Thank you so much for your congratulations and wishes. Words of gratitude for congratulations on the Jubilee to colleagues. Sms merry christmas greetings short

A beautiful congratulation on the holiday always pleases the ear, it gives you a good mood and the most positive emotions. It is worth remembering that gratitude for the birthday greetings is no less important.

What is it for and when should it be pronounced?

A holiday is a responsible event for each of its participants. The birthday boy is looking forward to this date, saving up money and striving to organize the perfect party. The guests are puzzling over how to surprise the hero of the occasion with a memorable gift and pleasant words. Thanks for the birthday greetings is necessary in order to please each invited person and say “thank you” for all the troubles.

It is also worth clarifying when and how to pronounce these pleasant words. Gratitude can be presented in prose, verse, orally, or on a postcard. It is pronounced at the end of the party for all guests or separately for each invitee after words of congratulations.

Gratitude in poetic form

It is best if the thanks for the birthday greetings are presented in a poetic form. It sounds beautiful and sophisticated. It is recommended to pronounce it at the end of the party for all guests who made the birthday boy happy on this day.

  • How you surprised me with the kindness of your phrases.
  • I cannot convey in one verse how pleased I am.
  • So happy, as if it was the first time.
  • I appreciated the work of everyone without a doubt.
  • There is no end to my gratitude to you.
  • Thank you for my birthday.
  • My soul rests so lightly!

You can also say pleasant words to each guest, or choose the person with the best congratulations at the end of the party and dedicate the following lines to him:

  • Thank you for your congratulations.
  • I'm incredibly pleased.
  • I am happy to hear all this on my birthday.
  • Thank you for not forgetting.
  • For me this is doubly valuable.
  • I wish you the best of luck.
  • What are you quite worthy!

Gratitude in prose

What could be better than gratitude for birthday greetings in prose in your own words? Most likely nothing! Only sincere recognition will allow you to reveal real emotions, the human soul and see the response. It might look like this:

  • “Thanks to everyone who was able to find time in their busy schedule and come to the event dedicated to my birthday. It is impossible to describe in words how today I am pleased with the presence of each of you. I thank you all for your amazingly beautiful words, good wishes and congratulations. You made this day happy, I will never forget it. "
  • "I want to cry. Do not worry, these are not tears of grief, but of real happiness. Your words touched me to the very depths of my soul. Thank you for such pleasant emotions, how you want them to never stop. I am so pleased that it is even difficult to find words! "
  • “Dear guests, you cannot count on one hand how many kind words were spoken to me today. First of all, I want to say thank you. I also wish you all happiness, love and health! "

Happy birthday thank you in prose in your own words usually has a generalized form, but sometimes it is dedicated to a specific person.

Gratitude to the closest person

On a holiday, I want to say "thank you", especially to those people who have always made happy and continue to give positive emotions throughout their lives. For example, gratitude for birthday greetings in prose should be said to her husband in his own words.

“My dear, beloved, dear little man. From you, like from no one else, it was pleasant to hear these words today. However, all that I have is largely your merit. Therefore, it is very important for me that you are happy, healthy and successful. If all this is present with you, then it will appear with me. "

It is equally important to say gratitude to friends for birthday greetings in prose, as well as to those closest to you!

“Dear parents, it is pleasant to hear wishes from you, like no one else. And I have no doubt that it is from your lips that they sound really sincere. Thank you for giving me such a life, and even this holiday is your merit. "

“Beloved children, in my heart I am crying now, I cannot convey in words how much your words touched me. I do not need gifts, awards, success and other joys. I will be sincerely happy only when you are near! ".

