Stories about deadly childbirth. Between life and death: about complex childbirth with a happy ending. About rudeness and unprofessionalism doctors. Love Abramova, a former pediatrician, mother of three terrestrial children and one heavenly kid

On February 13, my son turned 8 years old. 13th .. not that I did not feel bad to this number, but also impressions, there were not very good with him, there were not very good .. My friend is confident that it is because of it all misfortunes, because The 13th, I do not remember what month and the year, her son died from an ordinary cold. Everything is possible, but I somehow do not believe in such things, so I will not thicken the paint.

At the beginning of the summer of 2005, I learned that I was pregnant. My husband, now former, reacted to this news Rivne. He said only that this is my business - to give birth or not. My so mine, especially if he was even against, I would still decide to leave the child. After all, I was sure that there would be a boy, as I wanted. And as you can see, I was not mistaken. By the way, this was my second pregnancy. My older daughter at that time was a year and a half. I always dreamed that I had had a videos and a boy and a girl.

Everything was fine. Fears, as at first pregnancy, was not at all. Especially since everyone said that the second child was lighter. My husband was then a sailor. The year was in the sea, two or three months at home. When I was on the fifth month, he went to the sea. We stayed together with my daughter. Maybe the pregnancy influenced, but in the soul there were insults. It seemed to me that I was thrown. I often cried at night, feeling myself the most unhappy and deprived. After all, it was my second pregnancy "alone." For the first time, the husband came only to childbirth.

So, my pregnancy proceeded well, I didn't complain about health, wearing the baby was easy. Small problems, however, appeared in the second half. I began to fall the pressure, because it often happened in my eyes, storm. But I did not worry about myself, because of the child, because In time attended the doctor, surrendered analyzes, in general, was an exemplary and obedient patient of the female consultation. My analyzes were always normal, the results of the ultrasound were pleased, the doctors suled a healthy baby - what else can you need? But one day, when it was completely a little bit known, I suddenly began to feel some strange, never previously experienced, pain that became more intense every day. The pubic bone was sick. It is strange to feel like. After all, in the first pregnancy there was no such. During the next visit to the doctor, I told him everything in the smallest details, which heard a short answer: "How did you want? The child grows, presses. You will give birth - everything will be held. " I even delighted such an answer, I decided that nothing terrible, indeed, times so easily reacted. Moreover, I knew that every pregnancy proceeds in its own way that much depends on the position of the fetus, its size, prediction, etc. etc. Yes, and a gynecologist, a pleasant woman in all respects, inspired confidence.

I calmed down, but it was unreening with pain. Every day I only got worse. At night I could not move, and in the morning I needed half an hour to break up to walk at least as an old duck. No more bothered anything, but it was enough in full. Imagine: the child is shouting in the next room, and you can't do it before you, nor Did Poland. What about him? Stuck? Fell? Maybe urgently need help? In general, the picture is cracked. But still, I had to go, because We were only together with my daughter. And she needed and cook, and wash, well, in general, to whom I tell ..

Some kind of miracle, I continued to visit my gynecologist weekly, take tests. Each time I with tears in my eyes told the doctor and the nurse, as it hurts me and is hard to walk. But they only smiled at me in response and promised that everything would be completely over soon. With what impatience I waited for childbirth, it is simply impossible to describe. And finally, the moment came when I felt the first contractions. It seems to be scary, but I was happy as a child. Very soon, my suffering will end - I thought, although the real torment was waiting for me ahead .. me and my son. But in the morning, 12 February, nothing foreshadowed trouble. My mother-in-law was spent the night with me. She was also very happy, especially for me to face the 12th, and not the 13th. It was not the most irrelevant attitude towards this number. And she seemed to feel that if I was late, then something would happen.

I waited until the interval between the fights was reduced to 10 minutes, and caused an ambulance. The most interesting thing is that I was not at all worried and was not afraid of the upcoming pain, although for the first time I was dissolved only after 41 hours of battles and 4 hours of fence! On the contrary, I was pleased with the approach of childbirth. Moreover, my belly was not as big as before the first kinds, and I was confident that I sneak painlessly and quickly. And here I am in the maternity hospital. After all the procedures, I leave me in the prenatal one on one with its fights. Strange, but besides me there was no longer anyone. Although in the evening of the pathology for pregnant women led one woman, but after a while he took again. I stayed quite alone. The pain transferred quite easily, did not scream and did not go crazy, as at first birth. The night has come. I did not have time to give birth to the 12th ..

When my time came, they rigged the staircase to it. I had to climb her. And then the worst thing began. Trying to put the leg on the first step, I suddenly realized that I could not lift my leg. Not only because of hellish pain, but also because I prevented something to do it. I felt some kind of crunch and tingling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis. She told about it to everyone who was near. For some reason, there were many people. Probably because there were no birthday anymore. Suddenly everyone drove out, left, leaving me alone. In the corridor, I heard whisper, but could not disassemble who he was talking about. I began to understand what is happening something wrong. Nobody reacted into my questions, and it was further horror. After some time, an unfamiliar doctor came, asked me about how my first birth was held, whether there is an extract and that's it. I told briefly, sometimes shouting during a fence. He did not answer my questions. Gone. Two guys came, watered me to the catal and were lucky. We drove for a long time. On long corridors, then in the elevator, then again by corridors. Finally, stopped. Around the incomprehensible people in home clothes, with broken hands and legs, close to the same wheel, twisted from pain. I saw the office, the entrance to which was "strictly prohibited." And then I was painted - we are in traumatology, at the x-ray office. I asked: "Why don't we go?" I was dryly answered: "Queen." Imagine: I give birth and at the same time stand in the queue on x-ray!

