What are the benefits and are there any harm from peeling for the skin of the face: what you need to know. What is more in the peeling procedure - benefit or harm? Pros and cons compared to other beauty treatments

Despite the fact that many women trust exfoliation and highly value face peeling, what this procedure actually gives and how harmful it can be to the skin is known only to experienced clients of beauty salons. Disputes about the indispensability of peels and the fact that professional cleaning can cause discomfort, as well as even more aesthetic problems, are still relevant. They are based on the dual nature of exfoliation. Indeed, on the one hand, peels really erase defects and age marks from the face, and on the other hand, they injure the skin, making it thinner and drier.

What chemical and physical exfoliation gives

The benefits of peels are confirmed and undeniable, they are talking about it everywhere: in advertisements, cosmetology clinics, beauty salons, on women's forums and review sites. The Internet space is replete with photographs and stories of magical transformations due to expensive cosmetic manipulations or proven home techniques. Whatever the exfoliation, its mechanism does not depend on the location of the procedure and the type of peeling agent. Any peeling implies a deep release of the facial skin from the dense layer of the keratinized epidermis.

You can be puzzled by the question: why exfoliate dead scales with peeling, because mechanical scrubbing with natural abrasives also removes old cells and impurities without risk to the skin.

The "crust" of the stratum corneum becomes thicker every day: every day billions of new cells replace obsolete ones and push them to the surface. The skin on its own cannot throw off a dense keratosis "mask", and scrubbing with ground coffee beans, cane sugar or grated fruit pits removes only part of it, leaving microscopic scratches. Over time, the growing epidermal "crust" slows down the natural regeneration of cells, preventing their "respiration" and saturation with useful microelements from creams, serums and masks. As a result, the complexion fades, the lines of wrinkles deepen, inflammation and pimples form at the site of ingrown hairs.

Peeling procedures help not only to break, but also to completely polish the excess cells of the old epidermis from the face.

The skin perceives physical destruction or chemical "dissolution" of its upper layer as a signal for action: the dermis awakens to regenerate and doubles the formation of collagen and elastin filaments. "Youthful fibers", being the main building material of the skin frame, help smooth out wrinkles and bumps after acne and comedones. Stimulation of internal circulation gives the face a fresh, matte and glowing appearance. Peeling smoothes past aesthetic defects: scars and scars, pigmentation and freckles, spider veins and rosacea, oily skin and acne.

Differences between "physics" and "chemistry" in peelings

Depending on the type of peeling, professional face cleansing is performed using various techniques and peeling products.

Mechanical exfoliation involves exfoliation of dead skin flakes using scrubbing preparations for peeling or hardware exposure. Among the first are special cosmetic compositions containing coral chips, coffee beans, and crushed fruit pits. Ultrasound, cryotherapy (exposure to the skin with liquid nitrogen), dermabrasion (polishing of the stratum corneum with a cosmetic cutter) or brushing (renewal of the epidermis with continuously rotating brushes) are used as hardware mechanical techniques.

Chemical exfoliation involves the treatment of the skin with acid solutions in a special medical concentration (from 15 to 35%) or enzymes. Acidic compounds, in contact with the skin, cause a provoked chemical burn of the dead cells of the epidermis and their subsequent detachment. Rejected, old cells reveal young and perfect skin, devoid of the former aesthetic imperfections. Enzymatic peels contain enzymes that "absorb" the dead keratin layer. Enzyme peeling refers to gentle and natural methods: enzymes are not rejected by the body, because they are always present in it. But by the age of 35, the production of these enzymes is not enough to remove old cells.

Chemical peels are multifunctional cosmetic techniques. In one procedure of acid exfoliation, a woman can get rid of various imperfections in her appearance, from the effects of acne to old scars or burns. At the same time, chemical peels require careful handling and professional execution.

Hardware exfoliation includes laser resurfacing, gas-liquid peeling and microcrystalline dermabrasion. In all cases, skin rejuvenation and cleansing is performed in the salon using expensive cosmetic equipment. Laser skin resurfacing is performed with a neodymium laser with different wavelengths. The laser beam "cuts" old skin, stimulating accelerated regeneration. With microdermabrasion, dead epidermis is removed with diamond-coated brushes, and with gas-liquid peeling, with a stream of saline solution enriched with oxygen molecules. Apparatus exfoliation is considered an expensive pleasure, but at the same time it has a long and noticeable effect after the first procedure.