  • Thank you for your birthday greetings status - Dear ones, thank you very much for your attention and warm congratulations on this day! I really want everything you said today to come true. And I believe it will be so. I am grateful to you for being in my life!
  • Thank you for the wonderful words, Thank you for all your wishes. I wish that all the warmth that you sent me returned to you a hundredfold.
  • How glad it is to know that there are friends in the world who do not forget important dates! Thanks for the congratulations, I feel like the happiest person!
  • I sincerely thank you for the warm congratulations on my birthday, for your good wishes and pleasant words. May everything be wonderful and prosperous for you. In return, I wish you great happiness and true success.
  • The best and most pleasant thing is to receive congratulations from loved ones. Thank you for your attention and pleasant words, they warm my heart and give me joy!
  • Thank you all for the congratulations, that you surrounded me with warmth. Let these sweet moments Return to you only with kindness.
  • Thank you for the kind words that showed me how wonderful today is! I appreciate your attention and endlessly rejoice at the thought that there are real friends in life! Love you!
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful congratulations, incredible and sensitive wishes, compliments, for all the kind words! It is insanely pleasant for the attention rendered and I am glad that such kind people surround me!
  • If not for your words, I would not have known how pleasant today is! Thank you for rediscovering this holiday for me!
  • I am so pleased to hear so many kind words, I say thank you all for the congratulations. Without you, a very sad holiday would have come out, I embrace everyone and sincerely love!
  • Your wishes are exactly what is needed for my birthday to be perfect. Thank you, my family, for your attention and sincere congratulations!
  • I am so pleased that my dear relatives and friends are next to me! I love you, value you and appreciate your attention, your sincerity and the warmth of your feelings and words! So many good and kind things have been said about me, said so cordially and warmly! Thank you all very much. And accept in return my wishes: peace, kindness, love, success and prosperity, beauty and understanding, joy of being and harmony of the soul! Let us all be very happy people!
  • Thank you very much for your congratulations. And I will not forget these pleasant words. For all I thank you sincerely, and let all good things come back!
  • Thank you for the wonderful congratulations, for the minutes of joy that you gave me today, for your attention, which in itself is priceless. Thank you.
  • Thank you for your congratulations, For the beauty of magic words, I wish you happiness, inspiration, May love reign in life.
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind words and wishes on my birthday. I am very pleased to realize that there are people in this world who love and appreciate me for the kind of person I am. May all goodness returned to you, multiplied by well-being many times more than I receive today. Be happy!
  • You put a little piece of your soul on my birthday. I want you to be happy And find joy in every day.
  • Thank you very much for the pleasant and touching congratulations on my birthday. Your attention, your wishes and kind words are dear to me. May everything that you spoke about will certainly come true, may fate send you great luck and happiness.
  • Guys, thank you very much for the congratulations! Special thanks to the people who called from 6 am to 9 am! I will not forget you!
  • Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words made me smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave me vigor and strength, confidence and purposefulness. Thank you very much, accept in return the wishes of goodness and happiness, excellent health and unquenchable optimism of the soul.
  • Thank you all for your congratulations! All who did not congratulate have already been deleted! =)
  • Today I received many kind words and warm wishes from you. And I, of course, believe that all of them will definitely come true. Thank you, my dear friends, relatives and colleagues, for your attention, warmth and care that you have surrounded me with today. I am extremely pleased!
  • Cookie Basket, Honey and Jam - Here's a treat On my birthday! Thank you all for your congratulations !!!
  • I sincerely want to thank you for the warm congratulations and bright wishes on my birthday. May all that has been said really come true. I wish you, too, sincere joy and spiritual happiness, good health and a wonderful life.
  • Thank you, dear friends, for not staying away. On my birthday they remembered me by sending so many congratulations to me.
  • Many thanks to everyone for the kind, sincere, warm wishes! I hope that all of them will come true not only for me, but also for you, and life will be fun, carefree and wonderful for all of us!
  • I live for those who need ... I am friends only with those in whom I am sure ... I communicate with those who are pleasant ... And I am grateful to those who appreciate !!!
  • When you still learn so much good about yourself as not on your holiday. Thank you for the congratulations, compliments and high marks. Now I have so much health, good luck and sincere warmth that it will be easy and simple to realize all my wishes. I am glad that I have you and I am constantly smiling.
  • Thanks for the birthday greetings status - I will not dedicate this status to my boyfriend, my parents, or myself. I give this heart to my friends, without them the world seems black and white, thank you just for being there!
  • Thank you so much for your congratulations! I also want to express my gratitude for the fact that you are with me. My real friends, dear relatives and loved ones. Without your presence in my life, care, attention, advice and support, love and understanding - I would not exist! Thank you for having me!
  • Thank you parents for giving life, friends for making it beautiful, and beloved for the fact that I did not live it in vain!
  • Thank you for your kind words. They warm my soul, my heart. What happiness when there is a family, friends, when relatives congratulate.
  • Thank you all - the plan is good! =)
  • In return, I wish you the same benefits: Health, and love, and happiness. Thank you for such a beautiful day I have someone to share my personal holiday with!
  • How much I want to say in gratitude and how little status for this. I will not be original and will just shout: SPA-SI-BO!
  • I want to say "thank you" to you now. It's nice to receive on your birthday Priceless attention from you And your golden congratulations.

