How many weeks of labor is considered normal? How many weeks do they give birth - features and norms

The approaching term of childbirth is a rather alarming period of time, filled with expectation and a very attentive attitude to one's condition. It is very scary to be outside the walls of the maternity hospital when contractions begin, so expectant mothers are looking for signs of an approaching birth, they sleep poorly and count the days.

There are many beliefs among the people. For example, it is believed that boys are born earlier than girls, and in the first pregnancy, childbirth occurs later. What determines the term of childbirth, and what are the statistics?

What week do you usually give birth

The normal period is 37 seven days, but when more often depends on the menstrual cycle. Statistics show that childbirth most often occurs at 39-41. Approximately 70% of children are born during this period of time.

However, do not take these terms for yourself as true and binding for you. It doesn't matter when everyone else gives birth, your readiness for childbirth and the maturity of your baby are essential. For someone and 39 too early, the baby is born immature and has difficulties. And other children adapt perfectly, having been born after only 35 seven days. Your child will choose when it is best to give birth.

It is important to remember: the optimal period for childbirth is from 37 to 42. Before 37 seven days, the child is premature, and after 42 - post-term.

Obstetric gestational age is 40 times 7 days. However, only 4-5% of babies are born at the calculated time, why is this happening?

Main factors:

Menstrual cycle length

How long is your cycle? The time when you become a mother depends on its duration.

Two women had their last period on March 1st. Today is May 1st. What will be the obstetric gestational age, and what is the real age of the fetus? For both, the doctor will count the obstetric gestational age from March 1, and it will be 9 weeks and 4 days.

The first woman has a 24 day cycle. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 10th. The actual age of the fetus is 7 weeks and 3 days. The second woman has a cycle of 35 days. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 21. The real age of the fetus is only 5 seven days and 6 days.

It turns out that with the same calculated gestational age, the life of the baby in two women differs by almost 14 days, and of course, for them, the difference in the term of birth by about the same will be completely normal. But according to classical calculations, they will consider the same date of birth.

By the way, our service, which allows, takes into account the length of the cycle - use it (you will find out when you need to go to the hospital, much more accurately than with an obstetrician-gynecologist in the office).


Genetic predisposition is another factor. Ask which of the female relatives when he became a mother. You are likely to repeat the fate of your mother or grandmother.

The course of pregnancy

The term of delivery depends on the characteristics of the pregnancy itself. During the Great Patriotic War, during the period of famine and devastation, children were in no hurry to be born. They seemed to know that they were not expecting a warm nursery and proper nutrition, and remained in utero for as long as possible. Several pregnancies have been described lasting 11 months instead of the normal 9.

If the baby is unwell in utero, for example, the placenta does not cope with its function, the likelihood of premature birth increases. This is also facilitated by overstretching of the uterus during, due to gestational diabetes in the mother, or multiple pregnancy. Despite the fact that babies can be born with a fairly serious difference in gestational age, they are born full-term and healthy. Therefore, the timing of normal births in obstetrics is not limited to a precisely calculated number.

From what week can you give birth

This is one of the main worries of any expectant mother. Throughout pregnancy, there is first a fear of a possible miscarriage, and then of the baby being born too early. However, even if your baby is in a hurry and was born before the 37th, do not despair! Once this period was only 28. Now children from 1 kg in weight are successfully nursed, but many survive and grow up healthy, having been born even earlier than 27-28. There are cases of successful nursing at 24-25, with the baby's weight slightly exceeding 500 grams.

However, for this, the baby must be born in a maternity hospital that can give him everything he needs to survive. In many cities, this is not yet possible. Therefore, remember the following “adapted for Russia” facts:

  • Births from 28 to 27 are premature, your baby will be premature, but he will have a good chance.
  • From 24 to 27 - children are born with extremely low body weight. The prognosis for them depends on the presence of other complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and on the conditions of nursing. The chances of health and survival are 50/50.
  • Before 24 - x - the baby has no chance to survive, at least in our country.
Fortunately, if the pregnancy is normal, the chance of preterm birth is only 2%.

What week do primiparas give birth

The first pregnancy and childbirth for the mother's body become a kind of "running", a test of childbearing function. For you, everything is for the first time, just as the genetic program for bearing a fetus is used for the first time. It is now that certain stereotypes and interactions in the body are taking shape, allowing you to safely endure and give birth to a child. If successful, all your subsequent pregnancies will fall on this tracing paper.