The queue was, fortunately, small and accepted me. Then waited for the result, then the doctor, then the verdict. But I did not say anything, I waited in the corridor. On the way back, some woman leaned back in a white coat and for some reason he said: "You have a flicker of the pubic bone. 7-8 mm. If you give birth to yourself, you can stay crippled, and you have children. So think. " Thinking in such a situation and with such sensations is very difficult. I realized that it was necessary to think about the cesarean section, and decided to rely on the opinion of doctors. As they say, I will do, "I thought," after all, doctors will not be bad. I was brought to the signature paper - consent to the operation. To read, as you understand, there was no strength, no desire, - just rather it all ended. Signed.

Looking a little ahead, I will say that then, and maybe now too, obstetres for each operation received an additional salary. That I learned much later than childbirth. Then I understood what those whispers were about. By the way, a traumatologist who visited me after the operation was very surprised that I was operated on. How is Cesarean? What for? Second genera and caesarean? - he was amazed. It turns out that at my "crack", which was just a physiological difference of bones, which always happens during childbirth, I could give birth to myself! But how then premium ..

Return to childbirth. I give birth or not, I did not understand. Every half a minute me, and maybe more often, I do not remember. After I signed the paper, I was immediately decided to carry me to the operating room. And about, horror! She was not ready! And the most interesting thing that I was not ashamed to say it. Okay, I was not planned to operate, but how are Emergency cases? But it was no one to dealt. I was connected to a dropper, stopping the generic activity! It was scary. Truly scary. Every time the midwife ran into the ward and listened to the child's heartbeat, I looked at her face with horror. It became more tried to truck me, but also strongly and long as before. Finally, after two (!) Hours of expectations, I was lucky to cut. About how they twisted me and the prick, as they got only from the 4th time, as shouted at me, that I sobly my child, I will keep silent. It was not the most terrible. I felt something bad. I do not know what exactly, but bad. Barely audible "Lord, help!" From surgeons killed the last hope of a happy finale.

Happened. I finally showed my son. He looked strong, strong. Only the color of his skin seemed a little bluish or even with a purple tint. But, be that as it may, he cried, which means it was alive. And it was the most important thing for me. I was put on my chest literally for a second. Weight 3450, height 52. This is the only pleasant thing I heard over the past day. Then the convulsions began to reduce me. Again the fuss, running. General anesthesia in Vienna.

I woke up from a terrible stomach pain. Anesthesia moved, and the wound hurts. I do not understand what I am, where I am, a day or night. Looked around. Lying several moms on the same couches, and next to them in glass cradle lie kids. And I have no one .. I asked the nurse, she replied: all questions to the doctor. Asked to drink, did not give. I learned that I lost a lot of blood, what a transfusion did. I fell asleep again.

I woke me a pretty woman with a scythe on side, head of the children's office. Said me to go beyond her. I just asked: "Is he alive?" "Live" - \u200b\u200bshe replied. We came to children's resuscitation. I have never seen before and I would not think that so many tubes can hang out of the baby. For my pale and thin boy breathed a huge apparatus. The lump approached the throat, but I did not cry. The doctor calmly told me that on the second day my son stopped breathing that hemorrhage had a brain, and that they would do everything possible to save him. And she also said that I would not much hoping that he would be a full-fledged child .. I didn't quite understand what she was talking about. After all, I encountered so for the first time. The fact that he was simply pulled out of the tricks back, I was told later, and completely different doctors ..As if zombies, I came out of resuscitation and went as if in the void. Moms passed by moms with children in her arms, I accompanied them with a look, and it seemed to me that all this happens in a dream.

However, I encountered that there is no real reality. My son lay in a coma of 11 days. Slept. I was happy. And then - pathology, neurology, diagnoses and infinite treatment, which lasts to this day. Treatment from the incurable disease - cerebral palsy. But this is a completely different story. Who is guilty? Doctor from a female consultation that did not send me a x-ray? Or doctor from the maternity hospital, which made me an operation in the absence of testimony? I dont know. I only know what is absolutely healthy, the duddy child has become a disabled person in his or my fault. By the way, in my discharge from the hospital it is written that during pregnancy I got rubella. Although I heard about such a disease, but I don't know anything. From me wanted to make a guilty, as you can see. But they work further. How many women will still suffer, and how many children are unknown. Scary to think about it. And no need.

I don't want to scare anyone, I just want to warn everyone who is going to become a mother. Watch your health yourself, it is not necessary to fully trust doctors. Contact other specialists if some did not help. Everyone in our hands, you just need to learn to listen not only to others, but also to yourself.

It came on July 8, I have a reception in the LCD. Because The term was already 40 weeks and 4 days, I decided to take a package with me in the LCD, and from it with the direction immediately to go to the hospital number 14, he is across the road ... He came to the maternity hospital, from 8:30 to 13:00 he sat in line at the reception of the guinea, the people - to be worked out.

