Outline of a lesson in application, modeling (younger group) on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities in modeling in the second younger group Goldfish. Modeling in the second junior group "Rybka

Abstract of educational activities in modeling in the second junior group

gold fish

Shaikhutdinova Chulpan Salikhovna


Republic of Tatarstan city of Elabuga

MBDOU kindergarten combined type №36 "Spark"

Direction: artistic and aesthetic Main educational area: art. Creativity Program content:

Introduce children to the aquarium

To consolidate the knowledge of a circular shape, roll out between the palms, modeling with your fingers. Learn the technique of pulling back, flattening. Learn to convey the characteristic features of a fish, designate a stack of fish scales.

Foster a caring attitude towards living objects

Create an emotionally positive mood, satisfaction from your own work

Preliminary work: Examining pictures of fish;

Consideration of fish and an aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten;

Examining pebbles for an aquarium


Aquarium, pebbles for an aquarium, plasticine of red and blue colors, blanks made of cardboard - an aquarium with water, plates - with red and blue pebbles, oilcloths,

Educational activities:

Guys, look who came to visit us. (Dog) You know, they gave him an aquarium for his birthday. Who knows what an aquarium is? (This is where the fish live). Right. He has no fish in his aquarium. And he really wants you to dazzle him with fish. We blind the guys. (Yes) Do not worry, the little dog, now the guys are dazzling you with fish.

Guys, tell me, please, what does the fish have?

Body, head, tail, scales, floats.

Well done.

Now I will show you how to sculpt a fish, and you will take a close look. We put plasticine between our palms and roll it, it turns out a circle, then we flatten it like this, you see. Now we take one side and pull it out, it turns out the head, but now what do we need to do? (Tail)

Pull out the other side and flatten it. And how should the floats be made?

From above we pinch with our fingers like I do, and depict the scales in a stack. What did we do?

Now let's get to work. We do as I showed.

Guys. You are already tired, let's do finger gymnastics.

Your pens were busy

Your fingers have tried.

Take the pebbles in your hands

Rub them softly

Put it back.

Upon completion, I posted the children's work on the board. Children admire the works, and I say that if the dog likes your fish, they will definitely settle in them. I draw the attention of children to the fish that have appeared in the aquarium. Children rejoice at the appearance of fish.

And now the dog and I will see how you blinded, how you did it.

What kind of fish did you get, well done guys.

I analyze the work.

The dog's aquarium was filled with beautiful fish.

Scenario of direct educational activity in the 2nd junior group. Modeling "The fish came to visit us"

