Japanese exercises for youth. Japanese gymnastics for the face: description, exercises, effectiveness and reviews. The main principles of facial gymnastics

Hello dear readers!

Do you want to tighten your skin and restore a healthy complexion? Remove wrinkles and look 10 years younger? Then you will be interested in Japanese facial gymnastics!

And just in this article we are talking about two methods of rejuvenation from Japan. Applying our tips and tricks, while exercising at home, you will quickly put your face and neck skin in order, restore youth and beauty, and at the same time improve your health.

To preserve beauty and attractiveness, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cosmetics and procedures. Self-study at home is effective and safe. Among the various methods and systems of exercises for getting rid of wrinkles, the Japanese techniques deserve special attention: gymnastics for the face of Asahi and rejuvenating gymnastics of Shiatsu.

Japanese gymnastics for the face of Asahi: a little history and the essence of the technique

Women of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been famous for their youthful appearance, even in old age. For a facelift, to create its neat features, the Japanese massage for the Tsogan face has long been used there, which means “face creation”. This gymnastics is better known as asahi, the creator of which is Yukoko Tanaka.

Yukoko, working as a stylist and beautician, has been developing and improving her technique for several years. She thoroughly studied all the interconnections of the facial skin, lymph glands, muscles and bones. The result of Tanaka's many years of work has become effective asahi gymnastics, and her entire system based on her own experience is described in the book "Facial Massage".

The essence of the method consists in various massage smoothing, pressing on biologically active points of the face and rubbing to stimulate lymph flow. There is an effect on muscles, connective tissues, as well as the bones of the skull, which are elements of osteopathy. This is a very powerful facial rejuvenation practice. Reviews of numerous followers of Yukoko Tanaka indicate that in the shortest possible time they began to look 10 years younger, practicing according to her system.

Benefits of Asahi Facial Massage

Asahi is performed using a manual technique using all 10 fingers and palms. This intense facial exercise allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • elimination of toxins and excess fluid from tissues, as a result, edema decreases;
  • strengthening of blood vessels and increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin, due to the active circulation of lymph and blood;
  • reduction of wrinkles and their number, the disappearance of a double chin;
  • lifting the cheeks and tightening the facial contour;
  • giving a healthy complexion to the skin;
  • relieving tension in the muscles of the face and relaxing them.

Contraindications to Asahi massage

If you have very sensitive skin, you'd better give up these facial exercises. Asahi is also contraindicated if you have:

1. There are inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.

2. Diseases of the lymphatic system.

3. Acute conditions in ENT - diseases and infectious diseases.

4. Oncology of any degree.

Consult your doctor if you have rosacea. In case of feeling unwell and fever, it is better to skip the class. If you have a skinny face with low subcutaneous fat, you should only work on the upper part.

Asahi in Japanese means "morning sun", this is the first recommendation - exercise in the morning. Wash your face and remove hair from your forehead. Apply a generous amount of nourishing cream or self-prepared "oat milk" to the skin, the recipe for its preparation is on the Internet. For maximum effect, practice in a good mood, without haste.

Tanaki recommends sitting up straight without leaning on the back of a chair, although sometimes the session is done lying down for more relaxation. Do all movements with effort, but there should be no feeling of severe pain. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes, pressing should turn into stroking. Daily practice is necessary and will be most effective, and the duration of the massage is only about 3 minutes.

Exercises from Yukoko Tanaka

The author of this Japanese gymnastics recorded various videos in which she demonstrates step-by-step exercises on her models. These are exercises for glabellar wrinkles and in the forehead area, bags and puffiness under the eyes, for smoothing the nasolabial folds and the bridge of the nose, lifting the cheeks and others. In general, there is a complete study of the upper, middle and lower parts of the face.

In addition to her popular anti-aging 3-minute complex, Asahi gymnastics also involves separate techniques, depending on age. These are exercises for those who are over 40, face classes for people after 50 and massage for a more respectable age - over 60 years. Such sets of exercises are also available on the training video freely available on the Internet.

Spend a few minutes every day with gymnastics, and in 2-3 weeks you will be surprised at the result!

There is also a very good gymnastics complex for the face from Galina Dubinina.

Shiatsu is an effective technique for getting rid of wrinkles

Point massage in the countries of the East has been used since ancient times. Shiatsu is a popular technique for healing the body by pressing the palms and fingers on certain areas of the body. The system itself was developed by Tokuiro Namikoshi. Taking Japanese massage techniques and his own developments as a basis, he proposed this therapy of successive "finger pressure" - this is how shiatsu is translated.

This effective technique is used to treat the whole body, as well as to restore the skin of the face and neck. Having studied the technology of this Japanese acupressure facial massage, you can quickly get rid of wrinkles, remove swelling and restore skin elasticity. Moreover, shiatsu for the face, improves the general condition of colds, relieves headaches, restores vision and the nervous system.

How to properly influence the points?

For best results, Japanese shiatsu face gymnastics should be performed according to certain rules:

  • Morning is best for classes.
  • First, treat your skin with a cleansing lotion and warm up your face with a warm compress for 10 minutes. Apply moisturizer.
  • Perform unhurried movements, fingers should be perpendicular to the points of impact.
  • Be careful not to twist your fingers - this can stretch the skin.
  • Press on the points moderately, avoiding severe painful sensations. The thicker the subcutaneous layer of fat, the stronger you can use your fingers.
  • Perform all movements smoothly and calmly, pressing on biologically active points for 5-7 seconds.

Contraindications for shiatsu are the same as for asahi gymnastics. It is necessary to practice daily and try not to miss classes, which will take from 7 to 15 minutes.

Shiatsu Exercise Sequence

The proposed shiatsu complex is a quick gymnastics for rejuvenating the face of men and women. Exercises are performed with index, middle and ring fingers. This pleasant and useful procedure is done in the following sequence:

1. Start from the forehead, placing 3 fingers of both hands on the center of the forehead. Pressing for 5-7 seconds, move gradually by 0.5 - 1 cm until you reach the temples. This exercise will relieve forehead wrinkles, colds and headaches.

2. Now press down on the temple area.

3. We work out the eyebrows with 3 fingers of two hands, with which you will press on the beginning, middle and ends of the eyebrows for about 7 seconds.

5. Now, with three working fingers, press perceptibly 5-7 times between the eyebrows, removing the wrinkle above the bridge of the nose.

6. Putting 3 fingers on the upper eyelid above the eyeball, relieve eye strain with light pressure. Repeat about 7 times.

7. Also massage the lower eyelid without stretching the skin.

8. We put our fingers under the cheekbones. Pressing, slightly lift up 5-7 times.

9. Press your fingers on the symmetrical points at the wings of the nose.

10. Now work with your fingertips for the center points above and below the upper lip, and then the corners of the lips.

11. Now place 3 fingers on both sides of the chin, and with your thumbs grab and press the lower jaw. Move your fingers with pressure in 4-5 steps, moving towards the ears.

13. With the middle finger, press lightly for 3 seconds on the point in the jugular cavity.

14. Place 3 fingers in the middle of the neck - from the center to the ear, with the index at the bottom. We press on these points for 3 seconds.

Such gymnastics according to the scheme will strengthen the facial muscles, correct the oval and contours of the face, remove wrinkles and a double chin. In order to press on the correct points, use the instructional videos at first. Exercise regularly, and in the first month you will see a positive result in improving your appearance and well-being!


Why do you need facial gymnastics?

To keep our body slim and attractive, regular exercise is essential. This rule also applies to our face: after all, there are whole 57 muscles! Keeping them in good shape, you can achieve amazing results:

  • reduction of bags under the eyes;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • face contour lift;
  • improvement of skin condition (density, elasticity, healthy color);
  • reduction of skin porosity.

Features of Japanese gymnastics

There are many techniques for rejuvenating massage and facial exercises. For example, the methodology of Galina Dubinina, Carol Maggio, Evgenia Baglyk and others.

The difference between Japanese gymnastics is that it affects certain bioenergetic points of the face and neck. This allows you to increase lymph flow and involve not only skin and muscles, but even bone tissue.

Such a complex effect gives amazing results: performing Asahi massage regularly, you can lose up to 10 years! In addition, the Japanese technique offers different exercises for different types of faces. In total, there are 4 types of faces: flat, round, square, thin.

When massage is performed on a thin face, there is a risk that it will lose even more weight. Only those exercises of the complex should be performed that are aimed at the upper part of the face.

There are two types of Japanese facial massage:

  • Lymphatic, ensuring the removal of excess fluid and toxins from facial tissues. Thanks to him, there is an improvement in complexion, removal of puffiness.
  • In-depth that affects the facial muscles. This type of massage is akin to manual or osteopathic effects. It is this massage that allows you to reduce wrinkles, tighten the skin and strengthen blood vessels.

Asahi rules

  • It is recommended to start the complex in the morning, in a good mood. By doing gymnastics in the afternoon, you can increase the swelling.

  • You can perform the exercises both sitting and lying down.
  • Asahi massage must be done regularly - this is the key to its effectiveness.
  • It is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities before starting a class.
  • To perform the massage, use cosmetic milk or cream. You can cook it yourself: pour boiling water over the oatmeal and wait until gluten forms (about 10 minutes). Strain the resulting "porridge" through cheesecloth or sieve. The resulting liquid can be used for massage.
  • Exercises must be accompanied by certain efforts, but without the appearance of discomfort.

Exercises complex

Whole Asahi massage includes 12 exercises... It is best to master their implementation with the help of the original video tutorials.

Let's look at some of the exercises in more detail.

Get rid of wrinkles around the eyes

The eyes are closed. Draw the pads of the fingers along the lower eyelid from the outside to the inside. Then we return the fingers to the outer edge along the line of growth of the eyebrows. Inward movement is performed gently, without stretching the skin, and outward - with effort.

Fighting nasolabial folds

This exercise is similar to massage for nasal congestion. It is necessary to massage the wings of the nose in circular movements (5 circles), then move your fingers to the bridge of the nose. From there, with light movements, we go down in different directions to the cheeks (3 times).

Smooth forehead wrinkles

Just a few effective simple forehead exercises - and you can forget about Botox!

