cotton fabric, pants- trousersDressed above bathrobe, belt shawl and headdress - skullcap.

RubahuUsually, sewed from one piece of fabric, running on the shoulders and making a neckline in the middle. Boc and sleeves just sewn to the base. It turned out a wide, not constraintful product movement, named in the ethnographers environment - tunic-shaped.

Pants- trousers("eSTR") Wide, not constraints from above and narrow to bottom. Shirtit was swept up, subjected to a folded scarf diagonally. Here it should be noted that the handkerchief, in this case, performed the function of the belt and pockets at the same time, supporting pants and making a functional long shirt. Right on top of the shirt put on bathrobechapan."), Swing, straight cut. For the summer, an easy version was provided - without lining, for winter - more dense, on the cotton, which had an accumulation throughout the entire field of the product. Balances are usually sewn from striped (strips along) or colored cotton fabric. Residents of mountain areas preferred to wear " capans»From uncess domain wool, whose gate decorate an embroidered ornament.

Mounting wardrobes complemented high, knitted colored thread, stockings("jurab"), for which shoes made of raw crops on a soft sole - charyki.("chukruck").

Fine residents put on soft high legs boots-stockings from the selected skin - " maxi."In which the balls were filled, and when leaving the houses, leather kelos were put on them. In everyday life there were also leather boots with a heel, and a bent nose used for riding.

Tubeette has always served as a headdress for Tajikswhich was a low conical cap, intricately decorated with embroidery, the pattern of which, better than any document indicated the origin and place of the host of the owner. Plain Tajiks on top of the tubette was also worn by Chalm.

By the XX century The fashion of Tajiks entered flat square tubeette, black with white embroidery, which got the name - " fire", at the place of its manufacture in the city Sustain. She was willing to wear and women who previously used as a headdress only a handkerchief.

Women costume, according to the composition of the mandatory elements, was like a male, it was exactly the same shirt("kurta") I. trousers. The women's shirt laid the same way as men's, but unlike the latter, was much longer and decorated with rich embroidery. "Kurt" could be a monophonic and bright, multicolored, drawing pattern.

Women's harenaries Usually sewed out of two types of fabric: the upper part was made from the cheaper, cotton - pleasant for the body and the "breathable", and the lower one, which is seen from the shirt, from elegant and more expensive matter. Sharovari ended with a beautiful braid that was delayed around the ankle.

Outerwear tajikwomen did not have at all, they were prescribed to sit at home in the cold. However, if, if necessary, it was necessary to go outside, they simply put on several dresses, and the quilted bathrobe was thrown on top, made like a male.

Leaving the house, every woman had to wear a special kind of cape - parandju("faragi"). She was a stylized bathrobe bag with folded and stitched with her sleeves, ahead of the lamp was made up with a black hair mesh (" chachwan."). All this design dressed up on the head, and reliably covered the face and figure. Wearing a parandi - a purely Muslim custom, and came to Tajikistanin the VII- VIII centuries, together with the Arabs, which brought Islam. And even though this tradition was implanted with the clergy, she passed only in the cities of the plain part of the country. And in the villages and mountain aulah, it was not ignored at all.

© N. Abdurazakov

Tajik woman, being gifted beautiful appearance, sought to observe the feeling of beautiful and in clothes. Unlike the representatives of the weaker sex of other peoples, the possibilities for the diversity of the wardrobe, thanks to the convenient location of the country at the intersection of trade routes, she was still in a century before the word fashion itself appeared. Perhaps that is why the national clothes of Tajikistan residents of Tajikistan are very diverse, and the stamps of dresses in most of its districts (including historical) can be very different.
We have already published material about some dresses in the photo dealer. In this photo, which is the second part of the album, we will continue to familiarize with the clothes of Tajik women, as before, with the help of our beautiful Tajichek-models, examining in detail every attribute and addressing history.

(Models: Rudoba Mahmudova, Anisa Ismailova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khridd Khalilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

Tajik women, especially young, loved bright colors in clothes and always tried to combine shades. And we must pay tribute to their taste - they did not dare.

"The gamma of the favorite colors for clothing in Tajik women was extremely diverse, bright, cheerful, not being at the same time cutting eyes, although the combinations of flowers and were built on the principle of acute contrast," writing Anthropologists N. Ershov and Z. Western Studies conducted half a century ago in Tajikistan.