Unfortunately, the exact date of delivery cannot be predicted, but statistically nulliparous women give birth a little later than the rest. Approximately 6-9% of them prolong pregnancy for more than 42 weeks. For primiparas, late recognition of the signs of labor that has begun due to inexperience, and a slow development of labor activity are characteristic. The first birth lasts a long time, the cervix opens slowly. This is just an acquaintance with similar processes, it’s not worth worrying about the fact that you have a term of 39, and childbirth does not begin, be patient.

What week do multiparous children give birth

There is already a certain scheme according to which the body must act in order for the baby to be born. Events develop along the knurled rails, and this leads to an earlier onset of labor. In 95% of cases, the second birth begins earlier than the 39th seven days and proceeds much faster and easier.

If you are multi-pregnant, after 37 weeks, be ready to start contractions at any time. As a rule, the second, third time a pregnant woman easily recognizes the first signs of childbirth. The cervix dilates faster, the pushing is more effective, and the overall duration of labor is less than the first time. You may not even have training contractions, you are just going into labor.

What week are boys born?

Boys are born more than girls, about 107 boys are born for every 100 girls. However, if we talk about conception, then the statistics are even more interesting there, the ratio of “girls” zygotes and “boys” zygotes is about 1 to 1.5, for 100 girls there are 150 boys. But even at the very beginning, a significant number of pregnancies with a boy are spontaneously aborted. This happens before mothers find out that they were in a position.

A newborn girl, on average, weighs less than a boy, but by the month of life, the indicators change places. Boys are more likely to have malformations, they have a weaker immune system and they get sick more often. This is due to the biological role of girls, they will continue to give birth and give birth, so they are given great endurance and health. And the purpose of the boys is the progress of mankind and its development. Excessive depreciation resources of the body in this matter are not necessary, only physical strength and intelligence are important in the future. A boy needs more time to be born mature and ready for an independent life, so the gestation period is often longer.

What week girls are born

You can argue for a long time who is the stronger sex here, but the facts, they are such facts ... Girls are really born earlier. And if premature contractions occur, the survival rate among girls is much higher than among boys.

The earlier maturation and rapid development of girls persists throughout childhood. In the middle grades of school, the difference is especially striking, girls are already beginning to “bloom”, and boys remain children. The growth of the girl and her maturation ends at the age of 16, the boys grow until the age of 21.

Of course, the date of birth depends on the health of the mother, but in general, girls are given more vitality and abilities than boys, they are in a hurry to grow and get stronger, they are in a hurry to be born and physiologically develop faster.

What week are twins born?

Twins... Many dream of giving birth to two children at once, but nature provides for the birth of only one child. Multiple pregnancy is not the norm for a person, and one of the most common complications is the birth of twins too early. They increase the internal volume of the uterus 2 times faster, which reacts to overstretching with contractions. Childbirth with twins often begins at the 34-35th term. Despite the fact that many give birth to twins before, the chances of survival for twins are very high. They seem to be preparing to be born prematurely, and are often quite mature even at that age.

Week of pregnancy and childbirth, the main facts

You have only a 4-5% chance of giving birth at the calculated time. If this is your second birth, they will come earlier. If you're carrying a girl, your chances of giving birth earlier increase. If you are healthy and the pregnancy is normal, you have only a 2% chance of giving birth prematurely (up to 37).

In fact, this topic is very relevant in many women's forums, and future, as well as real mothers, are discussing with fervor what period is considered normal for the birth of a child. Today we want to tell you the opinion of official medicine. Let's make a reservation right away: despite the clear data from which week the child is considered full-term, there are exceptions to this rule. Moreover, the appearance of a baby a little earlier and later than the average period almost never threatens his life and health. However, the onset of labor activity much earlier than the due date, doctors will try to stop and drag out time as much as possible.

Birth at term

The ideal time for the appearance of the baby is the fortieth week. It was by this time that he managed not only to completely complete the formation of internal organs, but also to build up a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat for effective thermoregulation. Therefore, speaking about the week from which the child is considered full-term, it seems logical to name exactly 40 weeks. The child is completely ready for the birth and life outside the mother's tummy, and there should be no fear for his life and health. However, not all babies are born in exactly 40 weeks. According to statistics, only 9% of women give birth exactly at 40 weeks.