  1. The fingertips are at the inner ends of the brow arches. From this position, the fingers try to move the skin towards the bridge of the nose, and then in the opposite direction. Perform the movement smoothly, but with effort.
  2. The fingers are in the middle of the brow arch. We try to pull the skin down with our fingers, resisting this effort with the help of muscles. (Delaying muscle tension 10-15 times for 5 seconds).
  3. This exercise is almost like the previous one, with the difference that you need to pull your eyebrows up with your fingers, and down with your muscles.

Asahi's facial massage became popular all over the world thanks to the Japanese woman Yukuko Tanaka. She created a set of exercises based on the Japanese Tsogan rejuvenation technique.

The benefits of face gymnastics are obvious:

  • You can do the exercises yourself at home.
  • The set of exercises will not take much time - it will take no more than 3 minutes to complete it.
  • The method is safe and effective, unlike various salon and surgical methods of rejuvenation.

Who is massage contraindicated for?

Despite the obvious advantages, the Asahi exercise complex has certain limitations. In particular, it cannot be performed:

  • If there is any damage to the skin of the face.
  • Suffering from dermatitis, diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • During an exacerbation of respiratory diseases (ears, throat, nose).

After several massage sessions, you may experience rashes in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. This is due to the removal of toxins from the skin. If this happens, stop exercising and wait for the rash to clear up. Rashes can also be triggered by the use of an inappropriate cosmetic massage base (milk). That is why it is recommended to use a natural broth of oatmeal.


Not many women know and trust Japanese massage. But after its implementation, they change their minds radically. Indeed, thanks to these methods, lymphatic drainage is stimulated, and an osteopathic effect is also carried out. Japanese gymnastics is a massage that involves light finger pressure on certain points on the face. During execution, not only the skin and some muscles are affected, but also the bones of the skull.

Each exercise system is developed by professionals. They guarantee an effect that would be difficult to achieve without plastic surgery. Facial rejuvenation and correction takes place in just a few simple movements. But the end result will be amazing for everyone.

Massage types

Japanese facial gymnastics is divided into two types: lymphatic and deep massage. The second option is more effective, since here the deepest and smallest muscles of the face begin to work at full capacity. Manual therapy helps to significantly strengthen blood vessels, relieve tension and relax the muscles of the face, as well as increase the tone of the skin. In the first case, excess fluid is removed, as well as harmful toxins. The face acquires a healthy color, edema is removed and does not appear for a long time.


First of all, you should remember the first steps that must be completed before each massage.

  1. Pin the head of hair, removing all short hairs from the face.
  2. Wash thoroughly. Make-up must be removed, if present.
  3. Apply a thin layer of any face cream. It will give a warming effect.
  4. Just massage your face for a couple of minutes to start the blood flow and slowly prepare the muscles.

There are also general rules that should be followed when preparing for a massage and during its implementation:

  • Exercise should only be performed on clean skin.
  • Before the gymnastics itself, it is recommended to apply oat milk to the face. It is done simply. A couple of tablespoons of flakes are soaked in warm water, then they are filtered and squeezed. And the ready-made liquid is applied to the face.
  • Any exercises should be performed only in a good mood, otherwise it will be more difficult to achieve the desired effect.
  • During the massage, do not rush anywhere. Everything must be done gradually and measuredly.
  • Exercises are done while sitting with a straight back. You do not need to lean on the back of a chair.
  • Gymnastics is performed regularly, according to a specific schedule.
  • Any massage should last more than 3 minutes.

The most common destination is Asahi. This type of massage relieves wrinkles and sagging. Japanese gymnastics for this type of face has some contraindications, including: flu, problems with lymph nodes and other skin diseases.


In general, Japanese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles includes only six exercises. They should only be performed while sitting. You need:

  1. Inflate your cheeks as much as possible and roll the air in different directions. Then twist it clockwise / counterclockwise. In total, perform about 10 times.
  2. Put index and middle fingers to the corners of the lips. And, holding tight, stretch your lips. Run 5 times.
  3. Close your eyes and lightly tap your eyelids with your fingers for 3-5 seconds.
  4. With the pads of the index and middle phalanges, press on the edges of the eyebrows from the side of the bridge of the nose. And frown as much as possible, while holding the skin with your fingers in a motionless state. Complete 5 times in total.
  5. Press your fingers tightly to your forehead. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible. It is allowed to execute several times, without bringing to exhaustion.
  6. Open your mouth wide, pull in both lips. Press your fingers firmly to the chin and close your mouth. Run no more than 5 times.

Other directions

Standard Japanese facial gymnastics has several interesting directions. Each of them has its own effect on the muscles and skin of the face:

  1. Maggio. The system has been developed over time by an American cosmetologist. Exercise can help tighten the skin in just a couple of weeks.
  2. Facebook building. For many, this direction is associated with the expression "eternal youth." With regular exercise, the muscles of the face are strengthened, and fat deposits gradually disappear. The first results will be visible after the first week of execution.
  3. Beauty yoga. The technique is used most often by older women. It helps to remove the signs of aging and restore a more natural beauty. The advantage of the technique lies in the alternation of weak and strong pressure on certain points of the face.

Japanese facial massage Zogan

Anti-aging massage has been revived not so long ago. A popular Japanese stylist independently developed this technique and tested it on several girls and women. This system is carried out using special oils. The most important thing is that tissues are not involved here, the effect of massage is only on the skin.

The benefits of gymnastics

Any kind of Japanese face gymnastics is tested by professionals. In the world, it is these methods that are considered an excellent replacement for plastic surgery, because the effect will be quite similar. But at the same time, a considerable amount of money is saved. In addition, Japanese gymnastics for the face has extremely positive reviews. Women claim that such methods have helped them get rid of problems that no professional creams can handle. The face looks younger. And the skin looks fresh, radiant and toned.


Features of the

Any Japanese rejuvenating gymnastics (there are several of them) slows down the aging process, as it works out the facial muscles deeply enough. If you do it correctly and regularly, you can achieve the following complex effect.

Rejuvenating effect:

  • the skin becomes elastic;
  • there is a tightening effect;
  • pores are reduced;
  • cheekbones become less saggy;
  • bruises under the eyes are removed;
  • the complexion improves;
  • the depth of wrinkles decreases.

Anti-edema action:

  • excess fluid is removed from the cells;
  • together with it, toxins are eliminated (as a result, swelling, puffiness decreases);
  • edema under the eyes disappears;
  • gets rid of black dots.

Toning effect:

  • blood vessels are restored;
  • facial muscles are toned;
  • more pronounced facial expressions appear;
  • you can get rid of rosacea: the vascular network and asterisks become less noticeable;
  • stress is relieved.

Japanese gymnastics for the face has not only a cosmetic effect, but also a curative one: as an example, headaches disappear after it. Also, its advantages include the ability to do everything quickly (maximum - in 10 minutes), at home and the fact that no additional devices are needed, so you don't have to spend money either.

Few treatments can boast the same rejuvenating effect without any harm to health.

On a note! Japanese gymnastics exercises resemble massage movements, therefore, in some sources it is called massage.


The most popular and famous all over the world Japanese gymnastics for face rejuvenation are shiatsu and asahi.

  • Asahi

Japanese women have known about this gymnastics since ancient times. Some sources detail how geisha practiced it in order to remain attractive as long as possible. Already today, Hiroshi Hisashi (cosmetologist), having adopted this experience from her grandmother, gave this direction a new life, promoting it to her clients. A little later, Yukoko Tanaka (a famous beauty blogger) improved the technique, making it even more effective and publishing its basic principles in the book "Facial Massage".

The second name of this gymnastics is zogan or tsogan, which means “face creation”.

Yukoko Tanaka posts master classes in the form of Asahi video tutorials on the Web, they are freely available, so you can take them as training instructions (video at the end of the article). Moreover, pay attention to the fact that it offers different complexes: for those who are over 40, over 50 and over 60.

  • Shiatsu

Japanese point gymnastics for facial rejuvenation by tactile action with palms and fingers on certain areas. It is known, like the Asahi, since ancient times, but improved by Tokuiro Namikoshi. He himself called it Japanese finger pressure therapy. It removes wrinkles, removes puffiness and restores skin elasticity. Produces an additional healing effect: improves vision and calms the nervous system.

Despite the fact that both methods work based on different principles of massage (lymphatic drainage and acupressure), the result is practically the same - noticeable rejuvenation, lifting effect, smoothing of wrinkles. The rules for performing the exercises and the list of contraindications are as similar as possible.


As already mentioned, Japanese gymnastics works very deeply into the layers of the skin and facial muscles, and also has a therapeutic effect. In this regard, experts pay attention to the presence of contraindications for her:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • inflammatory processes inside the body;
  • rashes;
  • dermatological diseases: dermatitis, eczema, etc .;
  • infections;
  • rosacea is not an absolute contraindication, since in some cases it is even an indication for asahi, therefore, you must first consult with a specialist;
  • ENT diseases;
  • oncology;
  • high temperature;
  • cuts, ulcers, scratches, burns - any mechanical damage to the skin;
  • heart problems.

If in doubt whether this gymnastics will harm you, consult with experts first.

Execution rules

To get a sense of Japanese gymnastics exercises, do it in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. Since there are several methods, choose which one suits you best. There are universal complexes.
  2. Wash yourself with warm water. Use a mild lotion, gel, or plain baby soap to cleanse your skin.
  3. Apply a small amount of massage cream or oil to your face. They relieve painful sensations.
  4. Perform gymnastics in a sitting position (according to the traditional method) or lying down (modern experts insist on this). The back should be straight.
  5. Exercises are carried out either with the pads of the fingers, or with the whole palm - with light massage movements. There are also special balls, but you need to be able to handle them, otherwise hematomas and injury cannot be avoided.
  6. After each exercise, do an interval of 10-20 seconds, lightly tapping the skin with your fingertips.
  7. The number of repetitions is 3 times, but if the problem is pronounced, it is recommended to increase them to 5.
  8. When finished, wash with cold water and apply your usual cream to your face.
  9. Neither during gymnastics nor after it should there be strong painful sensations.
  10. Efficiency largely depends on the regularity of classes, so it is advisable to do gymnastics daily.
  11. However, if you feel unwell and even mildly ill, and even more so if the temperature rises and any disease worsens, the lesson should be postponed.
  12. The recommended time for classes is in the morning, immediately after waking up, or in the evening, just before bedtime.
  13. Total time: Yukoko Tonaka recommends - no more than 3 minutes. Some complexes can be stretched for 10 minutes.
  14. The course is 3 months, the interval between them is also 3 months.