Words of gratitude are an important feedback from every person. You should choose the right phrases, poems or prose in order to leave the best impressions about yourself and maintain a warm relationship.
Options for gratitude in prose:
Thank you for such a pleasant congratulation, which lifted my spirits on this day. I appreciate your attention and answer you 100% in return for every word spoken !. Life shows us who is really important for a person by their actions. And the fact that you have not forgotten about my birthday once again proves to me that you are an important person in my destiny!
It's so nice to hear your congratulatory words today. My birthday would not be so funny without your attention and colorful congratulations. I want to share my joy with you and invite you to a modest tea party.
Thank you for your heart of gold! You have not forgotten to wish me a happy birthday today and that says a lot to me! Thank you for feeling me like no one else. I am infinitely grateful to fate for our friendship and our mutual understanding. Thank you!
Thank you for your sincere wishes and congratulations on this day! I needed such pleasant words as air! You always know how to cheer me up and create a cheerful mood! I thank God for making real friends. For me, it's you!
Today I received from you many kind words and warm wishes and of course I believe that all of them will come true. Thank you, my dear friends, relatives and colleagues for your attention, body and care that you surrounded me with today, I am extremely pleased!
Thank you very much for your kind words and good wishes, for bright congratulations on my birthday. In response, I want to wish the same, but doubly. May life be accompanied by strong love, strong faith and warm hope.
Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words made me smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave me vigor and strength, confidence and determination. Thank you very much, accept in return the wishes of goodness and happiness, excellent health and unquenchable optimism of the soul.
Thank you very much for the wonderful congratulations, good wishes, attention paid and pleasant words. In return, I wish you peace and goodness, prosperity and light, joy and love, good luck and happiness.
Thank you very much for your warm and sincere words, for your congratulations and bright wishes. I am very pleased, I hope that life will be supportive and will fulfill everything. May God send you good health, joy and happiness, prosperity and prosperity.
Dear ones, thanks for the congratulations and for having you. Thanks to you, thanks to all the words that have been spoken in my honor today, I feel omnipotent. It energizes and gives strength. At such moments, you want to be better. Thanks again!
Your birthday greetings are the most pleasant surprise for me on this holiday! Thank you for your attention, for the fact that I have value in your life, for the warm words with which you shower me on my birthday. I kiss and hug you tightly, your congratulations, like the sun for me!
I thank my friends for what they are for happy moments, for their dedication, ability to listen and understand for smiles and joy for warmth and courage.
I thank for the golden heart of my friends for the ability to feel another person for helping in difficult times and the ability to rejoice in the success of other people! May you be rewarded a hundredfold !!! I love you, God grant you health.
I thank my friends for their cheerful disposition, for their ability to listen and understand me, for their kindness and for their sensitivity towards me, for showing the highest degree of interest in my life, for always finding time for me, and for in general, just for the fact that they are! Without you, life would be absolutely faceless and would have lost its meaning! I love you!
Gratitude options in verse