(Model: Anisa Ismailova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khridd Halilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

The clothes, presented in the illustration, were more used to the artists, which in Tajik history there was always a special place. So in former times, singers, dancers, etc. could look. Although usually the costumes of the musicians who performed then in mostly Shashmak, were distinguished by richer colors and matter (sewered, for example, gold threads on dark matter), as was shown in our previous photo gentle:

(Model: Rudoba Mahmudova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Halilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

One of the myths of today's Tajikistan is that the Oncewood Tubette was traditional for women. This attribute, according to the research of Soviet anthropologists, was popular and became used by girls in almost all parts of the country, as well as neighboring Uzbekistan, only in the 20th century, after the revolution. At the same time, it is predominantly girls and young women.

© N. Abdurazakov

The most traditional headdress for Tajichek was a handkerchief - Rўmol, қhar, soba or latte. There were a lot of methods for tagging a handkerchief, many of which today are almost anywhere else. Of course, in many regions there were their shawls, traditionally used only in this city or district.
For example, in Bukhara, they wore large slats, which were called Rido. The Kulyab's girls traditionally wore a ribbons in the form of wide long scarves, throwing one of the ends behind the head, roughly as shown in the photo. True, the former headscarves were embroidered, and they were called Lattai Nukshinӣ (painted matter) or sarandosis.

© N. Abdurazakov

Instead of tubethek under the scatters, soft hats from the matter were usually carried, which were called TўPPI (the same as the Tajik - Tubetsee in Translated from Tajik). They, apparently, there are ancestors of today's female tubpets.
Elderly and old women wore a similar headdress - stitched from matter (special shapes) caps, which were called CulўTapўShak. Tubette, as we wrote earlier, to this day we are mainly carried only girls and young women.

(Model: Madina Kadamova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Halilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

In the case of a girl on the photo on top of the head Upora Sissila (or usually on top of a silk handkerchief), a lamp was thrown out of the heavy semi-cooler matter of the local production of local production, decorated with silk braid and embroidery. Usually such capes were monotonous and dark color, only over time they began to make more brightest.
Such capes were worn in Khujand and surroundings (today's Sughd region). Usually, the kit must be a chambamp (literally "tie / closing eyes") - the hair mesh, which a woman put on under the bargee, closing her face before going out with a female half at home.
In the ears, the hands of the earrings from the twisted spiral with pendants, in which rubies and emeralds were inserted before. The decorations were more common in Bukhara, although there was a period when some areas of the modern Sughd region were part of the Bukhara Khanate, and the district center of Khujand was as part of the Samarkand region. Therefore, the mixing of traditions (including clothing and decorations) of these three ancient settlements is quite explained, especially since this intimacy, expressed in the dialect and customs, is traced today.

(Model: Zebunisso Avezova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Halilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

So they usually picked the handkerchief over the tubeteks of the girl in the mountainous regions of Tajikistan, for example, in Ishkashim, in the west of the Pamirs. And the silver decoration of siloxil, which consists of the figures connected ones of various shapes with pendants along the bottom edge, was usually put on, on the contrary, on top of the handker, under which there was another handkerchief, the Rўmol, folded on the diagonal. That is the case was the headdress of brides in the areas of Kulyab. However, the scarves in this case were bright tones, mostly white. That is, in this case, in the illustration, we see mixing styles (attributes and customs of wearing) of different regions.

(Model: Tahmina Ibrahimova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Khalilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

A large necklace was called ҳaikal or zebi syna. It usually consists of plates connected by multi-row chains (usually seven), inlaid with colored glass eyes, turquoise and decorated with invoicing, grain and pendants, where the lowest plate was lather in the rest. On top of the dress on the girl an analogue of a tape of a tulle bedspread, which was called Sarandoza Tўr.