The depth of action on the skin of a peeling agent or hardware technique finally determines * whether face peels are useful Peeling * can be superficial, middle and deep.

Possibilities of peels of different depths

The effectiveness of peels and the benefits of the procedures directly depend on the depth of penetration of the peeling "agent" into the skin. It can be acidic or enzyme formulations for exfoliation, scrubs or hardware rejuvenation. The deeper the peeling agent touches the layers of the skin, the more problems can be simultaneously solved with the help of such exfoliation.

Superficial peels against "teenage" complexes

Superficial exfoliation is considered a gentle cosmetic procedure, aimed mainly at lightly exfoliating the top layer. Trace elements or abrasives of gentle peels affect only 0.06 mm of the thickness of the keratinized epidermis. This effect is sufficient to gently renew the skin without the risk of side effects. Most often, cosmetologists recommend superficial peels to girls under 25 years of age as the main assistant in the fight against oily skin, "blackheads" and acne.

Superficial peels help to deal with such aesthetic imperfections as:

  • slight pigmentation after prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning in a solarium;
  • mesh of shallow mimic wrinkles;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased skin greasiness;
  • acne and acne;
  • enlarged and clogged pores.

Medium peels: ageless face

In order to determine what the median peeling is useful for, it is necessary to clarify that this technique allows the beautician to act on 0.45 mm of the thickness of the skin. The active ingredients of peeling preparations, ultrasound and light waves affect the epidermal cells and the upper layer of the dermis (papillary). In addition to aesthetic problems, with the help of median exfoliation, it is possible to forget about age-related changes in appearance. Medium-action peels are prescribed for young ladies after 30-35 as a way to eliminate such shortcomings as:

  • age wrinkles;
  • density and burgundy of the skin of the face after suffering dermatological diseases;
  • dark age spots;
  • rosacea and rosacea;
  • omission of facial tissues (age-related changes in its contours);
  • flabbiness of the skin.

Medium peels with acid solutions and hardware manipulations are considered the "gold standard" of rejuvenation. The effect of such procedures is noticeable after 2-3 sessions. But cosmetologists allow women to use the possibilities of median techniques only after 30 years.

Deep peels as an alternative to plastic

Specialists call deep face peels an alternative to surgical lifting and the construction of a subcutaneous frame made of gold threads. These techniques are painful and have a large list of contraindications, because as a result of the procedures, peeling compositions destroy 0.6 mm of skin thickness. That is, the entire stratum corneum, as well as the papilla and the reticular layer of the dermis. Deep peels are carried out only under local anesthesia and are strictly prohibited for women under 45-50 years old. Thanks to such major updates, deep exfoliation allows you to get rid of defects such as:

  • deep folds of age wrinkles;
  • loss of skin tone and elasticity, ptosis of the soft tissues of the face;
  • dark hyperpigmentation;
  • scars and scars left by trauma and acne;
  • grayish, yellowish complexion.

The following facts will be indisputable arguments in favor of superficial and middle peels:

  • peels polish the keratinized epidermis, which interferes with breathing, regeneration and nutrition of the skin;
  • exfoliation courses help to lighten complexion and improve skin micro-relief;
  • as a result of peelings, many aesthetic defects disappear: expression and age wrinkles, inflammatory rashes, comedones, brown spots, scars and scars;
  • exfoliation creates the effect of visual rejuvenation: after peeling sessions, a woman can “drop” at least five years.

"Fly in the ointment" or the danger of peels

For the wonderful properties of peels, many forget, and some cosmetologists simply ignore the information that any exfoliation (especially median or deep) causes gross injuries to the skin. An artificially induced acid burn of the 1st degree of severity or mechanical "removal" of the upper layer of the epidermis is a colossal stress for the dermis, giving it a serious load. By activating cell division of the deep basal layer, the skin wastes its resources. The true picture of what happens to the skin as a result of peelings can only be observed under a microscope. The scale of destruction and the subsequent regeneration of cells make us think seriously about the "benefits" of peels.

  • regular exfoliation thinns the skin, provoking its dryness and increased sensitivity to cold, ultraviolet light, wind and some cosmetic preparations;
  • constant "provocation" of cells to artificial division reduces their lifespan. Peels prematurely waste resources on genetically inherent ultimate cell renewal;
  • frequent peeling, on the contrary, leads to early aging;
  • concentrated acidic formulations of chemical peels cause severe edema, erythema and deep pigmentation;
  • frequent or improperly performed acid peels can provoke the appearance of rosacea (vascular network) and the formation of dense scar tissue at the site of exposure to the composition.