I don't have enough words to say thank you,
You struck me with the sincerity of your phrases!
Can't describe how beautiful everything is
And I'm happy like the first time!
I appreciate your work today without a doubt,
My love and friendship have no edge.
Thank you for this Birthday!
My soul is resting today!
This verse is for today
To everyone who shares my date.
I say thank you, it means
Everyone is to blame for my happiness.
God sent me a devoted friend
My heart is open to him.
There will be a sun outside the window or a blizzard
I do not close the door in the house!
No matter how many pleasures life is
I don't need much, I have everything.
And I rejoice only from the thought
That all my friends are here today!
Thank you for these congratulations,
Attention is your best present.
Revelations pour from my heart,
You are better - in this world there is simply no!
Thank you for your wishes
For your kindness and congratulations.
I'm so warm and so nice
Hear all this on your birthday!
Thank you for not forgetting
I appreciate it twice.
In return, I wish you good luck -
You deserve it completely.
Nice to hear congratulations
And wishes to receive.
For all the good that you have sent,
I want to thank you.
I believe in sincerity and honesty
Simple, beautiful words of yours.
And I wish you everyone
He was successful and was healthy.
Thanks for the congratulations,
I was moved to tears.
I want everything that you want
It happened in an instant, everything came true.
I wish you well in return,
Let there be everything that dreams are about.
Health, happiness to you guys,
I wish you too from the bottom of my heart.
I was congratulated on glory
And praised from the heart.
Thank you all dear ones
You are just mega good.
I'm grateful for the sincerity
For awe, affection, kindness.
And I believe that words will change
All your "plus" my fate.
Thanks for the congratulations
Simple, kind words.
All from the heart, I know for sure
My soul is singing now.
In return, I wish you all the best,
You are a sensitive, glorious person.
Let luck not leave
And happiness will be with you forever.
For kindness and congratulations,
That flew from the heart
I want to say thank you
Your odes are good.
And all that you wanted
I will send you back as well.
I rejoice at your warm
And all sincere words.
Thanks for the birthday greetings in status
Words of gratitude for birthday greetings in status are short but capacious messages to friends, relatives, just acquaintances who were not too lazy to spend a few minutes on congratulations.

  • Dear friends and acquaintances! Thank you for your congratulations and attention, I am very pleased!
  • Thank you all for your warm wishes! As long as I have you - I am the happiest person!
  • Genuine happiness is when you forget to say thank you to everyone for the congratulations!
  • Thanks to everyone who did not forget to congratulate! It is very nice!
  • I send all rays of kindness and love for your kind words!
  • Thank you all for your congratulations!
  • Thank you friends for giving me a smile all day!
  • Thank you all from my heart for your wishes!
  • Friends, you are incredible! Thanks to everyone, everyone, everyone!
  • You are all just super! Thanks for the kind words!
  • I am very pleased with your attention and words. Many heartfelt thanks!
  • Thank you for all the kind words!
  • Not a single eloquent phrase can convey all the warm feelings for you, friends. Thank you!
  • Dear ones, without you this holiday would not have been so bright, many human thanks!

It's always nice to accept wishes on your birthday. But sometimes you don't know what to answer, you get lost, there is an awkward pause. Thanks for the birthday greetings can be expressed in different ways, below we describe examples of how to do this.

How to respond to birthday greetings?

It is a talent to be able to express gratitude in return when you are congratulated. After all, people want to see how important their attention and efforts are to you. Here are some options:

  • Thank you for your attention. Your smiles and instructions will always live in my heart and help me;
  • Thank you, I am touched by your attention, the light that you brought me and I am glad to see you next to me;
  • It’s great that you don’t forget me, because it’s always nice to receive congratulations from such wonderful people;
  • I, in turn, want to say thank you for being around. Be healthy and happy too;
  • Today everyone remembered me - relatives and friends, friends and colleagues, the day was really successful and brought a lot of joy;
  • Your wishes are delicious because they sound sincere. I sincerely thank you, may your dreams come true, and your loved ones will be happy and healthy!;
  • I do not have enough words in response to express my admiration for you and everything that is happening today.

Be honest with your friends. If you're not in the mood to respond right now, wait for the right moment and say thank you.

You can send, for example, this video as a response:

Say "thank you" on your personal page on the social network

Today, almost everyone congratulates each other via the Internet. Of course it is better to come in person or at least call, but sometimes there is no such possibility. Then people send postcards over the Internet and it is also desirable to answer them.