Some exercises (especially in Asahi) can be painful. Find harmony between pain and discomfort by honing your pressure. If your face hurts a lot the next day, adjust your activities, which are basically fun and relaxing, and not seem like a daily torment.

Exercise complexes

After choosing the right set of exercises, start practicing without postponing everything on the back burner.

Asahi. Lymphatic

Warming up

  1. Place your fingers (they need to be firmly connected to each other so that there are no gaps) on the temples. Then slowly lead from them to the collarbones. This is how each exercise should end.
  2. 3 central fingers of each hand - on the forehead, press them. Lead down to the temples. Slow down near the ears. Lead to the collarbones.

For the orbital area

  1. Cover your eyes.
  2. Light movement - along the edge of the lower eyelid, outside - inward. Return already along the line of the upper eyelid, along the border with the eyebrows.

For nasolabial folds

  1. Fingers lead from the central point on the chin - through the corners of the lips - to the nasolabial fold. The pressure should be strong enough to be felt by the gums.
  2. Place your fingers on the nasolabial folds. Lead upward, bending around the nasal wings, ending the movement on the bridge of the nose. Massage its center point. Fingers down the lower eyelid to the temples and collarbones.
  3. Guide your fingers from the central point of the chin through the corners of the lips to the nasal wings, slow down near the eyes, and take your hands to the temples and collarbones.
  4. Cover your cheek with one palm. Lead the fingers of the second hand up diagonally to the bridge of the nose. Linger. Do the final exercise. Repeat on both sides of the face.
  5. Place your hands horizontally under the eyelids so that they form a perpendicular to the nose. Dilute them to the temples, then to the collarbones.

For face contour correction

  1. With the palm pad, which is under the thumb, press on the area under the cheeks, leading up to the eyes. Make the final movement.
  2. Tilt your head slightly. With the same pillow in the palm of your hand, pull your cheeks to the temples. First, the pressure should be strong, and then gradually release it.
  3. Place the same pillow under the chin, lead it up the lower jaw to the temple. Do it alternately on the right and left. Exercise will get rid of a double chin.

Tightening the muscles of the whole face

  1. Place your thumbs under your lower jaw.
  2. Place the edge of the palm along the mouth and nose - as if you want to call someone.
  3. Spread your arms to the sides so that the skin of the cheeks is pulled as much as possible towards the ears.

From wrinkles on the forehead

  1. Connect the fingers of one hand tightly.
  2. Make horizontal movements, moving from the center of the forehead to the sides.


Repeat the first exercises - to warm up the lymphatic system.

Asahi. Toning

From wrinkles on the forehead

  1. Fingers - at the points where the eyebrows begin to grow (inner part).
  2. Pressing, collect the skin on the bridge of the nose in folds, return it to its normal state.

From wrinkles between eyebrows

  1. 2-3 fingers - in the middle of the eyebrows.
  2. Begin an increased downward movement, but at the same time resist the muscles.

From flews

  1. Pull in your cheeks as much as possible, breathe through your nose.
  2. Fix.
  3. Dissolve your cheeks, exhale slowly with your mouth.

From nasolabial folds

  1. Make circular movements along the wings of the nose in a clockwise direction.
  2. Then place your fingers under the nose, circle the lip contour with pressure in different directions.

From mournful wrinkles in the corners of the lips

  1. Grit your teeth, take a deep breath through your nose, while trying to smile as wide as possible.
  2. Stretch out your lips and exhale as much as possible, but with your mouth.

From the double chin

  1. Tilt your head back, tense your chin.
  2. Grab the upper lip with the lower jaw, fix.


You need to press for 5-7 seconds. on the following points of the face and neck:

  1. Center of the forehead.
  2. Whiskey.
  3. Start - middle - tip of the eyebrow.
  4. The outer corner of the eye is the inner one.
  5. Bridge of the nose.
  6. The center of the upper eyelid is the lower.
  7. Under the cheekbones.
  8. Symmetrical points near the nasal wings.
  9. The center above the upper lip is below it.
  10. The corners of the lips.
  11. Center point of the chin.
  12. Points under the earlobes.
  13. Jugular cavity (neck).

General complex

From flews

Air is drawn into the cheeks (so that they resemble balls) and rolls from one to the other. At the same time, you should feel the tension of the facial muscles.

From wrinkles on the forehead

Make a surprised expression on your face: open your eyes as wide as possible, but try not to wrinkle your forehead. Fix your gaze at one point for 15 seconds.

From the mournful folds at the corners of the lips

Draw out the lips with a straw. Try to smile by putting up muscle resistance.

From nasolabial folds

Pinch the nasolabial fold with your fingers. Smile, but do not let go of the skin.

Of all the well-known anti-aging face gymnastics, Japanese complexes of shiatsu and asahi exercises are considered one of the most effective. They are practiced by many specialists in salons. So you can always sign up for the initial course with a professional to see how he does all this, and then practice at home.

Read also: "Chinese massage for facial rejuvenation."


How to look 35 to 50

A woman at any age strives to look beautiful. This is correct, since a healthy face means that there are no problems in the body and there are no serious diseases. Why is Japanese facial gymnastics so important? These exercises prove once again that all the muscles of the body must be kept in good shape.

Gymnastics consists of three important points:

  • breath;
  • exercises;
  • brain-muscle connection.

In everyday life, our breathing is uneven and shallow. Oxygen is essential for all metabolic processes. Exercises according to this technique are selected in such a way as to work with the 9 most problematic muscles for their further maintenance in good shape.

It has been proven that with normal muscle tension, we get one result, with brain connection, the effect is achieved much faster. The result is so pronounced that you can observe changes after just a few sessions. It is this gymnastics that is most effective for stimulating the muscles of the face and neck.

Why do you need facial gymnastics

Before applying a moisturizing serum to your face, do a warm-up to prepare you for facial exercises.

Warm-up can accelerate lymph flow and blood flow, promotes better absorption of cosmetics and faster results.

Important! When doing the exercises, the back should be straight, the spine is maximally involved. Perform movements smoothly, resiliently, but deep enough. Do not forget to relax the muscles of the face.

Japanese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles has 2 types of massage techniques:

  • lymphatic;
  • deep.

When performing both groups, the rejuvenation will be noticeably much faster.

There are certain rules for Japanese gymnastics:

  • taking a glass of water in the morning;
  • deep cleansing of the skin;
  • application of massage oil, which contributes to the comfortable performance of movements;
  • replacing the cream with natural mixtures consisting of oatmeal and milk;
  • a sitting position and a straight back - ideal for doing gymnastics.

Japanese gymnastics for the face from wrinkles in the video is performed with your fingertips. The number of repetitions can vary from 3 to 5 times.

Contraindications to exercise:

  • ENT diseases;
  • temperature;
  • lymph node problems;
  • acne;
  • wounds;
  • skin diseases.

Execution technique

Muscle massage is performed according to the algorithm:

  • forehead;
  • skin around the eyes;
  • nasolabial fold.

These muscles are considered problematic, so it is necessary to tone them up.

When massaging the forehead, the fingers are fixed on the inner edges of the eyebrows and are led to the bridge of the nose about 20 times. From the center of the eyebrows - down, and resist the muscles. Repeat 10 times. Do the opposite of the previous exercise, that is, pull the skin up with your fingers.

The skin around the eyes is distinguished by its tenderness. Therefore, the exercises should be performed as carefully as possible. With the middle finger on the corners of the eyes and draw into the inner ones. That is, perform a circle around the eye. On average, perform about 10-15 repetitions. Run your fingers from the outer to the inner corners 10-15 times back and forth.

The nasolabial fold differs from all facial muscles in that it is rarely used. The fingers should be placed on the base of the nasal wings and make 5-6 circular movements, then move to the bridge of the nose. On the very crease of the nose, perform 4-5 strokes with light pressure.


After 40, there is no need to run to beauticians, cut and stretch the skin. As you know, this has a temporary effect. Stimulation of the facial muscles contributes not only to the rejuvenation effect, but also to the normalization of the condition. The skin will be tightened, all looseness will disappear, and beauty will delight for a long time. Your face will be beautiful and toned at any age.


On average, after 30 years, every woman begins to think about the youth of her skin, using various creams, masks and other means, as well as spending a lot of money on trips to the beautician. But why make holes in the family budget and risk your health by applying dubious cosmetics to the skin, when there is a special Japanese gymnastics for the face, with regular performance of which, you can achieve good results?

    • Contraindications;
    • General recommendations;
    • Effect
  • Asahi:
    • Views;
    • A set of exercises.
  • Shiatsu.

Such gymnastics is more like massage and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. It is not for nothing that many Japanese girls have a perfectly even, like a doll's face.

There are many different techniques, but some of the most popular are Asahi and Shiatsu. Each of them has its own characteristics and has its own set of exercises.

General contraindications

Japanese gymnastic exercises are prohibited in the following cases:

  • If the skin has acne, large moles, papillomas, herpetic eruptions;
  • For various skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema and others);
  • If there are diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis;
  • If you have a history of oncology, hemophilia, kidney disease, lymphatic system and hypertension;
  • In case of violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • During colds accompanied by high fever.

If you have vascular cobwebs and asterisks on your face (rosacea), you should consult your doctor before exercising.


Gymnastics has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect on the face. Thanks to special exercises, excess fluid flows out, edema goes away, blood circulation is normalized, the number of blackheads decreases, the complexion is evened out and the condition of the skin improves.

In addition, gymnastic exercises help transform the contour of the face, as well as get rid of migraines caused by stressful situations.

In order for Japanese gymnastics to help the skin acquire a healthy glow, youth and a healthy look, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The set of exercises should be performed regularly, or rather every day in the morning and in a good mood.
  2. In the morning before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of cool water with lemon juice added.
  3. Gymnastics should be performed only on clean skin, therefore, before performing exercises, it is cleaned with the help of special means.
  4. To improve hand glide, massage oil, milk, or cream appropriate for your skin type should be applied to your face. Some beauticians recommend a natural mixture of 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, which is pre-poured with hot milk.
  5. It is necessary to work out all areas where there are wrinkles. Pressing should be with pressure, but without painful sensations.
  6. An ancient technique recommends performing the exercises in a sitting position with the back as straight as possible. But at present, the opinion of cosmetologists is increasingly agreeing that such procedures are best performed in a horizontal position. It is in the supine position that the facial muscles are in complete relaxation.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the face is washed or wiped with a dry napkin, after which a moisturizer is applied.
  8. Before using one of the techniques, first it is recommended to go to a beautician or watch a training video.