Facial peels as the main tool for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin have approximately the same piggy bank of pros and cons. Even professional cosmetologists do not have a definite answer to the question of the unambiguous benefits or exclusive harm of exfoliation for the skin of the face. Therefore, the "golden mean" will be the decision to leave the peels that are suitable for you as a regular supportive skin care and to observe the measure in their application.

Any woman dreams of her skin always being velvety and clean, keeping youth and freshness for as long as possible. In order to make these dreams come true, various cosmetic procedures have been invented, including facial peeling. What does facial peeling give and is it so important for rejuvenating and maintaining the beauty of the facial skin?

Types of peels and their benefits

Peeling is a skin cleansing procedure that can be carried out in several ways and can be of different depths of influence.

The principle of action of any type of peeling is the removal of the stratum corneum, due to which the skin is fully saturated with oxygen and nutrients, it is rejuvenated, deep wrinkles and various skin irregularities disappear, which are more noticeable and deep on dry, non-exfoliated skin.

According to the type of effect, peeling is divided into mechanical, chemical and cosmetic, the strength of the effect depends on how concentrated the peeling composition is used, whether the procedure is carried out in a salon or at home. Naturally, people go to the salon in order to get a more powerful effect on the skin, which gives a more pronounced rejuvenating and cleansing effect.

  1. Mechanical peeling is a familiar effect of all of us scrubs, both ready-made and homemade, homemade, obtained from common products such as honey, salt, sugar, ground bones and coffee. What does facial peeling give at home? It gently removes the keratinized epithelium from the skin, which gives it a radiant youthful appearance. Peeling with scrubs at home is a regular procedure that is undesirable to be carried out more than once or twice a week, as otherwise the protective layer of the skin may be damaged.
  2. The chemical method is the effect on the skin of agents that dissolve keratinized cells and impurities - this is a stronger and more effective method that can be used if the skin has certain problems: traces of acne, comedones, age-related changes. As a rule, peeling is carried out using a chemical method in salon conditions, but today in cosmetic stores you can buy various products with a low percentage of fruit or other acids, which can be used at home, without the supervision of a specialist.
  3. The cosmetic or salon method speaks for itself - the benefits of skin peeling carried out in salon conditions are not limited to cleansing. Salon cosmetology has a wide range of tools to improve the condition of the skin, restore it, return the skin to youth and the possibility of regeneration. In salon conditions, all types of peels are carried out, but here they are more powerful and effective, but they require a lot of experience from a cosmetologist, since an incorrect powerful peeling can lead to scarring on the skin of the face.
  4. Brosage, or mechanical peeling with the help of special rotating brushes, has become widespread. Their bristles are natural and perfectly polish the previously cleansed and steamed skin of the face, sloughing off the keratinized epidermis, improving blood microcirculation.
  5. Peeling by the action of ultrasound allows you to activate the deep tissues of the epidermis, which leads to an improvement in metabolic processes, rejuvenation. This is a non-contact method of exfoliation that does not hurt her. Ultrasonic peeling is indicated at any age - in adolescence, it helps to fight pimples and acne, in mature - it allows you to activate the protective and regenerative functions of the skin.
  6. Microdermabrasion - peeling by grinding, one of the types of hardware peeling. Due to the effect of aluminum oxide crystals, the skin is polished, all irregularities, scars and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect, an even and beautiful complexion.
  7. Laser peeling - allows for deep non-contact peeling, improving blood circulation and rejuvenating the skin from the inside, relieves swelling and removes inflammation. Non-traumatic. Allows you to eliminate the long-standing effects of acne and affect delicate areas such as the area around the eyes and mouth.
  8. Salon techniques also include cryotherapy, which allows, due to exposure to cold to the skin, to activate its protective and regenerative functions, enzyme peeling, which acts very gently and perfectly stimulates metabolism at the cellular level due to the fact that the active substances are enzymes.

The variety of types of peeling allows you to effectively fight both the first signs of skin aging and pronounced age-related manifestations. The benefits of peeling for the skin are undeniable, and it helps to improve its condition at any age.

On the one hand, exfoliation eliminates aesthetic defects and age-related changes, on the other, it is a controlled trauma to the skin, up to and including a chemical burn. Of course, this affects the state of the epidermis and dermis: the integument not only gets rid of excess dead cells, but also becomes thinner, temporarily losing its barrier functions.