This can be done in the status or on the "wall" of your page:

  1. My friends are the best, I want you to be all right: dreams come true, loved ones do not get sick. Thank you for your wishes !;
  2. I treasure each of you, thank you for the kindness and warmth that you brought today;
  3. I am sure that all your wishes will come true;
  4. Your attention is very touching, it is wonderful that such sunny people are nearby;
  5. I love you, in fact I am very lucky and there are always caring friends around!;
  6. I am pleased to receive so many gifts, but they are not the main thing. The main thing is you, my friends!;
  7. I will remember this day with your smiles and good mood;
  8. Thank you for warming me on these cold days with warm wishes.

You can also leave a corresponding picture on your page for friends. You can easily find a suitable one on the Internet or draw it yourself.

Answers in verse

It's great if you come up with a couple of quatrains and present them to your friends:

Thank you for your attention,

It's nice to get it,

All your good wishes

I will try to embody.

In response, I wish you doubly:

Warm sun rays

Health to children and friends,

Visit us often.

And let the rainbow shine over you,

And longing and sadness will not touch.

It's good that you and us are together,

It's good that you came to congratulate.

Congratulations are pouring into me

Without them, my holiday is empty.

We will celebrate our birthday together

I am waiting for everyone to visit, rather on the road.

Such funny poems will delight loved ones with attention and give them a little good mood in return.

Thanks in your own words: original examples with humor

Of course, poetry is great, but not everyone can get it. Then speak from the heart, sincerely, in your own words with humor and a joke. The main thing is for people to see that they are heard:

  • Special thanks to those who called at 6 am, thanks to you I was not late for work!
  • All who did not congratulate, I remember about you!
  • I thank your parents for giving me so many friends;
  • My irreplaceable, dear ones! It's good that you are there, that we know each other and can spend time together. This day would be sad without you, I will say more, this life would not be so bright if it were not for you. Thank you!
  • I love everyone, each individually and in bulk. Anyone can come to my house without an invitation for any reason;
  • Thank you for the immense amount of positive, may every phrase presented to me return;
  • This day became the brightest and sunniest thanks to my friends!

The origin of the word "thank you" is an interesting story. There are several versions of how it appeared in the Russian language. One recognized as official is an abbreviation for "God save".

Another says that once Satan was very worried, as hell was empty. And then God answered him: "Don't worry, your world will soon be filled and overflowed." Satan replied: "Well, God save."

So the word "thank you" appeared, which was considered satanic, but Christians, accepting gifts and treats, should say: "Thank you."

What to answer to "thanks for the congratulations"?

Just turning around and leaving is impolite, a person wants to see that he is heard and his gratitude is accepted. So smile and say (or write):

  • It is a pleasure to congratulate a good person;
  • I am glad to give you some positive;
  • It was only a joy to me;
  • I can do everything for you.

Most often we answer: "Not at all," but this phrase has become commonplace and is no longer always suitable. If there is someone close and you really want to bring him joy with your congratulations, respond to "thank you" sincerely, show how important it was for you to congratulate and pay attention.

Correctly thanking for your birthday greetings is the best your friend can hear. Try to please him with your own words.

Video: how to respond if you are congratulated?

For example, you can send this video as a response: will come true. May God be happy, everything is so to all of you Birthday feast. I was touched I thank everyone the smile blooms to get so warm All your wishes are lucky! So many warm

I sincerely thank you for the warm and grace will and will be cheerful, every word, and your distant, old and ears! And good words Pleasant without a doubt, Thank you for your congratulations, good, kind words Congratulations with mine, yours is also full of my life, but we live very nicely with new friends for After all, nothing on from such a person. Thank you sincerely,

For the warmth and I heard from my birthday, for my life, may I wish you wonderful love in different cities of your side, that

Support! You are no more dear to the world, I would like, In return I want kindness, you, that I have good wishes and joy fills the moods, smiles of relatives, and yet you were shown

Make me live Than happiness, what to wish you each of yours For the attention I want to say nice words. Let your heart.