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Software content:
Educational tasks:
Contribute to the formation of ideas about fish, their structure. Clarify the functions of body parts of a fish (mouth, eyes, fins, tail). To acquaint children with the different habitats of fish in the river, sea, aquarium. Promote the formation of pupils' interest in exploring the world around them. Expand words knowledge.
Strengthen the ability of children to roll out a sausage from a piece of plasticine, smear a piece of plasticine on the base.
Elicit a positive emotional response to the overall outcome.
Developmental tasks:
Generate cognitive interest. Develop imagination, imagination, creative activity, mental and speech activity, visual and auditory perception.
Educational tasks:
To cultivate diligence, perseverance, respect for nature and its inhabitants. Create conditions for active and friendly interaction with peers.
GCD move:
The day comes, nature comes alive
The sun rises, gives light to all of us.
Let's look at each other,
We thank everyone with a smile.
Music splash - water splash - on the slide.
Guess who we are going to talk about now.
She lives in the water
There is no beak, but it bites.
Shines in a clean river
The back is silvery.
Guys, who is this? (A fish)
(SLIDE fish):
Educator: Guys, pay attention to the fish's elongated body, in front of the head, in the back of the tail, on top of the back, on the bottom of the abdomen. The head has a mouth and eyes.
What about the size of the fish's eyes?
Children: The fish have small eyes.
Educator: What are the color of the fish's eyes?
Children: The eyes are dark, black.
Educator: And what are they in shape?
Children: Round.
Educator: How many eyes does each fish have?
Children: Two eyes.
Educator: And you?
Children: We also have two eyes.
Educator: Where are the eyes of a fish?
Children: The eyes of fish are on the head.
Educator: What else is on the fish's head?
Children: There is a mouth on the head.
Educator: Why does a fish need a mouth?
Children: Fish eat with their mouths.
Educator: Why do you need a mouth?
Children: And we eat, we sing, we talk, we laugh.
Educator: What helps fish swim?
Children: fins help fish to swim.
Educator: Hear how these words "fins", "float" are similar.
Guys, where are the fins?
Children: On the back, tummy, chest, tail.
Educator: And when the fish swims, its tail moves from side to side
(The teacher shows the movements of the fish with his hand and invites the children to also do it with his hand like a fish's tail)
Educator: How do you get around?
Children: We walk, we run, we jump. Legs help us.
Educator: How many do you have?
Children: I have two legs.
Educator: Please note that the fish swims by itself. Nobody helps her. Only live fish can move this way. They themselves swim, feed, grow.
Now we will play with you. We will circle on the spot and turn into fish.
Musical exercise "Rybka".
Educator: A fish with their children came to visit us. The river where the fish lived was completely polluted by people, they threw garbage. The water in the river is dirty, muddy. Is it possible to throw garbage into the river?
(Answers of children)
Educator: And in which river do fish like to live?
Children: In a clean one.
The easel depicts a clear river.
Educator: Take a fish each.
I suggest you sit down at the tables, pay attention, on the tables - plates with semolina.
Place the fish on a plate. Trace it along the contour on the decoy.
Fish, fish, mischief, - (finger on the head)
The fish swims in water.
The fish bent its back, - (finger on the back)
The fish wagged its tail, Where is your finger? - on the tail.
She waved her fin, Show me where the fish's fin is?
And turned her head. Finger on the head.
See what beautiful fish we got.
Educator: Now we will settle the fish in a clean river, on an easel
(To the easel).
Fish, fish, you swim
Live in a clean river!
Educator: Where else do fish live?
Children: sea, aquarium.
(slides) - film
Educator: What do fish eat?
Children: Worms.
Educator: Worms, larvae and algae. Algae is a herb that grows in water. Do you want to feed the fish?
Finger gymnastics.
As in our aquarium
The golden fish are dancing.
They have fun
In clear warm water
They will shrink, unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand
Then they wave their fins
They will spin in circles.
Educator: Sit on the chairs. What kind of fish food do we make from a green ball? We take green plasticine, roll out the sausages.
(Individual work)
Educator: We apply green sausages to the board and press with our finger.
And what kind of food for your fish do you mold from a brown ball? And twist the sausage into the flagellum. What funny worms turned out. In the hands - a fish. Go to the rug
Educator: What do you think, is it good now for the fish - her children to live in the river? Why?
Children: Yes, they have food: worms and algae, the water in the river is clear
What have we learned about fish today? The treat is “fish” cookies.

Presentation on the topic: A fish came to visit us

Summary of a lesson in fiction and modeling in the second junior group, the topic "Goldfish"

Software content:

To form the ability of children to portray images large, on the entire plane of the sheet, to observe proportionality between parts of the image; evenly and accurately paint over with paints; supplement the image with details. Teach children to make sentences on a given topic: "What would you ask a goldfish." Encourage to briefly tell the content of the cartoon "The Tale of the Goldfish". To activate the children's dictionary on the topics: "Sea", "Sky". Introduce an excerpt from "The Tale of the Goldfish" by Alexander Pushkin; explain the meaning of the words "seine", "scales". To develop coherent speech, a sense of rhyme, small muscles of the hands. Foster a desire to have a friendly discussion of the image.


Recording the noise of the surf, background music. Illustrations for "The Tale of the Goldfish" by Alexander Pushkin. Sheets of blue tinted paper. Palette with multi-colored gouache. Painting equipment.

Preliminary work:

Observing the fish in the aquarium. Watching the cartoon "The Tale of the Goldfish".

Course of the lesson:

Guys, listen! (The sound of the sea surf sounds). What is this noise? This sea is rustling. What is the name of our sea? Black Sea. Let's imagine that we left kindergarten and came to the seashore. Above we have a blue sky with clouds, golden sand under our feet, and in front of us is the sea. How beautiful around!

And how many words can you find if you look closely and think. After all, words can be found everywhere.

I will find words everywhere -
Both in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling
On the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard that?
No problem! Let's play a word!

Didactic exercise "Find words"

Find words in the sky.
(Clouds, birds, wind, clouds, plane, lightning, blue, sun.)

Find words in the sea.
(Water, wave, fish, seaweed, storm, crab, dolphin, jellyfish, ship.)

There are many different kinds of fish living in the sea. There are fish that are edible for humans. Fishermen catch them, and we buy, cook and eat. These are anchovy, herring, gobies, horse mackerel, flounder. There are dangerous fish. They can prick with a poisonous thorn, like a sea cat and a sea dragon; and even shock him like a stingray. Fishermen do not catch them, because meeting such fish is very unpleasant.
All fish have a tail. He serves as their steering wheel. Fish also have fins. What do you think fins are for? The word itself will tell you. Fish need fins to swim.
Of course, fish have eyes. What are eyes for? The body of fish is covered with plates - scales.