(Model: Madina Nazarasonova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Suits: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Khalilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

As the top of the Tajiks, there were lightweight bathrobes with narrow and short, top of the wrist, sleeves, slightly adjacent in the waist and sometimes without a collar. They were most common in the plain areas and were called Munisak or Kaltach.
Especially common were quilted cotton long bathrobes, called ҷom or Chapon. Under them in the plain areas, there were sometimes stopped and sleeveless - Camўlch, seamlessly to the belt or slightly lower. In this photo on the head of the girl puffed painted paragraza (mandatory attribute before the beginning of the 20th century), to which the hair mesh is usually attached to close the face - chambamp.

© N. Abdurazakov

If the dress was the most important attribute of a woman's costume in Tajikistan, then the second main part of it was the deaf balls, which are called, depending on the country and style area, schoom, Lozimӣ, ESPA / Isor or Tanbe. They are still necessarily worn if native dresses are worn. On the waist earlier they were tightened by the belt from the braid, which would be touched by a scar of the top edge of the sharovar. Usually they sewed from the same matter as a dress.

(Model: Mehrangis Mamadnazarova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khridd Khalilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

The girl's dress in the photo is traditionally for the mountain areas of Tajikistan, such as Darwas, for example; Such sewn mainly from the matter of local production. The sleeves, Sasorotine, were usually decorated with an embroidery cross, and below the elbows on the sleeves were embroidered, too, a cross-bik, called the cross. In this case, instead of the crosses, they are covered with patterns in the form of flowers.

(Model: Nigina Ismailova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Halilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

The modern interpretation of the ancient costume, combining the styles of bathrobes, who in former times put on the Tajiks, performing Shashmac, or young women from the upper class (in this example styles are mixed). Such clothes from rich red-colored matter with yellow embroidery (golden threads) could afford mainly women from wealthy families or art representatives who often gave their patrons. The standing collar in former times was called Kurta SarazinDori Gyrembonish Kazoӣ, which is literally translated as "dress with cuffs and a Kazakh collar."

(Model: Zebunisso Avezova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Halilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

On this illustration, another example of using the standing "Kazakh collar". However, in this case, the style and style of clothing is closer to the fact that people from the estates of musicians, singers and other art representatives can be worn. The headdress in the form of a small crown inlaid with pearls, with a piece partially from under it, a light transparent shawy is also familiar to their style of clothing.

(Model: Mehrangis Mamadnazarova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khridd Khalilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

In the old days in some mountainous regions of Tajikistan, unlike the rest of the areas, the sleeves of the dresses were made narrow on the wrist, and the camp of the dress was narrow in the waist and wide in Podol. On the photo an example of such an outfit, but in modern interpretation is shorter and open. Over a tubette, common in the mountainous regions of the republic, throw a light big handkerchief.

(Model: MANAGE Shakar, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Costumes: Rashidova Sharafat, editor: Khridd Khalilbekov)

© N. Abdurazakov

Presented in this part of the photo album (and earlier - and in the previous one) examples of clothing of Tajik women and, first of all, their descriptions, of course, do not claim historical accuracy. This material is only an attempt to show all the magnificence and abundance of styles in the robes of women of Tajikistan through bright professional photographs, beautiful faces of modern Tajiches, vintage costumes and attributes, as well as their history based on scant and small studies of Tajik ethnology.
Perhaps this kind of work will be able to promote more use in the life of national styles and historically close to Tajiks of clothing, although recently the use of national Tajik ornaments in modern clothes and attributes stylized under traditional, becomes more and more popular. The following photo film "Russia for all" will be devoted to more modern national-style outfits.
In the meantime, there are more stamps of the national clothes of Tajikistan regions, "National Clothing of Tajikistan regions" have previously published "National Clothing of Regions of Tajikistan".

(Model: Madina Nazarasonova, Assistant: Dodhudo Tuchiyev, Suits: Sharafat Rashidova, Editor: Khushd Khalilbekov)

Dushanbe, 30 Nov - Sputnik.In Tajikistan, women decided to offer sketches of national clothes that they can wear in any weather.

Experts of the three departments, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Committee on Women and Family Affairs, as well as the Committee on Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, worked on the development of models of outfits.

A similar initiative, as noted, was undertaken to promote national clothing, and prevent the proliferation of someone else's culture in the country.

For some reason, the authorities of Tajikistan show this concern only towards women, and in fact, the pre-revolutionary past in the daily and official form of Tajik men included Chalma and Chapan.