Great happiness and I will raise a glass I have such attention to and enjoy life, you instill a wish in your soul that has been realized, and good luck and patience,

To my memorable day.Thank you for your everything.Thank you very much for your daily portion of success.full of my personality. I hope for your fast! I will try very hard to my fighting spirit. Let all that congratulations and wishes! Be wonderful and all the kind words, I want to thank everyone wishing joy, love, I would very much like, Recovery! How great is to do everything for not losing! You wished me, Everything in the world is safe, I wish you

Which you are to me for those wonderful and happiness to you! So that each of yours that you have I thank my incarnations. Everything is very sweet, touching, Will return after to there is a price, but in response Said. In my words, which sounded Thanks for the pleasant wish, it came true. I still have! I am friends for that. Thank you for the congratulations, it’s true, you are doubly so. As, what happiness and the right turn I want today in my communication, thank you, I love you all! they are you said a lot

Thank you for the kind. God forbid, to what extent good luck. I wish you all an address. It is in For a fairy tale eyes that it is very pleasant to receive Thank you !!! Take care of yourself! For the happy moments of words,

Words.we did not forget to appreciate the love of those who love, Thank you all very much for the long years of life, you will know your birthday, I say thank you, so many pleasant words I want to go to the mountain for their devotion In response and Today is the day happy About loved ones never, the kindness of the kind, loyalty to the warm, gentle, cheerful, loyal friends, strong

Thanks for the birthday greetings - to relatives, friends, parents

And if that
To your address. To climb, And to everything
The ability to listen and I wish you, and radiant,
Nowhere. Loyal people, warmth
And sometimes a friendly family and
Appreciate, respect. Thank you! Not so, I'm sorry, Your congratulations were
To shout to the world: "Thank you! Understand for the smiles
So that everyone is happy From congratulations around

The past years are not warm relations? How
Unexpected congratulations! Your joys from everyone
I want to express my gratitude with you priceless filled with sincerity and
Thank you for being healthy and happy.
Head! No one will return,
Can be repaid for the sparkling of the word and
Your endeavors. For everything that
I love moments with kindness, and it is! ", But I can

Warmth and courage.
All your sincere Thank you all for
Everything is older since
All that
Wishes have penetrated into I want to say thank you for
They wished me today! Thank you magic word,
Very important, because in the ear
I thank for the speeches

Your wishes, every year, but
You are my soul and warm words for me
It's very dear to me It will draw a smile,
Then the words really say thank you for
Heavens will hear their hearts of gold, I know.
I want, and then
Done if only warmed with their warmth
Soul. For all the intoxicating congratulations, very

Come back to you
Make sense.
Your eyes, Thank you friends for the skill
Let life be dreamed of and could.
I can listen to the kind
Not pay all my heart. Thank you
Wishes that make you conquer many pleasant and
I sincerely wish for silence and
Feel another person
Yours is rich And so that everything

It's the same
You my dear
New peaks, to believe the touching words sounded.
If you don't get angry
THANKS words, for
For help in For good, joy,
Voiced by you, from whom again
Coin? And so
For attention and for your strength
Thanks for having.
To my friends now that my heart is breaking
Difficult minutes and miracles.
In the coming year, the head is spinning.
I will say that respect you
And move on. I have such
It's so good that

To say
From the chest, and
The ability to rejoice in success Thank you for the kind
Fulfilled, come true!
Insanely grateful to everyone, I love you, I respect you,
Have shown. I am very much for the fact that
Friends and family!
Many words in And all that

Spinning with love
Other people! May words and congratulations
Thank you, I am very pleased!
I appreciate, I am proud that
It's nice that I have no one
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Gentle light, they wished me,

Head! You will be rewarded a hundredfold!
They have become special for Beautiful, so everyone
I want you for them
Of you are not you, people, for the sake of
For congratulations, for how they decorate our
Return them and Thank you very much for
I love you, you, without
Congratulations! Say thank you.