I made me, looked at the neck - not matured, and with things they were carried out in the ward of the department of pathology, and I did not have pathologies. I thought that they would make tests and would send me to stimulate - kindness excitement, because The term was already normal, but they apparently decided to pull to the end ... I passed all the tests, CTG, ultrasound - everything is fine))) And hemoglobin has become 120 without any tablets! And before that, 113 was.

The ultrasound said that the weight is 3,600 gr., And that it is time to give birth because of the old placenta. For the preparation of the neck, I am 3 days by Kolya No-Shpu, for 3 days I looked at the chair and Oh, a miracle! Standing the traffic jam and the neck softened. Periodically, the doctors from the generic block were visited, because I had training, the stomach was drawn and Kamenene, but I didn't know, then or not that ...

On July 12, I was tired of Taaapa there, I decided - it's time, and once again asked to go to my doctor's duty. She came at 22:30, examined me and said to raise up, we have a generic unit there ...

I gathered my bags, went to the enema and in the souls, changed to the pure Roddomov shirt and the midwife led me on these maze of the hospital for the 4th floor. They came, I handed over the packages, allowed to take a bottle of water into the genera. They were held in the generic, she turned out to be very large, the bed-transformer bed was in the middle, on the contrary, 2 huge spotlights hung on the ceiling, as from the space)), not far from the bed there was a table under the water, next to the KTG apparatus, on the wall - clock in the bed who sat the battery, and therefore I had no idea how much time ...

He struck 00:00, the 13th number, on the street thunderstorm ... straight mysticism))) Soon the doctor came, I lay down on a chair, she began to inspect. The neck is slightly misunderstood, but apparently there was a disclosure. By 1.5 fingers (it seems like that). Then she silently began to do something there, picking up anything, and I could not see anything because of the belly ((, as I understood a little later, she pierced a bubble, and began to merge the water ... Brr ... so unpleasant, still puts his fingers down on The crotch and water is a hot stream runs in a pelvis under the chair ... And quite a lot ... Then she left, the midwife said to walk along the robblock, wait for the fights and opening the neck ... Everyone left, I stayed alone, the window was open, and there is a thunderstorm, shower!

On the building, the clinic on the contrary hung a clock, but they were poorly visible because of the trees. In short, I walked around 2 hours, I looked at the clock. The contractions were with a break of 3 minutes. The door was also open, doctors, midwives were worn along the corridor, sometimes terrible screams were spent on the neighboring blocks, but I didn't pay attention to them and thought only about "us" ...

I'm tired of walking, lay on the bed, I set KTG, after a couple of hours, another doctor came - a man, inspected the neck, and she didn't want it ... I really didn't want to take birth, because A simple inspection was torture: he did not wait, he didn't care, the fight or not (((leaving, ordered to put the drip of the Enzoprost, put the catheter on the wrist, and again everyone left me for an hour two, the midwife only looked around, and I only looked Everyone was lying and worried about the fight, as it turned out, not the strongest ...

I lay, wriggled, but silent))), on the corridor, rumor was carried that this man decides to Caesar me (((I'm shocked, I think everything is so bad? And after some time there are 2 absolutely other women, I learned, I learned Who among them, only after childbirth! One of them climbed into my neck again, thought and said to put me another dropper with some mixture of hormones, I did not hear what exactly, but after it began such contractions !!!

I thought it was climbing the ceiling, and there were no breaks between them, one pointed and immediately started to grow the other ... and I could not get out of bed, because the KTG device was on me, so I was spinning on the bed. By the way, the CTG was visible when they begin to grow and weaken the contractions. I was covered with cold later, the shirt and hair could be squeezed ... But then it passed, and I dried! I present my hairstyle then))).

An obstetrician came, removed the CTG, said standing next to the bed, and when a fight, bend forward on the bed so that the neck was apparently opening under the pressure of the fetus, the gaps appeared between the fights again. I had time to go in a break in a small to the ship, drove water, and the midwife came soon and said to lie on the bed again ... I spoiled through my side, because It was impossible to sit down, then 1 out again 1 out of those 2 women (doctor) and said that I was stuck prednisone, and I should sleep half an hour before the "most responsible moment." I asked: "What about the fights? I will feel them? ", She said:" Yes, but you will be in half a day, and you will not pay attention to them ... ", but it was not here !!! I paid attention to and as !!! True, I cut down for 1-2 minutes, when the fight began to weaken .... As in the fog))) After anesthesia, it was somehow so it was, long ago, long ago ... And suddenly, I felt that I was starting to get rich in, and next to anyone! At 10 minutes later, the midwife came, I told her that I was fret, and she told me tolerate and not to sleep, like a cervix is \u200b\u200bnot disclosed and I will break it, if I won't control my breath ... I didn't get anything, and I was afraid to harm myself and Daughter, but after the doctor went, and said that it is necessary to be stupid, and it is necessary to restrain)) I am accustomed at me))).

A little later, my robbock was revived, the doctor and 2 midwives came, they began to prepare any tools, materials. Raised the back of the bed to sitting, we had a rag stockings on the knee, they said to put the feet in the stops, which were parallel to the back of the bed (vertical), raised the side handrails with 2 pairs of handles, began to process me with iodine, etc. All preparation in full swing! By the way, my stomach has never sank ...