Norm Options

It is because of the high variability that obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians have somewhat revised the question of what week a child is considered full-term. What can be considered normal or at least acceptable for delivery? This is a fairly long period of time from the 37th to the 42nd week inclusive. However, the terminology is slightly different. Childbirth before the 37th week (the 36th is no exception) is considered premature, and babies who were born at this time are premature. From the 37th to the 40th week, the optimal period for the birth of babies begins, therefore, during this period, childbirth is called physiological. Finally, starting from considered postterm, and by the end of the 42nd week, doctors will refer the woman to the maternity hospital to stimulate labor activity. We have already answered the main question, from what week the child is considered full-term, but there are a number of other points that need to be discussed.

Woman at 37 weeks

You can be congratulated, a long way of experiences is almost over. This is especially true for those whose pregnancy proceeded with the threat of miscarriage. Now you know exactly after what week the baby is considered full-term. Starting from the 37th week, the whole family should be prepared for the fact that the baby can be born at any moment. The remaining time will not play a role in the development of the baby, but he will be able to grow up a little and accumulate subcutaneous fat, which is important for keeping warm in a small body. At this time, some pregnant women are very balanced, while others, on the contrary, feel increasing anxiety about the upcoming birth. The cervix begins to slowly expand, as soon as it is ready, it will move away, which has so far protected the uterus from infections. This usually happens a few hours or days before delivery.

Symptoms of an upcoming birth

Even knowing from what moment the baby is considered full-term, a woman sometimes gets a little lost when she feels. At the same time, the better you imagine what exactly they should be and how to behave when they appear, the less time will be left for panic.

However, we will make one more digression, it concerns the collection of things for the maternity hospital. Knowing at what time the pregnancy is considered full-term, you need to start preparing in advance. You need to buy a set for discharge, diapers and undershirts for the hospital, collect a bag of personal belongings and put a separate set for discharge for yourself. Believe me, this is much better than trying to find a dressing gown or other toilet items in the closet with progressive contractions.

During this period, most women begin to experience insomnia. A large belly and active life of the baby do not contribute to sound sleep of the mother. However, it won't be long before he appears, so try to enjoy these last moments. Frequent urination may be disturbing, which is also easily explained by the fact that a large fetus presses on the internal organs. It is during this period that leg cramps often first appear. Be sure to watch for vaginal discharge. Usually in the last week they become a little more abundant and lighter. And if you notice a significant amount of transparent mucus on your underwear, then childbirth is already very close.

Indirect signs

I must say that they are not found in all women, in addition, someone notes only some of them. However, in any case, you have no reason to worry. You already know which baby is considered full-term, the 37th week has passed, which means that whenever labor begins, he will be born completely ready for this. Remember this every day so that sudden labor activity is not a reason for panic, but, on the contrary, a long-awaited event.

Diarrhea can be a warning that labor is approaching. This is a normal physiological reaction that allows you to cleanse the intestines of a woman in labor. If this does not happen, then it is recommended that you clean yourself with an enema. In the hospital, it is no longer mandatory, but before you call an ambulance, you may well do it yourself. Very often, women just before giving birth notice an outbreak of activity. Suddenly you want to wash the windows and wash the curtains, wash the whole house up to the entrance. These instincts tell us that we need to prepare a nest in which the baby will soon appear.

Contractions and the onset of labor

You have already experienced them before, but if earlier they were short-lived and disappear if you get up and move a little, now the situation is changing. Often, the mucus plug comes off first, then, and finally, contractions begin. It happens the other way around: the first symptoms are contractions. In this case, the main thing is not to panic. Check the bag you take to the hospital again. Put your passport and exchange card nearby. Remember breathing exercises that will help relieve pain during labor and childbirth. Do not immediately go to bed, walk around the house, you can even go outside, get some air. Real contractions will only intensify from this, and you will be sure that it is time to call an ambulance.

Reminder for the expectant mother

The delivery room is not a place to panic, so even during pregnancy, mentally scroll through the whole picture of the events in your head several times. Once again, ask your doctor the question from what week the pregnancy is considered full-term. He will answer you that the lower limit of the norm is 37-38 weeks. So, from about this time, you need to mentally prepare yourself. Close your eyes and imagine that you are having contractions, at the same time remember breathing exercises during contractions, how you calmly get ready, go to the hospital and give birth to a healthy baby. This attitude will greatly help you overcome your anxiety.