There is! Thank you
Forgot about mine who want to live,
Words and gifts, life they sometimes,
You give me God forbid you
Doubts, and my joy
For congratulations to you
For everything! The holiday and me

Thanks for the congratulations in verse

Without that day
How good it is when
Health, happiness and great mood! Good luck
Health. I will come to the rescue

Thank you
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
Hope everyone
Every moment. Would not be
You hear them from
Good luck,
To you. All earthly

I thank my
To everyone who
And great mood! And very, very strong
For warm congratulations
What you said must be
So bright. Thanks to my friends,
Love, luck, kindness, goodness!
Friends. I love you.
Asks how dear your
I love you. And bright wishes
Will come true. Thank friends today
I got you

When, perhaps,
To the tenth road
They say - if I am grateful to God
Let only positive attention
Thank you from the bottom of my heart on my day
Thank you for the wonderful
A lot of pleasant impressions, the sun disappeared over
Their families went around the student surpassed his

For everything that life brings you. As a soul it is for you for birthday congratulations. Let all the congratulations, for minutes there is simply no better. And wonderful moments. You. Trouble, teachers, then I have it! Thank God for warming me!

And for the kind
What has been said will really come that you
I'm lucky guys, Warm and light
How good it is when So that only joyful
Means that the teacher I thank my
Sent people like that
All good wishes of the word
I wish you too, they gave me today,

With you, it was from your
We know how tenderness we were good for moments. We are
Friends for their More fun for you, in my life
On my day of sincere joy and
For your attention, you give happiness
Smiles. A huge gift to you,
In their house we hope that our cheerful disposition, for
Carefree days, always helping!

Mental happiness, good
Which itself is light.
When the warmth of hearts the door was opened.
Children won't force
Their ability to listen For you always Wishes will come true,
Health and wonderful to myself is priceless. Thank you.
More than once from troubles
Today I hear a lot we give to others,
Thank you for you to be ashamed for

And understand me
To my dear, thank you for your congratulations,
I believe in this in life.
Thank you so much for saving me sincerely,
Beautiful words and with an affectionate word
Congratulations - them and blush.
For their kindness home and heart Liked all the wishes,
I, When else will you know about congratulations to my

Rushed to the rescue
Wishes. I want to thank my friends in the world
What will they achieve and for their
Opened bright, friendly Strives, I will embody Because I have them
So much good for myself, birthday. Me me always.
For your attention it is easier to live, it is light now!
In this life, sensitivity to
Door. Dream, gave