The athletes began to strengthen, the doctor and midwife got across the opposite me and began to tell that how would it go, which I need to do how to breathe. It began the most interesting thing ... During the sweat, it was necessary to pull the chin to the stomach and pull up for the handrails, but for some reason I wanted to repel them from them))), inhaling the nose-exhalation of the mouth and long, they pressed back to Bed back! Yoga - rests, I did not imagine that I could, knees to the ears))).

They commented on every fast, how much and how to behave, in short, I was calm and trusted completely. When the head is visible, the doctor said that she was curly)))) and asked who it was? I say: in dad. Then I warned the doctor that I don't want me to make episiotomy, and that I myself do not want to break))). She said he would look in circumstances, and how I would obey. I promised that I would do everything they say.

Docha was born at 12:45, on July 13, at 8-10 hops, immediately screamed, the doctors said more that the largest, but I somehow did not repel much. I put it on my stomach, they said, keep tightly with two hands !!! They began to wait for the placenta ... It was so painful when she began to squeeze her with his hands, but she immediately came out, all entirely!

Cut the umbilical cord, took the daughter on the table to process and measure it. When we said, I and the doctor were surprised - 4030 !!! Growth 54 cm, head circle 33 cm, abdomen 34 cm. The doctor and midwife began to congratulate me with successful childbirth, they said what I was well done that myself gave birth to such a big daughter! It's not without difficulty, but herself, and that man is a doctor at all hysterle that I myself do not face what I need to sit ...

In general, everything ended wonderful, addicted absolutely healthy, without any deviations and generic injuries. I really have small holes in the vagina, but they were laid and said that it was nonsense and quickly heals, the main thing is that the crotch and cervical))) and you can sit! I immediately processed everything and brought lunch, I washed, my daughter was attached to the chest, she immediately realized that you need to do and correctly took the chest ... We were laying so 2 hours, I drank a liter of water, thirst for such after giving birth was! Then they plunged we were loaded onto the stationery and descended to the postpartum department, where for the first time in a long time I lay down on the stomach !!! I was told so hour to lie so that the uterus was cut ...

In half an hour, they brought another guynaught, with which we were then lying together in the ward, the Chamber Double. And on the 4th day we were discharged, and dad brought us home!

I am so grateful to the doctor and obstetrician (Olga Zavyalova), if they were not, what would be ?? Very lucky in such a mystical day!

As it was joyful and I want to say a little scary to find out that I finally pregnant. The pregnancy proceeded perfectly, I felt myself fine, ran, danced and at 36 weeks even wanted to climb on the peak Chekhov, confident that I have enough strength. The beginning of pregnancy I was all looked at my stomach and thought when he would grown. And on the second month I bought myself a pants, because all the other things, as it seemed to me, already taped.
Toxicosis was not particularly tormented by me, I couldn't eat my meal, so I went to my mother to eat fried chims. But a couple of times I broke in practice, the benefit saved a big and long scarf (for at that time I constantly zoomed and silent - the doctor said, this is an allergy such), and Scarf saved, because I did not have time to reach the toilet. The stomach rose quickly, and by the end I am amazed how the skin and the abdominal muscles can stretch well (and how bad or long they return to the opposite position). So ... at night I slept like that, as if my belly was not at all.
And with this great prayer I passed on the rights (what like everything was sitting in the queue from 2 to 5, without hoping that someone would give me), with this great prayer wrote a diploma, I passed the states and my memory from a large watermelon I have Not much worsened, moreover, for the first time in full time studies at the university, I first learn all the tickets and knew all the questions, so I felt calm. Although in one state. The exam had to make a guilty face and straight before the answer to take up to the "n" one, to whom I fled so that then my bold breath teachers took over the excitement, which allegedly taught me ...

But after 36 weeks everything has changed, it was extremely difficult to walk ... Girly get rights and drive by car, I went to the end of pregnancy by car, and not in public transport, where one passenger seat, probably it would be not enough \u003d). And already at 36 week I began to hope that as soon as possible. Well, somewhere for 36 weeks was the night, when I thought it began, the stomach was very dragging and I wanted to the toilet in a little. When I asked the forum in the forum, almost everyone was sent to the hospital, they say you give birth, and what are you sitting in Neta when things are time to collect. In fact, the baby just lowered, pressed on some nerve there (education does not allow me to know, scientific name) and on the bladder, respectively.

With such success, I reached 39 weeks, tormented by the question, why I still did not give birth, because I persuaded my crumb, so persuaded. I went to the reception, my doctor looked at my swelling, said that it would be necessary to shoot in hospitals. This is now an experienced and understand that all this fairy tales - all pregnant swells, especially in the heat and that she decided to simply progress. I poured so that even dumb blue Chinese rubber sneakers in which I had to walk, I was small. And in general, in a split form with these eductions, I looked like elephant.