Asahi or Zogan is an ancient Japanese gymnastics, improved by the famous cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka.


There are 2 main types of Asah technique:

  1. Classic or lymphatic drainage - aimed at removing excess fluid and harmful substances, as well as improving the condition of the skin and complexion. During the exercise, the upper layers of the skin are mainly involved.
  2. Special or deep. The complex of such exercises helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, improves skin tone and elasticity, eliminating wrinkles, and also has a pronounced effect on connective tissues.

A set of exercises

There are many different complexes, divided by age, zone and face shape, which are more like massage than gymnastics. Consider one type of exercise.

You should start and end the movements with the same technique. To do this, the index, middle and ring fingers are placed on the area near the ear, after which they apply pressure for 2 seconds and make a sliding movement down to the collarbones. Thus, the outflow of lymph from the face takes place.

First, smooth out the wrinkles on the forehead. To do this, three fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the forehead and slowly begin to lead them first to the temples, then to the ears and down to the collarbones.

After that, the eyes are worked out. To do this, they are covered, and with the help of the index fingers, circular movements are carried out along the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one, after which they are returned to their original position along the arch of the eyebrows. Then the movements are made in the opposite direction. Movements inward should be sliding, and outward with light pressure. The exercise ends with a familiar movement to the ears and collarbones.

After working out the eyes, we pay attention to the corners of the mouth. To do this, three fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the chin and make circular movements in opposite directions so that they meet in the fossa under the nose. The pressure should be such that it can be felt by the gums.

After that, begin to massage the area around the wings of the nose 3 times. Then the fingers slide to the bridge of the nose and begin to slowly massage the area. The technique is completed with the usual movement to the ears and down to the collarbones.

Next, the area of ​​the nasolabial folds is worked out. To do this, three fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the chin and begin sliding movements to the sides, pulling the corners of the mouth and moving to the wings of the nose, and then to the eyes, where they linger for a few seconds. After that, the fingers are spread to the temples and lowered to the collarbones.

These are just a few exercises from Asahi's gymnastics (massage).

Shiatsu is more Japanese massage than gymnastics. Thanks to the complex of pressing, the regeneration of the skin is stimulated, and the blood flow improves.

Massage is performed with 3 fingers: middle, index and ring. The pressure on the points should be no more than 7 seconds, the fingers should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees. Avoid twisting your fingers while applying pressure, as this can stretch the skin a lot.


  1. The movements should start from the middle of the forehead, placing your fingers in its center. You should press for 5-7 seconds, slowly stepping back from the center, until you reach the temples.
  2. Now you should apply pressure to the temple area.
  3. Work your eyebrows by applying pressure with three fingers for 7 seconds. One finger will be located at the base, the second in the middle, and the third at the tip.
  4. After that, make pressing movements first at the outer, then the inner corner of the eye.
  5. After that, pressure should be applied in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, between the two eyebrows.
  6. 3 fingers placed on the closed upper eyelid will help relieve tension from the eyes. It is necessary to carry out light pressure on the eyeball with a repetition of about 7 times.
  7. After that, you should massage the lower eyelid, while avoiding stretching the skin.
  8. Next, the fingers are placed under the cheekbones and pressing movements are carried out, slightly lifting them up. The exercise is repeated about 5 times.
  9. Then press down on the points near the wings of the nose.
  10. Work in the area around the lips, pressing your fingers in the center above and below them, and then the corners.
  11. Next, 3 fingers on each hand should be placed at the edge of the chin on both sides, and with the thumb press the lower jaw. Thus, light pressing movements are carried out towards the ears.
  12. After that, place one finger in the fossa under the lobe, and the other above the auricle. Press on these areas 3 times.
  13. Move your middle finger to the jugular cavity and press down, holding the pressure for 3 seconds.

With regular use of Japanese gymnastics, incredible results can be achieved. The most important thing is to follow the recommendations and not exercise if there are contraindications.


The main principles of facial gymnastics

However, there is also a more enjoyable fitness, designed not for the whole body, but specifically for the female face. After all, it also needs care when the woman's age has already moved more than ten years from the "eighteen" mark. It is for this that a special set of exercises has been developed, with which you can correct the oval of the face, make the skin taut and smooth. What are these exercises?

Facial gymnastics came to us from distant Japan - it was Japanese women who were the first to come up with the idea of ​​using not only cosmetics, but also special exercises in the fight against aging. Geisha were real masters in this business - they, like no one else, knew a lot about beauty and knew how to create it. And in matters of gymnastics, they truly had no equal - they knew effective exercises for a slender figure, and unusual techniques for strengthening intimate muscles (which is why they are considered such skillful mistresses), and various techniques for maintaining a youthful face.

Japanese gymnastics is aimed at detailed portrayal of all facial features and giving them clarity. In addition, real geisha had to be able to master their facial expressions one hundred percent - a variety of exercises also helped them in this. Thanks to regular training, it was possible to turn your face into a perfectly even mask that always obeys its mistress, taking impeccable shapes on demand.

The system of facial exercises is part of the Asahi complex, which became popular at the end of the last decade. Thanks to the efforts of stylist Yukuko Tanaka, the most ancient techniques of Japanese beauties have become known to the whole world. This technique is based on a special facial massage, the purpose of which is to create an ideal, symmetrical portrait without wrinkles and folds. For greater efficiency, along with the massage, you should perform simple but effective exercises that tone the facial muscles.

What do facial exercises give

If, in parallel with massage procedures, the so-called facial fitness is included in the regular self-care program, the effect is simply amazing. Of course, facial massage is very important, but nothing beats the natural stress on the muscles. Here you can draw an analogy with the whole body - only complex measures bring full results, so exercise is very important.

Facial massage is best done after exercise to relax the muscles and further increase blood flow to them. This will relieve the feeling of tightness and burning in the muscles that occurs during prolonged exercise.

Many women will be pleased with the fact that facial fitness is nowhere near as difficult as training for the whole body and requires less energy. It is easy to master this technique if you resort to the help of training videos, which clearly demonstrate the features of the technique of all exercises.

Basic exercises

What exercises does facial gymnastics include? It includes movements that actively engage the main facial muscles.

  1. To correct the shape of the eyes, to enlarge them, as well as to smooth out small wrinkles, exercises are used in which the periocular annular muscles are intensively kneaded. The simplest exercise looks like this: the eyes are slightly squinted, and the index and middle fingers of the hands pull the skin around the eyes upward, especially intensively working on the eyebrow area;
  2. A very important area is also the forehead, on which long longitudinal wrinkles can form even at a fairly young age. In order to cope with them, it is necessary to raise the eyebrows up, as if surprised by something, and at the same time intensively knead the skin of the forehead, making movements from the bottom up;
  3. Another problem area is between the eyebrows. It is here that many people have short but deep wrinkles that give the face a tired and sullen look. To work out this zone, you should firmly fix the skin with your hand, as if pressing it to the bone, and at the same time make movements with your eyebrows. This effect of resistance is amazing;
  4. The area around the lips is worked out with various rotational movements, as well as exercises that simulate chewing. In this case, you need to massage the skin with your hands, squeezing it hard enough.

For the procedure to be as successful as possible, prepare carefully before performing it. And do not be afraid to ask the professionals for advice - this will save you from possible mistakes.

Facial gymnastics began to spread in Japan a very long time ago, even geisha kept youth with its help. Over time, the technique was improved and something new was added.

Benefits of gymnastics for the face of Asahi

Gymnastics gives tremendous results if done constantly. After a while, you will be able to see the results, namely:

  • Bags under the eyes will disappear;
  • Wrinkles will decrease or completely disappear;
  • Sagging will disappear;
  • The skin will restore elasticity and density;
  • The skin will look healthy, all imperfections will go away;
  • Facial expression will improve;
  • The headache will disappear.

Another great advantage is that these exercises can be performed without the help of a professional. The gymnastics itself takes no more than 15 minutes and is absolutely harmless for a woman, unlike plastic surgery.

The essence of the Asahi method

Asahi gymnastics can be done in different ways, there are two sets of exercises:

  • Lymphatic gymnastics. With its help, excess fluid and toxins are removed from the skin. These exercises help relieve facial puffiness and make your skin healthier.
  • Deep gymnastics. With its help, you can restore the tone of the facial muscles, restore blood vessels, relieve tension.

For the best effect, you can perform both sets of exercises.

Execution rules

Before starting gymnastics, you need to prepare the skin for exercise:

  • In the morning you need to drink a glass of lemon water;
  • Cleanse the skin;
  • Before starting the massage, you need to apply a special massage oil to your face.

The massage should be done while sitting with a straight back or lying down - this will allow the muscles of the face to be as relaxed as possible during exercise. The exercises should be repeated three to five times, and the massage itself should preferably be done with fingers or massage balls. After exercise, it is recommended to apply a cream or milk.

Contraindications for face gymnastics

It is worth saying that gymnastics should not be done if a woman has:

  • Heat;
  • Couperose;
  • Heart disease;
  • Chronic illnesses;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Inflammation or wounds;
  • Dermatological diseases.

For face

Massage the entire face with gentle sliding movements. Between exercises, you need to take a short break, while gently tapping on the skin. Under no circumstances should you apply too much pressure to the skin.

For eyes

The eyes need to be closed and gently drawn with your fingertips along the lower eyelid, from the inside to the outside, then along the line of growth of the eyebrows. In the inner part of the eye, you need to do the exercises very gently, and in the outer part, slightly pressing.

For the forehead

Gymnastics should start from the inner part of the eyebrow, the skin should be moved to the bridge of the nose and back. These massage movements are done slowly and with slight pressure.

For cheeks

The cheeks need to be drawn in strongly, inhaled through the nose and relaxed, exhaling through the mouth. Or puff out your cheeks, hold for a few seconds, and then begin to make air movements, as when rinsing. Both exercises are recommended for greater effect.

For nose

You need to put your fingers on the wings of the nose and begin to perform circular movements. Then move to the middle and lightly touch on the upper lip.