The first, second childbirth in which week do women most often give birth? According to statistics, this is a period of 39 to 41 weeks. That is, after all, most expectant mothers give birth in the standard 40 weeks. Albeit not always exactly in the EDD (estimated date of birth), which is calculated depending on the first day of the last menstrual cycle. There is a widespread opinion on which week the first child is born - supposedly for the first time pregnant women often carry children for a long time, often overwear. Such statistical information may be due to the fact that for the first time pregnant women, especially at a young age, usually do not have problems in gynecology, they have a healthy and dense cervix, which holds the fetus until the last. But as for what week they give birth to the second, then options are more often possible here.

So, children have a chance to be born earlier in the case of:

  • polyhydramnios, a large fetus or multiple births in the mother (the walls of the uterus are overstretched, the cervix may not hold the fetus well, be deformed);
  • with isthmic-cervical insufficiency that arose in the mother due to hormonal or physiological disorders;
  • in case of discharge of amniotic fluid, this can also occur in the second trimester of pregnancy due to abdominal trauma, infection, etc.;
  • when there is a need for emergency operative delivery, for example, with preeclampsia (late gestosis), very high blood pressure, severe fetal hypoxia and other dangerous conditions.

It should also be noted how many weeks twins are born, and usually this is 2-4 weeks earlier than the expected date of birth by menstruation. The thing is that two fetuses exert much more pressure on the cervix than one. Therefore, it begins to open up earlier. The situation when a woman gives birth to twins at 39-40 weeks is a rarity. The usual weight of twins born in the ninth month is about 2.5 kg. And if the children lie in the correct position in the uterus, then they usually give birth on their own.

The statistics on which week they usually give birth varies depending on the length of the woman's menstrual cycle. For example, if its length is about 40 days, then the expectant mother can go pregnant for 7-10 days more than the term. The fact is that with a long menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs later. That is, conception occurs later. And, on the contrary, with a menstrual cycle of less than 28 days, at the first birth, they often give birth at 37-39 weeks. And this is normal, because by this time the fetus is already full-term, the lungs are fully ripe.

How to find out the exact gestational age in order to accurately calculate the probable date of birth? The easiest way to do this is if the woman had one unprotected intercourse, that is, the date of conception is known exactly. Or if ovulation was monitored by ultrasound or with the help of special tests, its exact date is known. If not, then the most accurate information will be given by ultrasound in the first trimester, when the coccygeal-parietal size of the embryo (KTR) is already determined, it is possible to calculate the gestational age literally up to a day from it. But even if a woman has a second birth and early ovulation, they often give birth at 40-41 weeks of the baby. Although they have a high risk of overwearing. A post-term baby is no better than a premature baby, as it also often has serious health problems. Such a deviation may be due to various medical factors, including heredity. If the doctor notes, according to the results of ultrasound and other indicators, a post-term pregnancy in his patient, she is sent to a hospital where labor is stimulated or a caesarean section is performed.

While expecting a baby, many women wonder how many weeks the pregnancy lasts. Accurate waiting time information is needed for many purposes. With its help, you can calculate when the toxicosis ends, and the estimated moment of the birth of the baby.

Length of pregnancy in a woman

An obstetrician will help determine the gestational age at the initial stage. He examines the woman during the first visit manually and evaluates the size of the uterus to understand what gestational age it corresponds to. When setting the term, the gynecologist takes into account the first day of the last menstruation - it is believed that the uterine mucosa from this moment begins to prepare for pregnancy.

So, how many months does a normal pregnancy last from conception? Since each organism is individual, it is impossible to predict the process with an accuracy of up to a day. Medicine for this purpose uses a standard with average indicators. By generally accepted standards, the terms of bearing a child are:

  • in days266-280 calendar days the pregnancy lasts from the moment of fertilization to childbirth;
  • in weeks38-40 * weeks;
  • in months9 calendar months (or 10 lunar months with a 28-day cycle).

* 38 weeks - embryonic period (duration of pregnancy from the moment of fertilization to delivery); 40 weeks - obstetric period (pregnancy is calculated from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle to childbirth).

Important! The most accurate information about how long the gestation period will take from conception to childbirth is provided by ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, the size of the uterus and the unborn baby are determined, which makes it possible to calculate the date of the onset of pregnancy and the estimated moment of the birth of the child.