In general, exactly 39 weeks on Tuesday, gathered things and to the regional hospital in the pathology of pregnant women. A woman in the reception looking at my term and belly, doubted that I would lie to and think that I would probably have time to me in the city hospital. And I thought to rejoice at me or not. Together with me, a small low woman with a big belly and also with edema and also on the same date.
I lacquered for a whole week, the treatment was carried out by any tablets I tried not to drink a lot, especially since the obscure color tincture. Every day we got up in the morning, went to the nurses, measured us pressure, everyone tried to avoid the scales that stood in the reception - why once again nervous? Then, as a rule, at the watch 10 came the doctor with a trainee, who could never find the little heart, to listen to him and the meal of the belly so that it looked extremely scary on the outside, and then it's funny that we all restrained laughter .. after examining a doctor Everything in the ward, including I ran home.
In general, I, of course, I wanted to give birth at home, but in the hospital it was calmer on the side that I was not afraid of our sofa, which watered waters could pretrately sang. This, then I realized that the water did not depart a bucket of water as from under the tap ... at least, it does not happen.
So on August 5, at night, I look, a neighbor on the ward sits on the bed and somehow breathing nervously. I get up, I ask what? And she is enough. I'm talking about it is probably you give birth to start. She is so early, we have not bought anything yet. 35 week of current (and she from South Kurilsk in general). There is another neighbor on the ward. Mass shake begins. I first saw how a man begins to give birth to me. In short, we sent her to the hospital, she, saying goodbye to us, said "Well, we will meet in the maternity hospital." On this day, in theory, I had to write. But I laughed in this when the doctor who observed me sent me to the head of Inn Yaroslavovna, oh my woman, why did she do it?! Lit on the chair, and about horror, how it hurts it !!! "Well, two fingers I squeezed, and the neck is not yet acting," she replied. And I - "hurt !!". She is "do not worry, for that fights are not so harsh." I calmed down, I think "Well, okay, the worst behind, once the fight is not such a harsh." It is a pity that such doctors do not sit for being misleading, now I know how bad the contractions. In short, I went later, like a shot down. It was terribly hurt to go, docking to the House of Square looked at the village. In general, after that, it began to move the plug apparently. But do not think that she is something similar to a plug of a bottle with champagne, it was some kind of blood mucus. But to give birth - I thought I would not soon, because the cork and a month could move. In short, after that, I was sent to the small woman with a big belly in the city hospital at ambulance. Brought. There were no places in the hospital. A couple of hours were sitting on the chair and waited for the release of bed.

There was a place, laid out things, chatted a little bit with her neighbors, I went through my husband, dinner. It was about 9-10 pm. Well ... seems to have started, I thought, when I began to feel light contractions. At that moment I thought "Oh, well, it's not so scary." With the help of breathing, I facilitated myself pain and everything doubted to go or not go to the nurse to inform news. I thought about what could be me to sleep, but still the contractions did not allow me to me, they repeated every 15 minutes only cheered me. In general, I dragged to the nurse, which at this time (about 11.30 pm) already slept sweetly. She went out in a nightie with Bigways on bangs (apparently prepared for the change of shift ). She was not quite satisfied. I called the doctor (as long as the doctor called, I stood in the corridor and swayed the hips, it somehow facilitated pain), I looked at me (he was also sleepy). I regretted it, said, they say I do not give him to sleep . Another view of the cervix, oh mommy, and someone told me that it was not so painful. The doctor told me that I wait another hour two and if nothing stops, so that I would call them. I am lying on the bed and I think it started or did not start. Watching the hips on the bed and hoping that further contractions would not be much painful, and the dreaming that after 6 I am definitely a face (naive rural girl). 3 o'clock in the morning, nothing stopped, went again. The doctor inspected, set the KTG (this is the device that fixes the contamination and heartbeat dity). He said to the sister, so that I made me the injection of Noshp and the enema. She did to me in the procedural office, where in the couches, where the drops of pregnant women are usually put on the couch, it was no longer a lot of the drops that in normal wards there was no place. In general, I made me an enema ... And I went to collect my manatki in the ward. Led me to Rodanal. Oh horror, and here I give birth?! Nambol 4, two beds on the sides that have more resembled the tables for the storage of corpses and in the middle a large obstetric table "for torture." And two rubber balls in the corner, one of which I actively used ... in my opinion yellow or green?