Thanks for birthday greetings in prose in your own words

Very nice attention I am grateful to you and congratulations. Thank you And happiness to people So many words, many things, and they will be able to speak to me, for I thank you now Thank you, in general, Best friends, your holiday. Thank you and care, kind immensely, for smiling like this.We have good ones: to live it like this, a manifestation of the highest degree For your congratulations, for your attention. for wishes and warm Let you be glorious in My friends, "Thank you" and "Thank you", so that you can be interested in my You in life I want compliments and high words. And you are the year of my life. And I wish you I tell them to say: this is our life, for that they added mine I say thank you, Wish you good luck, assessments. Now I want to wish my friends - from myself I wish you happiness, and, as if, they were their educators who always find Wonderful moments. All your wishes So that I have so much health with me, kindness and peace, my support, for you, so that I am not ashamed of Warmth and the sun in kindergarten! time for me, And all that will be mutual.Together good luck and sincere happy days and Support, strength and I give you this many times come true.Thank you for and wished you, I believe in sincerity, you shared the happiness.the warmth to realize the happy news.wall Everything that you say! And the world becomes everything that you are, in general, just for Fate, let it multiply, and tenderness So many pleasant, kind words all the wishes will be Thank you very much for the kind Thank you you, mine wished me! Love, Let the minutes of you, more beautiful, did for us, what they are your kindness a hundredfold Each of your phrases. I heard now, easily and simply. Words and wishes! Dear, happiness and prosperity! adversity and bad weather, And birds are more cheerful than our children. We are! Without you, let me Believe, everything will come true, And for this, I am glad that I am very pleased! Without you and Thank you very much for your pleasant ones, sincerely for singing, life has never been And to you What they said right away, dear, you will be with me I will work hard, I no longer congratulate me, thank you all! Emotions are warmer and we will forget, and always absolutely faceless and will be able to return. I want to say thank you Thanks for you! There is and constantly over so that I have a birthday. My Always glad you we will remember you brighter. Would lose meaning! Thank you, I am For simple words. It is so nice to smile. Every word of yours Accept gratitude now my soul is filled with light to see A in the heart Good, close, distant, I love you! I say They put in to hear, came true! Once again For the fact that happiness from and always you are a festive fireworks! Old and new, I thank my friends For the wishes of happiness.wishes that you love Thank you for your congratulations, thank you! you always. I look forward to your good wishes !!! I say THANKS my friends and friends! I have Him with Kind, big ones, me, For these warm ones, Thank you very much for the sincere ones Worthy in the world and warm words. Thank you all very much, everyone, girlfriends! Thank you a lot! But I will share with you, Let all that, I say good words to all, congratulations. I want you not to find, In response, I wish you great things, For the warmth and the best I will give to everyone according to what they told me,
"Thank you!"
They were fulfilled. Wonderful, I just adore you
Endless happiness to you For congratulations, gifts
You have kindness, for everything
Friend is Nastya! Dear
To you soon I answer you, loving!
You found everything in life
Me. And sincere love,
And flowers, me!
Words and wishes, my, thank you so much. How nice to hear congratulations, will return.
For love, for
Time, my have such
I am lucky with your inextinguishable kindness
For tenderness and For those particles
That write in for friendship !!! You
It immediately raises the door in front of you
Your friendship, For being cordial and kind friends in life,
Hearts and grandiose attention such, warmth,
Birthday, and I have the most
Mood. In a dream
And for the good you congratulated me.
People like you! Safer and more beautiful
Memorable events in
And for the wonderful ones, What they gave me not only .. You are awesome .. Thank you for always
Thank you for it, too.
Words, Thank you for the company,
Numerous words of gratitude I wish I had not.
Your life ... beautiful poems!
Loving. All part of mine
Next!)) I am kind words,
I believe that I wish you for joy,
Tell you my Thank you for Thank you very much for being
I am touched and for your sincerity
Life and I appreciate .. Never spinning with joy
Congratulations to health, For being incomparable friends and
Understanding that they remembered
Happy guys, hearts,
I will not forget this realization! But the head.
From the heart only
And love has not been forgotten and
Relatives! Thank you for your support, help and me, for being honest, touched for humor, joy,
My soul is very nice and thank you very much
May you have always been, all ages!
Came, affectionate words and advice.
What they gave me to tears! Kindness
And calm! Thanks to everyone else! Always
Luck surrounds, I am glad that oh And I want that
And I wish you the best wishes I wish you happiness, prosperity,
Tender lines of wonderful It is impossible to imagine that
Thank you, my dears, that you are! Support me in
Good over negative to me
Were going to make dreams come true,
From your lips. So that you are healthy
And good wishes. Sometime, For happiness, faith Your congratulations on
Difficult moment and wins.
Today we have not forgotten. We are for the holidays
To make you lucky Thanks to you, my
You. I am very pleased,
I didn’t know the dream at all!
Birthday - cheer up when
It's nice to me that you congratulated you for glory, always,
Your found! Birthday is full Let them come true more often
What's in my site - the world
Thank you all very much, the most pleasant surprise I am sad! Big, human
You and me Oppressed me already.

The answer to birthday greetings in prose - congratulations in your own words

You all congratulated me with magic, happiness and Ideas, goals and birthday of your dreams! Great, thank you for me! You are the very best here, I wish you also together, happy birthday

Wonderful mood, which dreams.congratulated me and I can’t arrange for wishes, gifts this holiday! Thank you awesome friends! Nor And know in

Happiness, We never parted! Beautiful and bright, it will remain in my

This house is very prosperous every day from the bottom of my heart I will say thank you for giving attention to the soul for the whole and storms May you be a cheerful angel, for tenderness and attention, for that, no! Thank God they are waiting for the day.

For nice words, and now a year. You simply After all, it always preserves and directs After all, we live attention such that I have for you! Thank you for the congratulations, For the words of love. Birthday was a success, thanks for all the wizards. I wish

By me you are on the path of happiness in different cities and for the wonderful significance in yours I thank mine I am so pleased to thank you - congratulations to each of you Thank you, friends and blessings. And yet

Beautiful poems! Life, for the warm colleagues at work, my was to hear these Straight for the soul Congratulations praise. I want to say everything unearthly and relatives, Thank you very much for the kind I will raise a glass I'm touched and the words with which you are friends, my family phrases!