For the chin

You need to tilt your head back and tighten your chin, then you need to bite your upper lip and release it after a few seconds. After that, you should return to the starting position and start massaging the chin with three fingers.

Everyone is approaching the age when it is no longer possible to do without the help of a beautician, because beauty is very important for all women. This massage technique will remove the need to visit a beautician, and the effect of the massage will come very quickly if you do it regularly.

Read times: 146, today: 1.

Source: http://moloda.info/asakhi-yaponskaya-gimnastika-lica/

Asahi Japanese Facial Massage 2 After 40 And 50 With Video

Hello, friends! Is it really great when a woman looks younger than her age? Today I want to continue the topic of massage, which I began in the article about lymphatic drainage facial massage. Today I will tell you about one of the types of this massage - Japanese facial massage. Judging by the reviews, it is great for fighting wrinkles.

This massage method has been known since ancient times. But it was brought to perfection and presented in a practical form by the Japanese stylist Tanaka Yukuko. In 2007, she presented the book "Facial Massage" to the world. This work has generated positive reviews and lively controversy among both readers and critics.

Have you noticed how young the women of the land of the rising sun look? Their beauty is often distinguished by longevity, sophisticated features and snow-white skin. Maybe we should adopt their beauty recipes?

The well-known name for this amazing massage is Zogan, which literally means “face creation”. In Runet, he is better known as Asahi (or "massage of the morning sun")

Cosmetologists and dermatologists have recognized lymphatic drainage massage as rejuvenating, since it affects the pathways of lymph flow.

You can master the ability to correctly perform facial massage. There are tutorial videos available for this. The best option is to have 1-2 sessions in the salon with a professional. Then you can do the massage yourself. Thus, you will be able to understand the very technique of performing the procedure.

Just remember, Tsogan procedures are not a one-time session. To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, regularity is required.

The main rule is that all manipulations with the face should be carried out exactly according to the location of the lymphatic pathways.

This massage is of a therapeutic nature. To gradually get rid of wrinkles, a little effort is enough with pressure on the face.

  • clean your face beforehand. To do this, use your favorite cleanser: micellar water, foam or gel. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper towel. It is good to do the procedure in the morning.
  • Before starting, apply a special oil-based massage product. Can be replaced with moisturizer or cosmetic milk. But I still recommend buying an oil base.
  • carefully study the video instructions in this article. You must clearly know which areas of your face to press.
  • at the end, be sure to remove the remnants of the oil base (cream) with a napkin, wash with warm water.

Japanese face massage + video in Russian and techniques in pictures

Source: https://takioki.life/massazh-dlya-litsa-yaponskij-metod/

Japanese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles - exercises

Japanese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles is the easiest and most affordable way to maintain skin elasticity and get rid of wrinkles on the face. Every woman who cares about her appearance and tries to preserve freshness and beauty for a long time should know the technique of gymnastics.

Japanese facial gymnastics or Asahi massage

When people talk about beauty, many listeners involuntarily recall the neat chiseled faces of Japanese women. The explanation for this is quite simple - oriental ladies have always been distinguished by refined face shapes and good skin.

Facial gymnastics has spread in Japan since ancient times. Experts believe that thanks to such gymnastics, geisha kept their facial skin youthful for a long time and looked beautiful and fresh, despite the years.

Japanese beautician Hiroshi Hisashi revived this type of gymnastics, adopting a special massage technique from her ancestor. And another Japanese woman, Yukuko Tanaka, perfected this method to be more effective. She outlined many secrets and peculiarities of execution in the book "Facial Massage".

In our area, the rejuvenation technique is known as Asahi Japanese gymnastics for facial rejuvenation.

Considering that most of the exercises are special massage movements, many call such gymnastics Asahi facial massage... But this does not change the essence, this technique effectively helps women in their struggle for youth.

Other remedies to get rid of wrinkles: oils, massage, facial gymnastics, hydrogen peroxide, face masks, ice, mimic wrinkles, folk remedies for wrinkles.

Benefits of Japanese gymnastics

By consistently performing a group of Japanese gymnastics exercises for the face, you can get amazing results:

  • In the area of ​​the eyes, bags disappear, the skin becomes elastic and attractive;
  • Reduce or completely disappear wrinkles on problem areas of the face;
  • The whole face becomes well toned, the drooping of the cheekbones disappears;
  • The skin condition is significantly improved. It restores density, elasticity and acquires a healthy color;
  • The tone of the facial muscles increases, facial expressions become well expressed;
  • The porosity of the skin decreases, due to this, the number of blackheads decreases;
  • Frequent migraines disappear.

The advantages of gymnastics for the face of Asahi can be supplemented by several more important factors. You can do the massage yourself, at normal home conditions, while the whole set of exercises takes no more than ten minutes. This technique is considered very effective and at the same time completely harmless, unlike many cosmetic procedures and surgical methods of rejuvenation.

Method essence

Japanese gymnastics from Asahi wrinkles includes two types of massage techniques that act differently on the skin of the face.

  • Lymphatic massage- it is aimed at removing unnecessary fluid from the skin cells, as well as toxic substances. Thanks to such exercises, swelling is significantly reduced or disappeared, the skin becomes fresh and healthy. With this type of massage, the upper layers of the skin are more involved.
  • Deep massage- during such techniques, deeply located facial muscles are involved. Thanks to a set of exercises, blood vessels are restored, the tone of the skin is significantly increased and excessive tension is removed. Deep massage helps to reduce the fragility and permeability of blood vessels, and the red vascular network disappears.

In order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to perform the exercises of both groups. Skin rejuvenation will be clearly visible with an integrated approach.


This procedure has a number of contraindications for which it is not recommended to perform gymnastics.

  • Chronic or acute ENT diseases;
  • High body temperature;
  • Diseases of the heart and lymphatic system;
  • Couperose;
  • Rash on the face of different etiology;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Skin defects - cuts or sores.

In addition, Japanese facial massage is not performed if dermatitis, eczema, and other dermatological diseases are observed.

Japanese gymnastics exercises for the face

All techniques are performed with light massage movements, without strong effort. Hands should slide easily over the skin. After each exercise, take a short break, during which they lightly tap the skin of the face with the pads of the fingers.

Exercise for wrinkles around the eyes, to correct the shape of the eyes

Cover your eyes. The pads of the index fingers are carefully guided along the border of the lower eyelid, from the outside to the inside. Then the fingers are returned, tracing along the line of the eyebrows. Fingers, as it were, describe the eyes around. Movement inward is carried out easily, and outward with little effort.

Forehead Wrinkle Exercise

The fingertips are placed on the inner areas of the eyebrows. In this position, the fingers move the skin first to the bridge of the nose, and then back. This massage is done slowly, but with little effort.

Exercise for wrinkles between the eyebrows

The index fingers are placed in the middle of the eyebrows. They try to pull the skin down with their fingers and at the same time resist the muscles. Perform up to 15 times, constantly delaying muscle tension for a few seconds.

Cheek smoothing exercises

  • Pull in your cheeks firmly and take a deep breath through your nose. Freeze for a few seconds, then relax your cheeks by exhaling through your mouth.
  • The cheeks are strongly inflated and held in this position for up to 5 seconds. Then they begin to roll the air in the mouth, like rinsing.

Exercises to remove nasolabial folds

  • The middle fingers are placed on the wings of the nose and made up to five circular movements, as with a stuffy nose. After that, put your fingers on the bridge of the nose and move them with gentle movements up and down.
  • The fingers are placed under the nose, in the middle. With gentle movements, move the fingers along the contour of the upper lip, in one direction, and then in the other.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles around the mouth, raise the corners of the lips

  • Grit your teeth with effort and smile broadly as you exhale. Fold your lips into a tube and exhale deeply through your mouth.
  • They put index fingers on the corners of the lips and rhythmically move them up and down. On the last approach, the lips are stretched with fingers as if in a smile.

Exercises to get rid of a double chin

  • The head is tilted back and the chin is strongly strained. Then they try to bite the upper lip with their lower teeth and stay in this position for about 5 seconds. After that, they return to the starting position and exhale.
  • Three fingers of each hand are placed on the chin and gently, with sliding movements, massage it. It is necessary to properly warm up the fat fold. But do not overdo it, so as not to stretch the skin.

: how to properly perform Japanese facial gymnastics

After 40 years, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists to return the face to its former youth and attractiveness.

It is enough just to devote up to 10 minutes a day to Japanese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles. The effect will not be long in coming. Already after 2-3 weeks of regular training, the result will be noticeable.

No wonder Japanese women look so attractive, even in old age.

Tags: exercise, facial, face, wrinkles, facial gymnastics

Source: https://nmedik.org/yaponskaya-gimnastika-dlya-litsa.html

Facial shiatsu gymnastics

Shiatsu - Japanese rapid gymnastics for facial rejuvenation.

Thanks to simple presses performed in a clear sequence at specific points, we can significantly improve muscle tone and achieve an excellent lifting effect.

By exercising regularly, wrinkles will go away, the skin will become more toned. It helps to activate the blood supply, located very close to the surface of the skin, improve lymph flow, as a result of which edema disappears.

Shiatsu, in the precise sense of the word, is a special form of therapy. A healer who has mastered this art acts exclusively with his hands, pressing his fingers or palms onto certain parts of the body.

The points are chosen not simple, but special, contributing to the correct circulation of ki energy. The therapy is considered the property of Japan, it is officially recognized.

In our country, the technique is not so popular, so you can often find different names: gymnastics, massage, and a misunderstanding of what it is.

What is the essence of shiatsu gymnastics

The method activates the internal reserves of the body, activates vital energy. Ki is understood as the filler of the human body associated with blood circulation; it is this etheric substance that is influenced. The movements performed by the masseur are outwardly simple. They are performed in a specific sequence.

You need to know the correct points. Regular sessions lead to a noticeable improvement in the tone of the muscles of the face, the skin becomes more elastic, the oval of the face is clearer. The points of influence are "multipurpose", the effect of the procedures is not only local: it is possible to improve the general well-being and the state of all internal organs.

The effect of shiatsu gymnastics

Using a combination of points, the Shiatsu technique can provide a natural lift to the face, neck and shoulders. The effect of this method is even much greater: the whole body is relaxed, and the cleansing of toxins from the skin is accelerated.