In other words, it is due to stress that cells begin to actively renew and rejuvenate again, but just during this period, especially strong protection from atmospheric influences and unforeseen complications is needed.

In particular, it is very important to strenuously protect the face from harmful solar radiation and hyperpigmentation, to take care of the prevention of herpes infection, to limit oneself in sunburn and visits to wellness centers.

Let's see if face peeling is useful in the context of such restrictions.


In the clumsy hands of an amateur, any, even a miracle remedy, runs the risk of turning into a time bomb. And since peelings belong to one of the branches of aesthetic medicine, a specially trained dermatologist should be responsible for the correct implementation of such procedures.

It is enough to ignore, for example, the factor of the presence of a subcutaneous mite, so that the exfoliation of the facial integument with peeling will bring harm rather than benefit: instead of smooth velvet skin, the patient will receive multiple rashes in the treatment area. And this is just one example.

Even if the doctor prescribes tests for all the necessary viruses, conducts a preliminary test for individual intolerance to the components of the drug and takes into account all the drugs taken by the patient, the risk of unpleasant consequences remains. Needless to say about the amateur use of peels: without medical education, even a scrupulous attitude to the procedure will not give any guarantees of safety.


The first and most obvious contraindication is usually called any damage to the integrity of the epidermis. For example, a freshly popped pimple with a purulent core cannot be treated with chemical peeling: a burn will remain in this place, which will heal much longer.

Few people think that banal eyebrow hair removal or a slight scratch from the paw of a beloved kitten during peeling is not beneficial, but harm, although it is, of course, strange to blame the procedure itself in this case.

In addition, diseases that affect blood clotting, nervous exhaustion and impaired immunity can add a fly in the ointment during the session itself and subsequent rehabilitation. The healing of the skin after exfoliation will take much longer in such cases. This is why any peel should start with allergy tests and thoughtful (rather than formal) research for health limitations.


Choosing the right time of year is essential to a successful procedure. For example, almost everyone has already heard that in the summer, during the period of active sun, the harm of peeling can be associated with an increased risk of getting age spots, even if a person has never been exposed to them before.

Few people know that in winter, at subzero temperatures, the danger to thinned skin is as great as in summer, in the heat. It is connected with the fact that the thinned skin of the face that is not covered by anything can become covered with many microcracks due to frost. Therefore, a huge number of "knowledgeable" experimenters specially wait for January and expose the burnt skin to the wind and snow.

In general, atmospheric influences are very harmful to the skin: due to the sun, especially after a medium or deep peeling, the face can age much faster, because the barrier functions of the epidermis are disturbed during such “controlled stress”. Yes, then the body will perform a “miracle”, and the skin, on the contrary, will become denser in comparison with its usual state. But for the period of rehabilitation - no solarium and romantic stormy walks along the coast!

Hormonal Bursts

Another factor that allows indiscriminately attributing harm to facial peels is, of course, similar manifestations of hormonal storms. That is why expectant mothers are not among the favorite patients of cosmetologists. Even when the risk to the fetus is completely excluded, it is much more difficult to predict the reaction of the female body against the background of the restructuring of all major vital systems.

This is also related to the limitations in carrying out exfoliation during the first phase. It is difficult to predict with accuracy how the endocrine system will behave, plus a decrease in the pain threshold - all this forces dermatologists to insist on postponing the procedures to a safer time. That is, if the session of the planned peeling fell at the beginning of the next menstruation, it is better to postpone it for at least 3 days, so that later you do not wonder what to expect as a result: harm or benefit.


There are certain misconceptions about exfoliation. They are related, in particular, to the frequency of the sessions. There are so many factors affecting the planning of the course of procedures (such as the depth of penetration of the exfoliant, skin type, pH level, concentration of the main active substance) that a doctor should only prescribe. Otherwise, the benefits of exfoliation may come to naught due to too frequent procedures.

If scrubs are used during healing, that is, to force sloughing of the restored skin, scars may appear at the site of the flayed skin. And even after deep peeling, the face loses its ability to sunbathe forever, that is, the difference in pigments between the treated and untreated skin becomes especially visible (this is usually called the “demarcation line”).

By the way, initially dark-skinned patients are categorically contraindicated for this very reason: there is a danger that as a result of the “loosening” of the epidermis, pigments will be distributed randomly over the face, and the person will forever remain a kind of spotted cheetah.