What can affect the duration of pregnancy?

There are a number of factors that can affect the duration of a particular pregnancy. Some of them are beyond the competence of medicine, while others are quite predictable and are taken into account from the moment they are detected. TO such factors include:

  • the state of the fetus and its intrauterine development;
  • mother's health during pregnancy;
  • psychological state of a pregnant woman;
  • heredity.

Fact! In most cases, with the timely detection of a problem, modern medicine is able to prevent complications and minimize many of the undesirable consequences.

The above factors can affect how a pregnancy proceeds, and can be the cause of both premature birth and overcarriage of the baby in the womb.

  • A premature pregnancy is one that ended in childbirth before the 37th week of pregnancy. Cases of prematurity are not uncommon, the frequency of early birth is up to 16-20% of all pregnancies.
  • The diagnosis of "postterm pregnancy" is usually made after the 42nd week of pregnancy, when the term goes beyond the third trimester. It is much less common than preterm pregnancy and accounts for only 4% of the total number of births.

Both conditions pose a threat in the form of unfavorable childbirth, and if not properly controlled, they can seriously affect not only the duration of pregnancy, but also the condition of the expectant mother and her baby.

Note!If at any stage of pregnancy a pregnant woman has an outpouring of amniotic fluid, or spotting has appeared, it is urgent to go to the maternity hospital.

Pregnancy and ovulation

Each woman can calculate the gestational age on her own if she knows the date of her ovulation. This is the only day in the month when pregnancy can occur. In rather rare cases, ovulation occurs twice for 28 days of the cycle, in which case the female cycle undergoes changes.

Calculating the day of ovulation is quite simple - you need to add exactly 14 days to the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The average female cycle lasts 28 days. It turns out that ovulation occurs just in the middle of the cycle.

If we calculate the duration of pregnancy from the day of ovulation, then it turns out that the bearing of a child lasts 266 days. This is a normal full term pregnancy. In the same way, you can predict the date of birth.

On a note! This calculation method differs from obstetric. Doctors use their own method of calculating the course of a woman's pregnancy. In medicine, lunar months with a duration of 28 days are taken into account. This period is similar to the female menstrual cycle. Therefore, according to medical calculations, pregnancy lasts almost 10 months.

Fetal movements and due date

Another factor that allows you to clarify the term of labor and the duration of pregnancy in general is the movement of the fetus.

  • In the first pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel movement at 20-22 weeks.
  • The second and subsequent pregnancies allow the pregnant woman to feel the movements of the baby at 18-20 weeks.

But each baby in the womb, as a rule, has its own specific rhythm of movement. Peak fetal activity occurs between the 28th and 37th obstetric weeks. The number of baby pushes per day can be at least twenty for 12 hours.

Important! If at the end of the second trimester the expectant mother has less than 5-7 shocks per day, this is an occasion to seek the advice of a doctor.

Second and subsequent pregnancies - differences from the first

On the forums of young mothers, you can find the opinion that the second pregnancy is somewhat faster and easier than the first. This statement has no basis, since any childbirth is an individual and unpredictable process. The sequence and number of pregnancies do not affect the duration of the specific period of expectation of the child. Labor can begin two weeks earlier or later, or when the 40th obstetric week arrives, regardless of whether the first pregnancy or not.

On a note! But the births themselves and contractions in the second or third pregnancy are short and even swift. This is a proven medical fact. Therefore, at the beginning of true contractions, it is necessary to immediately go to the maternity ward - the baby can be born at any moment.

Bearing boys and girls - are there any differences in timing?

The statement that pregnancy with a boy and pregnancy with a girl differs in terms refers to a number of folk signs. It is believed that girls are born a little ahead of time, and boys “until victorious” are waiting for the expected day of birth. In fact, this opinion has not been confirmed by modern scientific theories. Carrying a child of a certain gender can affect the internal state of the expectant mother, which is noted in some cases by fertility doctors. But the gender of the unborn baby does not affect the course and duration of pregnancy.

Expecting twins: terms of carrying a multiple pregnancy

For future parents who are expecting the birth of several babies at once, the question arises - how long does a twin pregnancy last? Determination of the duration of pregnancy is individual in nature, it cannot be calculated without the help of an ultrasound study and a weekly medical examination.