With that in the corridor, I met with the little woman with a big belly, she began to give birth at the same time, but I didn't hear any screams, nothing ... In general, she probably would probably bore 30 in minutes, weighing more than 4 kg, with Its growth 150 cm and weight probably 40 kg.
In general, I lacquered in this rhodtle from three o'clock, constantly running into the toilet. Then I heard as in the neighboring rhodtle shouts the girl "I'm going around now!". She repeated this phrase several times, and then I heard the voice of a doctor, addressed to the nurse "Remain, please. Yes, this happens. " The girl came from the house and the disclosure was already 9 cm, so she gave birth quickly. And I, waking up to the toilet with the fights, spied in the ward and envy that someone has already ended. And then for about 9 am, he met a woman in the same corridor, another neighbor on the ward (then she said that, why our first-boring girl, a neighbor in the ward in the regional pathology, "we will meet in the hospital"), who at that time was I think 36 weeks. In six, the uncle-doctor came and decided to pierce the bubble to me, so that the process was faster. He offered me to pierce it even earlier, so that the fight went faster, but I pulled and refused. Before that, I was told that it was not painful. But apparently in my case it did not work. It was hurt, and the baby did not like it either. After 3 hours it turned out that the neck is never revealed, and another team of doctors decided to put a dropper already with oxytocin. Well, there are births already control these drops of oxytocin, and not my body. I want to say that when the bubble pinched the contractions began very strong.
I walked around the ward, pushed the hips, breathed, it was still hurt. And I smoked, persuaded doctors to allow my husband. Allowed, a husband came, who was unroakful, in the pants, in which he is usually sleeping (nothing suitable was found \u003d)). When I was told that the neck did not open, I was very sorry for myself, especially when they said that the fights would be much harsh. In short, I put a dropper with me, from which I then almost all the fights dangled along the town. And then the very nightmare began. The fights almost immediately, that is, from the clock 9-10 began in almost 2 minutes. In short, through an hour of such kits, I hung on my husband's neck or clouded about him, I can't cry! From such pain, I could no longer restrain the cry. Misha was all the time near, sometimes reminded me how to breathe. He did a massage to me, blowing me. Kissed and said what I am beautiful. Although in fact, I looked terribly dirty, hungry, shaggy, in an incomprehensible nightie, which Mom apparently bought on the Sewing factory "Vera". In general, according to the old beliefs, the giving birth to a woman should remove everything that it can be punched, rings, earrings, elastic bands on her hair, etc.

But the doctor who came to the ward, seeing her husband, only asked the displeased "And what do we have partnerships here?".

And if something comes to mind - then I will definitely write.

Such a popular topic is natural kinds that I just could not pass by ...I often read and rejoice or gently with the authors, I remember my story. It has passed 3.5 years, and as if it was yesterday ...

It is possible that experienced woman in labor has already been tired of readers with their tearful stories and hundreds of thousands of letters. But I still hope that someone my story will be useful.

I trimester

The fact that I was pregnant, I learned at the 3rd week (December 25, 2011) (I was then almost 20). The physical condition and inner sensation indicated that. Immediately turned to the doctor, made an ultrasound, solemnly announced the "pregnancy".

The first 3 months were simply magic. I practically did not feel sick, I did not experience any ailments. All analyzes were normal, the state is excellent. The tummy became noticeable for 3 months. Everything was fine and nothing foreshadowed trouble.

II trimester

Here it just started ...

The belly of grew rapidly quickly. Each month I added 1.5-2 kg. Doctor constantly scolded me and threatened: "I do not disengage." I began to limit myself in nutrition, but the weight arrow stubbornly crawled up. The first stretch marks appeared on the stomach ... These bright purple stripes plunged me in shock. The cream, oils began to rub every day in the stomach. Then I was still hoping that with them it would be possible to do something.

But, as it turned out, it was only flower. Problems with kidneys began ... The kidneys are hereditary in my generic branch the sick topic. And here is still pregnancy as provocation. Also, I twice managed to catch cold.

The child developed normally, but already (seems) on the 3rd ultrasound, the phrase "large fruit", which pursued me up to the birth.

There was a pleasant moment during this period - ultrasound showed that there will be a boy. I wanted a boy, so the news became a balsam, for my exhausted experiences of the soul.

III trimester

The most difficult period for me. Even remembered with difficulty ...

Summer 2012, July-August. Heat, walk hard, permanent shortness of breath, swelling.

A bunch of unpleasant diagnoses, multi-way, ureaplasmosis. In the results of the ultrasound appeared new terrible conclusions: a double curse, a large head of the fetus, the threat of premature birth. I was lying on the preservation. The child was very active, I was kicking a lot and constantly turned over. At each ultrasound, it was differently located: it passed to us with his ass, he fought cams. Because of such hyperactivity, the doctor until the day X could not determine: I myself will give birth or do Cesarean. Meanwhile, the presumptive date of childbirth fell on August 24.

August for me became a terrible sleep. I barely moved, terribly sick bones pelvis. Sometimes it seemed to me that I hear how they would creak when discrepancies. I wanted to drink a lot, but only 1 liter was allowed per day (taking into account liquid from soups, fruits, vegetables). It was hard to stand, lie at all unbearably. On my back, I chuckled, I was muttered on my side. Sleep became a dream. By the time, in total, I added 20 kg in weight.

It was not going to give birth not in the city hospital, but in the regional (rr-d). The doctor's choice came seriously. They became a man headed by the Observation Department. It was embarrassing, but at our first meeting he humoril him, encouraged me and I calmed down. Agreed that on August 18 I come and leaning to wait for my crumb under the evil eye of the doctor. But everything went not at all about the plan ...


I was not afraid of pain and suddenness. I madly wanted to give birth, because no strength was no longer ....

It happened on August 10th. Things have already been collected, because in our own estimates I had to give birth to the 12th. And the hiking bag waited for me, just in case.

I woke up at 5 am.In the abdomen there was a strange feeling of gravity, the baby greeting did not pass. I wanted hard to the toilet. I went, I saw some blood, rented. Girls who were lying with me on preservation by this time already gave birth and "pleased" me with stories about how the "traffic jam" goes before childbirth.