But even if you are lucky and there will be no side effects from peeling, among the normal tissue reaction to treatment, for example, with acids, there can be observed:

  • Edema;
  • Burn;
  • (both small-lamellar and large, during which the skin peels off with "flaps").

And in order for the face to fully recover, you will have to be patient for a period of 3 days to several months, depending on the depth of treatment and the concentration of the main active ingredient (for chemical types of procedures).


And yet, in discussions about what peelings bring more - good or harm, one cannot but take into account the folk myth-making, artificially casting a shadow over the fence.

Many people remember one of such high-profile stories, which happened in October 2017 in one of the Moscow private clinics. The incident appeared in news feeds under the scandalous title “She died after peeling,” which gave the public a lot of reasons for speculation.

In fact, the woman felt bad even before the procedure, that is, in this case, it was simply incorrect to talk about complications after exfoliation. According to the assumptions of doctors on the forums, most likely it was about anaphylactic shock - an individual reaction to local anesthesia.

Therefore, in fairness, I would like to end this reasoning on an optimistic note about the benefits of the procedure: how useful is face peeling. Amateur abuse and media ducks aside, exfoliation remains a proven method to improve the quality and appearance of the skin.

Peeling copes with many aesthetic problems that are beyond the control of either surgery or conventional creams: including wrinkles, dull skin color, acne scars, even demodectic mange (subcutaneous mite) - as is the case, for example, with. But, as in everything, it is important to observe the measure here.

Leave a review, what, in your opinion, is more in peeling, harm or benefit?

So are scrubs useful or harmful?

According to cosmetologists, in our ecology, it is not enough just to wash and wipe your face with a tonic. Harmful external influences plus slow cell regeneration - as a result, dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin - this is a real resort for bacteria. They multiply actively, grow dull, coarse, look lethargic and unkempt. Therefore, from time to time, the skin needs a "general cleaning", that is, deep cleansing.
The only question is how and how often it should be done.

The procedure for exfoliating dead cells is called exfoliation or peeling and can be chemical or mechanical.

Mechanical peeling carried out with scrubs. They contain small, hard particles - natural or artificial. Rolling on the skin, they "clean off" its dead scales.

Moreover, experts advise choosing scrubs with artificial particles, since they have an ideal spherical shape, which means they do not scratch or irritate the skin. Unlike, for example, apricot kernel crumbs, the grains of which can have sharp edges. For these reasons, luxury brands are increasingly using artificial scrub particles in their products.

During chemical peeling dead cells of the stratum corneum do not "scrape off", but dissolve

▪ with the help of acids: lactic, malic, citric
▪ with the help of enzymes (enzymes) that “feed” on dead protein.

Peeling with enzymes is considered more natural and gentle, because these substances are present on our skin from the very beginning. It's just that with age (35-40 years old) they become not enough to "eat" all the dead cells. Then peels containing enzymes extracted from fruits, such as papaya or kiwi, come to the rescue.

Too frequent exfoliation will "confuse" the sebaceous glands and they will start working in an emergency mode. The result will be the opposite.

Can peeling cure acne? It cannot, but it will help. Its effect is not deep enough to cope with clogged pores, but it is one of the essential components of problem skin care. However, if the skin is inflamed, it is better to postpone the procedure.

We do the peeling correctly:

1. Cleanse your skin thoroughly

2. Apply peeling liberally in a circular motion from the center of the face to the periphery in an ascending direction. The peeling must be held on the skin for at least 3 minutes. Firstly, deep cleansing does not happen quickly, and secondly, good manufacturers add a lot of useful elements to their products - give them time to take effect.

3. Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and wipe with toner. Now you can apply the cream. After which you can mask or daily care.

Along with exfoliation, Cleansing is also a way to deeply cleanse the skin.
They not only deal with surface impurities, but also loosen pores. Kaolin (or another type of clay) - a key component of such masks - is a strong absorbent that successfully absorbs fat from the skin's surface. The already mentioned enzymes and acids are also included in the cleansing masks and provide additional cleansing from horny scales. In addition, cleansing masks are not complete without antiseptics that fight bacteria, and ingredients that regulate the process of sebum secretion.

We make the cleansing mask correctly:

1. Cleanse your skin with exfoliation

2. Apply the mask on the face in a thick layer, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips. If the skin is combination - only on the T-zone. The thick layer is designed to prevent the mask from drying out quickly.