Guys, listen to a funny poem about how fish love to smile. And don't just listen, but tell me the words.

Didactic game "Tell me a word"

If it's a fish, it has a smile.
If it's a fish, she has ... (smile).
If it is a fish, it has… (smile).
If it is a fish, it has… (smile).
If this is fish - she has ... (smiles).

Not only in our sea are the princesses of the sea - a goldfish who can speak with a human voice and fulfill wishes. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote a fairy tale about such a fish. This tale is called “The Tale of the Goldfish”. Listen to an excerpt from this tale, which tells the story of how an old man threw a seine into the sea - such a large fishing net for catching fish - and a goldfish fell into this seine.

Reading an excerpt from "The Tale of the Goldfish" by Alexander Pushkin

For the third time he threw the net, -
A net came with one fish.
With a difficult fish - gold.
How the goldfish will pray!
In a human voice he says:
"Let go of you, old man, into the sea,
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I will pay off whatever you want. "
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard a fish speak.
He let go of the gold fish
And he said to her an affectionate word:
"God is with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Step into the blue sea
Take a walk there for yourself in the open. "

Now let's play. Come out onto the carpet.

Dynamic pause "The sea is worried"

The sea is worried once
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three,
Show me how the fish swim!
(Feet shoulder-width apart, swinging arms from right to left, depicting waves)

The fish swam, dived
In the blue sea water.
Then they will converge, disperse,
They will bury themselves in the sand.
(Hands in front of the chest with folded palms, scattering, bending, convergence-divergence, squatting).

And now I suggest you draw a goldfish.

Drawing "Goldfish"

Pay attention to the shape of the body of the fish? What color is the goldfish?
What does the fish have?
Show progress of work.

To make the fish beautiful, let's draw scales for it.
And we will also draw pebbles and algae so that the fish has a place to hide.
Show progress of work.
Doing work by children with background music.
Children lay out the finished work on a common surface.

Guys, do you like the drawings of your comrades? What kind of drawings did you like? Why did you like them?

Guys, let's dream up. What would happen if a goldfish offered us to fulfill our desires? What would you ask a fish for? Think! So I would ask the fish that my grandfather recovered as soon as possible and not get sick anymore, and my whole family went on a long and interesting journey. What are your desires? Children tell their desires, and the teacher writes them down on the back of the drawing.

Synopsis of an integrated modeling lesson

for children of the first younger group

"House for a goldfish"

Software content:

  1. To acquaint children with a goldfish and its house - an aquarium;
  2. Consider what is in the aquarium (water, pebbles);
  3. Develop the ability to pinch off a piece of plasticine from a large piece;
  4. Learn to press a piece of plasticine to a sheet of paper;
  5. Develop the ability to distinguish and name colors - red, blue;
  6. Form the concept of "one", "many";
  7. Enter the words "aquarium", "fins" into the active vocabulary of children;
  8. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  9. Foster a caring attitude towards living objects;
  10. Create an emotionally positive mood, satisfaction from your own work;

Preliminary work:

  1. Examining illustrations about fish;
  2. Consideration of fish and an aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten;
  3. Examination of pebbles for the aquarium;


  1. Aquarium;
  2. Pebbles for the aquarium;
  3. Gold fish;
  4. Plasticine of red and blue colors;
  5. Blanks made of cardboard - an aquarium with water - for each child and teacher;
  6. Blank paper goldfish for each child.
  7. 2 plates - with red and blue stones;
  8. Oilcloths;
  9. Gramophone;

Course of the lesson:

On the table is an aquarium with a fish, covered with a handkerchief.

Guys, what kind of surprise awaits us on the table? Let's come quietly, raise our handkerchief and see.

Glass house on the table

With clear water

With stones bright at the bottom

And with a gold fish.

Children look at an aquarium with a goldfish and colorful stones.

A glass fish house is called an aquarium.

(Children all together, and then individually repeat the word "aquarium").

The aquarium is made of glass, so you need to be careful not to crash the aquarium. Guys, what happens if the aquarium crashes? (Children think and make the simplest conclusions).

Yes, if the aquarium breaks and the water runs out, the fish will die. A fish can only live in water. And children can get hurt on broken glass.

Now let's see what is in the aquarium?

The aquarium is filled with clean water. Colored pebbles lie at the bottom of the aquarium - they delight our fish, looking at the colored pebbles, the fish becomes more cheerful. Let's say what color the pebbles are in our aquarium. (The teacher shows 2 plates with red and blue stones. Children name the colors). Our fish is not simple, our fish is gold. Look how beautiful she is! The fish have fins on the back and tummy. (Children all together, and then individually repeat the word "fins"). And the fish also has a very beautiful tail. The fish need to be fed. The fish eats fish food (the teacher shows the children the food) or bread crumbs. (The teacher feeds the fish and reads a poem).