"Well, it started ..."- I thought then. Listened to his feelings. In the stomach somehow strange, but it does not hurt. Returned to bed, tried to fall asleep. At 5.30 I pierced my first pain.The bottom of the abdomen grabbed and did not let go of a minute 2. The pain was tolerant, I often have a stability in the usual condition hurts. What is the fight, I have no doubted. In the depths of the soul hoped that training, but Dr. was still called. He ordered over the hour to observe and, if the frequency of the fight will reach a 30-minute interval, immediately go to the hospital. I went to the shower, made all the necessary hygienic procedures and, looking at the clock, I realized that the battle the interval was close to 15 minutes. In the maternity hospital left immediately. Mom accompanied me.

The road took about 1.5 hours. It was hot since the morning, 20 minutes stood in traffic. The pain intensified, but I suffered. Most was afraid that the water would go away and I will look shamefully. By 9 o'clock, we finally got.The doctor was busy and about 30 minutes I waited him in the reception. It was hard and hurt, I wanted to lie down. What is there to lie down, I wanted to forget for a while.

When the doctor looked at me, I heard his appeal to the nurse: "Opening 8 fingers, to the prenatal, urgently!". Around me began a bustle. It became clear that the need of Cesarean had fallen by itself. The epidural was too late to do.

Then some moments fell out of memory, I was in some kind of prostration. I felt only the pain, and when she was released, there was an oblivion. In the prenatal around me constantly someone was. The doctor approached 5, every 15 minutes, probably. Water did not move away, I puncture a bubble. In the ward, they were connected to the CTG, put the nurse, which determined the beginning of the fight and, stroking me by hand, said: " Be patient, now it will be very painful". It is difficult for me to say how much time has passed since I was in the prenatal and before traveling to the generic. I think about an hour.The last time the doctor looked at me, he said: " We go to give birth".

The genuine horror film began. The swells were not strong enough, the doctor turned into a monster (as it seemed to me then). I heard him shouted: " Stronger, you strangle your child!"The process of birth of my crumbs lasted 40 minutes, and all this time I could not give birth to my head. I remembered the conclusion of the ultrasound: large head of fruit. Made an incision, it did not particularly help. Doctor pressed on the stomach during the dyg. I was still horrified: " What does he do?! It is also impossible". But I didn't interfere, he could be clearer. At some point, I suddenly became easily and the pain retreated. I didn't even understand what happened. It turns out that the head was gave birth to Holders. Further has already seemed to be a paradise Sine-purple (I'm not exaggerating or a drop) and shouted not immediately. Time was 11.20. She slapped his midwife or he himself, I did not see. But at 2 minutes later, Taaaaki squeak was heard on all the generic. He was laid for 2 seconds to me on the chest and I realized that he was there 100 times worse and more pain than me. Then again some kind of vanity, again easy amnenia. Neonatologist approached and said that the child is in order, everything is fine with him.

My childbirth in the certificate was denoted. as "Fast", that for a child is not good.

Postpartum period

The injection action began to weaken in 20 minutes. This is my second anesthesia in life and, even though the dose was minimal, I came to myself painfully. When it completely let go, asked the midwife to show me a child. Here is this tiny lump 3 800 and 52 cm.

He did not cry, funny smoking his lips. I somehow calmed down, everything seems to be fine.

I was placed in a 6-seater chamber. The first two days from dehydration I could not get drunk water. Fell severe hemoglobin, there was no strength to walk. In the ward hung a mirror and, looking at him, I did not recognize myself. White, like a wall, eyes failed ...

All this time, the doctor who took childbirth came strictly 2 times a day. I was interested in my deeds, I made an inspection.

As it should be, starting from the second day, the child was brought to feeding every 3 hours. The first 2 days he slept all the time.

Milk came on the second day, he had nowhere to go. I could not wake my child to feed. Even somehow boring became ...

Each day came neonatologist and told about every child, answered questions. She told me that the baby often crying greatly, he lacks milk, and he had a jossing (seen in the photo). But when I was brought to me, he did not look hungry, did not rush with greed on the chest.

In the ward was insanely hot. We opened windows to let the saving air. My bed was located opposite the window ... Freshness did not receive, however, and my baby was still blown. But about this later.

A week later, we were discharged.

The first 5 days of the house were a fairy tale. Eating every 3 hours, slept all night. From birth and until now, we have a holy night, we sleep.

For 5 days it became clear that something was wrong with the child. A runny nose in newborns is difficult to determine how milk falls into their nose and they can "rushing", mommies will understand me. But it seemed to me that this is the real runny nose. The temperature has risen. But the most strange was another moment - The kid looked out the left handle.She dangled like a gutaperchess. There was a grabbing reflex, he obviously did not own it. In addition, he constantly threw the head on the left side. Called a precinct doctor. She saw did not like it, she called an ambulance and put us in the department of the pathology of newborns. It turned out to be more painful and worse than childbirth ...

We arrived at about 18 hours. The bustle around began in the reception room. No one really explained anything to me, everyone referred to the attending physician. The doctor inspiring the baby twice, dissolved his hands, they say that with a handle, it is not clear. Caused from the children's neurological center of the neurologist. He arrived late, at night. For a long time, he told the handle, knocked, asked how childbirth was traced. Finally, the diagnosis: left-sided paralysis. From the word "paralysis" the world left under his feet. But the doctor explained that this is a generic injury. During the birth, the cervical vertebra shifted, he pulled the nerve and hand paralyzed. Prescribed treatment. ARVI was added to this that "inflated" in the ward.