After applying the procedures:

  1. The muscles of the face acquire tone, elasticity, strength. This raises the eyebrows - the gaze becomes more open, the shape of the lips, cheekbones, and chin undergoes correction.
  2. Even deep wrinkles are smoothed out (nasolabial, wrinkles on the forehead, in the superciliary arches, crow's feet), that is, those that can only be affected by the methods of professional cosmetology or even surgery.
  3. The procedure activates blood circulation, as a result the skin is more intensively renewed: it becomes fresher, the complexion improves.
  4. In addition to blood circulation, massage affects the flow of lymph, this allows you to relieve swelling, puffiness, bags and puffiness under the eyes.
  5. Headaches disappear, lightness appears.

In addition to all the procedures, they bring emotional pleasure, relax, and give a feeling of peace and harmony.

Affection points

The points are influenced by the index and middle fingers, palms, several fingers at once (on several points at the same time). To date, a lot of methods of massage have been developed. Universal simplified general scheme of execution:

  1. From the center of the forehead to the temples. Press the skin with three fingers of both hands (index, middle, ring) in the center of the forehead. Gently move your fingers 5 mm towards the temples, press again. Do this until your hands reach the temple area.
  2. Easy to press on the whiskey.
  3. Move the same fingers to the eyebrows (closer to the beginning), capturing the area under the eyebrows. Press, then move your fingers to the outer end of the eyebrows. Repeat. In total on the eyebrows - 3 clicks.
  4. Vertical wrinkle on the bridge of the nose. Press with two fingers 3-4 times.
  5. Upper eyelid. Easy to press 2-3 times. Relieves eye strain.
  6. Lower eyelids. Put three fingers on the area under the eyes, easy to press 2-3 times. Further, the fingers go down.
  7. The wings of the nose. Press with index fingers.
  8. Center over the upper lip and then under the lower lip.
  9. The chin. Move from the center to the edges. Five clicks.
  10. Neck. Points under the lobes, behind the ears.

Gymnastics scheme:

Attention: do not pull the skin during all movements! Only pressing should be felt.

Yukuko Tanaka Method

The massage technique from the famous stylist and simply a beautiful woman who has preserved her beauty to old age, Yukuko Tanaka, stands out for its targeted effect on the lymph flow lines.

Take a suitable cosmetic oil or oat milk, fingers should glide well.

The rules are the same: do not pull the skin (although in some exercises there is an intense effect on the muscles of the face), do everything smoothly and accurately, the pressure is insignificant, you cannot press on the lymph nodes themselves.

In the original, the massage is performed while standing or sitting, but you can also lie down. What you need to do before mastering the actual massage:

  1. Study the diagram of the lymph nodes of the neck and face.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the names of important points and their locations. The names for the points are conveniently borrowed from Chinese medicine, they are used below.
  3. All exercises are completed by the withdrawal of lymph. When massaging the upper part of the face, you need to finish at the Tai Yang point (Thai Yang Sue), the middle point - Shang Guan (parotid lymph nodes, a depression above the cheekbone in front of the ear). Fix at the point for 1-2 seconds. Then gently move along the sides of the face to the deep cervical lymph nodes (under the jaw), and further down the sides of the neck to the lymph node in the jugular trunk (near the jugular cavity). At each of these three points, 1-2 seconds are recorded. Thus, the fingers perform movements, as if gently flowing around the face and "flowing" down.

The sequence and techniques are described below. Repeat all exercises 3 times:

  1. Preparation. A similar movement was described above, in paragraph 1. Place three fingers in the middle of the forehead, perform a sliding movement to the Thai Yang Xue point (depression at the temple), linger here, completing the technique. Improves lymph drainage.
  2. A massage that relieves puffiness around the eyes. Middle fingers are located at the Qi Hou point (just below the outer corners of the eyes), lead them to the inner corners of the eyes from below along the line of the edge of the orbit, then rise along the sides of the back of the nose to the points of Tsuan Zhu (beginning of the eyebrow), press the point for 2-3 seconds , now along the upper edge of the eye socket, move your fingers to the Thai Yang Xue point, press again. Swipe again from below to the Jing Ming point (below the inner corner of the eye) and return to Qi Hou, then to Thai Yang Xue. Take the lymph down. Thus, the fingers make one and a half full circles around the eyes, then one semicircle back.
  3. Reception from bags, sagging tissues and folds in the corners of the mouth. Two middle fingers on the Cheng Jiang point (middle of the chin, indentation), press, move your fingers to the Ren Zhong points (corners of the lips), linger on it.
  4. Reception for the grace of the nose. Massage the wings of the nose quite intensively, then move to the middle part of the nasal bridge and massage it, then massage the upper part. At the same time, the muscles are noticeably stretched. Give each zone 5 seconds. When finished, press on the back of the nose.
  5. Correction of the lower part of the face contour (elimination of sagging). Press with the two middle fingers of each hand on the chin, fixing it on both sides, while the middle finger is approximately halfway between the edge of the chin and the corner of the lips. With a tangible pressure, moving the muscle mass, perform an upward movement so that the ring fingers are near the wings of the nose. Then to the point of Thai Yang Sue. Final reception.
  6. Raising the cheeks. Put two middle fingers at the corner of the jaw, perform a movement with pressure to the wing of the nose, then to Thai Yan Sue. Final reception.
  7. Elimination of the fatty lump in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Tension in this area arises from frequent colds. Place two fingers (middle and ring) in the area near the wings of the nose (ring - at the beginning of the nasolabial fold), perform a slight vibration, then move the fingers to the Shang Guan point, then down.
  8. Removal of lymph from the chin area. The bases of the palms are placed on the chin, on both sides below the lips, a movement is performed to the Thai Yang Sue point. Final reception.
  9. Removal of forehead wrinkles. With two middle fingers, perform zigzag movements (up and down) from one point of Thai Yang Sue to another.

Contraindications to massage

Despite the seeming ease of impact, shiatsu, like any massage, has contraindications:

  1. Couperose.
  2. Skin diseases: dermatitis, furunculosis, inflammation.
  3. Open wounds, hematomas.
  4. Decreased or increased intracranial pressure.
  5. Benign skin lesions.
  6. Blood clotting disorder (hemophilia).
  7. Diseases of the throat and nose, especially inflammation of the tonsils.
  8. Diseases of the middle ear.
  9. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  10. Tuberculosis.

Rarely, but there are individual negative reactions to shiatsu massage, so it makes sense to consult with your beautician and dermatologist before the procedure. Perhaps massage will only bring negative sensations during menstruation, with a decline in strength - you should decide on the need for a procedure, focusing on your own feelings.

Keep in mind that massage effectively relieves swelling, the face becomes thinner, this may be undesirable for people with sunken cheeks.

There are very few specialists in shiatsu massage for the face in Russia, it makes sense to learn this technique at home, especially since it seems difficult only at first glance. Considering that there are practically no non-surgical alternatives to face building and facial massage, shiatsu can be an excellent way to fight for beauty and youth. According to reviews, the procedure is pleasant and does not take much time.

Shiatsu gymnastics for fast facial rejuvenation video

Japanese Self Massage Facial Video

Source: http://ekolekar.com/gimnastika-shiatsu-dlya-litsa.html

Japanese facial gymnastics - stunning effect (7 pluses)

What is Japanese face gymnastics? Sooner or later, every woman notices signs of aging on her face and thinks about how to solve these problems.

It is not at all necessary to resort to plastic surgery or injections. Asahi - Japanese facial gymnastics, known to many professional cosmetologists, would be an excellent replacement.

A special complex eliminates many age-related changes: wrinkles, flews, double chin, sagging. Experts say that it is possible to correct the existing deficiencies in 90 days.

What is Japanese gymnastics?

Japanese women have always looked well-groomed and attractive at any age. For lifting and maintaining the clarity of the contours, Japanese women use a special massage "Tsogan", or "face creation". The better known name for the technique is asahi.

The creator of Japanese facial gymnastics is Yukoko Tanaka, a professional cosmetologist and stylist. For several years she has been developing an effective massage that preserves youth and attractiveness.

Yukoko studied in detail the relationship of the skin, muscular system, lymph glands and bones. Asahi gymnastics and a book describing it - "Facial massage" became the result of productive activity.

The technique consists in influencing certain areas of the face by pressing, smoothing and rubbing biologically active points and activating the outflow of lymph. The massage applies to muscles, bones, connective tissue.

With regular use of the method, you can achieve pronounced facial rejuvenation in a short time. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of women who have experienced the miraculous properties of gymnastics.

Indications for use

Massage can be performed if you have the following aesthetic drawbacks.


  • loss of skin tone;
  • folds and wrinkles;
  • swelling;
  • double chin;
  • body fat.

When carrying out gymnastics, it is important to take into account age indicators:

  • 20 years. Neutral techniques are used to maintain an attractive appearance and youthfulness.
  • 30 years. The action is aimed at eliminating edema and dark circles in the eye area.
  • 40 years. The emphasis is on reducing expression lines and folds around the nasolabial triangle. Particular attention is paid to the chin and cheeks.
  • 50 and 60 years old. It is important to pay attention to the lifting of the cheeks and chin muscles.

According to cosmetologists, Japanese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles allows women in 50 years to look 35. This is confirmed by numerous before and after photos.

10 contraindications

Japanese gymnastics is designed to affect the deep layers of the epidermis and the muscular system, and also has a healing effect. It is for this reason that cosmetologists, before performing the procedure, clarify the presence of contraindications.


  1. inflammatory processes;
  2. pathology of the lymphatic system;
  3. skin rash;
  4. dermatological diseases: eczema, psoriasis and others;
  5. viral infections;
  6. pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  7. ailments affecting the throat, ears, nasal cavity;
  8. increased body temperature;
  9. malignant neoplasms;
  10. any mechanical injury: burns, ulcers, abrasions, cuts.

Basic exercise options (by zone)

Each technique is done with gentle massage movements, without strong pressure. The fingers should glide gently over the skin.

Each complex begins and ends with a special manipulation. To perform it, the ring, middle and index fingers are placed at a point near the ears.

Area near the eyes

The eyes are closed. The tips of the index fingers are gently passed along the border of the lower eyelid, in the direction from the outside to the inside. The fingers return to their original position along the brow line.

The movement seems to surround the eye, inward - with ease, outward - with slight pressure.