The only thing that can be said in the affirmative is that a multiple pregnancy is almost never overdue. As a rule, in a woman who carries several fetuses, childbirth occurs prematurely. This is due to overstretching of the uterus, which causes premature birth. Here, obstetricians-gynecologists have deduced a small pattern:

  • With a normal pregnancy with twins, childbirth occurs at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • If a woman is carrying triplets, delivery is likely to occur between 33 and 35 weeks of pregnancy.
  • In the case of quadruplets, the birth of children can occur at 31-33 weeks.

P.S. We will draw conclusions in video format. Here are all the stages of pregnancy by week with a detailed description of each stage:

Official documents approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the recommendations of the World Health Organization determine the terms of preterm birth, during which it is possible to give birth to a viable child. The criteria governing the need for medical care for a newborn include the approximate gestational age at which the baby is born.

The birth of a baby at the 40th week is considered optimal, but only every tenth pregnant woman nurses. This is the ideal time for childbirth, and in life, something is rarely perfect. At 40 weeks, nature provides the necessary conditions for the birth of a healthy baby, and the birth process went without complications.

The development of the fetus in the mother's womb must be complete. Clinical studies have shown that small deviations from the pediatric norm do not have a significant impact on the condition of the newborn.

At what time can a viable baby be born? For a long time in modern pediatrics, full-term births are considered for a period from 37 to 42 weeks. The first obstetric week is counted from the 1st day of the last menstruation and is checked according to the ultrasound data in each trimester.

A full-term baby can be born from the 37th to the 40th week inclusive. At 36, he is still considered full-term, at 41 and 42 - post-term. In the last week, the issue of auxiliary measures to stimulate the labor process or early delivery by caesarean section is being decided.

In the WHO recommendations, taken as a basis in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, the main determining criterion for the physiological nature of the birth of a child at a time determined by nature, and its viability, was the gestational age, and not the weight and height of the newborn, although indicators are also taken into account. A woman gives birth to a full-term baby only at 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks. From 22 to 36 he is considered premature, at 41 and 42 - overdue.

Degrees of prematurity and indicators

Life support medical assistance for preterm birth is undertaken from the 22nd week of pregnancy, provided that the baby weighs at least 500 g and its body length is 25 cm or more. The statistics include babies born viable, who have reached 1 kg and 35 cm of height since 28 weeks. From 22 to 27, medical assistance is provided and the necessary measures for nursing are taken. If such a child has lived for more than a week, he is registered alive.

The main criteria for exhibiting in the medical history by week of pregnancy:

  • 22-27 - 4th degree of prematurity, weight from 0.5 to 0.999 kg;
  • 28-31 - 3rd degree of prematurity, - 1 kg - 1.5 kg;
  • 32-35 - 2nd degree of prematurity, - 1.501 kg–2.0 kg;
  • 36 (sometimes 36-37) weeks - 1 degree of prematurity, - 2.001-2.5 kg;
  • 37-40 - considered full-term;
  • 41-42 - postponed.

According to WHO recommendations, births that occur between 22 and 37 weeks are considered premature. A child born at 37 weeks is already considered born in the minimum term for physiological childbirth, if the baby was born a week earlier - he is still not full-term to the lower limit of the norm.

Survival at every stage

4 degree of prematurity - the period when the child is not sufficiently prepared for life outside the mother's womb. The point is not only in low weight, but also in the underdevelopment of vital organs. If the maternity hospital has the necessary equipment and specially trained personnel, there is a minimal chance for the survival of the newborn. Therefore, registration, as a living one, is carried out only from the 28th week, or 7 days after birth.

At grade 3, approximately 50% survival is noted, the cause of high mortality in immature lungs. If they managed to prepare before birth, the baby survives.

At 2 and 1 degrees, in modern conditions, it is possible to save almost all children. Despite the 100% survival of infants with 1 and 2 degrees of prematurity, doctors are trying to extend the pregnancy at least to the minimum physiological period. No ultra-modern equipment can replace the supply, comfort and optimal natural conditions of the mother's womb.

In the weeks when the baby is still considered premature, there are processes of transition to the outside world. The body undergoes radical changes to ensure adaptation outside the mother, the implementation of independent breathing and nutrition.

In order to prevent premature birth, every woman must comply with medical prescriptions, take maximum care of her own body and the unborn child who is to be born. The baby's life and health depend on the mother.