Refusal to European

Alone is not only feminine. Therefore, it would be necessary to facilitate the task of three initiative departments of the country and in advance to consider possible models of national clothes for Tajik men, and for all seasons.

But since there are no European in Tajikistan in Tajikistan, you will have to go to the past, when everything in Central Asia was exclusively national. When did not have time, for example, the Dzhadidism movement ("innovation" is to spread - ed.), Whose representatives at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries tried to borrow and use the fruits of European culture.

So, long before this is the basis of the clothing of civil servants, teachers, traders and even ordinary dekhkanin included a tunic-shaped shirt (Yaktaҳ), pants with a wide step (ESP), swinging bathrobe (chapon, ҷom), belt scarf (Yakcaband), Tubete (Tӣӣ, Kuluҳ), Chalma (Salla, Chakcaband), leather boots on a soft sole (MAҳSӣ), leather with a pointed nose of halosh (Kathersheet), in mountainous areas - shoes with three spikes on the sole for convenience of walking on the mountain paths (chub ).

The traditional clothing of Tajiks had its own characteristics in each of the ethnocultural regions, and the rich appearance of the outfit depended on the status of a man. For example, the last Emir of the Bukhara Emirate Seyid Mir Mohammed Alim Khan wore bathrobes of expensive tissues, covered with gold threads, as well as hats with precious stones. The usual dehkanin could afford only clothes from cheap cotton fabric.

Thus, if you move in our time, now in winter days, for example, for the Ministers of Tajikistan, there would be traditional Tajik quilted Capans from velvet with a shale collar, warm cashmere Chalma or Karakul hat, as well as insulated leather boots with a pointed nose. This purely Tajik outfit, in whose favor they abandoned strict costumes and coats, would definitely show their respect for Tajik culture.

And the students, whose white socks, according to the assurances of a number of local media, come rapidly in the country's universities, could spring, for example, wearing a lightweight linen shirt with a pants, according to the sketch of national clothes for men. In rainy days, they might throw on themselves a swing robe and tighten the belt with a scarf in flower embroidery. And the white socks would be replaced by pileoby (onuchi) - a tental cotton fabric, which is wind and shin.

It is too expensive

But there is one thing: Adras, Atlas, Silk, Cashmere and Velvet, which were used so often in traditional male robes, are the most expensive fabrics. Such a luxury to afford today, of course, maybe not everyone.

The meter of Panbarkhat, for example, in the Dushanbe markets costs 1000 somoni (about 111 dollars), and chiffon and silk - important male bow tissues - from 300 to 1500 somoni (30 - 167 dollars).

© Sputnik / Valery Shustov

Tailoring of a national costume from these fabrics will cost Tajik men at least the value of the material. After all, for such a capricious fabric, like, for example, velveteen or velvet, not everyone will take. Here, when sewing, it is necessary to take into account not only the direction of the pile and the smoothing of the seams, but also to focus on the decatting, which is why the cost of Capanov from these tissues can grow to cosmic prices.

Such a luxury, of course, will not afford to the pocket of ordinary residents. In this connection, the profile departments in drawing up the list of casual outfits will have to pay attention to their cost.

Most likely, with regard to the budget of the average Tajik, it will be necessary to abandon the use of not cheap fabrics, and even more so from expensive decorative embroidery. The latter can be afforded only in the days of the celebrations of Tajik traditional celebrations.

And the men will be able to dress easier: in clothes from such fabrics like an alocation (bright, multicolored striped silk and cotton matterium), Bekasab (striped fabric, widely used for sewing male and children's bathrobes, cotton blankets and other things) or Banoraras ( Monophonic cotton fabric).

These materials, by the way, despite their simplicity and low cost, have long been conquered a discreet West. Central Asian motifs can now be found even in the collections of world houses Gucci and Dior. So Tajik men with the transition to national clothing will definitely be dressed in the latest fashion squeak.

All this, of course, only ideas, but if they are implemented, after some, with the word "Tajik", each will be a colorful brunette with a long bathrobe in the floor.

Over time, the sketches will cease to wear only a recommendatory nature and enter the daily fashion, and then in a habit, especially if there were such profile departments such as the Ministry of Culture, the Committee on Women and Family Affairs, as well as the Committee on Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.