The pads of the fingers are located on the inner side of the eyebrows. Further, the skin moves to the bridge of the nose, then back. Reception is performed without haste with little effort.

The area between the eyebrows

The tips of the index fingers are located in the middle of the brow arch. The skin is pulled down, at the same time the muscles resist this movement.

It is necessary to perform the exercise at least 15 times, holding the tension for a couple of seconds.


To correct the cheeks, the following are performed:

  1. Strong retracting and inhaling deeply through the nose. The position is delayed, after a few moments the cheeks relax, an exhalation is made through the mouth.
  2. The cheeks swell as much as possible for a couple of seconds. Then the air slowly rolls in your mouth from one cheek to the other, like a gargle.

Nasolabial triangle

The following exercises are used to smooth out wrinkles in this area:

  • The tips of the middle fingers are placed on the wings of the nose. Circular movements are performed - 5 times. After execution, the fingers are located on the bridge of the nose, slow up and down manipulations are performed.
  • The fingers are placed below the nose, parallel to the nasal septum. Slowly fingers move along the upper lip. First to the left, then to the right.

Corners of lips

To strengthen and raise the lowered edges of the lips, you must:

  1. Clench your jaw and smile as you exhale, with effort. The lips are folded into a tube, the air is exhaled through the mouth.
  2. The index fingers are placed along the edges of the lips and move evenly up and down. The final approach is to stretch your lips with your fingers, as if smiling.

Double chin

To get rid of this disadvantage, you should perform the following techniques:

  • The head is tilted back so that the chin is tense. Attempts are made to bite the upper lip with the lower teeth and hold the position for 5 seconds. On exhalation, the head returns to its original position.
  • Three fingers of each hand are placed on the chin and massage this area with sliding gentle movements. The intake continues until the fatty deposits are warmed up. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to stretch the skin.

With the correct regular massage, you can achieve pronounced rejuvenation in just a few months. in Russian will teach how to correctly perform Japanese gymnastics for the face of Asahi.

Getting rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging with the help of Japanese gymnastics for the face of Asahi is possible only if the following rules are strictly followed:

  • the ideal time for classes is morning, but you can devote the evening to taking care of yourself;
  • the skin is cleaned of dirt, dust and particles of decorative cosmetics, wiped with lotion;
  • for 10 minutes, the epidermis is warmed up with a special compress, after which a cream with moisturizing properties is applied;
  • gymnastics, according to tradition, is carried out in a sitting position, but some experts argue that it is better to lie down; the back should be straight in any case;
  • receptions are carried out with the death of fingers or the whole palm;
  • after each exercise, it is maintained for at least 10 - 20 seconds, at this time, fingertips are tapped on the surface of the skin;
  • movements are repeated 3 times, in the presence of pronounced problems, the number rises to 5;
  • all movements are performed slowly, and the fingertips are placed perpendicular to biologically active points;
  • it is important that the fingers do not turn over, this leads to stretching of the skin;
  • you cannot press hard on the points so that pain is felt;
  • the thicker the fatty deposits under the skin, the more noticeable the effect should be;
  • each movement is performed calmly and evenly, the pressure lasts no more than 5 - 7 seconds;
  • after completion, you need to wash yourself with cool water and apply a cream on your face that is suitable for your skin type.

7 advantages of the complex

Doing the right kind of exercise on a regular basis can produce noticeable positive changes:

  • bags and circles under the eyes disappear, the skin becomes firm and fresh;
  • wrinkles located in problem areas of the face are reduced or completely disappear;
  • the oval is tightened, the sagging disappears;
  • the quality of the skin increases, elasticity, density is restored, the color is evened out;
  • facial muscles acquire tone, and facial expressions become more pronounced;
  • the pores are narrowed, and at the same time the number of black dots decreases;
  • the frequency of migraines decreases.

The consequences of doing gymnastics for the face

  1. If there is a rash on the skin, allergic or acne, it is worth postponing the complex of manipulations for a while. The latter can lead to the spread of rashes to healthy tissues, which aggravates the condition. Sometimes the allergy is caused by hypersensitivity to the components of oils or creams that are used for massage.
  2. Exercise leads to a slimming face. Slender women, as well as owners of sunken cheeks, need to reduce the frequency of receptions.
  3. If swelling occurs on the skin, you can not use gymnastics in the evenings.
  4. The risk of developing rosacea. When the first signs of a problem appear, movements should not be carried out in places where there are spider veins. Along with this, you will have to abandon the use of scrubs and start using means to combat rosacea.

There is another version of Japanese face gymnastics called korugi. It is the correction of problem areas by the method of influencing the bones of the skull, which eventually move in the right direction, and the face acquires relief, retains its youth and beauty.

Japanese gymnastics is very popular among our compatriots. A special technique, simple and affordable, quickly and efficiently removes folds and creases, models contours. Exercise can be a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

On average, after 30 years, every woman begins to think about the youth of her skin, using various creams, masks and other means, as well as spending a lot of money on trips to the beautician. But why make holes in the family budget and risk your health by applying dubious cosmetics to the skin, when there is a special Japanese gymnastics for the face, with regular performance of which, you can achieve good results?

Such gymnastics is more reminiscent and has a pronounced anti-aging effect. It is not for nothing that many Japanese girls have a perfectly even, like a doll's face.

There are many different techniques, but some of the most popular are Asahi and Shiatsu. Each of them has its own characteristics and has its own set of exercises.

General contraindications

Japanese gymnastic exercises are prohibited in the following cases:

  • If there are large moles, papillomas, herpetic eruptions on the skin;
  • For various skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema and others);
  • If there are diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis;
  • If you have a history of oncology, hemophilia, kidney disease, lymphatic system and hypertension;
  • In case of violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • During colds accompanied by high fever.

If you have vascular cobwebs and asterisks on your face (rosacea), you should consult your doctor before exercising.


Gymnastics has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect on the face. Thanks to special exercises, excess fluid flows out, edema goes away, blood circulation is normalized, the number of blackheads decreases, the complexion is evened out and the condition of the skin improves.

In addition, gymnastic exercises help transform, as well as get rid of migraines caused by stressful situations.

In order for Japanese gymnastics to help the skin acquire a healthy glow, youth and a healthy look, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The set of exercises should be performed regularly, or rather every day in the morning and in a good mood.
  2. In the morning before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of cool water with the addition.
  3. Gymnastics should be performed only on clean skin, therefore, before performing exercises, it is cleaned with the help of special means.
  4. To improve hand glide, massage oil, milk, or cream appropriate for your skin type should be applied to your face. Some beauticians recommend a natural mixture of 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, which is pre-poured with hot milk.
  5. It is necessary to work out all areas where there are wrinkles. Pressing should be with pressure, but without painful sensations.
  6. An ancient technique recommends performing the exercises in a sitting position with the back as straight as possible. But at present, the opinion of cosmetologists is increasingly agreeing that such procedures are best performed in a horizontal position. It is in the supine position that the facial muscles are in complete relaxation.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the face is washed or wiped with a dry napkin, after which a moisturizer is applied.
  8. Before using one of the techniques, first it is recommended to go to a beautician or watch a training video.


Asahi or Zogan is an ancient Japanese gymnastics, improved by the famous cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka.


There are 2 main types of Asah technique:

  1. Classic or lymphatic drainage - aimed at removing excess fluid and harmful substances, as well as improving the condition of the skin and complexion. During the exercise, the upper layers of the skin are mainly involved.
  2. Special or deep. The complex of such exercises helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, improves skin tone and elasticity, eliminating wrinkles, and also has a pronounced effect on connective tissues.

A set of exercises

There are many different, divided by age, zone and face shape, which are more like massage than gymnastics. Consider one type of exercise.

You should start and end the movements with the same technique. To do this, the index, middle and ring fingers are placed on the area near the ear, after which they apply pressure for 2 seconds and make a sliding movement down to the collarbones. Thus, the outflow of lymph from the face takes place.

First, smooth out the wrinkles on the forehead. To do this, three fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the forehead and slowly begin to lead them first to the temples, then to the ears and down to the collarbones.

After that, the eyes are worked out. To do this, they are covered, and with the help of the index fingers, circular movements are carried out along the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one, after which they are returned to their original position along the arch of the eyebrows. Then the movements are made in the opposite direction. Movements inward should be sliding, and outward with light pressure. The exercise ends with a familiar movement to the ears and collarbones.

After working out the eyes, we pay attention to the corners of the mouth. To do this, three fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the chin and make circular movements in opposite directions so that they meet in the fossa under the nose. The pressure should be such that it can be felt by the gums.

After that, begin to massage the area around the wings of the nose 3 times. Then the fingers slide to the bridge of the nose and begin to slowly massage the area. The technique is completed with the usual movement to the ears and down to the collarbones.

Next, the area of ​​the nasolabial folds is worked out. To do this, three fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the chin and begin sliding movements to the sides, pulling the corners of the mouth and moving to the wings of the nose, and then to the eyes, where they linger for a few seconds. After that, the fingers are spread to the temples and lowered to the collarbones.

These are just a few exercises from Asahi's gymnastics.

Shiatsu is more Japanese massage than gymnastics. Thanks to the complex of pressing, the regeneration of the skin is stimulated, and the blood flow improves.

Massage is performed with 3 fingers: middle, index and ring. The pressure on the points should be no more than 7 seconds, the fingers should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees. Avoid twisting your fingers while applying pressure, as this can stretch the skin a lot.


  1. The movements should start from the middle of the forehead, placing your fingers in its center. You should press for 5-7 seconds, slowly stepping back from the center, until you reach the temples.
  2. Now you should apply pressure to the temple area.
  3. Work your eyebrows by applying pressure with three fingers for 7 seconds. One finger will be located at the base, the second in the middle, and the third at the tip.
  4. After that, make pressing movements first at the outer, then the inner corner of the eye.
  5. After that, pressure should be applied in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, between the two eyebrows.
  6. 3 fingers placed on the closed upper eyelid will help relieve tension from the eyes. It is necessary to carry out light pressure on the eyeball with a repetition of about 7 times.
  7. After that, you should massage the lower eyelid, while avoiding stretching the skin.
  8. Next, the fingers are placed under the cheekbones and pressing movements are carried out, slightly lifting them up. The exercise is repeated about 5 times.
  9. Then press down on the points near the wings of the nose.
  10. Work in the area around the lips, pressing your fingers in the center above and below them, and then the corners.
  11. Next, 3 fingers on each hand should be placed at the edge of the chin on both sides, and with the thumb press the lower jaw. Thus, light pressing movements are carried out towards the ears.
  12. After that, place one finger in the fossa under the lobe, and the other above the auricle. Press on these areas 3 times.
  13. Move your middle finger to the jugular cavity and press down, holding the pressure for 3 seconds.