The fish swims in the water

The fish is fun to play.

Fish, fish - mischievous,

We want to catch you

The fish wagged its fin,

The fish waved its tail,

I took a crumb of bread

And she swam quietly.

Guys, how many fish are swimming in our aquarium? (One).

(The teacher individually asks several children).

Guys, do you want our fish to have friends? (Yes).

Only first, you need to prepare a house for the fish where it will live.

The aquarium with water is ready, but I didn't have time to prepare the colored stones. You guys will have to work hard, decorate your aquarium with colored stones, which we will prepare from plasticine.

Children come up to the tables, on which are the blanks of the aquarium and plasticine of red and blue colors. Quiet music sounds. Children raise their sleeves.

The teacher takes red plasticine.

Name this color to me. (Red).

From a large piece

Pinch off a piece

And along the bottom of the sheet

Apply - press.

Pinch off a piece

Apply - press.

When the children stick enough red "stones" on, the teacher suggests that the children put plasticine and perform finger exercises.

Your pens were busy

Your fingers have tried.

Take pebbles in your hands

Rub them softly

Put it back.

It's the same with blue plasticine. As it is completed, the teacher posts the children's work on the board. Children admire the work, and the teacher says that if the fish like your aquariums, they will definitely settle in them.

The teacher invites the children to come back to the aquarium. At this time, the junior educator sticks the blanks of the goldfish with the help of plasticine for children's work.

Guys, what's the name of the fish house? (Children chorus and individually repeat the word "aquarium").

The fish has a tail and ....? (Children chorus and individually repeat the word "fins)."

How many fish are swimming in the aquarium? (One).

Oh, what miracles are there?

Come closer children.

See what we see:

You did not work in vain

Goldfish -

I sailed to each house.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the fish that have appeared in the aquarium. Children rejoice at the appearance of fish.

Guys, there is only one fish on the table in the aquarium, but how many fish are there on the board in your aquariums? (Children chorus and individually repeat the word "a lot").

Our fish is not simple

Our goldfish

I told you to tell:

“Well done, what children!

There is no one better than you in the world!

Thank you all, friends!

Abstract of educational activities in modeling in the second junior group

gold fish

Shaikhutdinova Chulpan Salikhovna


Republic of Tatarstan city of Elabuga

MBDOU kindergarten combined type №36 "Spark"

Direction: artistic and aesthetic
Main educational area: art. creation
Software content:

Introduce children to the aquarium

To consolidate the knowledge of a circular shape, roll it between the palms, modeling with your fingers. Learn the technique of pulling, flattening. Learn to convey the characteristic features of a fish, designate a stack of fish scales.

Foster a caring attitude towards living objects

Create an emotionally positive mood, satisfaction from your own work

Preliminary work: Examining illustrations about fish;

Consideration of fish and an aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten;

Examining pebbles for the aquarium


Aquarium, pebbles for an aquarium, plasticine of red and blue colors, blanks made of cardboard - an aquarium with water, plates - with red and blue pebbles, oilcloths,

Educational activities:

Guys, look who came to visit us. (Dog) You know, they gave him an aquarium for his birthday. Who knows what an aquarium is? (This is where the fish live). Right. He has no fish in his aquarium. And he really wants you to dazzle him with fish. We blind the guys. (Yes) Do not worry, the little dog, now the guys are dazzling you with fish.

Guys, tell me, please, what does the fish have?

Body, head, tail, scales, floats.

Well done.

Now I will show you how to sculpt a fish, and you will take a close look. We put plasticine between our palms and roll it, it turns out a circle, then we flatten it like this, you see. Now we take one side and pull it out, it turns out the head, but now what do we need to do? (Tail)

Pull out the other side and flatten it. And how should the floats be made?

From above we pinch with our fingers like I do, and we depict the scales with a stack. What did we do?

A fish.

Now let's get to work. We do as I showed.

Guys. You are already tired, let's do finger gymnastics.

Your pens were busy

Your fingers have tried.

Take pebbles in your hands

Rub them softly

Put it back.

When completed, I posted the children's work on the board. Children admire the works, and I say that if the dog likes your fish, they will definitely settle in them. I draw the attention of children to the fish that have appeared in the aquarium. Children rejoice at the appearance of fish.

And now the dog and I will see how you blinded, how you did it.

What kind of fish did you get, well done guys.

I analyze the work.

The dog's aquarium was filled with beautiful fish.