And it began ... 5 injections per day, 12-15 jars with medicines 3 times a day. As you know, the hospital is treated from everything that is found from the rest is treated for prevention.

The first week was hellish. The hand of crumbs cried, any movement and touch brought him pain. Began problems with the tummy. He shouted on days and nights, and I no longer understand what he cries. The head was circle, it was scary and hurt, and everyone.

But by the end of the first week first progress appeared. Silen slept and the baby began to move his fingers on his hand.

We were continued to prick, drink syrup and feed pills. Added 3 hours of the lamp every day, because the jaundice did not go anywhere.

In total, in the hospital we have passed 18 days. Scary, at some point it seemed that hopeless days ... I was discharged with a whole roll of prescriptions from the neurologist. The extensive recovery complex was required so that the hand would develop normally and by the year my boy did not differ from the peers.

We were discharged and immediately started rescue measures. During the year, 5 courses of massages and exercises + electrofareza passed. The massage therapist came home and with his equipment, and for an hour spent the manipulation over the kid.

I think, thanks to her, we are still developing normally. Although the doctors "warned" that the nerve impulses in the hand will be weak, and therefore the child will feel bad and will not be able to fully control it fully.

In addition to massage courses there was a lot of surveys, we were pierced with needles, passed the current, through the handle and much more to reveal the nervous activity in the hand. We cole vitamins, visited the neurologist once every 3 months and fought against the ailment, as they could.

Physically, the child developed well. He sat down early, stood early in the walkers and went early.

In the photo he is 7 months old and he actively worms in the kitchen)

Until the year it was noticeable that his right handle was stronger and more involved. Then everything became equivalent, thanks to great work.

Now it is practically an adult, active (and in some places and hyperactive) the boy you can often see in my reviews. The trauma still left behind the mark in the form of an unbalanced nervous system. Many fears, tears and aggression we survived and also, I think I will survive.

The first, the most difficult year, after his birth, I often wondered if there was a doctor's wines and what exactly she was. And long reflecting, it came to the conclusion that everything was the best thing that could be worse. The doctor acted on the situation and saved the child, even if the price of salvation was so big.

Be healthy and happy!))

Hello! Not so long ago, I wrote a story about my unsuccessful births, about the care of my husband, how hard to live me. In this story I will only add. And so, I will soon have 36 years old, I'm divorced, there is no children, all the birth and pregnancy ended unsuccessfully. And now a month after the death of my child, I met a wonderful man and soon got pregnant! We decided to wait with the wedding, because we are so unforgetable each other we know!

For pregnancy, my cavalier responded calmly, you can even say that it is indifferent, but I was not before a love relationship, I shook my tiny. I was told on the ultrasound that there would be a boy, I was so happy that I couldn't believe my happiness for a long time - I will soon become a mom!

The pregnancy passed well, I had DA on July 7, 2009 (by the way, I wrote in the previous story over the years, i.e. Births were in 2008.), I prepared in advance, prepared for the baby all the cleanest, beautiful, tied little Socks, already imagined how I wear them on tiny legs ...
On July 3, my houses went out of the water, I rushed in the maternity hospital, looked - the disclosure of 5 cm, sent to the prenatal, the contractions were very painful, but for the sake of the baby I suffered, I was afraid to shout, and just bit his hand. When they started at the time, I climbed the chair, the attempts were also painful, but I still gave birth to 4 swells.

My Tinch immediately shouted, weighed it, measured. 3500 and growth 54 cm. He almost did not cry, he did not even have shown and immediately took place. I strongly broke, I was sewn under general anesthesia, but I was happy, I'm mom !! We were discharged after 3 days, but my kyryl mill went out very little, I slept all the time, for 3 days I heard his cry only 2 times and his eyes were very sad.
My child's father appeared in the maternity hospital only once, and when we came home, I told me that he didn't need a child, I was shocked, but it was one happiness - my killo!

I understood that we had a sink with my son, because the salary I had a kopeck, and help no one, but I felt that everything would be fine. In the evening, the day when we were discharged from the hospital in Kirill, the temperature rose, I immediately caused an ambulance, but in no one after an hour, nobody came to us to us, my son became quite sluggish, and the temperature is 40.0 smoothly !!! Then I grabbed the baby and ran with him to the hospital, we live, we live near. In the hospital, everyone began to fuss and put us in intensive care, Kirillka pricks, inserted droppers, and I sat in the corridor and cried, after an hour the doctor came out and said that tomorrow morning everything would be fine, then we will be transferred to the ward.
In the morning, the son did not become better when he was injured another injection, he cried out, his convulsions began and he began to choke. He was put on the apparatus of artificial respiration, but it was too late, the little Taurus was last shot and froze forever.

My Cyril was a brain tumor. I still have it very difficult to talk about it, with each child I lose hope to become a mother, in the past story many wrote to me in the comments that you can take a baby from the orphanage, thank you all for your support! I wish all the kids to have wonderful health, and more, dear moms !! It is very important: from early childhood, you need to examine our kids well, otherwise now such doctors that if you mow, then write ...