With regular use of Japanese gymnastics, incredible results can be achieved. The most important thing is to follow the recommendations and not exercise if there are contraindications.

The effective technique of Japanese massage has been known since ancient Japan and has been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. Oriental beauties have preserved it to this day. The modern version of this method appeared in the interpretation of the cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi.

Rejuvenating massage has become popular under the double name Asahi-Zogan. The second word reflects the essence of this technique and translates as “face creation”. Its use really transforms the face, improving its shape, smoothing the skin. A little later, a follower and active supporter of facial gymnastics, cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaki, released a book on this topic.

She has collected detailed information about the experiences of many generations of Japanese beauties. The experienced cosmetologist summarized the priorities of using this method, the research results, the accumulated knowledge, systematized, and as a result, a book called "Facial Massage from Yukuko Tanaka" appeared. The publication has become a world bestseller, helping millions of women to preserve or regain their youth and beauty.

How the Asahi Method Works

The basis of the massage is the effect on the superficial and deep muscles of the face and other structures up to the bone. Because of this, massage is considered osteopathic. Exercises include manual techniques and their implementation:

  • increases blood circulation, which accelerates the flow of nutrients into the skin;
  • strengthens muscles and blood vessels;
  • the tone increases;
  • accelerates the elimination of toxins;
  • relieves excess fluid, and as a result, edema disappears;
  • improves the outflow of lymph and blood microcirculation in the skin ..

As a result, the process of wrinkle smoothing starts, large pores and bags under the eyes disappear, the skin tightens, getting rid of sagging, a radiant healthy shade appears.

Features of the massage technique

It is imperative to follow the rules when performing massage, since the result depends on it:

  1. The patient should sit on a chair in a comfortable posture with a straight back. Posture should be perfectly flat, it is desirable to maintain this state until the end of the procedure.
  2. The Zogan technique does not allow very strong pressure on the lymph nodes, only light stroking along the path of the lymph flow is possible.
  3. The technology of the method assumes a certain sequence of actions.
  4. Movements should be deep, intense, but painful sensations are not allowed.
  5. The Asahi facial massage cannot last more than 10 minutes.

Performing a massage

It is advisable to do massage regularly, giving it from 3 to 10 minutes twice a day, morning and evening. The method has a quick action, so the result appears in a couple of days if you do everything right. It is necessary to follow the massage technique, not missing important key points. The basic principle of execution is to move the fingers in the direction of the lymph flow. Self-massage does not take much time, and every woman has the opportunity to help herself become beautiful and young.

You need to start the massage with the obligatory preliminary preparation of the skin. First, it must be cleaned of impurities, otherwise clogged ducts will delay the free flow of lymph. For this, milk or special cleansers are used. After that, it is necessary to treat with an alcohol-free tonic. Before the massage, the skin should be lubricated with cosmetic cream with cotton or massage cream. The product should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté. If there is no cream, then vegetable oils can be used. Olive, almond or flaxseed oil will perfectly cope with this function. Do not massage dry skin. Hands should slide over it, this will protect you from stretch marks.

Almost all exercises end with an important basic movement, when the hands slow down their movement at the temples, and then pass along the ear and cervical lymph nodes, ending their journey near the lymph nodes in the region of the collarbones. The procedure also begins with this movement. All exercises are repeated three times. The rules of the massage require a fairly strong pressure on the skin with your fingers.

Movement from the ears to the collarbones with the fingers of both hands along the line of the lymph nodes. With this we warm up the pathways of lymph movement.

Fix the fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead, hold up to the temples, unfold the arms and slide down to the collarbone, performing the obligatory final movement.

Massaging the eyelids: moving the middle fingers from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner one under the eyes with pressing in the corners, returning through the upper eyelid to the outer corner. Pass again with a slight movement without pressure under the eyes from the outer corner to the inner corner and back, then go down. Eliminates bags under the eyes.

Exercise 4

The area around the mouth for raising the corners. From the middle of the chin, we move through the corners of the mouth to the area under the nose, fix the fingers and press.

Massage of the wings of the nose with the transition to the bridge of the nose. Up and down movements with pressing. We finish with the final movement along the line of the lymph nodes.

Exercise # 6

From the middle of the chin through the corners of the mouth, move the fingers to the bridge of the nose and fix it in the corners of the eyes, pressing the skin and tightening it. Then to the temples and down the neck to the collarbones, driving away excess lymph. The exercise effectively smoothes the nasolabial folds.

Alternately, on the left and right, move the fingers of one hand from the bottom of the cheekbone diagonally across the cheek to the inner corner of the eye. Support the chin with the other hand. The final movement to the temple and down.

We press our fingers in the groove between the cheeks and the wings of the nose. We move, without reducing the pressure to the temples and down. Smoothes the central part of the face and nasolabial folds.

Press the nasolabial folds with the side of the thumbs. Pressing, we move our hands to the temples and then down the neck. Smoothes the skin around the mouth and reduces nasolabial folds.

We fight against sagging cheeks. With the soft part of the base of the thumbs, we drive the lymph from the middle of the chin to the ears along the edge of the cheekbones, ending with a movement down the neck.

With thumbs from the nose to the ears, we squeeze the stagnant lymph with both hands with effort, moving it then to the collarbones.

Vertical movements of the fingers along the skin of the forehead, smoothing the skin to prevent the reduction of wrinkles, then the final movement from the forehead to the collarbones along the lines of the lymph nodes.

After a course of massage, the face looks 7-10 years younger.

On the Internet, you can familiarize yourself with the technology of massage using video with Russian text. Contour facial massage of the famous Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka in her personal performance is published on some sites. It is provided with a translation.


For those who have diseases of the lymphatic system, diseases of the nasopharynx (ENT), such massage is contraindicated or limited. It is best for safety to consult a doctor for advice.


Every woman dreams of looking younger and puts a lot of effort into it. In an effort to delay the aging process of the skin, she spares no expense, purchasing expensive drugs. Unfortunately, they often do not bring the expected benefits, despite promising manufacturer announcements. Tsogan face massage with regular use will return youth without plastic surgery. It is an effective and affordable anti-wrinkle treatment. The method has proven its effectiveness for millions of women. Join them, pay attention to yourself and the result will not be slow to appear.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

19 Mar 2016 g.

Any woman can cope with the task of fighting aging on her own. It is only important to know and be able to competently use the available means. Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles copes with this task no worse than good hygienic cosmetics, salon procedures and home anti-aging masks. What is the benefit of training? Are there rules and conditions for gymnastics? What exercises should be done to prolong youth? Let's take a look at the nuances of wrinkle gymnastics.

Why is charging for the muscles of the face useful?

The greatest effect can be achieved by starting a training course up to 30-35 years old. This can be, for example, Japanese or Tibetan gymnastics for the face against wrinkles, a facelift technique, a complex of facial aerobics. Any training course will be useful because:

  • will make muscles move, strengthen them;
  • activates blood flow;
  • will improve the nutrition of the dermis;
  • maintains the elasticity of the skin;
  • smooths out small wrinkles;
  • reduce bags under the eyes;
  • delay aging.

Rules for performing anti-aging gymnastics

When starting a course of exercises with the effect of non-surgical rejuvenation, you should adhere to a few simple rules:

  • do gymnastics for the face from wrinkles every day;
  • perform the whole complex, including training the muscles of the forehead, chin, cheeks, neck;
  • do gymnastics in the morning and before bed;
  • start exercises, completely clearing the skin of make-up;
  • before gymnastics, do a light facial massage;
  • observe the breathing rhythm;
  • combining muscle training with massage, apply a moisturizer to the skin, use massage oil.

An effective set of exercises against wrinkles on the face

The effect of rejuvenating gymnastics is based on the basic reflexes of muscle tension and relaxation, correct and deep breathing. Tighten the facial muscles while inhaling, relax while exhaling. As a result of the alternation of the active and passive phases of each exercise, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and its flow is accelerated. The regeneration process starts, the effect of photo and physical rejuvenation is achieved.

From wrinkles around the eyes

Do you want to remove wrinkles under the eyes, delay the appearance of "crow's feet"? Then do the following exercises:

  1. Cover your eyes. Place your middle fingers on the outer corners of the eyelids, slightly pull the skin to the sides. Rotate your eyeballs in circles. Ten to the left, then ten to the right.
  2. Use your fingers to press the skin at the border of the bumps (eye notches in the skull) in the outer corners of the eyelids. Pull it back slightly. Without releasing pressure, lift your eyes up, close your eyelids. Wait five seconds, open your eyes. Do five to seven reps.
  3. Press the middle four fingers of both hands against the skin under the eyebrows. Lift them up slightly. Close your eyes, wait five seconds. Open your eyelids while continuing to press on the skin under your brows. Relax your muscles. Do ten reps.

For the neck

The set of neck exercises is based on stretching. Gentle stretching of the muscles will tone them, tighten the skin, and get rid of a double chin. Before charging, you should massage your neck, stroking it with the back of your hand from the collarbones upwards. Massage should end gymnastics, consisting of the following exercises:

  1. Put your palms on top of each other, hug your neck with them, lightly pressing the skin. Smoothly turn your head to the sides, then back and forth. While creating a little resistance with your hands, do five sets of head turns and bends.
  2. Grit your teeth. Tilt your head back, imagining that you are going to touch the top of your head to the shoulder blades. Feel the tension in your muscles and skin. Hold this position for ten seconds. Do four more approaches.
  3. Sit on the floor with your knees pressed to your stomach. Pull your neck up. Trying not to move your shoulders, push your head forward as much as possible, then slowly move the back of your head back. Do not throw your head back, look in front of you. Take five sets.
  4. Throw your head up. Draw out your lips with a straw, pretending that you are holding a pencil with them. Start to "write" all the letters of the alphabet one by one, moving your head. Repeat the exercise two to three times.