3. Don't laugh or smile while the mask is on your face.

4. After the mask is removed (with warm water), be sure to wipe the face with a tonic. Keep the mask on the face for 5-7 minutes if the skin is clean, and is carried out for prevention. If there are real problems on the face, then it will not be possible to achieve the result faster than in 15-20 minutes. You will also have to repeat the procedure three times in the first week of treatment, in the second - two, and then once a week.

At what age do you need to do deep cleaning?

Of course, a girl with a perfect smooth face does not need to exfoliate her skin. But for teenagers with problem skin, such procedures are useful.

As cosmetologists note, at a more mature age, deep cleansing peels and masks are irreplaceable - they not only perform their direct functions, but also multiply the effect of other cosmetic preparations. Regular use of homemade deep cleansing products will help you have an even skin texture and eliminate the need for painful cleaning in the salon. But the main thing is not to overdo it!

Lyubov Petrukhin

  • What is peeling
  • Why is peeling useful?
  • Are there any contraindications
  • When shouldn't peeling be done?
  • Peeling products overview

What is peeling

Skin cells tend to die off and accumulate on the surface of the epidermis, causing an uneven relief. If you notice that the foundation lays down unevenly, emphasizes peeling, clogs in fine wrinkles, then this does not mean that you have forgotten how to do makeup - it's just time to sign up for a peeling.

Facial peeling improves skin quality © Getty Image

It promotes the natural exfoliation of dead particles and stimulates cellular renewal. As a result, the skin becomes even, radiant, fresh.

Peeling also has other beneficial effects. This procedure:

    prepares the skin for subsequent care and helps the components of cosmetics to be better absorbed;

    stimulates collagen production;

    improves blood circulation;

    reduces surface wrinkles;

    fights pigmentation;

    cleanses pores.

Varieties of peeling procedures

Chemical peeling (peeling with fruit acids)

The composition is based on fruit acids (glycolic is the most demanded and effective). Once on the surface of the epidermis, they destroy the bonds between the cells of the stratum corneum and promote exfoliation of the skin. The effectiveness largely depends on the concentration of the selected acids. The higher it is, the stronger the damage to the skin. The procedure is performed by a beautician in a salon or clinic.

Laser peeling

Today it is considered one of the most popular procedures in salons and clinics. By means of laser radiation, a layer of dead skin cells is literally erased from the face.

If we talk about the middle and deep versions of laser peeling, then these procedures require some rehabilitation.

Why is peeling useful?

Peeling evens out skin tone and texture. © Getty Image

Any peeling is stressful for the skin. But stress, giving impetus to recovery and renewal. It is difficult to overestimate the advantages of peeling. With this procedure, you can noticeably improve the quality and appearance of your skin. Peeling works in a comprehensive manner and works in different directions.

    Purification. When a layer of dead particles is removed from the surface of the epidermis, the pores are cleared and become less visible.

    Rejuvenation. Skin texture and tone are evened out. In addition, after peeling, the skin becomes denser and regains the lost tone.

    Getting rid of defects. By exfoliating excess, acids fight the signs of aging and pigmentation.

Are there any contraindications

Any medal has a downside, this also applies to peeling. Before deciding on this procedure, consult a beautician. Self-activity in this matter does not bode well, up to the aggravation of problems.

Pros and cons compared to other beauty treatments

Peeling results largely depend on the professionalism of the doctor © Getty Image

Peeling is one of the most effective beauty treatments. However, success in any case depends on the experience of the cosmetologist and the correctly selected concentration of the drug.

Advantages of peeling

    Quickly and effectively exfoliates the epidermis.

    Stimulates the renewal of skin cells.

    Tightens the skin.

    Fights blackheads, signs of acne.

    Evens out skin tone and texture.

    Reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

“You cannot peel if there are abrasions, scratches and cuts on the skin, a squeezed pimple. Any rash caused by allergies, eczema, or herpes is a good reason to see your doctor first. The exception is already healed and formed scars and scars, they will only smooth out faster from such care. Acne papules (red pimples) and comedones (blackheads) are not contraindications for gentle peeling. "

Cons of peeling

  1. 1

    Any peeling "exposes" the skin, making it vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. This increases the risk of pigmentation, especially in the warm season.

  2. 2

    You should not expect an instant result from superficial peeling. The first improvements come after 2-3 procedures.

  3. 3

    Deep peels require serious rehabilitation.